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Tr-64-13176(p. 97-99) Novupashenn~% B. V. THE ASTWNIMICAI, Pl,OJEC`TS OF THE 1. Novopushennyi, B. V. AMONMOAL, OBSBA-VATOi,Y OP ODESSA STATE 11, PTD-TT-62-959 UNIMSUY, JAN 56-MAY 58. 10 Oct 63, 3p (P. 07-09) FTO-IT-62-959 (p. 97-99). 111. ForeignTeuh. Div., O,der from UIN, SLA, or F-7C $28,50 111"fT-(,4-13176 Air Force Systems (P. 97-99) Command, Wright- Petteikion AF% Ohio L,'nLdltcd rouo draft tions. from mono. Astrometil- cheskaya Konferenralya SSSi (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 NUy 58. Tiudy. hloacow, 1960. DESCI,IPM~S;- *Aiit,onomy, Stars, Catalogs, Time (Astronomy, 77, v. 11, no. 5) ollicw of S-k- Tl'-64-13176(p. 100-101) Shtchicti. K. A. i.L?0,T OF THE' A' T,,(),NO.','J('Al-- O[kSEi.VAT0,.Y 1, atclnc6, K. A. OF '11M, STATE UNIVE-SITY nN FTD-17-621-959 - 5 3. 10 0 ~- 63, 100-101) AFI-,P'.'V!'i.Y (-M, 1050 100-101). 1111, PoielpTcA. Div., 0-' o1 TIC $28.50 JIL17-(4-131 AU Force Spnems Nttersog II'M Oblo Unedi(ed rOLIC.11, draft uan-. fioln mono. A,,tromecri- chosVa)v S-VS1 (no. 14) 27-30;',Tay5'8. 'I'Ludy, mo. D17S(-.44?I'Oi'S: *Astsonomy, Time, Photogiaphy, Satellites (Artlfictal). 'lleory (Astionomy, 'M', v. 11, no. 5) Offi- 0 T.,h.1-1 U-1- Yazev, A - I. ASTROMEMAC N,0JEC'I'S OF THE ASrsONOWCAL OBSEA,VATOj,Y 011 TIJE 71MANOV h,KUrSK STATE UNIVE-MY, 1956-58. 10 Oct 63. Sp FTD-IT-959 (p. 102-106). 0,der f ixxn (MS, SLA, or ETC M. 50 In TT-64-13176 (p. 102-106) UneWled iouLdi draft tunfi. from mono. Asuou)etri- choskayu Konferentalyz SM, (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 5B. Tjudy, Moscow, 1960. DFSCi,lf7l'0j.S:- *Aotawomy. Time, Astronomical geWesics, Tirm signal. Clocks. Errors 'rT-64-13176 (P. 102-106) I - Yarev, A. L n. FTD-TT-62-959 (P. 102-106) M. ForeipTec]L Div.. Air Force Systems Command, Wzi&- Pluterson AFB. Ohio (Astronorny, '7r, v. 11, no. 5) Offl. f T.h.k.l 6-1... Kulagin, S. G. I 77-64-13176(p. 107-110) 711E C 30: 1, 11 LAITRIDE Sl A71ON OF THE A U, - 1. Kulagin, S- C. UFNIUN' AST,-0'110~qCAL AND GEODE-M, SOCII-TY. 11. FTD-w-62-959 10 Oct 63, 411) S.ef~; VTD-17-62-959 (1). 107-110). (P. IM-110) Oidei firwn (frS. SI.A, oi LTC $28.50 111 Tr-64-13176 Ill. Div., (p. 107-1t0) Air Poice Systemn Conilliand, Unuchted iotq,,,h draft trane.,. ficynk niono. x%suvfaL:ui- Palterqm AP13, Ohio 14)Klev. 27-3V,!jy53. Tiudy, %loi;c,(;W, 1960. *A~,t,UllL)1)LlCSlgeWeslc~i, Astcomml- CAI UbreLvazoriez~ (Ez Mi Sclencer - -Gmiesy, I-r, v. 11, rio. 5) offl- t Konstantlnov, A. L THE WORK OF 'ME TIME SEi%VICE OF THE ALL- UNLON SCIENWIC hFSEAi.Cli U45-r=E OF PHYSICAL-TECIDWAL AND uAD[0 ENCINEEiJNG XIEASUi,ENffUM (ASsJN~EM) DUxJNC 1956-58. 10 Oct (1, 4p IrM-7T-62-959 (p. 111 -114). O~ der from On, SLA, or M $28. 50 i[L 7T-64-13176 (P. 111-114) Unedltod rough draft trans. from MODO. Astromcitri- cheskaya Konferentaiya SSSH (to. 14) Kiev. 77-30 May 58. TLudy, Moscow. 1960. DFWI%[PTOAZ: OTIme elgrAls, Astionomy. C2ocks TT-U-13176(p. 111-114) 1. Koutandow. A. L U. FrD-IT-62-959 (p. 111-114) M. Porvdp TedL Div., Atr Posve Syamns Cmun&4 Wd&- Psuerom AFB, Ohio (Astronomy, TT, v. 11, no. 5) Nadeev. L. N. THE WOLK OF 7HE IuKLrrSK 71ME AND FL%r,- QUENCY LABOi,ATO,.Y OF THE ASiMXN% 1955-57. 10 Get 63, 4p FrM-7T-62-959 (p. 115-1 IB). O,dcr frow OTS, SLA, or ETC $28. 50 ju 7T-64-13176 (P. 115-118) Unedited rough draft trang. from mono. Astrometri- cheska)s Konferentsiya SSSI. (no. 14) Kiev. 27-30%ta),5B. Tiudy, Moscow, 1960. DNSC, 1111*0-3: *Aat,onomy, TIme, Clocks. Timc sigulls -17-64-13176(p. 115-118) 1. NAdeev, L. N. U. FTD-Tr-62-959 (P. 115-118) Ul. Foreign Tecb. Div.. Air Force Systems Command, Wright- Patterson AFIL Ohio (Astionomy. Tr, v. 11, no. 5) Girl- f TT-64-13176 (p. 119-122) Tavchigrechko, S. S. THE WORK OF THE TIME SEINICE OF THH 1. TorchigracwA & S. M M-ELEEV ALL-UMON SC1EMMC-ikESEAjhCH 11. FTI)-TT-62-%9 INM=E OF NIETEWMOGY (VMMI) FOx% INE (P. 119-1Z2) PE,J0D 1956-MAYSS. I0Oct63. 4ptLefs M. ForelpTech. MY, FM-7"1'-62-959 (p. 119-122). Air Force Systans Order from OT*S. SLA, r r ETC $28. 50 In 7T-64-13176 Cam=4 Wrtot- (P. 119-122) Pattersm AFS. Ohio Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Astrometxt--.. cheakaya Konferentsi),a SSSR (m 14) KLii.- 27-30 NUty 58. TA7udy, N%acow, 1960. 1'~-.MlFrOia *Astionorny, Chronographs, 71nlk4 devices. On=. Clocks (Astronomy, T7, v. 11, no. 5) OM" 0 Tfthmkal TT-64-13176 (p, 123-127) A, N. SCIEXrIFIC-I%ESEAi,CH WOiK GP THE DEPA-T- I - Ktmnetsov. A. N. MENr OF AMONOMY OP 714B MOSCOJV L%M. ff. PTD-7742-959 IWE OF GEODETIC, AEi\LAL SU&NEY, AND (P. 123-177) CAlMCr,APIffC ENGINEE&S (NIGAIK). 10 Oct 63, EU. Foreign Tech. rAv., Sp PM-Tr-62-959(p. 123-IZ7). Air Force Systems Oader from OT.% SLA, or FTC $28. 50 in TT-64 -13t76 Comn-And. Vrigbt- (p. 123 -127) Patterson Al-B, Ohio Lloodited rough draft trans. from mono., Astr9metri- che"ya Kaderentslys &SSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 hUy 58. T&-udy. Moscow. 196a DESMM"v& *Astaorsomical geodesics. Astror=ni- cal data, Instntnwtatlon (Earth Scienwe --Geodesy, 7T, v. 11, no. 5) 0M.0 .0 T-W-) U-1- ~Iwng. yo-cho. ASTI oNIW ItICAL IM CHINA. 10 C,-! (,3, 3p I-IT)-rr-62-959(p. 12,-130). r-de, from ST-A, o- 1~7i- $2s. 50.ju 13176 (p. 123-130) U.