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Economic Dimensions of the Arab--Israeli Pooblem, by k:rnest Tellbac, 10 pp. FRENCH, publication, Le Commerce du Levant, Beirut, No. 88, 15 Dec 67, pp. 21-25. JPRS 44,030 NE(Labanon) Lconomic Jan 60 347,989 z I. . .. I .I, .~ II.I. I..I~ I.... .-I. - --L-------I- -- - ----- Damscus-Hms-Aleppo Electrical Network Goes Into Service, 6 pp. Fmcs, now or, Le CAgmcce-du Levant, Beirut, 13 Jan 68, p. 4. JPRS ", 4" Scl/Mech.,Ind.,Civll end Marine Eqgimerln Feb 68 351,627 czach Trade Relations with Lebanon and Arab worl, 7 pp. FRzucH, journal, Le Ct"marce du Levant, No. 89. 15 Jan 68, pp. 1-111. JFRS 44,597 NE(Lebanon) Economic March 68 352,486 Lebwion's Trade With the CEM4, by Andre Xecati, 8 pp. FRENCH# per, Le Commerce M Levant, Beirut, 15 Jan 68, pp. 54-57. JPRS 44,524 NE(Lebanon) Economic Feb 68 351,815 Federations Regroup Nationalized industries, 6 ppe FRENCM, per, Le Commerce du Levant, Beirut, 27 Jan 68, ppe 1# 6* JPRS 44,554 14B (Syria) Political March 68 351,891 arvim Cotten nsures G&vm fm gkr:ky Mays 6 pp. FMCH, npm I& p"r du j6w"m&, a im 1968. AM p 4. JM 4-%M XFO-14amnan ftm AtW 68 363,903 DOVG4.opmant Roviowed, 16 PREftn' per, Beirati, JWy malis 4602 lwsyria F-con oct 68 of retroiem Ind"try pp. Lo C21mg~roq du Levant, 1960, pp 35-3~F-- 364,373 1,;oonozW Shms Slow But Steady ImProvemento 6 PP- FMCII, per, I& Commeme, jHj!MRqj. July 1968v pp 74-7.5. JPHS 46392 AF-Algeria FAm Sep 68 367.183 Cotton, Import-Export, Oil Trangit Figures Given., 5 pp. FRENCH, per, Le C2Mwrce du Levant. Beirut, JUlY IWO,, PP 76-77. JPRS 46432 'IM/Syria -364.1372 Boon Oct 68 Statlatics Show Growth of Lebanese Economy, 2.5 pp - FRENCH, per, LO Cnmmerce du Levant, Beirut, September 196B: v 16-19, 2�, 31, j39 35, 36, 379, 42v 43v 47 9y 83- JPRS 467U.5 NE/Lebnnon 353,111 EeOn Nov 68 FInanoing of lobviese Dwelopment Reviewed, tV R"mmad Delpratt 14 pp. FRENCH# pere 14 - -- I-avlat- Balruto, Doo 1?689 pp z JPRS 479357 Xrb-ZAbmw so= Feb 69 3730941 Tb* A&Wtl= of a SWSMO On POIJAW Dis- allssodp 7 pp. Flux=, pwrp IL-L gpomm a km1p Balruto Use 19680 )pp 27-29. 4m 471,357 W-Lobunm Been Feb 69 171-Q42 cu-ser Prospects for labanese, "Youth Analyzed. by Loolen BorouU, 12 ppe FRENCH, rptl, I& Comoor-ce du Imm As Beirut* Fab 1969, pp 20-23. JPRS 47?68 NE-Lovanm Foon 379,246 Apr 69 -3r-, Bale of Agriculture In syrim EoonmW Dagcrlbed, bw ftbriol Aboubamd, 12 pp. IMWH, rpt, La-c-amalroe du 9 Beirut* Feb - L-14mmt 19690 pp V#.470 JEW 4"m HB,CVAS Bun Apr 69 379.247 AsAev of Fl4mch-Arabi= Padrisula Tmde lRalations, bW GvW Girod, 5 pps I-RkNC14 np, i0mmm u v t. Bw&rtlt, 22 Oct 1969 0 p 1w A A _A& A# JPRS 49-%6 APASIM 4-,kxwsulA Eban Jan 70 "W*994 id Report on 1970 Iraqi r,.cortomy,, by Viotor Dallul, ,-9 pp. PREOTCH, per, Le C*marce dti Levant, Beirut' May 