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Irradiation Embrittlement of NiCkel. Mechanical Properties in Extension and Creep Tests, by J. P. Andre. FRENCN, rpt, Fragilite ot Effect do L'Irradiation, 100 Colloque do Hetallur- ti 0 7, ~p 199-215. AEC j , ~ ~' 1, 11-1 , I d f Sci-Materials Feb 69 Sol*atlon of tbo Sm-Linew Diffusion ftationt by T. Andre-WAwn. Fmmq port lot i Unt We Tr"fta Vol Us 1968, pp 1351-3357. *= TT 73--53o36 Available M Only Jme 71 A StuOy of the 16D-TA=w Difrusion PrW=,, by T. Andre-TUSUM. p per, A. R-- Aft-4 9 Bar Bo voi 266, i0s, pp 1093-1095. IM TT 71-530" Avoilable =0 Ody k, June 71 C"ai-licis its .~cnsion Laacie(-, 6ubject to )jy 'irca and, 1969, 21j3 -315. 71 vAlbr tt3.umnt of Busteatto Statuls" 8t4ml in the Psesomm of Macy by M. Androwl. Immmt 661 pp 21-,W. am TT 7:L-53o54 ATMIA" J~aw 71 Ion Exchang*ws used " Catalysts In Bsterifications and Hydrolys"o by Modrich Androas. 16pp GERW-kw, Pero ow"Scbe Todo"it Vol 11, ISS9. K6 10, pp 24-ZT'- SLA TT-65*10114 Sci - Eng Jtme 67 3290468 jjv6rsLfjc&tion am, Lvd-ustrial -:QveIop*snt of the rmrging liational by hndreazyan artlj A. Zvl'yanov. 10 pp. KUSSIA, per, Viroy4ya jko duaaro-Inyya Otnasheniya, 14o. 1, 'bscow, Jan 63, p-. 29-40. J!-~,~i 44,997 April 68 ver i~%;Itr urthoi~ Traw-Li, Voi 14v ~%j 11. j7p 014,72. Jacromeftods for DetermMW the downtration of Flbrlnogen, the Rbrinolyde AeUv:Lty,, Repwinp and Ant0lbrindlyAn In the Blood,, by O.V. Andrem*o. RU38=,, jer,, Delo., P. 477-479. 1969. Nm 7i-jjooo-o6A JUXY 71 xpotomtol Rossaima an TrypdawAoUvated nasol"t hy d* We AndmMoo CEROANo #-*ro LAN ba Nis Vol, as Iwo pp 15-17 Dept *f 4vy/muz nn 60i-9 and Jan 68 HOW soft Will a *m be on the moon? by D- Aad="W. StIp RUNAIIAN per s TOW 9650 I;ta S1 48,0 Me S L pp 41-43: hooffmY FTD-HT-66-305 Scilspa" Todwology Aug 67 33lg4OS Achloyamts unftr the Bix-Yaur Flea wd TW&A for tba now nv*-Yoar Plan in the nold of Mcbmatasuan of Famostry Work., by A. Andrei,, 7 pp. MWM,p p"s Mdats Padadlor,, No 100 Oct 1965, pp. 5M:W. JPHB 339M Icon reb 66 295p6a7 j:-nian )n Bannini.-, an,-' Alydn6mm Drls, ty Ct-3frm Andrcil Sent Q), Q. A Q d p- e, " -S GLlnqAUdlt* Qf Us Natl2de FcrAmW coo by IL R. Jb&WAO A. M. Ini ams Rodri gnz. SmTsRs per,,, La FLata, Mom, Redpta. Swdgm Oddlm4jL. Nw SoM , Val 6. ND 48, Wjs pp221-234. XTO 71-141LO-08G Fab 72 Place Held by Steel in Yugoslav Poreign "Irade I , by Norfle AndreJevic, 12 pp. BERBO-CROATIANs per; Calik.. Belgrade, No 35, Feb 72.. pp 3-F.