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63-12876 -achelfin, L.'L. and hushnov, N, P. EQUIPMENT FOR CHIPPING, LOGGING AND SAW- 1. Kochelkin, L. L. MILL RESIDUE. Apr 62, 24p. (figs. omitted5 It. Rushnov, N. P. 9 refs. FPRB Trans. no. 151. 111. FPRB Trans- 151 Order from NRCC NRCC C-3967 IV. NRCC C-'3067 V . Forest Products Research Trans. of iT�epqal'nyi Nauchno-Issl Vqkfi Branch (Canada) Institut Mekhaniza Fsii'_FE_n_e_iCFCLikj I.&S00i VI. Bureau of 'rranshations t d_n_n-oELff _776F yj (USSR) 1960, V, 23, no. 3, (Canada) DESCRIPTORS: 'Forestry, Tree-9, *Wml, Prmetis Machines, Cutting tools, Milling machines, Conveyors, Blowers. (Machincry, Fabrications and Accetisory Fquipment, gffkt DI Tmiskil Servicts '17, V. 9, no. 9) ."llotial T"-ts oi Eloctrochomical Protoction PwtainSt GorroSion of Sil~TjS RUIIS uAd Deter- ~%daation o.C iiffect of Propellers on t',,,L: Coaditivj* of tidg Protoetion. L. A. Su~run, 23 p1j. Z6Ai~l ner Trud Tsuntral Jiaucii Isskti ly ln:A-~"Iekli Fiz Na 57,, WOls, ly 3-25, U0990543 !;.::i)t of Viavyj&41 Tr Ollo 2U63 Sci 1;1 296051!~ Investigating tho Ohmic Resistance of Ethinol Coatings$ by Le A, $uprjM., 9 pp. 11 ussim, P,6r, Lrut Tsentral Noucli Isslad Inst Mokii Fiza No 57~ 19' rojo ? 7-y.~ -91-7 Of NaVy- Tr 4SO4 ONF~ 2060 Sci - E-10C M a r 6 6 296,5>66 Ratione-A. ~Tee or $ach5 ' Methoet for Dewrmination -f -Re,,A(x~il 81%.'r-naes in S'ulld mad Hollo-Q, Cylinders) by L. A. Glillm,.n, A. Fl. Bdrayav- P., LL 1 0 cx--t Effect of the Shape of a TarLvt Ship ort the 1,;agaitude of tho Signal Input to a WuWr Set,, by 14 .4. Memygym, RUSSIXI, por, Trudy Tsentral Nauch Issled Inst, I - florskogo Flot, No 16, 1958, pp Wpt of Navy Tr 4249/.,VL No T-140M 11' Sci - Elec .30e Get 6S 2910= Investigating the Olimic Resistance of Ethillol Coati'ngs, by L. A. Suprun.~i 11 p. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Tsentralnyi Nauchno- Isslledovatslcii Institut Morskogo Flota, No 57, 1964, pp 37-42. CFSTI AD-627 822 Sci-j"lech Indus Civ Kar Engr Nov 66 313,571 Automatic Computer Processing of Infomation coming From PU136 Ra"O Navigation Systems# by Yo A@ ZhIlino PZSIAN, per, Trudz Tsentr Nauch Inst Morsk Flolta, Vol LIj 1963, pp 55-680 *FTD-11'r-w6M78 Sci - Navigation, Comudcations, Detection & Countermeasures Mar 67 -ketiVe -'V 'd a'sitellite Angle-DiAmce Navigation System, by R. N. Permesentiove 7 pp. RUSSIANg Trud sentrallmm Naudhno- port v T tel'sk2go b!gtuta Mor& YlAt& No 69f 1966# pp 44-48, im 46 9 to Sci/Astron & Astropby & Space Tech Aug 68 361045 i Production ~ClPrecast Concrete and Reinforced Con- F?rote Strtactural Zlcwuta on Ctisting YardsO by A. P. Vasillev, V. R. Sizov, G. A. Arobelidze# ISCL RMSM, perp Trudy Tsentrallnyi Bauchm-lealedovatell. akii Institut FroMyshlenr4ldi Sborizhiniii: 2sjjP8)'_ No 17o HUBCOVA 1955- DBIR-32566/mr Sci - Sngr nb 59 The Clinical Characteriation of the St=p of the I-Sedian and Lmr Third of the Few Fm the Vievpoint of Proothetloo., by S. A. Abrin,, 3 PP. RUSSLO, pers ;nstit, Protezirov nin I Protexostrmqua, Vol 1/3, 1~4849i, p 1W. mA 6o-13341 I... POO Sci .7 Apr 61 afs, Vol V, No 1 Remote Prosthetic Results In Unilateral Amputation of the Famj, by V. P. Yevdokimov., 4 pp. RMIAN, per, T-r!dy-TAA-,,;7A3My -Iosled In qtit Protezirova" i Protezostroys -if-, 1948-49. p 255. fR 3 SIA 60-13340 Sci PI& Apr 61 OTS" Vol Vo No 1 Masisarivaly Catrol"i VOW fmatb"Oss