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Contribution to the Study Of Aqueous Solutions of Uranyl FRENCH, per, CEA-R-3265,. AAEC LIB/TRAZ-T;r~ Sci/Chem C"- "-,g ,7 '7 the EVaporation of Nitrate, by J. Billy. - J~; 0 Interactions fttween Impurities and Defects Created by Irradiation Lu iron, by P. VLgfABr. 110 pp. FRMXHs per, C&A-R-3280, 1968, pp 1-109. *NBS TT 70-57685 SCL-qMat Jul 70 AatdvvKtion Analysla Vith Phounap by a. ftamma=. MUNK# rpt, CXA-JR-33OTo Dw 196T, pp 1-39. *AM= sal-Nual Sal Nov 69 Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressures on the Self- Diffusion of Uranium and the Noble Metals, by M. Beyeler. FMCH, per, CRA-R-~316,, 1967, pp 1-29. *NMSIM TT 71-55337 Available NBS Only JuIY 71 -- - - ----- --I-S~Oopic Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride Highy Enriched in U-235, by Louis Chaussy. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-R-3337. *ABC Sci-Phys Feb 69 Study of the Penetration of AcrosO13 into Filter Beds, by 11asssin Parnianpour, 52 pp. r.WOI, rpt, CHA-11-3347,, 1967. AEC-ANL-Tr-65~~ -' P91127SS68-V Sci/Chem Nov 68 368,920 PAPA*tAon of Urodum and P2utomlim CarbU%o idth Auntmlt:io St"Is. bjV M. J%udhalw. name ,7t# CU lb-~3353- Au Raft 9091 9F (Dawmreay "l) Std-lkt Jan 69 N3,617 DELMAS. ~ R. Isotopic exchange between molec ular hydrogen zoid liquid aninionia catalyses by the alkaline am CEA-R-3377. (AAEC LIB/TRANS 213) /!, "':- (2- 4(BNWL-tr--67) jPURIFICATION OF THE SODIUM FOR RAPSODIr. gGiraud, B. y(fCommissariat a I'Enorgle Atomique, Cada.racho (France). Centro d'Etudes Nuclealres)). 10Translated by Elizabeth Appleby (Battelle--Northwest, 111chland, Wash.), from report lkSE!~-R--3395, 2061p. 2jDep. NTIS. 25chemical engineering; reaotor oooling; reactom-research; trans- latiOng 2TO7A, 181, 18NI UMN-80 29P NSA 0 Kinetic Study of the Reaction of Nitrogen with Uraniun flonocarbide, by F. J. Ilerrmann FRENOI, rpt, CC-A-11-3398, 1968. ARC/01M,Tr- Sci/Chem Apr 69 Application of Uermodynamics to the Improvaiient of the Method of Industrial Purification of Resistant Metals and Semimetals, by Andre Accary. FRIMI, rpt, CIA-11-3390, 1968, *AEC PIIVS Jillf 69 ............. -Fu-nda-mest-al IWIations between Transfer of Energy per Unit of LAmgtli Absorbed Dose, Kerma and Uposure. A4)pl cation to Manges of Medium, by Ileari Joffr - lamn Pages, 39 pp. FRENai, zpt, CEA-R 3424, Feb 1968. AEC/ORNL/Tr-ILSSS-69 Sci/Nucl Jun 69 382,p699 Localization of Alpha Emitters in a Thin Film. Application to Mitter Diffusion in Irradiat&O B, Uoudaillso 25 pp. PRRWZ, rpt, CRA-R-3426, 1968, *=S Tr 70-57684 by Damage ftvduction the Study of Alpha Samples, by pp 1-24. Sci-Phys Jul 70 (WAPD-Trans-128) FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF TWO-PIIASE FLOW. PART 1. GENERAL K~UATIONS OF CON- SERVATION. Delhaye. Joan-Mark (Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d'Etudes Nuclealres). Translated for Bettis Atomic Power Lab., West Mifflin, Pa., from report CEA-R--3429-1. 94p. CFSTI. fluid mechanics; translations ND-38 P RC Unlimited 0 /!1j("" (WAPD-Tran&-129) FUNDAMENTALIQUATIONSOF TWO-PHASE FLOW. PART II. ADDITIONS AND REMARKS. Delhaye, Jean-Marc (Commissariat a I'Energle Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre dTEt_u_de_s_1Tuc ea res)7-TrEn-s-Taited for Bettis Atomic Power Lab., West Mifflin, Pa., from report CEA-R--3429-2. 