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at Progrom Reviewed, .$sod, by gorge Loymov 6 pp# P,R)MM14, per, CablGirs du C- Smo. Paris, Vol 41111 Tfos -09 Jul-dug 71, PT 57~91- nl~s 54165 do""ntao oft East aeonan- party - 0012j"Ba by~ Jvkoq"s Derwing 13 pp, PFMNCKt per., Cahlera du Ca=sunlama, Paris, Sep 71s pp 114-T22. 5:VP per, ophiers du Paris "11SCH" I SO 71, pp :L3*r-TX. JPlts 54421 1*0 71 ;: i . ; -I.; I 1 1368 72 1 .: ,.bltfto or Party Work In Business ftt 01som Disousoodo by negin Lowine, 11 ppe VIPENCII, per, Cahiore du Commurdeme, Paris,, Viol 47, v0 117,--V-o-v 71P PP 40-5b. JPRS 54791 JUn 72 -for- 0-0orseas Departments, by Jean-Claude Ta-Uot., U PP. MkIMCH, per, Wablere du I'mmmisme, Paris, Vol 47Y Ito 11, Nov 74 PT S"7. JPRS 54791 J%n 72 CP Writer Outlinets TasIca of the Party, by Claude Poperen, 5 pp. FRENCH, per., Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 1, Ya--n---72, Fp-7--10 JPRS 55115 Feb 72 CP Writer Explains Importance of Propaganda, by Robert Endowelt, 9 pp. PRENCH, per, Cahiers du Co=minismo, Paris, Vol 48, No 1, Jan 72, pp 42---5U-. JPRS 55115 Fab 72 Pranco-Soviet Cooperation Has Great International Importanoo, by Robert Bouvler, 10 pp. MNCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Pariso Vol 48, No 1, Jan 72, pp 60-66. .TPRs 55115 Fob 72 French CP Reports on Irish Party Congress, by Maurice Goldring, 7 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Co=mmimae, Paris, Vol 48, No ly Jan 72, pp 69-74. JPRS 55115 Fab 72 French CP Elder Statesman Calls Party to Battle, by Jacques Duclos, 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 2, Feb 72; pp 4-12. jpRs 55573 .kpr 72 Theoratical Basis or cp Progrtun E'xpluinod, by Pierre Juquin, 8 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 2, Feb 72, pp 15-22. jrRs 55573 Apr 72 Youth Provisions of French CP Program Outl by Roland Favero, 13 PP. FRENCH, per, Gahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 2, Feb 72, PP 40-50. JPRS 55573 Apr 72 European Security and Cooperation Discussed, by Y'ves Choliere, 13 PP- FRENCH,Imr, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 2, Feb 72, PP 74-57-- jpRs 55573 Apr 72 Communist Explains Party's National Defense Policy, by Pierre Villon, 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 3, Mar 72, pp 23-31. J?RS 55695 Apr 72 Communist Writer Studies Far Loft Ideology by Francois Hincker, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 46, No 3, Mar 72, PP 40-46- JPRS 55695 Apr 72 Communist Nationalization Program Outlined, by Jaoquea Briore, 13 PP. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Apr 72, pp, 26--3U-. JPRS 56017 May 72 CIDM-u'uniat WritOr SCOrOm- INO-o---Golonlaliomf by 4rean Surat-Canale, 20 pp. FRENCH, per Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, may 72, p ~2-Ug-.- JPRS 56409 Jul 72 i6n on--JjAnt Program, lots Clite Act by *Iiancois Billoux,, 8 pp. P~MCH, per, Cahlers du Comnunisme, Paris, Oct 72, pp 6-1737 JPRS 5762.3 Dec. 