7.1, pt) 10-12, JPHS 5363tJ Aug 71 Possibilitios of French Trade --.,x-plored, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Le Commerce du Levant, Beirut, Jan 72, PP 50--7T-. J-PRS 55967 May 72 Eoobomio Diversifioation, Foreign Trade Rop'ortad, 5 pp. FRENCH, per, Le Commerce elu Levant, Beirut, Aug 72, pp 20--27-. JTPRS 56913 Sep 72 L L! i- -- ---- Libya Seeks to Diversify Clil-Dominated Eeonomy, 6 ppe FRENCH, per, Le C-ormerce clu Levant, Beirut, Aug 72, pp 29~30- jpRs 56842 Sep 72 -------- - -- Foreign Trade Situation of Dubai, 6 pp. FRENCH, np, Le Commerce du Levant, Beirut, 16 Sep 72, pp 1, 6. ,TP-Rs 572,79 Nov 72 The problom of Arab Transit Reviewed, by Malik Shabab, 5 pp, F7WCH, np, Le Commerce du. Levant, Beirut, 25 Oct 72, p-p-r,-*U. jpRs 5'?603 Nov 72 N60 Economy Growing Despite Major Defenme Outlays, 15 Pp. FRENCH, per Le Commerce du Levant, Beirut, Nov 72, pp L-25. JPRS 57723 Dec 72 Review of Economy Given, 8 pp. FRENCH, np, Le Commerce du Levant, Beirut, 10 Feb 73, pp 1, 6. JPRs 58436 mar 73 lWamic Chief fbr the Min" 64"U Development Bw*o Braga. 6 pp. PMUGUME9 Par. 22002L21 udoada, No U4, Aus 1967, pp 38-39. im 42673 LA.-BMSU ROMA" oct 67 340,63S AA-1 Y V A 94 0 U 3 M'"m PL 4(Al-Tran"67) g9OME STUDIES ON COBALT ELEC- TRON IRRADIATED AT 200K. eSulpice,G.;Minier.C.;Moaer,P.;, _!!EnerjVq Atomique. Grenoble (France). Bilger. H. I(Commissariat ja V Centre d'Etudes Nuolemire-sT. gloTraniiiii- for Atomics Internit- tional, Canoga Park, Calif.. from a French report. 111stso9p. uDep. NTIS. 26metallurgy; translations 2,11F ISMN-40 19P NSA fi K C, 4OS-Trans--82) SELECTRIC COLLECTION TIUALS WITH THE MS-702. 4131anchard, B. ?((Commissariat a I'En- eqr ~ie Atomiq~ue,Grenoble ance). ConG-e-drh'TUffe-s-74u-cTe-air-es]). .. . ~Fr or M~ .. r~ I* ran or MOB a ., Iowa, from a French report. 2013p. 24Dep. NTIS. Igohemistry (analytical); translations 2TO7 28MN-4 21P NSA M. Masson Continuous Measurements of Deformation During in-Reactor Irradiation. Some Results Obtained by Resonant Cavity. FRENCH, per, France, Commissariat a lfEner-gie Atomiquep MV 72-13"3-181 Oct 72 Study of 9hort-ldved Fission Products bor Msans of an Isotope Separator Connected to a Reactor., by J. Cranoon and A. Moussa. FRENCHj xpt., FrM2e, 0c)mmiseariat a ll]Daergie AtOnLque NTG 71-13766-1613 Feb 72 Some Criteria for Choosing Preasea for the Compaction of Radioactive Waste, by P. Seyfried. FRMCH., rpt., D?anee Commissariat a llEtiemie At. anicne - NTC 71-13629-18G Feb 72 Electron Microprobe. Study of the Fluorescence Excited by Continuous Radiation, by J. Henoc, et al. FRENCH, rpt, Conmissariat a 1'Energie Atomig1je, NTC 71-14065-20F Feb 72 Determination of the Maximura Permissible Radionuclide Concentration fbr the Lim9s, by Go Vaccao FRENCH., rpt, Commissariat a 111hergie Atomigue, NTO 71-14014-06R Feb 7 2 Luluft X-FAY -14wo, tog Pm-c as of tic-VL, M- li Adlacd WO hmwmx-ly*uuu )by U. JL,4tKoa4 J,. ulad*4 ct go to W L9UWz&,. 