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Scattering of Kilovolt 14outrous by Lead *ad bUctricial Polarixability of the Neutram,j by Tu, A* Aleksandsvvp Go s$ sammuto 5 pp, RMSIAN, rpt, 0"- aAiFw IF-9977 L sci - Phys Nov 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY voriag by val LlectrIc ot IJ, el 1 /2 'Y "Perimstal: Estimaua of alogwe pqlsAa*iuty/l Coofficiesu of Musloong by Yku A, Alsksmdrovi, us so sam"Vato 23 ppe RMIAM*Vptg, 0 X"O"Wkh Uspovimataltsykh Utsenk&U voircm; &of Lftm lung koi Polyeasums"91 mattmave Mb 9m4m AR sci/Nuclsar Sci Jun 66 3010120 Certain Questions of the Flow of a Two-Pbase Mixture Through the., Duct of an Flectromaqnetic PUMP, I~y Yu. L. Aleksandrov. RUSSIAN, per, !,-Tagnitnaya Gidrodinamika, No 1, 1967, or, 147-149. Dec 68 370,9q1 L-M&J"atz.-Ou a rx= I ltw~mttwlac -macrm 5~- at In na. ?k., IUA*=MWMO B. 1. m~~, ;vlsvar~,* part vol 45P pp YOA-377* P92017235U--'~ Wo 27 -Y cj War Obl*malaas of Vosus in tim smi*t Union in 1%40 by Ve A* Kattl%ftwo Yu. N. Al*ks4a4roVq 0t at* RUSSIAK* P*rg boklft Ak Nod SUR. Aott"404yaw vat XV1, He 1, " somau r-gloeyms XASA TY P-903 - V u . -n . 0 set-Navilatoo". C=aMatestloss Deltoettes and Comiteraw"urst, Soyt bb moscs '11ke Results of Photographk Photometry of Jupiter* by Yu. V. Alekeandrov. 13 pp. RUSSM, part Tr Astratin last Aked !%uk Kas WRj Vol 9, 1967, pp 30-37. WASA IT F-12,90 tv (I OIL Si.-Astron Sep 70 Design of Optimal Controls in Linear Two- channel Cross-Coupled Systems, by Yu. V. Aleksandrov. RUSSIAN, per, IzvestiYa VUZ Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, No 3, 1967, pp 1-*219. - FrD-s-03 A" v , Jan 69 374,182 Dotandnigum of "m costlat in Gamnim am sniew tv is-- lm Aguntims tv (jo I, Alokmwxb~mq Ae Dooldws mums U ft Noun 9L par* Hot's Woo lam itedl an Usa It V* Mombasa gnawM-. Tr go 150 Sept 1965 AIR/AFCAi/68;04% sc~ Sci-Pbys Fab 69 373o73D Furtba AttAntA. AdUiuft Vtnw V40d= OUALM MoUllad Pmed" adlam)'I bw 0, 1. um A* lab*w1wor Ho A* A. Ao Ap ~ m g a BMW. 32 Ire limm., Vero is= nambo ib 16 1*,, W* 6T-13-P ivis 3MA6 Ulm ed." Nw (6 M03D Synthesis of Steroids and Related Substances. Commmieation 47- Synthesis of 3-p-MetboxYPheaYl- ciohenwaep by 1. be Hazarovp G. V, Aleksandrovap S. I. Zav'Yalovp 3 PP. BUSSM, per) Iz Ak Nauk MR.. Otdel Xhim Nauk., No 11 1959.- pp 1967-1970- CB Sai - may 61 16-3 -0 4vlotrm ~-ambu2druuut of Z~cwo bv ;j* rPt, jj2~~~ ~P;#k(4 M is, , 10 PP. ye Ale- KsqN ct P'Ovo- 66 Lnereand 'AARt of ftokwd lost *We by i. iuamove x, Aiamobons 6 iw,-,SuN* par* .2LIM r4y t9699 pp 1-3. JkfV-, 48436 Sei.'