--Jitod iough d.aft tiarts. Lun i~,ono. AS!romc'[A- ,-hc,31w,s Koufo~cntziyu S~,S. (no. 14) Kie~- 27-30'.!ay5S. T,udy, !,'osco.v, 19(,0. VRSCAM'U,Jc~ OA~-,t~onomy, Photography, t1cliulac, Starfi, Plancts, Time, China 1744-13M,(p. 121-'30) 1. Cliang, Yu,cit 11. Fm-TT-f-1-959 (P. 1-13-130) M. FoicljnToch. TAv.. Ali Fuwc '~Ysretu.-4 C')mmallfl' ' ight- c1hio (Astronomy, '17, v. 11, no. 5) T-h.k.l S-vl- T744-13176 (p. 131-130) WIEWWski. J. J. LATMME AND LONMUDE NVOt~K AT THE 1. V1LkmvsU, J. J. ASTi%ONOWCAL STATION OF 'ME POLIS]i ACAD- U. I'M-77-62-959 EMY OF SCIENCES ATBOiO%VIEC _-1h()8-l8s45; (p. 131-139) t- +52016-38'% 10 Oct 63, 9p (dp Ited) FrD_ III. ForeignTech. Uly., 'IT-62-959 (p. 131-139). Ali: Force Systems OLderfromO'M SLA, or ETC $28.50 JuTT-64-131761 Cominand, '%Aght- (p. 131-139)1 Puttri k;on APB. Ohio Unefted rough draft trans. fiom mono. Astrometri- cbeskaya Konferentelya. SSS1% (no. 14) Kiev,. 27-30 May 58. T&udy, Moocow. 1%0. DESCRIFMi,S: *AstLonomy, *Astronomical geodesics, Time (Earth Sclenceg- -Geodesy, 77, v. 11, no. 5) Office of 7'ch.1c.1 5-1c- 7T-64-13176 (p. L44-156) Zwer, K S. and Pblozbentsev, D. D. MUM OF nM PFCPS SYSIMM 10 Oct 63. 13p 1. Zverev, K S. ftd~ FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. lff-156~ U. Polombentsev, D. D. Order from OTS, SLA, or M $26-30 in TT-64-13176 M. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 144-156) (p. 144-156) IV. ForelgaTech. Div., thleated ro* draft trns. from morA Astromeal- Air Force Systems cheek-ye Koderentalys SSS Ii (no. 14) Kiev, Cbmmar4 Wright- 27-30h%y58. Tiudy~ Moscow. WO (Abstraa available) Patterson AFB. Otdo DESCRIFMi%&- *Ast.Lowmy, e'Sters, Catalogs The PFCFS with regard to Wcklentsl errors appears to be the moat acmuns current catalog o( faint stars. It in aMready the only cataiog iii which the ITerap errors of the coordinates of faint sure do rot exceed tWIS for the 19M 0 epocL The system of coordinates and of proper modons of the PFCFS is close to the FK3 with the exception c( the system of riot asccnWons of Office of T.ch.k.l IS ... I.e. (Astrocxmy, TT. v. 11. om S) (over) Cd~scv. A. P. AN WMIGA71ON OF 711r, SYSTEM, OF -IGHT ASCENSION'S GF Fi,3 STj%,.S IN ME M.CM.1POLA4. -ECION ACCO-DMIG To ORSH.XAncv,~ %nu 'fw- MISMV %!F-IDIAN cl-CLE. 10 Oct (3 J, 3p 5-ets I-I'D-17-62-959 (p. 157-164). Cr&-i from ~q), SLA, oi I-M, $28.50 in'1744-13170 (1). t57-104) Uriedited roujh draft tran~;. frorn cheskap !"onferentai3ra -"-S - (no. 14) KL-Y, *17-3011.iy5l Tiudy, IWO. DESC-IPT0,~& *,Ast~oijoviy, $Stars, :.!casurcrruit Tr-t,4-13176 (1). 157-164) 1. Gulyacv, A. P. U. VTD-1742-959 (p. 157-1(4) Ill. Forcigni Tech. PAV.. Ah T-01'c" systeln." CominarAl, "right- potici Sol) Ak Chio (ABtronomy, 'rr, v. ii, io. i) Oth- F T-1.0-1 S-ic.. Nefed'm. A. L SYMMA71C DECLW11ON EkiOiS OBTADIED Fi,ON1 ME OBSE4.VATIONS OF K A. MACHEV. 10 Oct 63, 14p FrD-77-62-959 (p. 165-178~ O&der from M, SLA. or ETC $28.50 JILTT-44-13176 (p. 165-178) Unedited rough draft trams. from mono. As"=cW- cheakaya Koufereutsi)a,SMi~ (no. 14) Kiev. V-30hlaySS. Trudy. Moscow, 1%0. (Abstract available) I . DESCI~71`0,.S: *Astionomy. "re, Meamuwnent, Frrors 7T-U-13176(p. 165-178) 1. Wed'eva. A. L a. glow-Ur2p M. F"478"9 (p. 165-178) IV Foredp TOCL Div.. Air Force Systems CbCMrAnd, Wxig*- Patterom APB. Ohio In the case of the meridian circle of EngeDardt Ob- servatory, cotnIAning of the observation-s for each Position of the objective and ocular does not improve the declinatioua In a systematic way. twerchanging the ocular and objective does ncx eliminate Instrument 0111" 0 7-6.1-1 G-k.s (ABtronomy, TT. v. 11, no. 5) (Over) 7-r-64-13176 (P. 179-191) Idansurova, K. S. SYSTEM OF DECLINATIONS OBTAINED PhOM 1. Mansurom, K. S~ LAITIUDE OBSEiMATIONS. 10 Oct 63, 13p 13jefs U. VM-711T-62-959 FrD-TT-62-959 (p. 179-191). (p. 179-191) Order from M. SLA. or ETC $29. 50 in 7T-64-13176 111. Foreign TecX Div.. (p. 179-191) Air Force Systmns Canrand, M101- Unadited roto draft trans. from mono. Astrotnetri- Pateraon AFB, Ohio clieskays Konferemslyn SSSr, (no. 14) KG,-,---- 27-30 May 59. TLudy. Nfoacow, 1960. (Abstract available) DESCMPTOiS: *Ast.onorny. 'Stars. Measurement, Errors Observations with the zcWth telescope yield a good declinatiou system with respect to &R, Observation(I &coording to a pmram consisting of a large number of palre pemilued reliable control of the sy8r of On . Initial catalog. Similar obseivadons may 'act Up (Aotronoiny, Tr, v. 11, no. 5) (over) Fodorov, E. P., Prodan, Yu. I., and PorAxnarev. D. N. UST OF LATIlUDE-PhOGhAM MiS FOL, OBSEi,- VA'nONS ON MEa4MAN ClaCLES. 10 Oct 63. 6p FTD-Tr-62-959 (P. 192-197). OAder from OTS, SLA, or ETC $28.50 JR Tr-64-13176 (p. 192-197) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Astrotp-ecri- chealaya Korderentsiya &lrR (r-ci, 14) Kiev, 27-30 Wy 58. Trudy, Mbaww. 19M DESCUMh& *,%,tj-oijom~,*Stars6 Ajitiommical geoftsics Tr-64-13176 (p. 192-197) 1. Fedorov. E. 11. U. Prodan, Yu. 1. 111. Poram&rev, D. N. rV. VTD-Tr-(.2-959 (p. 192-197) V. ForeignTech. Div., Air Force Systems Command. 'Vright- Patterson AFB. Ohlo (AstroDomy, 7T, v. It, no. S) Office of Teth"irel Services Bugoalovskaya. E. Ya. , THE QUESTION OF DOUBLE STA..5 IN THE. AGK3 CATALOG. 