64p. fluid mechanics: translations ND-38 P RCO Unlimited Uranium Self-Diffusion in Uranium Monocarbide, by P. Villaine. FRMCH., rpt, CZA-R-3436, 1968, pp 11-64. *BTIS/RBS TT 71-55336 Available NBS Only July 71 Causes of Accidonts nour Accelerators and Radiation Protection .1.1casurcs, by Ilonri Joffro, Ilonry Vialettes, 20 pl). FRENat, rpt, CHA-R 3443, Jan 1968. AEC/OIZNL-Tr- 56-68 Sci/Nucl Sept 69 392,235 study of a Decaying Helium Plaswa Having a Iligh Neutral Particle Density, by Robert Valodio, 29 pp. ipt, CLA-R-3450, March 1968. AL-C/SC/T-b9-lUU1 Sci/Phy Apr 69 377.412 j4j~"~/4(AI-Trans--289) &AEROBOI.9PRO13UCEDBYEVAP6. OllkhONOF URANIUM WIRE. Moral.Colette Tacommissar- tat a IOEnergie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre dlEtudes Nucleaires)). UOTranslated for Atomics InternatiorAl, Canoga Park, Calif., from report UCEA-R-,3473 jUjjG44P. Ubep. NIW~ is 2$phyStCS 3120 ISMN-34 19P NSA KWatLon Under tbs 8f fact of an glactrLe Field of Ag-110 and Sb-124 in Silver, by N. Ve Doan. 39 pp. FROM& Per GRA-R-3480 .. 1968, pp 1-39. *= 7T 70-;7677 Sci-Chm Jul 70 Neutron Transmission in Cie Access Tunnels to a Iligh-Enerpy Proton Accelerator, by Marguerite-Marie d'Hombres, Cliristian Devillers. 23 pp. FIT-N(31, rpt, CE-A-R-3491. AEC/ORNL/Ti-1989-68 Sci/Phy Mar 69 -- 376.961 /I I-0. i(SC-T-722467) %X-RAY TOPOGRAPHY Ole UMNIUM At,l.OY8. &l,oNaour,Lu0vn f(Coliiiiiitjtiuriatitl'EtiorgiciAtomiquc Saclay(Frarce). Centre d'EtudeaNuclealres). gloTranslatedfor Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Max., from report iiCEA-R--3494. 1'?C J" 2045p. gDep. NTIS. 14metallurgy, translations 2111F 2SMN-25 nP NSA 0 Influsum of Swell AddLtLons Of AllayLv4g 914ments, by Utchal ColawbLs. 24 pp. raimm, rptp CM-R-3529- ABC-M,-tv-69-25 kp Sc:L-"t Oct 70 Contribution to the study of tim systou (u,iu) C, 14, by Robert Lomaulli, 71 pl). FIdWCAJ, rpt, CHA-11-3536, kuy 1968, i3j) 1-58. AEUOIZNL/Tr-~019-69 Sci/Nucl iuay 69 3820572 &-e 4(LA-L243-Tl() SIMPROVING GRID IONIZATION CRAM- BER CHARACTEIUSTICS FOR ALPHA SPECTBOMETRY. SLo Du, Rene; Miltenberger, Bernard I(Commissariat a IlEnergie Atom- iquo, Bruyeros-lo-Chatel (France). Centre d'Etudes). gloTrans- lated for Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex., from report i,CEA- R-3566. 15,12,12p. 24Dep. CFSTI. lginstramentation; translations 2118D 28STD-34 UP NSA 0 Difftsion and the KirkemUll 2ftect La the Pu-zr S" Ma a by C. Remy. FROM, rpt, C&A:1-3373j, pp 1-9-2. *Not Bur Stand TT 70-57928 ScL-Cbm All 70 Contribution to the Study of the Diffusion at infinite Dilution in the I'lutoniunt-Nickel and Uranium-Aluminium System, by J. J. Blecbet. IMENCII, rpt CEA 11-3S77. NLL Ref: 90;1.9F 113ounFeay 396) Sci/Cheni Mar 70 401.885 gencys AEC/NY p. 0. No. k69-2562 Titles La Concentration Maximale AaMiSsiblO du Radon 222 dans L'Air Authorar Jean Hamardg Alain Ergas Source: commissariat CHA-R-3583 Paul-George Beau a 1,*Energie AtOmique Langua�es Frencb special instructions pla translate and type copy only Distribution, Atmospheric Transfer and Balanco of Krypton-85, by Raymond Iltuinetlor. 