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SOCIAWAt SWys, PCI Renmt&Uon JA Revisdonism, atatse Dmae, 9 pp. TOW ,"-k-5Q"AlW So CGrrlA LW, 9r ~ a. --As~ No 4. w .1 .162. Ws 4tay plo,, AM Al 262.499 ATIC! '~LIOMI Failure as Scen Froja Praiq ,, WiGi do Larchi, 10 pp. ITALIAN, per, Corj:isvgndcnza S-Lciali~ta, Vol X, Na, 5 , ( -Ict (jil, PI) 501-505. JI'R5 277217 E.A- Wba NI 1. Jim-A 65 272,374 1~31ujktjtl Gives Chrormlogy of Dispute, hT4"w pp. per, ffVdMrMdkPAPL pp 19 JIMI 64 262,498 jw g I I J~Tvj roftAiva6a AtXAC awbp W juilb broatm 7-&- nialow't -A ovelaus 0 ~w a as"I'm " 4 t-9wlsvmaa in n. 44adso rot Nor 45 i I I Zlkx a Discusses CommunUt Membership . r so JU In P In Bolop*,,by GueND Zac"ria, 9 pp. IT ft-AodAusu!~ Vol V,, I j,,P SmIll gqwy P , A:111! 014 265,292 AmO-Communist Rovtww Discrobdits Togliatti Star Olt 192b LAMW F GramNA to RVIO Ito Polidn", by Anumdo WAmbrosio, 7 pp. SOCUUMU4 1A OWNI-O "PP W1, us Pa Au 263,291 11.1 -1, 'vv. 11111--1-l""'4 I.". Vilt, I'M 11-11, 1" Italian jounial 1~evlcws Qf rosio, 15 pp. A, ~io per,, Gorri spend anza Socdolista, .o 19611, Jji~i Z14,404 Pal J gui C~Ii Zi1975 0 l._' I F , Pl.*:Lmg'i3 Atomlc Pomb, 'by Kino Brunoetti. TTALTAN, per, Corrispondenza Sociajista, Oct 1: 1k- ,64, pp 487-490. *jPns/i,y-so668/speeiai wit III -China Fol. mew 6 5 Wilt to ftazu H"4&11?p by SlWrido Ciccotti, 12 pp. GOS WIRNMENT USE y IT6 ~JAN, rr CAwvispotiftnu SwA"ta, Vol V. No 10, 1968i:u) 0-415. JPM UID4 AM :5 5 Jah!6$ 271,780 Cantrol or Corrosion Cnitsed b7 Bacterip In RaMiaries, by P. W. Sherwood. F11"MOPIp per, Corrogi2n--tLl---Auticorrosior, Vol Ilp No 2, 1963, pp 56-62. ~Mll ?I q y 7;1, ..i Sw .isis Corrosion CrAcIdng of, lWmktgld and Low AIL w Stemls. by It. mer"g. 9 Sp. FIR 90WH per Corriosion et Anti-CarroMon, Vol U, 1 195 to ip 1-5: 9224947 Aftllw'~-9-6437 SaWalum & met, mni, 64 268,716 I AIMPO *01146 VWTI IL Qma smumnes 11 lt*rw& 1; 11 cmg;zo 9mmo al As Val no Mwo 11-91. - TV -Lq5(. sd."Mu & Mot J0164 *W UNA16 PUt AL IFMPOVO bY Cr&Ckft In wol "Mow bOmmo of TbmruWl rrsouma4 by to i Fm II=*-.i 8 AlogKndm Vol no 114 4 w :,.;a - ~ I.& tz - 013 5 sdHma a ma huh 04, cormsivity O-r lku Cnzmvion et Doi:! nl***atL"tl*o lsk the 94"At Ph"$ 0 bY J - S*Akdla. r # *wvw4ve *%. 4WOUM. "ms T*& 0 trw 0 vlvwlilm~,, act A", " J? 4~ jr 45~C _5' lWkiawkir of Wickol mW JU Allwp in tb* Presem,-. 