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On Rupture Following Creep, by Yu. N. RabotaoV. RUSSIM, per,, Zhurnal Prikladnoi Makhaniki i Takhaicheskor Fiziki No 1. M3. pp 113-123% NLL M 2899 AIL L Sci-Engr June 66 3020269 Use of the Kerr Erfect for ftu4lng a Strused ftate of Thin-WaUed Stmetureaj, btt Ve No Nlkitins 9p. llumAAR., Pro lbkb=lld . rulxlp Do 2p l9b3s, J9 &W"P.D.63o,650 Scd 3340 ja 67 The Break-up of Drops and a ~. Fluid Stream by an Air Shock Wave, by k". - ---- -OR pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur PrIkI-Mekb i Tekh Fftfld,, No 2. 1963, pp 154-158. 9692318 FTD-TT-63-839 Sci - Phys May 64 2570654 The Structure of a Flame Front, by 9. S-. Ploib.anIov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur PrJJd Mtjkh I Tekh Fizild. bb 2, 1963, pp 169-172. 9692318 FTD-TT-63-839 Sci - Phys May 64 257,655 ApproxWue' Determinsdon at Gas Parameters Behindaa Shock-Wave Frots A=Tdirg to the lAw of .9yack Prapagadca, by V. v. AdugbkM, I. V. Nemchtnov- RUMAN, per, ZWMBkM&h j = FIZ. No 4,, 1963p pp 58-67. *Navy/APL J374 -9d - ph" Jun 64 The Collision of Two Plates With Great Speez*dj by E. I. Andriankin) 10 pp. POST EDITE-D RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik ~1ekh i Tekh Fiziki, zio 4, 1963, pp 68-73. 9693195 FTD-mT-63-262 GOV'T USE ONLY Sci - Phys jul 64 263,7ok2 Boundary Conditiom on knized Qas'~~d Cbntact Surface,, by a. X,-Lyubim0v# 1s ]00~ RUSSIAN, per; Prlk Melch I Tekh Fiziki, No 4,1963, pp 78-82. 9692320 FTD-TT-64-128 Sci - Phys May 64 257,433 Boundary Conditions at the Surface of Contact Between an Ionized Ga and a Solid, by G-, R. Lyublmov, 8 PP'O RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Mekh 1'.ItTekh Flz, No 4. 1963j pp 78-82. 9226485 NASA TT F-296 Sci-Phys Feb 65 274,936 Transition of.Norma BurmIng of Porous Explosives to Detonation Under Conditions of Slowly In6re-asing Pressure, by V.- Me Boboley, V. r. Cbeb;#,, eral, 7 pp, RUSSIAN.,peff Zhur Prlk,,Mekh i Tekh F1 zj N64, 196% pp 99k- 019, 922434:5 AEC-LA-Tar-64-3 Sci-Phys Aug 64 265,630 Mj=ical EVUIbrium With the i.Iola,'tAvn of tl~a Nammll Diatzibutiang by ,~O V. Stapochanho., 5 pp. per., -P--Jka MIth i Takh F:Lzp 5D 4, 19-63P v1) 10~405- OU/FDD X-5265 Fm Orricia Uzi MY OXI - ffacm A16 v 4 7 24DjYlb rr-63-2D677 Stupocheriko, E. V. ON THE DISPLACEMENT OF MMMICAL EQJILIB- 1. Stupochenko. E. V. RIUM wITH THE VIOLATION OF THE MAXWELL DISTRIBLMON. ~t%315p Order from OTS, SLA, Or [,'I (,, $ I. 10 TT- 63-.