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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Volume 14, No. 2 December, 1963 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY ATOMHAFI 3HEFTI,IFI (ATOMNAYA iNERGIYA) TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN CONSULTANTS, BUREAU Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 ? JOURNALS: METALLURGY in cover-to-cover translation METALLURGIST (METALLURG) METAL SCIENCE AND HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS (METALLOVEDENIE I TERMICHESKAYA OBRABOTKA METALLOV) REFRACTORIES (OGNEUPORY) SOVIET POWDER METALLURGY'AND METAL CERAMICS (POROSHKOVAYA METALLURGIYA) ? A technical journal of, the Soviet Ministry of the Metallurgical Industry. Reviews new techniques, at Russian and foreign' factories, for improving output and quality. Pub- lishes articles on new inventions and suggestions for improvement of existing equip- ment. Includes all aspects of the Most recent SOviet metallurgical' research from ore to finished product and application. Covers: smelting; refining; processing; internal structure; applications of radioactive isotopes; etc. Typical sample sections include articles on blast furnaces, steel making, rolling and pipes, organization Of .production and economy, power and mechanical equipment. Translation Editor: Professor Bruce ? Chalmers. Published in cover-to-cover translation by the Board of Governors,of ACTA, METALLURGICA and distributed by ,CONSULTANTS BUREAU. Annual Subscription: 12 issues bound in six volumes, $25.00 (Special price to members of ASM and AIME and other coOperating Societies of Acta Metallurgica.) , Reports-the results of research in metallography and thermal treatment of metals both in,the USSR and abroad. This journal publishes papers on production of alloys; research into phase transformations, corrosion, surface and metal strength, the influence of varied processes on propierties of metals; and synthesis of new steels and alloys with special properties. Extensive consideration is given to research in heat treatment of metals; other features, include surveys on metallographic problems, book reviews, abstracts of non-Soviet literature, and discussions of technical problems. Translation Editor: Professor Bruce Chalmers. Published in Cover-to-cover translation by the Board of Governors of-ACTA METALLURGICA and distributed by CONSULTANTS BUREAU. Annual Subscription: 12 issuessbound in six volumes $24.00 (Special price to members of ASM and AIME and other cooperating Societies of Acta Metallurgica.) ? ? Published by the State Scientific and Technical Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Central Administration of the Scientific and Technical Society of Ferrous Metallurgy. Covers subjects dealing with the production and technology of refractory materials and their applications in industry. Papers from the USSR and abroad-on research and testing methods involving these materials are included in the journal coverage. Regular sections include: production; mechahics of production; prac- tical application of refractories; research;, news and foreign-science. Translation Edi- for-Professor William D. Kingery. Published in cover-to-cover translation by the Board of 'Governors'of ACTA METALLURGICA and distributed by CONSULTANTS BUREAU. 'Annual Subscription: 12 issues bound in six volumes, $16.00 (Special price to members of ASM and AIME and other cooperating Societies of Acta Metallurgica.) The results of theoretical and applied research in powder metallurgy (metal ceramics, cermets) and practical'plant.experience in the Soviet Union and abroad. T6 journal is the official organ of the Institute of Metal Ceramics and Special Alloys of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and reports advances in the following areas: theoretical; metal powders; powder metal materials for machine Parts; alloys and products with special physibal properties; refractory compounds and hard metals; refractory and'rare metals; design, economics and equipment; control methods, tests and standardization; safety engineering; and technical information: Annual Subscription: 6 issues, $80.00 SEND FOR SAMPLE ISSUES ?CONSULTANTS BUREAU 227 W.17 ST., NEW YORK11, N.Y. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : dIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA EDITORIAL BOARD A. I. Ahkhanov A. A. Bochvar N. A. Dollezhal' K. E. Erglis V. S. Fursov I. N. Golovin V. F. Kalinin N. A. Kolokol'tsov (Assistant Editor) A. K. Krasin I. F. Kvartskhava A. V. Lebedinskii A. I. Leipunskii M. G. Meshcheryakov M. D. Millionshchikov (Editor-in-Chief) 1.1. Novikov V. B. Shevchenko A. P. Vinogradov N. A. Vlasov (Assistant Editor) M. V. Yakutovich A. P. Zefirov SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY A translation of ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA A publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ? 1963 CONSULTANTS BUREAU ENTERPRISES, INC. 227 West 17th Street, New York 11, N. Y. Vol. 14, No. 2 December, 1963 CONTENTS Diffusion of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field Due to Collisions?S. G. Alikhanov, V. E. Zakharov, PA ENG. I G E RUSS. and G. L. Khorasanov 127 137 The Experimental Plasma Device S-1 with Helical Magnetic Fields (Stellarator)?I. P. Afonon, B. I. Gavrilov, E. K. Zavoiskii, F. V. Karmanov, G. P. Maksimov, A. G. Plakhov, P. A. Cheremnykh, and V. V. Shapkin 133 143 To the Memory of Natan Aronovich Yavlinskii 140 151 Use of Induction Electrodes to Form a Beam of Accelerated Particles in the Synchrophasotron ?G. S. Kazanskii, A. B. Kuznetsov, A. I. Mikhailov, N. B. Rubin, and A. P. Tsarenkov . . . . 143 153 Study of Nuclear Reactions on the Cyclotron of the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR ?0. F. Nemets, M. V. Pasechnik and N. N. Pucherov 149 159 Possibility of the Study of Fission at a Fixed Compound-Nucleus Excitation Energy ?V. M. Pankratov and V. M. Strutinskii 161 171 Fission Cross Sections of Th232, u233, 1.1235, Np237, 123g for 5-37 MeV Neutrons?V. M. Pankratov . 167 177 The Effect of an Even Nucleon Number on the Magnitude of the Radiation Capture Cross Section ?T. S. Belanova and 0. D. Kazachkovskii 175 185 A Study of Neutron Diffusion in Sintered Beryllium Oxide by a Pulse Method?I. F. Zhezherun . . 183 193 Certain Aspects of the Application of the Diffusion Two-Dimensional Two-Group Program ?Ya. V. Shevelev and V. K. Saul'ev 190 200 Decantation Processes in the Hydrometallurgy of Uranium?I. A. Y-akubovich 198 206 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Comparison of Cascade Generator Circuits?G. I. Kitaev 205 213 Space Distribution of Neutron Resonance Absorption in a Block?V. A. Kremnev and A. A. Luk'yanov 209 216 Neutron Diffusion in A Moving Medium?A. A. Kostritsa 212 218 Simulation of Extended y-Ray Sources?V. I. Popov 213 219 NEWS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Second International Symposium on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by Solids and Liquids ?N. A. Chernoplekov 215 221 Moscow Conference on Radiation Chemistry Applications of Charged-Particle Accelerators ?E. V. Egorov and M. Ya. Kaplunov 217 222 Development of Industrial Linear Accelerators?O. A. Val'dner and A. A. Glazkov 220 224 [Isotope Center at Ispra in Varase 226] Annual Subscription: $95 Single Issue: $30 Single Article: $15 All rights reserved. No article contained herein may be reproduced for any purpose what- soever without permission of the publisher. Permission may be obtained from Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th Street, New York City, United States of America. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 CONTENTS (continued) [New Uranium Ore Processing Plant in USA P A G E ENG. I RUSS. 229] A New Line of Vakutronik Equipment (East Germany)?W. Hartman 224 232 Results of Personnel Monitoring in Poland?Yu. V. Sivintsev 226 234 Brief Communications 227 234 BIBLIOGRAPHY New Literature 228 236 Articles from the Periodical Literature 230 237 NOTE The Table of Contents lists all materials that appear in Atomnaya tnergiya. Those items that originated in the English language are not included in the translation and are shown enclosed in brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omitted reports will be given. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 DIFFUSION OF A PLASMA IN A MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO COLLISIONS S. G. Alikhanov, V. E. Zakharov, and G. L. Khorasanov Translated from Atomnaya nergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 137-142, February, 1963 Original article submitted February 10, 1962 A microwave method has been used to study diffusion in the afterglow of a helium plasma. The investigation has been carried out for experimental parameters such that the diffusion across the magnetic field is due to electron-ion collisions. The measured diffusion coefficients in magnetic fields ranging from 700-800 Oe are in agreement with those computed on the basis of classical Coulomb collision theory. At magnetic Pelds ranging from 1000 to 5000 Oe there is an appreciable deviation from theory, in which case the diffusion coefficient is proportional to 1/H. We have obtained an asymptotic solution of the diffusion equation describing the density decay in the after- glow of a completely ionized plasma in the axially symmetric case. Introduction In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in the nature of the diffusion of a fully ionized plasma in a magnetic field. Experiments in this connection have been carried out with a thermal cesium plasma [1, 2]. How- ever, the coefficients describing diffusion in a fully ionized plasma can be measured with plasmas in which the degree of ionization is small, provided the conditions are such that the Coulomb collisions predominate in the diffusion flux across the magnetic field. These conditions can be produced in an afterglow because in an electron gas at low tempera- tures the cross section for electron-ion collisions is many orders of magnitude greater than the cross section for elec- tron-neutral atom collisions [3, 4]. diffusion of unmagnetized plasma " 10 ' to' ' p= 0.1 mmHg Te = = 300?K diffusion caused by ? collisions between electrons and ions in a magnetic field diffusion caused by collisions of electrons and neutrals in a magnetic field W2 102 W. H, Oe Fig. 1. Diagram of diffusion modes in a three-component plasma. The region of diffusion due to Coulomb collisions in a three- component plasma as a function of electron density ri and magnetic field is shown in Fig. 1. We consider here the typical case of decay of a helium plasma produced by a pulsed microwave discharge. The lower value of the density is that for which the electron-ion collision frequency is equal to the electron-neutral collision frequency. The upper limit is the border between the region of Coulomb diffusion and the region of diffusion due to ion-neutral collisions. This transition occurs when the coefficient of Coulomb diffusion across the magnetic field Deli increases with increasing electron density to such a great extent that it becomes comparable to the diffusion coefficient in the absence of a magnetic field, D7a. It is evident from Fig. 1 that a rather large region of diffusion corresponding to Coulomb collisions is avail- able for experiments. Theory of the Experiment The variation in the density of charged particles in a plasma in which there are no volume processes (ionization, recombination,etc) is described by the usual diffusion equation ?an = V (DVn). at (1) The investigation of plasma decay is carried out in a long thin tube (L R) in a fixed longitudinal magnetic field. Dif DI) If e ta R2 "7- L2 a condition that is satisfied in the present experiment, the flux along the axis can be neglected and the diffusion equation for cylindrical geometry becomes 127 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 where Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 On I O( j an at = Or ei r ?87) . The coefficient of ambipolar diffusion across a magnetic field due to Coulomb collisions is given by [5, 6] D=an, 83t ce V2 (1== 3 H ) kT lnA. (2) (3) Here e and in are the charge and mass of the electron; k is the Boltzmann constant; H is the magnetic field; T is the equilibrium temperature of the plasma (it is assumed that the plasma components reach thermal equilibrium); In A is the Coulomb logarithm, which is defined as follows [6]: In A = I [4- k,4:3 )1/2] . (4) In the present case the quantity a can be taken to be independent of coordinates and time. Converting to the dimensionless variables we write Eq. (2) in the form n r t Rs = WO' x ' = allo; No tr=o, f=o, 0 ay _1 a ( oc,, ay ax ax ? The following boundary conditions apply for Eq. (6): 8y Ox =0; =0. The solution of Eq. (6) is written as a series in even powers of x: (5) (6) (7) ' Y = Yo Yix2 ? Yhx2h . (8) 8y (it is evident that the coefficients of the odd powers must vanish because = 0 ). Ox We obtain the following system of equations for the functions y (T): 4yoYi; at- = 8 (402+ Y); h+ ayk = 2 (k + 1)2 I yiyh+i_i? i Now, if yo ) is given arbitrarily we can obtain all the yk (T). tion yo (r). If yo (v) e?vT , then yk (r), starting with k = 2,becomes negative and increases exponentially at large r . Consequently, for certain values of x, yo (x, r) increases as T-) co; this is not physically reasonable. (9) We investigate possible asymptotic forms of the func- 128 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Let yo (r) = ar Then it can be shown by mathematical induction that yh(i)=13k.r-hu+0+q where Lik is independent of a. In this case the series in Eq. (8) can be reduced to the form of a function: a , y (x, T)= aTqG ( X2 arel where G is some unknown function. If q *? 1, solutions of the type given in (10) can not satisfy the boundary conditions. We find y lx=i aTqG ( 1 (ay.')= 0 for all 7-, i.e., Ifq=-1 The function F can be found from Eqs.(9) in the form of a series: where X2 X4 X8 X8 F =1? ? 4 64 288 1024 ' ? ? ' This function is positive at small values of X and vanishes when X =X0, When F = 0 the series in (12) converges very slowly so that Xo can not be found directly from it. In order to find X0 we sub- stitute y = (1/1 F (x2) in Eq. (6). The equation for F is then = 171 Ak (10) (12) 1 d ix d (13) F = 72-x- 71X-- dx F2) ? We multiply this equation by 2x, integrate between the limits of 0 and x, divide by x, and integrate over the limits (0, X0). We find r Ao x 0 i x = ? R ?2 C dx xF dx = F2 l'e = ?1. Fig. 2. Aysmptotic form of the radial density il x 0 distribution in a plasma diffusion across a magnetic field: for the upper curve Di = an$ Substituting F in the form of the series in (12) we obtain an equation for the lower curve DI = const. for X o: 4 10 ? 1 28 32 1152 9216 ? ' = (14) This series converges rapidly. Retaining the first three terms we find X = 2.4. The higher terms give a correction of approximately 1%. To satisfy the boundary conditions we write a = 1/4. Finally, y (x, = F (22ox2). (15) 129 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Investigation of the function F (x) shows that near the points x = 1 it is of the form F const 1/-1 ?x so that 8F = OD. This relation has a simple physical meaning. ox lx=1 Near x = 1 the density vanishes and for a nonvanishing flux the density gradient must become infinite. Evidently, a wide class of physically reasonable solutions of the boundary value problem (7) for Eq. (6)will have the same asymptotic behavior. This follows from the fact that in regions of space where n is large there is a rapid equalization of the density whereas at the walls there is an infinite gradient. Region heated to 400?C Isolation valve Ionization gauges Thermo- couple gauge Magnet coils We note that the function Fig. 3. Block diagram of the apparatus. (x' 1)? Xtr-PC (X20X2)' where C is an arbitrary constant,is an exact solution of Eq. (6) with the boundary conditions given in (7) and the initial condition (x, t) =o = F (Ax2). In particular, if C = 1 we obtain a function that describes the diffusion process when the initial density at the axis of the tube is No. In this case the change in density at the axis of the tube no (t) is given by 1 1 _ at n0 (0 ./V0 ? A2' (16) where A2 = R2/2.4 is the square of the diffusion length. In Fig. 2 we show the asymptotic form of the radial density distribution computed from Eq. (12) for the case of diffusion across a magnetic field caused by Coulomb collisions. For purposes of comparison, in the same figure we show the density distribution when the diffusion coefficient is independent of density [the lower curve y =Jo(Uoix)]. 130 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Experimental Method In contrast with measurements of the diffusion coefficient (caused by collisions of charged particles and neutrals), for the determination of which it is sufficient to know the relative plasma density, in the present case the accuracy in the measurement of the diffusion coefficient depends on the accuracy of the determination of the absolute density. To determine the mean density in the present experiment the discharge tube is placed in a long cylindrical resonator in which the TH019 mode is excited. The resonator simultaneously serves for producing the plasma by means of a microwave pulse. Fig. 4. Typical experimental curves. 