1e. woolp"* 1w To. Axb*UC40 IMM"M Dwo CftVUIOO Ot AOkOnvalosit 1957a voi vo 1po 3una. AM-3kaw adt. 1N4 60 /0 7- 0/,f/ V4 9 a 10$ 9 z corrosion ol' yarceic~7-:r- r Pl-aillwtl "-i,. AX;~.Lca and on, the Rffpe!t of Ornftnic~ uc,4a; It" CQi:r(oloa Procetm, by P. 1,4 ;""Cl C,,)v;coaion et &uticosroalonj Voi V, 3Lk 59-10954 Nrol Rp i ial~,itis aT Tlypeid oO6 Carroiion Dico!mterec'. In l'*l/l:- Stecl b~ J. Dedic, L. Pen-lee. ~MlClt, per, Corrosion et Anticorrosion., Vol V, NO.., all) *,TTW- for AxvW Rocket and G,,zlded Missile Agency R-5~5,' Sel -. Chem I'la'y 4~X ft 4k ftuo0a b isolootpUm ad, tm pbanow" at ow"Oux "d xNbmtUss. IV JOGN IVOO*bv 13 Pe. "I" 0t AWU-dWftoUnp ftl Wtv PWO06 100414!w Iwo, w V 6 Am 2r 3305 a" w obw sop so TWO 7'rip r'-..)r Army Misr'Ale Agency l~:lec,i*,i",,,,c~-c.,-ril~,:-r-i1 Study of' Carrcsion (,;f ~3talnless ',7teelE Corrosion et fmticcrrocion, %101 VT , 110 10, ivi, 36"1 -372 - *JPRS for Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency I~ngr sci - amaxitaxias, Chemistry 2 /~? 1610 I oil, pw , cAtim. at ftraft)M LAw to the Study dt. ki c ution al Mi6tals, by M, Froment. VIA 11 CHp pew# CwrWan ot Aodcorrosion. VOI YU No 4, 1939, pp 134-144~. BM t MA2 Solv'64 266.961 valm"emim of ftotosyntlissis aci the corrosion ar Stool In Som-Vater, tW A. ftebe. U= rJulluca', par# Ccwro _q$ou at AntlaarrusUm,, Feb 19551, 9p ONOilf 56.&. NAW& Znm and ft"I 2" W So a 1,1? 7 7. L Wm/N*t :411 59 OIL-9-- - - - %Wl" 6.111111111111111~ ~ qowm a" %&M I In&_ I" ~AkMi,-.- IV A* Emma& Jbo*Vw&:t!:Wj so , 4!m v %4- 1=309MOJU~ V401 To 30 Od IN Chm 3.%* MO J04 Isr Platiag ~sltd flard 0110d6nal Ib* FnWCh TOChRLqU* Of atitaidus by DiftwoLont by P, CAIaLcho,, RIM144318. p*rv 9=0 AfttLcorm. Vol So p4b* WOO pp 466,54, 11131t 4310 SCLAIlin 140V 66 2828043 I'a-etors Involved in the Corroidon Under Strain of Materials Used In Reactors, by W. E. Tragert. MtNCII# pert CgM2qjoA at Ant -Corrosion, Vol 8, 1900, pp 196-201. WC-71-112117-18i Noy 71 So Wno#Ua of MMAU WA AIIMS MA ZU Pr1~31comm IW M. Pauebods. Gommo pw# ---- -,- at Vbt m lb It Iwo -1m1. - CM Me! F. Cob in Sta,tistihial Study on the Intercrystalline Corrosion of' 18-8 Type Stainless Steel. CORXOSIOIR AND ANTI-COnOSION, Vol 9, No. 4, 1976 r,-p p 119 - 13 1 . BISI 10907 Feb 73 144,,4 Ti .11: 1.. 