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New Itesulbs for a Silent Discharge in Ammonia, by R. Weisbeck. GMIAN, per, Chemie-Ingenieur-Tecludk-, Vol 42, 1970, pp 31-3T.- NTC 72-111211-07A NLL 6196.3(1072) 0. A. trems 2072 Jan *k 73 PicatinrW Arserial R-13674-D Itaq. 12-2f1 a St Aug. 71 "Explosive Deawposition of SL*Isw Oxide and Attw1em Onift-Nitrogen Auztume- BW Graft-WWWWU6 (IVID)s Vat. 42 (2)j, pp.85-86. Ian~; cogroan. 2pp ft4aft Tmaleto & " I coW zUyq,,j, nease leave space for Poste-W A 1"1 Stabilization of Turbulent Diffusion-Flames, by R. Guenther, GERW, par, Chenae-Ingenieur-Technlk, vol. 42, 1970, PP. 105-108, NTC 71-11039-21'R Augu6t 71 manufacture of Bifunctions-I Compounds by 4olbe Electrolysis# by J. Haufee CZECH, per# Chazie-Ingenieur-Technikp Vol 42v No 49 1970, pp 170-175. CRGB Trans 1094 NfC 72-12490-07A Mar ~72 The',Use of Durable Activated Titmniwn Anoden in the Electrolysin of C11jorine AlIcali, by 0. de Nora. GEmmN-, per, Chemie-Ingenieure-Teebnik, Vol 42, 1970, ,pp 222-226. NTC,72-1)+210-07A Na 6i96.3(1095) 0. A.' trane 2095 Determination of Gas/Liquid Two Phase Flow 71wough Throttling Members, by M. Heckle. EUROPEAN, per, Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, Vol 42, 1970, PP 304-3fO-. NTO 72-14396-o7A Js4l 73 Woldihg Techniques in Plant Construction Paying Particulax Attention to the Construction of Heat Exchangers, by W. Thiessen. o1 42, No 11, GEM05, per, Chemie-Ingenieur-TechnIk V 1970, pp 751-75-6- NTC 72-14197-13H NLL -Spring Tli~ans 532F. Jan 73 The Reduction of Calcium Phoophate During the Phosphorus Production, by F. W. Dorn. EUROPEAN, per, Chemie-Ingeniour-Technik Vol 42, 1970, pp 1209-1215. NTC-71-15483-07B Kinetics of Ethoxylation of N)nylphenol Under Industrial Conditions, by H. Zeininger, EUROPEAN, per, Chemie-Ingeniettr-Technik Vol 42, 1970# pp 1220-1224. NT(:-71-14987-07A Feb. 72 Kneader, Ifixert Stirrer, and Dosage Apparatus, by He !Lorenz GERDUP per, Chemle-Imenieur-Technik, Vol 42, .1970. pp 14317-1-439 NTC 71-153919-07A mar 72 Numerical Solution Method for Onedimensional Dynamic Models of batalytic Fixed Bed Reactors, by B. Luebeck. GERPIAN,, per, Ch&mie-In&anieur-Technik Vol 43, No 3P 1971, pp 97-148. RTC 72-11276-07A May 72 Production of Lower Olefias by Medium Twapersture Pyrolywis of High-Boiling Hydroaarboun, by R. Xosb*rger. BURMAN$ per# Qjjs&is-IAWtgjsur-TsghA"v Vol. 43# 1971y PP 131-139 NTO 72-12089-07A Juni 72 Modern Design and Development in Building Plants for Chlorine-Alkali Electrolysis, by W.'strewes MMOPEAN, per, Chemie-Imenieur--Technik Vol 43, 1971, pp, 152-156. NTC-71-16016-07A Identification and Elimination of Short Circuits of Amalgam Cells, by