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Some Compositional Features of Upper Precambrian Red Beds, by A. I. Anatollyeva. RUSSIA. per, Wk Ak- Nauk, SSSR, Vol 179. so 1968, ppll63-1166 P AG I ~ . -E . R' -)I Ck -rc, I , ~ t- v-,:- Jan 969 373-345 M4-mhanisr- and rinetics for the Reaction 6f Active e Mica with Alkali Metal Ilydroxides, by F. 1. #11latskiy. RUSFIAN, FOr, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, 19698 1341-"43~ Cr. Feb 70 4010356 Efrect of mwwiun m the a I I 00200wo Plivertum Of bv 1% L Anstwebubs T, ID60 ow F" 2bwml I Vol 14'? vp MCM. UM 2T F-12,392 CA~., Sol-pbvs Oct 69 391413 Talemutric Appar4m for and TiranmdtUng Geopbyalcal Parmeten Into Bloary Codeo by 1. G. AdAapv gt al. RMSIAN, per, "2& J, MM an RMLMM~ FizidankM! Protowsov V-0bowas l9wi, Pp lT3-IdO. Sci jan 68 345ML ANCEY, M. and others. Analysis of precipitates extract on replicas using a classical microanalyser, and a micro- analyser equipped with an electron microscope. Irsid.Re.phy.ap. 323-RT/CC (1968) (CSIRO/No. 101 Cautributioti to Cie Sttmly ot Imclusicas in Lztra- 1414 Vir4min~, 1-*touls.'by A. ioim, Ms AtIctys F.i~P,U:, ;~cr, Yov, Vol 640 ;~o 4. A.,~ril 190, 377-392 .kl;,;l LS26 All A-r wi 379,7G1 U=,l Reelwation and ',cater Ao~eticnt Guzan and Achievw-ents, by N. Anc-ImuWzZya, RIX-SIAN, per,, Mwetskiv Ljin, Ro. 16, Aug 1)WI pp, 20-23, JPI:S 33251 FA: on N.jv (Ab 312,773 I , ff AvaLU.able AaVital vads not Being kzvporly Used, by V. Anchurg 8 M. BulfJOIAN, per$ KbIS30% I ZdbMMAMMR S;o 30 two pp 205-2116 JFIL9 46, V4 V. 4A)cH E V sopt 68 365t237 Rates and Proportimm of Econovic Developmmt, by A. Anchishkin and Yuo Yareom*o,, 12 ppe fUSSIAN, pero PolltLC8j!j#M Somoobruzo- vge.l& Ab. q.. Sept 1)66,p ppe, Z).37* JPFFS 3)ai3 ~ kl~~-Aj1 USSR &con L*c 66 ' :.15,J95 - ~ - cd Probbm of Nattool Boonoda /0 -ticis by Ap AmUdWo ad 2? Yonbows 14 RMIM JgWU EftNIM ft % *V 1967, pp iizo a"lew A A n um ftm S"t 67 1 qa!jg4U1: i~l t4O '~"ArLtCtura of Cie itLer,-Ia~latsi irck't)CL in CIL,, ~'et)Mkhj Of U'le IJY Yar elaeakn', 33 per, Ts-my i lro-powtsil -.Vvrlo~ lazvitlyn, v t; o,, C3 7 J. 4 A r'4 me 4=Mics of sidw ad3a nwwq!;- t on cwMjIO Hid" C"otd--- bV R. A. Awbuanew Dws mm MW asufu 40 224s 296E6 pp U10me ACSI-&TI90k 4 IF qp ~.Jff. ,~. a a-vr-~ Sol-Atom Sal Oct 69 392p915 lin-UbiUty Of 'jbDvM with Illm and ->PIW or, Ube Basis of Iladar Ob3wmti(m fXtaq by ito A, Anm)mf,,on 1~ To I* o AQ*:- .1 Pat 0 Goorlslebombk --,to" ,51V -0 lc*s IVWI pp AC,.-:,I: J-43D4 TD 22L ~/Atms .3)ai pnom ra wus Now cntlw uhm to pblyaofin Foundstl=s by F. IL AndW. yam% patent 1251516. MW-(9-lb3u-uF 7 %. Set-ateriau I%b 70 4MA3 Sbort-tandlart Aiding Dwiae vith Usit~d GZMV EWLMMtp by C. Anom-aj, j. oboqmr, IN=$ rpti. ft Lb=- M2t*zmuoftl d-AwanvAigms PikrU# KV 396T# Pp. 1-35- LL (152J--W3W Aug 69 385#353 artins maucture in a sm Nowlin some" of the CmUnenul MW j, br Xleba AMUL &r pp. HMCM6 perp Jamul of ft In-awbMISAW". basxd of fto Ift 38 Ims IV WT-14w- Dept Of Boom of CammoreW Flabulm Omca Of ftsip ftsbarl" A-32-00t 2904b 8 on Loan Sci-BU4/Dee 69 3A507 lbvelopmont of llbotograomtry in Itimarkin kOPM-Wo bY CIWKWgto Armaete, 11 pp, jogdogbe A zmwam WWWRIP !