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revi-cqp for Converting ThermIc Emirgy Directly into MeOt.:Vic McrtW~ by M. Siegfried Kleinj FMCIt, per.. Comptem Rendus Rebdomdaires des Seancets do I'Academie des Science,,JM Vol CCLI, 28 Ilair-Dee 1,960, pp 2W 2492-2495. /*ACSI 1-7o66 -,,~ it 2216539 Sci - Phym 2 xwi 62 cf the Decline or Calct"reous Flngt:Uates on the Complete Fertility of Warm I~eas, by F. Bernard) B. Maim. FRMCII, CoaVete Rendu 'I, Rebdomadaire des Meancts de I'Academle den Sciences, 101 an", no 24, ig6g, pp 42~423.o. Dept, of Oceanography Utily i*,):r Washington, Seattle ~ci JU-1 64 FIVitiolotill-cal Genetics on the Regulation of 3:mlhesim of the DUA by R-Acterla: The Hypothosis ot the Amplicon, by Jacob Francois, Sydney Brermer. PTUM, per, Comptes Rendus U Smanclus do IAcademie des XW 196ji. Pp 293-300. Rebdomadaires des 9 Sciences, Vol CCLVI, *ABC Ui - MIA 154 mar 63 of thc Mosplic.rus Con~(-.it b~r Me : lic of "'itiple cllc-ic,~l I-L" 1100 r: , '0.'- CaWlxs 'Rendua flcbdomd~,imr, des lc~lnccg !e l'fcf-.Im-A,e,d'Ag lcidt=e ~lc T- ~rT, .7, T.: ~D ZI, - , 34,9-35(-,. amoillf"n, Scf. t-cjr 3 3 5, 2- lc majeculalp Biolcgy. Effect of Actinomycin D on the Indaced Mynthesis of -Galaclocidase and the SynUmia of Specific RNA by a MM Subcellular Frnation of Escherichia coli K 12, by Hisman Bention, Jeam Pabucat, et al. FEWICH, per, Comptes Randu Hebdomadaires des X9. Soanc,(hs de l'Academie des Saiences, Vol CCLVI, 190) P 523-5Z,,. *AW Sai - Blol -a cn:t!j.1.tiom of Bliovolwmft- in the of I;h.:! Vaal Chain of the Didogenous Fauna of Forour, Iiitt~rtidml k Sediments, J. 1IL-naul-D--lyser, B. Salvat. IMMICIIIj par, Canpte Rendu Ilebdcmdaire des Jeanoes de l'Academie des Sciences, Vol CCLV-1, VO 12p 1963, pp 2a2-2T14. Lr-j;t. of Oceanograjiiy (Loim Only) EICI U-ul 64 fit .11,1111.1'... .... .... - .... The Vjvl4w of Clay MinerMs to of dw imam ocum, by IL Ce NOINW16 ki - JIST* Sof & Ann= 0414 64 itimicture of the 1ransition 55 1) 71. in Europiuta aeuguylacwtonate In solution. 0 by 2 Yves .14eyer. 110#11-0i Pom"t, a pp. F111INCH, riot, Cowtom Madus He6domadaires Des Soil4sis o Oxim;19 WS Scl, Vol ISO, 90=6 19N. AE(,YIJCRL-Tr. 10401-69 SCI/Aw CheK 411*164 J2311 10 Rib. ic llenlz-lj I 'ic 1~-, 3 'PP. ,A*;iA.,:u,, per, "- Acadjuda aga "Lcwcs aR UlOu --:t .