R. Schaefer. EUROPEAN, per, Chemie-Ingenietar-Techniks, Vol 43, No 4, 1971, pp 160-164, NTC-71-16239-07A Feb 72 The Utilization of Waste Hydrochloric Acids, by Ke~Kerger. EUROPEAN, per, Chemie-Ingenietir-Technik Vol 43, 1911, pp 167-169. NTC-71-16162-07A Feb 72 4i Chl6iate Electr6lysts, by,Jo Fleck. EUROPSANo perp Chemkie-I enieur--Technik Vol 43, 197is pp 173-177a NTC-71-16161-07A 4 --Sx~~Amdi tu:-i Hydrogon 6 n --tho:- Chlo'rine-Alkali Electrolysis According to the Mercury Process, by H. J. Antweiler EUROPFAN, per, Chemle"Ing-enieur-Technilk, Vol 43, 1971, pp 180-182 ITTC 71-16550-07A ma~~ 72 encas in the Operation of Mercury Cells .,r Dimensionally Stable Activated Tit :1 Anodes,, an um by O.i de Wora EUROI~E&N, per, Chemie-Irigenieur-Technik, Vol 43, pp 182-W1. NTO 111ar Xv,*ating-and-Concentxating th3 Caustic A solut:~~'bn :rrom the Chlorine-Allmll Electrolysis, by 11. L. lWalinlein EUROPW, per, Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, Vol 43t 1971,:PP 187-190 NTC 71-16 _54.9--o7A mar :79 A~4Uence!o,f';Plant Design otiMixing ofitiquids b '~'P. Pr Intin:go CPOW, per, Chem Ing-Tech, Vol 43, No S, 1971, pp 519-S22. *ABC/LB/G-3083 Velodity iin& Temperature Diatribution. in a Plamw Lamilliir Flaine Front, by G. Janicch. GZRW~Wjp per, Chemie-IngenleiLr-Technik-, voi 43, IVTI, PP 561-565. hTc 72-ilaq6-21B NLL 8313,li,(6043) Self-~qnition of Orginic Sub-stAncea on by - ff.'.~-Lincle'r :and H'. Se-ibring -GERMA14', per. Chemie-ing. Tecan., No 11, pp 667-671. BISI 8006 1971, A461yeis of Non-Isothermal Kinetic X)61tao Calculation of Axial Distribution of' Catalyst Activity in it Tubular Reactor From the Concentration and Temperature Profiles of the Catalyst Redy by J* Pasek. GIRMAN, perp ghemjg-In&gj-iPur-Technik, Vol A0, No 11, 1971, pp 683-687, NTC 72-11277-07A May 72 SynthesiB of Biphenyl From Benzene in Cold Plasma of "Electric Discharges, by Rw Weisbeck. GERRAN, per, Chemie-In-enieur-Technik, Vol 43, 1971: pp 721-725. NTC 72-11275-07A May 72 4-At: Trocess Engineering Design of an Saterification Column# by H. Hartig. R#ROPFANj, perp Ghemi2-1 Xja&qjM- Vol 43P 1971, pp 1001-1007 NTC 72-11608-07a June 72 ObnUhuoue: Aptominakof of 'tyumB of water in getses- Wth a lmw moaouzplng asZ4.6 by R. Sistig. CUCUO,por, Chomie-ingenieur-teahnLk Vo 143, No 29, 19722~ pp lodl-1034. RisZey Trww 2297 Vern 14va, Go. in& the Flov and-the-Material Onversions and Heat Transfer in Single Stage Fluidised Beds CHE14IE INC. TECHNIK, 1972, Vol 44, Feb. pp 141-142 *BISI 10956 Feb 73 m i1Sigd Ileat'Exchange-on Direct, Contact of Two-Fluids,, by!P4, Grassmanns GWAN, per, Chemie Invenieur Techaik, Vol 44, No 5, 1972, pp 286-291. NAVY/APL/JHU-T-2672 Nov 72 Material Exchange Surf aces and Ener(2Zr Dissipation