-- .TPR3 55875 917 72 1969 FWPM mataimp fto&aatim hvPU4 btr PJwdJo Aa**Jevus 11 ppe SSRBU-VJRMTIU, pwo, fjM W o Doo We pp 3-7* JM 47#b53 ~ N . 0 ,;~)' C, 9 ~ , d,~, c j 'P~ e v " C- 7. Sol-ftt How 69 37,%913 M . A to A fo- e 1,3 '% Zn-Ni Chemical Difftsion. Intrinsic Kffugion Cooffic- tents, by M. Andrezd. . rpt, 5th International 92ROMS on X-PAY OrAies and Hicroanalysiff. TubInM.. SePt 19bbs, PP 519-530. Aug 72 Biological and Bmeteriological Researches in the Field of Obstetric Tbemnr vith ColimWciap tV Cesum Andreolij, Vi=nzo V Vava]A, 1OW- NUM,, per$ Minerva Ginecolo c, 11053, pp 851:877. Vol 1u.. CFMI TT-6-4-131107 Sci Biology 3 mar 0"( Ar. Prob Mo' a N Liquid Nltropa In the PapiA Fresslas of FOWStUMS by R. Anlreatti TW4 ,TkLvj., per, njft+~4 is REHM wa 61, no 41 1966,p pp 0 am W.. gon.4 (67A") P, , ~ ~j d 0, F= (2 -ft~ cci-mw Aug 68 3,fep.-66 91 Time PolUdble Aolicatlaft of MMS4=m-ft~ Caoe-fiw-d~ SUOUp by X. P. Andres GIM"j, pwo t!Et2ml-mwho Mitts Val 22# 1967, yp 71-77. ml Bar: M.4 (67/n7) M, P. 4/u o Q c S Bel-materbas Avg 68 36P,20 Tho F6osibls AppUcaticne of Tungster.HkaAne, C890-HWaning Steds, by M. P. Andm, at al. ITMAS. per, ik!& 12&t. Vol 7-2. 196?. mp. n-77. r *01531 57110 ~,eorganis". Adds awi", cure" to -Awt modmi LwmWoo tW Midrw AWrwuo 22 PPO GW I 4 Doo 19699 Bi~ 19690'pp 120 13; 18 ,.so 11)699 pp 169 17.p &J A AJ R "Ay 70 Tm sballfish loutcyl by as AIWWMI, 3(l SPANISHp We Cisw&g Vol 329 1b 4g 19671, Vp 253-263. Dapt of Laterior WFAFF A-37-Harch 1970-5o 103 On Low sci- a p &) c1 0, q JUna 70 Biology and Parasitology of the by B. Andwou, SMISHO per$ Las Cionciasp Vol pp 107-118* ivpt of interior Fish and Wildlife Servict BCF. Bureau of Pomign Fisherle3 Sci-S4H Jul 67 Galician mw"lw V XU# So 2& 1965,0 332,918 The Coconut P41m - Ito Cultiv4dion SW Protec- tion against Dlemm and Pestap by Patmio Nwtims Andreus 13 ppl ffFAN=,, per., AMARM96-11 le CubV6 Jan-Mar 1965" pp, 12-21,* JPRS 35734 Rnionlo ~~w,~\nez ~Odrleu, LA-C*& Scon jun 66 301#959 ANDREYANOVI V. RU NEW TSP-10 CULUR PUSITIVE FILM TEKHNIKA KINU I TELEVIDENIYA, NU. c4, 1-)71, PR . 