..'Wbe U49 av & "~ar L-nw Jul C-) tottralfttlon of tho Ar4fle of Coaftet La NottUC Of Vitme, tW A. Miriletko, L. Alakemmdrvft. FMIAII, p" XhIz. Vol-makA Vol. 3. 1965. VP 65-67 (lrllRVft.8OQ / . X,4 e 0 HC,4,,.p tal - Aug &1 339-163 L - S, - 4 L P,,e, k-' S x) rj 4 eo v .9 Mechanism of Adsorption-Complex Formation Absorption, by L. S. Alaeksandrova,, 12 -pp. RUSSIAN, per, Teoriya IonnoLo Obmena i Kromatografty, "NaiAa% 1968, 231-237. TEyclX Vseocnruznaya Nauchno- Technicheskaya Konferentsiya, 10,65. RR/-FSTC/HT-23-208-72 Aug 72 \-. .~. Mechanism of Adsorption Complexing Aulsorotion, by L.S. Aloksandrova, 12 pp. USSIM, rpt. Omeklianizilne Adsorbtsionno-Kom- pleksooLrazobaEo- ~fffff-'Y--1,005 Jan 7 2 HISIOMIC ASMSSM"t Of a ftv of "azbwo by No *. Abksmdmmva,, at &I. 4 pp. RUSSIM., per, ftmx pitmiya;v No 20 IMI, pp 68-71, ACH J-M7 11) 2204034366 Tl SCI-Agri Ads 66 307v389 Al Aa,lrovir... t-ie ujlity ai Cust ;Ag~i.re,:.. Oriature ,tool, by Fe 6rauu, ;io!'. Alv~sandrava,, -artvnca~a. '.4r. .373.Z2 Problem of Distinguishing Phytocoenoses in Vegetative Continixim, by V. Aleksandroya. RWIM., per.. Bot. Zh., Vol 50,, No 9p 1965., pp 1248-1259. csiw/no.8o6o L/ - /9 Z -!5- A-- -S A,&D SCI - Jul 67 333,659 Post i., uz~ uat ~--cutiwi, urals a-%; bV A. A. V 1 , fi 7 Jim., DYAMWLC& of: Cultaft InAleft at Al's &at% 50 TnMamt for 414MU 89PUtlo* by V. N A. ftloon ad V- Me shit. Vbl A lb la jm Ipbo pp, 3" NJPO vA V. us= ad.I/* YAW 66 i" Liu i~ofiihlliflg and 'I'V00j]; of oc i;. V, iir3we and Yao Duat 3740 .1, 5 -J Unin Cultivatim In Sibmia Discused. by Zo Alskundrovae V* Sukban(m, 5 pp. "SSIA, AN IF-e-897-se Mosacwt 0 ftY 19721, p 2o J ITS 56115 JIMS ?z Ca4uterized System for the lbol Planto by Hikolay Al%kZ=ArC-.:LChv 6 pp. HUSSWI.. per, M2 SWR &) 3, 10, pp 14-15. jiex 4> 57 Uci, ~aectmaics Elec BW. 5 D Morphological Reorganization of Neuroglia During Increased Function of Nerve Centers, by H. M, Alakeandrovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. BLol ScL, Vol 180, No 3, May 1963, pp 719-722. ca ~w -)~ Jan ?1 'llass jd~ =,' Crcv-) ui Concrete ujkdur i-,scalutinf z>i6ii- cnjm,ia~ eriodic Loads, by ~~. Alu&sLmdrav"ii, V. L;a r1i. lietull Z4&wlczo6ctipQ iiv 12, :)278 "Ids I I ziojtt;24 ql are" Indw"I" nsh 01129 dn"Urs, Ve To qb"kwTlA$ U7.APX' , per, MMM_Kbee 1, MD 100 ""a vp 73076, *Dept of latolur Fish and W114U& Smdes, Bummu of COMMUTW Plobarw . 