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deighting and Biasing of a Monte Carlo Calculation for Very Deep Penetrations, by Jeanno-i-larie Lanore, 14 pp. FICEN01, rpt, Fontenay-aux Roses Nucl Research CenteE, 1969. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2213-69 Sci/Math 398 070 Doc 69 398,;67 Aeneas ABC/ft=- &-=66-0 V.0.20- OMM-71-10 2jG owt. IM rltles ow ce Irradl*tg& P2,rtaduu MA mom oxidw. &low$ P. Fampr" am-eel awwt co-ow-1534 2nd mmoolus m Fuel Reprooemelas LMBIP*G-" lostrLwtlmsg plum UVOGIOA a ows --- 'a- 'DW /I - ~, ~t A - /t/ Precision Abrasion Machine for Diffusion Study, by U. Bandassolio 15 pp., FROM, rptg CNA.V-5310 1965, pp 1-6. *MRS IT 70-37654 ScL4isch Jul 7Q ~-- , :... : !-,-- -*- :1 ~ . - I iw---- nxwa,, epts C-II.A. w0*04 CM."Matim Nor 1010t pp s-jL27. SUIeW Traw, 1964 O*WILOC v" 70 7 ---- -I- OU" 00"eml DI"Otor Di"Re"s noorawl- xatlon ot O=wdsmlonq 6 pp. USE omx MNCRV ll~wv, dt Inforjmtion,* C FA - W-1 ". ftries Do* 70P Pp JL-4w JM/L 3723 .. $4/ft6i APIO 73L 'Plorre'Latte General Director outlines TiWtople-Separation Plants, 8 pp. GOVERTMW USE OTTLY nfornAtion "rbNCIJ, per., CEA Notes diI parla, no 3. IMF 71, ' PP JIMS/r, 3830 Aug 71 CEA Reports on Work With Hadioclemonts, !5 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per, CEA Notes dtInformation, Paris, No 2, Feb 72,-pp 1-3. JPRS/L 4186 Jun 72 Dinoovery of Nuoloar Paeudomagnatinm Reported, 6 pp, GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per, CEA Notes dInformation, Paris, No 3, Mar 72, pp I-If. JPRS/L 4a68 Jun 72 Aft.-.& A~ft go awmat - I or ---A- M&L~- - 47ww awo ammi~v mon-A cm a Guo mwmbw IM. aw MWo3mw Omwasib am~# *06=0 wwzkn m L- nw *aamw ass"dow 4" AMAMST-11 WONUO AM OM tOw" 8" -W a*"~ ft 0 Culculation of the Retardor Power for the Charged Particles A4)1)lied to 'Um Calculation of the YiOld of the Reactioij (a.n) in a UO 2-PuO2 Fuel, by 11. Duliou. FIWNQI, rpt, CEA-N-836, 1967, pp 1-11. 'FAL- C/OItN L Sci/Nucl Apr 69 Study of Processes of Treatment by Aqueous Method: Laboratory. FROICH, rpt, Commissariat a I'EnMie Atomipe, ll~ Fontenay-aux-Wo-s-e-s-.-Tentre d-Etudes Nucl-ea. res. See 7, pp 136-236, CEA-N-8S6. ' AEC-ANL-Trans-619 Sci-Nucl Sci August 68 3S7,550 The Microcaloritietric Study of the IJF - UF System, by Paul Barbari, Olivior IlartianshOnn, 8 pp. FM(31, rpt, CEA-14-916, April, 1968. 23 pp. AEC-ANL-Tr-6sT - P911264668-V Sci/Nucl Nov 68 3()8,319 variant of vie Zeus ilrogrwa Applied to Tunnel Programs: Zeus Alb.5 Program and Auxiliary Prograus, by Francois Gorvalse, Marguorite-Marie dilimbres, 43 pp. FRL:NQI, rpt, Mil-N-933, 1968, 2p 1-57. AL-C/ORNL-Tr-2045-69 Sci/Nucl Apr 69 377,408 Study of the Coating of the Alumina Beds Coming Prom the Fluorine Treatments, FRENCH, rpt, CEA-N-969, A14L-Trans-703 July 69 384-694 Study of Dry Process Methods. FRENCti,rPt, CLA-14-969, ANL-Trans-703 July 69 384-693 Flectrochamistry Studies. FRENCII, rpt, CIIA-N-969,1 ANL-Trans-70S July 69 385-936 Corrosion Study. FRENCII, rptICEA-N-969. ANL-Tratns-703 