Ity awistepwr 16 ftftse got* Obm Tg*dw W9, A SPA-Bloc YAY 66 Soto" 7, m on the B1010ey Of the Far ftstern SM "Ons by N. M. aleAwvb 6 pp. R=UN, %or, LM& nMs, Val 32., IM pp 129-133. ftt Of interior Bureau of Commarcial Plaberles WfIce of Forialga Flaberles A-30-JulY 1969-No 83 on Loan Sel-BU4 NOV 69 _VTs 285 Varlations of Water -- - in the Nortbe* Sft of OkboUkp by T. T. Vinokurom. RMSIU., perp ZE& rmmo., Vol 3gy 1965s pp 14-26. *Dept of Navy NW Tran 477 Oul-Ear Bel Dee 69 Commralal D*Iphi= of the Far Bast, by S. X. Klumov- 15 PP. =SIAN, perp Trudy 1959., pp 15h-lm. Dept of Dftrlor Bamu of Comercial Fisheries Office of F=Ign FLeberles A-30-July 1969-No 79 On boan sailsm-al MOV 69 39T.,282 RUSSIAN, bk, Vol II, 2a&122~t-~~ Nauchno-Issledovatellskogg.Rengono-Radiolog- V~olLL~) Leuin&rad 1957- ---------Vol)roBy Hadiotiologi *PL 4W 6 T's 6 /- '?)0 1 (' A~r 62 ~ST SY S The InfDA00a of &&t Tmtmout on the Imineacauce Of Zinc SUIWAG Pbos*MS by A. A. SumbL =L Rmw., PW* ziw -zoll" zut 0 wt oft, olftap:j, Vol UP IZ50 I?v ,5 AM M M 1291 set a Fbp jW 6o A UBF System of Radio coffimunication Irith Time Division Cbannels, by B. P. Terent'yev, V. V. Shakhgil'dyan, et,al RUSSIAN, bk, Tr.'-Uchebn In-tov Svyazi) M-vo SNyazi SSSR, No 3, 196o, PP 51-58 *Fm-TT-62-883 Sci - Electro June 62 Rnuk, A. MUDIES OF THE FAM SU05TANCES OCCURRIt IN TOBACCO LEAVES. (196117p. Order from ATS $12.45) AIS-35NSIR MSCRIPTORS: Pats, Wtermination, *Tobacco. C:hcmlcal analysis. ~1101csical Sclences-Domny, 71', v. 6, no. 3) 61-226M L Shmuk, A. IL ATS-35N51R 11L Associated Technical Servins, hic., East Orange, N. OMIC. OF T.Cl"Ic.1 smices Cd by ja2' T". aussia, or, inat Ton I kash, RID 301 YAGOVY -45WI ILO IqTl Sci MUD Lib 58/1520 Env.? W 59 chAnism of Diffusion in Hara Wtals.. by 1. L. rkin , 34 PP- :AN, or, 1~i4y Tsentral Nauch Insledovatel Inst i masho, Na--19"' 1,957j; - PP - 5a~ft. " - - -' - PSC Tr 3269 sci - min/met Sep 58 yll-~ I j-'-? .4 of Creef, wn(l -)r,e Of Stl'crls 1, Tninin, -~q o1), Ing-' Rl -f Mushinostrayeniya, Vol !,XYIX, T-p 24--~,. Scl OTS7 Vol ITT; no Trammel In"atiotion Of the RalaticathiP Betwen Amplitude of Belf -Oscillation an4 Cutting Bpsudj by L. K. Kuchma, IXCL RUSSUS, pwrj, Trud NzaR7766 VEEP, DSIR 33292/CT But - Isn'O" Mchining fob 59 A General Outline of the Work of TsNIITmAsb (Centzal Scientiffe ResearCh InStItute for TccbnoloMr and Engineering),71 i." F RUSSIX4, i),~, Trudy Tsentrallnyi Nauchno-Issled Inat Tekb i Maeb, E935.- BISI 1837 Sci - misc oct 6o #1/ 110 Rasults Of StraSz-RqtU.-Q TOUIng of Cast KIGM Nickel Alloys at 80009 by R. P. Zaletayevat pp RUSSIANO, bk, Trudy Tsentralgayy Mauchno. y- mi-a-h-TO-1 -CIS, 19610 pp 205-209. qso~- MTT-62-720 Sci-chem !.r Dee 62 InvestigatinZ the Strength of Turbine Blade Materials, by E. P. Unksov. RUSSLO, per, 'nyl NeLuchno-Issled TLiut-Tekh ildash.,41oscow, NO IM 103) 196i-,TO7PP- *FTD-W- i2-1. '17 Sci jai 62 [~er, i,rwy rseutral'iiyy 14auchno- hislcdovatcltski~ Insti-ut Teklmolody i .-asliincstraeniya Vol CN, 196!, Fp 184-11,19. T~,n)-il'P-67-577 I.tc ;,II-r 7 otudy of Stross-Rupturo -Streagj'it of licut- R'csistaftt 'iteels !u Via Cojylex Stressed Aute, by 1. 1. Trwin wW G. A. AaLimi, i~LZSIAN. k-IL4--r, TrLuly Tsentralluot,,o Nauclino- Iss 1111ta I tlashin No 3. -1562) I)p 42-S6. ;'.'LL 2741 (tti Loan or Purchase) e C-1 I 67 321,615 oetarmination of the morphologieml ancl. Homogeneity of Cellulose Fibers., by B. G. Milov,, M. 1. Vitovtova. MUV~LLVI. pcr. 