-r - ~b-"j 'Tut-Oct 1961, JPW ('!"f 1~~xvflijl Efjql:~- oil 'b"j, wa aclencea pp fAJ"rx,-l Awpoeup ar In"atiostiom - lkvkll)9 ortbe M"tgrVjftttvma emodttft fbr IERMSUMMU0138 au tm jusim Txw ftert *mum*, by M. L- solkAwbq., It ma fte ow IPO VIU " Co Ltd (M%ft'.449) red$ /c/ h -1/49 aw Electrical P%eld Gradients in Ion Crystalep by 8'. Bmaj S. Rafnerp et alo MC11CH -Ct ,, p1tr, uptes-4kmaua...A&.-.La.,B-eunion de la Soeiete !~4-w ... do.-Pbrol,que, Vol Mml:V"' -- 10i'J"p-i- 39.1j. 392. *AEC Bel - pbylo 17 OWP 6Q tAA 14~~ R-6551-D 3 AuS 67 SMWGUQU Or eOlne9r:Ln In WPO913nanda from inmilln %r; Utmsimiarj B, A*,, at al FtMt *=%elm Ron&* des, Gamoes 4* la coalete de blWL440 et do ma r1116146 (Fmrin) 91:10U-1013 ISM 3 pp) rruvo - Omt for wal VIONNIt tz*Ulfte and type I cemrs reMy copy aw~ 3 xam iz avLas - Pua" inauae fbrel4p titie in UUMIAtica. Vo~Ntacdona of the Meetings of the Eleventh General coVINtrenct an Wetgbts " Measures,, 197 pp. FAII[SCH, rpt, Comptes Rendum des Seances de la Ot lome, Conference GenerAle des Polds et MWesures, pmlo~ 11-20 octo 1960, 144 pp, 9224039 NAn iA TT P-217 Oct 267,853 Paicitsimm Lotenduling tile Shape of C0113 in lilmmwals,, by (borge Tol"Ier, HNINIA.-I jw3ro CoMtes us do* Seances at rlui$114 do X* mmis N 5101 0% do 01 9.1h 0 Cxx"* 19410 pp 13VIF-Inz. 31 '98 AE10-OCUPT r-1240-L sai, - B/N U11a 6$ 292,796 AbS4000 of lff*CU of VanW. Liquids Stz""s im s&XLvM Seamttms by J9 Ps Geivas 00 Polo 220ft d-ps C" J! I& Val pp ISM14=44 NASA rr 16U*293 wV19"Imlif Usa CHLY Sol-Sol j" 60 3"s6" ToternmUcama Systm or UMto,, by 0. D. bourdcxm- Al r1& rip , t am -W L.&MOK-Aft -Affiam --4 'a-- F ~ ow"Ma doi PuLds fit moa=ftos ph;i" ULOD 6iii-rj&' - .- _ _ _ _-L--- .9 NAM. Tf P-8326 OOL .9.21 - 05' Avir 63 ' I US oar, T Cal Tatmr tLoml Syvl4m cC Ebits. Reeaolution So 127 q t mlmmj.'~~ ompt" Aftow 640 $=no" do I& Irt5dLilw ., WAA it 7-830 Amol 63 Aa 98 2 :x wow"ll, =x, A tW ftVpa%Uo of SoUng by E. ~ it. MMM* VMS At.,. It, S61 i RAW90 Vcl =331j IV 3m -1400TATO "' - am " MAMUtu - =Qua OkW 56 CM 404~ V// fillhotU Fibe2al Wbutml Acift " Saltoj by J- SWOtter L. OkWmo 7 PP. I 0 IPAMR swp i-Aw do AM"" C3=,r, 0 lkVIQm MM 1.0-30 SAMMIfte - sudow ow 55 = 44 .V0 5- f, 1 - I 46~ 7 Ct-l AWANE.H1 OF A SMALL Otiji-iCT I Charp.