July 69 384-692 Treatment of Medium-and Low-Level Effluents. FRENCH, rpt, CHA-N-969 pp 67-79. AEC-tr-7028 July 69 384-693 Department of Chemistry Semi-Ainnual Repcyrt, June 1967-November 1967. FRIMI, rpt cr-A-N-969, 88 pages. ANL-Trnns-7;2r July 69 385-93S Saptei: seniworks Treattismit of a Lot of Degradod Triburyliunino (TLA). FRENG1, rpt, CIA-N-969 pp 226-2SS. AEC-tr-7098 July 69 384-695 Depwmaient of Chemistry Samiminual Report, June 1967-Novewber 1967. FiU:NGI, rpt, CLA-N-969 pp 209. AEC-tr-7028 July 69 384-692 Research and Developi-iient of Separation Processes. M14M, rpt, CIA-N-969 pp 314-354. At.-C-tr-7028 July 69 384-696 Study of the Vitrification of Fi3sion Product Solutions. FRU-Nal. rpt. CEA-NI-969, pp 343-384. AEC-tr-7028 July 69 384-697 Purametric Study of tho Niobacil an flarriony, by 11. Barre. FRM31, rpt, CIIA-N-1022, Nov 1968. AHC/ORNL sciplisc May 69 Study of Volatility Processing Nethods, 28 pp. FROCII, rpt ' CX-A-14-1044, pi) 244-268. AL-'C/ANL-Tr-751 sci/chern Feb 70 400,196 Semiannual Report of the Department of Chemistry No S, Doc 1967-May 1968, ISS pp. FRENOI, rpto CEA-N-1044, lip SI-69; 155-242; 269-289; 307-330. ABC-tr-7076 sci4,010M Aug 69 3"988 SINSTALLATION 0 F A BEAM FA- CILITYON THE' TRITON REACT(OR. INDUSTRIAL APPLI- CATIONS OF NEUTRON RADIOGRAPHY (OF INACTIVE SAMPLES). 6Farny, G.; Laporte, A. TIOTranslated by W. G. Stripp (Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (En- gland)), from report 11CEA-N-1135. 209P- 24Dep. NTIS (11. S. Sales only). 2$PhYS'CS (nuclear); translations 2720H ,IMN-34 jNP NSA 0 Semi-Annual Report of the Depattment of Chemistry. FRENC31, rpt, M-N-1148, Section 1, Pp 5-80a Section 2 G 3, pp 82-97, 104-11.8, Section 4. 5, 60 pp 126-130, 154-155, 169-180. Section 7, 204-222, 248-171, Section 9. pp 298-313. 314-334. Section 10 G 12, pp 336-368, pp 415-416, June-Nov, 1968, ABC/ANL-Tr-801-70 R in e, / A Pj ~_ - -,/Z Sci/Chevn &(ANL-Trans-796) $SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, JUNE-NOVEMBER 1968, y(Com- missariat it I'Energie Atomique, Fontenay-itux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaircs). IcTranslated for Argonne National Lab., Ill.. from Section 1, pp 5-80 of report UCEA-N-1148. 2078p. UDep. CFSTI. 2cchemistry (analytical); chemistry (physical); materials manage- ment and safeguards; translations 2T07, 07D 18MN-4 HP NSA 1~r::e, 4(ANL-Trams-797) gSEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, JUNE-NOVEMBER 1968. T(Com- missariat a I'Enurgie Atomique. Fontenay-itux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucle.Itres). 10Translated for Argonne National Lab., Ill., from Sactigm 2 and 3. pp 82-97; 104-18 of report IEEA- N-1148. 2015p. -j;-~pCFSTI. 25 agchomistry (inorganic); chemistry (separation); radioactive wastes; translations ZT07B, 07A, 18G 23MN-4 29P NSA 0 .rL-Tm.-798) SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTM , OF CHEMISTRY, JUNE-NOVEMBER 1968. y (Commissariat it I'Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-ROBes (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleuires). 