~o 4,p S%* 19W* m 45--%. Ja5 46069-4 A LA- .SciA= scri 370.012 sv"Gy or 1"WiAt w by Horst J. ArAel, 22 utjvzail~a~iT U~L- UNIA wac A~j, ixnd Jail 70 intolligence Activitiodo pp. lern, ctt iq&). :~)q o 441) Empect Ccusbers and the Possibility of 11mir Utilization on the Coal Indastryg by J* Aaftl. CZEM, per, Tuha !glivs, Vol 2p So 4-51, 1969p pp 102-106. *BISI 8372 /0/ ScL-Mat June 70 \. Chelons. 40. The Protonation Constants of Several Chelons in Different Aqueous Salt Media (NaClo,, (CII-) NCII KN03)- by G. Anderegg, 12 pp. G ER.~A r, Itelfr Chim Acta, A,'pe Vol 50, No 8, 1967, pp 2333-1.340. AET-Tr-7283 Dcc 71 oevolov:iontal Frosoocts of the AutomotiVe Indust.!!y of tho for 1960--1970. by A. A. Amdars. ? pp. RUSSIkIs per, A a Pmomp..hl vtw-jDbiltng ..MgvV 6?, prpo Im2o 40755 NOE coy] '7 y ' e 375, Y~2 Dade Dirvatims of jjVeavUS bxtwtrW MUlade ,of pr*d"~ in t" A"bQWAV* ZAWU7o ,bY A, A. 6 PP. ivwmlq~v pew, - v ion W-6a r1p -111~3 !!!!n -1, No is, im W. USSR Lam Apr (,5; M*92,1* aw n-a Civil ili. -41- motor vablelo rtoducUon Thoks for 1969 Uariftw ., '.I by A. A. Andwes 10 pN mlat 11*9 to mcs~# ion 1.90o pp 1-3& JFRS 4?W tL A - sal"Iftch Apr 69 NSO039 7/ I.'-.'c: Iniluence of Feag Ice Delinsits on Aerial nurr~crts, by !;. Anders. CEIR:441i, 1,,cr, Tech tiitt RFZP Vol 120 NO 1, 19689 U. Ref 9021,62 (2487) .-let July fit) 385-W i-rultq IvWUblo ~rodwUon fAmegoomt WUIWO bF MWfred Ande". 21 m. ',,&at BarUns 4-*r GL'.rjAhs Pero V 1969. pp 260 i i ftk~ 4?951 -Agri ~Av 69 mw now matud" of the ar"Ift Bute ftLivsqso by Co 'Be Animmes U pp* OAK= 'I jaw# ngwgo 110 Apr 1967j, jpq Itw]$* OIA T.Al V#k4q -;/I j W19-Dowaft am Jm 68 AT0279 A matroswatem sm-a os I- for Q"wbw C.3 a 1 -- to 17 no Be AWknmuo 9pp Wit v4 a ma Igoldo flow 66$ SO UP 5 IMIt l9bbs 30 3-6- WA = 7M-456 &d-Mw.b BA, fti;r Ab 67 -n7,PV' lavort4mes of PretvOGUMU faw the am, -7 bility of Various kust Protectivo Pailitt Sy3uims, by Andorsce FRENCH, per$ Fordw-Lach, Vol 7L,, Jul 196s, PP $34-546, *81SI "27 Apr 66 ,no Adj-ustmnt of the swodish Ral2mys stwxl=,d uoritActt i4m to I; dabor lasin bpoedsq by Andorsou. K. L. TLIArf-ces, pp. W,,Dz~if part IMMUs lio 36 1967v 59-78-s S3-m- Lp D-TA ul 226-66 ANCLe 9 Sc)N cdIscah jul 613 36 )1,2?3 ,1 --7 The Swotlsb Hmtl~, ROUNWO fim StM14 C* F6, A06W=% 9 ppe tv mmo nobsk 42&k WIM& No 5~ 10 Noy IM 0 -- Du LN 43-0 w bw am Fab 68 M9694 116) The Store NwIt grid&#,, by Ce A* Anderson, I* pp* lwl$ll;5j*rq Omsk Lokomiv Made, No 2,, pp 12. 