2h) In d- 104 10- 10 10 2 : - - - - o - - 0 - ... - 0 o - e 00 - g 0 1431 0 t 11 111 I 111111 1 111111, 10 lo H, Oe Fig. 5. Variation of diffusion coefficient with magnetic field; the circles denote the experimental points while the solid line is predicted by the Spitzer-Braginskii theory [5, 6]. The long resonator length allows us to neglect end effects in analyzing the interaction of the microwave with the plasma column and also yields the possibility of obtaining a uniform plasma over the length of the tube. A diagram of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 3 and a detailed description has been given in [7]. The determination of the transfer coefficient from the shift of the resonant frequency of the cavity as a function of plasma density requires analytic investigation of the interaction of the TH01/ mode with a plasma in a magnetic field. However, because the plasma radius in the present experiments is small compared with the cavity radius, the transverse components of the electric field can be neglected. This procedure is valid when kii < ki and wee. where k11 = lir/L0; kj. = ltoi/R0 (14) and Ro are the length and radius of the cavity; 144)1 is the first root of the zero- order Bessel function); w is the resonance frequency of the cavity; Wee is the electron cyclotron frequency. In this case the shift of the resonant frequency of the cavity in the presence of plasma is given by the usual per- turbation-theory expression [8]: S cogE2 dV 6,0)=. 1 plasma 20 5 E2(117 cavity. (17) where (do is the plasma frequency. Substituting in Eq. (17) the expressions for the density distribution (12) and the electric field distribution in the THog mode, we have 131 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 R 2t Lo Jg(k ?r) cos2 (kuz) [ 35 7:,2 2 3 r4 r dr chp dz Ao=4,2?0 ki9 .0 80 ./14 ? ? ? '?)LoR8,11(x0i) ki+ Rri (18) Integrating with the experimental parameters Ro = 4.25 cm, Lo = 75 cm, R = 0.8 cm and w = 27r ? 3.24.109 sec" we find ho= 2.1 ? 1.02ao). (19) Discussion of Experimental Results The measurements of density in the afterglow were carried out in the range 1019-1011 cm-3. The lower limit of the measured densities is determined by the lower limit for Coulomb diffusion (cf. Fig. 1) while the upper limit is determined by the time required for the electron gas to cool and the capabilities of the experimental apparatus. The experiments were carried out in a glass tube filled with spectrally pure helium at pressures 5-10-2? 2. 10-i mm Hg. The system was first outgassed at a temperature of 400?C for a long period of time after which the residual vacuum was of order 10-9 mm Hg. In addition, the walls were processed by a microwave discharge operating at the electron cyclotron resonance. Several experimental curves from which the diffusion coefficients were determined are shown in Fig. 4. Inas- much as the experimentally observed time dependence of the density is in good agreement with Eq. (16) it is evident that the process responsible for the removal of charged particles has a quadratic dependence on density. The deviation from Eq. (16) at the beginning of decay (extrapolation of the curves kt = 0 gives No < 0) is due to the fact that in the initial stage of decay in the plasma caused by microwave breakdown there are other mechanisms in operation which have an important effect on the density distribution; these include cooling of the electron gas and other factors which are not taken into account in Eq. (16). In Fig. 5 the points show the measured values of the coefficients a as a function of the magnetic field. The solid line in the same figure corresponds to Eq. (3) for the coefficient of diffusion in a fully ionized gas. It follows from an analysis of the experimental results that up to the field values of 700-800 Oe we have a Deli ^, 1/H2 depend- ence. The deviation in the absolute value of the diffusion coefficient from the theoretical value is possibly due to systematic errors in the determination of density. An estimate of the errors in the experimental method gives a value of I 30o, which is somewhat smaller than the observed discrepancy. In the region from 1000 to 5000 Oe the dependence approaches 1/H. The coefficient for volume recombination of electrons and ions as well as the coefficient for Coulomb diffusion are directly proportional to the density of charged particles. Hence, the experimentally observed coefficient for the removal of particles is actually the sum a' ?free + adif/A2. Starting from these considerations, the deviation in the coefficient a at H> 1000 Oe from the theoretical dependence (adif ^. 1 /H2) can be easily attributed to volume recombination (for example of the form He + e) if it were not so close to the 1/H dependence on magnetic field. Under these conditions one must make some artifical assumptions as to the dependence of arec on magnetic field. ? In conclusion the authors wish to thank I. F. Kvartskhava for his interest, R. Z. Sagdeev for valuable discussions of the theory, and G. G. Podlesnov for help in the experiments. LITERATURE CITED 1. N. D'Angelo and N. Rynn, Phys. Fluids, 4, 275 (1961). 2. R. Knechtli and J. Wada, Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 215 (1961). 3. A. Dougal and L. Goldstein, Phys. Rev., 109, 615 (1958). 4. V. E. Golant and A. P. Zhilinskii, "Zh. tekhn. fiz.", 30,745 (1960). 5. S. I. Braginskii, "Plasma Physics and the Problem of a Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction" [in Russian]. Moscow, Izd. AN SSSR, p. 178 (1958). 6. L. Spitzer, Physics of Fully Ionized Gases [Russian translation]. Moscow, Izd. inostr. lit. (1957). 7. S. G. Alikhanov et al., "Zh. tekhn. fiz.", 32, 1205 (1962). 8. G. Suhl and L. Walker, Problems of Waveguide Transmission in Gyrotropic Media [Russian translation]. Moscow, Izd. inostr. lit. (1955). 132 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 THE EXPERIMENTAL PLASMA DEVICE S-1 WITH HELICAL MAGNETIC FIELDS (STELLARATOR) I. P. Afonin, B. I. Gavrilov, E. K. Zavoiskii, F. V. Karmanov, G. P. Maksimov, A. G. Plakhov, P. A. Cheremnykh, and V. V. Shapkin Translated from Atomnaya ?gnergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 143-150, February, 1963 Original article submitted April 17, 1962 We give a brief description of the construction and operation of a stellarator in the form of a racetrack with helical magnetic fields which has been built by the I. V. Kurchatov Order of Lenin Atomic Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Certain results characterizing the operation of this apparatus are described. The idea of using a system with helical fields (stellarator) was first suggested by Spitzer [1, 2]. In systems of this kind the magnetic force lines undergo a rotational transform about the magnetic axis. The magnetic axis is that line of force which closes on itself after one circuit around the machine. Spitzer and his colleagues have proposed methods of obtaining closed helical fields both by means of topological variation of the toroidal configuration (figure- eight configuration) and by means of special helical windings. Devices with special helical windings are of great interest as compared with figure-eight devices because in addition to the rotational transform of the magnetic force lines they exhibit a number of other interesting properties. In these devices the number of helical windings and the current in the helical windings can be used to change the region of closed magnetic surfaces and the rotational trans- form angle at different radii. Soviet scientists have also made a large contribution to the theory of the complicated helical field configurations produced by helical windings [3-7]. Theory predicts that the plasma must be stable in the magnetohydrodynamic sense in devices with helical fields in the absence of strong longitudinal currents;for this reason it was decided to build such a device in the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. It should be noted, however, that the experimental data on plasma containment have shown a more rapid loss of charged particles from the discharge than that predicted by theory. This might be due to inadequate accuracy in realizing the required magnetic field configurations or might be due to some other pro- cesses, as yet unknown, which operate in the plasma. For this reason, in the construction of the device special atten- tion was given to the accuracy of the required magnetic field configurations. Construction of the Apparatus The apparatus is in the shape of a racetrack. A general view is shown in Fig. 1. The basic machine parameters are as follows: inner diameter of the vacuum chamber 10 cm; length of the straight sections 120 cm; mean radius of curvature 60 cm; perimeter 617 cm. The longitudinal magnetic field can be raised to 25 kilooersteds; the quantity H1/H0, which characterizes the helical field and has been introduced in [4], can be varied from 0,2 to 0.6. The maximum loop voltage is 400 V. The condenser bank used to produce the longitudinal magnetic field has an energy storage of 1700 kilojoules (C = 3.45 ? 10-2 farads, v = 10 kV). The energy storage of the condenser bank that supplies the ohmic heating transformers is 45 kilojoules (C = 3.6 ? 10-3 farads, v = 5 kV). The longitudinal magnetic field is produced by a magnetic system consisting of coils and solenoids. The sole- noids are located on the curved portions of the vacuum chamber while the coils are located on the straight sections. The mean diameter of the coils is 34 cm. Each coil is wound of six turns of rectangular copper tubing 10 X 10 mm2 with an aperture 5 X 5 mm2. Between turns there is an insulating gap of 1 mm. After impregnation with an epoxy compound the coils are secured between side walls of nonmagnetic stainless steel. The coil construction is shown in Fig. 2. The distance between coils is 85 mm. To provide "shimming" of the magnetic field between the solenoids and Coils in the region of the transition to the curved section, the straight section is provided with four coils having twelve turns with a mean diameter of 200 mm. These are made of copper tubing with diameter 6 X 1 mm, also pro- tected by an epoxy compound, and secured between side walls of stainless teel. 133 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 The solenoids are made of copper rings. The basic solenoid is, a semi-torus made of textolite. The .mean diam- eter.of the rings is 203 mm. They are connected in series by.shaped cross sections along which the current flows, forming the semi-torus. In parallel with the cross sections are the compensating conductors in which the current flows in the opposite direction. To the rings are soldered. copper tubing 6 X 1 mm in diameter used for water cooling; The solenoid is protected by an epoxy compound. The construction of the solenoid is shown in Fig. 3. . Fig. 1. General view of the S-1 device. The main helical windings_ are frames in the _form of ,a semi-torus assembled from specially shaped rings pressed Of AG-4 plastic. The rings have slots at an angle of 12 .degrees with respect to the direction_ of the semi torus for installation of the helical windings fabricated in the form of a 3-strand winding Of copper tubing 8 X 1.5 min in diameter and consisting of 6 sections. In neighboring sections, each of whieh consists Of four -con- ductors, the current flows in opposite direations. The con- ductors in the helical winding_ are connected "in' 'series and ? after, installation in the slits the anis.' are impregnated with .an epOxy compound. The helical. windings make one turn over the curve; consequently the angle of curvature is 0.0333 rad/cm. In Fig. 4 we show the helical windings before impregnation .. ..,with the epoxy compound. The semi-Aprus with the helical, windings is located inside the solenoids and is centered:in the, latter. _ . The -solenoids, Coils and helical windings are connected in 'series., in parallel lkith the helical winding there is-a ghunt by means of which the current can be controlled.' Fig. 2. Coil in assembly and in section. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 134 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 The vacuum system of-the machine consists of :a vacuuin chamber, the pumping system, and the gas inletsystem. In Fig. 5 we shOw a sketch of ?the vacuum chamber, which consists of two semi-tori, two straight sections, and four '- connection sections,- which join the semi-tori to the straight sections. The mean radius of the semi-tori is 60 cm, the inner diam- J j eter 10 cm, and the wall thickness 0.2 cm. These are made from 1.Kh18N9T stainless Steel stamped from sheets of half-sections welded to the generators of the semi-torus. The proper shape of the semi-torus is thenachieved by expansion. At the ends of the semi-tori are soldered straight sections 5 cm in length with clamp flanges for joining to the connection sections. The straight portions of the chamber consist of glass sections., made of 8S-5 glass with inner diameter of 10 cm and a wall thick- ness of 0.5 cm,and.corinection joints. The glass-metal, transition* is made through kovar rings which are soldered to sYlphon bellows to protect the glass from stress in installation and outgassing. To . the sylphon bellows are soldered flanges for connection to the con- ? Fig. 3. Solenoid in assembly.(a)and -protected nection sections. . by epoxy compound (3). ? The connection sections are made from 'stainless steel. Each connection section has four ports which are used for experimental purposes, for pumping the chamber, and for admission of gas. -A heated palladium valve is?used for admission of hydrogen while helium is admitted through a needle valve.. To two connection sections through 'appropriate ports are connected in parallel two oil vapor high-vacuum type VA-0.5-2R vacuum units. These have two traps in series cooled by liquid nitrogen. The maximum pumping rate of the units is 100 liters/sec and can be changed by the DU-100 valves. The fore vacuum is produced by VN-1 pumps. Fig. 4. Helical winding. 135 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 All units of the vacuum system up to the fore vacuum use copper gaskets. In principle the assembled vacuum system can be heated to 450?C. However, up to the present, the vacuum system has not been heated completely in assembled form; rather,the individual units of the vacuum system have been outgassed before assembly in a special vacuum unit. The assembled vacuum system can be cleaned by discharge cleaning. The vacuum achieved in the system is 0.8 ? 10-8 mm Hg. Fig. 5. Vacuum chamber. 1) Semi-torus; 2) connection section; 3) straight section. A) Gasket location. On the curved sections of the machine are located two transformers for producing the highly ionized hot plasma in the ohmic heating mode. The toroidal cores of the transformers are wound in the form of helices of sheet steel (g-300). The cross section of the core is 600 cm2. The primary winding of the transformer consists of 25 turns wound uniformly along the core of copper bus with a cross section 15 mm2. The secondary winding of the transformers is the plasma in the vacuum chamber; this plasma is produced by weak ionization of the operating gas by a radio-frequency field from a special generator. BM-135 8, Rc Tr the S-1 Ir Fig. 6. Diagram showing the power supply for device. 136 On the straight glass sections are located high-fre- quency circuits for studying the effect of the high-frequency field on the plasma. For these investigations we use a genera- tor with a power of 1 megawatt with a pulse length of 1.5 msec operating at a frequency of 20 Mc. The circuits are located in vacuum shields in which a vacuum of 10-6 mm Hg can be produced; the circuits can also be filled with nitrogen or elegas to a pressure of 10 atm to increase the electrical breakdown properties of the circuit. The machine is mounted on a special support of non- magnetic material. All supporting details of the magnetic system are also made of nonmagnetic material. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Power Supply The magnetic system and the transformers are driven from energy stored in condenser banks. The condenser bank that supplies the magnetic system consists of two groups of type IM-150/5 condensers with 458 condensers in each group. The condensers in a group are connected in parallel while the groups are connected in series. Each condenser is protected against overload in the event of breakdown by being connected to the bank through a protective device. A diagram of the supply for the magnetic system is shown in Fig. 6. The bank is charged from a BM-135 supply through a resistance Ra.which is approximately 2 k52, made of nichrome wire 1 mm in diameter, and is discharged through the ignitron I, which is a type IVS-100/15. A second ignitron 12 of the same kind is connected in parallel with the load. This ignitron is triggered by a small feedback voltage from the bank. It is used to crowbar the current pulse. In series with the load is connected a calibration resistance Rc, the voltage pulse from which is fed to an oscilloscope used for observing the magnitude and shape of the current pulse in the magnetic system. The pulse from resistance R2 in the high resistance divider is connected in parallel with the load and serves for observation of the magnitude and shape of the total voltage pulse applied to the magnetic system. Hz, rel. units, phase shift, deg 10 10 3 section Outside wall Connectio section Straight section Fig. 7. Graphs showing the phase shift and amplitude of the magnetic field in the region of the straight section: 1) phase shift of the alternating magnetic field; 2-4) amplitude of Hz in re- lative units (in the region of the connection section the coils have: 2) 20 turns; 3) 12 turns; 4) 6 turns). The condenser bank which supplies the transformers consists of 24 IM-150/5 condensers connected in parallel. The power supply circuit for the transformers differs from the circuit shown in Fig. 6 only in that the second ignitron 12 can be fired with the same polarity of the voltage across the load as is used to trigger the first. This makes it possible to obtain a rectangular voltage pulse. The pulse length can be changed by changing the firing time of the second ignitron. To obtain an aperiodic discharge in the circuit a resistance is connected in series with the transformers. Pulses from the divider connected in parallel with the load and from the calibration resistance connected in series with it make it possible to observe the shape and magnitude of the current and voltage pulses in the primary winding of the transformer. The radio-frequency generator is supplied from a high power modulator. The machine is controlled from a console to which are connected the controls for the power supplies, modulator, generator, vacuum system, charging for both condenser banks, and interlock system. The console also contains a device for programming the cycle of opera- tion of the machine. The apparatus can be controlled manually or automatically. Startup of the Apparatus and Preliminary Results Starting up the apparatus means basically the adjustment of the magnetic system. A compensation method was used to measure the longitudinal component along the magnetic field at the axis Hz and at various radii and also to determine the effect of metal parts of the vacuum system. A curve of Hz along the axis of the vacuum chamber is shown in Fig. 7. Curves 2 and 3 are for the case in which the coils with 20 and 12 turns are located in the region of the connection section. The dashed line shows the drop in field when the coils with 6 turns are used. In the same figure we show a curve of the phase shift of an alternating magnetic field at different parts of the apparatus caused by the effect of metal details in the chamber. It is evident from the curve that the maximum phase shift is less than 510 in the region of the connection sections and the jackets. 