10Translated for Argonne National Lab.. Ill., from Sections 4, 5, and 6, pp 126-30; 154-5; 168-80 of report 11CEA-N-1148. 2022p. 2ADep. CFSTI. 2gchomistry (physical); corrosion; desalimttion; radioactive wastes; translations 2707D. 11F. 07A, 18G ,,MN-4 P NSA 4(ANL-Tram-799) SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE D e-,rC, E ARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, JUNE-NOVEMBER 1968. (Com- missariat a I'Energle Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Contra d'Etudes Nucleaires). 19Translated for Argonne National Lab., Ill., from Section 7, pp 2G4-22; 248-71 of report 11CEA-N- 1148. N47p. uDep. CFSTI. 26chomIcal. engineering; chemistry (inorganic); chemistry (separation); translations =07A, 07B 28W-4 21P NSA ID 4(ANI,-Trans--800) &SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTOFCHEMISTRY, JUNE-NOVEMBER 1968. T(Commissariat it IlEnergie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centro d'Etudes Nucleaires). loTranslated for Ar- gonne National Lab., Ill., from Sections 9.1 and 9.2, pp 298-313; 314-34 of report ICEA-N-1148. 2036p. 7ADep. CPSTI. 26chemistry (aepttration); translations X107A ,SMN-10 ,P NSA 4(ANL-Truns--801) &SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTmENTOF CHEMISTRY, JUNE-NOVEMBER 1968. T(Com- mimsarlut a 1,Encrgic Atomique. Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre (PEtudes Nuclealres). IoTranslated for Argonne National Lab, Ill., from Sections 10 and 12.4 of report iLCEA-N-1148. 20 39p. 2ADep. CFSTI. 26chemlstry (separation); translations 2707A 2,MN-4 ,P NSA 0 J~j - ' 4(ORNL-tr-2627) SPICFFE: PROGRAM FOR THE INTRGRATiON OF ELEMENTARY FISSION CURVES WITH CON- SIDERATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF FISSILE NUCLIDES. $Barro. Bertrand T(Commissariat a I'Energie Atornique, Fontenay- aux-Roses (France). Centro d'Etudes Nuolsaires). 10Translated for Oak Ridgo National Lab., Tenn., from report jjqEA-N-120~4 jUU029p. =3UDep. NTIS. computors; physics (nuclear); reactor physics; translations 21 11 V 9B.20H.18K 28MN-32 29P NSA 0 14 1_7'c. 4(0)tNL-h--2522) gINFLUENCE OF SULFATE AND MoLYBDENIUM IONS ON THE FORMATION OF ZIRCONIUM BUTYLPHOSPHATES DURING IRRADIATED FUEL REPRO- CESSING 13Y THE PUREX PROCESS. gBallet, P.; Kauffman, F.; Miquel, P. y(Commissariat a PEneroc Atomique, Fontenay-aux- Roses (Franetl). Centre d'Etudes Nucleatres). gloTranslated for Oak Hidge National Lab., Tenn., from Sections 7.2-7.4 of report SICEA-N-1241. 2028p. ZiDep. NTIS. 25 2gehemistry (separation) 2T07A 2gMN-10 29P NSA AN 1,-Trana-884 I I "c1. LLECTHOCHEMISTRY STUDIES. (Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique. Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleairek-.). Translated for Argonne National Lab., Ill., from Section 4, pp 116-19 of report CEA-N-1241. 5p. chemistry (physical); translations ND-4 11 RC Unlimited REVISED CARD is f! 1, " (ANI.