1, 11% J14 1.1F I 'LA 41~ I! C:,. i~e; A. r I. I Dubois. P. tvm %1 :11 011 A111 i: cu. 1,14 1'.11 C'11HIme, Paris. 11 Title: Anticarration ... i#- 17 Iths 1, j 1,10. 32r, 11 refs. O,tit-u ii'.)m -M~A $4.6, 44 i-t T,'imm oi -ig,jittim, r-c Amt, v, (11cirwe) 1061. % . ~'. no Ft. .41;, k 1-4. 01.vk~ 13i 0, 111.MuL~cl .It G- bit.on. mmais, SkirtnCes, Corrosive 1191W0 . V4# coorumm of plastic objects or b)-produrts to ex. ariwir^d jtOrr the linflae".-it o, taternal tactor: rw m;x)- mit+w. Of,ict.tut. b:cvls , Irmegnol tensiom. to- stitsmirvil rind routtra"I factots p1, -:, v1,, - w, iw-i! 1, ~ ; W 1~1 .0 ~1 1~ i-, 11 411A 11 tz It postu'lo w. 8840! the tm-Nmvior of plaw, rev,s) find Osts h mlVied Iq sr-idints and tests in this rt ~o,. JA.ir!. , i I J, I ]AUmalootatic and fttmtU*Ibatla )bthods. their We to ple"I ths Clra~twom for CWT"'lon or am-ommica of lbtAls am AU*yo.p b7 U. Yaaeb"Sv Y. V 40 ]Me Vbl Up IW 13L# 3961,9 Ipp 3kl-3%1 ltd-Up 'Nol.2s IgUj, vp Sol - ohm 0= W. llmr hiftbot'll al' Vtlhidylite 0jf4l 6-40"Isp by 14- C. rmtit. pollo, edlilroskal sk va Ift Rl, InLf-luence of Cold Deformation of the Oxidation at.Hig,b Temperatures of Ni base Refractory Alloysp by J, Poulignier, SUIROPEASO. perv wrrosion et Anticorrosionp Vol 10, Oki 6, 19629 pp 221--M. M-71-15026-11 IV Fab 72 '11~ui llfka of IHUaxk Currom on the Dittodon of 1011111 in OX&b LAya*# by r. SdWM4 a. Le Dm3ch"o ot li~,to go. Vila I * QVMIMN m 92MMAD Val.-,., 0 "MY 1*0 1 IL . 4w-4974 DDIFilalmKOR, Sdi -- Blot Apit as xm6m Guoous Corrosian as a Function of Temperature. FRV(Wj, per, ()P=Olcn get -Anti,-Corrosion, Vol 11, No 1. 1963v pp 4-12. NTO 71-14195-11F Feb 7 2 Camail-ii of Fire Corrosione rzaWitation of Simla typillm'I caseso b#y D6 Foucallts FAA11101,, lpor,, cArroslan at Antion-rasiou, 19913,4 11# Stpt., 313-318. iliANS11 40:t:11 sciAllot 4 Mult 1.1ar 0 ptoiraluemee or Plicaphating Prior ro Metallic Plating fttr he=JW or Electrolytit Meansp by C, Doury, F N viowsm. VA W(,% per ODrrosion Ot Aildcorrosion, Vol )al, Jam 1915i pp M4. will x I i Fob 65 274,587 0., j- Pk' ,n carm; jr CS IS 211.