'r2 J6int- 700MUnlet_S00 ialist A01;16n Is Theme of Coming Party Congress, by Gaiston Pliasonnier, 8 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Comimisme, Paris, Dee 7D p JPRS 57995 Jan 73 NewAntloomuniet, knti-Soviot Propaganda Campaign Launched by Right, by Philippe Fuchsmann, 8 DD. PRRItCH, per, ~~hiers du Comaunisme, Paris, Dee 72~ P 30=-. J?n 5 a, 99 Jan 73 Bconamie Power In the Newly COW tries, W Christian Cmelieu, 15 pp. MOO " Nor CViM Sconomism at Smiaux" "1 3, no I: Nor 19b5, pp- 61-74. JPMO 335W Arrica-Zatm-Africa 2000 jan 66 293AT6 Stutly of Structuxia Changes in the Tteditional SconovW or the Lower Congo under the Upact of Colonization and Decolonization, by Etienne Wdongulftp 33 VP! III Fitly r. I Ip per, Cahiers onomismes et Sociaux, Vol xv so 1, War 1966., PP 3-32- clk JPM %, Africa-Congo(Leppoldville) Econ Aug 66 pT.,i4o Statistical Study of Congo Kins I . I -.-- "I I-,- iq0t to 1966, 24 pr LPIMM., mg, Cahiere Ecommiaues, et Sociaux No 3, October 1966, pp Ai-371 JM ',t,9610 Africa-&nga Econ J'an 67 ~, 18, 3 711 Una& TrWA Traftticas JU:i CmW-lindumas 23 pp. fmao Pwo Miln x4goolms 6t ggdm Uadwmi4 lot. Slp No. 2, Jme 67* pp. 203- 2209 JM 43t792 Arvt" (compaindukea)) 50"01. DOC 67 3479703 UasL ftILtica SmIstyp by 4"oul ftlembew Is pp. ramme pers Slum gems-04mo -at IrAndmLs4 Vblo 3g No. 2* Jium 671 pps. 221-235. JM 439791 AfrlC&(CMW(Kln*b&M)) WItLe" fte 67 347,704 SOTO go a" be w ownmmww motom oc A ame 67 a vw amommue sk "Ibue or 06 ftw bw ping* paprsosv OMWt. VWx CKWAM 3000049W *4 Walaw "max"So vu-vlpft.L# J972-op T"Q*zrl ftwalatwldl diwt pus am - 40 wt 4"ttleft per, Bmwmmde Flature of the GmWo CantaMaated, (Africa). bV Michel Mor", 7 PP. FRENCH, per, cablen- 04gues st soc Kimbasa, svt 1969, pp 309-314. JPM 49920 AF-C*nV Unsham Ebm Mar 70 ".524 -ba 6o wwiihtry,: -n Lu 7 by, P. Mulambu--XVUIUYU,, 24 pp paL,vman, per, Cablers Bponomlcpos at Rimbairto" M 70's PP 435-4,50- fro 578!96 Bk)clal cbgpPlB a the DwM PyApies or ftst Camerocmp by Gerard Althabep 26 ppo F&WAuaj, per,, Cable-ro dlftdd"- Awealges, Vol 50 No ks 3.965,p pp. 561-592. JPPS 35882 Africa-Cameroon Boo jun 66 303#033 MEEMPIM roport Go Um Xbor pwpU (If gmthern Ch&a., july 3.963 to Fsbm=7 X9641, by Alfroa Aaer., 10 gpo Fin=, Ver Vol 5j, no ;Ap AfrlcR4bmd fta ow 65 1965i CaUers a*Suxfts Atricatum., vV- 3la-347- gB0,091 RoUgious Phwainsna and Sociam-Ewnondo Factors in a Village in the Bouak* Area of the Ivory Cloast, by Pierre Memo, 40 pp. FPZNCH, per, CahierA �jh:WLqts Afri - see Vol 6, No 3o 1966, PP., W-AM, JPRS 38315 AM*& S" Nov 66 313JOO Aneestrol Rites Am* the Nsakaft People in tbe Central Afrioan o and the Congo. Kinahama. by Ame RIELEIAL'urdntin and Robert BwWbauzi. 32 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers dStudeet Africalnes, voi 6. No 3. 