10 OLt 63, 6p 3Lefe rrrD-TT-62-959 (p. 198-203). Order from OTS, SLA, or 01'C S21SO in'ri'44-13176 (1). !98-203) Unedited iough draft trans. fiom inono. A-,--uomcLd- cheskaya Konferentstya SSS~ (no. 14) '.,icv. 2 -30.1,lay M Tiudy. M,-.cow. 19M 17 PF-SCAffr0,.S: *Binaiy stais, MotcVrrc-Iiy, Astiukiomy 1'r-(4-1317( (p. 193-2103) 1. MILOUUIOVS~Myn' H. Yn. H. VTD-17-62-959 (p. 193-203) IU. Foreign Toch. Div., Air Force !'ystejn.--t Command. 'Itight- Pnttet3on ArD, 01do (Astronomy, T7, v. 11, no. 5) Wit- 0 T..h.1c.1 &-i- TT-64-13176(p. 2904-215) Zverev. !,I. S. and Tlmashkova, G. M. NEW ME; IDI.AN ORMWATIM P,,0G,.AMS. 10 Oct 63 1. Zveiev, N1. S. 12p 64eft M-D-TT-62-959 (p. 204-215). 11. Timashkova, C. M. Order from OTS, SLA, ur TfC $23.50ju TT-64-13176 III. FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. 204-215) (P. 2D4-215) TV. FotelgnTech. Div.. Unedired rough draft tians. fiom mono. Astvornetrl- Air Force Systems cheskals Konfei entsiya (no. 14) Kiev, Command, Wilght- 27-30'1~.Iay% T4udy, Moscow, )960. ParteiBon APB, Ohio DESCiRMN& *Astianomy. *Scara, Measurement, Binarystars, Photography, Telescopes (Astronomy. TT, V. 11, no. 5) office of T-h.I.A S ... 1- ThImmennan, G. K. A FLEXU,',E--,.EE VEz%TICAL C6CLE. 10 Oct 63, 9p rl'D-17-62-959(p. 216-224). 04der fumn OTS. SLA, cc h-rC $28.50 in Tr-64-13176 (P. 216-224) UjieditLd rough draft trails. from mono. Astrometri- cheskaya Konfetentslya SSSt (no. 14) KIK.-' 27-30 May 58, T,udy, Moscow, 19N. DESCiAPTO-S. *Telescupes, DeAp TT-64-13176(p. 216-224) 1. Taimmoamn, G. K. 11. FrD-IT-62459 (P. 216-224) W. FoxelpTech. Div., Air Force Systems Commnct Wright- Patterem An Ohio (Astronorny-Astrophysics, 17, v. 11, no. 5) Otti.. .1 Technical S-1ce. Drofa, V, K. and Chemega. N. A. PHOTOG APMNG Cli-CLL DIVISIONS. 10 Oct 63, Sp F`M-17-62-959(p. 225-229). 01 der f rom M, SLA, ot ETC $ M 50 in TT-(-4 -13176 (p. 225-229) Uned1tod rouj~i draft tranti. from mono. Astrametri- k~heskays Konfexentriya SSSi. (no. 14) Kiv. 27-10,May5g. Tiudy, Nlo!,k-ow, 19(0. gAstaommical camLras Tr-64-13176 (p. 225-229) 1. Drofa, V. K. 11, Uiervw%a, N. A. al. M'D-W-62-959 (p, 225-229) IV. ForeignTech. MY- Air Force Systems Command, Wiight- Patterson AFB. Ohio (Astronmy-Astrophysics, TT, v. 11, m 5) Efimov, A. A., Otryashenkov, Yu,M. , and Sukharev, L. A. PHOTOELECTRIC METHOD OF READING THE CIRCI-FS OF MERIDIAN INSTRUMENTS. 10 Oct 63. 6p 2refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 230-235). Order from OTS, SL.A, or ETC $28.50 La TT-64-13176 (p. 230-235) Uned1tod rough draft trans. from mono. Agirometrl- chcakaya Kuderentaiya SSSR (no. 14) Ktev',- 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, t960. DFSCRIPTORS: 0MIcrometers. PhatoelerAric effect, Telescopes "IT-64-0176(p. 230-235) I. Effmov, A - A U. Otryasheakov. Yu. M. 111. Sukharev. L. A. IV. FrD-TT-62-959 (p. 230-235) V . Foreign Tech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command, Wri&- Patterson AFB, Ohlo (Astronomy, 77, v. 11, no. 5) .1 700.1-1 9-1r.. TT-64-13176 (p. 235a-245) Fatchikhin, N. V. REFERENCING STARS TO GALAXIES. 10 Oct 63, lip 1. ilrefs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 235a-245). 11. Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $28.50 ILTr-64-13176 (p. 235a-245) Ill. Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Astracnetri- cheakaya Konferentsiya SSSR (no. 14) Kf6-.- 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Stars, *Galaxies, *Astrophysics, Photography. Motion Fatchlithin, N. V. FTD-IT-62-959 (p. 235a-245) ForelpTech. Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, TT, v. 11, no. 5) 01H.0 .1 T-h.kal 5-k.. Onegina, A. B. THE ACCURACY OF POSrrION MEASUREMENTS OF GALAXIES MADE WITH THE GOLOSEEVO 400-mm AMOGRAPH. 10 Oct 63, 6p 4refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 246-251). - Order from OTS. SLA. or ETC S28.S0jn_TT-64-I3I76 (p. 246-251) UnedlEed rough draft trans. from mono. Antrometri- cheskaya Konferentalya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Galaxies, Astronomy, Photograpby, Stars. N1C'L1SL1rC11W[1t, Telescopes TT-N-t3170(p. 246-2,51) 1. Onegina, A. B. 11. Fri)-Tr-62-959 (p. ?46-231),* III. ForelgaTech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command. Wright- Pauerson APB. Ohio (Astronomy, 17, Y. 11, no. 5) Office of Technical se"Ices Chudovicheva. 0. N. THE RFSULTS OF OBSERVAT'lONS OF MINOR PLANETS AT PULKOVO FROM 1949-58. 10 Oct 63, Sp FTD-Tr-62-959(p. 252-256). Order from OTS. SLk. or ETC $28-5()Lr~TT-64-13176 (p. 252-256) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Astrometri- cheskAya Konferentelya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 56. Trudy, Moscow, IM. DESCRIPTORS: "Planem. Astronomy, Photography Tr-64-13176(p. 252-256) 1. ChWovicheva, 0. N. 11. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 252-256) 111. ForeignTech. Div., Air Force SystLmbi Command, %yrisi-A- Patterson APB, Obio (A stronoiny..TT, v. 11, no. 5) Offl" of Uch.l..l 5-1.- TT-64-13176(p. 257-263) Bugosiavskaya, F. Ya. and Soanova, A. K. THE USE OF THE 'STRF.I.A" ELFCTRONIC C%1- 1. BugoslavskayaE. Ya, PLITER IN CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF ASTROKIETRY. 11. Soonova, A. K. 10oct63, 7p FTD-'rr-62-959(p. 257-263). ill. FrD-Tr-62-959 Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $28.5oAjLTr-64-13176 (p. 257-263) (p. 257-263) IV~ Foreign Tech. Div., Air Force Systems Unedited rough draft trans. frommono. A-str.ometri- Command, Wright- cheskaya Kwfercntslya,,SSSR- (no. 14) Kiev, Patterson AFB, Ohio 27-30 May 58' Trudy, Moscow. 