-nner. A wt-.AK*i.,r ILL UhItINA -ilED IN A DAFK VISUAL 11WILL) (lifi",vittilmn ,Morems d'un Itut Objet Italblemelit Ecl-al Ili 63mg It? Charnp VI-miel Okwcur (1*11 :4~), (`)Vtk,l Irtlell Sj.jk 1,1 It) 61 - 10A7 lrwl,~, Of dcl hollope el tit, ses FilialeAl J`fcvld!t-~jl 34, 1wrcrillon, lkilk Oft- .11 A. A L-... Gomontiviii of gfth-PreWoncy C'urmuta or thrust Tatimmuilqi m" Tbolr ftralaic,31cal Efr*cto, by M. A. k rp. APPM1,11 Imik- ex"s RerAue But do BLoI., Vol XLV, act .4 614OX laic F-TS-9"1/1il 77. JOP f Prolibiratii ju of Animal Calta-la-se., L. Stern,, J~ pp r. societe ae sm Biolosic, Vol LVII, so 311P 1904t VP 374-76 IIH Oulfultift'k Biology Mar 5hm M CTS/M= Iff-alick~' HICKAMINY 011 PItC-FENSOF E. -J. NIAREY Pet, I A V Ovditt 11"Im S'A ti-Al W.I. ph$1 FA) f1i) - I f16 I S Y'Artw;l trians Igitne raA V iCU S Ill Jh*1rMC1 OnlYl Of ,~KW114id.fiq R1,jillille (4.1 ljo gc%q pillsICS. CXWjjFwc.. rendw; I&A fit'ligiuvol jFrarwe) 14M, v. 39. p 1 -22. / V~ / V, ( pvir.or-l F r a nct' 2I'll) ~ I'll' V yF T ar ~ t - I.Frati(-k. F 11 Mamy. F. -j (Ur'A ow Uastric sad Duodenal Chstps Pvodtmd In Saline solveifts. as a pusetion of Mwir Moleculaw CGntWIbtV*tLQQt Th* ROgUlAtOCY P-*fIOX4 - of the Pylainke Sphincter, by P, Ceram, A, Chassevent, fmchl't Pert W& Soc Biol Vol R2=2 PA LVIIII, 19Ubs, Pp L7301710. IIASA -" V-10v926 sti-chou Jul 0 331,693 *9 LXA, NOW 61-14694 SAitilnolk). jod Weill, G. A. RLWIT)NA1. RIOVENUINTS Of' VESTIMILAR t. Babinitki. ORMIN ftND %:1TXJN]*F,11,-RE.Acn0NA1. NFOVE'NIEWIS It. WC111, G. A (mox(VokWnin Hs1MAkonrW,Is Li*Otigiror %leatibulaiTe C11 Uk,wu4isilmg Cijiitvk~-- I i.-actim[WIS) 119611 4p. 6 1 cis. OtAit It wi S 1.11 $ 1. ILI b I - 14690 *rrarip. :e, kx:lh1vo del 04oll(we " de acs FilinicnI. 0(1111~,31;11111 104111-11,111 *15.11~aIKCAI- (IrtRnc0 1913. RI-Acticih (rilyet"i1c%V). Mtstion. Ear. (Unathromirwo:1), 11. Soc. do Ukq)pi,;t, Vo7i. MOV, T:-4 BICH d-V Ziricula4l.fic Hadic-tne 'J)mnc J)" 011.3 LX1301tiamMal production Of 114CLUt~,-,olUtillinS wid to liclix poturtin, J, Cantacuzenc 1-kENC31, pox, C R Spe bial j:'arisj, 'Vol 7~), Viilt~ 1--v H6'. ?11,j ~io -it Nal"k Jtt ty 67 -. ............. ..... "m"Diftl amont6we *ad otbw ownbage * tiom lw Wapotm twers ty'V. Bob"* 3 Vpj, (ID 10149ft. om W It W p"IF beg.L". Boot- V va u=r 19160 ID GOUDA T-'M 8 :64 - lowtWoop rov" S. bowxrxftsm Avg 99 On 61-14695 Ml`IVFJL?riUJW TO -1114E SnMY CW NYSTAG%" OF I. Buys, F UYVAIION: ltj~.I,AMON BF-ruiliul n317 mmuf.vs It. 