1416,~'5aAldA~'OV-51 V, P ~ ly May 67 I - -I . I i~ - ' , -1 , ~ L, ~'~ ' it' 'C) -- (- L_ Av--I~ IF 4 " 69 adArasoda IWOM Um of *%imp wAfts by A, - 7 ppN awsims Part Wamatka MOglan gWMUI&M *w"W9 No 9s 1906 Op 25-04 JPR5 46*804 0, . Sol/Agri Doe 68 35405M I,Vr Tmmirig ammg Lmd Cmunalmo by A* Al*xaddut pp. RLISSUR, pwo -No 240 AM 1968, p im 460137 Aug 66 3U*909 vlof"jait'vo,w, VIIUVM on the ftt,3 .1 Cam Ja ty V. mgm --w lt-,5TAIJ, PEU-S autLum 'o 7 p0. 5 ~'oV 1~639 pp to-?30 .22W 9 10,10 .170 mzr,-~ 3m ll~ - vlotmml P4 -W 65 29194n Rjgm4 of ~ Us SkMBBU Amd" fte, Nut UP ZutWOUMW Xnm~ In ArmmAw 90 ft"" Wei, tW L & AlAhvm*" MMMP ywo I ourold BREEN= I ZmmndbSolgob lowi, m W-34. AIOV =%Pi Got*= JW7 69 "0335 .-.ktlbr ui bx- !4Gaaj in a 4*~mi), iv yevo ct al, "oli bj~, lai LneA. ill- I.-Istitut, !iv 20 19661 ),5 zi.,- 6~i 377,93-1 .L .-at o~ '-,rucixicAi in tba i,anufacture of L-,r- Ll I z eller Cc, pcniont--i ai tro Ciaract&A~3tLci of a ilu j, St~t-,,o. 0 by Oe Ya. institut, ye 12-18, 213-60 I-G 8 A, k" L,- 16~' lcjltl ill FAtmoft Us AO$Atw* of an ipc lit by 14 L VW*Ift out 16 A. Allbbmhba. I.wwwt aw. M& samweir lb 176P 0 68-8T. ACIC IC-1565 I 0 296% SwBar ~,UIQSOL~V-2,- *w To k4turr The UM4 of tho lowt Zwe es W T"srvh. '71 U4 Cormalso to Gravity, by G* Ao AbksuhiRO6 RUSSIMO P*ro !9* T.".0-we!4=0 mm"Ce Isslo4 at - --slys AORMWYN*l Cato- JE!Ma- No Ugo Av"s PP 54-VUO OACIC W-J272 sci-Ear Sci AUg 67 C&U to Develop WwtrlAa Fatentima of *M*bstka I ~, b7 Ve AldaWmi, 5 ppo R:.SSIM, npt ~gWM L-gl"s 'imcowe 8 i-at 1%8. p 2. JPM: 469,34 I .ZSH illem an 69 3710?82 //,~ x ~ /, ~, ALEKSEEV, Yu. and others. Observations of pulsar's radio eml6sion at I m wavelength with the aid of DCR-1 Astron. Tsirk. (476)-.3-5 (1968) (CSIRO/No. 9999) Dem" ~ sardm epoted tv kl*(OeYufto 5 PP* ftrty Dulslow m LOA Infrom- L-L mr4t tV'loo lop Al**qwwvMr~ 17 PP- MISSIANO M914 ratidno Ma NO is i= 19690 pp 1-130 JPRS 47908 May 69 am mwtrlftl plorwts" Of 0~ P10014 tw V. A. AUbeqw. M-Irmisaft- MOM* Vt! bim mom$= 04 am an 5mLbF (ILam) V. aw 69 1, 7 ,fta rMeawl Effort in lmd Recumtiont by is. Yo. AiekmmaKys 6 pN monw), np, Antqrl* --~, , -'4ac~ow. 24 Jan 1960, 1D 1. J~rrs wrm ly- Y'. -;al . -AgA -Apr 69 3790171 A-iLysical Avroach to th%--- PaxiAtir., of -431i ability oi %icra-Aactrcnic hojuipumit, by 1,~. (;. rack-saiko. AU"MOO, perl, IZves#ya VUZ Palicalelstraiika, Vol 110 !,D 7, 19680 Vd 704-718. M) iU 1"'~ucial 587-69 (ec 69 398,r568 Frobims to be aelved la JectrIc Pmer t;tt&Ln- cerings by G.Vs nokmakop 10 pp. RUSSIANI, Port, ulekjtld*gLv*# go. III Moscow* 19679 pp. 7-10. JiM 43o34O set-Lltetm. Lleetrl"l mvineer. Coe 67 347,W7 11 'toare of TranalbrmAr Construction in M') the%-'I,, by Go Vo Alaksmko, 8 pp, RUSSIAN. per, .'b N 1967, We 1~30 J i I M 41,'; 21; 1 Jun 6? 