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Stool MM Importa to be Fvxtbar CenoWtIstsdo bF gvmo TwMns 5 PP. lo,, Dw 1967, SEFSO-CRQVIAX6 Per* f&MAp No pp 20-29. JFW WMI EE-XOIP Rom SOP 68 36-%4ft RL9bw Tarins, in- --&a- to kld 9teel MiUm, tv memos', pejavloo PPO 1968. A&, SERN-CRUTUN* per. C No 11, Feb pp 12-16. JM 46*228 Ex/rugo soon Sept 168 3659131 ftel-Pawr Prodwaims Use FroJwfted to 1985, W Qvido ftecdp 10 pp. 'en SERW-CRWXAND per. COM 14a 11. Feb 1968s pp 17-20, JPJW 469228 FS/rugo Eam sopt 68 365~132 ftchU* aujj&jM Favom-a Inported Steal# bV Muria Faslasice 9 PP* szUo6.=OATI&Nv pars C-elike No UP Feb 1968~ pp 24-28. ins 46,228 Sol/mat Sept 68 X)51 133 ~ -- ;1 - ~- - "', -* --qYw"-kAa _1I : -~ - ft WO-Qmdma Cambi .- -- ---- .- tw "Adlmjj~ ajstwioo, 83 - 64~13p. R&~TX'Nf POlr, CQjk,- NO pip 29,-x. 46.2m Es 0 B0246 BGPt 68 (htPut. Aaamtmnt. lle ftb i9a, Formw l4oUUurgy in tho Lcon(mdo Refom. by Djordjo Andrejaviol, 18 pp, SERK-k-RvATIM, per, j4&. Vo 12, Apr 1968. pp 5-n - i Pm 46497 LL-lWo boon oat 68 36?.3.57 RaporL M"W an Progress of Fwraux NwtaXb=Mr mma tw Mien SudwWrial 11 lip. MUD-MATUNt POPs, 99M No 12* Aiv lWo pp 12-15* 1 JM 46j323 SwrAt 39pt 68 363v047 i jw"lopuft or rv,~,, Is SWMF04 bar Ani atricsop f Me BXRD06.CRMTI"# Per& -CVAkP NO Wo Alw 1968v J%4'46a 5 Whwo soon Sept 68 365#046 tim Froposw far novallm xro~R Or*gW MADUCdk 16 pp. =RMN4MftTZU. JM 46.228 ;;% Auk, ims 1%8. "P 13,w. Wirwo Boo SVt 68 3 65, 1 " HiStary at Vatroxt&bu Enterpristo Ch"rtWo by Alojs J)srli%o 6 ppe SL�tEk)-(MOATM~ per# f!!I&a JWW lWo pp 2M04 RAS 46o228 BE/tueo so= svt 68 365#128 "own'** U-MM~ AcrUm, nM- CWto"# ~y ry" sonvniew. 8 pv. pgw- -0" J-Il 1968. . 9,.. JP. . Imo GIV & mw ug, Sept 68 365#130 1969 Fwroug met&nupge pvo&wti. p*.g... 117 klftdjo Andmj*vj*. 11 pp SUMBD-C26ATIUs part &I- La~, Doe 19689 pp 3-7. ins 470453 s;oi-jkt mar 69 375,913 20mumdo -Poldtlon of Fgrrmg Met&nUrat tw Zwoni*Lr nNaer. U PP. SuRSO"CROMANO pwp COM Belgrade, noo I968v jpp JFN 47,453 Scd-ibt Nor 69 375#915 St"I Pft&wtim at Rawne Mrmwwks Doscribedo by ftogor KlananIke 6 pp. SMtBD-MMTUV# PW# CIM* Bdgra&o Doe 19680 ]pp 36-380 im 47*453 Sol-mat Mar 69 375,914 vZ MOM" j 0 7 NO = dtaOwi-, V.... pp opw JAO 50312 FXP44P 1w M.&OM 090=DMO 9 swuo4cmawo per* I., *&I: Bmurgels, No ;a - oot U70 pp 3~-?- .) m i,~ Parr6us metallurg7 Produotion in 1972p by D6rda Andrejavio, 8 Pp. sERBO-CROATIAN, per., Celik, Belgrade, No 33, Oct 71, PP 12-15. JPW54903 Place Held by Steel in Yugoslav Foreign Trade, by Djordje Andrejovic, 12 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, Per, Celik, Belgrade, No 35, Feb 72, PP 3-8-. jpRs 55875 May 72 dr --1 -11- zor6nlAn eJov o, pp - SMEO-CROATIANt per# Colik, Belgrade, No 36, Apr 72, pp 18-20, 220 jPRs 56ft5 SOP ~2 Ferrous Metallurgy Plix-ye--Par 1-497 - --- Plan Tor Social Development, by Mileva stafaniovie, 