%77 'rrans. of fZhurna[]Prikifadnoilllekhfanikili 'reklitnicliesk6l]Fi~likl](USgA~1961, no. 4, P. 103-105. DESCRIPTORS: *ThermochemisEry, Gases, D--m- cion, *ChernicalequillbrIum, Theory, (Nantum sricistica, *Partial differentla1equations. At(xn:c orbitals. (Physics-Molecular, TTv. 11, no. 8) Effect of Coulomb' Interaction of 916ciro AK-Mth Ions oft the Tilmr, Co- ddlf.44.G. "Obus. Mixture,by *,Po ZinVV.hjToPOVv -,Pp., RUSSIAN p"*-Zhur'Prik-MekbiTakhFlzsNo4, 1963, pp 112-1U. 9691704 FTD-TT-64-441 Sci-Phys June 64 260,691 Collection of Articles* 209 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Prikla& 2z Makhaniki i Tekhnic'heskoy Fijiki, No 4, pp 3-136, 1q45 M-00313267-V FTL14IT-64-88 Sci/Physies Noy 67 332j,158 The Conditions of Stability of Certain Kinds of Flow of Gas-Liquid Mixtures in Vertical Pipes, by Yu, L. Sorokin. RUSSIAN, PeT, Zhurnal Prikladnoi Meklmniki i Tekhnicheskoi Fizikio No 6, 19630 pp 1-66-19r.- NLL RTS 3184 Sci - Mech Sept. 67 340,384 Creep of an Aluminium A32oy Under Variable Loads, by V. S. Namestnkov, 13 P. RUSSM, per, Zhurval Plrikladmoi Fekbaniki i Tekhnicheskoi ftziki, No 2., 1964) pp 99-105. NLL RTS-2M2972 Sci-Phys Jul 66 304,494 The Influence of Finite Conductivity on Obtaining Powerful Magnetic Fields by Means of Fast Breaking Dom of the Conducting EnvelopeL. RUSSIAN., per, Prikladnoy 1-1ekhaniki i Teldmicheski, No 6) 19643 DIA T11 1025-70 May 71 Kinetic Description of a Rarefiecl Fully Ionized Fla.-ima,, by A. M. Dyukalovp RUSMN., per.. RyjMj IMNARLM I TekbnicheskOY PlzMj No 62 19CAl PP 39-"- P100129U66 FPD-M-&-399 Sci-Phys I?eb 67 318.01 Wl0i.!u60"euus TuVjuluMt Botuidur~t Layer of a ,,,Ls cirt a Pen:~--ablo PI.Lta, I)y S.S. A&1, Lcontlev. per, M. Prild. i Tehlul. Fiz. -'o 6, 1964, pp 57-62. Lept ol-, :~,.Ivy Ti. 5111 ATIL/J.".,U 'il-NO9 Oci/Pilysic-s izeb b7 318.51i un Itadiational Cooling of i. Gray Ideal Gas Flowing in a Plane Chajuxel, Takiag luto ikccmmt the Exact said the Approximate Transport Equations, by V. N. Votlutskiy,, 7 pp. RIUSSUli, per,, Prikl Mckh i Tukh Fiz No 6, 1964, pp 63-68. X-SU20 Sci - vilys 65 FUR OFFICIAL WE LMLY Wsteady State Destruction of Glass-Like Materials in a Supersonic Gas, by H. 1. Reznikov. 16 p. RUSSIM, per, Zhurnal Pri 1A EX Mekhakkki i Tekhnicheskoy FIRM No 6, 1964, pp 3946. 