0 DIA V 292-67 WEur Geog Jul 67 331,M ri'm Di k0actur Fwl by jy Clove 74s; 7. tj ftwy of the Lpffect of ft" ftrth matia an do Propuftes of Stml, by ri. Anderm md J. ftreadbmush. FIMM, ]per, AU, I& i Vol 64t We St 1967s pages 177-183. Mr $656 Janmr.r 1966 3410919 //0 ~ bibliographical Study of the Ad&ticms an the PrWOrtJLOS Anderm, J. Sprea&orwAO FWQt,v pers Rev, Wt. & Vol * SISI S656 Uffect Of Rsm-E&rlth Of Sr'"l, bY R* 640 U670 ftb, pp 177-IIU V - $C4 0 Nat July 67 Wave I orces AcUng on a bot? iAicillating 4x~cr the irea 3urface of an Ideal I lui(,'v bv Coo '. 0 WGIMMO 18 PPO G:. E~4~, 4~,VLI i7.,Z:~SiAlit mono, S m4~~kUt -ce i ns!YA ke -LAC44tel :' I plnq.%~m DtAlhenlysm 214c"IcoetA J -.QF/L 3231 Dissent vxnreaaaa to c~ Prart am, IT 17 GOStA AndOraaon, 5 pp. TITT)TSIT, np, ~!orrskorxsflamman, Lalea,, 23 Feb 72, n J?IRS 55494 Mar 72 g6 vetliods of v=ping Ship Motions in a Seaway,, by G. Andersson, GURMN, per, iiansa, NO IDS, 1968. 1.7LL Ref: 9022-,Wr4"(trans 3026) 1. C, ! a ~)d C P- ssz, ~ 66/1,leth Dec 09 398,306 Fractionation Phenosena iA tisf LKI)IOSIOn Llaud, ty d. iiolzierg, S. Andersauu. rlit, Fraitiouerin,,,sfeaemeu I L 4351 A ~ Tr- 1,-.i f., L-, -?I-IT, ALA J-:,25~ C 5 Ap r The Action of Lwer &helon Tactical Lbits in Uose Coulat, by la3im AndjsUc, 14 pp. bJ,'IL-CFlOATlAl,i, per, Vobg ~d2, 60 59 ~5ap- "jet 1967t PI) 66-77- jn:~,t 43096 LE-YuC.ozlavia ,,ov 6- 343.666 1968 rAnwxdia Flgw" an ftlth Swviw MvIeww4 by Umn AindjakwUp Ba&dlo Mas 15 pp. SERBD-M(ATW4, Pwo Lio~ gftdj2o Bslpv&o Jul 1969t Vp 244-23D. JPRS 494*12 Apr- U-Ugo Em Doe 69 FUMCUW mod &mom W-0tr1butUm on Swath '*MtUUW46 W OLOM And~~# 39 ppr pftt' lwemaftm- Mftlmk 19% YPO' on-ark* im -s Ff Jft 66 293o75% p4blic R"Ith FUW"t* od baues 19079 ty Damn AadjdkWieo aKWU Meo 11 pp. URM-CMIUN# pW# oat 1968o pp %M-346- JFRS A-~ L k- Q- 4%r 69 T*.M" tsawas tak"m AC&Uwt . adladmia# lyp~ms, t7 L-7 .1~*3, 3-A-Plo me The Effect of Certain Additives on the Combustion of Ammonium Nitrate, by 9. K. Andreyev. A. P. GI&Zkova. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Khimiko-Tekh Insto No 53, 1967, pp 314-321. NTC 69-10852-210 K Sci-Prop 4 Fuels May 69 382,728 Pb,yd*iaost Swifties AwlCmd Defenew Rolog bY Altc#jo Andjdsklo 6 pp.~ SUIMMM06TIM9 parq VgbgMMLt*.tvld ft"s adgmde Sept 190. -Pr 419-4=-~ Doe 69 .... ..... . Viscosity of the Slurry Produced in the kimoniation of Phoaphoric Acid Mixturess by J. Ando. JAPANESE, pers logrg jazaku jAaghiv Volo 68v 19650 pp 2327-2331. NTC 72-10445-07A Apr 72 ANDO, X. Biochemical studies on the lipids of culture fishes. Tokyo Suisan Da-igaku Tokubeksu Kenkyu Hokoku (J. Tok,, Univ. Fish'.) 54(2)-61-98 (1968) (NRC/C-7939) Application of Nuclear Energy for Production, by M. Ando. JAPANESE, per, Genshlryoku Kogyo, No 7, 1968, pp 36-39. *DIST 6922 Iron ley Vol 140 sci-l?at 'lar 69 Sclid-Pfiasc POPtide SY*tb*SiS, tq 1. Sulaki. T. Ando. JAPANL.S-2, per, Yuki Gasej Kagsku Kyokas t Sid, Vol 25, No WTC July I*thod of' Obtaining CIms' CeU Lims from T~m=lanted Cultuy*s in PrIvary Calture of lfuman- Rmbryo Fibrobiasts, b7 P. Andomw =vd S. Dundarov. IUMIAN, per, Zumu