7-10 FSTC-HT-2'J-LiV6-73 arso 0t of onvw A. & T=d=Wy- Boom-, ywo: I Pidk Pat I m %111 No q. IV IPiwo UL ftr:~W- I=) 1-7 fti4itb & NVID Fab 70 4OLjN3 AOCCEgishmnU of Ybyel" InstitmU with Atoad Contar -iV*OM* bV Uoorgi 4MdSb*kMo fiam An&vyohlmg 15 pp* OWARIAal, pwo FA%&q i':1tomptlobooko s bofto Vol 120 tic 49 cot-Doo 19690 Fg. 12~50 MiS 5%43 1101--mal 301 6 reft Jun ?13 PLbrinolytLc Activity of Trichothecium roseum LLnk, by G. V. Andreyenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,-Biol Sci, Vol 179, No 2, Mar 1968, pp 4s4_456. GB '-h - ?'/ ~-e Jan h The FibrinolytLe Properties of the wall of the Sma Aactap by Go vs Aafty4*00 VUSSLAH,O per, Dak Ak SM& s=, BLOUAI Vol 182s 50 2g, Sept 1968, pp 469-470. CB ve~ 6~2. ~./ . Jan 71 ANDRES.O. Fuel transport to and inside the brown coal power station. Brennst. -Wirme-Kraft Zl(ll):561-7 (1969) (SEC) **W.Tqbuu um"Pot at Bdomm", DWAlqpft =d GIVAN& bV A 4 AnhaW. 5 wo yam=.# pw.. Mam fFa 2INS& no ~% MW 1960, Wq- 3-49 im A033 MR um ftt 65 906poo 71: hAtletive of the humv--A PbwerW Souros for Agricialtuml qmne, bF A. Andraw, 12 pp. R*,SSIA,%4q per, J.'VISMIll ~kmwow, no 9, ims 1968, PP 3645. jprz 47286 Lb,.) i i pol Fab 69 3740558 Mie October Devo2utim Jm SarJ&t 8610nWiC TAtentums by At AnUvow and P. Edbolmi, 11 pp? WWVJP Vero Fgam" so 6j Aw 1966p Ot L19-1-23? MRS 35761 CC - eZAIc/qe- y e- um soc juu 66 302$921 OW" c Ri Geolo,6ical IntgrPrOtAtion of Gravity AnowAlies, by Do A, Andreyev, 1, Go Klushin, RUSSIAN 11 bk, Gopla itheak?ye Istolkovaulyp Gruvi- r4mStanny-kh pr 47-790 76-"p 49$P-427o ACIC TC-112o V ;ici/Larth Sci h Oceans Itar 67 319,521 on Isolation of Regional Mapetic AnousUeso by D, A, Androyiovp ~4 S, Rrs~k*V46 RUSSIMM, 14r0 Goop pp W-105. Aya i Geoftlikap No 7" 1966. ACIC TC-1239 Sci-Ear Sci Aug 67 33S.S35 on Isolation of Reglaaal Hepatic 4Auom&lio* by B, A, Awd"yevo ~4 So kyabkovao RUSSIAN, per, Gealmiza i Geoftzikal u* 7, L966' PP 103-105. *ACIC TC-1239 % - Ag 611. sci-pib)ta Jun 67 ibadbook of Container TrausWrts by D. T. Andreyevs ?4.1 D. Erlikb,, 30 pp. RUSSIAN, par, mm bmwd- 1969s PP 70-83* 136-al 44, 153-155 AnVnD-ITC-23-807-70 SePt 71 ~~Lkorgwdsatlan of IncenUve Yund riscuseed. %;5 1~s let AWrayuvg ~~* No ~roloval 7 pps R.WSIAII, per, Ag~ta I T v A-L4* ~Imccwv m st IWO pp"', j. z~ 4,3c:O:L Lem Lot 69 M*023 Shwtap of SPM parts slow mm~ pApdrs 6 tW Fe kdnrmo Ye* Galubt* 5 Wo RUSSUM. npp mommi 3 Sept 19699 p 2& ins 4W38 F I ~ -wf- . ~v - Um so= Out 69 3940733 r"ndis*s, Czech CInam vIdUo nla Av+.