'Dtle: R'clation ANI',l *ll,([-. KklNt.ltX (Ckwrlbutton I I'l.)tude L%j Ny, - tOCII)TUOI ile Ifl $jJ)4JjIi lon: IR&WwI rritre le Stimulus et le P'Nivile). 119611, 3p. 1 ref. Ordur trom 'Lil. Of.. 10 61-14695 Trans. 0 ilt) IM011000 Of de Se% PRIAM). (I'miques I P'itsulluiv d&% ~&ncesj (France) 19M Y. K3, Rotaitiosi, 61-14696 PAIJIS, L. (,()wnmRtrntxii 'm im mm or NYSTAGMUS OF f. DUVI, 17- F10"ItAIIII-AN: INIMA110PI AND I"-17NqT'N' or ]III-* ]I. litle! Mraticn, KY9p'AK;?6%7S Cll' ON111"OHM IRMATION (conirthatim A! IlItlidt' dL de Is Rtgadcwu Mirtle et Jt9Cjj-tII(j dtl 1I`iPjjtJjgj"U% dt ilk R.XAtJl'Wl UrAIM111C). f1will ~p. I rell, OrAltr Irvall 9"A $1. 10 01 - 1006 Tv.llls~ 14 S.I(IC-fir JVJ jjikll[Ug'~d' L-1 llf~ gt'% 1-:11AIC11. Qmilip~ul flimautt dws Rurwm) (France) IQ20,, T. -11N,' ii: I &.Vlt - 000- S-"- Hicir,culation ii. a Noutral zdAtum of fl;U'1144~i, per, (.04.11tes lbumdus (10 la z;m -ki 'ilild.4.Ial LXXXVIS 192ko mll UJI-06-3. 1"T TOLI-CA sci .6. ii0l 4a J u I Qtj 2,34,p341 W gh, lhduiiq~a of im Vitro Titration of AntliRiplitheric Senwo by G, Lmon, HIL-1:91114, per, caudas Aeadus de la Soc Lie i4ex. Vol EXXXTI, 1!)22, j7p 711-712 M~TIW2-64 ~;Ci - Ual & Wd Sci Jul 114 284,342 Cio Tkitrumi4xt ijt Vitro of ilolltidipaitiwri~a 5*rum by Flocculation, by 6,14 "mmm, ywrv Comites PWndw do la Soc lia 411010, 1101 I-xANVII 19220 Pp 813-61.5. 13" t=-~64 $ci - 111o1. it ~Md Sv4 Jul cis 284,343 F -j! ji_j CommmUou at ZmatheAlLtic Up"."U0 in the ftt and Nbume't by, P. tapitt'o 4 pp 17J1013810 VIM* C. R. Soc. Mal. VOI CX* IMv Vp M2.4440 93M djo"~ sclootirlt - .. Ifim 11,607 0. lb* 4ortAM Ct I-ROW an Calls- NoWicaticm of Hadl SWAA%LVlt4W by t7ing of the V"OMW CoMactiMs 0 by- J* 41-bwo $ PP. RIMUt $or, Cqvt. vmd. MX. Ma., Vol =1, 19L-4, vv 41roo OL B.L.A. 2r 81119% 40C.- fecbellao or Mtratiltrallon of Fianwal voter- sts"ktiga at Uw vR#~c*lcjuMf lks"altu'r. sodium a MwWVbMM to %be Mtftf Lltrwtop kW Wrft and CUU*-%cbt*lwr# 4 pp. "MCM per O=VU* loodits 8oclets do DtologLes vol Xcl. 1 M Tf 913 Sc I - *Ja&cao4V*d&vAm The mOAw:mI=C7 or Pam Ckatum (W monocytes Tmn pdxw 1kramia" A&UM ckr the Folt(wed Extauct of Rous Samaw on tba Ikeroyboalms of the M4od, by A. Carrel# 9 py. Fkal IMMIA Palo V61 Ims, 1%*,? pp MM Tr 629 55 Purn OtWunm of F:Lb2,oblwto Bma=ap by