'Ir~udy Tacat.,- Nau&e~laal"- ova 4, ci. irit T3a2lyuloz i B=zh Promm, No 41, lc,156, pp 2.23-1344. Am Rj-2m4 Sul ch-n Jan W -,q Imald zre,-Ov 270 122" zlz5a. YoD Y.4,u6 Ily :r =d Seleated Artldw fm Issue VM of Worb of the Bwmw of Bird BmWin j by V. F* P*ubow, 23 PP- JRUSSMj, pert TrvAy lwftulAp so 81 M5. Dept materuw 4a 30 so 19 set -Slol my 61 I'alf. rir/ 7 Aa Eq*rimntal Study of the Agroteabuical Bole of Field-Protective Forest Strips, by V. I. RuWmtaev, 12 9p. I .0.99D2, per, Mmid TSKMI 1. Vol rV (23)? 1~~61 PP dg-0. 90995~ 4w OTS 60 -51W4 Sol - Biol Apr 62 The Physical-Mmical F-Aamev&al a for Obtainift Omplem Cambimtlem ftrtitisws. So Palydwm of the Terapz7 Bystom ?atomw*m-Cblqri& "--- saw"Im-Pboorbate WOW rr= -10.8'oto ir~y V. A. Polosin, M. le lbd*orowvl 10 Rwra, per, Th* "Ml IWAULWI ffimniks No 4, 1940~ PP-31:41-- MA R4854. set Jul 59 aFA-yl 51--7 COMO A=O savalm ma COMM BWO W V. L. Gl=bM*9. e EMBIANs bk. TMIY %M Tomoaml A j.195 0 pp 0 A= Bel v A3trM ar 62 /0", p7;$1 Polarization of Xwtheival Cosade Raftationp by U. a. GotmutGev.. V. A. Razin. WiSILM, bk) Z!~ !~~Mt Sovesbehanlya. q,O=DgdUj 15*0. r A-M vallriwoe" -j . yp 490_5gT. AGN, Sci - Astrw //Y/ 46 1~ 3 V,ar 62 Swory of -the Perulnechanism; by B. A. Kepla", -Wt, ftnictr Tyatogo BoveshchunUm Do Vaprosam T-omwgmdi.. 1956,j pp 50d U.- A= Sell - Astron Iff mar 62 " 6q mohowneneities cawing the Scintillation of "Ra&o, Elt.rnvjls by V. L Gimburg. RMOTAN; bk$ h%4y po VOW06M &!!!~W, &Wewllhwya ~~ T~~i, 1956, pp 512-519. -- - ACIC Cr.-I - A&-tx= Aryl /06,5- &r & jz.conomic Efficacy of Increasing the iteiiability of Repcuted-fttiOn hlectrcnic System plawnt3l by u. sutorikhin, laliSSIAN, per, Trudy Uchobn. In-tov Svyazi. 14-vo svyazi ME, NO zu;- 1964p -pp 194-200, *P7D-TT-65-2049 5cinkloct j an 66 ktrobleLz of the Wajor Infactious DiseascS. 227 pp tilISSINi, perj Tru4 UGlienykh i Praktichaskikh tfrachoy Usboxistma SO iX III pUnirgurstvo zdmvo&hrananiya Uzbekskoy- 55H NWCJMW PIOU01210- Sep 66 306,376 1-95177 A7M-, D2c 03 Experimental Study of the PrOOM -,':L SteL*l With Cutters With a D. I. Ryahkav Rrz! CharL,.-. ;Lv As. Le Voronov: 14 ppe RU33W) per, Trudy ufu=k:sy,.&vjatajonw jngt~ imoni Orftbcnilsidym, No 3, 1957.v PP i6g-lao. Anc mm.-639/m Sci - Min/mat; Eng Dee 60 /S ~/ W/ A3 ROIA Of hweportatim to the Spotmi Idtion -of bmiddiong tv A. R. KcwatanM= & lit Is CTWMI 9 Fps UVAMUANt Boa ME" EMEM11 !Me no 41o 190 nopp, 126-13%. *MITI TT 08-5D435 SOiIF4W SCi Fab 68 The Problem of the DOtArldnatiOn Of Evaporativity (Maximm PossibU from Fie2dat br A. R, & R4 fil. Mmayrfti 19 pp* UMUDWI pare W* SMAM Hyd"MU Inatt NO 41v 1964j, pp 133-133. *=FT:E TT 68-_e4k33 &d/Agri Feb 68 An Exp"imrJul- In"stlotion of the Yathods of Luff- of Liquid Pre(dpitAtiMe tF As Ee It I A k. As X141okat 23 PP, RUSSIANg perp W& ukra~ grbow Aj#o No 41o 1964. pp 163-185. *CSFTI TT 68-5" SCi/AtMDS Sd Feb 68 INVESTIGATION OF FEATURES OF THE INFLUENCE OF DYNAMIC AND THERMAL FACTORS ON CHANGE OF PRESSURE AND ON VERTICAL MOTION, BY A. 1. ROMOV. RUSSIAN., PER., TRUDY UKRAIN NAUCH ISSLED GIDROMET INST; NO 11, 1959, PP 93-142. NLL M. 3750 SCI PHYS OCT 62 2140,167 .P lhc Influenl-.L~ of Local Conditions on the Formation of Fogs, by I. V. Koshelenko. RUSSIO, per, Trudy UkrainskiX.Naucbno-IssL~jdqv' G.idvome,teo-rolo6ichcskiy Inst, LeningTad, Vol XXI, PP I,Icather Bureau Sci S e P b Koshelauko, L V. AN OUTLINE OF THE FORMATION OF Low CLOUDS AND FOG OWING TO RADIATIONAL COOLING (Skema Obrazovanlya Nizkikh t Tummitiv Vliyanlem Radiatsionnop Okhlaxhdenlya) tr. by Irene A. Donehoo. Noy 61 1101p, 5 refs. 62-13911 1. Title: Radiative cooliikg I KoshelenLo, 1. V. pod il Weather Buleau. Waghingion, 1). C. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-0911 Trans. of Ukrainskil Nauchno-Issledovatellskii (Gidro- Meteoralogicheskill institut. Trudy (USSR) L960, v. 21, p, 16-22. DESCRIPTORS: *Clouds, *Fog, Weather forecaeting. Moisture, Turbulence, Intensity. Cooling, 'Air nias.,, arAlyals, *Stratua clouds. It to abown ;hat in the absence cf warm adycclion and =Iature and with Intensity 61 turbulenct. which due (Earth ScLencem- -Meteorology, 17. v. 7, no. 11.1 (over) Wilt* of Toclsalcal SwOcea ON THE METHOD OF SHORT-PERIOD FORECASTING OF GLAZED ICE, BY N. M. VOLEVAKH. RUSSIAN, PER, TRUDY UKRAIN NAUCH-ISSLED GIDROMETEOROL INSTs VOL XXI) 196o, PP 38%.49. 1. NLL M. 3821 SCI - GEOPHYS OCIT 6z 214)781 FrOftiM PWuUaritles of Superewled Water wwo) by Ve me ma=lk nMm* Trs Ukro zkol OldxQuets I=tp NO 26., 19Z2 PP 64-73 - IM Ref: 9M2.55 (P-170) fti-Propulsion & Pwls Auwg 68 362,,144 Processes of ihe cQQ1inS vad freezing of water drops) by V. M. Mucnik, Yu. S. Ru(ilko, RUSSLkNy per) Tr. Ukr. nauch-issled dromet. inst., Vol 31, 196116r_) pp 133- 144 NLL 5828.4,F (5919) 323)907 Sci - Meteor, Cli Apr 67 Intgnolfilwian 9f pr~wAritstlm Weather Experiment Range In the Winter of 1963-19649 by M, P. Isanov and T. D. Nero- beeva,, RUSSIAN, per,, T!!!!X 1kraluskii Nauchno-Issled. ovatellskil Gid. teoro!sgchqsHy Instriff; Ro 470 196r. pp 5-20. 200007056 AFCRL T-R-507 ci- S I Sept 66 3100586 Uporience in Analysis of a Wind Velocity flodograph in the ROwdMY LqYwT of the Atmosphere, by A, V, n-achenko, RUSSIANO per,, Trudy. Ukr. N.-I. Gidro- !.Icteorol, In-Ta,_, Vol 31, 1962, pp 48-53. *FrD-TIT-65-2022 IMIt Sci/Earth Sci Jan 66 Romanenko, V. A. INVESTIGA71ONS OF SNOWMELT LOSMS D. B. KrimgDld. tr. Nov 63, 9p 40refs Order from AGU $7. 50 in Soviet Hydrology: Selected Papers, 1963, no. 1 Trans. of 11.1rainakii Nauchno-191sleday-ael'sku q-C e~ (us Gidro-Meteff ogff Bb NK) 1963. i.-A,~.-~--B.-- - --- DESCRIPTORS: *Snow, Melting, Drainage, Soils, Freezing, Volume, Nutii,:t ic.0 analysis, *l1vdro1f?,,) , The article outlines methods of computation of anowmelt losses as a function of the moisture content and depth of freezing of the soil and of water stored on the surface of the bosin. (Author) TT-64-12443-1 (p. 35-43) 1. Romanenko, V. A. 11. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C. Ill. Scripts Technica, Inc.. Washington. D. C. Offl- 0 T-h-c.1 S--- (Earth Scivnces, 7r, Y. 11, no. 7) Romanenko, V. A. COMUPTATION AND FORECAST ~F THE VOLUME OF SPRING HIGH WATER OF SMALL RIVERS OF THE UKRAINE BASED ON 714E GENERAL REGIONAL RELA'17IONSHM D. B. Xrimgold. tr. Now 63. 