137 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Intensity, rel. units 100 80 60 40 ZO t, 0.5 msec/div I, I t Heff I, t A =4686 A - A-4921 A 1 Neff A-4685 A 11e1 A= 48271? - 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 , t, 0.1 msec/div t; 0.1 msec/div Fig. 8. Ohmic heating of a helium plasma for two values of the circuit voltage (the longitudinal magnetic field is 9.6 kilooersteds, the'helium pressure in the chamber before breakdown is 4.5. 10-4 mm Hg). In the left column reading from the top down for .6 = 0.125 V/cni we have a) plasma current; b) loop voltage; c) microwave cutoff-at X = 0.8 cm; d) microwave cutoff at X = 3 cm; .e) emission of the helium line;as a function of time. The right column-is the same for E 0,32 V/crp. 138 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 To observe complicated magnetic field configurations we have developed earlier the so-called rotating elec- tron-beam method. The assembled magnetic system of the machine was checked with electron beams and the axis of the magnetic system was aligned with the axis of the vacuum chamber by the proper choice of position of the compensating windings. The inner region of the separating magnetic surfaces was determined in the cross section of the vacuum chamber by varying the current in the helical windings. In this case the quantity Hi/Ho was 0.55. The magnetic field reaches a peak value some 10 msec after initiation of the discharge and decays in 15 msec. Various methods are presently in use for investigation of the plasma. The shape and magnitude of the loop voltage pulse around the chamber and the current in the plasma are determined. 'A microwave transmission technique at 3 cm and 0.8 cm is used to determine the electron density. Optical and spectroscopic measurements using electron optical converters are used to determine the geometry of the plasma emission in time (in total and monochromatic light) by sweeping portions of the spectra in time. Mass spectrometers are used to determine the composition of the gas in the chamber before and after the discharge. The first experiments on ohmic heating of a helium plasma have been carried out with the apparatus. InFig. 8, for a pressure of 4.5.10-4 mm Hg and two values of the condenser bank voltage ,we show the plasma current, loop voltage, cutoff of the microwave signals at 3 cm and 0.8 cm and emission from the neutral and ionized helium. In both cases the characteristic feature is the relatively high electron density ( 1.75. 1013 cm-3) after the termination of plasma current. The curves showing the emission of helium lines are obtained by means of an electron-optical light amplifier using a time-resolved spectrum and photometric analysis of the pictures. Two stages are clearly evident in the emission of all helium lines, including the line Hell (X = 4686 A). The first stage of intense emission is concluded when the plasma current vanishes. Then there appears a rather intense and long emission pulse. This is especially clear in the experiments with the loop voltage of 0.125 V/cm. When the loop voltage is increased to 0.32 V/cm the general features of the pattern remain the same the only difference being that an important contribution to the plasma emission comes from the ionized helium during the time in which the current flows as well as after it is terminated (the line for the neutral helium is reduced appreciably). This indicates that the electron temperature is increased when the loop voltage is increased. It if is assumed that the plasma conductivity is uniform over the cross section, its value is of order 6. 1014 esu. The electron temperature estimated from the conductivity is 14 eV while the temperature determined from the density ratios of the emission lines of helium is 40 eV. If we assume that the plasma density falls off exponentially, the mean time constant for decay is 0.5 msec. Preliminary measurements at different helium pressures show that when the pressure is reduced the effect of the helical windings on the development of the discharge is increased. The authors wish to thank L. V. Korablev, A. I. Morozov, and L. S. Solov'ev for valuable discussions in the con- struction of the apparatus and are indebted to A. V. Titov and V. A. Filatov for help in the construction. LITERATURE CITED 1. L. Spitzer, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva (1958). Selected reports of foreign scientists, Vol. 1, Moscow,Atomizdat, p. 505 (1959). 2. Johnson et al., Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva (1958). Selected reports of foreign scientists, Vol. 1, Moscow. Atomizdat, p. 505 (1959) 3. A. I. Morozov and L. S. Solov'ev,"Dokl. AN SSSR", 128, No. 3, 506 (1959). 4. A. I. Morozov and L. S. Solov'ev, "Zh. tekhn. fiz.", 30, 271 (1960). 5. L. V. Korablev, A. I. Morozov, and L. S. Solov'ev, "Zh. tekhn. fiz.", 31, 1153 (1961). 6. I. M. Gel'fand et al., "Zh, tekhn. fiz.", 31, 1164 (1961). 7. V. F. Aleksin, "Zh. tekhn. fiz.", 31, 1284 (1961). All abbreviations of periodicals in the above bibliography are letter-by-letter transliter- ations of the abbreviations as given in the original Russian journal. Some or all of this peri- odical literature may well be available in English translation. A complete list of the cover- to- cover English translations appears at the back of this issue. 139 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 TO THE MEMORY OF NATAN ARONOVICH YAVLINSKII Translated from Atomnaya nergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 151-152, February, 1963 On July 28, 1962 N. A. Yavlinskii was killed in a road accident. The time which has passed has not softened the bitterness of the blow; we are still aware of the finality of our loss. He was a versatile, profound scientist; a manly, simple, and sympathetic person. His whole life was devoted to his creative and inspiring work. N. A. Yavlinskii was born on February 13, 1912 in Kharekov, the son of' a doctor. He started his working life as a 16-year-old coil winder in the , Khar'kov electromechanical plant. At the same time he studied in the Institute to become an engineer. His unusual ability and outstanding talent as an engineer were quickly recognized and in 1939 he was made head of the de- sign bureau of the plant. N. A. Yavlinskii spent the first years of the war at the front. He took part in the battles'near Khar'kov and in the heroic action on the Volga. He .went to the front without any special military training and returned as an artillery major with combat decorations. He gained his combat experience, during the difficult first years of the war, where he invariably exhibited man- liness, persistence and unusual coolness. Even during the worst days he was always confident, giving all he had to the common good. After the war Natan Aronovich worked in Moscow as head of the design bureau of the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute (VI) and from 1948 he , headed one of the laboratories in the Institute of Atomic Energy. His scientific activity covered three regions of modern science. He wrote a number of excellent papers on the theory and planning of electric machines and systems of electroautomatics. Under his leadership one of the first Soviet digital computers was,devel- oped and built. He received international acclaim for his work on the investigation of plasma in connection with the controlled thermonuclear reaction. We will try to cover the main results which he achieved in these directions. Working before the war at the plant and after the war in Vt I, N. A. Yavlinskii designed and built several new types of electric machines which have found extensive application in industry. As the chief designer of these machines? in 1948 N. A. Yavlinskii was awarded a state prize. Natan Aronovich also worked successfully on problems in the theory of electric motors; he developed the theory of action of armature reactions in dc motors under iterative transient conditions. He showed that the torque developed on the shaft of the motor depends to a large extent on the reaction of the armature current to the excitation circuit. This theory made it possible to introduce considerable corrections to design methods,for example in rolling mill drives. Natan Aronovich shared his knowledge and tremendous experience of electrical engineering and automatics with the young workers. For several years he lectured at the All-Union Energy Correspondence Institute. Two of his courses of lectures, "Electric Motors for Automatic Control Systems" and "A Course on Electric Motors for Special Drives," were published in 1956-1957. These works filled a gap which had existed in modern electrotechnical literature. In the Institute of Atomic Energy he worked on the development of control and supply systems for equipment used in the electromagnetic separation of isotopes. . In recent years the scientific interests of Natan Aronovich have been more and More concerned with very real problems. Because of his sharp penetrative mind and wide erudition in regions of science and technology which were quite different from his usual work, he soon grasped the exceptional importance of electronic computers. Natan 140 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 A ronovich was the type of person for whom understanding means acting. He applied his ebullient energy, his talent as an engineer, scientist, and organizer to the construction of computers in the Institute of Atomic Energy. In the opinion of leading specialists these machines are of very high quality and are reliable in operation. Calculations performed with them have been extremely useful not only for the Institute of Atomic Energy, but also fora number of other organizations. It should be mentioned that these modern computers were developed and built under the direction of N. A. Yavlinskii in an Institute which is not equipped for .the solution of such problems, in a very short period and without any special preparation. In 1951 Natan Aronovich was one of a small group of scientists to commence investigations into the problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions. The engineer had become a physicist. For him this was a new field of science, with new methods of investigation, and a new field of ideas. He soon became a leading experimenter in one of the main aspects of the investigation into the problem of controlled synthesis. In 1958 N. A. Yavlinskii and a group of physicists were awarded a Lenin prize for investigating the possibilities of producing a high-temperature plasma in powerful gaseous pulse discharges. In the further development of this problem Natan Aronovich headed a group of experimenters dealing with the study of quasi-stationary systems, in which the plasma is created and heated by a ring current stabilized by a strong magnetic field. With the accumulation of experimental information it was clearly necessary to extend the range of methods for the investigation and to build new apparatus. Various methods were used to study the plasma: microwave probing, high-speed photography, numerous electrotechnical and spectrum methods of measurement ? all these were quickly adopted and used to obtain information on the most complex physical processes occurring in a hot plasma. To obtain a hot pure plasma it was essential to build an all-metal system, ensuring a low content of impurities. Naturally, to achieve the purest vacuum conditions it was essential not only to develop new designs but also to develop the complex technology of vacuum and heat treatment of components. The electrotechnical difficulties arising in the development of this equipment become clear if we bear in mind that magnetic fields with intensities of up to 40000 Oe must be set up in a space measuring many hundreds of liters. The mechanical forces in the windings reach hundreds of kg/cm2 under these conditions. Special pulse-action electric motors were used to feed the windings. The complex problems onfthe building of new equipment and systems for feeding them owed their solution to the engineering talent and outstanding organi- zational abilities of N. A. Yavlinskii. It is obviously beyond the scope of the present article to describe the tremendous assistance, energy and will- power needed to overcome those enumerable difficulties, drawbacks and doubts which arose at each step. The physical results made an important contribution to plasma science. A large step forward had been taken in one of the main directions of investigations into the problem of controlled synthesis. In the laboratory headed by Natan Aronovich a completely ionized plasma, existing for several milliseconds, was obtained for the first time in the Soviet Union. It was shown that with large stabilizing magnetic fields the plasma is not destroyed by magnetohydrodynamic instabilities and reacts comparatively weakly with the walls of the chamber. A considerable fraction of the energy liberated in a discharge under these conditions goes to heat the plasma and not to the radiation of impurities. The electron temperature reaches a million degrees, and the ion temperature, at least at the initial stage of the discharge, is close to the electron temperature. It is now clear that the work of N. A. Yavlinskii and his co-workers is not only an essential part of our know- ledge on plasma physics, but will influence further investigations in this direction over the next few years. Throughout his life Natan Aronovich was always a leader in his field, serving as an example for his comrades. In all aspects of his varied activity he made an important contribution. At the front he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals. The scientific and technical achievements of Natan Aronovich won him Lenin and State prizes and the order of the Red Banner of Labor. His scientific and technical interests were unlimited. He devoted much of his energy to social activities. In 1927 he became a Young Communist and in 1932 he became a party member; he led an active social 1ife. During the years of collectivization,with the permission of the Young Communist League he worked on a farm; in 1934 he became editor of a large-circulation industrial newspaper. As a propagandist he ran discussion groups and seminars. He was repeatedly elected to the party organs of the Institute. 141 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 N. A. Yavlinskii was always surrounded by young people. He tried to instill in them an interest in the im- portant problems which he was working on. In the All-Union Energy Institute the specialty "Mathematical and Com- puter Instruments" was introduced on his initiative in 1956 and Natan Aronovich was the first lecturer in this course. The students enjoyed his lectures because of their content, the liveliness and clarity of the presentation. He spared neither time nor effort and was always ready to help students both in the Institute and at home. His kind and sensitive attitude to people showed itself most clearly in his dealings with his colleagues. The door of his study was always open and people could come to him when in trouble. Everyone found a lively welcome; they received kind and wise advice and help. From morning to late evening it was always possible to turn to him with work problems and with problems of a personal nature. Igor' Vasil'evich Kurchatov rightly called him "Natan the wise." His wisdom was combined with a rare modesty and considerable self-criticism. We have lost a genuine person, a man of considerable talent, and rare humanitarian qualities. He led a good life which was tragically broken off at the height of his powers. Those who had the pleasure of knowing N. A. Yav- linskii closely, for whom he was a comrade and friend, will always remember this brilliant man. 142 A Group of Comrades Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 USE OF INDUCTION ELECTRODES TO FORM A BEAM OF ACCELERATED PARTICLES IN THE SYNCHROPHASOTRON G. S. Kazanskii, A. B. Kuznetsov, A. I. Mikhailov, N. B. Rubin, and A. P. Tsarenkov Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 153-158, February, 1963 Original article submitted April 4, 1962 This paper gives some results of a study made on using signal electrodes to form a beam of accelerated particles in the first stage of acceleration in the synchrophasotron. A short description is given of the method of investigation along with the theoretical basis of the experimental results. Analysis is made of the oscillational processes resulting from the behavior of the particle beam in the initial stage of acceleration. In particular, a discussion is given of the azimuthal variation of the density of particles in the accelerated burst, as well as the oscillations of the center of charge in the burst in the radial direction. Recommendations are made which it is useful to follow when adjusting for optimum particle acceleration in the synchrophasotron. 