A. Ouvelt 6 pp. 9103AW 0fdpz o a // Y 111,11 211-..: 11 1 FI IXI'awtv al~ tha,Extamat, of Funow3lula Sarccmma on :Kiuai Ture Cult-tu"as or 7ibroblastap by A. Ca=Q!,, INW. ~hmm-lAmlca. VMICIIP POIlls, CtAMSIMi',~ VOL 1=1*1 Mo VP 477-479- M Tr 629 00 ,ejL edpz 40- Oct , , , -i: 1 -- MIN oft dtvj~ V* k1l: -*P'4 0*2"10 It VkSv W006 I"> 4K ~Ivu% 'j*, pkW;l Vm*o nlbf* PIV91-8196 Sewi-cl tar SpLrtwImwtsA in the Corobrospinal MIA Urtme and ftatIcUs of FOWU WTereir4x m b J Bab P arcust I-F 4 pp. igh Y * ruses, 0 S 'K/f;j> Y200 # 1PO-Irs CEV!v Readus Boo 10dol, Vol XCVII, 19nm v9 Wsp ame - --- NU 2- 97' Sti .. *a 0? Mr -C'16 I ll.; ];:Cftct of Ultmvioult Rajo Upor. n of jeastu and NlrAAa,, by .': -~ 11-11tawPilip Ga PhLLipporp 4 vp. 111CF1 S"M ligglA 80(t do molp I ".. ~w I IV 3 f. I ~ ',$ I .4t).3w, mm ;r,1:)1.lfiftTttflLCI - MWAW NOT 54 cm / 9.~,,r 73 Pulumary Chmiges in Malariat by A. Penua do Azevedo, S I)U)*, PI"(W. pur, CU Soc biola Vol 9,.9, 1928, pp 888-890. NI.S/X409 scl/wl NOV 69 3950998 or tba Adrwal During Rigporlsental ArteMml ftlpmrtaftion, by X. OOWs&&tl#h* L. Auct, 0 7 psi am ina, voi a,, i9eq, rp 5m.5c*. lam 9-0 Sol lbd AlUmpilAry SM ArUVL#lLal MU, by L. ?WmAmLap Jk* LOWAP 3 jo- ?MAI aflam a walm"iks VOL com WA 60-14630 40 %I stop lb, 5 3101ftlaml :OmstJ4ptlcw Vitkk NLLk ChauSK bry 00 llooml of Me Md the AMIUM 0t Carbo- bwdmuso bo, Z. n sap it. Im"o 4 pp. I FLUGUS VRWM6 10,41. Mon Vbx ClIg AWW& W U& 081 am 60 VA U4 Aa4tgoitc Properties of the Cb2lagen and Umir NAItIcation UcAer the Action of lWidim 2ftnatimo by J. t Lalmelmop A. agul"m ( ) pro IMMON6 VKW#. a ftwhw#.8*cutq do ?%-778. P P 3&0 on fliju UnMianewitivity of tho !ro"-y s=charowcc~l by A. umm"ai-ma, r. no,,.vcch, 6 pp. 111431"M Cl=lso Riandua luc do Bloll VoIL OV., 341130m. PP IOU-19230 M~, mm 60!141~tlfto - slaow lov 54 C= / !~., So 7 r alafwto 0 um"Ps 0u motmwmmks Come tive N*t- volol 10 ?** VU ~ at IMMIr O*lU by T%% Mo IMP On 00 ovi V %m i~ftvotuws or a v, us fttbiolpenic to Monkey, Proal"It tuh Certain 49real Bulmm of Ow.1, by C. lovadiftp P',. Ravauts P. TAPIIW# R. Schoen-s 3 VP Mr.s. ver, 2gm!M! Som-dw filoc do Blolep Parles, Vol CTI#jXV 729-730ola3l JF xn ScAmutific * 1101047 an I= //9/$( Of ()N LFTHAI. AUTORTE III LMAT ION OF CIUCKEN 1. Lagiange, E. 11111 EGYI9'LAN FOWI- (SLz I , AirKwcl'0i&mkpn hl,,rtelk* des Poul C.M1111v Ila Nine Avlairt d'egyTtv). 