-Traw~41i8r)) CENTRIFUGAL FX- TRACT(M TESTS. y(Cummitimarlitt it I'Eziurglu Atomillue, Fontaimy-mix-Roses (France). Ceittro d'Efudes Nucleafres). LoTranslated for Argonne National Lab., Ill., from Section 7.8, pp 241-54 of report UCEA-N-1241 2011p. 24Dep. NTIS. U 2,chemistry iseparation); translatiozis 2107A ,SMN-10 2,13 NSA 0 I of Lven- of Water and Dense Material six=* by Michel 20 pp, FWCII* rpti, Centre d#Htudes bluclealres do Foutenigy am-Roses* CEIQU.~,,-J-an AI'C70MT&-T2-23S7-70 I ScIjNucl -~ 1.'j/ ~ ,4(LA-tr-71-2) SHIGH ENERGY AND HIGH RES- OLUTION SPECTROMETRY USING THE BEAM OF THE SATURNE SYNCHROTRON. gThirlon. Jacques; Birien, Paul; Saudinos, Jean f(Commissarlat a PEnergle Atomiclue, Saclay (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires). 10Translated for Los Alamos Sel- entiftc Lab., N. Mex., from report jLq~~A- NTIS. - ==ILL1248. 152D74p. :aDep. 26instrumentation; particle accelerators; physics (nuclear); translations 2yI8D. 20G, 20H ,,MN-37 13 NSA I-Wa'l 04m: ot Ow run to OL -Sodbmi bv %I"* Ku:tj, JoAft-ClaU& Ifina., FMGJ,o rptq CEA-N-1253 Fab 1970. AM/0016-TV-23RM70 amervol 20 pp. Oot 70 U*HPD% *MAW MMW*t:tm Meets m rission 00 bae-o"j, by HoerL mikamrr,, j. moebs e7 pp. 31MAC210 rpts ~. ....... Yvatenmy-vm awes Ekkalow v Fab 2970. AWIMM4i-2397-70 Sdt/ftel M" 70 2519) FI.F NFUTHON PROGRAM. Got-- valric., Fujill(II)IN T(Cotillilltimarlal it I'l-I'mirglij Atimilque, Fmiltmay- Itax-Rosills Culltru d'Eludum Nw-luaires). &IoTrallslatud for Oak McIgo National Lab., Tann., from report IICLA-N-1255. lUU027p. 2ADep. NTIS. lacomputurs; physics (nuclear); translationti ;109B, 20H IBMN-34 29P NSA 0 -~tojs, h"rt No 2, LMVA Program for - updating the Ani3n Librazy Ispes with Plotting *f Cross Section Curves, by Gilles Branditourt, Jacquies do Scheemaot*era 47 ippo FROM* xptp CEA-M-1335, Nov 1970. AIX/OiVL-Tr-;r46V7D F" 71 /I ~- (l.-, 4(ANI,-Traiw-m8G) 5CHEMICAL AMOLLYSES. ?(Com- inissariat it IlEnurgio Atuinique, Fontenay-aux-Rosos (France). Centre d'Ettides Nuelcaires). loTratislated for Argoime National Lab., Ill., from Section 1, pp 5-93 of report iCEA-N-1341. :.,083p. 24Dup. NTIS. 25 26chomistry (analytical); translations T07 2ghIN-.l .,,P NSA 0 (()IINI,-tr--2410, lip 1-13) rTREATMEN'r ol., NIEDJUM- AND X*FFLUE-NTS, I(Cummissarlat a I'Energic Atumiquo, Funtunay-aux-Roses (Friuico). Contre d'Etudes Nu- cleaires). loTranslated from Section 2 of report IICEA-1,;--1341. is 2OMN-70 29P NSA is b OF URANIUM. ,(Coni- inissariat it PEnurgiv Atundquo, Pontunity-aux-flusos (France). Centre d'Etudes Nuclouires). 101'ranslated for Argonne National Lub., Ill., from Section 3, pp 112-21 of report ICEA-N-1341. 20 10p. "Dup. NTIS. 2 5 26chemistry (inorganic); translations y07B 281%1N-4 29P NSA A I t" , 4(ANI,-Tt-anu--4i8H) &FI,ECTRUCHEMISTRY STUDIES. I(COM1111148LIViAl it IlEnurgio Aton-dquo, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires). 10Translated for Axgonne National Lab., Ill., from Section 4, pp 124-8 of report ICEA-N-1341. 