1. The beam of accelerated particles in the synchrophasotron of the United Institute of Nuclear Studies (0IYaI) in Dubna is detected by means of a set of electrostatic signal electrodes [1, 2]. The electrodes consist of broad copper plates placed on both sides of the particle beam. There are two systems of signal electrodes. One set has, plane symmetry, coinciding with the median plane of the accelerator magnet, and we shall call these the vertical elec- trodes. The second set of electrodes (radial) is orthogonal to the first. A schematic representation of the electrodes is shown in Fig. 1. V OUr A AFWAff?APE Pection of Z.;19r..digf beam motion .4 Fig. 1. Induction electrode system: A) vertical elec- trode; B) radial electrode; C) amplifier of beam- intensity measuring system; D) radial beam-position detector. The signal V(i0), proportional to the varying azimuthal density q(v) of charge on the particles in the moving burst, is induced in the vertical electrodes: T+ V() =--? (T') dcp' q?c(C) 2n, In (1) where where / is the electrical length of the electrodes, C is the capacity of the plates to ground, including the capacity of the mounting, and II is the perimeter of the equilibrium orbit. The signal V( co) may be fed to an integrating circuit which makes it possible to find the potential 2n 1 Vm S V(tp)dp (y) chp = , (2) which is proportional to the total charge Q in the accelerated burst. Since the effect of the autophasing mechanism is such that the accelerated burst occupies only a part of the ring orbit, the integration in (2) is in fact performed in the stability region? dividing line ? and not over the whole orbit. 143 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 The sensitivity of the vertical electrode system (shown in Fig. 1 by the letter A) is N Q _ TIC ( V - eV ? el ' where N is the number of protons in the accelerated burst, and e is the charge on a proton. (3) For the OIYaI synchrophasotron, II = 208 m, 1 = 0.5 m, C = 400 pF and so a = 1 ? 1012 protons/V. By measuring the voltage Vout on the amplifier output of the system, and knowing the amplification factor K, the number of protons in the burst may be found from the formula (4) The radial electrodes (see Fig. 1,B) detect the beam deviation in a horizontal plane. They give a signal U (9) proportional to the deviation of the center of charge of the burst elementlq(9)(//1.1)2 Tr] from the equilibrium radius, the signal being normalized in such a way that its magnitude is independent of the number of particles in the burst. Ingeneral, the radial position of the center of charge of the individual elements in the burst may, be different, i.e., the signal from the radial electrodes is, in the general case, dependent on 9. Such cases can occur under definite conditions during radial phase motion. The sensitivity of the apparatus in the radial system is 2 V/cm?. Fig. 2. Dividing line and radial phase trajectories for cos cos = 0.5. The solid horizontal lines re- present the walls located 65 cm from each side of rs, and the dotted horizontal lines show the beam boundaries (for the instantaneous orbits), corresponding with a relative energy spread of I 1%. Fig. 3. Radial position of particles as a function of time for the radial phase trajectories 1, 2, and 3 of Fig. 2 (the corresponding initial positions of the particles are shown by asterisks in Fig. 2. A graph of the displacement of the beam when the accelerating field is turned off (curve 4) is given for comparison. The vertical and horizontal electrode equipment has a frequency passband from 0.1 to 3 Mc, which makes possible distortionless detection of both the form [V(9)] of the particle burst after each revolution in the azimuthal ?At the present time, the sensitivity is a factor of 10 greater than that given in [1, 2]. 194 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 direction and the position of the center of charge in the radial direction [U(c)J. Further, there is the possibility of observing any amplitude modulation of the signals produced by radial phase motion of the particles in the accelerated burst, which, as we shall see, gives very important information on the behavior of the accelerated burst. 2. When the accelerating voltage is turned on, as we know, a region of stable motion is formed, bounded by a dividing line [3]. Figure 2 shows the phase trajectories of the particles for the OIYaI synchrophasotron (cos cps= 0.5), which are described by the familiar first integral of the phase equation [4]: = V (sin ? y cos cps) ? (sin win ? in cos cps) --I- Vln (5) where ip = W / 2 cp is the phase of the accelerating voltage at the instant the particles pass through the I 52 sin cps accelerating space, 9s is the equilibrium phase, and S-2 is the angular frequency of the radial phase oscillations. A consideration of the motion of the particles on the phase trajectories (Fig. 3) including free oscillations has shown that: a) The flux of particles lost at the external wall of the chamber lasts approximately a half-period of the small phase oscillations, i.e., in the present case 350 ?sec, although some particles may also be somewhat retarded (those which pass through in the region of the point CP = 95, = 0). b) The greater part of the flux of particles lost at the internal wall also passes through during a time of the order of a half period of the small phase oscillations, but an appreciable fraction of the flux can still be retarded by a time of the order of one or two periods of the small phase oscillations. The particles very quickly get out of the range of phases in the vicinity of 9 = r (in 200-300 Psec), and, accordingly, the "dive" in azimuthal particle density in this region shows up in as little as 100-150 psec (Fig. 4). a Fig. 4. Azimuthal structure of accelerated particle beam V(9): a) 100 ?sec from the start of accelera- tion; b) after phase oscillation. T/To 2 ?max ? Fig. 5. Period of radial phase oscillations as a func- tion of the amplitude oe = cps? coin for cos cps = 0.5. Thus, the a Zimuthal structure of the beam will be observed starting 100-150 psec after the accelerating voltage is turned on, and beam formation lasts up to 1-1.5 msec or more, depending on the capture conditions and the distri- bution of the particles in the free oscillations during betatron operation. 3. Let us now consider the behavior of a formed burst in the first stage of acceleration in the light of the in- formation obtained from the signal electrodes. For simplicity we shall assume at the start that the beam undergoing capture is quite monoenergetic, i.e., the initial spread in the instantaneous orbits, 2AM, is much less than the radial dimension of the dividing line 2b, and that at the instant the accelerating voltage is applied the beam is in an equili- brium orbit. Since the period of the radial phase oscillations of the majority of the particles (excluding the particles moving in the vicinity of the dividing line) is approximately the same (Fig. 5), in this case the behavior of the beam 145 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 inside the dividing line may be thought of as the rotation of a rod with respect to an equilibrium phase 95 at the frequency O. Because of the asymmetry of the dividing line with respect to the equilibrium phase, the center of charge does not coincide with the center of rotation of the rod, with the result that the center of charge executes radial phase oscillations at the frequency O. The azimuthal density distribution in the accelerated beam will be of the form shown in Fig. 6. The increase in density at the instants t = T0/4 and t = 3T0/4 comes from the fact that at these instants the beam under discussion is grouped in phase around 95, while at the instants t = 0 and t = T0 the beam is extended in phase, with a minimum energy spread. Obviously, the ratio of densities is given by the formula qi'o = AM qT0/ b ? The step-function distribution of the density at the instant t = T0/2 comes from the asymmetry of the dividing with respect to 95. The particles, distributed at the start of the phase range from ? cps to + 9s, are, after a half-period, grouped in the phase range from + 95 to cpmax, and since 9max ?95? cps, the density in this phase range increases by approxi- mately a factor of two. On the other hand, the particles from the phase range from + cos to 'max pass during this time to the phase range from ?cps to + vs,which at this point leads to a reduction in density also of approximately a factor of two. (6) line 3T t= t=-2 "t= To 2 4 Fig. 6. Change in form of the azimuthal density distribution in the accelerated beam as a result of radial phase motion. It is assumed that AM/b cSOx 50 45x 45 x 45 30 x 25 x 28 20 x 20 x 25 65 x 65x 65 45x 40 x 43 25x 25x 25 15x 20x 20 65x 60x 61,5 40 x 40 x40 20 x 30x 23 15x 20 x 15 60 x 60 x 60 40 x 35 x 38 20 x 25 x 23 The mean-square errors PX were within the limits 0.5-1.5% for blocks with B2< 0.05 cm-2 and for small blocks. The measured values of X are shown in Fig. 3 by points; the vertical lines through these errors in the measurements. The continuous curve corresponds to the parabola reached a few percent points represent the = leo + DB2 ?CBI, (4) the parameters Ec -v,D and C of which were obtained by matching to the experimental points by the method of least squares with an electronic computer and were 174, 155, 760 and 411, 700 respectively. Since B2 depends on D through an extrapolated addition, the calculations were performed by the method of successive approximations. The addition was determined according to [14], the dependence of X t on the mean velocity of the neutron spectrum in the block being neglected. For Be() this does not introduce any appreciable error (for example, see [15]). Several variants were used to calculate the parameters, in which the values of X were taken to be equal weights and the weights determined by the errors in the measurements of A A. In particular, bearing the mind that the three- term formula (4) is valid for values of B2 which are not very large [16-17], when B2< M2/ X t,where M2 is the mean- square loss in energy of a neutron per unit length, in one variant of the calculation measurements of X were used only for blocks with B2 75. 0.043 cm-2. This variant gave a value C = (3.888 f 0.436)-105 cm4/sec somewhat less when all measurements of X are used, when C = (4.117 0.270) ? 105 cm4/sec. For c-v-and D all variants gave practically coinciding values, from which, using known relationships, we obtain the remaining diffusion and nuclear parameters; diffusion length L = 29.9 I 1.0 cm ;transfer length At = 1.88 I 0.02 cm;neutron diffusion time T = 5750 200 ?sec; effective absorption cross section for one Be0 molecule, averaged over the Maxwell spectrum, Fc = 10.4 0.4 mb; the effective cross section for a velocity of 2200 m/sec, oc = 11.8 f 0.4 mb. 186 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 The values for L, T and ac are in agreement with our previous measurements [9] and the data of other authors. The value for X t coincides with the recent data of Laccour [8]. As regards the diffusion coefficient D, it is much greater than the data of [5], the different crystal structure being unable to explain such a difference [11]. Our value for the coefficient of diffusion cooling C agrees with the value of [5]. As mentioned above, to check the anistropy of the diffusion coefficient D measurements were made for "plane" and "long" blocks, for which the ratio of geome- trical parameters 1321 :13211 determining the neutron diffusion in the directions of supposed anisotropy D, differed con- siderably from the ratio 13.1 :1511 for a cubic block. For a "plane" block measuring 80 X 80 X 50 cm the ratio 131 :B20 was 0.81, and the sum B21+ 13211,i.e., 132, = 0.643 .10-2 cm-2, and for a "long" block (40 X 40 x 100 cm) ? 11,5 and 1.172. 10-2 cm-2; for a cube the ratio 131 :1311 was 2. Large block dimensions were taken so that the possible aniso- tropy in C could be neglected. The decay constants X in this case were measured for two positions of the neutron detector (x = a/2, y = b/3, z c and x = a/2, y b, z = c/3) and were somewhat different: for a "plane' block ? 1152 & 6 and 1129 8 sec-1,for a "long" block they were 1886 I 13 and 1931 t 15 sec-1 respectively. The differ- ence somewhat exceeds the error in measurements, its character being as if the neutron leakage occurs more rapidly in the direction of the least transverse dimension of the block. This can serve as an indication of the possible incom- plete separation of the variables for blocks of this shape. 11 000 10 000 9 000 8 000 7 000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2500 2000 ,s ?,9 1500 a)() 1000 , 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,90 1,80 x10-- Geometrical parameter, cm-2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 Geometrical parameter, cm-2 10 x10" Fig. 3. Dependence of the decay constant on the geometrical parameter (x represents "plane" and "long" blocks). When determining the anisotropy we took the averages of two measured values of X for each block ,with errors equal to a half of their difference. The calculations showed that if there is a difference between Di and D11 in di- rections perpendicular and parallel to the direction of pressing of the Be0 bricks, then it does not exceed 1.5-2%. The coefficient of diffusion cooling C in a certain sense is a measure of the effectiveness of energy exchange between neutrons and the moderator medium. It is related to the mean-square energy losses of a neutron per unit length M2, sometimes called the thermalization parameter, by the well-known relationship [15]: C (ce 1)2 /7"n?,,D2 , 00". 2 LDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 (5) 187 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 where vo = 2kT0/m (To is the temperature of the moderator, ?K), and M2 is determined by the formula co co M2 = (k71,)2 Zs (E' E) x (E ? E')2 M (E)dE dE' . '0 0 (6) For a free atom M2 = 4gE5,where g is the mean logarithmic loss in energy for one collision. Relationship (5) was obtained with the assumptions that, in the first place, the equilibrium energy distribution of neutrons in the block remains Maxwellian, corresponding to the characteristic temperature Tn, which can differ from the temperature To of the moderator and, in the second place, the dependence of X t on the energy has the form X t Ea where a is a free parameter. For Be0, X t averaged over the neutron spectrum can be assumed to be approximately independent of the energy, i.e., we can set a = 0. Then, (5) gives D? A" 2 = 4r vo- (7) Before calculating M2 from this formula we will introduce corrections to C, connected with the above-mentioned assumptions and the approximate nature of formula (4). The main corrections [17] are corrections for the deviation of the neutron spectrum from Maxwellian (about + 2550), for the nondiffusion character (about + 5%) and for neg- lecting of a term containing B6 in formula (4) (approximately ? 10 and ? 55? for two variants in the calculation of the parameters). When these corrections are taken into account both the above values of C give the same value C = 4.9.106 cm4/sec, hence M, qIs 0,48 The last result shows that the energy loss of a neutron for one collision near equilibrium with the medium is reduced, due to the chemical bond, to about 2050 of the loss on collision with a free atom. We can obtain certain other information on the character of the moderation process at the last stage. From mea- surements of D and C= 4.9.106 cm4/sec the mean velocity Tr of the neutrons in a block of a given size is equal to -17?kT2 (1 ? 3,1112), nnt (8) where B2 is the geometrical parameter of the block and the coefficient for B2 is equal to the ratio C : D. On the other hand, from the numerical calculations of [18] 6 V8kTo r TV?' 25 ' (9) where r = 2Ax tB2/ 3Es. A comparison of the formulas gives an average effective mass A per molecule of moderator equal to 41. The thermalization time r can be estimated from the relationship of [15]: 6C = 120 ?secs, (10) which is much less than the value given in [5, 16, 19]. However, bearing in mind the approximate nature of relation- ship (10) and the large error in C connected with the approximate nature of the introduced corrections, the value of r should be refined by other methods. 188 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 In conclusion the author would like to thank N. Ya. Lyashchenko, V. V. Mel'gunova, A. A. Rodionova, and M. P. Shustova for the numerous computer calculations, A. A. Osochnikov for developing the time analyzer and for helping with its servicing, and the whole of the operating personnel of the linear accelerator who made this work possible. LITERATURE CITED 1. R. Stephenson, An Introduction to Nuclear Engineering [Russian translation]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdater stvo tekhnikoteoreticheskoi literatury, p. 526 (1959). 2. Reports of the US Atomic Energy Commission. Nuclear Reactors. Reactor Physics. Moscow, Izd. inostr. lit., p. 200 (1956). 3. Koechlin, Martelli, and Daggal. Reports of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1955), Vol. 5, Moscow , Izd. AN SSSR, p. 31 (1958). 4. Gamba, Santalo. and Alsina, Reports of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1955), Vol. 5, Moscow , Izd. AN SSSR, p. 578 (1958). 5. S. Iyenger et al., Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., XLV s. A, No. 4, 215 (1957). 6. Nuclear Engineering Handbook. N. Y., McGraw Hill Book Company Inc.(1958). 7. K. Singwi and L. Kothari, Transactions of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). Selected reports of non-Soviet scientists. Vol. 2, Moscow , Atomizdat, p. 675 (1959). 8. P. Benoist et al., Second United Nations Int. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol. 12, p. 585, P/1192. 