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C t: U 1. N j I ;" A 1 L IA I A L C-~ ~ ( r ~ I ON (, L L iv T i~ I i: S v L VA L L A T IUN ~jl ILLIiNlLoAL ilfk[A 0 W d L A N L; 0 A C L -- 6 m C L U K T k y - G i.' bU CID L :.) i, P, 1 f- U P ~% E f- i~ T L C F N 1 11 L,,, '"' i~ I- Zl~ C IA i~ ~ F U N C, F S I Cl - H T - x-' 3 - 17 5 Zi - I i Report on the Problem of the Possibilify- -6f the Undorgromd Disposal of Radioactive Waste. 77 pp, GERMAN, rpt, Bundesanstalt fuer Bodenforschunst,, Hanover, ABC-tr-6S49 ScI/Nuclear ScL Jun " 301,098 MmUstim of the lW30tOxJLGltr *f Wood or by VAOSUA109 tIM ON"= COUSUMP"M p"Wer"t"" a tq mwt M~Sdawv 12 Vp- 13Ms4'd1=wwvb" OOFXNNOW va OMZ Im bmaneftaLt rur m&t*rla-22=--f-2M awmas gwo M-- DW34 i;4-TG-rTs--xo my w 386#ih~ awy 69 The Storaga of Explosive Materials an a Safety and Economic Problem, by H. Treumann. GMUM, per, Bundesarbelteblatt, - Fachteil Arbeiteachutz, No 11, 1969, pp 1-11. NTC-71-12151-19A Nov 71 Tbo ftilroad In DonloplM Cg=tri4PD - ThO Z= I* of Top# 10 ]pp. WRMIS, perp Din Bw3d" nov 1965,p pp 4V*4a9. DIA ui 233-69 Bear scaft vow 68 368s622 Tocbnj oa Vimm. 4pp. Aq BmAsobmbps IDec* 1965p Sp 882 3. Damu TAN 66 a"- Fab 6T 319#136 Railway Under Star and Crescent. GERMAN, per, Die Bundesbahn, NOV 1968, No 21/22, pp 829-840. DIA LN 545-69 sci-mise Feb 69 375,263 Need for Research by Fede,ration, States and Industry. GERMAN, rpt, Bundesbericht Forschung II 28,7.67s pp 68-73. ULL Ref: 9091.9F (Risley 1395) sci-Mise 360,821 Jul 68 Thurow. Pritz 19T0 - B4h&vior and distribution or salmon in the Baltic Son (Ubor das Terhalten der laahse und Ibre Verbreltung in der Ostseo) bundeeforschungeanstalt fUr Ftechorel. Veroffentliahungen des Institute fur XuBten-und l3iMenfIrSaherel, Hamburg. (16)t 21. In German. Trans 1. by Trans 1. Bur. Pgn. Luig. Div. . Dept. of See. of State of Canada for FRBC BLol. Station. St. John's, Nfld. 1970, as FRBC Transl. 3*rlev No. 1555, 28p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - BCF. Wash.. D.C. Article CheckedAR Law of the Federal Republic of Germany on FaVloyees' Inventions of 25 July 1957, 22 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Sections 1, 2, and 4 of Bundesgesetzblatt , Bonnn Part 1, 1967, pp 757-764. NASA TT F 13408 Mar 72 The Investigation of Air Pollution, by S. von Lahmann. GERM&N, rpt, GermanZ. West, Bundeagesundheltsamt. Bundeagesundheitablatt, No 11, 1967, pp 161-167. NTC-?1-12314-13B Nov 71 Investigation of Synthetic Materials Used As Consumer Goods Within the Framework of the Law on Foodstuffs, GERMAN, per, Germany, West* Bundesgesundheitsamt Bundesgesundheistblatt Vol 12, 1969, pp 324- 326* NTC-71-11562-06H Feb 72 Health Aspects of Plastics Covered by the Law Relating to Foodstuffs. Report No 56o High Polymers Containing Plasticisers. Part I, GERMAN, perp Germany, West* Bundesgesundheitsamt Bundesgesundheistblatt Vol 12, 1969, pp 370- 371* NTC-71-11561-06H Feb 72 Allerays USDA Ar"Is R-45379-D POOONOW Rm.,1683-a"Its-73 9 Aug. 1"2 Titlef RuCkdw- 4 m m 1 ~f- wd mtlLtebart*L Pf IPIM p2phuft Authwe Vwlmn n Samoa$ otoblatto ftS1160 6 Aug. 71 LamapaSs v CAmman vp203 thrm232 lastructia"s Plasm tranfiftatev t"m strale opme. No V"te-Wp tmnsUte all cotims 9 lL4&ve -1 P, a How Modern are the Federal Armed Forces 11 pp. 6"L ,, '~ e -- hr. e - P- GERMAN, per, Buddebbeer Illustrierte, Nov 1968. DIA LN 668-69 Efiur Mil. May 69 382,768 Pbrrormanco and Succean. GERMAN, per, Bundesheer Illustrierte Nov 21, 1969. DIA LN 902-70 DISY 71 Projeot Was inveatigation of adhoeives with reopeot to heat reeistance and Wight. 24 pp. GERW, rpt, Bundesmie fuer BiZdun-q und Was, SV8W-FO-W-71-26 April 2972, 35 pp. RASA XT F 14,158 mar 70 Calculation of the Scattering of Fast Neutrons on U-238, by Fe Buehler. GERMAN, rpt, Germany Westa Bundesministerium fuer Wissenschaftliche Forschung, 1967, NTC-70-12806-20H Feb 72 -*,C64iater]:I~rogram for Zvaluatinj; Rafto Signal Ptopagation From Satellites, by G. Herrmann. PMUW, rpt, Bundeaministeritm nLr Bildung und Wissen- Isehaft. Forsdbunasbericht W 70-01t.~ Weltraumfors-r-hunz- -LY(u, Vp -L-JO. Dept of Navy APL/JHU T-2522 W 71 The Fediersa mLwwtor or Tramports 42 pp. ORRM perp lbindam"An4sto ftr AWkphrv Apr Z;&, pp lw32* JbwZ3j 31-37o DU UT 45-69 Esur soon nov 68 368s574 pin I I TV,4- ermwn High Spe*d Ground Trmnsportation St4.*. Authow t 21 .7 ILANDWAM 1--ormn 1-4 (1." 7, InatnKtions; TYpe single space, alt pasta-i;,p. camra ready copy reqwsted.. a~ Press Conference of the Concordia Press Club b Raising the Degree of Combat Readiness GERMAN) per; Bundesministerium fur loendeaverteidgung 21 Nov 1969. DTA LN 790-70 March 71 Theoretical Investigations of the Lxpansion and Supersonic Behavior of Two-Phaae Water-Air Mixtures and Experimental Investigation of Visualization of Compression Shocks in Such Mixtures, by V. Denk, et al. GERMAN, per. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung. Forschungsberic-htaus der Wehrtechnik, SMVtdg-FBWT 70-2, pp 1-65, 1969. APL/JHU-T-2610 Apr 72 Studies of the Supersonic Behavior of Two-Phase-, Flow~ and of their Possible Application for Aerodynamic Measurements, by V. Denk, GERMAN, per. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung. rorschungsbericht aus der Wehrtechn!F