Densities as a Selection Criteria for Gas/Liquid Reactors. Part 1. The Material F.Achange Surfaces in Different Gas/Liquid reactors as Function of the Operating Parameters, by 0. Nagel. MMOPM, per, Cheii-de-Ingenieur-Technik, Vol 44, 1972) pp = 367-373. DiTc T2-14431-07A Jan 73 Permiability of Plastic Filsts and Folls ot Cases,, Vapors and Liquids, by P. To Rzaij. DEMCH, ppt, Chemisch Laborstorium RVO-7NOp, Report 1966-16g 39 pp. *NASA TIr F-11,325 Sci-Phys Oct 67 F*O-Tm~is WO-69-61 33 aW 2969 Utlos Do JUltratle van Aercwolen Door GU&- vo"IfLltwmo Io Invlood van Deeltjes-Groatte on DoervoorsneUwLd. Authores J.F, van der Val and L.A. Clarenburg sourcet ChemUch LaboratorLum RVO-TOD. Raport No. TOCK 47902. Fab. i967.(AD-814 781). Langmga - ]Duteb 26" SpocLml lostructLonst PlAwse translato and type 0m copy only 20so6o 27 oot 67 Isom in Gbwile a 'Lide, (as marked)ppp (as imftimted) v ammia a Lida ( supplowot iw ChwAcky Prwqpl), 91 Ivals"Osep 67 Special Tnw"1*PtTr*wl&Ur'm drart plus am 0) Stat4i Pdbflumm fbr XoCWqjaj Lit*Mtofto jLg,6.1 uous iMeasurement of the Radio- activity of 14C in Fractions From A Chxwato- graphic Column, by It. Tykva, 0, Grumberger, M-01. jmr,, Ommicke Usty. Vol $9, D, 65, pp 732-737 P911128766 MC Np-tr-1431 A i_ /- R-1 ; ;- 0' '- j? , el /-' ( /j, " 13 Sci/Nuclear Sci Dec 66 314,583 Heat and Light Stability of Stabilization of Poly (Vinyl Chloride). by J. Stepek, C. Jirkal. CZECH, per, Chem ListyO Vol 59, No 1, 1965. PP 1201-1222. A7S CJ-5023 Sci-Chem My 69 385,4S4 Simple Apparatus for Determination of Apparent Density of Powdered 3amples. by F. Jost, D. Tomanova. CZECII. per ellemicke List , Vol. 59, No. 2, 1965, pp 219-221 GSIRO/No-7956 Sai - Aug 67 338-543 ahe L>rcblem of intarfnxenaa lj-.i I-Jeutim Acti- vatim malVis, ljy Aloslav CEM-1j, per, Owiticke UstyO, j.V 1038-1046. AIIWXDAn-23-637-67 sci/nuclear sci rear 69 Eukovic. 10 pp. Val 59, No 9, 1965, 376,597 BaVJF R-&=-v 24 mar 67 ~mwee: Chaddke listy.. 6o 1. W obtaining ucptimd3.y pure destined vater Bvvvetoslav Spurny PP343-345 ( 2 pp) 2. DeGtIllffUon qppamtus for obtalming vater of blgb purity Author: Vikto Ettel.. et al pp 3hO-342 ( 3 pp) 3- SUMMY for "the BOrPtim of trace quant#dLes on glass) Author: Petr Bwes Page 176 ( 1 P.P) Czech ~ a" for mde-, R 1- -1 IN ady Ple"e, tmn5late and type I =ISMI Mpyj, double spaced. Document Can be cut. Literature citaUms can be Coplea GA Is.. Acids for the Measumment of the Scattering of Lightp by M* boublik, CZBOI, per,, Chemiseke Usty,, Vol IV, No 61, 1965, pp S21=39." *ACS1 J-2838 10 2204028067 SCI-phys JIU 67 chamiftry in c A JL945 to 1965v Ivy X. MmhfLj, Jq outs Jo Mcwyft and X- Xyeuo, A Vv. SHOM USE cm c=,p per, abod usty.. so 5, PAV 