1S3 pp. 'lliesis, CEA-R-3591, 1968. AEC/BNWL-Tr-34 Sci/Chem Oct 69 393,465 Br[69-11-705T COMMISSARIAT A LIENERGIE ATOMIQUE, 18 OCT ~)8, Pages 1-26, OBJECTIFS - JUIN 1968 ENGLISH TITLE - LENSES - JUNE 191-58 AUTHOR DE METZ, J. r-) S ~) , - v N \,\ 7-, t C C- ~' - --3 -C--~-o \4 -T - 2.j) - (4 V - 47 /1' /:(2-1- 4(LA-tz-71-12) CSOME CIUTEIUA FOR CHOOSING Pllli~SES FOR THE COMPACTION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE. ,Seyfriod, Philippe y(Commlssarlat a 1113nergie Atoinique, Chus- clan (France). Centre do Production do Plutonium do Marcoule). 10Tra.nslated by Anna Vakar (Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex.), from roport IICEA-R-3619- 2021p- 24Dep. NTIS. 28niothods and equipment; radioactive wastes; translations 2,14, M ISAIN-70 2,P NSA Absolute Measurement of the Isotopic Ratio of a Water Sample with Very Low Deuterium Content, by Robert Hagemann. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-R-3633, 1968. *AEC June 72 Protection ofuranium Witb Metallic Coatings, by P. Baque. FMCH, per, CEA-R-. 16L8, 1968, pp 1-20. *08 TT 71-53057 Availeble MS Only June 73. Radiochoudeal Separations of flafnium, Tantalum, and Gormunium from Tungsten and Selenium Irradiated by 14 WeV Neutrons, by Joan Blachot, 10 pp. FIWNCII, rpt, CF.A-R-367i. Doc 1968. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2310-70 Sci/Chem, Oct 70 4',, I.Iathematical Model for Gastrointestinal-Tract Dosimetry: Application to Adults, by George Vacca, Joan-Piorro Bazin, 56 pp. PIURMI, rljt, CC-A-11-3707. AEC/01UL-Tr-2231-69 Sci/Method & Equip Dec 69 398,124 A4)j)licutiojl of Giuxaa Absorptimu.-try to the Analysis of Uranium in Solutions. by hichel Lavaud, 27 ly. FRENCH rpt CEA-R-3708. AEC/LIB-Tr-218 Sci/Chem Mar 70 402,637 The Influence of a Hydrostatic Pressure on the Diffusion in Metals Having a Cubic Structure, by M. Bayelor. FRENCH, rpt, CRA-R-3715, pp 1-135. *Vat Bur Stand Tr 70-57938 Sci-Phys Jul 70 Forced Convection of Ammmia, Part II, C"cous Aumnin, by Paul Perroud, J. Rabiere, 150 pp, FRBNGI, rpt, Wo-R-3728'. 1969. AEC/LASLUC/LA-TT-70-12 Sci/Chom Sept 70 Pilot Plant for Bitumen Coating of Iligh-Level Concentrates, by Joan Rodier, Guy Lofillatro, 21 pp. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-R-3734. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2199-6,J Sci/Mech Doc 69 398,063 I I. k 4(UCHL-Trans-10617-11) ICALCULATION OF THE SHOCK WAVE IN THE CLOSE-IN ZONE OF AN UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSION (CADES METHOD). gSupiot, Francis; Brugios, Jacques. loTranslated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., from report ICEA-R--3736- 2029p. UDep. NTIS. 2#geology; nuclear explosions 2r8G, 18C 28STD-35 29P NSA 0 Point Defects in Nickel, by P. Peretto. 