1960. DESCRIFrORS: *Computers, *Astronomical data, Planets, Stars, Motion, Astrophysics (Aetronomy-Astrophygics. TT. v. It, no. 5) Kolchinskil, 1. G. I AN INVESTIGATION OF TREMORS OF STELLAR I IMAGES AT THE GOLOSEEVO OBSERVATORY. It 10 Oct 63, 18p 6refq M-TT-62-959 (p. 264 281) Order fromOTS. SLA, or ETC $28.50inTT-4-6176 Jill (p. 264-281) 1 UnediteJ rouo dratt trans. from inono. .1strometri cheskxya Konferentatya SSSR (no. 14) KICIV, 27-30 May 58. Trudy. Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Stars. *0[*ical Jnnsges, Vibration, Statistical functions, PWography, Astronomy TT-64-13176~p. 264-2BI) Kolchinskli, 1. G. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 264-281) ForeignTech. Div., Air Force Systerng Command, ~Vright - Patterson AFB, O%lo (Astronomy, TT, v. 11, no. 5) 01M. 0 T-h.J..l S.-5- TT-64-13176(p. 282-290) VlaBOV, 13. 1. FLUCTUATIONS INTTIF DIRECTION TO A STAR 1. Vlasov, B. 1. RE'SUI.TING FROM INSTABILITY OF THE ATN"- It, FTD-TT-62-9S9 PHERE. 10 Get 63, 9p 8refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 282-M) (p. 28' - 290). 111. PorefgnTLch. Dlv,. Order from OTS, SL~, or ETC $29. 50 Lrj TT-64-13176 Air Force Systems (p. 282-290) Command, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio Unedited rough Jraft trans. from inono, As.trometri- cheakaya Kanferemsiya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev. 17-3.0 May 58. Trudy, Moscaw. 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Atmospheric refraction, Vibration, 00rilcal images, $Stars, Mathematical analysis. A.9tTonamy (A Fironomy, TT, Y. 11, no. 5) offic. of T-W..l S-1- Fadorov, E. P. CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE rV- ORGANIZATION OF WORK ON THE STUDY OF POLAR MOTION. 10 Oct 63, Up 6refs FTD-Tr- 62-959 (p. 291-301). Order from OTS, SIA, or ETC $28.50 IA77-64-13176 (p. 291-301) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Astrometri- cheskaya Konferentalya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev,- 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow. 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Axtrononilcal geodesics TT-64-13176 (p. 291-301) I. Fedorov, E. P. ll. FrD-77-62-959 (p. 291-301) Ill. ForelpTech. Div., Air Force System@ Command, Wright- Patterson AFB. Ohio (Earth Sciences- -Geodesy. TT. v. 11, no. 5) T-h~l-l S-k- Fedorov, E. P. and Tsapova, A. P. REDUCTION OF TtfE RESULTS OF THE INTER- NATIONAL LATITUDE SERVICE TO A SINGLE SYSTEM. 10 Oct 63, 17p 8refs FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. 30la-317) Order from OYS, SLA, or ETC $28.50 JILTT-64-13176 (p. 30la-317) Unedited roAigh draft trans. from mono. ivstrometrI7 cheskaya Koacrentelya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Astronomical geod:--cs TT-64-13t76 (p. 301a-317) 1. Fedorov, E. P. 11. Tsapoya, 4, P. Ill. FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. 301a-317) TV. Foreign Tech. Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright- Patterson AF8. Ohio (Eirth Sciences- -Geodesy, TT, v. 11. no. 5) Office of T~hnl-l SotVJCI% Sakharov. V. 1. T14E OSCILLATION OF '['Hl--' EARTIVS AXIS OF I INERTIA. 10 r)ct 63, Sp Sref- FTD-=-62-959 11 (p. 3 29 - 3116). Order from ()TS, Sl-,~, or ~TC $28.50 LU TT-64-13176 III (p. 329-336) Unecifted rough draft trans. from muno. x~st'romerri- cheskaya Konferentsiya SS17R (no. 14) Kiev. 27-30 May 58. Trudy. Mon ow, 1960. DESCRIMORS: *Fiirth, *Geodesics, Oscillation, Inertia, *,~jjno~,ph~-m- rii,'LiOli Tr-64-13176 (p. 329-336) Sakharov, V. 1, FTD-T-r-62-959 (p. 329-336) Foreign Tech. Div., Air Force Sybitems Command. Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohio (Earth Sciences- -Geodesy, TT, v, 11, no, 5) Office of Te~Wcal S-i- Rubanshevskil, A. A. THE LABROUSTE METHOD AND A COMPARISON OF THE SELECTIVM OF THE COMBINATIONS OF A. YA. ORLOV AND P. MELCHIOR. 10 Oct 63, lip 2refs FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. 318-328). Order from Uf'S, SLA, or ETC $28. 50 to 77-64-13176 (p. 318-329) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Astrometrl- cheskaya Konferentirlys SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 58, Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: 'Astronomical geodesics TT-64-13176 (P. 318-328) 1. Title: Labrouste method 1. RubanshevsW, A. A. 11. Orlov, A. Yet. Ill. Melchior, P. IV. FTD-7T-62-959 (P. 318-329) V. Foreign Tech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command, Wright- Patterson AFB. Ohio (Earth Sciences- -Geodesy, 71~ Y. 11. no. 5) T.h.l.al reervic" Panchenko, N. 1. 17-64-13176(p. 337-355) ON THE DANIPING OF THE FREE NLITATION OF 1. Punchenko. N. 1. THE EARTH. 10 Ga 63, 19p 12refs FTD-17-62-959 It. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 337-355). (p. 337-355) Order from ars, qt.A, or ETC $?B. 50 in T-r-64 -13176 Ill. Foreign Tech. Div., (p. 337-355) Air Force Systems Command. Wright- Unated rough draft trans. from mono. Astramari- Patterson Ohio cheskaya Konferentsiya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, 19W. DESCRIPTORS: *Yarth, Oscillation. Damping, *Geodesics (Forth Sciences- -Gecdcoy, 'ff. v. It, no. 5) TT-64-13176 (p. 356-395) Sakharov, V. 1. and Korbut, 1. F. THE NEW 7ENITH TELES .1 - 'IF THE SOVIET 1. Sakharorv, V. 1. LATITUDE SERVICE AND ITS i':. rING AT 11. Korbut, 1. F. PULKOVA. 