7909 pp# qOr-!XI JPRS 38315 Africa Sloo Nov 66 313.697 AO PMtendtlem god CuIttWel Societies In Upgar W4pr VI&Uoy (MmUp by Ad] ZeynwAds 30 vv- d"Rtudes AnIgainsal Val rmmm, rw SffiaLM 6v so 24 1;6fmjT. JPFz 357te AfrIC041011 Soc j~m 66 302407 A Look At the Atle Pwp]A In the Ivory Comtv 1w Vml" Padlua, 37 Pps Rod= . rtWgg,Afr;LqMM Vol 6.o lb 21ps 19bot pp. tito-UTO 2=9 Me Africat-l"ry Co"t am jum 66 3CROW Anti-Witchcraft ~bvemont in Central Africa,, by Joanne-Froxwolso VLw*nt, 40 ppo Ir MH perp Cahiers d'Studes AfrIcaines, Vol* VI, No. 24, M Is of 1966, pp. 527- 563- JPFS 40321 Africa soc Apr 67 321*393 owumm is Assuruw iqial ststus for Wmmo tv cuuds vivie"S 25 pp. at. cl I FRMH. per, -- -ro a, --- 4019SAW.9 Paris, Val 8, 140 3* pp 40&-4W. JPM 4"5 AF-Ovinea Soo Oct 68 36704U Agency: Departumat of Transportation P. 0. No.: 13 pazvb 1973 Title. MmIx ontre transport* publics at transport* Individuals en region parisiame AutUart 14*no Indicated Source: Vol. 26 - Report from Cahisro do L'Institut D'Amevagemmt at D'Urbanl=e do la Region Parini* nno Language., Freach InStructiOn: Clem, typ" (doublespaced), proofed copy of Titla, Title page, 4md ;ages I-V. Intarnatio"llas, by Victor Joanne** 5 pp. 4blors gq I*Xn*tlSgt MWCHv mmthly publ., C huriss ThoressParisp Vol, 2w No. 7/8, Mov-Dee 670 pp. 64-67. JM 43v940 Intev"tiol"I Politicall Jan 68 347,881 Success of World Commmdet Conference Analyzed, by Georges CWiott 13 pp. FVMCH, per, are d2 19,Tnatil unice jLhoM. ivAs. 3rd quaAer 1969. pp 21-37,, jaw 49444 WE-France POL Doc 69 3w 1803 SWja 0108W In pxgomt OW DrasUp by zowma vftvLr4 a* Quotross 39 IPP& ---- To a= vym=mww;; m 69 ralm voz~v 2MM ROMOILOW"A"r-1.6- Alm AlAwts o-xxmk l9tov Jux-Amm MALVAP- ype 3L37o%lLCF.#* are am Im IA4k%SU goo im 66 Social and Cultural Problems of the Malagasy People.. by Joan William TAxplazz , 15 pp. FH=II,, per,, CgUw" Xaterrviaonaux do Soclo- Loide Vol. 40, Jan-June 1966, pp- 57-72. JPHS 3U435 Africa-Malagasy Republic Soc Nav 66 314,004 10 bw 4"Pw mus"t 201 FPO Pat* Ilatia mb, Bmseut sopt- I MOVI il" 10310,ft I =I i*o 1r --PCs C611* per* Ogmern WArxistes.L ft"Oelm, 71, r0m 537% sop, 73. _P1101 'itical 04 Z06- piamingo Jhoqqos Magelsolm -PRICIrs part Cauers Harxiaten, Brussels, X .7UU,-AUjr,. 71, JPRS .53794 60P 71 Prague Declaration on European Peace, Security, Cooperation Discussed, by Jean Terfve, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers Marxistes, Brussels, Jan-Mar 72, PP 71-76. JPRS 55705 Apr 72 .I I*pr 72 Acute Ronal Insufficiency of Toxic Origin, by P. Zech FRENCH, per, Cahiers Medicaux Lyonnals, Vol 45, 1969, PP U79-U68 Nm 7i-i6780-o6E Feb 72 Safety in the Running of Plant Producing and Using O.Vgenp by W. Wessing. GEMN, per,, Cablers-de Notes Documentalrea. Inatitut National de Seouritep No. 62, 11 pp C.E. Tr-5849 sept 72 M. chevalier Oxygen - Part 2: Properties,, hazards, preventive meagume FPSNC9,, per, Cahiers do notes doowwntaires - securite Pp zqb-zbl C. E. trans 5847 juZy 72 M. Chevalier Oxygen - Part a: Methods of supply, cylinders, pipelines, regulations FRUCH, per, Cahiers de notes documentaires - securite et hygiene du travaiZ_,.No 57, 4th quarter 2969, Pp 400-67u C. R. trans 5848 jut aw Fx"" ~ -- %"I vlftj~ Teals" uw 4%~A- In -04~ St tAW Aklmjkj~; by 2. pa"Ou ?Jams !", %136 m 't. IV Bast at S 710 =a wilelft serwIm XWO su*m of yonsm =6%r soft its" oat ar 3434PXq.9 SVWiiifn-e- Motography and Geology, by Louis Dangeard, Pierre Gimsse, FEEN01, per, Cahiors OCOSUORWigues Vol 17, No 4, Apr 1965, pp 255-269. 