151 pp. FRENCH, rpt, C&A-R-3772, pp 1-1.50. *NBS TT 70-57687 Sci-mat Jul 70 Electron Microscope Study of Vacancy Clusters Produced by Qxxenching in VAgnG8iUMj by V. lavy- naCH, rpt,, C&A-R-3784, 1969., pp 1-19. *WISINBS TT 71-55322 Available NBS Only Structure und Proportias of (U.Pu)O Containing Non-ActiVo Fission Proclucts. A Similation of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, by Franz Schmitz. FRENC21, rpt, CRA-R-3795, 1969. *AEC Sci/Prop & Fuel Oct 69 393,461 13cliavior ox Trivalent Actinides ajid Lwathaitide Llerivints in Oiloride ""olution, by Bernard liarin, 108 pp. FRUNG1, rpt, LIA-R-38-Us, 1969. MC/OPUL-Tr-134-70 sciAlem Nov 70 Vacancy Flux by C. Monty. IFIF 11 lp rpt, *MTIS/I= TT Availoble MIS and PreclPitation Phenmena in Kirkenfial I , CZA-IR-3839, 19692 pp 1-85. 71-5-5339 Only J1 71 Configuration and Migration of Point Defects in Alkali Metals, by I. M. Torren . FRMqCH, rpt, CKA-R-3849, 1969. *NTIS TT 72-53170 Aug 72 Iii ~ 4(UCIM-Trans-10617-8) lPilYSICSOFTIIEPIIENOM- ENA INTIIF CLOSE-IN ZONE AROUND UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS. sAltiury, Jitecliaos; Lovrot, Clot. 101'rtuislatod for Univ. of California Lawrence Uvermore Lab., from report IICEA- ~!7 ~85(~. jy2064P- 24Dep. NTTIS. 21900109Y; nuclear exploslona 2ySG, ISC 21STD-35 29P NSA 0 A(RNWI-tr-65) 5SYN'ruESIS AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDY OFCOMPOUNDS OF TIIL (,t 0- A 0 a t 12 .1 SiO2- ILanglut, Gerard I(Comillis%ariat a VEI;ergrio Atumique, Saclay (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleitires). al(,Translated from report 11CEA-R-3853 is,120134P- 2ADep. NTIS. 2GC1101"'strY CrystallograPIly; trallslatiulls 2107B, 20B 281%1N-4 29P NSA 0 A Study of Point Defects Created by Electron IrvadLstLon of Mute tron-Carbon Alloys# by J. L, Levaquee 50 pp. MWH, per, C&A-R-38S7, 1969, pp 1-50, *NBS Tr 70-57686 ScL-mst Jul 70 The Code ZdLth-Calculation of the Dynamic and Thatual Characteristics of a Gms Circuit in Varable Flow Conditions. Application to to Study of the Start-up of a Reactor Under Natural Con- vection Flow Conditionsp by J* Rousseau. FRUM9 rpt, C&A-R-3015, 1969. CA, Trans 5373 Sci-Prop, & Fuels Jul 70 A-19700- : sc:t/,El*C -1 5"t " TARASSENKO, S. Measurement of the temperature of a nuclear core reactor. CEA-R-3916. (AAEC LIB/TRANS 265) jj~ , 4(UCRL-wrr&n&-10G17-3) &UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS. A Study of the Zones of Fracturing. gDarlich, Serge. 10Translated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., from report 11CEA-11-3941. 2042p. UDep. NTIS. 24geology; nuclear exploaions 2y8G. 18C 28STD-35 29P NSA 0 11) Uv to lor), Nov gloctimms - Im So= SIVIS Itlemelits -~- and $me Omudeal C*mpmmdsm by KAXIOn PUReS, avelyubporul* 137 pp. FREWHe Vptv MA,-R-3942 19709 AlHlfommlo*N:29F:~~ sclimucl out 70 Joe TI I"'., M** U-badvo a e -2-6- b-'as'a-6- -pp. !~~_Mtv 9M::&395-3, Aine l5rj% swv "Aft 111W " I /fIi:-". 4(UCIIL-Trano-10617-9) &CODE S CALCULATION OF THE EFFECTS OF CONTAINED UNDERGROUND EXPLOSIONS. PART ONE, METHOD OF CALCULATION. Iblaury, Jacques. oTranalated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., Irom report 119-EA-R--3957(l)- 2095P- 24DeP- NTlS- 2ggeology; nuclear explosions 2y8G, 18C 28STD-35 29P NSA 0 Action of Very Short Laser Pulses on a Solid Target, by J.P. Babuel-Peyrissac, C. Fauquignon FRENCH, per. Commissariat a 1'Energie Atomique, CEA-R-3970, April 1970. APL/JIIU-T-2542 ,Ii //e /f. 1-Z) --- / -/ r - -2 ? - '/ ( 1 2 - -~ / /'-L - / 9 D / ~Y/' I 'p/ 4 Aug 71 Memaurement of Surface Potentials and Determination of the Free Enthalpies of Formation of Prenkel Defects in AgBr, by J.L. Crolet. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-R-3972, 1970, pp. 1-39. *NAT BUR STAND TT 70-57955 Sci/chem Jul 70 M V_ '7 4(UCRL-Tran&-10617-6) SUNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS: A FRIDY OFTHE MINIMALOGICALTRANSFORM- ATION.S. Itomults from Wo Saharn Explosion Mto. jrRuro, Joan. jo,rranslated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., from report i,CEA-R--,3990, 2035p. 24Dep. N71S. 2ggeology; nuclear explosions 2y8G, 18C IISTD-35 29P NSA 0 Radionur-lide Determination by Sucimssive ahort Samplings--Application. to the Mewurement, of the Con- centration and Disequilibria of PiLdon Decay Products in.Free and Conditioned Atmospheres. FMCKv rpt., CZA-R-4048, 1970. *WM TT 72-,93W3 JUy 72 - L!-- -- - z~----- - - - - - - . - I I . --- Deternination of Small Solubilities by Measurement of Chemical Diffusion Coefficients. Application to the Nickel-Uranium System, by J. P. Zanghi. FRMI, rpt, qxA-R 4o66, 197o. *WTIS TT 72-53109 11" / - k' OF THE MIGUKI'ION OF "41(ti IN SOILS. Amy, Joan-llaul I (Commissariat a I 'Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Cen- tre d'Etudes Nucleaires). 10Translated for Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Plats Div., from report jjqEA-R-4_1(58,_ 204p. 24Dep. NTIS. Isonvironmontal studies; translations 21 2sMN-4JL 21P NSA 0 ft 1: (-- 4(RFP-Trans-103) SPRACTICAL USE OF THE DIS- ,rituiuTION COFFFICIENT FOR MEASUREMENTOF HAD10- ACTIVE CONT.P"UNATION OF MINHIMLS IN ROCKS. SOn., AND UNDERGROUND WATERS. gRanzon, Daniel T(Conunissariat a I'Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires). 10Translated for Dow Chemical Co., Golden, Colo., from report LqEA-R-4274,_ 152033p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2.gh"th and safety; translations 210611 UMN-41 2gP NSA ThomaZ mode Is of nuoUar fuet etwwnts SMNOJ, per, Cowniegariat a Zlenergie No 2.56, Feb 2971, pp I C.S. trans 5885 lil 72 Tlw Vae of Superconductors for Jitor*4;o and DdLacharge of IMectrical Energy, by J, Solit, 137 PP. FRWOH, rpt, =A-R-3515 $"Ar-TT-F-135,59 Sept 71 4(AI!.*C-t1-7345) sAMS01,11TE MEASUREMENT OF THE ISOTOPIC RATIO OF A WATER SAMPLE wi,rli A VERY LOW DEUTERIUM CONTENT. 61-lagemann, R.. Nief, G., Roth, E. 10Translated for Savannah River Lab., Aiken, S. C., from report XISRA-R--AG~3. IS2025p. 2,Dep. NTIS. 2gisotopes; translatiom .1181) ,MN-22 ~p NSA 0 Alpha-Grain Refining and Metal Lurgical Investigation of the Uranium Alloy Sicral Fl for Fuel Elements, by Pierre Magnier, 95 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Commis*sariat a I'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires). CEA-R-390S, 1969. AEC/SC-T-722464 April 72 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agency t AEC/Tem P.O. Humbert PM-7-5-7) Z- Tjtj4tL Utracts from French alpars a 1. LM SERIM PRRCAMTW~ LE FRAHM- VILLIM* 2. A LOMME SEDIMENTOLOGIQUE ET GROCRIMQM DU BMSXN DE FRANCEVMZ. Authavas 1* FrancLs Webere 2. R. Faure-Mrcurat Sourcag 1. CRA-R-4054* pp 104~5q 2. not known : French AE'(2, j(UCRL-Tran&-10574) IDISTRIBUTION OF RADIOAC- TIVITY IN LAVA FROM THE CAVITY OF A NUCLEAR EXPLO- SION. gAudidlere, Pierre; Balard, Francois; Dupouy, Joan- Pierre; Van Kote, Francis y(Conunissarlat a I'Energle Atomique, Bruyeres-le-Chatel (France). Centre d'EtWes). laTranslated by Margaret l3urke (Univ. of California, Lawrence Radiation Lab., Livermore), from report UCEA-1"099. 