1963, PP- 591-532- aps wo T" ng-Ctech ad-chm Jul 65 983,092 9*V*3499MMt Or the Comeboalova awaiwa Uft$%97 ft=30 Wckrld War XZ,, by J. Mr"r, 12 jW* 3 M 0-- un cum 0 PWO Cbmdahe Ustarl, No 5., mkw Iq0j, lWo 535m~ am = 3; = Cafth 9".CMM Aug 6~- 283090 Organic Macromolecular Substances with Semi- conductor Pr"rties. by Z. V3n=zal, J, Stapek, et ala CZECH, per, Chem UsU.P Vol I.IX, No 7, 1965, PP 800-820., ATS CJ-4734 sci-phys i1 67 329,156 Q"ftUtmtAVw AS83,V01111 by G" c3n -it 004 1 GOSUVI XA2&tlotw betwomen tb* Aum" at Chramn- tMoropilmd Odbotowe and Us Modtude of the ling ch"Imstogm "a Curve, by Jailer Norsk, 28 pp. czmm, Vw* LI no go 290o pp 102L-3037* P10022W65-V MM-0-67-260, 8014)byimuls ju3.y 68 35QV830 Analytical Methods Bazed on the Use of Mercuric Compounds, Used in the Chemistry of Sulfur Compounds, by M. Wronski. CZECH, Per chemicke listY, Vol. 59, 1965 PP 1079-1081 CSIRO/ No. 7778 Sci - Aug 67 337-573 Materaction of Gases with M*W Surfaces, by Ze Knor, 22 pp. CZWHq pwo gasIg LCO Liaty no lit 19659 pp i2"-1294. P100267268-V FTD4V-67-259 Scd/Mat How 68 366o988 ftUwk lbtbod for the lBtWy all the Was of M61144" Pbs" I BeGatlow In j 10 ov vith the Cu,*mtcW%qpble Andyals tiv~ bCr Be Riebtwlavm# 8 ppe =MM6 pwo gMdft TA na 59,0 mb 22,0 IW-2455- #mQn986EWV ft"hwaLstry Jay 65 MAW Sorption of Trace Quantities tu Glass, by Petr bones 0, CZBaf, per., Cbemicke Listyp, Vol LX, 1966, pp ISS-178, Dept of NavyINRL Tr No 1107 SCI-Chem Aug 67 333,044 23 July 66 Wilproola wadikik v alkylo" radihoLook (MISCAtILM *If iVdVbgft 10 Alkyl AAWICaIS) My a IL Lazw mW Oe 14,"1 ?COW CHMNtCIKIR USTY (ftg&V*) V W* IWA pp 192-209 pp onwh - est for wds t Twaasl&te mad cype I ortowl and 2 esubm coplass Doemamt. soy be Got Voc pastostwo DiStIllation Apparatus for the Preparation of Water of High Puritys by Viktor Ettel, Josef V*pv*k-SIska,, CZECIIg perg'Chwdcke Listy,, Vol Lxp i9"4, pp 340-342. Dept of Havy/URL Tr No 1108 Sci-Chem Aug 67 333.,04S Labor-story Equipment and Procedmes an the Preparation of "Optically Pure" Distelled Water, by l(votonlav Spurny, CZECH, per, Chemicke Lixtl:,, Vol LXq 2966,0 pp 343-34S. Dept of Navy/NRL Tr No 1106 sci4laterials Aug 67 333,043 An Apparatus for Continuous Preparation of Low Cancentrations-'af Hydrogen CyanMW and Cyanogen Chlorides In Air, by V. Kovarm C6 Horsk* J, Ustotmako 4 pp. FOR OFFICUL ISSE ONLY CZECH. per. Chemicke Lisu, Vol LX, No 3, Mar 1966, pp 347-349.. ACSI 1-99SS ID 2204029166 Sci-Cbeu Jun " 3020047 Iftymes of Snake Venoms, by Frantisok Korn*Uk, CZEOI, Ixbr,, Cb"Adw Us!x N*)~01966, ACSI J-Os ID 22040435" Sei-B&H Oct " 3090816 A Rapid Method for the Investigation of Solid Phase - Oas Reactions, by J, Cabicar. CZECHt per, Chemicke Listy, Vol 60, 1966, pp 528-532. NTC-71-12328-07D )V0- ICL -F TF 10 -~~2 V I/ Nov 71 Fucl Cell 11ith the Sodium Arial-am-Oxygen Systom by Jan Jandera CZEUI, per, Chemicke Listy, Vol LX, IrS, May 66, lip 592-604 jPRS CSO NY 15565 Czech Sci-Chemistry Jan 67 317,914 Uffact of the Optical Sensitization of Polymothine Dyes as a Punction of Iheir Structure and Physicodioadcal Properties, by 1. 