9232S64 AHC SC-T-66-0720 Sci/Sarth Sci may 66 300,4S1 Contrlbuttm to the Xhowjmd~p of egsg2na Warlations In the Oulf of Oulnes. mvq*w fteorwatloce Alcm the Zdnes ofawisiumo ftrt 11. awica" stu4y = '. upwaulzig zmw ( - -9- - j, by 0. IL Demd1be 33 PP- IMMEO pmewr# Vol 114,P lb 10o 2967s VP 719-7W0 Dapt Of Int"dor nuxwm or CammorcUa Flabarles Ofrlm of A-30-JW~V 89 on loan Mayonoon. Ran* 2969 Statistical 11 tudy of wave observations (Rtude statiStLnuo des observatiole do Venues) Cahlore Ooeanographiques, LJ(5), Playi 487-501- In Pronah. Traml. by D.D. Bldde for Wave Res. ProJect. Hydraulic Rr4inearing tab., U. of callf., Berkslay, MY 1970, as Tech. Report HEL 1-15, pp. 19-35 in 591). "Tranal. of Four Yrenoh Papers on Oooan Wave Climate Distribution Functions. processed. Avail. NT13 as AD 7o9634, Price WOO. Avail. on Loan - NMFS. Wash., D.C. Original Article Chocked.... GravLmetrLe =d Magnetic Messia me to In the Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, and Southern Mall, by J, RecheammanP PIMNCH, ppto, Cahiers ORSTOM - Geophysigue, No S, 1965, 43 pp. ACtC TC-1069 Scl-Ear Sci Sept 66 309.12S Omnvlmwtria Study of the Bemmmlks Chrmite Mpoolto by J. BaChmmmm. 1110"ro Ommers aNKIN, Geoplwo Soriano no 90 19bUj. pp 2-3.b- 0-1 5r Bel-Bar Sol D" 69 398j,468 ftwblam Basting to the 8"1 ilumaybe" an& Pbealble Use of a Gas Dwteetw to Measum Its Carbon MAxIde Contents, by Q. I*cb&Uer. JUMM6 pw., alhimarmm Bar Pedal. Vol 60 No Ii, 19W* pp 95-104. 00=0 No 9772 9krL-Atww Scd an 69 398jJL76 ID-magi -- of 11 - - 14 in md Contmi Africm~, by bftuftt Mqswp 15 Vp. 1 1: 1, lpro I" g!mmd" Wtirle.-Morp Vbl lap so 69 ^6-4%r 1965, Pi)- T3-M. aplo ;a Africa,-Intra-Afries item NOV 291s226 Activities of SM in 196410 by Plorro Vwmetlorp 5 ppo FMIM, por, Lee Cahiw-a d"Ottre.-Merp Vol XVIns Wo 69t Jan-ftr 196.5. pp 87-,90 im 326W Africa Vol Nov 6.5 MV599 The AvIcatuml Pzwtices or th* DDgm Pftftllt at Wit bar Jum asualop 20 ppo mmmio ,per# I"- SIMM-41 r. Val zo No W* Agr-Jk3n lyt*, VV- 323-143- JPJW 3M9 Arrics jUn 66 3ws" T odmakwoorm ad Ummm~WA ae, Uvestock in latin Aftrump IW nwm affftoftumov Alo ypo nmmiv pow& zm so= jr - Vbl XV=v W* TJ* v M. i%B;W. im u7iF -~ -MOM Am 61 333*336 Vanxietier's Book on Northern Congo (Braxznville) Reviewed,, by Guy Lasserre, 10 py. PIUMI, per, TAs Cahiers D'Outre-Mer, Vol. 19, NO. 75, July-Sept 1966, pp- 239--305- JPR8 38432 Africa Pol, Nov 66 313,974 Hmon Wo In the Dx7 Andest A Valley In the Foothills of the Pma In Argentinap U ppp MMMio pwo Los Cabiws dsOutreb.M Jul-Sept IW. ipp, 30&313P gas JFRB 