-x C01trosion of MOMIll, c MAterials by Uranium flol~xnuorlde at HtIgh Tonaperstures, by G. lAnglots, 1 1.40 pj~, Flit WCH4 rpt, 'corrosion the Materlaux Metalliques par L 0) exafluorurd! D'Urardum a flaure Temperature, 1 130 9226264-V Sill*-NWI Scit 144 65 2700600 Thoory ot CA=roaton. I. Ptelati,cm setween jpgLjj*jvjij,y and Com ibillty Of Not&", by W. J. 10 vv. QRiWLW,, per,, Carrosion Vol VIII, BSA 57-A4 T4w Chamlool Properties of Plated Metal-shoots and TImir U61da. Report of the 4perimental Institute Wr the Dmftabe Roshrmwke (113ormn tube-plante), bjr Wilbe3x Haodaker, 20 pp. hAll tnaution. GICOU mjjgqkM", 17th year, OD S.L.A. SaloatIfte Cbmistry Aug 55 'Imst.,1mg wod Valuation of PlALted Semi-finit-hed Utelpislaj. tir It. Xcohler,, 32 pp., Afto :Pft No 2 9 19419 ZuI 55 _uk Z~-, lilt; 4wa -'iedimov by F. cli"itArois, FlUd.,11 Carmsion ~kiapce Vol 2, Jot 4. 11"Wr 11)62, lip IL-206, illIfill 4144 SCIV1*14 All; 6s 294.667 -~Pmlf k+licatim 0c rrmusl~towtric -'-ztjto" ilt~ the Asuly of the Phommulls of carvusialls by, 1:16 J* broberso at al, FAVINK11,0 pots, CQrmwpl SEA I sk No zo INIAlar 1962,p pp Spk,690 614911 4167 stuillil0l ;~Op 44 289g287 a4woooodm" Womb ot boatrift the BGMNIMW at OWWWO MWAU In 0 dklWbMftd MbdtAn* by J. W ftol, &- -Al M~, INO vw~ No "L 310 ib Its X963P N w T. IN *"BMW 34% I set 1w meow" am& Awwww" Am lpf mu Wbods at 8% NO ',a Vn malwiv w of ftwmm ebmu In a m 141 -1 1 NWUM# br 1, 16 AW*WmMm- M, 9m4, -a& va 30 Am 196% 10 Mai r. W - 0 aVY W* Pr SMOOT Observations on the corrosion of Active Stain- less Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel in sulphuric Acid, by W. Schwenk and H. E. Buhler, GERbLkN, pair. Corros. Sci., Vol 3, 1963, pp 261-272. BISI 8477 Sec.and linternational Finishing: Course for Young ?Iedical Officers, 4 pp. ITALIN't, bk. 2 ma Ilk j3.rnAjjnnnIP di 9PALLMIA111.11fficiali Medici Florence, 1962, pp 1-9. (Call No. 7 Eng r Army Map Service SCI - 11101 & F4d Sci Ape 64 'Willi WrbuUmiceg, by ftrio Tagrarip 133 n%. ITA=ps Up Ow" IkIls, 1"10 &011& It"66141006 "--- -- - - - -4 0 AM/M6M-3-&W 04 - al" Ow lot ? 7/ MR- mrja lbtato of tho Aymmm Irkc:AA=p ou"Id"m USK Cox bkp tr ftft IjA40 Wa4m do jaimos GOO&CAM-M fla do iop Ta-ma - MWOO AvilXkXSS-' 0 imil-M 40 IAO Bdivu 54mall Jkl4l: 65 21869832 DW.Lusaw or Speelft an TWA sod Q=UIW of Bdw*Ua ftbros by P. Somdlerl, J.i, 3002*NWO Mm 11# Owba at n ~ IV" -MMOSLE Val 9,0 Ift .6na., m wfp~ UL, ftei swo (N 6"API 2"~ 69 395o684 Butw4wril, Lqar cc a Pomus PlAma WLU vith Siatftmp by A. ftv IN. Dumi,, X. VeroLlet,, 36 pp. =MR IMAp In- #6004~ 100p 1M 1-31- 'Nob-Ififf