13p l3refa Order from AGU $7.50 In Soviet Hydrology., Selected Papers, 1%3, no. I (F44-56) Trans. of JtJ*r"kU,N&uchno-I" f!"Oku, Gidro-Metearologicbeeldi Institut. Tr (USSR) 1963, ut. V. 39, p. A-29. DESCRIPTORS: *Rivers, "ainage. Snow, Melting, Volume. Equations, Mathematical prediction, *Hydrology, This article outline@ a method of computing and fore- casting the volume of spring high water of small rivera o( the Ukraine with regional relationships which take (Earth Sciences, 7T, Y. 11, no. 7) (crVer) 7r-64-12443-1 (p. 44-56) 1. Romanenko, V. A. 11. American Geophysical Union. Washington. D. C. 113. ScripcaTecludca, Inc.. AAlthington. D. C- TT-64-124IJ-1 (p. 56-63) LAlymn, N. Y. COhtPVrATIONS OF MAMIUM DISCHhRGE OF 1. Lalykin, N. V, INTENSE RAINFALL FLOODS ON THE CARPATHIAN 11. American Geophysical AND PRICARPATHIAN RIVERS Union, Washington, D. C. D. B. Krimgold, tr. Nov 63, Bp 9refe Ill. Scripts Technica, Inc., Order from AGU $7.50 in Soviet Hydrology- Selected Washington. D. C. Papers. 1963. no. I (P. 56-63) Trans. of [Ukrainslat Nauchno-lssled VOW Gidro-Mete6irologichasidi In I *Tu Gel (USSR) 1963, V. 39, p. 54-62. DESCRIPTORS: *Rivers, $Flooda, *Drain2ge, Rainfall. Volurne, Equations, Numerical analysis, Hydrology, (Earth Sciences, TT, v. 11, no. 7) TT-64-12443-1 (p. 76-85) KonSISatinoY, A. R, REQU0E OF EVAPORA"ON FROM THP SURPAM I . Ko4atantinov, A. R. OF PONDS AND RESERVOIRS 11. American Geophygical Lloyd G. Robbins, tr. Nov 63, 10p 3irefs Union, Washington, D. C. Order frorn AGU $7.50 In Soviet Hydrology: Selected 111. Scripts Technics, Inc., Papers, 1963, no. 1 (F76-8,5) Washington, D. C. Trans. of IL[i=Ainskll,Nauchoo-lqsjpdQUZLI'W Cidro-kietearologichesidi Inatitutj Trudyl'(USSR) - 1963, v. 39, p. 78-89. (Awract ~Va llal;16) DESCRIFrofts: *Evapolrarfon. &Wfacc Arr~s. "kes, Dams. Periodic variations, Measurernent, Meteorology, The article examines the diurnal and seasonal pattern of the evaporation trorn the surface of water bodies having various sizes, the depndence o( evaporation Intensity na a reservoir's area, the suitability of vari- (Earth Sciences- -Meteorology, TT, v. 11, no. 7Xover) offi.. .1 T-h.1-t S-1- Tzsults of an E"Arental Invostigation ol. the Structural Cisracteristics of Air Floti in the Surface Boundary Layer of the Atiimsphere, by N. tL Galadildy. por, -1-rudy Ukrainskiy Naudwo-lssledovatol'Skly (Adro),vtovrologichaskiy Institut No 410 1964, pp 87-94. TPTU -2036 s Ci -E.:3 Ci Jan 66 ,L -~ticn a-it-A)m Traxkpi2-aticn and tiv Sipectral. , Cailp~sitim of lAdiatiaio by As N Kcnstmtinc)v# "4* Ie (bisa# et ale 9 ppe mx3sm',64, 1-:,erl, 1~1 .~ U'. dovatell~.kocjo (;L~~e"~loc~cliwkogo'M-i-Ttu-t:a, '~u 41j, 1964t jA) 126-134. CES41 IT 69-50435 sci, b aid u, Sept 69 389,824 Cn UaWior the Pob3itial EvIL~~piraLicn Caie f!lmdriv Possible Rvkootranspiraticn) Frcm Agrimiltural Rields, by A. R. Kaistaritinov, V. Al. Oleinik. 15 A-). lwmm, per,, E!2~ Lkramsk2~2 Naudmo---issle- davaWl'skoqo Gidrcveteoxolot4 Instituta Lio 41, U641 pp L35-162. a-STI TT 60-50433 sci/ a,,jr-Lc Sept 69 3891M i-,"x:Lvental study of ',16]hthocb for ~basurinc Liquid Pzecipitaticng ITy A. R, Kcnstantinov,, ,A. -~. idsilm&o, et a1*23 lips IWGLN-I,, 'per, T~!& 24 Nauchna.-Issle- dovatellskcqo a ~ ~.~~chesk -=Iatuta No 41, 1964j. lyp 163-185. CESM 'IT 68-50432 sci/earth sci sept 69 389,826 Excretory Function of the Stontruch of the Pic --nd Ch,~ngcs During Imr,!sion by Isc,,.ridl,'-,e, by M. S. Krikunov. RLOSVII, per, Trudy Ukrainslcogo Obshchestv~~ R:rnzit voi 1, 15,61; I)P 86-93. NLL/IUS 284C 20s Od. Sci - 1-116 6-1 3341948 constnwdw cl a Set at Summms at nulerftdd wadam Dmcrgdng iZCe MDdWn bY A CiVft Famedure, by 1. A. bmWOnWqMW# 5 pp, RUMAN. per. TMAV Univw&W RQ" Narodov Im Ewe U- M-=Ibv- Vol 16 NO 1, 19638 pp 52-3& 9697676 FTD TT-65-341 scl math & D"a Proc 288.525 Analytical Construction of the Guidance System of Rockots, by A. S. Galiullin. 