41993. Lip-Argentina Owe Aug 67 377v?AZ 04abon' a Manganese Potential Nvalustodp by Sorge lArat,, U pp. rfdWfll per,, LesICahlere dlOatro-Mer,, Vol- 19j, No- T6,0 oct-Dec 1W, Pp- 354-363- ip.Rs 40WO Africa-Gob= fton Apr 67 321,107 A Gons"d ftrvW Of 499pm.Panh. bV CbAmtf,4n 00MUN 36 P14 ramatals Par* In 91mm-AMIkkoK. V*X 209 W 77, is&~ 29670 ppq, 5-74 JPRS ftAv MCwftdia a" Aft 167 M663 ----....... ........... m.mdk AWAN 31 1 un umak" t"b" se evi"VI-V is- ~?Ar ft*- lafib"* So w "Now- Am sw~ all hobAmm-lam- "t GAP 04 w = mr~* % m &** E in, renow dm~ -A- Feb 63 toftvtdwa awd cownrow ftladm In Camt)afto (000=4 &Mau of a amise)-- OW Jmm -alwaft. up 2Z#-2b6 (ocrUma)* ,T'rw*bpQuo TjWfPltT-nn4AWs dnft A,3* tm ruPW*S, int Mle O*pKAWR to pho4o,, Pool." 04 mbluboba In Northeast Brazil: The Cariris Pioneers In the Semi-Arid Horborema. FRENCH, per Los Cahiers d'Outre-Mor, Vol 20, No 80, ;ct-bec 1997, pp 34S-393. DIA LN S09-69 Sci-B4M Mar 69 377,573 Rural Life on the Rio Grande Campanha. FRENCH, P:r, Los Cahiers d'Outre-Mor, Vol 20, N 0, Oct-~Oec 1�67, pp 349-393. DIA LN 509-69 Latin America Soc Mar 69 377,S72 The Physical Basis of Agrarian Geography and the Economy of Harvesting in Brazil, According to Orlando Valvurdo. FRENCH, per. Los Cahiers D'Outre-Mor, Vol 21, No 82, Apr-June 1968, pp209-218. DIA LN 497-69 Latin America HCOIk Apr 60 380,S63 In&tstry mid Trade Seen P*Cgresse (Contral African Republic), bi Marlog Priml, 19 pp, FRBNM* Par. lea Saba=-DMM=LjK Bwdesw4 Oat#-Doc 19690 pp 408JM9 JPRS 50393 Af-Cen African Rep &MOD IJ!n,w W)n ~~Ure &M Transportationvt Comoro Islandst b.* 4ean OharWtier, 21 pp. F, CH, per, ;ak. g&UWs d 09kise-Mer, Bordeaux, Apr-.4wie 1971. jlR$ .5a94 Aug::72 AA Sm 1100 tyvo 2 IW,wtp,da *01~uwlla &Aft VIM OW COW - IWAUUM 3fSP*- * apatious or Mai owtob".. pbotcat MptiOnsip legands* *to. :3*n lo lc*kt probum of uzwa evovtb, lw :Jbr&suxs ZOO RLbLelm D oat Ift 962 oetaor-beembov 1971v PP 3W-WCO. FLehing and the Fish bkml L2dustry In Peru, bgr Olivier Dollfus.. IT Vp * FRW , perp lAs Cahlers d'Outre-ger, PAvue do deogmphie Vol XV3Er,, So W., VP- 3TO-3t;5- JPM 3.52-72 3-1 pi ? IA-Peru noon may 66 299,M Commercial Relations between Marseille and the AnUDAsp by Alain Jblsmryp 30 pp, P Bp pero IWIS CUM*rm doutra4b S. FAMID do GeomaSable. VOIL 1TP Eb bts., VP- 316-41-3- JM 35172 IA- ftm May 66 MAW ovftmw" Bal]Atlnj, 0soMpWhic JUndews. by &MMIllue Doomwels ==a# par# # RtOAI=-wraum a in 5- .8 p Ms lb TI SOL-ahr Sol Bar 6T 329,ol2D ftibea Peoples Of Oulam' jkwj gegr(ma and wsqma mmunns* by Gvw LOWISMS U pp. An 11, par# - x d$Out3.2:mm:a "-~ft GoOKMM" Apr- 19bb# 14-3M-192. 