10 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Celik, Belgrade, No 37, Jun. 72, Pn 7-10. JPRA 57o6b Sep 72 Cellatron C8024 punched card duplicator no author GE: Brochure, Cellatron,1969, 1 pp HT un # spec 71-1573 INISI. D. Research on the components of Eucalyptus wood 3. Isolation and study of an octoflairen structure proantho- cyanidin. Cellulosa Carta 20(10):13-18 (1969) (CSIRO/No. 1017.1 Qp*awu at sm film of CaLWOM MwIvaus axabolnUs Pboq$WXM* tW D. A. ProdmUte2evo GO &W L. 12% ob ml NO 2* 9r aw Reaearah Into PUmma PoZymerization, by C. Simioneoau, ot aZ. CZECH, per., CalluZose Charn. and Te-chwl., Vot 3, 1969., Pp 265-170. 0. A. Trww. 1106 eoilchem feb ?l USDA., w-366-ps-67 FS-554 B-7721-D 10 Nov 66 RG9iCMOG POteft*I&IMate SPUS PGVS PlAntaciones de Pima Y otras Coulferes, an america lat3na MV-0 L. Golfarl : Ce3mlosa, ar'tina S A - De Idla, mVlemmto forestal (16) LUO, 199Z (30m) Spanish - eat for vdB: Translate and type I original copy. Do not translate figures 4-45 & bibliograpW. A trumlated portion of the article on YellOv PaPW8 is attached for referenme Ton Yearn of Ccoplex Industrial Utilization of the Reed of the Danube Deltaj, by E, Oh,o Nmu3Auv C MMANW, per# Apr 1966j, pp. JPMS 37000 M-Rumania Soon Serpt 66 -, Obreja,, 29 pp. Calulova al Hirtie 121-138- Heichmann, Vol XV, No 4s 310,# 110 1944-1969 V"oloymnt of Pulp, P'tPor LAUwtrY Given# bUr N. T=tureamf a PPS Wosa A ar-tim-1, Rumala": part 2-0 Bodbaresto Aug 1969 pp 369 W2. ins 49401 HE-RVMsnu B06n Doe 69 396#642 Appli" Ro"arch In ftlPo ftPOr YJxburtx7 Irm*smed, tW R. Roichnan, 10 ppo. RUMANWO per, osa B"ba"stg Ang 1969* pp - I* JPRS 49WI Effeallonis Boon Dso 69 396o643 Autocluved StdIdift Material, 1yy Joxe Undo,, 2.3 vp - MMW4)WATXM, per, Coulest (Zmm Vol 10, 116 2, 2.966, PP 6T-72- P93-13%36T AIC aMLTR-1751 Sol-Materialf Doe 6T 346,211 Design for a Prestressed Concrete Sus- pension Bridge (not Constructed) Over the Scheldt at Antwerp, by D. Vandepitte. GEMAN, per. Cement Benton, Vol 17, No 12, 1965, pp 78S-793. NLL Ref: 5206 (132) Sci-Mech Apr 69 379,924 SlaStic Csmuts - Spoxy PIWW:tS,, by FRENCH "Pto "mats Exastisms ~ olw4t's, A 1 6. *ACSI J-076 TD 2M0"266 Scl-WI4 AoAg 66 Effoot of Sur&**-AeUve SubuUnces on the CrystAl &bit of DilVdrated Gnvvm, t7 J, I.. Mad,. J. W. Syrojeskina. POISIH, per, &I 1 2.0/32. Ho 7. 1965 s pp 1813M,55. k L'I'LOPL-CM NLL Rof: 8732 (1299) Aug 68 361.747 Tho DW*28pmt of the Coamt lneAurtw A adsm, tr ion $&was 7 pp, %9% per, 9 yo 12, OL camnlawmalm P Do* 1964 pp, IM;"., im W40 E&JIOIIW%d mm ma 67 325, "V6 InvesUants In FbUsh Comant :rrAnstry, bar Fbman Plaosyk and Luojmn Guer&%mold, 13 pp, FOLISH. per, Comsnt.Wsprx~-Glpd, No 12, Doc 19660 PPO 336M. JPRS 40740 NE.-Poland Boon May 67 32515n ?"speots for the LNpanslon of Automation in the Cement Inftstry. bUr Walery- Cieslinski. XWMtyna Kalusa. and Hichal 3vierkons. 