9699954 FrD-Tr-65-1608 Apr 66 2C)R ono; On the Motion of Charged Particles in a PUmma in the Presence of a Magnetohydrodynawic Shock Wave, by V. P. Korobeynikov, S. P. Lomnev. RUSSIAN, per, ZhurnaZ Prlk Mekhaniki i Tekhniche koU Fizik No 6, 1964, pp 89-9S. NASA TT F 13,815 aug 72 Experimatal Uctenduation ol: the 1),misity Uistribution iii Front of Uung Bodies Around Which a 1wrefied iuparsonic Gas Flows, by A. V. Ivanov, ) pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pxiki 'Nekh i Tekh Fiz, 6, 19(A, pi) 99-104. CIA/FDD X-S621 ' ')~)`7 I'llul"Pl. Al Ll-" C,~ CX-'O Sci - L"gr ,;ay 65 FUIII JFFICIAL USE UJLY 280,467 Gas Tempurature DdWid Reflected Shockwum,, by A* A. Borisov, 7., S, Zasloiko, 10 pp. WUSSM.%,"pfur, Prikl Welli i Mh Fiz, Ao 6, 194, Vp 104:109 T- '13q lay 65 I-OR OFFICIAL US-,.' (941d 280070 Investigation of Shect. Marge Detonations of Explosives, bY L, 11, Wbnov, V. A. Pam. RLNiIAN, per, 7h. Prikl Mokh i Tekh Fizo No 6 1964, pp 110-111. 7J 3A 7-~z L C 4? a 'A i, - L' - 10,0.q ~/~DC April 30, 1966 ~ci- Feb 66 Optical Properties at Itarma... 0.0ma in 0 Shook Wave,, by 8- N- Jk=IVOV&p A. N. ~Avwno 4 PPS .MMIANj, W, 2w Pew adh TW& No 6. 3,gaj pp 4JZ-JA4* EW ~ ABC M Tz%-65-28 327s933 SP4 - Pby$:Lcs Jul 67 On the Behavior of Certdn Materlals Under Shock Compression, by G. A. Adadurov, A. N. Dremin, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Prild Mckh I Tekh Fiz No 6, 1964, pp 115-119- CIl-,/Fl)D X-W87 Sci - m1hi May 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 280,4W Kinetics of the Reaction of Urano-Uranic Oxide With Carbon Monoxide, by V.G. Inasov. V.11. Shalaginov. RUSSIAN, per Zh. Frikl. Rhim. Vol. 37 =, No. 9, 1964 pp i867-187l NL4/9091-9 1965 (Dounreary Trans. 1-81, Sci - Aug 67 339-515 Ott i~scapo Oi: ijas Cloud into vacuu, 7 1y. Vex, Zhur Prilcia4J, *.iaiuli i Tekh nz, 162,, 165, oi, 'i'vvy Tr 4S51/i-)'%II aW7 .i0v 6S 292,759 Neodymium-Glass Laser Wit'l a Variable Length of the Optical Path in the Active Material, by A. M. Bruevich-Bonch. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Prilrladnoi Spektroskopii, Vol 1, No 1, 1964, pp 45-50. NTC-71-15033-20E Feb 72 Possibility of Ubtaining- a Negative Absorption Coefficient in Chelate Compounds of RaTe-Larth Hcijtnts, by 1). P. Gribkovskiy, V. V. Kuznetsova, 16 pp. RUSSIX14 , 11 er, Zh Prikladnoy Spuktroskopiyr Vol It No 4, 1-96-4, pp 340-347. MiC/UCRL-Tr-10383-69 Sci/phy Jan 70 396,135 Some Problems In the Electron Theory of Crystals, by A. 1. Aaselm, 20 pp, UFCLANUM Full translation. Vol =,, lam 4., pubi by ftalas and tng Institute'. Acad of Sciences, Len gr*A, Join- 1950. SM 9-147-53 UM 8cieutific - Blectronics,, cryatale Mar 53 CTS Skin Test with Streptokinase for Children Suffer- ing from Rheumatism, RUSSIAN, part Zh RaRoport Pediatriza., No 