All 61 -t-,, --: 01~ I~allcd -Ace! LP.Ga- by r - - y -11 t, - xl:dm - VMNIIUI, pir, Oadw do IOA*Ur* No 1. Part In. 1%641 yp 10124 1w. ad. .0, call /Zo, of y , s*, 14 IWAV ati the Chaics of Coaar In Wr:Lt:Lug and Trintliza rverp by IL Deribiwep 15 ppo 'Mma-Up Pero camumves, so 220 lbv 1"5p pp SIA P-M Scd lkvg so 701 fto / GNOW-V*44tift 04"em P&Istivfl tO Stssl; Molinuk 0d Urmimm,, by Je Fvifpi",o Re MidLs - Folbials 0 suft- -ft R"Mmm~t PA- -Xltjlv*o .6 104-fw--A-- MMM, s Llllr-'UML 17 ppe MC'QilKlot*-WS3 SatioMweAmor Sal Jws, " 302,481 SloAmuUtle Depooltim of Pt%Waus MetaUs Masma4a IV i616 vws dlmsw- Agh I& NL%=M- m Nib 1776 IX46, . pr iil~* MM 9"s "aA (68/48) 901"ckmm i ama 41axAlt Lillu Kfw%im ~~Yci rlirrrm, I .-- by J~j~ 114, , It pp. Fitkillim too LA Comm" *.Nlmgms~sw - 27 Ain 3.9646 pf as 7. irikill 2$496 AVXlIQJ%-SAYCbdl" owill A" 414 2&%312 I;hlo 161misip" GvmpNWc Swrice, 6 pp. 6.8, VIIJONO, Id 2mms 9LM to 'AMG, 146TF;L $Pllu; 2" AVIRICA-UslopW RqVdAft clw! LNM146 269,59 1 1114a 1wrluuillcu of the Mkithod of F:Lxirlg StiffenI.-i-r, cri the D-elml:vlour of Girders with a .11-olld Web, by 11. Lauls, F. (NimpuzP 26 pp. 87 M.ICIH#P'OjCLMrA de Construction du Genic Ci-vil No LIP"4110 SIA 57-3449 SCL Apr 59 ftl ugluow* of the mbtlwd of' plZing stiffners an the lrabsvUr at Gltftn VIM a SoII4 Webj, by a. LaMM 0, F. cwvw 0 pmwm* "ro ft Genic CiTn" MID als 1101T a Lum. , ~ -1 tr 4m Oct - ftlnnrlvg 4 1~ 031P job 57 IKI;tu" covel9pomt of lalectrical 1werv prodactIm In mmema" It pp, "Molo porp Owns DOILON 0t !MMIL'op "0 1/3 1063 -PP W."Noo IMA ul 22 1 - 164-Reft DOW " mossis 01-1-5997 101clagi-oal Warfarv, by Pocbetl, 16 pp. PRIMMI) bks (30W* dq~ Weqtaw,,d 'Arose RelAtif -a la la 10"OOLAN Ait &S IN 00 OUWMt St 6t0 &PUt do la 1959$ pp I!L5-13~4. im 9W5 Maur asilgivas jul /Y $0.1 - mod jam 61 SPACE. SHIPS - ROCKETS, BY VIKTOR B"NJp 4 pp. SERSO-CROATI~'N.. OK.. QMtJM-U2AqSTq(~U) 19W,, pp 22Bm224. 9678238 FTD-TT-62-il'12 I % I SCI - SpAcc Res 12 OCT 62 212,801 + 44 V, -T v W, - - J,~WA ~ j- =V~ ult- -- -- i Miettir Soidnlimm, by Aulls LLIPP yp- FIXOM per,, CP &WgLxdotjL,# Viol XV11r,, ILI Ov Aug 1962p VP 2E7-M-- JM Wal - -plWand F*1 i, ~- 716 041t 62 fte, CNmoltafton at OgrUdn Indhwtrial Allop 1"Ok Xit#twmo by J. udsom. FAMOSO r 2 go - Xs- 404 M * 0 lb 9248 194T# , r M, llka-# 4 4 ,M. - ~-, " ~~ WIMMI Awmi w Vrm a= sat/" M 71 '3, 17, :;TN) scl JI'll'ir L-C", *i a i,iaze~l on !.he of ef [14:111. Diew-use in Potato, by P. comuct. jlin!