2022p. 2jDop. NTIS. 2#nuclear explosions; radioactivity; translations 2118c, 18H 2,STD-35 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 j(ORNL-tr-2579) STUDY OF URANIUM-TITANrUM ALLOYS wi,rH A LOW TITANIUM CONTENT (0 TO 1.5 PERCENT) BY WRIGHT. sLinard, Michel r(Cominissariat a 1'rnergie Atoinique, Valduo (Franco). Centre d'I-XtWos). 101'ranslated for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., from report 11CEA-11-4180, 2074p. 24Dep. NTIS. 24metallurgy; translationS 2111F 2gMN-25 nP NSA ,i(SC-'r-722545) 5PREPARATION AND OPHILATION OF METAL HYDRIDE NEUTRON-PRODUCING TARGETS. , Detaint. Jacques r(Commissarlat a I'Energle Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleatres). 10Translation of report 11CEA-R-4212 20186p. 3,Dep. NTIS. .5Tfie-s-i-s.-T.-bn,ltted to Unlv. of Grenoble, France. 2spartiole accelerators; translations 2120G ,MN-28 29P NSA 0 /~I '--' , .&(ANL-Tran"31) PRACTICAL UTILIZATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENT FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF THE RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF MINERALS IN ROCKS, S014 ANDSUBTERRANEAN WATER. lRanecui, Daniel. y(commissariat a I'Energie Aton-dque, Cadarache (France). Centre d'Etudes Nuclealrea). jeTranslated for Argonne National Lab., Ill., from report 1,CEA-R-4274. 2033p. UDep. NTIS. 21chemlstry (analytical); environmental studies; translations 2y07 3gMN-4 nP NSA Contribution to tho Experlmontal 1;tudy of Radiation Transmission through Control Passages in the Shielding of High Energy Aceelerators, by A, Rindi FRMICII, rpt, France. Commissariat a 1'Energle Atomique, Rapport CEA-SPR/S-2728 HTC 71-16500-20G mar 72 4(ARC-tk-7309) sCRITICAL FLOW RATES IN WATER- VAPOR DIPHASIC FLOW. FinalReport. gBours.j.;Rsocreux, M.; Barriers. G.; Flamand, J. Co; Sohlpfer, Pe rPornmissarlat a IfEnergie Atomique, Grenoble (Franoe). Centre clMj~Nu~- cleafr-68-y. --ijr-a-m-U-affo-n-oTreport TT No. 106. 20174p. 24Dep. NTIS. mengineering; translations 2113 2gMN-38 20P NSA 0 /,)., d(EURFN1+--811) CONTACT EFFECTS BETWEEN MOLT HN 11()2 AND HODIUM ~Nl) MOLTEN U()2 AND WATER. $AnjlAard, M.; Somerla, H.; Vorniar, 11.j Gouzy, A.; Nnjtjcs M. f(Commiss 'Ener to Atomique, Grenoble (France), Centre i; M=s Nu=o1eaires~).LoTr=ans a lind of -repko-rl-'r. T. No. 96. 2061p. 24DeP. NTIS. &%Work performed under United State&--Euratom Fast Reactor Exchange Program. 