1!21 322 498 Primicipal Divoaloss of the Oms q wt of the Electrical kulpmeat ladestry for 19" to 19700 by G. V. Alsksftkog 6 pp, KWIMO pert EloktvatoMalk - No 4v April M6, WT-a* " , , , I I I DIA IX 327m0 ~, J 6z- -~-/-I~n s4iocloct Aug 66 3070467 ,,-I 404UMMMikroolectronics and Its Prospects,- , by A. G. Alekseyenko. RUSSIAN Pe, Izvestiya VUZ Radioalektron- ika, Voi 11, ilo 7,- 1968, pp 661-679. *NASA TT P-12,163 Sci--Eletr Feb 69 ,5-~ Pathochemlstx7 of Hemoglobins, by L. P. Alektseyenko, 53 pp. RUSSItul. bk, tiolaktdyarrme Omwvy Patologii, 1966p ppe 42-Wo JPRS 41754 ~. P ~qACe-SeYeA,'kp USSR sci-Em Au g 6 7 3-V., 574 fiffteW ot Eacacmda P4WV4ft ID DIMMAM CUOU tq S, lWsMKAt% 14. ...... &- 43 we HOSSWO OWO k~cd~o Oct ii "Opmp" A. -3336096-" JPRS k7s681 USSR bom 4o69 W8*328 CrYstal fatUce State w2d eal DMCPIIIG In Yertensitic at by Go So KrLv*DQWw md M. F. Aldwenko MWIAN, Per.. DOk Ak Sauk sMs Vol 178j, ND 5., Feb 1%8.. pp 10~~-10~7. The An Int Phys Vol 13, go 2. Auguxt 1968 Oct w 366s.095 -4(CONF-701074-16) IOPERATING RELIABILITY OF WELDED HIGH-PRESSURE VESSELS. Alekseenko, N. N.; Gorynin, 4 V&; Efirnov, A, Ve; Hazov, Is A.-j~-T~rslae-d-fi6rn 11pp 576-601 of Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Con- ferenoe on Atomic Power, Fuel Cycles, and the Radiation Study of Materials, Ullyanovsk, USSR, 5-10 CAtober 1970, Vol. 111. 20 21p. UDep. NTIS. 21vadiation effects; reactor engineering; reactor materials 2y1811 181 2eSTD40 29P NSA REVISED CARD AOMWY-. WA/TSC R010#01" P.U.So.: 69-T-4 26 DDCO*AW 1968 TItJm-. Wastmamat of Stre" waves in Soft Sal Authort. V.D.Aleksoanko., et al Languaml Husdan speael InstrucUmas Pleam trandAe and tpe I copy cr ijistriwtia., ,At Lwtact ix) Ilosic'n" Ly V, D. JackwA31kc. jert i Vzr~v4 .o 1, 190, 4 j 152-155. C-7- - ..-14 v. D. Alckseycmko 1 9 ;~ :, t (;;j 366#376 lob 72 A f9clentific Elaboration of the Vorld r1ociallst System or ScoaDmic Relatiom) by A. klekseyev., 5 pp- RMIAB, upi, Pr-avdm 5 SePt 1967, p 4. PIS 43329 /~, /1 9 e-x C 6 USSR Ipcon Jan 63, 347v032 ,:robl&-s in Prothiction 3peciali ution "I:ooperation in Conmil f*r Oconvrdr~ ;-utul lsaistwvla, by A, Almksoyaw and Yu. Shiry"vv 14 pp. '~13-551A ., z>vr,. VoRroo-Y T-kono-iki b .