~ C.R.. Acad. Sci. Val. 2.37, P11; Sci - oul,,,r L;, 7 333,971 i is L, A.X ..i. Ii;- Ac--~_Xm c" c4l GllskellGicl - - the P111-at0i 1.or O.e llontC-~-~*cjaicr- Adacl. Sci. Vol 23, July. 333pS~63 laWcv (C !*L*wda in At m-Loo Imomisud vith 4 043A~mo Ax Tooftude 83*4v*t tw 00 rbftl4o MKINP PON-# Q I bw 996 Vca 142, X9560 vo IbN-M IYAW firl 0*27"60 ftomm ym do 368vW Lmalls4faft at DiMmien of It In Fe3, by J. ZAM"Pullse. ir CC& Am~wep ft 2mg 1909 Flout yir vp - a VV 70-57&9 *Xwlm Avail ,1111U, rtm rw W/ftm Pob 11 --j (Ailtur~t in Livin- in-c-n lk , - t-, L, Orguns, by C. Vaga,- S. Chastrvi,,;- FREICC,11, per C-r. Acad. Scl, Paris. Vol. 251, J-960" pp 903-905 CS,I),V/ NO- 8031 5 ,:: i - A1,141: 67 1 3-57-352 lJoCtroli I'licimscopic Study of a Bamign Cutaneous Tunor In a Sparrow (Prunella t1odularis), Associated with u Virus of the Pax Group, by A, Gregoire. PR m-di, per, C R Acad Sci., Vol 2U, No 2S, 1962, pp 43611-4371+ 110f 1011. 9-7-61) setIRIP11 ?Wv 61) 397.147 lmmuwtAAM into leautuin at the V13ma of rat"Mmm UkL-- '-- FMC06 P4010 0 A "d mm~ M~ Im"Im U-0.0 "in a x rob do tw Q* IWMvlnoom* Val 293s, 1964s pp 746- 3490432 Fa*dLng Itabits and LnZyme Activity of PiAsydes NO'.Qt-,As F (:~ol Curcullonidae Xylophaeous, by C-Chararas. MUNI, per, C r. hakA -Seanc- A2ad �:gI Paris, Vol -255, No 16, pv 3-2001, 196z. CURD,flio 7529 &I - A t. I g 67 3 6. 7 Ir 7 Ybod, Prote.-Ims in Li~ Rlzmen AL!gtinat BeLcterial-Induced Deamination. AccoLuit, of Htesemrch Carried Out With the Help of nn Artl.ficial Rumen, by P. Leroy. IMMIM, per Cr. flebd. Bean. Acad. Sci.Pr-rir, Vol. 259, NO- M 1965, PP 1592-15-95 M IRO/Nt) - M6 lkli - Ls (37 337- 526 4*ko 00, mwsm"o by samal Immon 3w=. No LOOM ot Ust"Am IV ANUMIUM Swung by Jo " F4%".Ot* Fumm# liar, " fto MWI ( -Als Vol 1459 me 70 IWO so 230.4m0 801*8 ank X J" 69 3%6*W Swmwml ItamUtionm in the Mool Caqmsitlon *f this Ebito R03A of tba Supmopuce, Postbypopbyvoal sylttow ilm Una* varia tw. M. Bmwangt, HOUR$ PIW6 C R 300 ma Vol 1441 1600 we-6,0 10 pp 3B3-3%. S,CdA & iffl Folo 68 349,M OwMa4eume Action on the Golan Nawter of Meft3abolls3ftrews DevaWnra mind UWAPWJ3Wb=nthftwns b4oated In Krferent 000"s tw Igo 2. UVIOM, SUZ1.00fro it I -fts lfA& Ift 151Tv 2,9639 vv 1.167. MW SIZE 1444 "Wo4umm" ArOultIdU ral,".rtbritls or the ftr i a ki 1". 