* by FeMs AndrVw, 5 pp. RMSSIAN, M, ftlotmm. ~bemv. 27 Aug 19M. p vIFLS 460 ,c,*t 66 367.63.0 ANDkEYEV, 6. RU LXP Lk I tNCt UA I NED I N UPER AT I ON OF A VEH I CLE 0 1 A Gc4UST I C STA f I UN AVTUM-,-bILINYY Ti-,-%N,,PjRTj NG. op 19721, 32-34 F S TC-- HT- c -~- -,j c 6Z- 13 :2 SPIWO of a RMIAM pxace"~p by Go As Andr"WS 11 fps wMaj, Pori, -umm ftlam zmwsd Tu 29,P RD do Aug U23-U3D- JPHB 43551 Jan 63 3%7#372 I CT1- -7. ~)~\ Nj- Floating k1sh Factory Doso=$ b7 G. P. bidMevs V. V. Armlyeve 8 pp. RUSSIAN* port OWoptr9y . Lmingmd , No 1. Jan 1972. pp 3-7. J M 555487 ~Ar 72 DoMstla ~ A-- A-WWWWWAIM Dn*t sh4w Damoibodo br 0. F, AD&Vwg V. V. Anmtyevo 9 ppo f or# a imdnpud* %lo 12s. Doc 1969v pp 54---- MIS 50188 '~). V--, um Econ Apr 70 403030) 6oviot Writers lopict T"V Lif a LbroalisfAeaW. 10 IW 1. AmIroyeve 15 pp. atubbLat part lw~o 18, Sept it pp 85~-92* 49199 42 iiov 6,~ 3939890 The USSR -- A Atjor Exporter of Muldnery Ond Equipwnt, by 1. Andmyev, 16 ppe M&'9IANj perk, Vnegqffl& torowln Hi 6s 1966j pp. 3-). JPIZ JT54,J USSR :-;Coll oct (kJ 90 sagut YACWM7 54ts" ~.," ftport Akfttv iv 1. Fe mawme 3 qp. R=IL-ip per, ~,- . :ia 40 Apr iq6d, pp 4-60 jvas 4,%614 :~-, _i,;, t W-vabs hdo Mv & I'm Erg? taig 68 361*363 immi icattering In the 31urratce Layers of tho OC4DG--I. by 7. 13. Andrayev, -1 p13. por, Vol vil, ~70 V)?, Pp. 71-7b. HAO 10765 ele 1// Jun 67 325.702 TrUU11129 and Distribution or Medical ForKvml in the NMI by 1. Du Anlywyev, 8 Vp. W8SIU# pert I mkw I"- A - ft"iyokuy rederatmil, V03L 99 ED 22# 1965P 3-0- "ImS 34661 JP iron soc Apr 66 ANDREYEV_t K. KU THERMOCHEMICAL ASPECT OF REACTIUNS FOR PRODUC TIONOF EXPLOSIVE COMPUUNUS MosCoW#,KHIM.-TEKHNUL0G. INST. TKUDY # 53t 19 67, PP. 362-65 FSTC-HT-2 -)-1184- 7.1 7hermal DeocmW"itim and CcubmtIm of MKplosive awmtmces., by K. K. An&vpv. 405 PP- 1~~ # bkl. Tormichogko" ame I-- - - -i Goreniye ftn~ ~t Veolph"tiG 1966j pp 1-11.1 1()1-259j, 294-344. An/rn)-xT-24-14T-70 A/ /1, ct~- i.. 1, "1 JulY 71 ~ -)j - Certain Pecu.Uarities of the Unemiltione-i 0,311wiry Bs.-rlex In Dob-s after Cowlitione-A LIF~at exul Soutui Stimuli of Varlaus Strengths, by L. No Andmyev., ) pp. AUSJAAW, per, atg&- vysshey ltwvMoz j)eyaLel I nosti Vol 15 p NO 3.1 19650 pp 43~- 4,37- P10001:(96 :3 Sci-MM PC!, ~50, 614, OtAit OC Gtrxtw*ttM hOMOM dufft rAtnt or cuv so"* Sv 250 ft4wbm"* O's part 1* -I . ,zww a,- /V Arm Problem of the Stability of a Cylin- drical Shell Loaded by