016 45b7.5 tA-O%dom Boo juiy 6S 350,89B LIMIn AWWW& - PoUt"s MO. Gu*rrLIU %Wfarfto by Alfteft r*r=Ltbd*S and Oscar Zaxwtt:Lo 8 vp 0 OPAMIlp per, 2 calmn ftMift No. as, wm 19660 VP* 31!4-.A JPIG 40" Lk-Cuba ftl-ma )bY'67 323,1356 j'k %mw~ 4w vwmw&jw~- -- -0 -0 Latin Awricav by Eduardo He Gisports 8 pp, SPMISII,p per,, BI Cainam 5 - 1967, pp 3wS * JARS 40819 Lwtla Amovics. - Cuba POI May 67 326&985 Iffects of superamic Fllgbts by Micbel Po"12t, iLtional 410 mommenu posma, perj, Colose MELUMS S~-Sltesv No Is 3,9wA pp"5-a- *NW = F-imi-olo S*io%mro Oct 69 CALCULATIONS FOR AUTOMATIC VEHICLES F1 - iLOATcoLo nwL:r Ammon, 1968, I T. VOL 1., pp 1-63 HCT~-23-o386 Calculation of Aerudyn"c Oiaractoristics of WinS; und Fuselage in SW)orsonic I-low, by Nichol L111slwa, FW:NGL, rpt, Calcul des Caracti3ristigms Acro- dyzuuaiguos D'un Ensemble Me FuselaRe an Lc- oula=it tWpa3monique 12-16 Sept 1966. *14AM 7-r- r- /0' 4eqo calculation of Reflection and TrwwAssion Co-i officiont3 for a Slab of a Given Itaterial for 7hormal Neutrons: Evaluation of IZadiativu Ga- Gq)ture (Centaure 3 Program, by Jacques Brisbois. FRENG-1, rpt, Calcul des Coefl:icients do Reflexion at do Tr&msmission Douno Plaque DOUR Materiau Donna Pour las Neutrons DwlinorAe Mierni(me: 11MU-MMI res MM do Sg2ture Radiative fmprmw Goiltaure 3). *AEC URNL-tr-1377 Sci/Nucloar sci Oct 66 0 r- c, sPROURAM or DOSE CALCULAII-10N. gBrattes. J.; Philippun, J. P. LoTruiislatod by It. Grogg Mans- field (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn.), frora j1pp 139-64 of ,Qqcul des Doses de Radiations dans I'Espace, Toulouse, France, 'Vebrunry-i-11-:2r, On. -Faugere-.J. F.; Lebeau, A. (ade;.). Touloumv-, Comptas Rendus des Jourims Europoormos (1968)- 2019P- 23(CONP-680219-1). 24Dop. NTIS. 2snucloar explosions; radiation belts; translations 2T18C, 04A ,,MN-34 ,P NSA is C. C I4(01(Nl,-tr-24(;6) lCoNSIDEHATioNs III-,I.A'riVl-- To CALCULATION Ole RADIATION I)OSES IN VIEW QUANTIFICATION OF BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS IN THE CASE OF SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT. $Miro, L.; Pfister, A.; Deltour, G.; K&IDW, R. LoTranslated by R. Gregg Mansfield (Oak Ridge Na- tioWl Lab., Tenn.), from Tpp 187-94 of Calcul des Doses do Ra- dixUaW dans 1113space, Toulouse, France, Felir-uary 21-23, 1968. -J. F.; Lebeau, A. (eds.). Toulouse, Comptes Rendus des Journees Europcennes (1968). 206p. 23(CONF-680219-z' 24Dep. NTIS. cosmic radiation; dosimetry; health and safety; translations 27 Y ;H, 06R x=-65-21 xmmomc cALcuLAToR AUTHORS UIMOWN BULG: Calculateur Klectranique pp 1-5 RT-23-72-463 art" b, 90 390,965 69 I-allmdor I~msidentllLl nope:ruU Dlwusseds 6 pp WPMSH png., JAL Cal ISO 4 ]Peb 1965, pp 16-19. oUD 661 IA-Scusdor pol mar 65 L76j.558 ulvm~- Cp pv~t AnMU984 8 NPO Aouaftvmm I j~Lj 2A,# Vpe 6, 7# wump Vwv I& We am S= LL-ftUO&W 1101 Aug 65 suang Cominist Yaath In Aatiang, 5 pp GjO SPAIUMg, pers, I& Callop 29 J-a 1965, pp 24# *. JPW GJOI 863 IA ~ft FMuAdor Pbl Sep 65 2879754 Vigorous lAglelative ActivitV in ftuador, 5 py- G I UEM ONLY SPANWR# per, !a calle, vol .10s, No 47% 14 Apr 1966,, vpql 14-15. irm mm Wi IA-SCUmdor poi Jun 66 301$ The Position or Velamiquism, by-Aaustin Ctlesta omms, 5 pp. SPAM.9% p", La C& U0, 4 Aug 1966. pp. 12-13 OUD 2173 LA~Eaaa&r PA Oct 66 3110?84