4X-MILL-Tr-120.40 scl-li-yo jw 65 1000 HWe Reactor Design Study of a Handling Coll, by M. Sauvage. FRENCHP rpt, France, Commissariat a VEnergie Atoglque, 1965. NTC-71-10599-18I Nov 71 Interprotation of Thermal Shook Tests on The Rapsodio Engineering Mock-up, by R. Ginier. FMCH, rpt, France, Commissariat a IsRaergil Atomigue, 1965. NTC-71-10399-18I Nov 71 Handling of Subassemblies and Loading of Sleeves of the Heated Core With the Help of an Auxiliary GrIpper on the Rapsodie EngIneerIng Mock~up, by J. Bellet. FRENCH, rpt, France, Commissariat a 1'Enerxit At2ilque, 1965. NTC-71-10398-181 Nov 71 J%wt ms"bw roa Dwrol* - I Plvgftav by 470 me ZAMA&Uee nIMC16 PWO clelyto alft& ft _11&~ Nodo~dLVS# 3mo AW XWO6468 336P922 awd - Hadiftr sololmoo Avg 6T Atomic Energy Commissioa - 196S, Annual Reports. S3 pp. PRENOls, Ppto COMLSSUriAt A IlOuarliG Atomi3weal. lkx.- -PP-Tr-M. DIA IN 670-66-A Phys Mar 67 320,2462Z4 Atad a znuW comd old on - Arm al Papart - 1966. PPJUICHO rpto sommod" a LIDEWAM Iwo 197 PPS ACSI J-36.55 ID 22D405176? w BW Sam Ang 68 3620954 The Ilasonance Probe, by D. Lepechinsky., A Messiaen., and P. Ro3aand. FRMCH, rpt, Ftyanog. Commissariat a lt&ergie &qpAciue. 1966. NTC 71-14222-201 Feb 7 2 ... .... .................. ... Ihe u2 - GS lWactors. The 11'restriessed Caticrate Vessels. Operational Tests. FRUN01, rpt, Couriiissariat a M-norgie Atoud5uc Ap3r, 1906. P911077= AHC ORNL-tr-1284 Sci/Nuclear Sci Nov 66 311,S91 Cjilctilation of Forces Acting on an Impurity in a lottal SW)jectod to a TaWvrature Gradient, by .1laurice Gerl. FITITICH, rl)t, Cminissuriat a IOU-nergic Atonique. Saclay. Section de "echerche!s de "letallur-le Physique. Dec 1966. 47 pp. -NASA TT F-11,409 sci-Nucl Sci Dec 67 Means of Detecting and Protecting Against Tritium, by Y. Fourcade-Sutra. FRENCH, rpt, France. Commissariat a I'Energie AtomiSae, 1967, NTC-70-13233-06R Feb 72 R. Pnnnetler Distributiono Atmosphex-le Tra sfer and Bellmee of Krypton-85. FREWH, per, France- Commissa2ht a IlEnerigie AtoMlaue . 1968 NTC 72-13445-18B Oct 72 Study of the Fluctuations of a Hydrogen Plasma Based on Their Correlation Func- tion. Dispersion Relation, by H. Bernard, G. Biffod. FRENCH, rpt Conn. Energie Atomique, May 1968. 1; pp. NASA TT F-11,921 Sci-Phys Mar 69 377,535 Measurement of the Plasna Fbtential in the Prwenoe of a Magnertio Field Using an Baitter Probe, ty P. Mane,, et al. FRENCH, xpt, CommIssarlat a 111hemie Atomigue 1969. NTC 71-i4o6o-2oi Feb 7 2 TIR -CMCK ..'Numeirical mpthoos or acquisition and analysis of vibration temis. Dabel, D. , Ceccht~ G., Oules, H. I-French CO'Mmissivlat a Llen.ergie Atomique,1969, ..14 7e) . 