4p 19599 pp 42-45. ATS RJ-5492 Sci-B&M June 70 Organization of Treatment for the Alcoholics, by G. I~i. Entin, IU pp.. RUSSIM, per, Zh Rass Fed, lNo 10, 1966, pl) 21-24. NNS/140U sci/D~Ili Nov 69 395,994 *chanlsm of the AcceleratiM Action of Dibenzo n thiasolyl Disulfide and Some Gbaervatiorw tx I %oin' the Theory of Bruni aid Rwway) by 0, Zelde, K. Petrov, 15 PP. RUSSIM., mo-per,, Zhur Rezin_Prom, Vol XII) No 7, 1935, pp 665-670. Sci Tr Center HT 3519 samnac - memistxy 'T 6., / "r7 Jun 56 CTS TU ftoduation of ZUwttowrs Pm Tiorl Lobami,34ep by P. FavlovUh. WOL nussvjf v", Offir Ressmam, Val =If 1935f PP 1042,--947. - .DBZR LoWlims TAkwy Mt No, 183 841 - Cb$M Apr 59 g,.s -- ffoz/ On the =ect of Compreesimp Exerted Frm All Sides,, Upon the Galvanic Resiatance of.Metallio Wireej, by 0. Khvol'son.. 30 PP,. MMM,, jWxx Zhurnal RursjMgq FUIko-Kh"m' -skagg Obshchestva, Mast, FizichesIaLia, Vol XM) No 4p M-P Pp 153-175. Sci Trens Center RT-507 ,/ Olf ep CTS/= Scientific - Physics The Quaternoy Systm: reo-1]20r,-A,).cl2-ff2t., btom"a., V. 1. WaolaWvp if. C. Dom R=10., perv plow Vol no 1251-lWf. BIA 51-1517 Jul 58 TT-63- 20809 Na.aetkin, S. S. ACTION OF NIMC ACID ON NAPHTHENIC FiYDRO- 1. Nametkin, S.S, CARBONS. 1196315p 6refs Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 17-63-20809 Trans. of [Rusakoe Fiziko-Khimicheskoe Obahcheorvo. Zhurnal, 1910. Y. 4Z P. 581-585. DESCRWORS: OCycloalkanes, Hydrocarbons, *Cyclobennes, Nitration, *Nitric acid. (Chem iqtry- -Organic, TT, Y. 11,no. 10) I TT-63-20810 Nametkin, S. S, ACTION OF NITRIC ACID ON METHYLCYCLO- 1. Title: Methyl HEXANE. ft963114p l7refs I cyclohexane Order from OTS, SLA, or 13TC $1.60 TT-63-20810 I I. Nametkin, S. S. Trans. of [Russkoe Fiziko-Khimicheskoe ObehOwsivo Zhurnal, 1910, v. 42, p. 691-7011. DISSCRIPTORS: 0(lyciohexanes, Nirration, *Nitvic acid. (Chemistry- -Organic, 'M" V. It, 110. 9) offle. .1 T-W.0 11-1 Of ' ,tu4; by P C, yjahc himuka. 0 -T~J. h Vol. Sci Mus Lib Fo 541/01L,.a Caeni~:try The Cooling of Wires and Lorem' formula-P by V. M. 3hidlovskoi, pp 4. RUSSIO, Shur Ruan Fix-kbim Obabch, Vol 43, 1914, Pp 123-12r.- 1 Sci Masmum 11o 51P959 Scleehific On the Isomerization of Higher Acids of the Series CUH2n_202 Under the Influence Of Potassium Hydrcmidej, by I. V. Yegorovp 4 pp. RUSSIAN.. per., Zhur Ru821w Fiziko-1Q.!xdchesk- ae Obshchp Vol pp 975- Set Tr Center RT-2-216- Scientific - Chemistry . /41 CTS 70/jul 55 ,dXWA tly MOSM Of ACOTFINO06 ftdWdn6ry Syr Repocts t-7 ~A. ft Cbkb9wwal6 AUSW-N. port ihw i;mk MAW 9b"D* Vol -,,(,LVII, 1913* pp 703-713. *NfW. TT F-WO .