External Pres- sure and Axial Coupressive Forces# by L. V. Andreyev, 6 ppo RUSSIAN# per# IsventiZa VYISkikk nhAN"W1rh Z&Zedouiyl ManhiggelroysuiLlp ____ io- No at 19 9v PP 43-47 Allt/M-HT-23-1123-71 Fab 72 Isim A1=04 iv 1110 AL*Wwt 7 PP* 16 vm-~6mliv r"s .... * u* lop ce. 1965s tv V-9-31 IM, ~ 11 , -1, N. UILA", ~, ot! Dot, 05 ;2)3.,aL4 M, ~J. 4 lu'de- e ~ C V Toxic Dystrophy of fln Llv= In You* Pigs, by 11. H. Andreev RUSSWO part W94MAM vol 459 m it 19689 DP 73-79 IfTC 71-16305-OZE mar 72 V. L. Andre~v .41 Reoults of the Tagging of Herring In Nyyvo Bay (Northeastern SmIrbal4n) in 1963. RMSIAN, per, TikhookeggskU Nauabno-- Iveledowatelskil Inatitut gzbmo x7alstva i Okmancerafil. ImgtIT& Vol 65,0 19689 pp 257-258 NM 72-60356-o6c sept 72 V. L. Andr4v Mothods of Determining the Age anxi Size of Tbaragra CWcogramma. RUSSIAN, per,, Tikhookeanokil Nauebao-Isole Ineatiya Vol 65, 1968P PP NTC 72-60355-JO6C Sept 72 7-~~'z~~"[-- 7,.0. ~ Wkb, " 'I; sport A ftInmatical Aneymis of the Reproduction q? CU--"c or nabw, by N. W. An&,tw~- MWTMI per, SM 'Vol 67. 1969, vv *Dept of Inte-Hor F"Icff N IV - IQ IV ci P- 'e c/ e V Sol/13M J.-.1y 70 !be ' '-'Iffcct of the Ratio of 'Mm i4awtor to e5h ,-pacing or. the OaUbSKM7 of Gin 14ts, - ~'* AndT'CWS b y per, =a -ca43. iio pp *!)"t of JITLariw 4,lah and 'dIcnIfe 5ordoe -d- Oth and 4dp "ct k'S7 A Yntbmatica An&Ws of Cwm of Flah"s by N. R. pOrp ft3ftr VVW 3p 040 *Bw TT 7N51o36/i Available ST Only On Loan the Repro6wtion An&,Ww. Vol 67p 19691, o Oct 70 to th,~ ~Vst- N, P. Andrevev 37- 7 vno roblelm "Olatire to tbo IntemiricatSco) of ;-'r*jWtion on tha a G;OofAfttIve ~ftms)' ty "COD :'M-Inov wid Algol& ~tv~v' (x'6. ,Col, jet !'are Fowerful Than the Hyperboloid, lby U. Aalreyev, 5 PP- VcrjeB2M ZnnniYu No i;-jIl d F DU - - P 31 o,), 6( 7 -S Nov i. v Agweys FeGaiml Hwy Admo B-1430" P.O.No. 2-1-1425 13 Jan. 0972 Tittv ReStdatay InStdIatIONS fOC ftI4P JUMLOM , Authors O.V*Anft*rm 3(rf SOUMI T.atwwees Russian SpWjajL Inottactlaws nemse tranod"* & t7p* single opmome NO ftote-we Lem opwof USTWIfto all cap*t to diagrams S plattwese premilitary Traia%, Rmt ae Latewiflods, by F- kamyevo 5 PP- mmius ups sovvtggx fttr:Lota 2T APr 1,)66, p- 3. JPfts 357 31 P. UMR Nil Jun ~Z 301,P953 Unt ftd=gan in Vmcl4w ftwa PlsnU~ by P. A. Andrayevp Do 1. Gremilov, 73 pp. RMIMP YWP su&AtMMtM 19699 99-134. Dept of ImT M TrIM 3no "J Oct 70