404 a ~ y Jo Nalherbeg 14 ppo FMNQjq rptip C.R.A. Soclay, Fruico& 1970* AHC1ANt,'rr--8&lM- SrA/Mach Oct. 70 Dyn4mic =-J 'Themal Behavior off' a Comp"Ssible- -- -- - - --- Fluid in a Closed Cirtuit In a Variable State, by J. C, Rousseau, M. Dobremelle, 13 ppe FIWNDI, xjM, CE,A, Saclay, Friwco, 1970. AHC/ANJ,I)r-"VW- =u-m-p4mmus -- ---I -.- V#V~oltso by A* Ganglotig 2s pli. Fmal, Vptp C=aWaXiat IsEmnie Atox4quo Ftmce, 19,70, ARCwTr-7lS3-70 sol/swmh Sept 70 11 .1 :-.1 # I I I V, 4' H tz W ~ ;M - - , i -, -, , , ". , , , - , . . - - - , . . Atomic Energy Commission Animal Report 1970. FULNGII: Commissariat a I'Lner(lie Atomique Rapport Annuel 1970. France. pp. 1.51-159. 1) IA LN IV5-72 (20 pps . ) 17 APR 1972 The Principal Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Aerosols. Applicatims to Radio- Protection., by C. Lassear. FFMCH, rpt.. France, ComnissEwlat a 1'Rgergie At-Quicne. SerLe BtLbUogrgDUcUe, 1970. NTC 71-16837-18F Mar 72 C 4(SC-T-722510) &MECHANICAL STUDY OF THE STRESS CORHOSION OF A U-10 Mo ALLOY. 4NomInc, Anne- Mario, Bodero, Danielo; Robin, Rene; Miannay. DDminique % (Pgnunissarlat a PEner a Atomique Montrouge (France)). 10 Translated for Sandia Labs., Albuq-uerque, N. Mex., from French report. 2028p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2georrosion; metallurgy; translations 21111? UMN-25 9P NSA 4(SC-T-722507) ISTRESS-CORROSION CRACKING OF THE U-40 Mo ALLOY. g8e&re, Daniele, Nomine, Anne-Marie; Robin, Rene., Miannay, Dominique j(CQmmLas&rI&t a IvEnergie AtorqtWe - mage-(France), IgTranslated for iin~dla~,, .-I~ton!T Albuquerque, N. Mex., from French report. 3026P. ADep. NTIS. 2#corrosion; metallurgy; translations 2fllF, 21MN-25 2gP NSA L/.Z4 7 - Study of Aqueous Processing Method Laboratory. Section No. 7. Semiannual Report of the Department of Chemistry, No. 10, June 1770 - November 1970. FREMH., per, France, Commisearlat a 11&errie .Llaue, 19719, pp 207-239 Lt:gg 14TC 72-13423-18J Oct 72 FRENCH: C&_missariat a LEnerute Atomigue-Rapport-Apnuel 19 . __tu France. pp 3,4, 6-22, 24-26, 35, 55-57, 74-107, 143-14 148. 170-173. DIA LN 175-73 November 1972 Chlorine Trifluoride. by L.A. Vincent. J. Gillurdoau, 44 pp. FIZO401, rpt. CEA-2360, 1965. AEC R7,-Inf. Ser. - 15 Sci/Dlmmistry Feb 67 318.460 The CoM"tift of Povdarm, by P - VerSpon, 34 PP. PTMII rpt, Coradesariat a Illbamm* Atom& I saclAy Wwwo? CRA No 70, K-q 1 F9UO47bW AIC t0d.-Tram-10186 Sol-Withods & Nquipment Mar 63 350,693 Cauvwsion of R2qAadve Enwa Into BlectAv- mg,notio Enera, tW Joan Sommd, MNCH* p j L'En%Xb A$gdSWO Sepia* No. 85 fur 1967. 59 pp. ABC-SC-T 68-1,503 sai/snargy cmv Apr 68 351$282 4(UCRL-Trans-10596) &MOLECULAR PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE HYDROGEN ISOTOPES AND OF THEM ISOTOPIC COMBINATIONS. gGulzouarn, Louie. loTranalated for Univ. of CaMornia, Lawronoc Livermore Lab., Llvermore. from report IICEA-Bib-87. 