9. I. F. Zhezherun et al., "Atomnaya energiya", 13, No. 3, 258 (1962). 10. I. F. Zhezherun, Counting Losses in Work with Pulse Sources of Particles [in Russian] (in preparation). 11. I. F. Zhezherun, I. P. Sadikov, and A. A. Chernyshov, "Atomnaya energiya", 13 No. 3, 250 (1962). 12. R. Peierls, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 149, 467 (1935). 13. K. Beckurst, Nucl. Instr. and Methods, 11, 144 (1961). 14. N. SjOstrend, ArkivfOr Fysik, 15, No.12, 147 (1959). 15. M. Nelkin, J. Nucl. Energy, 8, 48 (1958). 16. K. Singwi and L. Kothary, J. Nucl. Energy, 8, 59 (1958). 17. K. Singwi, Arkiv fr Fysik, 16, No. 36,385 (1960). 18. K. Beckurst, Z. Naturforsch. 12, H. 12, 956 (1957). 19. R. Etammann, Transactions of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958). Selected reports of non-Soviet scientists. Vol. 2, Moscow, Atomizdat, p. 741 (1959). LDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 189 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THE APPLICATION OF THE DIFFUSION TWO-DIMENSIONAL TWO-GROUP PROGRAM Ya. V. Shevelev and V. K. Saul'ev Translated from Atomnaya nergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 200-205, February, 1963 Original article submitted March 17, 1962 The basic properties of the program for calculating reactors with a two-dimensional geometry by using the diffusion two-group approximation are given. The methods which make it possible to enlarge the scope of this program are described. Introduction In 1957-1958, a program was composed at the Order of Lenin Institute of Atomic Energy, Academy of Sciences, USSR, for the numerical solution of reactor equations that are given by 1 ? div (D1 grad 01) -I- = E ?2-.102; (1) ?div (D2 grad 02) ? Z202 = (2) under the following assumptions (i = 1, 2): 1) The integration region R is a rectangle given by 0 s r 5_ am, 0 5 z :5_ bN; 2) the symmetry condition acIli/Or = 0 is satisfied at the cylinder axis (r = 0, 05 z 5 bN); the condition cxxi is satisfied over a portion of the external boundary (0 s r s am, Z = bN and r = am, 0 5 Z 5_ bN); finally, for Os r Z = 0, either the symmetry condition 843i/a z = 0 or the condition 41i 0 is satisfied; 3) Di (r, z), Ei(r, Z) (r, z) and (r, z) are sectionally constant in R; in this, the lines of the discon- tinuity of coefficients are parallel to the coordinate axes; 4) Di (r, z) > 0, Ei (r, z) 0 in R; 5) (Di (r, z) and Di (r, z) grad (Pi (r, z) are continuous in R. The quantities which have to be determined are the effective neutron-multiplication factor lie, i.e., the small- est intrinsic parameter of the problem. and the fluxes of thermal and fast neutrons, i.e., the eigenfunctions 4.1 and 4)2, which are normalized by using the max (pi= 1 relationship. The other quantities are assumed to be given. The pro- gram also presupposes the possibility of solving the inhomogeneous equation ? div (D grad (D) /1-D = F (3) for similar assumptions concerning the R region, the boundary conditions, and the D, E, and F coefficients. The aim of the present article is to draw the reader's attention to the possibility of using this comparatively simple program for solving a large class of reactor problems without any changes in the code. Before considering this problem, we shall briefly discuss the program treated in this article. Numerical Method For solving Eqs. (1)-(3), we used the method of grids with the subsequent iterative solution of the corresponding systems of grid equations. For this purpose, the R region was covered with a rectangular grid in such a manner that the lines along which the constancy of the coefficients Di, Ei0 = 1, 2), E2,1 and E1-4.2 is disturbed coincided with the lines of this grid. Then, at the points (r, z) of discontinuity of the coefficients, Eq. (3) was approximated by the 190 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 following five-point grid equation: h4D(Iv) 2/z1 where points (r + z), (r, z h2), (r ? (r, z ? 4) 1 + '):1t1(pa) 2r. ) 2k2 +h2D(11)?714DII (I) ? 2h3 (1 )2h3) 21z4 (D(3) 4_ 12,D(III)+hiD(Iv) 2r cD(4) ? s (h1 h2 " E(I) + h2h3E(II) h3h4E(III) 1l4 hi')] CVO) 4 (hlh,F(i)? h2h Far) + h3h4p,(im ii4h1pv) ), (1)(0), ow, (Dm, (Dm, cD(4> are the values of the (I) function at the point (r, z) and the four neighboring (I) ,-,(n), are the limiting Dam, D(rv) respectively; D , (4) values of the coefficient D at the point (r, z) from the sides of the (r, z), (r -j- 111, z), (r + h1, z (r, z), (r, 112), (r ? z + 112), (r ? z); (r, z), (r ? z), (r ?113, z ? 112), (r, z (r, z? /14), (r hi, z 114), (r +h,, z) rectangles, respectively. The quantities X('), F(1) constitute a similar notation for the E and F coefficients; y, = 0 for the Cartesian geometry, and y = lindrical geometry; s is the sum of the coefficients for .1.(I)(i = 1,2,3,4). For the main group of points, we used the ordinary five-point grid equation /2 2 12 El(1 4- )CD(1) (1 Yh 2r 2r ) h2),(r, +112); ?114); (r, z), I, II, HUN') 1 for the cy- (t)(2) (1)(4) [ 2 ( /2 ED x (DM = /2 , (5) which was obtained from (4) for hj = 112= 11, IL,? 114=1, D, E(i)-= F. Together with the equations that correspond to the boundary conditions at the boundary S of rectangle R, the totality of the grid equations (4) and (5) forms a system of linear algebraic equations, which can be solved by using the iteration method of sequential upper relaxation with the automatic choice of the optimum relaxation factor. In the case of Eqs. (1) and (2), the intrinsic vector {.131, 4.2} is found by using the simple iteration method (internal iterations). In this, for the zero approximation, we can assign either a function which is identically equal to unity [this is compulsory in the case of Eq. (3)] or a two-dimensional parabola or, finally, the solution of the previous variant of the problem with the same grid. Principle of Program Composition The method for composing the program is based on a regular (cyclic) presentation of the given region R in the form of the sum MN of "elementary" rectangles II (Pq)(p = 1, 2 M; q = 1, 2 N). The regular presentation is provided as a result of extending the lines of discontinuity of the coefficients with straight lines until they intersect the boundary S of rectangle R. The general grid equation (4) is used at the points located on M? 1 vertical sections with the abscissas al, a2 am ?1 and on N ? 1 horizontal sections with the ordinates b1, b2,..., bN ?1, by means of which the above presentation of the R region is realized. The simpler grid equation (5) was used for the points inside (pq). All of the initial information is assigned in the form of the following sequence of MN + 2M + 3N + 6t + 10 codes: 191 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 81, 83, 83, 84, 65; 5t1; 313; 113; n(11), 31(21), Tom, 310.2), 3/122); TE(M2), 1; ...; TE(11V); n(MN), 1; 0, at, az, ..., am; 0, b1, b2, bN; mj, m2, ..., mm; ni, n2, ? ? ? , nN; gii), 1(1) 1(29+1; DZI), f21), Mt), fit), I(2IL1; DCP, fit42, (6) where e (e 1>e 2> 63> 64 >es) is the maximum allowable difference with respect to the modulus between two suc- cessive "internal" iterations in the ith (i Ls 5) "external" iteration [for i> 5, es is used; in the case of Eq. (3), we can put e 2 = es = 64= 65= 0]; 7r1= 0 in the case of systems (1) and (2), and IT = 1 in the case of Eq. (3); ir 2 = 0 for y = 1, and ir2 = 1 for y = 0; 7r3 is equal, to 0 or 1 in dependence on whether the z = 0 axis constitutes the symmetry axis; (PO is the index which is ascribed to the elementary rectangle 11(Pq) and which is equal to one of the numbers 3, 4, t (t is the number of different zones); mp is the number of parts into which the section ap-ap_i is divided (p = 1, 2, ..., M);rig is the number of parts into which the bq-bg_i (q = 1, 2, N) segment is divided; the index (j) in the DP), Efj), ..? coefficients indicates belonging to the j th zone. (j = 3, 4 t). In this, the elementary 1) rectangles 11(Pq) are ordered in the following manner; The first is the II 0 rectangle, which is adjacent to the co- ordinate origin; then follows rectangle 11(21), which is next to 11(11) and is adjacent to the Or axis, etc., up to rectangle 11040; then follows rectangle 11(12), which is next to 11(11), but is adjacent to the Oz axis, then rectangle 11(22), which is next to 11(12) and 11(21), etc. The index 1 after 11(1v1()0.= 1, 2,...,N) and the index 0 in front of al and b1 are used for separation; they are intended to enable the computer to decipher the mutual position of individual zones. In the case of Eq. (3), D, E, and F are used instead of DI, El, and E-.1 in sequence (6), while D2, E2 Ei -4.2 are considered to be equal to zero. Besides the code sequence (6), the maximum allowable difference with respect to the modulus between two consecutive ke values must be assigned at the control panel in the case of the problem (1), (2) for the intrinsic pa- rameter. The program consists of three units. Unit 3 is auxiliary; it is intended for shaping commands in units 1 and 2, which depend on the shape and the dimensions of the grid. Unit 2, which also is an auxiliary unit, serves for calcu- lating (according to the Gauss-Seidel method) the optimum relaxation factors for the fast and the thermal groups. Simultaneouslywith the first iteration, the coefficients of the grid equations (4) and (5) are calculated; 27 of these coefficients for each II (PO are recorded on the magnetic drum (later, as they are needed, these coefficients are read off the magnetic drum in groups of 27 M numbers). Unit 1 constitutes the main "working" unit. The auxiliary units 2 and 3 are used only at the initial stage of computer operation, after which the control is transferred to the basic unit 1, while units 2 and 3 are cancelled. The basic operative field - the values of the function to be iterated at the grid points - is put in the freed space in the computer's fast memory. In the latter variant, the program was fulfilled without reference to the file of subprograms, so that the program utilized the entire fast memory and all the magnetic drums. Magnetic tapes were not used. In order to use this program, concrete contents must be assigned to the mathematical scheme presented in the introduction. This is not always easy to achieve. The description of a reactor in the first approximation often fits the scheme, but contains elements that contradict it. We shall give such examples below and indicate the methods to be used for eliminating these difficulties. Many of these methods can also be used in other programs (one-dimen- sional and multigroup programs). Nondiffusion Effects 1. Assume that a plate whose thickness is A, which is black with respect to thermal neutrons, is located in the core. At the boundaries of this plate, the diffusion equation for the flux 4,2 of thermal neutrons must be supplemented by the effective boundary condition 192 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 1 a In a), Ox 0,71 032\.". or D2 ao(x1)2 ? 2 1 (2,131 -= 3 ? 0,7103). For the realization of condition (7), we shall consider that the diffusion equation with the specially selected ? ? constants D2', E2 and E1-4.2 is valid inside the plate. If we assume that A = = 2,131A' (7) (8) where k is a certain constant (k te 3-4), condition (7) will be satisfied. Actually, the fictitious diffusion length is L; = A7k and L;/D;= 2.131. Since A is much larger than L; while there are no sources = 0), the flux inside the plate will be exponentially attenuated from the boundaries toward the center, and D2 8:2 =_-_-D? 81:14 D2* (11)? (14 ? 2 2 ax L; 2 2,131 ?2,131 ' This method can also be used in calculating small reactors with basically different values of the transport path length Xtr for different energy groups. Beyond the external surface of the reactor, it is sufficient to place a fictitious layer with the thickness A? and with constants that are equal for all groups, which are determined by relationships (8). 2. Assume that a tube whose diameter d is large in comparison with Xtx is placed in the reactor. For exact calculations pertaining to the tube surface, integral-type boundary conditions should be written. Since they are not included in the program, diffusion equations must be written for the region inside the tube. It is obvious that El= E2= 0, = E2-* = 0, while the diffusion coefficients can be determined by analogy with the Knudsen flow, i.e., by substituting the tube diameter for the transport path length: D, = D2 = . (9) This yields the correct value for the neutron flux through the transverse cross section of the tube if the flux changes sufficiently smoothly along its axis. The neutron flux across the tube cannot be accurately taken into account, since Eqs. (1) and (2) do not provide for the anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient. If the shape of the cavity is notcylin- drical, its effect can be estimated following the same approach and using the hydraulic diameter as the characteristic dimension. Inadequacy of the Two-Dimensional Geometry 1. Assume that there are n absorbing rods in the reactor, which are arranged along a ring at the distance rro from the reactor axis and which pass through the end-face reflector. If the two-dimensional program is to be used, the rods must be replaced by an annular layer with different properties in the core and in the reflectors. The properties of the layer must be such that the flux in the actual reactor that is averaged with respect to the azimuth angle coincides at least asymptotically with the flux in the reactor with an equivalent layer (at a distance from the layer that exceeds the migration length). The asymptotic flux is proportional to n-1 11) (r) =Vo c E Yo r ? rh I x,), X = ? x!, (10) where tP0 is a function without singularities atiTt, i.e., on the axes of the rods; j is a vector which is normal to the axes of the rods. The derivative of the fluxt7r) which is averaged with respect to the azimuth angle will have a dis- continuity at the radius rro. The discontinuity can be simulated by creating an artificial narrow annular layer with the thickness A and with specially selected constants. The diffusion coefficients may coincide with their actual values, while the cross sections should be determined in the following manner: 193 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Here, =O, Xi = Di (x2 a in 1T) 64?-- I5Zar?) A co); 6UnifC re 'apt V ; ?AU? 3 (80+ 9n2 (2n3_3n2 +4n) (4n ?3) 6(n2+ n) 2n 6 (n2+ n) K 12n "5. K6U= 2n (4n-3) ? 4n-3 ' 'opt V 4n-3 For a clear presentation of the dependences of Ku and Kau on n (up to n = 30) for the circuits considered in this article, Figs. 3 and 4 show the graphs of the functions. The following conclusions can be drawn on the basis of the results obtained in comparing the most promising cascade generator circuits: 1. The efficiency of circuits must be estimated for the same total capacitance of all the capacitors. 2. From among the circuits considered, the most efficient one is the three-phase full-wave circuit, which can be recommended for high-power cascade generators. The ordinary three-phase circuit is the least efficient one. 3. For a large n value, the two-phase (symmetric) and the single-phase full-wave circuits are approximately equivalent; however, for n< 20, the new circuit is much more efficient. LITERATURE CITED 1. B. S. Novikovskii, Atomnaya gnergiya, 4, No. 2, 175 (1958). 2. A. A. Vorob'ev et al., High-Voltage Test Equipment and Measurements [in Russian],Moscow, Gosenergoizdat (1960). 3. E. M. Balabanov and Yu. S. Smirnov, Pribory i Tekhnika gksperimenta, 5, 23 (1960). 4. A. A. Vorob'ev and S. F. Pokrovskii, Atornnaya gnergiya, 9, No. 4, 305 (1960). 5. A. Boumers and A. Kuntke, Z. techn. Phys., 18, 209 (1937). 6. G. I. Kitaev, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zavedenii. g,nergetika, 11, 32 (1962). 7. G. I. Kitaev, Author's certificate No. 143897 (1962). 8. G. I. Kitaev, Author's certificate No. 146858 (1962). 208 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 SPACE DISTRIBUTION OF NEUTRON RESONANCE ABSORPTION IN A BLOCK V. A. Kremnev and A. A. Luk'yanov Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 216-217, February, 1963 Original article submitted May 21, 1962 The determination of the space distribution of resonance neutron absorption in a block placed in a moderator is of interest both for the theory of heterogeneous reactors and for a number of practical cases (for example, distribution of plutonium in a uranium fuel element). The ratio of the number of neutrons of resonance energy absorbed in a volume dv to the number of nuclei of the absorber can be regarded as a characteristic of resonance absorption in an elementary volume dv surrounding a point in the block with the coordinate r. We call this ratio the effective res- onance integral of absorption; (19= d? (u) (u, r) du dv cr,(u)q) (u r) dv, (1) where ?(u, r) is the neutron flux at the point r at the energy (lethargy) u; p is the absorber nucleus concentration in the block; ao (u) is the absorption cross section at the energy u. In the energy region in which the resonances can be regarded as isolated, the resonance integral (1) is calculated in the form of a sum over the individual levels: J .p Cr! (u) q (u, r) du, (la) 11 and since the behavior of the cross section in the neighborhood of the i-th resonance is usually known, the problem of investigating the space distribution of the resonance absorption is limited to a problem of finding the neutron flux in the blocks ?