9 pp. FOWSH g No 12. De. 146pere 2smGnt-kNRMDR:MM A I pp, 342-3W* JPRs 40~40 Ers,,Pbland Soon Mow 67 32593" The EVort of P*U~h CAMOnt Irl 194-5-1966, btr Jorgy %mwdde 10 pps EOUESHv per# No 12, Doe 1966. ppo 353-3669 JPRS 40738 REwftland Sal-Matoorialis am 67 32.5,640 Spmmb by Vice PrJAo Minister at the sullding materlas C4wferswsog by EuSenlues Sfwr, 6 pp- FMISH, mmthly, Cemqnt-W*MW_-GIpss no. 9- 10, Warem, Sept-Oct 67, pp. 262-264. JPR6 449285 Sal-Moeh.jlnd.,ClvLl, &M Marina Engineering rbb 68 350,155 General, Uport of the Hinister of Building and Buil4ing MaterIals, by Harlan Olewinski, 14 pp. FMISH, monthly publ., gMat-Vapno-Gips, Boo 9- 10, Warow, Sept-Oct, 67, pp. 264-269. JPRS ", 283 Set-Moch.,Ind.Civil. and Marine RnSinoering Fab 68 350,156 Influonm of AlakaUes and UMMum on The OyaNwaLs of CaUdum Alumlmt" and lortiAnd C=9wj, by P. P. BudulJov. -ROLM.- pwo Cmmt--; v Vol 22j, No 9/10A Sal4lech Ms 69 381%418 Cement Industry Goals for 1972-1975 Outlinedp by Boleslaw Jurkowski, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Cement Wapno Eipas, Krakow, Mar 72, pp 59--6'F. jpRs .561o7 Jun 72 A. Rio The Role and Reaction Mechanism of Celestine (81-1304) in the Manufacture of :Portland Cement in Absence and in Presence of 96 Fluxing Agent ITALM, per.. Cemento (Armatol., Vol 67, 1970, PP 105-116. NTc 72-13686-iiB -Nov 72 WCSX A772 ON J6AT.M IWAWW 0 ipjr W a Uv" ~IF per. CMIN-ROV. Wt., no, Importance of New State Pharmacy to Country, Development Stressedp by Alexis Toheouti, 5 pp. FRENCH, per, Centrafric-Preass Bangui, 3 May 72, pp 9-24. JPRS 56334 Jul 72 rmwc~. rip, Bwagid, ? July 1972, pp 3-8 Eds. J - PRIP, -5 6 8 17 Aug 72 AgerAy t NM Poo* Titlos,Veden altmiinit gravinetritmin menotol" Authors Sourest Central laborator Lum AH,v HeloLngfors. Keakuslam- boratorion kfyttbImbt*ann%yystu*n**iluft. h:o 95s6s Language-. FlUnitab pp.1-2 2 pp. special Lnotructicams Please transtlate and typo oam only Agentyl UPS XX'xx P406 "Do Title* Veden alwaltuLt kolorimtrima menatel" Authors Souress Cautrallaboratorigallhof glaboratorion I offma kgytt"*t emalyyeignuetelaft, NsO 90Z65 Le"Vogat lptuftish pp. 1-2 2 pp. Spectal tuatructious: Please translate and type one copy only Universal Dectudl Classification (FID 327) Claus 55, Goology and liolatod Scloncos - Matoorology, POLISH, rpt, Coutralny ln~=ui: It2xm Naukowo - Tochnicznoj i Ekanomicnej i9b6m. 131 ppr* *C,MTI TT 67-56075 Sci-Har Qci Dec 66 Radioactivity Distribution of 13nmation Doovy Products Between Asmsol Particles of Determined Size Ranges., by J. Flattau, K. FbxWowska. POLISH, per.$ GeAtralay ~1=tvtxt, 0 ogy Pracy. F=02 Vol 17., No 52, 19673 PP 45-f3- NTr, 7i-i4oqq-i8H Fab 72 Accumulation of Ploisoned bidmstrJal Waste Waters in Great Britaing by 0. K. Eden. PIMIt. per, Cattre BeIgg AIRtude ot do RugglaUtion des F.