2059p. UDep. NTIS. 2j.sobopes; translaUans ZT18D 2gMN-23 nP NSA The Condition for the Existence of the IAVES Phases in Intermotallic System, by Bernard del Litto, 10 lip. FITINQI, rpt, CEA-BIB-92. 1967, 10 pp. AF-C-LA-Tr-68-39 P!711265968-V Sci/Phy Nov 68 368,917 Growth of Metallic Crystals position of lialides in tile Jacques Gillardeau, 23 pp.~ FRENCH., rpt, CEA-Bib No 93, AEC/ORNL/Tr-IM-69 scilphy Jtui 69 by Therma Decovj- Gas phase, by Sept 1967. 382,60 chammling Lu Crystals, by M.i Dupuy. VIMR, perg CFAZ�t -118, 1968, pp 1-36.. *Nat Sur Stand TT 70-57693 ScL-tftys Ti. I 7n N44bdem= Rexafluaride YAJ6, by Maurice Carlos. 23 pp. AMCK, rpt, CU-B333-124, Sept 1968., pp 1-25. NASA TT F-12 $W SCI-Cbem Fab 70 401,693 TungsLen Ilexafluoride (WF6), by M. Carles. FRENCH, rpt, CEA/BT-B/125, Sept 1968, 30 PP- *NASA ITT F-12,662 oct 69 Preparation and Biological Rohavior of a Colloid of Hadionctivo Gold Protocted with Poly- Vinylpyrroldine, by It. A. Caro. FRENCH, rpt, CNFA-213, 1968 *AEC/ORNL Sci/ May 69 Energy Generator With a Base of Plutonium 238 for the Purpose of Medicnl-Electric Stimulation, by M. Alais. FRENCH, per, Erance. Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique. Bulletin d'Iaforml- tions Scientific et Technique, No 142, 1969, pp 31-38. NTC 72-10668-06L Apr 72 Main Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Aerosols. Application to Health Physics. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-SIB-185, 1,970. *AEC Aug 71 I" k - C - 4(ORNL-tr-2485) 61SOTOPIC ELECTRIC GENERATORS. gUivainefore, Francolse Issarlat a I'Energie Atornique, Suclay (France). Centre AHCtodmems Nuclealres). 10Translated by Martlut Gorrarxi (Oak Ridge Nattiotuil Lab., Tenn.), from report 1,CEA-Bib-190. 3,10p. UDep. NTIS. 2senergy conversion; isotopes; SNAP technology; translations 2ylO, 1813, 18N 2OMN-33 2$P NSA 0 li , ' I ( A(L)IINL-tr-2-189) gSTUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE DECLADDING AND DISSOLVING OF U02 AND PuO, FUEL CLAD WITH STAINLESS STEEL ON ZERCALOY. rAuchapt, Jacqueline M.; Auchapt, Pierre R. (Commissariat a I'Energie -1irodd Atomique, Chusclan (France). Centre de clion -de-Prutonitim do Mareoulo). loTrianslatod for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., from report UCEA-Bl&-191- 20148p. AMp. NTIS. 2schemistry (separation); translations 2T07A ,IMN-10 9P NSA 0 (LA-tr-72-17) sANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEMS OF PROTE TISN POSED BY FLUORINE AND FLUORINATED COM- POUNDS. gBittel. R.; Vaubert, B. f(Commissariat a VEnergie Atomique, Fontena3-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nu- oleaires). 10Translated for Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex., from report 119EA7l~ib-209. 