10 Oct 63, 40p (figs ot-nitted) l4refs Ill. FTD-TT-62-959 F'TD-17-62-959 (p. 356-395). (p, 3,56-395) Order from OTS, Sl-A, or ETC $28.50 in TF-64-13176 IV. Foreign Tech. Div.. (p. 356-395) Air Force Systems Command, V right- Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Ast.ro'metr.i.- Patterson AFB, Ohio chebkaya, Konferentalya SSSR (no. 14) Kioi~, 27- 30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, 1960. (Abstract DESCRIPTORS: *Telescopes. *Astronomical data, Tests. AstronLirnical geodesics An analysis ot the results of parallel latit tions conducted at Pulkovo from July 1, =57 =r 1, 1958 with two senith telescopes - the ZTL-180 and jAr,rronomy, '17, v. 11, no, 5) Offi.. f T-h.k.k 6-0- Andreenko, N. R. INVESrIGATION OF T14E TALCOTT LEVELS OF THE 7TL-180 ZENITH TELESCOPE AT PULKOVO. 10 Oct 63, 3p 3refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 396-398) Order from M. SUN, or ETC $28. 50ja TT-64-13176 (p. 396-398) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Alstrqm,etri- cheskaya Konferentslya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27 -30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRivrm: 'Telescopes, Stabilization systems T'r-64-13176(p. 396-398) 1. Andreenko, N. R, 11. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 396-398) 111. ForelpTech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command. Wright- Patterson .,FB, Okio (Astronomy, '17, v. 11, no. 5) Offl- W T"W-1 6-1... Andreenko, N. R. THE INVESTIGATION OF THE FERIODIC AND PROGRESSIVE ERRORS OF THE MICROMETER OF THE 7,TL-180 7ENITH TELESCOFE AT PULXOVO. 10 Get 63; 10p 4refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 399-408). Order from OTS, SLN, or ETC $28.50 Ln TT-64-13176 (p. 399-408) Unedited rough draft trans. from inonD. Astrometri- cheskays Konferentalya SSSR (no. 14) K1ev'-' 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moscow. 1960. DESCRIFrORS: *Telescopes, Ohlicrorneters, Errors, TT-64-13176(p. 399-408) 1. Atbdreenko, N. R. 11. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 399-408) 111. ForelgnTe6. Div., Air Force Systems Command, WrISM- Patterson APB. Ohio (Astronomy, Tr, v. 11, no. 5) Chudovtcheys, N. A. THE NEW ZENITH TELESCOPE OF THE ENGEL- HARDT ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY AND THE FIRST SERIES OF OBSERVATIONS. 10 Oct 63, 5p FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 422-426) Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $28.50.La Tr-64-13176 (p. 422-426) Unedited rougb draft trans. from mono. Astrometri- cheskaya Konferentelya SM (no. 14) Ktii._ 27-30 May 59. Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Telescopes, 'PAotroaomJcal geodesics. Tr - 64 - 13176 (p. 4 22 - 4 26) 1. Chudovicheve, N. A. 11. FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. 422-426) 111. ForeipTech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command. Wript- Patterson AFB, Ohio (Eartb Sciences- -Geodesy, TT, v, 11, no. 5) Office of TochnIcal Services ProdRn, Yu. I., Golikova, T. L, and Nesterov. V. V. RESULTS OF PRELMINARY INVESTIGATION OF THE ZENITH TEUSCOPE AT THE MOSCOW SirrERNBERG ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. 10 Oct 63, 13p 5refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 409-421). OrderfromOTS, SLA, or ETC $28.50in7r-64-13176 (p. 409-421) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. _Astrometri- cheakaya Konferentsiya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 58, Trudy, Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: 'Telescopes, Micrometers, Tests, 7'r.-64-13176(p. 409-421) 1. Prodan, Yu. 1. 11. Gobkove, T. 1. 111. Nesteroy, V. V. IV. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 409-421) V. ForeignTech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command, ~Nrlpn- Patterson AFO, Ohio (Astronomy, TT, v. 11, no. 5) offic. .1 S-t- Kulagin, S. G., Deminovich, E. G., and Kovbabyuk, L. D. OBSERVATIONS OF BRIGIIT ZENITH STARS BASED ON A FOUR-GROUP PROGRAM FROM 1957.3 THROUGH 1958.4 AT THE K. K. DUBROVSKII LATITUDE STATION IN GORTIT. 10 Oct 63, 6p 4refs FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 427-432) Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $28. 50 In 77-64-13176 (p. 427-432) Unedited rough draft trans. from mono. Aetrometri- cheakaya Konferentaiya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-301,4ay 58. Trudy, Moscow. 1960. DESCRIPrORS: *Astronomical geodesics, Astronomy, Stars. Tr-6,4-13176(p. 427-432) 1. Kulagin, S. G. 11. Deminovlch, E. G. Ill. Kovbasyuk, L. D. IV. FTD-Tr-62-959 (p. 427-432) V. ForeignTech. Div.. Air Force Systems Command, Wright- Patterson AFI), Ohio (Earth Sciencee--Geodeey, Tr, Y. 11, no. 5) TT-64-13176 Drozdoy, S. V. (p. 433-441) THE ZENITH POINT ON A MICROMETER HEAD AS A MEANS OF INVESTIGATING THE BEHAVIOR OF A 1. Drozdov, S. V. MERIDIAN INSTRUMENT. 10 Oct 63, 9p 3rets H. FTD-TT-62-959 FTD-77-62-959 (p. 433-441). (p. 433-441) Order from OTS, SLA. or ETC $28. 50 La TT-64-13176 Ill. Foreign Tech. Div., (p. 433-441) Air Force System@ Command, Wright- Unedited rougb draft trans. from mono. Astrometri- Patterson AFB. Ohio cheakaya Konferentslys SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May 58. Trudy, Moacow, 1960. DESCRIPTCIRS: "Micrometers, Telescopes, A Krowmy, Errors, (Astronomy, TT, v. 11, no. 5) Office Qf Technical Urvicus t rc 'i I *-uuvownts of m, .,it% a Plaotooloctric 71,'* Fo ~oyatrvv, b lips Imr Yntdy, ALad Gauk 15 Y :"'Arm-mtridws!