&=,, No l8,, 1965, pages 226-232. Dept cof Navy NIC 2497 WE/Economics February 1968 341,935 1 1, , /. c) ~)~ "J" Jr,() Gas Clouning of Oxygen Blown Open- Rearth Furnaces, by P, lAlong, FRUNCII, par, Centre Doe Sidor circ, No 1, 196SO pp 17S-104. Bisi 4in SciA101 Sep 65 289,355 Llx)ratory StAicky of the Behaviour of Fire Clal .J-i Timpera- .Md llaliW B&md riefractorics at Ui( tuxm ~xid thdor U"I, by M. J. Sd-innclorffier. 1,71UJOI, Liar, C.D..-,;. CLrc., No 2, 1965, 13p 477-503. SLA 6361 sci/ Imberial-'s nov, 69 396,947 Pelletizing In the United States, br $4 boucraut FRBNDi, per, C. D.S. Circ. a vii*x 1965, pp 933-974. BISI 4S98 Sci-M&M May 66 300,937 Automation in Grata Sintering Ploits, by P* Dancoisao# He Iloucritut, IIIUWUI, par,, C. D,S& Circo,, No 4, 1965, pp 975-3w.- BISI 4408 0- 4 4/ q-k scilM41.1 Oct 6s 290t499 Suction mid Olomiing of liasto Gus From 'Ato I'loctric Furnaces of the S.A.I'ol:, by X. Uievrant. PIWINW, per, C.D. Circ, No S, 196S, pp 1203-1212. 0151 4475 Sci-VPI Oct 65 290,229 Utilisation of Ctq)ric litching in tbo Umtificaticai of Surfam Dofocl:s of 6mkli Wpth in Iron and Stioal Pmducts, Phenomonca of Trcuisvorse I'Acro-Fibre Stxuo--ture,, by P. Nuchbauro FRMGIO per, COD.sa Circ.p No 7-8, 1965, lip IV17-1926. BISI 4879 Sci-Materials Oct 66 3208493 Effectiveness of Methods Used to Avoid Burning of Tuyares. by P. Levin. FRENCH, per, C.D.S-,Ci!E.--- No 11, 1965, PP 2455-2441, BISI 5417 Sci - mat auge 67 3380604 Comparative Tests for the Utilization of oxygen in Combustion in Open Ilearth Sinaces: Intro- duction Under the Plame and this Oxy-fuel Burners. by P. Delbay, at &I. FRENCII, per, Ce Do 5, Circ., No 11, 1965, pp 2SIS-2S36, *RISI S568 Sci/Materials Jun 67 Vacuun Degassing in the Ladle at the Danain Plant of Ste. Fives Lilla-Cail, by J. C. Paurise. FREN01, Pori C.D*S.Circo, V&S. 196S, pp 2655-2666. SISI $329 Sci - Mat Aug. 67 339.602 Cameo of Errorx in the Analysi3 of Powders by X-Rmy Fluorescence - Special case of Iran Ores, by No Hautecler, No Lesir. FRENC11. per. C.D.S* Cires Doe 1965, pp 2709-2728. BISI 5326 Sci/Materials May 67 326.708 OPea-Mearth MaltlaS SWps by A, Gofflots FBJMM# pWg CoRtfo S~"sp BTAl 3201 Sci - Nech-4 =1 Jul 67 C*=Ulmo Noe IV 1966, pp 171-211, Serlal Number ,qgl ~U ~/ moasuring kolaxation and Hosidual Stresses, by H, Colmord. j-'jZg.,,Cjj, po2,, C.1).S. c;irc, lol) 19f$6, pi, 519-536. BISI 5265 Scililatei,ials May 67 322,52,3 of stoolop bir A* am*. I -gum--& no ap IWO 2:06m% v "-& a,& Ipp a am 5006 339#wr go& m dmm&OM# MsftobrSMX Mr 67 CAVU& md XMIM AW"Ndft AplAication of Low Tntamdty Dry S"ration to the I rocassing of Roaxted I-o.