2054P. 24Dep. NTIS. 28chemistry Onorganic); translations 2T07B JIMN-~ ISP NSA Studios on Shielding and ShLelding Concretes. General Remarks on the Attenuation of Radiation in Materials and on the Constitution of Shielding Concretes. Experiments and Measurements on Attenuation in Concretes, by M. Condat. FRENCH, rpt, FrAncd. Commissariat a VEnergie Atomique. Bulletin d'Information Scientifique et Technique, No 109, 1966, PP 21-38, NTC-71-12485-18F Nov 71 t4echnladerU Quwititiea Ascoci.ated With Stress Corrosion of the U-10 Mo Alloy, by A. M. Nornine. FIENCE, rpt, France. Commizssaxiat a !'Energie Loinique, Rapport CF-A-BP-bl, (Part 23, 1971- ,L-0-11-~ Sc -11, 5 L)L, NTC 72-i4228-ilr Jan 73 A F-C-, (ORNL-tr-2443) 5MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AT IIIG .11 TEM PERATU RE OF CERAMICS BASED ON PLUTONIUM. A1111LICATU)NT() VUEL ELFNIENTS. de Novion. Charlus; LaIlvillunt. Robort till still riat it III-ner Itollit 1e -~ranceT.--L-c.trg--a ell 0 "1,, Fontenav-aux-Ros" (I 'Etudf . ucleaires). 10Transfated by R. Gregg Mansfield (Oak Ridge National Lah., Tenn.), from report CEA-CONF-1670. 2013p. 24Dep. NTIS. ,,coramics. muclingii: translatiOnS 271113 21MN-25 ,P NSA 0 t j 1, C- 4(LF-tr--64) &BIOCHEMICAL ASPECT OF THE EARLY AINE01-ARY RETENTION OF LIQUID AE-ROSOLS OF RARE EARTHS. 11asquior, Ch.; Lofolyvro, J. C.; Ehrha-rt. J. C. f(Corn- missariat a PE'norgic Atoinique, FontonR3-aux-Rosos (France). Contra d'l,'tudes Nucle&iroa). *Translated by A. A. Horvath for Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Albu- querquet N. Max., from report IICEA-CONF-1676- 2013p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2gbiomed; translations 2T06 IlMN-48 nP NSA Usiol 0 1 C- (LIB/Trana-361) FORMATION OF DICENTRIC CHRO- MOSOMES IN HUMAN LYMPHOCYTES SUBJECTED IN VrrRO TO A FLUX ~'IF MIXED RAYS (GAMMA AND NEUTRONS). 131.1.. M. T.: Le Go. R.: Ducatez. G.: Dacher, J.; Bourguignon. M. ((;qrn- missaria't a I'EnerWe Atomique, Fontenay-aux- Roses (France), dEin-tre d ktudes tru6i_aiFcisY__ Translated by M. Ganez for Aus- tralian Atomic Energy Commission. from report CEA-CONF-1723. 15p, Mp. NTIS (U. S. Sales Only). radloblology, translations 06R MN-48 NP NSA REVISED CARD 0 f i, c-~'4(l3NWL-tr--77) 11UMDIATION CREEP OF TWO SLIGHTLY ALLOYED URANIUM NUTERIALS. Englander, M.; do Montproville, C. Thomas r(jQ2p1q1~3sariat -it I'Energie Atomi- qi4!!, Saclay (France). Qt,-ntre d'Etudes N=cl6a-ii-eii]y.-loti~a-ii-sl~t(~d by E. It. Ap))ILby (Battelle-&ortfiWest, Richland, Wash.), from re- port DI%I-T)JIT-108- 2022P. 23(CONF-670664-1). 24Dep. NTIS. 25From 11. symposium on metallurgy (creep); Saclay, France (22 Jun 1967). 2611ICtallurgy; radiation effects; reactor materials; translations 2T11F, 18J 21NIN-40 21P NSA C!.,, "el'; ;-e.,,Uczs r rou j~ ~ 1-.w o,-~ Am .-Ax il r:-It, Ci;A Coitc-1074 S 1 L,obtructive Testing wati Colstrol in the flold Tccll., !