10 Pp. R(BSIM, pr-r, Trudy Uhiver Druzhby Narodov, Vol V, NU Is 19M, pp SM. 9699101 FFD--IT-65-839 Sci - Acro Fob 66 294s735 A Froblobi of Lk)ticAm Motion of Ballistic lZackets, by A. S. Galiullb. per, frudy, tk3secu. Univcrsitut Druzhby Narodov, Vol Is No 18 1963S pp 68-70. Sci/Aerospace W,c 65 On tho Oriontation of Artificial Earth Satellites, by E. F. Fatkhullin, 18 pp. IUZ.qIAN, 1'-Ior, Trudy univor*itota Ihwuzhby Narodov Imeni Patrisa -Cu-mwb4L Vol 1, No 1, 1%30 pp 71-86. 9698649 1-71~-W-64-750 Sci-Bc Nov 65 291s443 jow Questions Concerning the Dynamics of a Program Control System With a Reaction Step-by. Acp !Iotor, by Yu. M. Motrokhin. 6 pp. RLSSIMP PIDr. yrudy ~kzcow, univorsitat Dmhby ~Iumdov No 2, 1964, pp 90-94. P100011266 FID-17-65-2046 Sci/Mathowatical 01'r-i Sep 66 309,337 A Nwwrical irbrIod in a 11w Uptimil Control Problem, by 11. Yo. Kirin, 12 pp. IUBSIM, Univarsitete Kafedra vychislitel noy Matoraatik'l 1 WMME3114,-y T',qentr* iVZM gyedl-Mbn -lyp NO Z# Iguss PP 07-14#4 Mll~:T-63-055 Sci - i-lat'4 4 Data Proc Cet 65 2400,116 Processing of TItsulferaw *SwtlUv Ss"A on Reduction of Ores With a GWOUS leduciva Aput at Koftrate Topmturwo by I. V. Swpomp N. I, Rotkove RWSLANP per# llp~ Mamia No 3,p L938s py 285-293. aratcber Tr lo 3998 9 9~1 T,9 scientim - minwals/metau am/= / 9t 670 ~4 The Distribution of' Dispersed Elements Among the Components 01, Reservoirs. 1. Some General Considerations, by N. V. Timofeyev-Resovskiy. RUSS110, per, Tlt?udy NO 12~1 iAk Nauk Ural'skiy ,_Ak "au~k Filial. Inst Bio.Ciz. Moscow. Sbornih Laboratorli H= )1I. Sbornili LE , , ~4 - . i ~T I c Biofi-,, No 2, Problemy Biofi z No i2, 19160, pp idol-193. . 10 _L2, *F?D-TT-62-1314 Sci - Chein, Phys Sep 62 Data on Sluijy of Flora and Vegetation of the Ural. RUSSIAJI~ Tmidy Ah Nauk SSSR, Ural'skiy Filial; lnz'k, nioli Noll~ 1962. *m-TT-63-0565 Sci - Biol/,"L-d Sci jun 63 On the Formal Diffusion of Ag Ln Several Poly~- crystalline Metals# by V. 1. Arkharov, WNW,, per, Tru& Ak&d Nauk SM. Ural Filial. lust Fix Metal, No 11, 19so, pp 81-a9. *C?= TT 70-S91" sci-Chem June 70 On the Parameters of Atmic Size in the Theory at Boundary DLfft*Lon La Metals# by V, Io Arkharove RUSSW,, per,, Tedj Akad Nauk S98R. 'Ural Fil Inst Pis Met, No 16v 19SS# pp 75-81. TT 70-S8187 Sci-Phys June 70 On the Stvkr of Seismic Ef fect of Powerful Explosions, by L. A. U+I:J!-n. RUSSIATI, pp27, T;~~d~f.,/Ak- IlauL-,. Ural Pilial,~Gorno-OeoloC Inst,\~-Vo-l- Lnr, pp 125-130. *AEC Sci - Phys Mar 62 Guiding Sigziificance of Certain Devonian Corals From the Mi(I-Courae of the River Aiy in Southera Ural, D. D. ])P-gtyarev. RUSSM, per Na~ S Uralskiy Filial, a I ;* ttZik: AS 0 t -Geolog4~ql go t q No K, 19 57. Gorno q~a S Dept of laterior U3,, E57o No 18 Bel - GeopbyBics )c-t 6o 00 Tntensity of Y -Radiatim in a RmSoneow BadiatIng Mediumy by G. N. Voslodboinkov., 32 D.P. 1.7iSSIM.. per,, Trudy X Nauk 14~~Ibmlak* Filial Sverdim-k 00mo-Ge(a0glabeskly Zintl =1L. 2 1W W Am-57L36R Aug 61 OTBI Vol III, DO 12 The-nnodynamic tluiallysOs of' E-juilibriam in the 'N-Jobiu:n-C-,:yj,7en C-,A)on S~stem, by G. P. Shveikin, -1u1 RUSSIAN) pcr~ T--luidy J, M U,-CLIL 15'k i i F.