(u, r). Orlov [1] and Wagner [2] found the distribution of neutron resonance absorption in a block by means of the Gurevich-Pomeranchuk approximation. In this approximation the resonances are assumed to be strong (E0 d 1), and the effect of neutron moderation in the block is considered unimportant (Esp d 1). In a number of practical cases, however, the resonance absorption of the moderated neutrons cannot be neglected. For example, in a block consisting of UO2 of diameter 1 cm, the moderated neutrons contribute about 15/0 to J(r) (see [3]). A method proposed for the calculation of the space-energy distribution of the resonant neutron flux takes into account the effect of neutron moderation in the block within the framework of the "narrow resonance" approximation (the mean energy loss in col- lisions between neutrons and nuclei of the absorber is considerably greater than the resonance width) and is based on the use of the corresponding functions determined in monoenergetic transport theory [4] for the space distribution of neutrons in a block after the first collision. For a block placed in an infinite moderator, the neutron flux of energy sufficiently removed from the energy of the isolated resonance Ei is the same at all points of the block and is equal to the neutron flux in the moderator. Using this fact and the general integral equation for the neutron flux at a point [4], we can obtain an expression for the neutron flux of resonant energy: where (u, K (r' -+ dzi K (r's Jr) dS I Qn K ( ' e?E r?r' 1 41t- I r ?r'i2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 (2) 209 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 I On I is the cosine of the angle between the direction r ; ? r and the external normal to the surface of the block at the point r es; dS is an element of the surface of the block in the neighborhood of the point r; E is the total cross section in the block and is equal to Esp + Er = p (asD + or). Here sp is the cross section for potential scattering relative to one nucleus of the absorber, or is the total resonance cross section. Using the properties of the function K (r' ? r )(see [5]) relation (2) can be reduced to the form osp (2a) where irr* (u,r) is the neutron flux distribution function in the block after the first collision .under the condition that a uniformly distributed isotropic source of unit strength is located at the surface of the block [6]. Inserting formula (2a) into (1a) and replacing the variable u by E, we obtain ji (0= (c (71$pEccrsp d c aC(11r. rp* (I (E), 3E) cr E Cr (3), Here the first term represents the resonance absorption integral for the i-th level in an infinite homogeneous medium (4]. With the aid of formula (3), which was used for the calculation of the resonance absorption by an individual level with values of the function g,? (E, r) given by Stuart [6], we determined the space distribution of resonance absorption in a cylindrical block composed of UO2 with a radius R = 0.5 cm (Fig. 1) for temperatures of 300 and O''K. The ab- solute value of J (r) in an element of the volume was determined by summation over the known allowed levels of U238 [T]; in the calculations for higher energies, we used the mean resonance parameters. The results of the calculation are in good agreement with the experimental data [3]. J(r),barns 60 T.300% TROY 1?(r/R) 402 0,0+ 0,1 42 ?04 1 20 Fig. 1. Distribution of neutron resonance absorption in a cylindrical block of radius R = 0.5 cm: ?) calcu- lated; X) experimental data [3]. E sp b 0 0,2 1 )2041). msoirm ? 3 2 Fig. 2. Relative values of the coefficient P for cy- lindrical blocks for different values of the parameter E R. sp In those cases in which the Doppler-effect broadening of the resonances is not important we can separate, for all strong levels, a general coefficient dependent only on the coordinates of the point under consideration in the block and the absorber concentration. For this, we put formula (3) in the form where 210 ji or) criccrsp dE . 1 S [Far ap Z F (x)dx] 8 I 5.27, I dS cr E 4n I r I r?r'1 p (E) 8 dE F e--Mx ?E- . (h) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 (4) (5) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 If for the description of the energy dependence of the cross section in the vicinity of the resonance we use the Breit- Wigner formula, then, for large values of the parameter El Ir ?r 's I (hereElo is the cross section at resonance), we can use for F (x) the asymptotic expression [8] F ?r'81) ?Esp r-4 1/ :asp r accrbn dE where 4= a E . Inserting (5a) into (4) we obtain CE) where .1i (r)=J (Esp, r), r?r; s dS I On ' e 13 ligZsp I I (5a) (6) (here 4, is the error integral). The function P(E r) represents the screening coefficients which depend on the block geometry, distance from sp' the center of the block, and absorber concentration. Figure 2 shows the ratio of the coefficient P at the point r of a cylindrical block to the corresponding value of P at the center of the block. The ratio of the distance from the sur- face of the block to the radius is given along the abscissa axis on a logarithmic scale. In the case of EspR = 0, cor- responding to the Gurevich-Pomeranchuk approximation, the quantity P(0, r/R)/P(0, 0) agrees with the values ob- tained in [2]. The moderation in the block leads to an equalizing of the space dstribution of resonance absorption. At the surface of the block the function P goes to infinity, which is connected with the use of the asymptotic formula (5a). LITERATURE CITED 1. V. V. Orlov, Atomnaya gnergiya, 4, 6, 531 (1958). 2. M. Wagner, J. Nucl. Sci. and Engng.. 8, 278 (1960). 3. G. Smith, D. Klein, and J. Mitchell, J. Nucl. Sci. and Engng. 9, 421 (1961). 4. B. Davison, Neutron Transport Theory [Russian translation] (Moscow, State Atomic Press, 1960), p. 30. 5. G. I. Marchuk, Methods of Calculating Nuclear Reactors [in Russian] (Moscow, State Atomic Press, 1961), p. 30, 6. G. Stuart, J. Nucl. Sci. and Engng. 2, 617 (1957). 7. J. Rosen, J. Rainwater, and W. Havens, Phys. Rev., 118, 687 (1960). 8. A. A. Luk' yanov and V. V. Orlov, Collection: Theory and Methods of Calculating Reactors [in Russian](Moscow, State Atomic Press, 1962), p. 179. 211 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 NEUTRON DIFFUSION IN A MOVING MEDIUM A. A. Kostritsa Translated from Atomnaya tnergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 218, February, 1963 Original article submitted May 16, 1962 The entrainment of neutrons by a moving medium can be considerable at comparatively low rates of flow, de- spite the high neutron diffusion coefficient D and the scattering length /s. Reactors are known [1, 2] whose operation is accompanied by intensive movement of the moderator. Reactors with still more intensive movement of the modera- tor in the active zone will evidently be used to an increasing extent in the future. In this connection it is desirable to consider the entrainment of monoenergy (primarily thermal) neutrons by a moving medium. We will consider the convective transfer of neutrons by a medium moving with velocity u in a single-velocity kinetic equation of neutron transfer, connecting the change in neutron density N(r,n) with diffusion, absorption, scat- tering of neutrons and their sources:? ON (r, n) at -1-uvN (r, n)=?vvN(r, n) ? N (r, n)-E 443 p.(0) N (r, n') 1 4T-t?S (r). (1) In the simplest case of a plane single-dimensional problem of diffusion in a uniform stream moving in the di- rection of the x axis, equation (1) can be solved by known methods [3] and we can obtain the following expression for the diffusion length L: L 1+1 (1 ?y)/L In 2/, (2) which assumes the usual form when ti/v =y-+0 (see formula (32.27) in[3)). The dependence of L on y determined by expression (2) is fairly complex. For practical use it is convenient to consider the approximate solution of equation (1) in the region outside the sources. In the P1 approximation for a neutron density No the following equation holds: 3D 02N0 . ?6uD 02No ( 3D ) aN, _ 32N0 -t- 02 . + 1+ v2i, 3D aN, N, ? (3) 02 012 ax at dl T D (1 3172) ax, u ( 1 ? ?v2T ) ax Equation (3) is of the hyperbolic type: When u = 0 it changes to the known relationship{ see equation (9.18) in monograph [4]]., According to [4], in a nonstationary diffusion equation we can never neglect the front of the wave and it is shown that the velocity of the wave front is v/ 4-3-and not v. We notice that when u = v/r3- in equation (3) the term determining the neutron diffusion disappears. In the diffusion approximation from equation (3) under stationary conditions and y2 12.0 Research labs 360 10 13 1 ? Industrial plants 437 77 79 21 2 Medical institutions 256 79 84 17 3 Miscellaneous 31 5 ? ? ? Total 1084 171 176 39 5 During 1960, the total number of persons who handled radioactive isotopes and were subjected to systematic monitoring almost doubled over the 1959 reach 1475 people in 61 institutions of all kinds. The distribution of personnel subjected to exposure to ionizing radiation is listed in Table 1. We learn from these data that over 65% of the jobs of this type at industrial plants and in research institutions are filled by men. At the same time, fe- male personnel are found to predominate in medical institutions (over 80%) where, judging by the sizes of the doses registered (Table 2), radiation protection and health-physics services were less conscientiously organized than in the research laboratories. The authors of the report turn most of their attention to the fact that the majority (66%) of the cases of exposure of persons to doses greater than the permissible 5 rem/year occurred in the case of persons who were of adultage (18-30 years) and occupied with work in medical institutions or in industrial plants. In 1960, not a single one of the persons monitored was exposed to any dose exceeding the tolerable limit set by the formula D = 5 (N-18), where N is the person's age in years, and D is the permissible dose in rem. ? T. Musialowicz et al. Personnel film monitoring service in Poland during 1960. GLOR-8. Warsaw, Poland (1961). 226 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Translated from Atomnaya fnergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 234-235, February, 1963 East Germany. An apparatus has been built at the heavy machinery plant in Magdeburg for testing large parts by high-level x-radiography and gamma-radiography. A 15 MeV betatron of Czech fabrication is used in this job. A Co60 source of 1400 curie activity will be used for special tests and investigations. 22'1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 BIBLIOGRAPHY NEW LITERATURE Translated from Atomnaya gnergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 236-244, February, 1963 Books and Symposia Books released by Gosatomizdat (Atom Press) Publications S. Goudsmit. The Alsos Mission. Translated from the English,1962, 189 pages. 45 kopeks. R. Clark. The Birth of the Bomb. Translated from the English [Horizon Press, 1961]. 1962, 168 pages. 47 kopeks. Quite a few items of memoir-type literature has been published in the west following the Second World War, di- rectly or indirectly elucidating various curious details of the work on building the atomic weapon and on conducting atomic tests in the USA, Britain, France, and Germany. The Soviet reader is already acquainted with some of this genre: the book Atoms in Our Home by A. Fermi, and Brighter Than a Thousand Suns by R. Jung. The books Alsos Mission and Birth of the Bomb are two more in this line. The Alsos Mission is devoted to the activities of a special American military team landed in France after the opening of the 1944 second front against the Germans by the Allies. This team was charged with the task of intern- ing German nuclear physicists and evaluating the German "nuclear potential." The book Birth of the Bomb renders an account of British and French efforts to build an atomic weapon im- mediately prior to the Second World War and during the war. It is perfectly understandable that the authors of books of this type insist on the priority of the country which they represent in nuclear matters; Thus, the author of Birth of the Bomb emphasizes repeatedly that British and French scientists had pursued their research in the area to a point far in advance of the American counterparts, up to a certain stage. And only the occupation of France and the onerous military situation of England constrained those nations to turn over the results of their work to the USA and to join and subordinate their efforts to the American program. It is demonstrated with sufficient clarity in the book how "pre nuclear physics" gradually became converted, in the hands of politicians, into a weapon of blackmail and terror. The alarm which swept through the most prominent scientists on seeing how the tremendous discoveryof the 20th century? the chain reaction? was being used and what uses it was being put to serve is the subject of quite a few dramatic pages. Particularly characteristic in this regard are those spots in the book which deal with the work of the famous French physicist, the Communist Frederic Joliot-Curie, and his colleagues. This progressive scientist saw in the chain reaction not a means of destruction, but a new and powerful source of useful energy. He and his colleagues and pupils consequently insisted unflaggingly on the idea of peaceful use of the chain reaction by building a nuclear power reactor, Yadernye reaktsii Vol. I . Translation of Nuclear Reactions, edited by P. Endt and M. Demeur. Translated from the English. 1962, 450 pages, 2 rubles, 24 kopeks. This book, written by renowned foreign physicists, is devoted to a survey of theoretical and experimental papers on the physics of nuclear reactions. The book contains ten articles illuminating three basic trends: the theory of nuclear models, dynamics of nuclear reactions, and experimental research. The chapters devoted to the first category include: The theory of the nucleus as a many-body system (I), the shell model (II), the statistical model of the nucleus (VII), and rotational motion of nuclei (X), The second category includes; Angular correlation and polarization (IV); resonance reactions, theoretical part (V), The third category includes: Heavy-ion reactions (III); resonance reactions, experimental part (VI); neutron resonances in heavy nuclei (VIII); and review of experiments on a-particle reactions and scattering (IX). The book is written for graduate students and scientific workers in the field of nuclear physics. 228 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Teoriya i raschet lineinykh uskoritelei. [Theory and design of linear accelerators]. Collection of articles. 1962, 348 pages. 1 ruble, 28 kopeks. This collection contains 22 papers on the theory and design of linear accelerators, on the basis of which lie the designs of the proton and electron accelerators built or being built at the Physics and Engineering Institute (PTI) of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. The articles report on investigations into the basic problems of linear acceleration and the dynamics of acce- lerated particles; the method of acceleration by radiation pressure is discussed, as well as some problems in plasma acceleration of particles; various accelerating systems are described and the most effective design methods are pre- sented. The reference literature lists are appended to each chapter. Kai' tsii. [Calcium]. N. A. Dorogin. 1962, 192 pages. 56 kopeks. This book is devoted to problems in the extraction and metallurgy of calcium, a metal which is used in the pro- duction of rare refractory metals, and in the production of high-quality steel and cast iron. The book presents the basic information on the raw material used in calcium production; it describes the method for winning calcium oxide by roasting lime, chalk, and marble; the fundamentals of the chemistry calcium and calcium compounds are presented; the production of calcium chloride anhydrate, used in the production of cal- cium metal by electrolysis was discussed, and the physico-chemical properties of the electrolyte are cited; a descrip- tion is given of the method for obtaining calcium by electrolysis of calcium chloride in molten-cathode baths; vacuum distillation of calcium from a copper-calcium alloy is discussed; the metallothermic technique and the method of k production of calcium metal by thermal dissociation of calcium carbide were described, as well as several possible miscellaneous techniques for winning calcium metal. A special chapter is devoted to the production of high-purity calcium. Concise recommendations are presented on the storage of calcium and calcium alloys. The appendixes list vapor pressure constants, rates of vaporization of metals, and the engineering parameters of pumps used incalcium production. The literature reference list includes over 60 titles. Spravochnik po toksikologii radioaktivnykh izotopov [Handbook on toxicology of radioactive isotopes]. D. I. Zaku- tinskii, Yu. D. Parfenov, and L. N. Selivanova. Moscow, Medgiz (Medical Press), 1962. 116 pp. The handbook systematizes numerous data on the toxicology of radioactive substances. It starts off with deter- minations of the terms most frequently encountered; a brief account is rendered of radioactive isotopes, providing basic information (ranges of application, pathways of intake into the organism, toxicological properties); data presented on the physico-chemical properties of the elements, the decay characteristics of radioisotopes, Sand on resorption and secretion of radioactive isotopes from the organism. The handbook also includes information on the "standard" man and on experimental animals, as well as on the dosimetry of radioactive isotopes, background irradiation of thehuman body, and maximum tolerable concentrations of radioactive isotopes. The handbook may prove useful, not only to specialists working the field of radiobiology, but also to a broad circle of scientific workers dealing with radioactive isotopes. 