1. Levkojev. CZECHO per, Chenicke Ust-y' Vol LX, L966, pp 4191-806 Chem Trans Sv No 2893 Sci-Chem Mar 67 322,121 Biodbouistry of So -.t..- bv j. neriba. C2EM per 9*m Ustcy Vol 60, 1%6 RP 196-469 0 ATS499Z 0 SOL Doc 68 368#771 Activation Analysis in Legat Chemistry, by J. Tolg3ressy. CZECH, per,, Chem Listy, Vol 61, No 10, 1967, pp 1285- *VTn TT 71-516072 July 71 Ivamoobamistr7 of SpbingaUrAcbi, by C. Michalac. CZECH, per, Ch!M 14at-y Vol 63.9 1967v PP 1342- 1352. Hkv lily, 10*31-68 Sci-D and 'L-,. jan 69 3?3..752 Preparation of Gaseous Mixtures of S02 vith Air In the Conoentration Flange of 0.1-100PPmp by J. Honsak. c2xm,, per,, Clum Id!tD Vol 62., No 4, .1968, pp 45&460. AM Haf: 9091-9F (CA Trans 203) Sci-MOM Oct 69 395.,102 Biochemical Fuel Cells, by Miroslav Cenek, 63 pp. CZECII. per, Chemiche Lis Vol 62, No 8, 1968, lit& pp 927-974. Tr No 54, Aug 1969 AIR/AICRL/69-0351 IV7-C -7.0 - lo 1-7 7 - 0 6& Sci/chem Nov 69 396.857 Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification of Amino Acids as the 1-Dimenthylanino- naphthalene-S-Sulfonyl Derivatives on Silica Gel, by J. Novotny, P. Franek. CZECH, per, ChesikheKListy, Vol 62, No 8. 1968, pp 995 999. NTC 69-11493-07C Sci-Chen July 69 387,078 Preparation af Ultrapiwe Water., by Fe Zak. CZECH, per,, Chemicke LiBtvp Vol 62., 1968., PP 1033-10447.-- NTC 71-14515-07A Feb 72 The Preparation and Thermal Decomposition 0f,& - F&OOR, by J. Sava. 10 pp. C=H, par, ChemLcke Listy, Vol. 63, No 1, 1969, pp 112-116. AIR/PTD/ILT-23-112-70 Sci-Chem June 70 New UseF; of Activation Analysis in Bio- cliemistry, by bliloslav Hakovic. CZECII, per, Chemicke Listy, Vol. 63, No. 6, 1969, PP. 679-691. *CFSTI TT 70-56013 Sci/b&m Jan 70 399,673 8- , , en-cy: Fort Detrick ; Trana. No. - T-786 2!1 June I:OTv Titl*:The mechanism of chouilumigutseence of luminol and cyclic Hydrozides Autbor; Kubal, Josef - Cbemieke Listy 64(2). 113-127.1970 Lipix-evit CheaiS4 HSU 15pp Lbnguago: Czedhoo ovskia Special Imutructiorm: Please translate and type I copy only. lWioiWaZide i-ray fluoreacent amlysis IX..Deteation.of., ; ;~ Y. ;,j~p ~Z'E,Cofl*~ C'homiahe Listy. VoZ SS, No 1, 1971, pp 28-44 NASA TT F 24,634 jL vt zv nadionuatido x-ray fZuoreecence Analysis. 