~I; I i&T auk 13 3 S R ~NDI~ ')3S 3verdlovs'~: Inst NO 5 4n L T, ,~0, 5 sci. - Chem 9 NOV ~o j W-- -Y 5- Intermediate Niol.,.Lm Compouadf, in Lhe ReducUoa of NiolAw-a R,~ntoxicke by Carbon, by G. P. ')h v e RUSf3I,U,T, per, Trudy ~U~ Nauk SSSR "'ii v s~rtd_.,r~; Nla~ SS,~R t Sverdlovsk In Pp ~l -,"U -*ABC Sci - Chen 0. Nov :,; 0 4t- Y 5- !~'inetics of -L~ie Reduction of Niobium Pantoxide by Carbon in VL 3 acaura, LY G. P. ShVeikill, R 133SIAN) P,r) nld~l 1 Trud~, - Naak SOSR Ural'skiy Filind, Svevc1lovsk'Ins, "'am, ~'Ic', Im, o P.0 *AEC Sci - Chem 9 D;ov 6o ;L,f- ~5- PlyuWn, V. G. and Sukhorosova, T. L 98 63-20198 ErHYLATION CYP BENZENE. [19631 (26p] 9rcie 1. MtIL- Ethyl WUAM Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 63-2D1 1. myuaftin, V. G. 11. Sukhorooova. T. L Trano. of Ak4doWyo "It sku Filial , LNa (Sverdovaki. Institut ndmi jLt~ ~~y.' DESCRIPTORS- *BenzeneB, OAlkylatior, *Ethylenes, Ethyl radlcals~ Cheadcal reactioas, Qtandtadve analysis. lChen-datry-Orpnic, Tr, Y. 10, no. 11) 91 lockkal UrActs fWnbev, D. A. RLBUrM OF OFMMM BLBMICAL CONM- nCHS FOR "MMORUS PURNAM tr. by Baths P. K10m. 27july.61, 1* l4refs. TVA-3930. Orw frM on or "Uh *1, 60 62-24459 DMRIPrORS: Blectriclurnaces, *Fhosphorus. Ores, Reduction, IbRotary furnaces, Coke, carbon, *Vokme. Particles, Gaies, Purification, OElectric filters. 62-24459 1. Patrushev, 0. A. t1 - 7VA-3930 Ill. Temessee Valley Authority, W11240a 1)&M, Ala. 7b~ bat indices relating to reduction of are, specific caw" consumption, and capacity coefficiew are found In stationary furnaces in which the criterion of the elec- tric field EP. Is 6.7 to 9.4. and the goometric pa- rameter to B-.D 2.5-2. & 7he single rotary phosphorus (Baginwing--Chemic&L Tr, v. S. no. 12) (over) OFRm of Ucholcal Swft.s Mikullneldl. A - S. and Patrushey. D. A. A SCHEME SHOWING THE RELATIONS BETWEEN PHYSICOCHEMIM. AND ELECrRIC PROCESSES CONNECrED WITH THE PRODUCIION OF PHOS- PHORIC ACID BY ELEC!"ROPURNACES Bertha P. Klenovs. tr. 12 Jul 61 [21pl l8refs [TVA) 3931. Order from On. SLA. or ETC $2.60 TT-63-24281 Trans. Ura ' --1--l-A Kh,m,lchea i Inst itut 1957, v, 5, act a DESCRIPTORS: *Phosphoric acids, ProduWon, *Elec- tric furnaces, OperatlM Calcium compounds, Oxides, Silicon pounds, Dituddes, Carboso Slap, Waste pace, OPhosphorus, Reduction, TT-63-24281 1. Mikulinskii, A. S. 11 - Patrushev, D. A. in. TVit-3921 IV. Tennessee Valley Authority. Wilson Dam, Ala. The following basic parameters and factors o( a phce- phorus furnace were investig"ed. properties of the raw Offl.. .1 T-h.1-1 S.-Ic.. (Enginmring- -Chemical, TT, Y. 11. no. 6) (over) I 63-2D294 Babadzhan, A. A. DEPENDENCE OF WE VAPOR TENSION OF M003 1. Babadzhan. A. A. ON THE TEMPER ATURE. 119631 Sp (figs omitted) 4refs Order from OTS or BLA ~I. 10 63-2D294 Trans. of [Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Ural'skil Finial, Sverdlovsk. Institut Me - lur 1. Y_ 1w. rp-. 74P7917- DESCRIPTORS: *Molybd=m compounds, Oxides, *Vaporization. Temperaftwe. Phase studies. Sublims- Uou. The dependence of The YBpor tension of Mo 0, on the temperature was establiaW by Investigatioia. The vapor tension values of Mo 03 obtained under such circumstances were approximately three times as great as the values found by Falser. On the basis of equality (Metallurgy- -Nonferrous Metals, TT, v. 10, no. 10) Ofts ol TocWcal Ser*A& (over) The Uoe of Oxygen In Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, by N.P. Ziyev. RUSSIAHs per, ~~~Uralsky Filial/,- ,, ~Nauk E'~~ SSW Bources