1: a A I atimo by IP -1 ftlbwn MM pwww;, Q Aft Aid& Vbl lot 19"o v via MLIMAO ow"", $let to 30o947 34mcOona ArUirLU"s ro2pmtbAtis or the MAU U- ft" CC MrftrOut Fautwev by IN lkabaft IMMI# VW. 2 8 Iloo XUa. Iral 158, Xq6h, I wol4w. ILZIM 14640 IW." lompt as 300955 lbongUmn Artkrltldio Polv- MAIWILUN of aw Wm. V, somming" PbNMMOM (AGIMU ld*MftdL to AsUve % ha A U ~&hIW A. WOW l[ ywo 0 a ft 0&,'ftl lot 19"t sort 'Hothmils ist tho Study of (hblCAWOJ rv,~.Ucs, My, ';Ha3da Ime Lsito M coau. 'AI(AMKILOISHO per* Crimps Posp .j&sa No 3v 11044,o Inv 261-286s 1411 a3;--11-64 sici . -.841111 Atia W, 2870452 41! 11 AK; i (LYC-4242) MmjdvrjtjLr4 A"siv Reportinsi -- An lDqu:LrY# bY ptoltro Ifft"s 0 14 pp.. pli U9-128. JPAS 3W6 Wo: - tt*4 S*c - Iftndwriting Analysis Se.p. 60 ,JJ,)28/CJD (DC-4242) The Sigirgaturm and Its Oecowtric Projection -- A Now ftticoss In Vqwrt Armdysl'r-,, by ftul Brosson,, 0 pp. '44MpUSU, yqi 129-139. JFTALM, g4j ~qr im M6 WIC - Italy sibe. - 198mvriting Anklywis 102-1-7 64pp 6D Jt-W8/tfD (DC-4242) Sliadvriting Antlysim Report,,ty ftilio Ogglani, 6 pp. rVALM, rpt, crud mo 19 140-145- 1. , tor7i WE 39% Wt - WAY /,s q /,P, ~ 80c - 14madwriting Azolysis J-q2 I'Li% vo by Fietro Fredas, IWIV411, rp,t,,, CrIminolodia, pp 1413-149. .4/mRs N74 WE - Italy Soc .. Irandviitinq, Analysis A ug 150 DUS-43S/6-41 Ilie Cri4lis of Possession in Voodoo, by Louis Mars. -.5140 f - . P FALN01, bk, La Crise do Possession dans le Vaudou, Port0au'Prince, 1946 pp I'XV* pp 1-95. ;JAPR--S/NY-937;!/SPECIAL Sci t B 41 PI Sci Sop 64 TKI A floicemstirlt Hydrow4petic Stability Criterion For A. Plamim Whth Revolution Sy=etrf, by Claude Mercier FRMIICM, bk, Un Oritere Necessaim de Stabilite Hyd4fawAgne-hique pour uti Plasma em Symetrie de Revollution, (CU-1&3) *vRWP-=- ABC -T7~ - 5b 33 Set - Phys De c 6L MID W"IALIST STRUGAE L ,~Allllu NOLAT)iC Ill,ld-IM1.1, PER.. CRITI.~A mARXISTA, VOL 1, 140 1, 4101-M! I I ~-63,p PP 5-14. JPRS 18423 WE(#,'R- il"ALN PUL AFIN 63 22E,23~t (lu,ilTy AND ALITOWHY OF THE WURKING CLASS, '-~Y 2) PP. ll'ALIA1,11, PERO CRITI(A MARXISTA,, VOL 1, -K) L, 11juls PP 15--44- JPRS 18423 INA. ON 63 226,24-1 TlllXQ0ll('4%L ASPECTS OF PiE RELATIM'SHIP UETW-F-': MID sorIALIal, LIN' U,113ERTO CFj