205p. 2ADep. NTIS. - 2schemistry (physical); translations 2107D ,,MN-4 2,P NSA 0 fiSECE'-GECASTUDYOFTHE CORIMSI(IN OFSTRELS AND 11ION-CHROME- NICKEL ALLoYS. T(Conunissariat it I'Lnergio Atumique, Fontonay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes; Nuclealres). Translated for Argonne National Lab., III, from Section 5.1, pp 130-44 of report j1CEA-N-1341, 2014p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2scorrosion; metallurgy; translations TIIF 28A'N-4 ,P NSA I I t ('. 4(ANL-Trane-886) SCHEWCAL ANALYSIS. T(Co-- ~njt!sarlat it I'linergic Atonilque, Fonterm -a - ses (FranceT.,- y ux Ro Ci~i-i;3-(PEttidi~s-ITu-cle-al-re-sT. - -IoWaniilaii~ -fO r-Arg-oniie National Lab., Ill., from Section 1, pp 5-93 of report LCEA-N--13 - 2083p. 24Dep. NTIS. ,UohomioLry (analytical); translations 2TO7 2IMN-4 2,P NSA 0 fi i:-C- g(ANL-Trans-890) SSUCE-SE(MLG STUDY OF THE COMPATIBMITY OF i;,mmiTic s,n;,,ELs Aurn CIRCULATING I.IQUIDSoDIUM. itux-Roscis(France). CentrodlLtudusNucleaircs). 10'1'ranslated for Argorme Natioruil Lab., Ill., from Section 5.13, pp 206-15 of report ICEA-N-1341. 2010p. 24Dep. NTIS. Hchumical unginouring; corrosion; translations 2y07A, 11F 2gMN-4 29P NSA is )f , 4(OIINI,-ti-2410, pl) 14-78) s,rui)y OF AQUEOUS IIH- 11110CESSING METHODS: LABORATORY. ?(Conunissarlat a I'Enorglo Atoinique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre dEtudes Nuolcaircs). loTranslated from Section 7 of report tCEA-N-1341. 28MN-70 29P NSA 0 ilyl i , 4(OIINlo-tz--2410, pl) 79-97) STUDY OF AQUEOUS Pl(0Cl-.*,LSHS: PILOT PLANT. I(Cointnissarlat a IlEtiergic Atoinique, Fontenay-aux-floses (FriLnce). Centre d'Etudes Nu- cleaires). loTranslated from Seotion 8 of report tCEA-N-1341. 20MN-70 29P NSA 0 ~,,4(011NL-tr-2410, pp 98-120) jSTIJDY OF VOLATILITY It ESSIN(l ME-111ODS. I(Cominitmarlat LL I'l-'norglo Atoinl- (luti, Folittinay-uux-flosus (Franco). Contro d'Etudos Nuclealres). 101'ranslated from Section 9 of report ICEA-N--1341. 28MN-70 1913 NSA 0 ,7 -- P ,( I 4(OFINI.,-tx--2410, pl) 121-42) &13RFPARATION AND HTUDN' ()V ACTINIDI: ?(Coninilusarl-It it IIE.ncrglu Atoiniquo, Fontanay-itux-Rosas (Fraisco). Contre d'Etudos Nu- cleaires). loTransiated from Section 10 of report UCEA-N--1341. 2jMN-70 29P NSA 0 4(ORNL-tr-2410) jSEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 1) K' IIA RTM ENT OF Cl I EMISTRY, JUN B-NOV E MB Ell 1969. T (Coninflissarlat a I'l-morgic Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre dOEtudes Nucleaires). 10Translated for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., from Sections 2 and 7-11, pp 95-109; 245-436 of re- port ~134-1- 20-189P- 24Dep. NTIS. 2601'emistry (radio- and radiation); progress reports; radioactive wastes; translations V07E. 18G 2shIN-70 2,P NSA P, 1:1 C-1 4 (EURFNI"90) ,THE NATURAL CONVECTION IRILA- DIATION "ENTHER." Locloro, Jaoquos; Lhornionlor, Andre; Fitgtitis Donts, Littiffilor, Joan-Clitudo T(Conitnissit-riat it PEnergic Atoinique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires). 