~aclay.?raqcd, "ALL"I "A-Yr-l`).w z,c-i/;%ucl kir t-'.) f ! , 5HEIACTIONS HEITWE'EIN C'I,ADDJN(; I N 1. 1-':~S ST I-*Et.) AND FUE.J. (V' 11ti)()/tillb I)t u1m; l1t1(ADLkTI01\: IN FAST HEACTORS. gde Keroulas, Francois; Le Bouze, Robert; Calais, Daniel; Marcon, Jean Pierre 1E (Commissariat !t ner-pe Atomique. Fon -tenay-aux-Roses (France). C 6 1-1 t-r -e d'- E-t u--d -es- -airs -&IOTran'sl a-ted by Deni-ds O'Boyle from Nucle Fall Meeting of the French Society of Motallurgy, Paris, September 1971. ,21p. 3(CONF-7109-13-1). ;,Dep. NTIS. 'Gradiation effects; reactor fuel; reactor materials; translations f8i 281SIN-2a SP NSA //?/ (ANL-Trans-865) SAFETY REPORT FOR THE "SCARABEF" LOOP. (Commissariat a I'Energ!e~~ Cadarache (France). Con-IFe--d%'fUUe-s-Nit-c-re-a-Fres). Trans- lated for Argonne National Lab., Ill.), from French report DEP/ GTSP/Ca-28/70. 149p. Dep. NTIS. reactor engineering; reactor safety; translations 181 MN-80 11 NSA 0 Method of Structural Fracture and Calculation of Resistivities or Point Defects, by Nguyen Van Doan. FUNCH, rpt, CRA - Department of Metallurgie DM/1720, pp 1-59. IMS TT 71-55267 Available IRBS Only 4(1,A-14:11-tr) 6MBAS1JREMHYI* OF THE PLASMA 110TEMI'LA.I. IN THE PRESENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD USING AN EATITTER PROBE. 6131anc, P.; Deschamps, P.; Occhionorelh, At. y(JEuropean Atomic Energy Community. Commissariat a k! Enorglo Atomijue, Fontenay-aux- Roses (Fran~~e-). -Cen-&-e d'Etudes Nucieafiesl).- 1-0-Tra-u-islated foi Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Alex., from DPh-PFC/Note Interne No. 1033- 208P- 2jDep. NTIS. 26fusion devices (thermonuclear); physics (plasma); translations 2?IBA- 201 2SSTD-20 29P NSA is SbA* of the Operating Ccndi.tiais of tbia Machine lAnrAnica ?am# by Ee P* Butt.* 62 ppo 11924wo vt, EWOCM-HC~-842, 1969,, 49 pp. UM Tr F 12*715 scim3y mmy 70 maencys Tenn. -0- mumvers DM-7o-38 'Ltle; Movemmeat of CortaLn Isotopes La AnLmals and Man --Annual Report 1967 ourcos ComLseariat a l'SnergLe AtomLque. Centre d'Etudes Umleeires do Yonteney-aux- Rosess France. Report RM 4281f. x Fromh ;pecial Instrmt6onst Please translate onjX and type one copy of pages 22-30, 31-34, 43-W:), and 47. k (LIB/Tritno--284) EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN 13ARALLEL FLOW TUBE BUNDLES FOR CONSTANT HEAT FLUX IN THE REGION OF AVERAGE PRANDTI, NUMBERS. Itleger, M. ((Lommissaxiat a I'Energle Atomique. Saolay (France). Centre lated by 1. Mumme (Australian Atomic Energy Commission Re- search Establishment, Lucas Heights), from report EUR-4299. 81p. heat transfer; translations ND-38 NP RC Unlimited Ionic Cyclotron Instabi-UtUs, IYj R. Galler. 26 pp. Fmqai, Ipts Apr 2969f 22 pp. Hwah Tr P 320713 fiIci/PIW maV 70 Musummmt of Potentia2in in Blectrca-Dmdnated Plemuk,v by A* Uuanwwure 88 ppe Plumir rptf aW m.