229 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 ARTICLES FROM THE PERIODICAL LITERATURE Translated from Atomnaya nergiya, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 237-244, February, 1963 I. Nuclear Physics NT.itron physics and reactor physics. Physics of hot plasma and controlled fusion reactions. Physics of accelera- tion of charged particles . Zhur. tekhn fiz. 32, No. 9 (1962) V. N. Tsytovich, 1042-1049. On the structure of nonlinear waves in a plasma. Yu. S. Azovskii et al., 1052-1054. Conical plasmoid source. M. V. Samokhin, 1055-1062, Determination of transport coefficients in a plasma by the Grad method. R. I. Khrapko, 1063-1071. Stationary quasi-one-dimensional magnetogasdynamic currents at finite conductivity. L. I. Grechikhin, and L. Ya. Min'ko, 1072-1073. On the structure of a plasma jet in a pulsed discharge. V. F. Kitaeva et al., 1084-1089. Structure of the column of an arc discharge in argon. I. Local electrical characteristics of the column. V. N. Kolesnikov and N. N. Sobolev, 1090-1094. Structure of the column of an arc discharge in argon. H. On the radius of the column and the form of radial distributions. K. V. Donskoi et al., 1095-1098. Electrical conductivity measurements in gas jets. g. P. Zimin and V. A. Popov, 1099-1101. Experimental study of the conductivity of combustion products of methane-oxygen mixtures with alkali metal additives. Zhur. &spa. i teoret. fiz. 43, No. 3 (1962) L. I. Dorman and Yu. M. Mikhailov, 752-62. Study of electromagnetic phenomena in flow around bodies in a conducting fluid in a magnetic field. S. E. Kupriyanov et al., 763-64. Dissociation cross section of Di ions into 1-.4 and D+ ions in collisions with deuterium molecules. S. I. Andreev et al., 804-807. Investigation of the effects of an external magnetic field on the light char- acteristics of a pulsed discharge in helium. A. P. Babichev et al., 881-85. Corkscrew instability of a toroidal discharge in a variable magnetic field. Izv. vyssh. ucheb. zaved. Radiofizika, 5, No. 4 (1962) V. V. Zheleznyakov and E. Ya. Zlotnik, 644-57. On the conversion of plasma waves to electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous isotropic plasma. G. I. Svetozarova and V. N. Tsytovich, 658-70. On spatial dispersion of a relativistic plasma in a magnetic field. Izv. vyssh. ucheb. zaved. Fizika, No. 4 (1962) Yu. K. Petrov et al., 21-27. Correction of the radial topography of a magnetic field in cyclic accelerators. Izv. Tomsk. politekhn. inst., 100 (1962). A. A. Vorob'ev et al., 162-69. Waveguide electron cyclic accelerator. Izv. Tomsk. politekhn. inst., 122 (1962) A. K. Berzin et al., 21-26. Investigation of neutron background by nuclear photoemulsions at a 25-MeV betatron. A. K. Berzin et al., 27-29. Use of Ya-2 type nuclear emulsions in the study of betatron neutron spectra. 230 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 B. Z. Kanter et aL, 45-49. A 5-MeV microtron. V. A. Moskalev et al., 50-53. Results of the commissioning and starting of the 25-MeV pulsed two-chamber Stereobetatron. P. A. Cherdantsev, 54-60, Note on a magnetic field with optimized focusing properties. A. N. Didenko and A. S. Chumakov, 61-65. Radial-phase motion of electrons in a synchrotron. A. S. Chumakov, 66-69. Noteon electron bunching in a synchrotron. B. N. Morozov et al., 80-88. Investigation of uniformly bent periodically iris-loaded waveguides for a cyclic electron accelerator. A. G. Vlasov et al., 99-107. Vacuum systems for electron accelerators. Pribory i tekhn. &sp., No. 5 (1962) G. S. Kazanskii et al., 19-24. Methods for varying the duration of beam-target interaction in the 10-GeV proton synchrotron. V. N. Logunov and S. S. Semenov, 35-37. Effect of injector focusing on the y -ray intensity of a betatron. V. P. Agafonov et al., 47-50. Determining of y recording efficiency by monochromatization of a bremsstrah- lung beam. Kh. D. Androsenko and G. N. Smirenkin, 64-71. A simple isodose neutron counter. A. Adam et al., 72-76. Ion chamber for measuring energy of fast neutrons. A. E. Golovin et al., 77-79. Time-lag system using magnetostriction delay lines for time-of-flight neutron spectrometry. L. Ozhdyani et al., 80-83. Use of spark techniques in scintillation counting. T. A. Romanova and L. D. Chikirdina, 88-93. Rational introduction of uranium salts in uranium plates sensitive to minimum ionization. D. G. Fleishman, 98-102. Investigation of statistical processes in scintillation counters. Yu. Ya. Stavisskii and A. V. Shapar', 177-78. CaF2 crystal scintillation counter. Atompraxis, 8, No. 8 (1962) E. Dan6czy and L. Tani, 285-88. Study of a 27-geometry counter with a wide band of 6-particle energies. Comptes rendus Acad. sci., 255, No. 1 (1962) M. Surdin, 82-84. On the propagation of ultrasound in a plasma. J. Appl. Phys., 33, No. 8 (1962) P. Hedvall, 2426-28. Properties of a plasma formed by an electron beam. M. Ericson et al., 2429-34. Confinement of a plasma by high-frequency electric fields. P. Mazur, 2653-54. Origin of oscillations in low-pressure thermionic energy converters. J. Appl. Phys., 33, No. 9 (1962). R. Evans et al., 2682-88. Interdiffusion of gases in low-permeability graphite at uniform pressure. J. Wilcox et al., 2714-15. Eddy currents in a rotating plasma. Kemenergie, 5, No. 9 (1962) W. Stolz, 668-75. On the energy transport mechanism in liquid scintillation systems. 0. Hauser, 685-89, The Rossendorf Central Nuclear Physics Institute. Division of Materials and Solids. Kemtechnik, 4, No. 8 (1962) H. Mahnau, 321-32. Measuring device uses "fast" ionization chamber to determine a-activity. 231 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 J. Moritz and H. Tauffenbach, 349-50. Semiconductor detectors. Nucl. Insuum. and Methods, 16, No. 2 (1962) M. Cryzinskii and M. Sadowski, 129-34. Establishing magnetic fields in plasma research. B. Collinge and F. Marciano, 145-52. Equipment for recording instrument readings in nuclear research. J. Colard, J. Gal, 195-98. Calibration of solid-state p-n type detectors with the aid of high-energy a and heavy particles. P. Polly, 214-20. Transistorized single-channel kicksorter. P. Polly, 221-26. Transistorized pulse generator. R. Stein et al., 240-46. Study of discrimination of charged particles by the ionographic method. Nucleonics, 20, No. 10 (1962) A. Cameron, 50-54. Missions for nuclear instruments in space. R. Heacock, 55-57. Problems in space instrument design. J. Wolff and R. Ravanesi, 58-60. Multichannel analyzers in space. W. Corliss, 61-63. Power sources for nuclear space instruments. A. Metzger et al., 64-66. Ranger y -ray spectrometer. C. Schrader et al., 67-68. Instrument package for analyzing lunar surface. C. Schrader et al., 69. High-energy y -ray telescope. C. Schrader et al., 70. Cosmic-ray detection and analysis. V. Parsegian, 104, 106-107. Versatile accelerator facility for research and training. Physics Today, 15, No. 8 (1962) R. Thomas, 38-40, 42. Third Rochester symposium on magnetohydrodynamics. particle II. Nuclear Power Engineering Nuclear reactor design and calculations. Reactor design. Performance of nuclear reactors and reactor power stations. Zhur. Vychislit. matem. i matem. fiz. 2, No. 4 (1962) L. V. Maiorov, 635-51. On the distribution of thermal neutrons in a medium with a planar source. Inzhener.-fiz. zhur., 5, No. 10 (1962) I. I. Sidorova, 53-57. Analog simulation of reactor dynamics with a feedback loop. A tomkemenergie, 7, No. 9 (1962) R. Prushchek, 305-11. Effect of temperature dependence of coolant characteristics on the temperature field in a flow of coolant at the reactor core exit. H. Schludi, 312-18. Resonance absorption integral of a fuel-element cluster. J. Clauss, 319-20. On the possibility of building fast reactors having small concentrations of fissionable material. J. Cockroft, 332-36. Results and outlook of the British nuclear power development program. Atompraxis, 8, No. 9 (1962) U. Rombusch et al., 339-44. Thermodynamic properties of heavy water. K. Eto et al., 351-57. Japan's first swimming-pool reactor. 232 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Energia nucleare, 9, No. 8 (1962) G. Casini et al., 455-61. Critical experiments with heavy-water lattices using uranium oxide and organic coolant. G. Zorzoli, 462-66. Computing the effective resonance surface. Energia nucleare, 9, No. 9 (1962) G. Zorzoli, 497-502. Temperature of fuel-element neutrons. P. Bonnaure, 529-34. Design and experimental testing program of the ECO reactor. gnergie nucleaire, 4, No. 4 (1962) Y. Sousselier, 253-59. The present conjuncture in the production of atomic energy. M. Gueron, 260-65. Euratom and the status of atomic power development in the member-nations of Euratom. A. Baude, 266-77. Organization of the control of the Saclay nuclear reactor Ulysse. Kernenergie, 5, No. 8(1962) B. Wailer, 606-10. Burnup and service life of burnable poisons. Kerntechnik, 4, No. 8 (1962) B. Ltifblad, 334-38. Preparation and monitoring of corrosion-resistant tubing for a heat exchanger with D20-H20 coolant. H. Droscha, 339-40. Fabrication of the Kahl reactor pressure vessel. A. Fackelmeyer, 341-43. Hoist cranes and other hoisting devices in nuclear power facilities. L. Rule, 343. Reactor power stations in Britain. A. Meichner, 344. On fires occurring in glove boxes. Nucl. Sci. and Engng., 13, No. 4 (1962) C. Mills, 301-305. Reactors with reflectors of moderator material. D. Parks et al., 306-324. Thermal neutron spectra in graphite. J. Ream and R. Varnes, 325-37. Transitional heat-transfer regime in UO2 experimental fuel elements in a so- dium-cooled experimental reactor. G. GyOrgy, 338-44. Effect of modal interaction on xenon poisoning instability. Y. Fukai, 345-54. Comparison of computations of flux ratio in lattices by means of integral transport theory. R. Cooper, 355-65. Fast-reactor rocket engines: critical size. Nucleonics, 20, No. 10 (1962) R. Cooper, 92. How Brookhaven inspects medical reactor control rods. T. Ruane, 94, 96, 98. Measuring effective delayed-neutron fractions. III. Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Materials Nuclear geology and primary ore technology. Nuclear metallurgy and secondary ore technology. Chemistry of nu- clear materials. Geokhimiya, No. 8 (1962) L. V. Dmitriev and L. L. Leonova, 665-72. Uranium and thorium in granitoids of the Kaib massive (central Kazakhstan). 233 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Geokhimiya, No. 9 (1962) A. K. Lisitsyn, 763-69. On the forms of uranium occurrence in underground waters and in precipitations in the form of UO2. E. M. Es'kova et al., 770-77. Uranium and thorium in Ural alkaline rocks. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 145, No. 1 (1962) A. F. Kuzina et al., 106-108. Acetone extraction of technetium-99. Zhu% anal. khim., 17. No. 4 (1962) N. I. Udal' tsova, 476-80. Application of the ampermetric titration technique with two indicator electrodes in uranium determinations. A. A. Nemodruk and I. E. Vorotnitskaya, 481-85. Extraction-luminescent technique for determining uranium in soils, silt, plants, and animal tissues. T. S. Dobrolyubskaya, 486 -88. Effect of hydrogen ion concentration in luminescent determinations of hexavalent uranium in uranyl nitrate solutions, P. N. Palei and Z. K. Karalova, 528-29, Effect of fluorides on uranium determination in the presence of beryl- Izv. vyssh. ucheb. zaved. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, No. 4 (1962) A. F. Bessonov and V. G. Vlasov, 137-42. Kinetics of oxidation of uranium in air, oxygen, and carbon dioxide gas. Izv. Sibirsk. ()Wel. akad. nauk SSSR, No. 6 (1962) A. V. Nikolaev et al., 102-105. Extraction of uranyl nitrate by diluted TBP in laboratory columns. Issledovaniya po zharoprochnym splavam, 8 (1962) N. S. Alferova et al., 172-77. Electron-microscope studies of the structure of ductile fracture in 1Kh18N9T stainless steel. A. I. Parshin and I. E. Kolosov, 230-42. Nature of the anomalous behavior of 1Kh18N9T steel in long-term strength tests. Trudy inst. geol. rudn. mestrozh., petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii, No. 70 (1962) S. G. Batulin, 15-19. On some features of uranium geochemistry in seas and lakes. Trudy inst. geol. rud. m. petro., mineral, i geokhim., No. 82 (1962) N. P. Laverov, et al., 116-35. Geological structure of uraniferous hydrothermal deposits confined to vent facies of effusive rocks and to subvolcanic intrusives. B. P. Khudyakov, 136-42. On structural-lithological control of uranium mineralization in veins of carbonate- pitch formations. A. A. Chernikov, 162-81. Hypergenetic zoning on sulfide-uranium occurrences and the reasons for zonation, Trudy Kishinev. sersko-khoz. inst., 26 (1962) M. P. Pavlovskaya and I. M. Reibel', 53-63. Optical and potentiometric techniques in determination of com- position of uranyl ion complex with orthohydroxyquinolin. M. P. Pavlovskaya and I. M. Reibel', 65-71. (in 2,5 M CH3COOH) in the presence of isoamyl al M. P. Pavlovskaya and I. M. Reibel', 73-79. sulfosalicylic acid by potentiometric titration. 234 Determination of composition of uranyl complexes with oxime cohol. Determination of the composition of uranyl ion complex with Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Fizika metallov i metallovedenie, 14, No. 2 (1962) V. M. Zhukovskii et al., 319-20. Electrical properties of a uranium-oxygen system in the U308-UO2 com- position range. Atompraxis, 8, No. 9 (1962) E. Schmid, 321-35. Effect of bombardment by particles on the properties of solids. E. Berninger, et al., 336-39. Effect of irradiation on the plasticity of metal crystals. P. LOwenstein, 357-62. Use of beryllium metal in reactors. II. Chem. and Process Engng., 43, No. 9 (1962) D. Morris and D. Slater, 442-47. Production of radioisotopes by bombardment with positively charged particles. Energia nucleare, 9, No. 8 (1962) G. Arcelh et al., 472-80. Hot shielded cave for research on the analytic chemistry of radioactive materials. Energia nucleare, 9, No. 9 (1962) A. Bassi et al., 513-28. Electron-microscopic study of cracks in sintered uranium oxide. gnergie nucleaire, 4, No. 4 (1962) A. Level, 278-86. The role of fluorine in uranium chemistry. J. Appl. Phys., 33, No. 9 (1962) L. Ianniello and A. Burr, 2689-90. Effect of various rare earths on the transition of the hexagonal close-packed structure of zirconium to the body-centered cubic structure. J. Appl. Phys, 33, No. 10 (1962) K. Yamamoto and M. Tsuchiya, 3016-3020. Electrical characteristics of glass in viewing windows exposed to y -rays. L. Chadderton, 3021-22. Dislocation loops in lead iodide irradiated by fission fragments. D. Mosedale, 3143-44. Effect of irradiation on creep in metals. J. Nucl. Materials, 6, No. 3 (1962) C. Cupp, 241-55. Effect of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of zirconium alloy containing 2.5%0 niobium. G. Boisde et al., 256-64. Study of production of high-grade beryllium by electrolytic refining in fused salts. D. Smith et al., 265-70. High-temperature crystallographic phase transformation of Be0. R. Aubeau et al., 271-80. Metering of small amounts of oxygen and argon in a gas coolant, by chromatography. C. Walter and L. Kelman, 281-90. Study of the rate of penetration of fused uranium and uranium-fission alloy into stainless steel. J. Wanklyn and P. Jones, 291-329. Corrosive attack on reactor metals in water. S. Carniglia, 330-31. Determination of internal stresses in Be0. (Comment on article "Diffraction of x-rays in Be0"). G. Bentle, 336-37. Room-temperature elasticity of Be0. J. Leteurtre, 338-41. Dislocation mechanism in uranium. J. Leteurtre and G. Brebec, 342-45. Study of krypton-containing uranium by an electron microscope. J. Sci. and Industr. Res., 21, No. 7 (1962) V. Athavale and C. Krishnan, 339-40. Determination of alkali in uranium. 235 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Kernenergie, 5, No. 8 (1962) H. Liebscher and C. Fischer, 616-17. On the wet method in uranium tetrafluoride production. P. Dreyer, 618-21. Note on the mechanism of the isotope exchange reaction PtC1W + Cr V:. PtCq + CF.' Kernenergie, 5, No. 9 (1962) H. R011ig, 641-68. Compatibility between nuclear metal fuel and the jacket. Kemtechnik, 4, No. 8 (1962) W. Fleischmann, 327-33. Radiation effects on properties of structural materials. Materials Research and Standards, 2, No. 8 (1962) H. Kalisch and F. Litton, 638-39. Thermal expansion of fuel plates of stainless steel and uranium dioxide. Memoires Sci. Rev. Metallurgie, 59, No, 3 (1962) C. Sauve, 208-224. Hydraulic pressing of jackets for cladding of tubular uranium-zirconium fuel elements. Mining Journal, 259, No. 6626 (1962) C. Sauve, 151-52. Lithium: mineral resources, winning, and use. Nature, 195, No. 4839 (1962) N. Allen, 317-18. Reactor materials and radiation damage. Nucl. Sci. and Engng., 13, No. 4 (1962) H. Waldron, 366-73, Review of methods for determining hydrogen in uranium. W. Kelley and B. Twitty, 374-77. Improved method for determining isotope ratio of U285 in unpurified materials. E. Kovacic, et al., 378-84. Capsule irradiation of uranium alloy paste with 10 wt. % molybdenum powder in sodium-potassium, T. Eastwood and R. Werner, 385-90. Resonance and self-shielding of thermal neutrons in foils and cobalt wire. G. Cathers et al., 391-97. Laboratory-scale demonstration of the process of volatilization of fused salts. Nucleonics, 20, No. 10 (1962) G. Cathers et al., 74, Pinhole camera speeds fuel sample tests. U. Upson and F. Roberts, 86,88. An in-cell y -analyzer. R. Hardell and S. Nilsson, 108, 110-111. Titanium and electrolytic iron for reactor-irradiation containers. IV. Nuclear Radiation Shielding Radiation safety, Shielding against ionizing radiations. Agrobiologiya, No. 4 (1962) V. V. Bernard and I. T. Geller, 610-16. Effect of y radiation on several groups of soil microflora. Biokhimiya plodov i ovoshchei, Coll. No, 7 (1962) L. V. Metlitskii et al., 5-50. Use of ionizing radiations to control dormancy of potato tubers during storage, A. I. Grechushnikova and V. S. Serebrenikov, 51-59. Effect of y irradiation of tubers on carbohydrate and protein turnover in potato plants. Vestnik sel'sko-khoz. nauki, No. 8 (1962) M. K. Mer nikova et al., 128-31. Pathways for inhibiting uptake of radiostrontium in plants. ?It appears thus in the Russian text. 236 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Vestnik sel' sko-khoz. nauki, No. 9 (1962) S. I. Yanushkevich, 110-14. Effect of pre-sowing)' irradiation on fertilization capability of grass pollen. Gigiena i sanitariya, No. 7 (1962) S. P. Golenetskii, 33-42. Determination and continuous recording of content of short-lived radioisotopes in air of aerosols by the filter "saturation" method. V. N. Gus'kova and A. N. Bragina, 103-105. Note on soil radioactivity. Report No. 2. Zhur. prikladnoi khim., 35. No. 6 (1962) Yu. A. Kokotov and R. F. Popova, 1242-45. Sorption of long-lived fission products on soils and clayey minerals. Zapisi Leningrad. sersko-khoz. inst., 84 (1962) E. I. Panteleeva et al., 143-51. Effect of radium, potassium, and uranium on plant development under con- ditions of soil contamination by strontium-90 and cesium-137. L. L. Ruppert, 152-56. Note on phosphorus and nitrogen turnover in barley plants affected by radiostrontium and uranium. Zashchita rastenii ot vreditelei i boleznei, No. 9 (1962) S. V. Andreev et al., 25-26. y radiation in the fight against plant pests. Okeanologiya, 2, No. 4 (1962) N. N. Sysoev and Yu. I. Kirilyuk, 743-45. Information on the radioactivity of Pacific Ocean waters. Sbornik nauchn. rabot inst. okhrany truda VTsSPS, No. 2 (1962) E. D. Chistov et al., 65-74. Radiation shielding of the general-purpose high-level)' irradiation facility K-60,000. Soobshcheniya akad. nauk Gruz. SSR, 28, No. 5 (1962) B. M. Kavteladze, 583-86. Note on investigation of natural radioactivity of some soils and plants in the Gruz. SSR. A tomkernenergie, 7, No. 9 (1962) W. Rentshler and H. Schreiber, 325-28. Measurement of artificial radioactivity of atmospheric fallout and dust. Atompraxis, 8, No. 8 (1962) R. Plesch, 297-303. Effect of absence of saturation conditions on measurement of uniformly distributed activity. H. Dreiheller, 303-306. Measurement of low-level)' activity with a scintillation well counter. K. H. Weber, 307-310. Sensitivity of Geiger-Muller counters to x-radiation and)' radiation. IL Chem. and Engng. News, 40, No. 42 (1962) K. H. Weber, 60. Use of matrices of solid sulfur for storage of radioactive wastes. Kemenergie, 5, No. 8 (1962) H. Moldenhawer, 585-600. Surface contamination and deactivation. Z. Spurny, 611-15. A thermoluminescent dosimeter. Kernenergie, 5, No. 9 (1962) K. F. Poulheim, 675-77. Investigation of "hot" particulate matter in an atmospheric aerosol. H. Reissig, 678-84. Effect of lime fertilizer on uptake of S1.9) isotope by crop plants, under field conditions. 