~ci-cbcm ,; 65 rr-63- 2D8 12 Nametkin, S. S. INVESTIGATION IN THE FIELD OF FENCHONE. 1. Title: Fenchones ... !1963) 16p 35refs 1. Name". S. S. Order from OTS, SLA, or EM$1.60 7T-63-20812 I Trans. of fRummkoe Fiziko-Kh1micheskoe Obahcbemt4m. Zhurnall 1915, v. 47, p. L590-1606. DESCRIPMRS: *Naphthalenes, OCampbors, Nitration. (Chemistry- -Organic, 77, V. 11, no, 9) 1 Offi~ .1 T..W.M S.-k- Vow IL-tboda of Preparing Diviuyl,, Isoprenco Pip,--ry1cr& and Diwthylerytbrenej, by !. Ostr=ysleau 40 pp. Riissun, per, Zbwr Fugskoliq Fit-Khim,0bshch-i Vol Fo 8o 1915, pp Sci Tr Center RT-1162 S."ientific - Chemistry Jul 54 CTS Mbable Of the mat"U= of son VolatUe &6stanwsp br A. U. Vadllsvo 28 pp. RLWW,, pwp Mm Do" YU Shia Vol 49.q 29jas , 7 L ' AM Wn ~.IX(4 s XV55 Sol - YA&arlaln j= 6T c(-Pyridineazo Dyes~ by A. H. Chichibabin. nz Obsbabastvat Vol L,, NJSSIAN, perp VB~an 1920j. pp 512-519. Assoc Tech Sv $7.85 Tr RJ-818 Sci - Chemistry J~11 7-3-"/7 Aug 57 The Direct Prejaration of Tetraphosphoria Acid., by M. A e, Fakuzin, A. A. Arsenyeva, 2, pp. RUSSIAN, per, 2"bur Russ Fiz lUk# O~sbcbestra, Vol "To 1, 152i' pp 37 -377. LIII,, CZA R-337,9 Sci Aug 59 On the Propagation of Diseontimdties in a Compressible Fluid., by Tamarkin., A. Fridman,, 22 pp. 9 RUSSUN, per, Zhur,-Rums-74- Obehah. Cbastv Fiz, Vol LV, 1924, pp 40-58. Soi Tr Center RT-2M Saineitific - P)Waics Dec 55 MAU 0, #00 Benzenediazo-6(-Aminapyridine.. by A. Fl. CMeMbabino R. L* Fersits. EUSSIM, per,.Zhur Russ Fiz Khim abshchc3stva, Vol LVTI~ ABooc Tech Sv $5-00 TI- RJ-819 Sai - Cbmistry 7..Alg- Aug 57 Hydrolys!F) of Westin by Caustic Soda, by I. S. Yaychnikov, 3 PP- IIIMSK ago 1 Up j' 192d# pp 929-932. Sci Tr Center ET-2217 Scientific - Chemlatry CM 70/Ja 55 Hydrolysis of Gelatines by Acids and Alkalis, by T C* ~. j. Yhichnikavp 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Avaeko stch., Vol M., stim:NM&Lb No It 1929, pp 109-118. Bel Tr Center RT-1101 Scientific - Cbemletry Jul 54 CTS Cgte,Alo- Formation of gyftwyozda AcJA *112 4W'01 an& Carbon MOBOXMOP by P.'V- Zj=kovj 11 PT4 RMSUN, per, Mw. Roo Ob&cbwtn P Vol L)a, 199-9, PP 997-1,009. SEA R-2%2 Sol Jul 59 172 "-564 Kintues or RydraUon of MerU -9 rie Acids, by I. Ambe, 4 9 PP. +vw~ RUMMI per, Mw Ruse nz RhIm Obohdbestra, Vol ua, i9eg, PP lDn-lou - -* SrA R-3050 Bel Jul 59 92 'f V40 -Z AdsOrption of Another Ow Frm a Current qS Air, by A. Milovs L. K. Login's S. A. Vbm"az~Ukiy$ 54 pp. RMUNP, p*rP Zbur Russ M-KhIm Ombabostvas Vol LXII IMP pp 1107-1M. AM XP-tr-O e-% Sol - phymp Chan Teb 60 /a 7- Adsorytion of Nitrogen Dioxide by Colloldel 9111c1c WA Acid, by A. V. Sepozbnikovp A. P, Okntov, 24 yp. MWW., per, Mar Runs Fit Xhlm Obahchestra, Vol LXII 192% PP 1353-130, ' MA R-2978 scl, Jul 59 *f-71 Z1,31 Lebedev, S. V. and Koblyanskii, G. 0. INVESTIGATION IN THE DOMIN OF POLYMERIZA- TION. ARTICLE 12. 