~2 Nconforeatsii G~~ijlx 19600 19638 Vqz 403-406, Vrb-IT-64-1248 ~61'qf.45 C 3till Photographic Photometry, of Venus, by V. I. Yezerskly, 3.14 pp. R=IAN., per., pN4y Astron ab=~v lmen~ A.-W.-Gor-9togol Rharkovskogo OosudaraftenmV Unlvwsltetao Vol XII., 195T., pp 73-165. STL-TR-&-511040 Sci - Phys &T 61 CWFM X-4711 7, -)w 4 Upecial Qco4etlc Aasig=--ut: -,:LV. Duter.-alruation of tha Fbrcc of Oravity for the Kazan' Astronomic fturvatory, 22. V:). MUSSLO, per,, TEpy Astronomicheakoy Observat-pril Im ratorsl;A-,ro -0 rav aiteta, No Zan 2915- AF BIR-3017 Sci - Geofft Jun 59 SLOPE ANGLES OF LOOSE MATERIALS AND:HYPOTHESES OF THE DUST NATURE OF THE LUNAR SURFACE, BY .No St ORLOVJ 9 PP. A RUSSIAN, PER, TRUDY ASTRON0141CHESKOY OBSERVATORII, NO 307: 1962: PP 179- 186., .JPRS 20167 SCI EARTH SCI ASTRON JUL 63 235*955 235)35) 3 q ? //,I pk m Detardnation of Propagation of Short-wave Signals by the Characteristic Distortions at the Point of Reception, by N.A. Tellpukhovskiy. 16 pp. RUSSIM, r Trud R. 15-Y Astomtri- Pe P z AN ches oy Konferentsii SSSR, Glum& Astrono;r- Mskaya Obse;vatoriya (Pulkovo),, 1963, pp 36S-373. 9700932 M-M-65-166 Sci/Electronics Aug 66 TAME OF CONTENTS of rffni Cg~' __.,,Latvian SSE, . owir . 9r RUSSIAN., per, Trudr, "t Inst of Physics, Vol VII 1956. CIA X-3049 Assesamat of the Vf*A of OuTent ad Wind on 2t&vlla& b7 G. 1. IldeMps RLMIOV part M1.8". US Vol xp j,963jp Pp 261-M5. Dept of Zaterlor Fish and WUdUfa Serviae Bureau of Oomw=Ua FidwrUs sai-ftr Sol iky 67 326.98h9 calcuution or the. Bei&t of TrU cular Raziple of Strala Smarted a N. N. Andreyevj RUMIM per. Trtl& Atlant.-.IM pp 266-282. Dept of Interlor fish "A Wll&llfe Service Buzwm of Commercial Plaberies for a Parbi- the Netp by Vol X. 19631 WY 67 3260M CalaaUtion of the HM4ght af Tda for a Partimlar Emple of Stmin R=rbod an the Netq kV N a No Ands4we RUSS109 parl Wu-& ~LUAnt,Mntog Vol log 1963t pp 283-M. NM Refs 9D22.15 (1212) SwMat Feb 68 349t617 00"wgrapbI A Conditims and nsbW In Vw OuU ~f- 146dw in Autumn and Wintero by 7u. A. Tbrin. T pp. nx3&=,, per., Trudy AtiantIM No 32s 1964o pp 4-11. Dspt of Inter DMO/cp A-WAov 69/49 On Iben Only Sol-Bar Sal 3 Jan 70 4W2255 me ion of or the O%df of X43doo and Sam Problan of IU Originp by V. V. OVohlnntkW. =SUN, pars 2nl4y Vol Up 1964, pp 12-M. *Dept Of NM NW 2nm W Sol-B&M e^ w Hydrological Cbmater of Water Namm In the Re Coastal Sector of South AmAea and the Distribirtion of Coomwelal of Twa., by V. A. BrIsdum. MSIU.. per., Th* Vo3. n.. 1964,, pp 21-26. *Davt of New NW Trans 46T sci-1kr sci Oct 69 BlalcW and Distribution of the Yellovnn Tum in %he nWicel ftrt of AtlanUc Oems by V. L. Zhamv. MSIAN, per, TrJAY Vol U., 1964, pp 27-35. *Dvpt of Navy nw tmm 468 Sai-B94 Oct 69 Application of the QMMIM MMM in the Selection Of lever for Tma Pishln& by Yu. F. Mwrobnelov. 5 pp. =810., per, !tuk AtIsntXnQp go 120 1964.9 pp W-Tz- Dept of Interlor Bureau Of Coumurcis' Fleberies Office of Pbrelgn Plebarles A-31-Aug-Sept 1969-No 171 on 10" sai4iech Nov 69 397,332 Fishery Forecasting in the Norvaglan Trenchp by X. M. Radnev. T PP. MMIAN,, per, no 13.- 1964P pp 22-28. Dept of Interior Bwmu of Commercial Fisheries Office of ForeIgn PI ries A-31-Aug-Snt 1969-No 43 On loan MM EM Bov 69 397.,314 RknastiM X102do of Simms Va=l% Yom Masses, by L. V. Shlrokov. 6 pp. ]WTAN., per,, NO 13P 3-964P pp 42-48. Dept of Intarior Bureau of Commu=Lal Piaborles Ofnce of lroreign Plabories A-32-0-ot 1969-No 54 On Loan Sci-BW Dec 69 398..525 I I ~- (,4 -T,~,+, m A PPL U, ~ I 1,,Ji% AN~ i- ~ S I GN ~ LIL LdY SYS I EPIS W I Th CtLL.-l ,, -,P,"qCL L I i', I WL I I tl~ ~' I h ~kL K Lj i t,,- i :;;, V - 'I, LV,,CUAuc` L. ~-,UINTRY- hV 1A I :, 1 1- [.YY IN ~, I i Ili I I ~ ~Nk. I,) ~- iz-ib 4 Pil 5 1 - o ~) ~ -) I i . - v -i - _, ) - I i e. t. - ! c Properties of Water Dynamics in the Southeastern Black. Sea and Lhe Distribution of Oceanographic Llements, by V. A. Dibik. RUSSLU, per, Osobennosti Wmamiki Vod Yugo- Vastochoy Chasti~Chqrnogo Ro*u I Rasprodeleniyo Ukeanografi-Chaskikh. Elementov. Trudy AzaherNIR0, Vol 23, 1964# pp 23-32. *Dopt of '"avy no tr 4o6 Sci/~Alar sci Evaluation of the Chansical Bwds of Biological ProductI.vity in the Fna Sea and Some Chametez- istios of Its Formiltiong by U. K, Golojobov. RUSSIANO pwo Ots2wa bdm" xhiniahemwm Lam Bialgasbak= DmkWalmesti Qmm fta I NelcoUmm ~ ~bezm~ Ye" AMMEUMP Vol 23t 19&+� pp 33-48. *Dept of Navy HOO tr 4W sci/s & Apr 68 EUMMUM-Ma Th6-Method ,if Studyimg InWmal Wavis In--- +Ne " ' ' Mack Sea, by Ya. K. Gololobov. RUSSIU, per, I hatalike Izwheniyu Voln V Cbe=,= Hoe I As V61 23t 1964t pp 49-Y+* *Doprt of flavy Noo tr 408 SOVE" sai Apr 68 The Effeet *f CantiawdWa -R-nnaflf an the Develop. ment of Photo-plim~ 1A tb# Hath"Stam Pwt Of the m a .Seat br G. Po ftshtakoV&. Is 11103 pwq M& AgbjgM. Vol 23t 1 s PP 5~94 ~ *Dspt of Havy Roo tr 409 sai/kar sai mav 6R Seasoml Dwirolopmat arA DistribuUon of Zoo- pl&Wcton in the NwtWmatwn JM&ok Ofte bV St As Gaccoome RUSSIANg pwo M& AubWNMp Val 23# 1964p pp 69-M. *Dept of Hm Noo tr 41o Sai/Ear Sai Hq 68 Se"Mm' 4n"Ux Of ZOVU*t*u iu the lfwth- east"n Paft of the MAck Sno bV Ve D. Brkvka. =MUNI pwo Tr-wtr A1.6horm. Val 230 i-96ve- pp 81-0. *Dspt of NM Noo tr 41, sa/ur &d mw 68 4modom of Zoop2&Wctm In the Sumtheastan Pat of tbo BUQk Sao by A, L FWWrlw. JWMWO pwo M* jWbgXM Val 23v 19641 pp 93-104, *Dept of Hm NOO tv 412 soi/sar sci YaY 6 8 Intonsit7 ckf Fsodi% of the M a So* AnohM in C=mtim idth Food Resooms a the Water Bosinp tr No. Fe Twanookos RUSSIAX9 pers M& LTebr.)M Vol 23# 1964o Rp 131-148, *Dept of Navy NOO tv 413 Sci/B & M MA-V AR The Status of Mullets of the Crimean and Caucasian Schools, by N. G. Timoshek. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy AzcherNIRO, Vol 24, 1966, pp 97-10T.- Dept of Navy NOO TRIMS 417 Sci-B&M July 69 385,289 Characterizatten of the Status of the Black Sea Mackerel in 1952-463, by 1. 0. Tikhonov. RUSSIANY per, Trudy AzcherNIRO, Vol 24, 1966, pp 133-141. Dept of Navy/NOO TRANS 418 Sci-B&M Jly 69 388,685 Relation Between the Main Types Used inthe Lower Resebbesof the and the Interests of Preserving of Controlled Fishes, by Ye. Yo RUSSIAN, per, Trudy AzcherNIRO, 1966, pp 163-182. Dept of Navy/NOO TRANS 419 Sci-84M Aug 69 of Nets Danube the Stock Shapunov. Vol 24, 388,686 Fisheries Research of Azcher-NIRO in the North- Uest Part of the Indian Ocean# by V. 1. Travin, 39 pp. RUSSIAN. per, Trudy AzdiorNIRO, Vol 281, 19681, pp 9-47. *CFSTI TT 0*-59005 Sci/Eartlk Mar 69 Cracking of Methane to Hydrogen Acetylene and Carbon Black, by V. F. Gerr., 12 pp. RUSS10., per., Trudy Azerbaidzhan k1b 1936., pp 59-70. SrA TT 61-18096 Aug 66 309,069 Sol Aug 67 336, 200 marine cravimaric Operations, by Dl~ Lt Tereshko, R. IL Gadzhiyov, et al, 13 ljpl RUSSIAN, I)orp trudy Azerbaydziaml-dy Naudmo-Issledovatellskiy Institut Po Dobycho Nefti "Geofizicheskiye Izuch- cidye Goologicheskogo Stroyeniya Nefte- gazonosaykh Oblastoy Azerbaydzhana. 19630 pp 58-64. 9697521 1:'W-TT-05-426 6ci-Larth Sci Aug 65 2870057 Voroblev, V.P. 1949 Benthos of the Sea Asov (Part 2. Ylaterials and methods) (Dentos Azovskogo moria. 2. Material i metodika raboty) Bentoz Arovskogo moria, Trudy JLzovsko-Chernomorskogo Nauchno-issledovatollskoSa Instituta morskogo rybnogo khoziaYetva i okeenografiL, a, Simferopol' , 193p.; 10-14. In Russian. Tranal. by Tranal. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of See. of State of Canada for FRBC Blolo ical Station, St. Andrews, N.B., au Tranal. Series No. 1,~.-14, lop., typescript. Avail. on Loan - MIFS, Wash., D.C. Originot Article CheckedP~.-- i;ioloi.l ami Fislierics oi Iti-in Commarcial Fish oi the Black and Azov Seas, by V. 41%. i'Ustyuchenkc), UW'SIA4,1" iar, Trudy Azovo-Otanmuorsklx Institut %Iorsko;,~o Ily noi~o -Niuz. i OkocauiraflZ VUi XIX' 1961, pp 45-00. NLL hl`j~ S172 (vii Lo~-Ii or Purchaso) 6ci-A;.-.r lei It V-Coall .\ ! r 07 Ditta pauting to the MAUW of the synan Gaw Nwgobi= SyZmn (Nordam)s by Ve lis MSIWdie RMIANS part Try& Anymba toukomo ad)*" bum mousubit Val 6g 19639 pp 95-103. NLL M MZ sal-B mid m Nov 67 345M9 Estimating Stocks of Young BuMead Fish in the Sea of Azov,, by Tv S. Bondamiko, V. K. llashcheperin. RLISSIM, per, LnLdy Azovs ogo Hauchno- Issledovatelskogo Instituta !!ybnoi;o Miozyais~ve,, Vol 6, 1966,, pp 111-117, NLL ICIS 3112 "ei L; 1W ~ 6i .741 -3 Distribution of Commercial Fish Shoals in the Southern Baltic in Winter and Spring, 1956, by 11. P. Biryukov. RUSSIAN, per, TnAY-.R~ItiYskiY Eauflbno-Issledovatell- s, Ik :Lnstitut-1IoRrsko o n~Kh~o ~iy _ . - - , ~~ ~Ro zyay~stva i ~Okeiain~-co g-raf, b No 195', i)i, 3-33. *'Ainistry of Aericulture Sci BiOIAL-Cl Sci Jun 63 Feeding Conditions and Growth of the Sprat, by N. I. Nikolayev. IRUSSILI, per, Tn,,.dy Baltiyskiy Nauchno-Issledovatell- s,':iy Ins+-itu+b 1.'Ior'---Iko-~o~-y~n-ogo -REO-zy4in~ I 04~;~nograf f,f~ 2, 1956, pp 34, 35. *Ministry of AGriculture- Sci - Biol/Med Sci jun 63 On the Causes of Fluctuation of Catches of Sprat in Vislins.1, Bay, by A. V. Beletslrzya. RUSSINI) per; Trudly EBaltuiiy~slkdy Nauchrio-Issledovatel eldy institq- 46i~s i6f, 'nozyaystva i 0keanograf, ybnogo K 2 195S) pp 4'-57. -XIU-nistry of AGriculture Sci - BiolMa-a Sci jun 6, Effect of Light CondZitions on Vertical Migrations of Herring, by V. S. Galovachev, V. A Voyevodin. RUSSIAN, per,.T~ N~auchno~-Issl~edt~e; skiy Institut Morskogo Pybnogo Xboziaistva i Okeanograffil;-WO-6-1-1960 I -1)p. 1.2-4 *PL-48o oTs 63-nio8 Sci jan 63 Results of Investigations of the Second BatlNIRO Expedition to the Coasts of Nova Scotia. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Baltiiskii Nauchno-Issled Inst Morskogo Fqbnogo Khoz i Okean, No 8, 1962) PP 3-16. St- Andrews Station Ser No 460 Sci jui 64 Some Results of Research and Faploration Cruises in Waters of the Equrtorial Atlantico Nov 1960. Mar 1961, by E. S, Pmvirov, RUSSIAN* per tiikjZ Mauchno-Issled lust Mor3kojeo ox i Okeanol2mnx BaltlMO,, No 8,, 19620 Fp*,-M- 31P Depi of nterior Fish and Wildlife Service BCF, Bureau of Foreip Fisheries Sci-Ear Sci 3 ()on Jul 67 Some Results of Research and Exploration Oruises in Waters of the Equatorial Atlantic, November 1960 - March 1961, by E. S. Prosvirov. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Baltiii3kii Nauchno-Issled InGt Morskogo Rybnogo Khoz i Okean BaltNIRO, No 8) 1962, pp 17-23- ft. Andr~-ws Station S c i ju-i 64 The Stock Available To the Herring Fishery, Ita Fluctuations in Recent Years and Prospects for the Future, by A. S. Polonskiy. RUSSIM., per, Trudy Baltiskiy Nauebno-Issled. Inat Morskogo Rybnogo Na Khoz i Okean BaltNIRO, No 8, 1962, PP 27-37. Fisheries Res Bd of Canada Trans Series No 471 Sci jui- 6 4 State of Abundance of Salaka and Sprats in the Sourthern Part of the Baltic Sea, by A. V. Seletskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Tru -jj-j-t-tysI-iy Aq,~j ' - __ay -. -1huLahna--_Iss1q~qvqt - sk~Z lns'~itut Morsko q Rybnor-o Khoz3Myat3m-i-QI ~qo r 1,10 8; 19G-2j PP 111-117- *Rinistry of Agriculture Sci - Biol/Med Sci Jun 63 On Rigging Trawls for Fishing on Rocky Ground, by G. E. Bidenko. RUSSIAN, per, Trady Baltiiskii Nauchno-Issled Inst Morskogo Rvbnogo Khoz i Okean BatINIRO, No 8; 1962, pp 146-158. St. Andrews Station Ser. iNo. 4T2 Sci jui 64 1howmilkil, We A* Same features of the 4ynmdos of ihs. shelf maters of the aeast of southwest Afride, (Nokoterya soebsposti dinmodke gh*llf" kh Vol U paboromblys yugo-4apik"61 Afr9d). Trudy Baltilsk1go Nw&&ao4ev2,edov%te19Skqo Instituts i4wellsodo Wbnogo lb" stva I Oksmogmfti (Baltn=). Jlse, 9: 57-0e in Translation in progran MAR 3 0 1965 Originol Article Chocked ... Bernikov, Re COP and F. S. Prosvirow.' Characteristics of the prospective fishery regions of the 0OA3t of Spanish Sahara and Mauritania (1haraktaristika Perspek- tiTnykh ryboproWslay Yonov u pobare22 ya ispanskoY sakbary i m ykh ra avritanii). Trudy B<Usk89O NamOhnO-iss led oratell skogo Institute, Uorskcgo Rybnogo Khosymastv& j OkeanograM (SaItNIRO), No. 9: 70-80. in Russian. Translation in progress MAR 3 0 1965 SP ,Loa. Proavirorp X. S.9 and 1. 1. 014inskayaq Questime on the o0wasition of comorcial stooks of Swdiimel]A avrita in the Takoradi sad Dakar regions (I Yopron o sontoy"n pro a Ovoga Otada Sardimells &w-iU ramov Takoradi i Dalmrs). Baltifskqga Nattobso-Is TM-Tatsllskogo Ins*ttuta Mwelcade Ftybuc 0 Khm7aistva i Okesnopmfii (BaltNIRO), No. 9: 81-W. In Russian. Translation in progr= MAR 3 0 1965 Z), C, SP OriQjnol Arsicle Checkad ..... Fridlyand, 1.0., A.T. Erolchin 1962 and M.P. iakovehuk Bi-)log,,~ and stock of herring cm the Nova Scotian shelf (Diologiya I zapasy selldi novoahotlandskogo shellfa) Trudy Baltiisko,,,o nauchn -iseled.jvatel'Bkogo inatituta morskogo ry~nogo khoziaretva i ol(eanografli (BaltNIRO), 3.: R9-122. In Russian. Tranal. ,~y Tranal. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of Sec. of State of Canada, for FRRC Biolo,'Jcal Station, St. Johnfe Nfld., 1971, as Transl. Series No. 1747, 5(4-, typescript. Avail. on Loan - UMPS, Wash., D.C. PK Original Article Checked. ... Stuagnetsidt, S. A0 Some problaws of the de"I ovmmt of a fishW7 in the AtIantia (Nakotarye voprosy rawvitiya prooWsla v rmbujouft Atlantike) Trudy Baltilskggo Nauchno4mbledovatellskogo Instituta Mwskogo Rybnogo Khozyalstva A Okeanografti (BaltNrRO), No. 9- 148-151. In Russian. Translation in p"roff MAR ~ u 1965 SP Original Article Chocked . -7777 PolosmiklYj A. 3. Errors in genemUsing ustariala an the. .11ology of fish (Ob oxhibk-Irb pri abobehahwdi materislow po blelogil ryb.), Trud]r Sal,41skagg Imitlists ibnkage Hybuogo Kbazy&lstm i Oksanoersfil (BaltNuo), No* 91 153-=e In Russians TranslalioA in PrOprOll &X-7wk "4~~2 MAR 3 0 1965 Oriainal Arlicle Chocked ...... MAividual imqmUe appantme for,astdilu t~ (INUVI.dusViyy impta'smyl pam d1ya lova tuntals). Trudy Daltilpsko go =abso-jesledentellskoge lutituts,Uvrekago ft"o Shozyalstys I Okftmotmfu (BaltNIM)p go, 9t, IGD-16L In ftmoten, Translation in progres3 At-0-71-ok MAR Original Article Chocked..4tF, -1bwmm a- tob-fifty. at Hy*ocwboo fmiss by m. D. vom 0. " et SL I-kUsakwo pw# --Ngmrmm- I , I.-t - 11-oft I.- at IMpp 3t--61# Lcl-R~/" 40165 Catala5e Activity During Muscular Activity in Birds, by G. I. Rogachev, 7 pp. USSIM, per, Trudy Bashkirskii Selskokh Institute, Vol 12, No 3, 19o6; ~F 83-87. AEC/A.NL-Tr-768-69 Sci/B&,',l 04 Jan 70 U1,172 Witakil, A. L INVEMCATION OF SWAMP-DRAD4NG NORMS (Issledmale Norm Osushenlya Bolot). 1963, 19p. 20 refs. PL-480 Agr. Order from 07S $0.5D 63-11018 Trans. [Belaruski Na nAura -Dasledc by ImoUn- melli Fara SSR) 1958, 5# P6 .3D-ac DPSCRIPTORS. *Swainpa, ODrainage, Water. *Agriculture, Tests. 6341018 1. Mt", A. L U. PL-480 Agr (63-11019) M. National Sciewe Foundation, Waahlagwo, D. C. (Agriculture--Plant Cultivation, TT, Y. 10, no. 3) m T.&" WI. 63-11020 cc". L V. THE CHANCES IN THE WATER PERMEABILITY OF 1. Getov. L. V. PFAT-BOG SOILS RffULTING FROM DRAINAGE U. FL-480 Agr (63- t 10213) (IzmeneWe VodopronlL, aemoed Tortyano-Bolottifth III. National Science Pochv v Resul'tate Ikh Osushenlya). 1963, 13p. 5 refs. Foundation, PL-480 Agr. Washington, D. C. Order from OTS $0.50 63-11020 Trans. ~[Bel.rusld N.,,.k Dasledch InatMa -0ya- ff~yl~SSRMB. v. 8, p. 313-327. V__ DESCRIPTORS: *Soils, *Peat, $Swamps, *Fbrosity. *Drainage, Physical properties, Moisture, Permeability (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, TT, v. 10, rc6 3) Offin al Tuk*ai Unkeg ComecUan wtdoon the Redox Potential and Biological Activity in Pout-Dog Soiles. by I. S. Lupinovich,, L N, SOIOV*ii, at als, RUSSIM., per, Belorussk Nauch-Issled last Malior VOd Khoza Vol VIII, M8. pp 187-204. N LL RIS 3795 On Loan Only Sci-Agri Jul 67 330$608 -rkL,- 1, A ~- t~a U-[e- s s s (;~ i~', ~ -k () , ),JCL6