111. ExampZee Of practical applications. CZRCh1,. Chemiche UsLU,, VoZ 65., No 2, 1971, pp 113-121 SA TT P 24,635 TT-64-14460 Millettt. Maria. CONCERNING DEVICES CAPABLE OF DIMtNl,-,tilNG 1. Title: Smoke filtern THE TOXICITY OF TOBACCO SMOKE AND ON TliE 1. Milletti. M. TECHNIQUE OF THEIR USE. NOTE V. DETERMI- 11. Title: Determination NATION OF THE PROTECTIVE OF SOME ANTI- SMOKE MASSES. [t9621 [13p] l1refa Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-14-iiSO Trans. ol Chimica (nall'Industria nall'Agricoltura, nellaBlologta. nelle Realizzazioni Autarchiche e CorWra- dvel (Italy) 1960, v. 36, no. 10. p. 5W-5W. Another trans. is available from K-H $15. 00 as K-H-11322 (19621 12p. DESCRIPTORS: "Tobacco *C(garettes. Smoke&. Toxicity. Inhibitton. Filtersi (Fluid), Cotton telatles. Plastics, OF-vanded plastics, Isocynnate plastics, Styrene plastics. Effectivewss. (Biological Sciences- -Medical Specialties. TT. v. ii. Office of Tochni-i no. 10) (Over) 141croooolAc InvesUgation of thu, Intrinsio riarphology Of SUBPIWAded INC ftrtialos. b7 H. Prolwpov&, Z, Palsbauthr. ,hem DMMI,. Vol 15, No 1, 1963. GEMWg pors c pp 30-32 -~ NLL Ref i go2z.,S4 (14o8) S(d-pChm Aug 68 363.641 Estimation of the Chief Components of a Tin and Antimony Solder by Means of Beta RiLdiation Back Scattering, by V, Krivan. CZECH, per Chemicky. Prun, Vol. 15, No. 40, 1965, PP 39-41 GB 72 Sci - Aug 67 337-486 chenticky Prwrtysl Vol 15, No 2, 1965, pp 68-72 UTC 70-20383-07C Problems of Corrosion Damage of Ammonia Synthesis Reactors, by V. Cihal. CZECH, per, Chemicky PrumXsl, Vol 15, 1965, pp 92-94. NTC 72-10770-07A Apr 72 Kinetics and Mechanism of the ThexTaal De- Composition of Iron Sulphates, by J. Nemeeek, P. Pekarek. CZECH, per.Chemicky Prun. Vol. 15/40, 196)5, pp 132-137 GB 118/LTL/2035/J Sci - Aug 67 337-137 Slosar. J.. Starba, V. LIQUID PHASE OXLDATION OF MVTHYNAPHTHALENES. Jul 85. 28p. TC-844. Order from TC: $15.00 an TC-644 1. Stomar. J. 11. Starba. V. Ill. TC-844 IV. Tr~-Chern, Knoxville. Tenn. Trims. af Chernick prum (Czechostavakta) 0 nl4(40) p142_7 Atmosgbmzla AGOM Of V04 polavolvionsi, lw T. D&Ubda- Vol 1.5,v No Ir Como Pro ~ N~O 190r " ft Chow Tran 'o ~ a ow 326029 Sci . Cbomi$tXY my 6T selactlon of ftlvonts for COILUM oymt~ wilth the Ald of US BobiblUty' ftvmmtex~p by Zq JftmdJkp Je. Stawkst CXMM, per& ChoodAky Frtumao Vol 1.50 3965 223-6 ou 04 W~."ng 334 5W ftl -~ Aktarl&U Jul 67 fte BUM4600 of mms" ft" t -, 2 wig-st by ZDX~k ftWWMIW- PM, gm lbi 25/1100 No 68 w ;6W,. aos ftsm Or 3D72 3P4703 42-4 - I%wmtm+.vvw Stuly of the WtUMe 03Ams Tzosidtlan wW crosta3aisatim of Peaymws Wag lureventul The2vol Ana34ile, bgr v. anal^,, CZECH* per, QIWW Vol 25, So 40, no 6. 