~ie L-res. by : javane. '. q, I RENCH, per, C.D.S. Cim-* I*r 1966, rpp 673-M. BISI P6? sai-Ililt PAY 68 356.2.8? Optialwatlon or Tatim coupus in the Desisu or the Control Vmahani~ or Comerters, by It* Now and Go Smstro 0 rfl,, per,, C*D*Si M-,,, Mr lWs. ]m 723-739- 11 ]'11 %43 sel4uterials Fob 69 369j,563 -- Iffills I Lou or a -- W I Box, MI34 tv M6 Asome I nalowo lbowt. come-C m 6r 190, - ff -t- I) W -(Q3-- Wat W- 329#49T A" w dwolmlo - ~ 91 CtLvlu ad modaft - win Aw 6T Romarks on the Determination of Alts-inium, by E* Jaudon, PRENGi,pers C.D,S. Circ pp "1-793. L Vol 23,, Mar. 1966, BIST 5306 sci - Hat 67 ;" - 3406065 7 h-volution and Now Toobniques in Hot Staves* by A* Scavinio FRENCH$ Per, q.D,S. CiMo Apr 1966# pp 93im935* BIBI 5332 scio-Vat mar 68 349*2.50 Commission For Blast Furnace&. P., 122-Stove Refractories, by J. P. Kiehl. FRENCH, per, C*D,,S. CiES.L. No 4, 1966, pp 9S7-974. DISI 5277 Sel - Mat aug. 67 338,601 A Nw lmd 0183.12, by C* Ho TAmeat., Jo paymua. Imma, per., C22.1.9circop so U. i966.p Iv 1M- 10360 BISI 5233 .319..847 sat - macbmalcall, Modustrialp civils, MA mmine z2gumm-plug ftb 67 Au%gw&ttm se &M rAWm MUo Aubom&Uc at emer-Dow Pmwgwmw~p tw 0. IL XWOM46 nNIC16 Pwo 9shl, AlMs, NO 4* 306s, W 3-03T-IW3~ 3M68V ftWUS OMA VAWIM Ayr 6T 01"t Conditioner For Blast Furnscas, by J. M. Pariel, at ILI* FRHM(2i, per, CeMS.Circ. , 1966, No S, pp 1IL91-IL202 DISI S422 sci - mat July 67 SaDoppe- M*asurLmonts of Torque and Power Values on the 11onpartuis 3SU )wiling 7-tills, by J. C. Albert, C. Luchonait. Fit"CH, per, CoO.S. Cim, Ho 5, 1966, pp 1215-1234. BISI 5272 Sci/11.1aterials May 67 S22,S24 hoobardoal Hot strength of PAomwtm7 Pradvats* br Le Leoriv&U. FRWHl, per* C.D.S,._C . No 5, 1966, PP 13096 3JOo &a USX 6 - IAU- I-MYR -, llmz.No ~~n6~ ScdAdAt ita 68 339*941 Now Developments in the Bundling of Straight Dais, by J. Fiichy. FRUNW, per,, C. D, S,-Circ. Jul-Aug 1966, pp 176S-1775,- BISI 5339 sciAlaterials Jun 67 327,603 Xwwurlag the low%th of 5ametweal Products During MoUlngs. by C* Lachanadt, FRMKH, per, C*D,So C&M-0 1966, pp 1781-1789, US% 5338 SevW Number .5;~a 1-7 Sci - meallaulwa Jul 67 Sea somalAft ma PaspomMa 7AIr 0. v4uft as& at lbltdmdW4 ploom Iwo 22B.9.0 one# Vol " 19fix4sSm. =I "00 An- willifill" ftt 6f. In Cdo PlaaU# go 29600 343#M botection or Dust Accumulations in the Gas Purification system or the Blast Furnaces or Jamur with the Ald of Oama ftysp by C I Darsldl WJMM,, per, C.D*Bv-Clrc,, so 9* 1966p Vp 2021-2027 wei 5676 Oal-Materia" Feb 09 3690622 Equilibria Between Manganese in the Hot Metal =d Slags in Open Ifearth Furnaces, by G, flusson, FPJINCII, per,, C.D.S.Cirs... 1966, No 10, pp 2245. 2219 BISIISI S436 Sci - ,.YUV 67 'OhlOWNR Gmaparative Tosts for the Utilization of Oxygen in Combustion in M Furnacos: Introduction thider the Flume and the OXY-Fuel Iturneirs, by P. Delbey, etial. FRENCH, rpt, C.D.S.Circ., No 11., 1966. pp 2515-2536. BISI 5568 sci - ~A-st Aug. 67 332,086 O~i,Aid ~aia JLn-I!aL;tII1ct;L\ki DabantinaLiut oi. k4cy,JLUI in by Ack-aoticavation, by J. 1.,ewijcn. FANW, xar, C.D.S. Cim, Vol 23, -"I'o U, 1966, I~yp 2537-2546.- iuz,l 7472 sctL/ matx-miaL.