Ving2ialt 140 5, 1966P pp 61.6-617. ACSI J-40~~D v) nL)4o6l5&f S c i - M'. iipr Gi 350,760 me *Itpdgmv view. P,t%qv , w Dom J030ow, 14 IV. RUCAMNop Pftf No 6* AA I*P MES A6$2~ i U wxll~ I= 94pt 65 ftoon Militapy HoUjing B#Jng Investigated for irregularities# b7 VOjisl&V Andonovicy BERBO-CROATIANt npq Pmnts Belgrades 19 6-7, 73* pp JPRS 56337 PPO Zan Mar 73 Oftnintum at .. -- - L" AWUIDG r -.. -amdolcm tw 7 * AV AO&W. ft A bw A. X. lmdonw, ~A.Am~olm- ~ T now"# p ag IA PMLM ft M4 so & my, ;Cjpp qw4iw co -L- - 4 . 4 A.) d' () P_ aw 69 3TTAU NOW RAISIdam wwqmwm DAMMKOW and B&Wm, ~3 laorlo Andarg 6 pp. by fida"Rl"ll P"t b9121,96 No 10t oat W7, jv isq- M. JPAS 43)06 a-amww x 0 j r-) ,C- j ~ a 1 0 EO= oft 6? Y16*668 Roy -72 fte lmd Andbaft of P4V.%Ubl WIM Cgiblas az looded Miambove Subject-ad to Otmensil by W. Plufts amd V. zonmert OEM$ Pao me ftems~f no 310 1969J, pp a6-i..3x5. Apr 70 The inverse Short-Line Fault-Reaults of Tests in the System and On Modelso by W. Andra. Y, 1~ GEMN, per, M-A. Vol W, Aug 1968, pp 373-381. C.9. Trans 5386 Sci-Mcb (~ tN (--~ Jul 70 k ~\ 1A rv-, Aj\s~- Iack Sf True Pvlitical OppoAtion Decried. bW Antoodo Andrade, 5 PP, SPAN15H, per, Sw&sl * rAcdoo cityo 26 Feb 19no PP 1-As U*As 19*Ao JPRS 33709 Apr 72 fb*wt Lawahed LVADD An& ~ di 4. GLAMIUT UU Pc-fTMMZL,, pare I*lr jPF6 Gull In n PN UILY Ave Bleldl 9 bV hox- 1967* pp 143- Tech 50L-Sysce Let 6? A method of souctive,insdaUas by btsual 4, 60 J. 196S& pp 7A- AU MP-tr-1572 Jun 66 301o149 ~IcJtt.;ol fur Forei(ji iJil:IoL-.ats, by Theophilo -E ~Clll 111'# 0, Joy-wil, 10 Jan. 1907. J1 c0o: J -1 2! 1 iu 7 r 7 ft.mamal Ac. nut *a Uw*A* on vallsimcup SVWWO IA 3w Z^ w 40-W mem 2370 VOL 325OM6 aw 6T Excitation of Bound Atomic States by a Sudden Change of Central Field Resulting from beta Decay, by H. Juergen Andrae, 29 pp. GERMAN, per, Z. Phys, No 215, 1968, pp 279-30 AEC/NRC-TT-1455 Aug 71 canning of Drinking Water, by W. Andrae. GERNAN, per, Mahroul, Vol 12, No 4, 1968, pp 449-460. GU 96 Vol 17. Wo 3, 1969 r , - "ka'6-- July 09 38S-165 'hic Evolution of the Warsaw Pact's Nmroach to A European Security,, 'by Charles Andras, 82 pp. RFE August 1963 ~- 4" Z- /-" , ,j Z~r, E L. Sept 68 361,888 AUNMPUM two" --- 1 too to ~J* *paw# Ma 16 AadMo SADA 22 us-rap iv" 67 ImestUation of the rluorescome of Optical BrIgbterers, by S. Andras MMAMM, per, KoloristtlW _Rrtmlto, Val 1966., 9p 9i-63. ImL aef: 5a28.4r (ip652) Ewa j,ay 63 360,990 Coastruetion work on Czechoslovskiaft first Atomic Power Plamt Described, by Stofan Andrasovsky, lgpp,, CZE0,10 para Stavby* Vol 140 No Ila Mov 1966v pp 459-467.. WMMMW uW ONLY JFRS GUO 2301 -!~ 4~, -~~ n N n EE/Czechoslavakia Sci-Nuclear Sci-Tech Fab 67 3180916 LngliSh Title Wwomi, FPXNCH, per, academia Cowtes Poendus HW=-We-=9 Surie C. SCIMM; April a.- pp. 1200-F2-0-T.- *AFCRL by M. Andraud des Sciences, Paris, des Seances. Lmiques" v.01 296, May 10 -1)4-",~.~.