~Opt t966, lka. 66-75. L E SiL V E A.eon &-ob Voc SaAct Union in the EconomLes Of the Mxlarn by A* Alelmeyev =1 Ylio fll~ljev, 14 =36MN, per., YArws --danarcu!n- M Mconmdlm i Mea ym DtwshSS&Mp N) 3s 1966P Mr! 19-31, PA5.q t \1 Econ Jai W ftAigf Of *AIMI AbdLUIW, by A. AU*M"Wp 6 W. 7a famm., rwt no 6s 190g W* 18-190 ~ , tlev ji-, -~, ~ ~ N _;, am aa.R/m Oct ~~- M003 Increwing SuUlur Production at the Fadzol Mining-Chftdcal Combine., by A. Alskseyev, 5 pp. A 44 RMIAN, up. Eka2wichaskEVs Gazet , No 3 Nov 1965; p- 23- JP16 33754 USSR Econ Jan 66 294,902 4, G I- G7 K,~ e,~ f--V AutcauggesUan. bF A. Al*ksama 8 ppo RUSSIAN$ pore Rauka i Zbiso_s MOSCOVI NO 10 1973, pp 138-1430 i m 5E~~ Far 73 -~ \ ~~- Long-l-'Z= aan of CU, A~"nordc Into&rstiono ek. bY A. ,-Yev. 5 pp. !~Usslv-v np, Dnt. 1,15mcow. 6 Apr 19/2, P 3- J~!,.S 56M I I-ay 72 Activities of the PbUw Salantific Researoh Institute of Sft Flishw4es and 0oaawgraphy, by A, A, Aldcoeyev, 5 ppe I WS-slX4,, per, Ry#vl: Xbo=gjMP Plo ilt 1966# 1)9~ 2~3o JMS 4015? L V V USSR A, A. AL 3cl-~'S 4ar 67 319,537 2M Ae#Avttbw Ot Mw AreUe AwattoW ftr ftS"WU ft$WAMbsn nabasm =a ammmg* "Wo by A* A* AUknwq =Mgt 4 19"s M No of bursw nak at wiuuft swria Mwo swam at ravia Fismul" W4krth Md act 67 343o]- Vffe-2't, Dw---n,,,-. tne Rcilcculer;, by tAje'i~soyc-jrj ;,#Iq Tu. D - ~,; pp - kW'.'3b,l.q *61,,j, Pro~-huhdewlye Izlucl,*niya ,'h pp 1-57. T-1 I Nftb&Uatb by 4 2* AU*mpwt -3~ 10 pp? 5,-) RWDXS t I no 26, ftw4w ; W Zoo ,p JaPD19-ras W&II acl,ftbT &m 65 MOW I~Iolecular Structure of Intracellular Nater and its Possible I'li)-siological Importance, by A. M. Alekseyev, 11 lip. S SUSTOYMI VUDY VOL) OBAN KULT RAW. 1971, pp 11-23. NAVIN-B C--Tr- 3 39 73 Apr 73 t,r -- ~ . /, . e.,z I , Experimental Feeding Apparatus for Sand-Flisev by A* No Alskaseve RUBSTAN, per# v Vol lot Ij?69P pp I-a, NTC 72-11249-06C May 72 .."earch in tbo Field of (mleldel Acents. by 46 ~Mem'ws A* Alak"Yov, Aq v 0 larasitamye r1olmd. ,'o1 44, (h) VAmourom, Fa!!tdl ~-- o-7 ,per W--l tal - skn,- a i V01 XYCK IV p.P. 19 Lr-,6;e~e.V Fish Behavior and Fishing Tedmiques - AU Union Conference Held at Murmansk, 27 FebrwLry to I March 19689 by A* P. Alekse M v 193 pp. RUBSTAN,t bkp VqeeggEM Konferentai PO yomau Izucheniya Poyedeni" Plyb Y SVml a UPOY i Taktikol Pmwla - Murmansks 27 Fewalya-I Marta 19W. N= TT 71-50010 March 72 The Maia Results of Scientific Investigation of PINkO in 1964, by A. P. Alaksayov, .1 u6bomago Sent RUSSIM10 Per$ maerialf !!!.sA 0 PINKO pa RaZU19tatax Issledovanly v IwAgp NO 6s U966, pp *Dept of Iate;ior Fish and Wildlifo Sorvice duroau of C(mmorcial Fisheries My 67 ,N Certain pxopmty of Periodic 1-ttAcm of a Sirigle--Circuit Mnlina= Pulm System with an . bLet~g by A. S. Aleksclw. mmur,N, perp Dqk M Lauk a~~ Vol Me 1-b 2# jan 1969# W 37=M. 111-i-a I~m Imt of Phys Vol 14,p W 1. July 1969 ~ , S, ~ L C-