* du lasm et dEk la .tj do la m p ROLM tx0jes n-xx=t MUHMA fp-529 MASA 'rX F JZg347 sq~phy mov 70 L I'l 1 1 lj~5 VIIIHIMI'lull 1011-MLIM I N? 1, 1 : I . .11 ~ ~ ~,~ I , . I- ~ a . --L- -1 . . :11 a,, : . 00*4 --- -- - v "to 3"*,reb 1970v pp 1-73. ft" IT V-13vOSI 44-fto 04 ?o -- V wm~ Titles Noteir8davrhairos bU37 ~ GLwaLAK-sts Uranxfores. Author: A. Ceangloff Source: Comissariat a L"Muwgie France. ULWIPL-391/16. Language: French 10ey Md" a Atcmique, 197t). 20-P. Special Instructions: Plegism Ttansiate and type one copy to be received in two or three wee". 'p (1 1, " Study of the Solubility of PIMtonyl Nitrate with a View to Its Extraction by a Solvent, by Gerard Vergnaud, FRENOI, per, Commissariat a I'Enmle Atcati Ue- Fontenay-aux-Roses, Centre OEM, c Nucleal"s: AEC ORNL-tr-1263 Sci - Chem Oct 67 342,31S Neutron Spectrometry ina. a Natural Uranium Slab Using the 6Li(n.t) 411e PAaction andSSurface Barri*r Datoctors, by Ghislaive Do laaw-Gierts, Seraphin Do Loom, MNCR, per, Commissariat a IfEnTlie Atonique, Cadarache ~mtre ME= Ruclealres, 31pp AEC EURFNi 203F Sci - Phys Sept 67 342.292 Sensitivity of Austenitic, Alloys with a High Nickel Content to Stress Corzosion and Inter- granular Attack. by H. Coriou, Le GrallC, Mahieu, Me Pal ras. FRENCH, p*r.Coaftissariat a IfEnergie Atomimm, Seclm Cantiv &E-EiNsi-Nuc r*3, zippe AHC OPWL-tr~-1627--- Sci - Mat Oct 67 342,334 Study of the safety of tlie Emine Experiments by J. Bouchard and J. C. Carre, 69 pp. FRENCII, rpt, AEC Center of Nuclear Studies of AEC-Tr-6910 P911407767-V IVE Sci/Nucl G Tech 342,469 Feb 68 liomiannuul Report of tho Chemistry Departmont, Canter for Nucloar Studies at Pontonay-Aux-Roses, Direction of Nuclear ~~aterials and Fuels. December 19664iay 1967. FRENCJi, rpt, Comissariat a VEnergie At .que, oml Fontena),-Aux-~ ~osos, Centre de Etudes Nucleaires, Nctlolls I and 4, pp 5:36, 79-86. AbC-M,J~-Trans-610 Sci-Chom Aug 68 3S7,471 Somiamnuai Report of the Cheud:k*ry Department, Center for Nuclear Studies at Pontenay-Aux-Roses, Direction of Nuclear Materials and Fuols, December 19664-tay 1967. PRENG1, rpt, Commissariat a I*Enagie Atomique, Fontenay^Aux-Roses, Centre da utudes Nuclealres, rectio" 10-11. pp 299-427. AEC-ANL-Trans-629 Sci-Mem Aug 68 357,470 :,3criannual T~ei~ort chunistry Department Novaiibar, 1965 - Illay, 1966. FIIENCV, rpt, Centre dirtwies 'lucleaires de Vontoiiu-aux-Poscs, Direction des ~.Iateriaux et colabustibl" Nuclell- E22, 5-07--. 1966. *A[-;(* 01,.~.'L-tr-1674 lici/Olcluistly ApT 6 7 -D U Wach 1969 Titlims ouWazte do NlmrsaisatLow graufferes an m4w, Autboc: sisattoo 0. sod ObdillImaws J. M. somm: -comm"fallat a 1412merSLe Atomique, ri - it: AfrLqu*-Nkdawwcarp Nw;s*L]Lles, I ftvoices, 190:31T-3.3 LTPP) Speclsl Imtrmtiom: Plaa" trmwlata and t"e I copy only.