Sei - Cbem Jul 61 Chemak, L. L. and Dlev. N. P. IMPROVEMENTS IN EXTRAC71ON ME714ODS FOR COBALT FROM CONVERTER AND WASTE SLAGS IN TliE NICKEL INDUSTRY (Puti Unovershenstvovaniya SposobDv Izvlecheniya Kobal'ta 1z Konverternykh I Otval'nykh Shlakov Nikelevot Promyshlennosti). Aug 61 [21)'p. 23 refs. RTS 1955. Order from O'M or SLA $2.60 61-27757 f AVUE~t_, rUr"ll Filial Trans. i E [Sverdlovsk -Inis tl~,Etftetalilrgl Fjjr~ 19S8, no. 2, p. 169-180. DESCRIMRS: "Slogs, Processing. "Cobalt, *Nickel, Separation. The chief principles are set out and a description is given of a method of extracting cobalt from liquid con- verter slage into a matte, as introduced at ffic Yuzhura nikel Combine. 61-27797 L Chermak. L L. IL Diev, N. P. III. RTS-1855 IV. Department of Scientific and bidustrial Research (Gt. Brit. T V (Metaillurgy, TT, v. 6, no. 10) Office *1 Technical Smices The Converaion of Gas Valocity liato Pressure in a Diffusers by A. 0. LitabIts. UNCS MISSIM, per, rrAWy Urallskotlo Folltakhn la-t-a, No 41a 1935~ po-112-116.. TrL T 4942 set - ftye Sep 59 Calculation of Girder and Frame System With Thin-walled Structural Members by the Method of Successive Approximations* by R. L. HaWnal, UNCJABSIFIED R=10, ver., Vol ULV,* 1955f N Tn Tr G" F9=%tA9u in a PluiA Red of Fhw Rol part1closs by Vo F4 Valkov. RWSIM,, per& Tr.* j"I'skago PoUtekh Instituta, No ~56 pp Irv-24,, - --- ----- MLL ftf. 9022.66 1963 (2g221) (Lom) 3 -j ~IJ 23 r -5 ) 2 ~ Sci - p"111 4 Pzw Nov 63 I The W.1 Zffect in Ferromapatics, by V. A. Lipatova. UNCIMIrm loga-blItA~kh InatItuta RUSSIANp per) Tru k_grzllv imene. armu,. D'Mis 1957.- RP a4- lary n698JNM 8a.6 6c1 '. Chemistry Jda 61 of thia Hall CowtauL lu patova. ODICLAS U(z, by V. A. U SITIE D IrUSSMI ITrady Ural Faitel=ch lno'~ 9 , -.1 a . Navy 262911ML 81.5 xov 6o Vexistion of the Plectrical Resistamce of a Fe-n-4- Cu Allx-,y In a M3,egatlc Fleld, by, A. P. Lyustrova. NMI"; Im T%VAY Urall Iftutckh4usutmt&,umlL Kirova 60 7~2-oi. ~*t;iiu 1 1557., pp NMV7 2$99/MM 817 sci - Elect=icv JoA 61 VizR.Sur!M,g t"bu C,~-,-ic: Tau:pn-ratum of Some 'Fe-fii-Cu I ,-Uoys for neir Beat Treatment mid Plutic Defonm- tion, by -4. P. Lytwt=va (Liustrava), A. V. Simbiryatirk-s. MCLASSMED AUSSIAN., per; Trucly Ural Politelsh In Lml Kirom, brbo=ik NO 72; *taUurgizdat* Sssrl., -1957) 7~ -~7 5 - Nov 2690/*M 010 Sci - Pbysi(~& mov 6o Hlothods of Irwoutipting the Kinetics of EDAh- Temperature Procenesp by V. Ila ShMOVe ,5USSIAN, per., Trudy Uml Politakh Instjo M7p np 78-91. - - EL U. 3125 set - Phys ., AP6 A,pr 62 /rIp 7 T"'ho Ileauction and sulphidation of OXIAlsed Compounao,, by. V. D. Riahino L. H. per, Zrw4- Politekh lust '~Ini. 61 X.. Kirova, Vol NMI& 13 p 19J~' 7.Z-3 Investigation of Interaction of the Sul- phide and Oxide of Ar-kel, by Yu. A. Yablonskiy and V. 1. SLdriov, 11 USSI.N;, per, Tr. Uralsk. Politekh. Inst. ivu S. H. furo q,, No 58,, 1957p pp 145-152. NIA, 9022.4i; 1966 (65/393) sci-l"lly-S i~,, r 6 7 322,799 Ommming the UmdAmey of MetaU Tvwa:d BrittLe F=tmvj, by X. X. Shteynberg., Te. N. SobDUW~ Z. 17. Varatsina; 10 pp, MBIAN.p parp Pn~& Vral'!~De FoUteldk lunts Ob 68? 19%p pp W7M AM WL-WM sai - M/H z fi,pr 61 79Y The Effect of Surface Uyer Quality cqi the Lifo of Roller 6oarings,, by L, G. Kuk lis. IIWSSI I per T=d Ural'skiy Politivinichopskiy Institut svordlovskIt No 129, 1963, pp 15-25. *FTD-W-65-1411 5 Ci- -1 VL",i Bep 65