- sept 69 393,048 F*Ur Years of Opwatlon'of Mast Furnace a or Oweet tv me Hemet, FROM. Per. C.D. -8. Ciro. v No it, 1967, pp W-l". am 3869 Std4bt Jan 69 370&75D Mawing Argon Into TdquJA Stselt' Degamming &nd su"Ing - Uasal ft pumms (with disae)# bv Fe Karintidt Je Color* Fal=,, pare CoD.S. CjVq,_v No lp L9679 pp 167-is?. =1 948 sol-ftt Jan 69 3 M v 75) Deoxldatijm of Basic Bessemer Ilt"I bV TjmjeaMAn of Ckrb= Pmler Into the Conwwtero by R. RaW. MWHO,re 9.~Dogo w"s No 3# 1967o pp 691mqo3o =I 62 .2som ftm 66 358,469 The Dv"aopmmt of Txvn ProduMIM In the S&VIot UnIme Rmome AW Mwuxdo. 1w as WarYnsido FRCKH9 pwq C.Dj. CA". So 4-, 1967, PF 939-M. =01 6091 SdAkt D" 68 35%413 The Dwelopmat of Pig Iran Production at the Cherepants Works CUM)# by G. WarynWd no rl . vers C.D.S. Clrc.,, lb kj, 196T,, IV qn:~Os- BIB 6090 Sol-ftterlals Ireb 69 3690585 Acceptance Tests Applicable to Stoppers and Nozzles# by M. Moray, FRENCH$ perp CqD.S. Cirq,,, No 4., 1967, PP 1011-1030, BISI 6099 Sci/Materials 3.53,131 1 Jan 69 The 0014mg, of 94bam or Slad2ar BowUaw bar how* ot Domed FW23A and Hddng Hell ig br Re StawWbaah. FRINM pwq 2.D*S. Clime* Val 24, No 4o IW, PP 1831-103- Mal on sal")Mt mm 67 3"A93 ;= memo m-e=-- eg MW&w sad R- NGUW- MOMW pwo lj6b-Q&w-v 3.090 *= 070 ,4W~w QV&UtWl, by Go so 3,0 1967s, PP IOM-- so&.^t mm 67 . -fiiOiis"A~I~-.46i -Jip~i in inast ftnums MA Iron-MakIM, by Cl. WarynaWl. PIMma, pe;~ C.D,S. 2&n.p Vol 5* 196?, ipp 1207-12 - BISI 6020 sol/mat fty 68 338A76 studbr of the Transfanatim to gmt TraRtant Problems As Const", IFRIUMO part copose ciroop 15M. ma 5mg mu- ~,A ~. (-~,aln) SwAst Y" 68 of Sto"Is In Rolati= bV G. M=27 & V,& 6, JL96?o pp 1561- 35,9035 The Sintering Mant mit'the TuvnW Works (lt&liddw),p bV H. Carigmant & A. Chiaverint. FMCH9 pwg C*D*S* 21nip Vols 7-8* 1967P pp 1-741-1763.- B= 6119 Scd/mat &r 68 33JL9024 ;~j :IT I III I V I II A Study of the Grid Sintering of Uixtures of Hematite ores. Tile Influence of the Index of Basicity, by R. llochas, at al. FRUNCH, per, C.D.S. CirS, No 7-8, 1967, pp 1767- 18101 B181 6572 SC:L--Hat Jun 70 Manmts for tlw3 Fabricatim of Ultrasadc PrcbeB,, by Jo iikndot. VFMCSI, per, C.D.S. Circ, No 76-8, 1967, 14-1 j)I., 1821-1828 - WSI 6254 sci/ traterials amj 6 9 388,582 Rovulte of Operation of &mden I.Materiale Preparation Plant and Sinter Plant at the Usinor Works at lhub3jrk, by J. Dumal . IMCH# porg C~D*S, Cjxuv Val % 1967, pp 1981- Iwo BISI 6120 Soi/mat mar 68 331tO25 StraLSbtening of Rails In a Modern Instal- lation at the MichavIlle Plant of Sidelors by H. Charbonnters FREMM, per, CDS Circ.. No. 9, 1967, pp. 2055-2062. (~ IS1 6123 Sci/Nech., Ind.,Civil and Marine Engineering Jan 68 Application of Forgeability Tests to Rolling, by J. Ballot and M. Hugo, PRRUCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., No 9, 1967 pp 2063-2091. BISI 6607 Sci/mat Sep 70