237 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Nucleonics, 20, No. 10 (1962) E. Ballinger et al., 76, 78, 80, 82, 85. Determination of neutron dose in terms of body Na" activity. R. Begley, 100. Liquid sodium absorbs gaseous iodine. V. Radioactive and Stable Isotopes Izv. vyssh. ucheb. zaved. Khimiya i khim. tekhnologiya, 5, No. 3 (1962) V. E. Panova and M. D. Nasyrova, 371-73. Radiometric determination of lead, using Cr51 isotope. Izv. Timiryazev. sel' sko-khoz. akad., No. 3 (1962) Kh. A. Yarvela, 171-84. Estimate of accuracy of measurement of humidity of soil ground by neutron techniques under field conditions. Sadovodstov, Vinogradarstvo i vinodelie Moldavii. No. 9 (1962) L. G. Parfenenko, 33-35. Radioisotopes in the study of grapevine root systems. Trudy Vsesoyuz. inst. po proekt. i nauchn. issled. rabot. Giprotsement, No. 24 (1962) E. I. Morozov, 103-118. Study of interaction between clinker components and refractories by the radiotracer technique. Trudy Vsesoyuz. nauch.-issled. inst. gidroteldiniki i melioratsii, 38 (1962) E. G. Petrov and V. A. Emeryanov, 5-12. Results and outlook of applications of nuclear radiations and radio- active tracers in irrigation, and land reclamation studies. V. A. Emel'yanov, 28-38. Improved)' survey technique for measuring soil density. S. I. Shoikhet, 46-55. y monitoring of consistency of pulp moving through dredge lines. M. V. Preobrazhenskaya, 56-67. Application of y monitoring to the determination of soil humidity in soil improvement studies. Sun, Yun-cha, 68-71. Observations of moisture migration in a column of soil by y scanning techniques. L. I. Beskin and A. I. Zaitsev, 72-83. Neutron method for soil moisture determination. L. I. Beskin, 89-96. Results of testing of a neutron moisture sensor for automatic water metering at concrete plants. M. P. Volarovich et al., 97-115. Tracer applications in the study of structure, moisture transport processes, and water content in peat. M. P. Volarovich et al., 119-131. Study of water transport processes in a peat deposit by radioactive tracer methods. R. Cabart, 139-43. Radioisotope techniques in land improvement experiments in Czechoslovakia. V. E. Nesterov, 144-49. The outlook for the use of B radiation in soil and land improvement studies. Trudy gidrolog. inst., No. 87 (1962) A. M. Dimaksyan, 27-45. Remote measurement of water budget in snow by means of nuclear radiations. Trudy Grozn. nat. nauchno-issled. inst., No. 13 (1962) E. V. Sokolovskii, 99-106. On the reliability of data obtained in establishing the quality of a cement ring with isotope tracers. Trudy inst. yadernoi fiz. akad. nauk Kazakh. SSR, 5 (1962) A. A. Arkhangel'skii and G. D. Latyshev, 117-27, Experience in the use of a scintillation y -radiographic facility. 238 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Trudy Sverdlovsk. gorn. inst., No. 41 (1962) G. S. Vozzhenikov, 125-28. On the activation constants of some isotopes. Trudy Khar'kov. avtomobil.-dorozhn. inst., No. 29 (1962) Yu. A. Kal'ko, 118-26. Tracer laboratory for measuring resistance to wear of machine parts. Yu. A. Kal'ko, 127-29. Facility for introducing radiozinc into babbitt alloy by a melting technique. Khim. promyshlennost', No. 6 (1962) Ya. D. Zel'venskii and V. A. Shalygin, 38-41. Radioisotope applications in the study of rectification and test- ing of rectification columns. Atomkernenergie, 7, No. 9 (1962) H. Moser et al., 321-24. Radioisotope applications in hydrology. V. Tracer measurement of rate of flow of open streams. Energia nucleare, 9, No. 9 (1962) B. Chinaglia et al., 503-512. Applications of short-lived isotopes in activation analysis. Jaderna/ energie, No. 12 (1962) V. Santholcer and V. Havlovic. Increase in radioactive fallout during spring of 1962, and mechanism of distri- bution of nuclear fragments in the atmosphere. P. Kovanic and J. Ryhl. Neutron probe operates with pulse fission chamber and ferrite transformer. M. Kyr, L. Holeckova, and L. Heyman, Concentration and isolation of cesium-137 from mains water of river water by nitrobenzene solvent extraction of polyiodides. J. Kubgt. Level gage. J. Dlouhy. Investigation of physical and chemical methods of measurement, and their uses. M. Kyr. Mechanism of solvent extraction of various cesium compounds from the aqueous phase into nitro- benzene. Sveiepa and Doksansky. Use of Ca45 to detect layers of steel corrosively attacked by water. Spiro. Linear pulse differential amplifier. 239 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Soviet Journals Available in Cover-to-Cover Translation ABBREVIATION AE Akust. zh. Astr(on). zh(urn). Avto(mat). svarka Byull. eksp(erim). biol. (i med.) DAN (SSSR) Dokl(ady) AN SSSR Entom(01). oboz(r). FMM FIT, Fiz. tv(erd). tele Fiziol. Zh(urn). SSSR Fiziol(ogiya) rast. Geol. nefti i gaza lzmerit. tekhn(ika) RUSSIAN TITLE Atomnaya energiya Akusticheskii zhurnal Astronomicheskii zhurnal Avtomaticheskaya svarka Avtomatika i Telemekhanika Biofizika Biokhimiya Byulleten' eksperimentarnoi biologii i meditsiny Life Sciences To 0 a ?C., Chemical Sciences Doklady Akademii ccow Nauk SSSR CD Earth Sciences w 0. ,? Mathematics Physics Elektrosvyaz' Entomologicheskoe obozrenie Fizika metallov i metallovedenie Fizika tverdogo tele Fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenov Fiziologiya rastenii Geodeziya i aerofotosyemka Geokhimiya Geologiya nefti i gaza Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya lskusstvennye sputniki zemli lzmeritel'naya tekhnika TITLE OF TRANSLATION Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy Soviet Physics ?.Acoustics Soviet Astronomy ? AJ Automatic Welding Automation and Remote Control Biophysics Biochemistry Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Doklady Biological Sciences Sections (includes: Anatomy, biochemistry, biophysics, cytology, ecology, embryology, endocrinology, evolutionary morphology, genetics, histology, hydrobiology, microbiology, morphology, parasitology, physiology, zoology) Doklady Botanical Sciences Sections (includes: Botany, phytopathology, plant anatomy, plant ecology, plant embryology, plant physiology, plant morphology) Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Section: Chemical Technology Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Section: Chemistry Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Section: Physical Chemistry Doklady Earth Sciences Sections (includes: Geochemistry, geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, lithology, mineralogy, oceanology, paleontology, permafrost, petrography) Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Section: Geochemistry Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Section: Geology Soviet Mathematics ? Doklady Soviet Physics ? Doklady (includes: Aerodynamics, astronomy, crystallography, cybernetics and control theory, electrical engineering, energetics, fluid mechanics, heat engineering, hydraulics, mathematical physics, mechanics, physics, technical physics, theory of elasticity sections) Telecommunications Entomological Review ehysics of Metals and Metallography Soviet Physics ? Solid State Sechenov Physiological Journal USSR Plant Physiology Geodesy and Aerophotography Geochemistry Petroleum Geology Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Artificial Earth Satellites Measurement Techniques PUBLISHER Consultants Bureau American Institute of Physics American Institute of Physics Br. Welding Research Assn. (London) Instrument Society of America National Institutes of Health** Consultants Bureau Consultants Bureau National Science Foundation" National Science Foundation* Consultants Bureau Consultants Bureau Consultants Bureau American Geological Institute Consultants Bureau Consultants Bureau American Mathematical Society American Institute of Physics Mm. Inst. of Electrical Engineers National Science Foundation** Acta Meta Ilurgica American Institute of Physics National Institutes of Health** National Science Foundation* American Geophysical Union The Geochemical Society Petroleum Geology American Geophysical Union Consultants Bureau Instrument Society of America TRANSLATION Vol. Issue 1 1 1 1 34 1 12 1 27 1 6 1 21 1 41 1 112 1 112 1 106 1 106 1 112 1 124 1 106- 1 123 6 112- 1 123 6 - 130 1 106 1 1 37 1 5 1 1 1 47 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 BEGAN Year 1956 1955 1957 1959 1956 1961 1956 1959 1957 1957 1956 1956 1957 1959 1956- 1958 1957- 1958 1960 1956 1957 1958 1957 1959 1961 1957 1962 1956 1958 1961 1958 1958 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 ? lzv. AN SSSR 0(td). Kh(im). N(auk) lzv. AN SSSR 0(td). T(ekhn). N(auk): Metall). i top. lzv. AN SSSR Ser. fiz(ich). lzv. AN SSSR Ser. geofiz. lzv. AN SSSR Ser. geol. lz. Vyssh. Uch. Zav., Tekh. Teks. Prom. Kauch. i rez. Kolloidn. zh(urn). Metallov. i term. Met. i top.(gorn.) Mikrobiol. OS, Opt. i spektr. Pa leontol. Zh(urn) Pribory i tekhn. eks(perimenta) Prikl. matem. i mekh(an). PTE Radiotekh. Radiotekhn. i elektron(ika) Stek. i keram. Svaroch. proiz-vo Teor. veroyat. i prim. Tsvet. metally UFN UKh, Usp. khimi UMN Vest. mashinostroeniya Vop. onk(o1). Zav(odsk). lab(oratoriya)- ZhAKh, Zh. anal(it). Khim(iit ZhETF Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiz. ZhFKh Zh. fiz. khimii ZhNKh Zh. neorg(an). khim. ZhOKh Zh. obshch. khim. Zh. prikl. khim. ZhSKh Zh. strukt(urnoi) khim. ZhTF Zh. tekhn. fiz. Zh. vyssh. nervn. deyat. (im. Pavlova) lzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR: Otdelenie khimicheskikh nauk (see Met. i top) lzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR: Seriya fizicheskaya lzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR: Seriya geofizicheskaya lzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR: Seriya geologicheskaya lzvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Tekhnologiya Tekstil'noi Promyshlennosti Kauchuk i rezina Kinetika i kataliz Koks i khimiya Kolloidnyi zhurnal Kristallografiya Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov Metallurg Metallurgiya i toplivo (gornoye delo) Mikrobiologiya Ogneupory Optika i spektroskopiya Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal Pochvovedenie Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya Priborostroenie Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika (see Pribory i tekhn. eks.) Problemy Severa Radiokhimiya Radioteknika Radiotekhnika i electronika Ste!' Stanki i instrument Steklo i keramika Svarochnoe proizvodstvo Teoriya veroyatnostei i ee primenenie Tsvetnye metally Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk Uspekhi khimii Uspekhi matematicheskaya nauk Vestnik mashinostroeniya Voprosv onkologii Zavodskaya laboratoriya Zhurnal analiticheskoi khimii Zhurnal eksperimental'noi i teoreticheskoi fiziki Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii Zhurnal neorganicheskoi khimii Zhurnal obshchei khimii Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii Zhurnal strukturnoi khimii Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki Zhurnal vychislitel'noi matematika i matematicheskoi fiziki Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deyatel'nosti (im I. P. Pavlova) Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Division of Chemical Science Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Physical Series Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Geophysics Series Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Geologic Series Technology of the Textile Industry, USSR Soviet Rubber Technology Kinetics and Catalysis Coke and Chemistry, USSR Colloid Journal Soviet Physics ? Crystallography Metals Science and Heat Treatment of Metals Metallurgist Russian Metallurgy and Fuels(mining) Microbiology Refractories Optics and Spectroscopy Journal of Paleontology Soviet Soil Science Soviet Powder Metallury and Metal Ceramics Instrument Construction Instruments and Experimental Techniques Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Problems of the North Radiochemistry Radio Engineering Radio Engineering and Electronic Physics Stal (in English) Machines and Tooling Glass and Ceramics Welding Production Theory of Probability and Its Application The Soviet Journal of Nonferrous Metals Soviet Physics ? Uspekhi (partial translation) Russian Chemical Reviews Russian Mathematical Surveys Russian Engineering Journal Problems of Oncology Industrial Laboratory Journal of Analytical Chemistry Soviet Physics ? JETP Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Journal of General Chemistry USSR Journal of Applied Chemistry USSR Journal of Structural Chemistry Soviet Physics ? Technical Physics U.S.S.R. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Pavlov Journal of Higher Nervous Activity Consultants Bureau Columbia Technical Translations American Geophysical Union American Geological Institute The Textile Institute (Manchester) Palmerton Publishing Company, Inc. Consultants Bureau Coal Tar Research Assn. (Leeds, England) Consultants Bureau American Institute of Physics Acta Metallurgica Acta Metallurgica Scientific Information Consultants, Ltd. National Science Foundation* Acta Metallurgica American Institute of Fthysics American Geological Institute National Science Foundation** Consultants Bureau Taylor and Francis, Ltd. (London) Instrument Society of America Am. Society of Mechanical Engineers National Research Council of Canada Consultants Bureau Am. Instifute of Electrical Engineers AM. Institute of Electrical Engineers Iron and Steel Institute Production Engineering Research Assoc. Consultants Bureau Br. Welding Research Assn. (London) Soc. for Industrial and Applied Math. Primary Sources American Institute of Physics Chemical Society (London) Cleaver-Hume Press, Ltd. (London) Production Engineering Research Assoc. National Institutes of Health** Instrument Society of America Consultants Bureau American Institute of Physics Chemical Society (London) Chemical Society (London) Consultants Bureau Consultants Bureau Consultants Bureau American Institute of Physics Pergamon Press, Inc. ? National Institutes of Health*" 16 18 7 23 4 18 1 14 2 6 26 25 6 53 2 4 3 22 4 16 6 19 30 13 5 1 33 66 29 15 39 7 24 7 28 33 4 19 23 1 26 1 11 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1952 1954 1957 1958 1960 1959 1960 1959 1952 1957 1958 1957 1960 1957 1960 1959 1962 1958 1962 1959 1958 1958 1958 1962 1961 1961 1959 1959 1956 1959 1956 1960 1958 1960 1960 1959 1961 1958 1952 1955 1959 1959 1949 1950 1960 1956 1962 1961 *Sponsoring organization. Translation published by Consultants Bureau. **Sponsoring organization. Translation published by Scripta Technica. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP10-02196R000600100002-6 r , SOVIET PROGRESS IN NEUTRON PHYSICS Edited by P. A. Krupchitskii A. collection of' 40 'original and ,review papers by Soviet specialists, publication of which was deemed essential by the ?editorial board of the Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy. The collection includes 18 contributions on moderation, reso- nance absorption, and neutron diffusion; 12 on the interactions of fast neutrons, with nuclei; 6 on fission, fragrilents, arid secondary ? neutrons ; and 4 papers on gamma-radiation in neutron capture. The abundance of new,dd.ta on neutron phys- ics is of great interest, as is the material on the shielding of nuclear reactors and that on theoretical physics. Included among the authors are such important re- searchers as G.1.111archulc,A.P.Golanin, A. V. Stepanov, V. V. Orliov, V. I. Pcipoi) and N. S. Lebedeva. Contents include: Measurement of the Energy Dependence of the Cross Section of the Cl (n,y) Reaction ? Gamma- Radiation in Inelastic interaction -between Fast Neutrons and Atomic Nuclei ? 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