21p. NITWL: 175. Order from OTS or ETC $1.97 61-17841 Trans. of Zhurnal Russkogo Fizlkokhfmichesko~, c) Obshchestva (LISSR) 1929, v. 61, no. 10, p. 21 .5-2187 DESCRIPTORS: 'Polymerization, *Butenes 61-17841 1. Lebedev- S. V. 11. Koblyanskii, G. G. Ill. MMVL-175 IV. Stichting Mocilijk Toegankeltjke Wetenschap- pelijke Literatuur 0 M.. f T-64-1 $-I... Sil7vr Tlxc-riae, ConductivIty of Silver Nitrmt~-~, Oilver. Fluorl& --m! T1.6,~4,mven Fluorid-e ot P-50 E-4-L.T. e, the '4 ~0, "b. Ag/n/nAgo/aA~D'=3/N/mASM3/gt.~'Ag at 2,f v I/* Tzekhnoritzer, 19 pp. RUSSAW) peT~ Zhur Russ Fiz XhIm Chahob. Vol uxul) 1930: W-131-4W SU R-3303 Set Aug 59 z- The Effect of tic Lay-= Thialmese of a SW Supercooled Liquid on Crysta.Uization Under tbz Action of Radium Rays, by V. V. Kondoguri, 6 pp. RUSSIAN# per.. Zhur Russ Fiz-KWm Obahch.. Chast I Fiz SSM, Vol"Wip" -No 5) 1930, pp 451-:~ 455. Navy Tr 2.2-10/NRL 524 Scientific - Physics Jul 55 CTS/M ZellneW, N. D. and Shuikln, N. [- FROM THE FIELJ) OF CYCUC HYDROCARBONS: "CYCLOPE~MLIDENE-CYCLOPENrANE" AND M RELATION TO HYDROGENATED CATALYSIS. [6 May 52] 14p 26reft Order trout M, SLA, or ETC $1.60 TT-64-IU735 Traw. of Rusekoe Fiziko-Khlmicheskoe Obatictiestva. Zhuml, 1930, Y. 62. p. 1343-1&W. TT-64-10735 1. Zelinaldi, N. D. It. ShUMU, N. 1. M. Tltle: Cyclopentilidene- Cyclopentane... (CItemintry-Orpaic, TT. v. 11, no. 12) .1 T-h.l..l S-1- on the Uaws Of BUMM12d% the Alewrl"-4 Of Dlgltd Computers Whw Sol" DiffererAW, Equadon syscems, by L N. Molchanov, 18 pp. RUSWN, per,, Zhur SMWdy MatemadcheRky, vOlv,tNOl,lqO%PPlw-i2i. YOV7M FTD-TT-65-34 Scl-Elcc Jul 65 2630560 Idnear Differential Equations With Delay, Depending Linearly Ulvii Arjqmnt!j ir, K. U, Valayev, 26 pp, W s ISSIM, per, Mur ~Abir Uy Matew, ch Vol 5s No 2, 1=,- 290-309. 9697098 1,70-1-F-64-1167 6ci-llilys Jun 6s 282,223 ZhURNAL STRMUMNOr KH1MII (Journal of Structural Chemi-try - bimonthly) TramnIfttion be trut with 1960, Vol. I IAg time: ca. 9 months Order from: Plewim, Nblinhing, Corporation 227 West 17th Street New York, N.Y. 10011 1971- t 135.00/year 30.00 single isoues 15.00 single article reprints add I r%.00 on overnoo -` '