2,965, pp 34-77-36-1. ---- MLL IM.4b (5928) 361.669 Ultrnviolct Spectroscopy of Stnbilizers agednat the LP ffects of light of Uic Benzoplienone Type, by L. Balaban. CZECH, per, Chendcky ~~l' vol. 15, no. 7, 1965,--P-P-7711-414. NTC -10-17137-07E' N'tv T-V -1Y4 v-r'- 7,-1, 4a / 9/ -,/ 71 11D At June 1971 Ion Exchange Skeletal Structixres, Communication No. XV. The Regulation of the Microstructuress by J. Seidl EUROFW# per, Chemicky Pruikislo Vol 15, 1965, pp 414-417 NTC 71--16747-07A Fab 72 DRUMS lati cm of Phenale ftd=CYI or*Wg J~a pbonas and Owl Pckl7cM- ammates With 4 3 0 R. Troobtap V, vorabjavo 10, Ta 2.59(40)p CM36 per# awalcky v65 pp ha--A-. 332.s h75 Cbm &a 67 MObwtlau of CxLdAw of Ktrogm by awavmap by 24kalanibw. go gmaku D3901 v" 150O)a 0 =8 0 A04280M 331st 505 ftl - Chm %TUI 6T 70-13S69-070 Scholle, S.; Umleelsks. M AN ENMALPY-CONCENTRATION CHART FOR THR SYSTUNI DISODIUM TETItABORATII-WATER. Chomicky PrumXol. v. 15. n. 9. p. S30-534. 1965. .. . I I Order from NTC 70-13569-07D: HC 7.60. MF S. BM Ion-ExchanCo Skoloton Structurcm. Part XVI. Tho Relationship Between the Physical Stability of the Ion-Exchanger and the Support Skeleton, by Z. Vasicek. CZECH, per, Chemicky Prumysl, Vol 15, 1965, pp 549-553 NTC 71-16551-07D mar 72 Chm,iioky Pruntyst Vol 15, No 11, 1965, pp 663-665 NTC ?0-11154-0?C cheillicky Pruiny.91 1101 151 NO 11, pp 681-682, 1965 IJTC 70-11165-07C Som Ro2at4onaldpa GovernIng the FormtIm of zpni" aesivao bv 1. Wiesuwa =CHO, pwo gm P"-Nma Vol 15/40v No 12P 1965,p pp n9-?M. ATS CJ-"32 so:L-4kt Fab 69 373s,733 4 1 MWAM AMVStsd - -,- of a vu 25# ago* JPWO. - no 2908 " IM-7m- mlft"Ml~ ow 3MO77T BAd - Ctmmd&W Aor 6T Production of Hydrogon and Chlorine by the Electrolysis of Ilydroahloric Acid. by J* Sucharda. CZECH, per, Oundcky pMWsl, Vol xvS, Nov 1966, pp 690-691. Chem Trwis Sv No 2919 Sci-Cham blar 67 322,168 The Copolymerization of Styrene with Divinyl Benzene. The Effect of the Conditions of the Copolymerization and -the Inert Ingredient on the Rate of the Copolymerization and the Swelling of the Copolymerst by K. Dusek EUROPEAN, per, Chemicky DaMsl, Vol 16 9 1966, pp 219-224 NTC 71-16743-07C Feb 72 A Mathamatica MDde3 for Quick ZvaluatU of Regression Oonstauts on a ~' -alt-m-I Couqyuter,p by L. Koseckyp V. 10beedm. mmc . Pero aim DMM vol xvij, 19a0 pp iA.236. Obas Trans Sv )b 3045 Sol-mom nor 67 322s 106 A Study of the Losses of Chemically Combined Nitrogen During the Manufacture of Ammonium Nitrate Vith an Addition of Limestone. Part II. Process Evalua- tion, by M. Novak. CZRCII, per, Chemicky Prumysl, Vol 16, 1966, pp 255-259. NTC 72-10912-07A Hay 72 Continuous Production of Chloromethyl Ether from Aqueous Solutions of I-Lethanol, Formaldehyde and Hydrogen Chloride, by A. Platejicek EUROMAIi, per, ChemicIcy Pruikysl, Vol 16, 1966, 278-281 pp NTC 71-16552-07A mar ?2