26reactor cooling; reactor fuels; translations 2TI81, 18J 24MN-25 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 DUTCHP or r1, =Sj-16=72 c 41 - PbYs 2760315 b,tar 65 .1, Tkw Masurament of Post IvpRot DvUy and Tm- jectogy Dozation Using b2satrawitgawkic Phaummk Produaed Iv Detamtimm. by H. Je DeBrulne. FMCH/GW*M, CgMMe&e EtWaggag - -lamleld4niz Dftl M Uggellgk, 22-3m RvR 19316703.1, pp 61- 109& OACSI J-4437 iD 22MO8568 &d-Eloo Iftr 68 English Title Lhilmowns by P. G. Burkard. FMMCH, rpt, Commission International Pour la, Protection des Eaux du Immen. Contre la Pollution. Dec 1971. Aug 72 Commun etc PiZed as Comu etc DGWIG Of COMMMiSt, P&rtY SOUNMe tDr LU*xar met Fansel, 37 pp. GWOMMIT USE ONLY SPAMSH, pore 2M so I&Idio- I Me Camca8v 1=0 pp 7-105. JPWL NW Nq n Effect on the Osmoregulation of 1:391 by Various Antibiotics Inhibitors of the Protein Synthesis or Cellular Rejuvenation, by J. Maets,, 36 pp. FRENOL, per* QoW Biochem Physiol, No 30, 1969, pp 112S-Ilsl. Dapt of Interior BCF/OFF A-3S-Jan 1970-No 15 On Loan Sci/Ral Apr 70 404.841 DC- 12625 19 Sep 66 Rols of the Moderator in an Atcodo Pilel Mbderstors Cu3tomarily Usedl Heavy Water smd Its 14miufaaturej Llawfaction antdlertiftcation of Hydrxh-seng 4W- (E-d"over-all t, untitled bmcbnv of "Compacnia Framaise do Mau French VI/sci Special T~jm"Bms Trauslatorts draft plus one T,D. 2,6 sop 66 pp- dD not nutUa-.-.e# 7- Adjustablo Frequwlc)r Cvhoxvut Light Generators, by )~" Do Crcmous,$ Floml, lpt cOmuwO conerals do Talui:E&Ado SOL$ Fil, 1~ 2252052666, 19c"XO 4 pp. *Dopt 0t Navy/iW Shl;S-1003 PIUUR APPRIVAL UF 'DIE CUk%UlJNDbR, NAVAL SHIPS SYIE~S W"TtAND Scl-Elect & Blectr k~igr bee 66 514*8699 C&ISSons of AftetWo 0 2 and 0 3 - PxOtwtl'On of the Pxeotvmwiod Cabl"s bor P. poltavIn. MMC16 vwp 2malmas IndinlWIOUR do 21 M-w- 29bb. AM am Tr-169D Sal - Muclow Solonm Mw 6T fteg%Xggg" On -ow-t- Oontaln�3.'4 Of UM 02 *Dd 03 Mn*tcmj, tw P- Ptdtwwl% T IPP- .&I'm J~,, IMIKO an MW 2.9v T40 P913mramT ~ as znmstmp AM Ghkrw~~ a . sa 342#403 &w 67 Couyarison of Spectrograpitic t-wthods off lumlysis for Plutcadw wid its Corj)owids. by ?dchol Uaiyut, et al. 1-11NO1, 111tv c son des 1,10thodes Zijvctrographiques Vanalyle du PluFo'ujLun et de-ses Compose, UA-3-2869, 196S- TE- c E W t lay 66 Sci/Physics I-lay 66 toot 0 Feb. jumew'OL now 264rp TAW Tw CM04mm"* clod OL, amem, i6wa. JNIM ATVXM NOW) 000wriost sw goose" A# an am" UP as Wilb VA"Ab db&Ad=& PM MW aft-w- 9. a. 16 P&I 02 1 seovlo= of mixed must"Irt aboquellim IW*b. Uld on, madip "004 Ott fur Solon" 6T Box 8 li:p8 Boy, %W BOX a BOX ,-. 0 0) f / --C S ~R-k j c1 u s C--J-./ 4, j I ,,I a --J~ f 11 -41 I (I /--j LA-I".l- 0 Two-Diumnsional NanstwWy Flow in a Proamssivo-wave Plama Accelerator, by R. Pey"t. PRENOI, per,, Emt. Read NASA TT F-9808 Us So GOVERNWENT USE ONLY" Sti-O&M Apr 66 298,781 ReInkWOUMM at dw GMM Line CW Vic NIsU Ay C; " - ---- Ill I Vtft 00 Jdd 0 ft SIM*a Of T bw tbe ummir AsmompbowA4 by J, FREN MAN Mas W 1* 196-% MG: 3 . 5A TlF IF-%75. Sd-EVLV,A Jm 65 2U.102 A Nourophysiological Study of Ro 4-5360, by L. I.wiior wid G. Dolce, ot al, 5 1). FIZENW, per,-Comptes Rendus, Vol CLIX, No 2, 1965, pp 431-435. SLA Tr 66-10532 Sci-B&M JUN 66 303,695 Effea ot Impprides on the Magnetic Vlacoalty of Inn Irradated by Fast Neutrons, by PI=Te Vigler, Plarre Moser. PRENCH, per, Comptes No 260, 1963 9229774 AEC ORNL-Tr-614 sa-phys Noy 63 291,666 intersedon at ---- puawe bm OVed by by F&K Nounvas at 7 vislow. Vfta mvwt. FRENCV6 0 %331-390 A C ORNL-Tr-Q5 to Zone and bradiWmd V, by ftn" Do NO 260, 9229764 Scl-Phys Now 65 291,6644