10Translation of report 11CEA-N-1348- 2039P- 24Dep. NTIS. 25Work performed under United State a-Eurato m Fast Reactor Exchange Program. 26reactors-resoarch; translations 2118M 21MN-80 21P NSA REVISED CARD 0 J." c 4(ORNL-tz--2451) sSTATUS REPORT ON THE STUDY OF THE UP13ER NEUTRON SHIELDS OF PHENX ON 15 APRIL 1969. gBrandicourt, G.; (and others) T(Commissartat a I'Energle Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires). 10Translated for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tennj, from report 11 g"-N-1349- 2023p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2gradfution shielding and protection; translations .118F 2SMN-80 29P NSA 0 460adpUce -and Mwthod of us* of the Aaim bilmrst", Ordinate Program and AuxiUaxy Program, by C. Dovillers, FJWNW, q)t, MA-N-1358 Oct 1970. ,,I0Alic/ORNL-Tr_ sci/blisc Jan 71 :1 1, --,!:: - . --- - i - RIX Program, Voscription of Utilization, by Francols Gervaise, 29 pp. FRENCII, rpt, CEA-,N-1361 AEC/OIINL-Tr-2409-70 Sci/Nucl Feb 71 I i I k - 41(ANL-Tran"91) ,CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. y(Com- mimmariat a 111%norghkAtomiquo, Funtoany-aux-Romom (Franuo). ijan"t-re-d'Etudes Nucleairos). IcTranslated for Argorme National Lab.. m., from Section 1, pp 5-90 of report CEA-N-1419. 2083p. 2jDap. NTIS. - 24chernistry (analytical); translations 2107 28MN-4 29P NSA 0 III I j(ANL-Tran&--,492) ELECTROCHEMISTRY STUDIES. a I'Miorgio Atoiniquu, Fontanay-aux-Rosus Centi6--d'RWde9 Nuclealres). leTranslated for Axgonne National Lab., 111., from Section 4, pp 128-33 of report UCEA-N- 1419- 206p. 24Dep. NTIS. 20chomistry (physical); tranSlatiOnS 2107D 28MN-4 20P NSA 0 H C. C - 4JANId-Trans-893) 1CORROSION STUDIES. T(Commla- sarlat a I'Enorglo Atoiniquo, Fontenay-aux- Hoses (France). --- &6~ d'khWO-OW N~dliiaif res). '-IoTranslated for Argonne National Lab., Ill., from Section 5, pp .136-213 of report IICEA-N-14,19- 2079p. 24DeP. NTIS. 2goorrosion; tratislations 2j.11F 20MN-4 20P NSA 0 4(AEC-tr-7301) SSTUDY OF VITIUFICATION OFSO- LUTIONS OF FISSION PItODUCTS. I(Conunianarlat a I'Enorgio Atomiquo, Fontonay-aux-Roses (France). Contre d'Etudes Nu- clealros). loTrLuislatod by William J. Grimes from Section 11, pp 331-409 of report ICEA-N-1419, 2083p- 24Dep. NTIS. 26chomistry Q)hysical); fission products; translations 2T07D, 18G 2SMN-4 29P NSA 0 Semiannual Report of the Chemi!;try Department, No 10, June 1970-November 1970. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-N-1479, 402 pp. *AEC/ANL Apr 72 fil-C i(ANL-Tralls-912) iSTI11)1'CIFAQUEOIJSPII()Cli.'~ING JAHOILAT(MY. I(Coiiiiiiissitriatal'l-'iiut-gloAtoliiiquo, Funtenay-aux-Rosos (France). Centre d'Etudes Nuclealres). 10 Translation of Section 7, pp 207-39 of report LICEA-N-1479- 2032p. 24Dep. NITIS. 20110mistry (separatiun); translations 2e)7A 28MN-10 21P NSA 0 4(MATT-Trans-7) 5INTERPOLATION DEVICE FOR QUICK EXPLOITATION OF RESISTANCE NETWORKS. jLe- crourt. H. f(pominissariat a PEnergio Atomt_qqv. Saclay (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucloalres).- ioTranslabAd for-.Princeton Univ., N. J. from report PA,/IGn/RT-119. 112024p. 24Dep. NTIS. 26electronics and electrical engineering,- translationS 2109 28MN-38 29P NSA 0 I. I - . J~ 11 - .. --, : -!. : i i - - ; 11 -- .1 '~, ir--f7- -A---- --- Chlorine Triflourido, by L.M. Vincent. FRENCH, report, France. Comisariat a I'Energie Atonique. [RaPiO7rTff-T-7v9w- RTC-71--TIO63-07B August 71 -ntu uso ull volarized lxmtj,,ro%i bua,;.5 usid uw ijoteriduatim of Vic oiltical 11w,31 ~ara- wters, I)y Jacques 1~4tynul. FlU1.101, por, Gentru dli-,tudos iucleaircs do Saclay. CLA-R-2511, 1965. *ALL i3lliC-l Jan 1966 z;cifilath & i)ata Processing NOV 65 Study of the Diffusion of 74-ft and C, in Be with Radioactive Tracem, by 91 M. Chandra. FRIMM, rpt# CICA-R-2621* 196S, pp 1-50-t *Not Bur Stand TT 707OWS ScL-Chmm July 70 ReactLon of NL wLth UN, by F. AnselLn. FRMH, rpt, CRA-R-2762, 1965, pp 1-14. *Not Bur Stand Tr 70-57694 ScL-Chem Jul 70 Contribution to ille Study of Neutron-P-ro- paa,ation in Cavitios# by Gilbert llasselin, I'lld.-IJUlp rpt, :Iar 196S* CEA-R 2774 9231650-V AL-C-U?VLr-*rr-751 sci - B/'m DOC 65 292,787 Study of U-Pu-Fo Alloys, (i'-Lasurca Critical E~q)oriwent, by Pierre varthelemy, Rone I;oucher. 25 pp. FIU- -jai, rpt. Costro JOUtudes Iducloaire do Fontenny - Am - Mu-,S, 57 iwport- 17"P.92, July 1965. 9231 82 7TUM-Trnns 224 sci-m/m Feb 66 296,075 Diffusion Along Dislocations, by G. Brebac. FRRNM, rpts CZA-9-28310 1965p pp 1-13. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70"37888 Sci-phys Jul 70 Study of the Ternary Diagram U-C-Ni, by F, Anselin, FRMNCH, rpt, 219A-R-2845, 1965, pp 1-13. *Not Bur Stand Tr 70-57887 Sci-Chow Jul 70 Detendmtion of a Bass for the Proper Fargation W4 of the corr"pmdixlg igom for the Baltallm Integm1wDitterad4al Bqmtlon at a GIvin Val*- 91ty and In a Spberlml Camftgumtlon. by Memo ladbamt 0 ppe FRUCH9 rptg Cand 014 a Le REZL-* &U-901019 CH&-R 2926, 3.965. P=064awv ABC ONIPal%4,505 34-Htth Apr 68 352,352 Radio-Isotope Converters by Mierry Alleau, Bernard Devin, 15 pp, FIUIN(31, rpt, CHA-H-2 68, Jtmo 1966. AEC/OlNL-Tr-l -69 Sci/Phy Jan 70 411.177 Detiection of Ilard BwU Radiation In Water UGIM the Mww*m EffoAs by B. Tumk. PMIMS 9 rpts MUNW.".1 a I 9=12 Umdm, 3a43"a IRIC30813WA ICU RspcA-t OR 2935 J' 3966s 66 po tauTTF.rn,793 Sol Doo 60 3nv3.60 Gamma Radiation in Space and in the Atmosphere. by Robert Rocchia, 74 pp. Flu- Jai, rpt, CL-A-it-2939, 1960J. AECIORNL/Tz-2099 -69 SCA/lIlly Apr 69 377.409 The neemAnoo Prtft, bV D. ImpgbinWW. Fmam, rpts Awrlat &- lljqKW2 2SEL nantre Owbsiw mouires, -3.2.QNP CU-R- ff~F.:-3066. 3M p. MSA TT r-3lsM6 Sol Dw 68 37lsO98 Solution of "Joilig? Probluiz o1 ;Ultilidu oc"tt- oriii~. 1)), the ~Ilojito-Carlo -4-Vwd, by Jewl-clatkic Bluot, FRE-14'a-if i7pt, (MA-11-2971. P911IU1067 ALC-ulu~L-111-1546 sci-I'llys Apr 67 324,676 nowsolum ajA SUW or tae ItLtrj&w sod of ummulm =a or P2xtmlmft by rsomMs A=wLtat ag W- "Must Wop agpw cii-R-2910* awn x966. PJUY*FST-Y Am rA tr4l-& . 336vM &d . mat~rAaU osp (ir Cor"Gim at ItLoblum by MAJAM at 400 to 6%ftp LwAs Obaqplx# ]a Ipp. ~~ xV*p =A-31-3WS# P913-;;h6a AM OM-231-1832 ftl4ftwiffW7 F*b t% 01mulatim Uquid by Jao*ns Sawdwo Oat 29"o 347j-503 E2qvrimental Determination of the Bach-scattering I-actor in X-Ray P-licroanalysis. by Jean-Claude Dorian. 85 pp. FRUN01, Thesis, CEA-11-3052 AE-C/LA/Tr-68-38 sci/phy Feb 69 374,235 Mixed 31io and 411c Calorimeter. Very Low Temp- erature Calorimstry, by Olivier Testard. PMUI,, rpt, CEA-R-3073. ABC-ANL-Trans-S64 Sci-Chem Jul 68 357,306 CalcuUtion of the Foaves AaUx)g ca an Mwurity of a Motal Subjeated to a Taqwatu" G2sdientt tw H. Geri. FEMR, rpt, - - - -suarlat a IlEnwgia Atoodque, SaaWe Fkwmg Ropcrt CEA-R_3096# Dso 1966p 37 Pps OAU Tr F-LI*409 3cd/ave Mar 68 k.riticality Guide. Part 1. Intro4itiction to L;riticality. Part 11. Practical 14iles, by FRLiiUt, rpt, UIA-l,-3114. *M: C h: RE !;Ci-Vays Jan 68 Study of the Diffusion of Some Elements in Magnesium, by L. Krishan. FFMCH, rpt, CKA-R 3i36p 1966. *NTIS TT 72-53106 Aug 72 Mumerioal Program for the Two-Dimemional Ama,wis at the themodynamis Behavior or a boill" . ---. AV by Howles Pajesu and Jem- Purre Bauder, 47 PP- I I I P I p rpt,, ORA Report R 3141. - P91138T AM WAPD-TRM-TI4 Sol-math Des 67 W0209 Study of Gamma-Hadiation between 0.1 and I ~IoV in tho HarthOs AtM03pliarc. by Danicl Boclet, 93 pp. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-11-3177. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2207-69 Sci/Phy Jan 70 411,162 Study of Thommouplos For Measure- ment or High ToMeraturos, by 14, Villma7or. FRENCH, rpt', Coumissariat a 1'Energie Atomiaue. CenTRe-ZlEtudos Nuclealres -aesaala-y* i epo CEA-R.-,1102 j January 1967s 111P. M-SA 'TT r,-11,623 369,1.51 Sai/Phys oct 68 A ~ (2- (UCItL-Tran&-10587) SIONIZATION OF HYDRO- GENOID A40MS BY A MULTIPHOTONIC ABSORPTION PROCESS. sGontior, Yvas;Trahin, Michel T(Commissariat a I'Lnergio Atoiniquo, Saulay (France). Centro d'Etudes Nuoloairos). 10 Translated for Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from report 11CEA-11-31921 2027p, 24Dep. NTTIS. 26physics; translations 2120 26MN-34 29P NSA 0 I~ropugution of Thermal Neutrou in 14ock-Up Screw-Shaped Steel Elements With Water Protection, by C. Devillors. FRDICII, rpt, Cr-A-R-3196, Apr 1967. *AEC 127-27 sel-Mlys Jul 68 o,bvoy of tM pA"t:L"s O)YII-40op and OX220 W NLehol Uwoi end OUV*3r jags- 3*tj,-=A-M -ploo, Mir W67,, mvanm AM AML-100-mh &A-*Aolmr ftl you 68 07,512 Preparation be 198Au Exempt Dcl99Au, by A.Capgras, 10 Lill. FRENCH. rpt. Centro DOI-Itudos-NucleLdros de Saclay, CEIA-R 3239, tgy- 1967. AE-C/OWNE:T"-r-2311-70 Sci/Nucl Nav 70 R--.W43 - - --Wmmm-~ p Flftjajmtso br Iwo ""Ustaft *r BWU of MMM-um fAVU Doa)329 FROM 9 * ZAN BOUlbla CM.P.396T. Qftft-A~Wlljftj~, OABC-~L,4~ 301-Jbth -w Bq* an 68 22w Morcum 3 Progftm: Stind4ht-Lim Attenua- tion in a Ukree-Dimmoloual Oeometry, by Chrlstlan D&villers, 45 ppo ITMH, rpt, CRA-2 32"- P911042068 ABC OMM-TH-1812 sci_mmth *nr 68 350,661