11,9611 fiffl.. 00". fl-om $1 10 *rran,N K-t, stvIvitt'l (k. Com 116 it $41 P44011;0 (F rancO 119311 v - IM. K)C15(::FIrI'OlMI: *11114gue, *11ird", E". Virus dow.111wo, Vao':11hets, *Atitfgt*n-ftntiIxxh- reactiono. (Bic,logWal TT. V. 11), no. 6) OMM 0 lodMftd SwOm LAWS406 a. LAMAL. AUr(WrItZIUMATKM CW 11GYMAL FOWL FLAMI 1; An 1111MOM RMOMMM (UAmw 40WOOPONM MOUNIO 4M IA ftWe AVUln dM" on to m, - i oil spidimomoo. rimi st. s reft. 09d" filoft RA $9. 10 Wtan T"ams. iWj:jbWwwj,~wft fto4V~ a do am Plft"mL N - It- 106. 63-14M 1. L.Alprange. R. 7T. T. 10, mo. 6) low of Tech" IW*m !romauca or ritnuAry comtrumams or the con- rAQUIP0 W"Wlt tW "M" at Cryl"Ulzatloup by Ifts IMOMPA# 14 m* #t,v 'Mot M 1$32# =Zff, lax souwouu - WIN 4m Wor ms ..91 .a 4V my 0 0 P M~ 0?// Orb#l,t*iOWz Ot QVQM at TASAW 004taw to Artif imp wl cc '"N solaum or cowpa" PAS~ ) by to"" at wrat"Um- IT* Is"WoXf S Pos VM No& 0 VOL am IMP al M solviNklmo - *MARV f 440?1 0e/ ilchrino Mmsialliomis In Lower Avargao, by ple slo"lliffij -at a1# 019141iat,, per, Cowtom ROWWO 3ocleto do Diologtop plariso lifal so ?w 161 1931, M? 5:11. CSILRO 711191 ApIr 65 278v464 WLID illimplaswsis of the Ilorse (P. caba.111) Hn Southaimot Prm4ev by J* Basset, I., Auger, 111091040, omr, CA Societe do UologieF .3ptes Ronda* voll 011:10 mono Pp EIZU0031,6 CEIVRO 21DIIS :;ai-alllf Apw 66 2768,4S7 Rkiyf. sq-rit,of,) (:if., EXPLORATION OF -MF NON- ,v:".,sgw wri.-riltIM- EAr. W1,11Wc j E\plorat p I'l tic, I'Orthlli- brertift M,v A~-tw.-uqwvy 'I Q61114)p, Lh,,!,cr fo,wl !-LA S,l 11:1 1 - 1601,1 Tvanr,, W k~cjon,: dr) 0!)Ttlpt.oPJ p fou-if lit's l*,!tl(lcvvj (F t ar, T rT. Dli:ACRUPTOAS~ llwl, (LInartrummit i%l) So We Obsurntionm on the Symptme Precented by Youn,-~~ Kmtc; Dogiciemit, in Magmsiums Mo. 'by J. Lavollays 2 pp. 0.- r1mcam 1IND 1wr, 00-mytoo rmdus am #,"blol. Vol CXI 1 19321j. PP 545-547- - vt - S.L.A. Tr No 355/1 sc:L - BIALOXY 44-4~ 57.9d J415 19V am/d= Adiiam of Mmpesi= Salts on Us Wuced Glutathione CoMAwt of Um Oro= or the Ifts, by R. Wolff,, S. mN"kj*fthI 3 PP. Iwo= rwm t - &as m ~9101,, Val cxIp lgro vo nPIC. " 225M SIA Tr OW1955 $4 - OW, - 16-4 '61 / IAI g MIX 57 Tbit Ma-K-Ca Ratio in tlw Dist of the Fel lah - of ]%Vpt, by P. SabluW-Pierml, 3 PP- TWOR var Cnaptee Rendus am Bioll Vol CXI,, 0 Im 0 ipp a O*L*A. Tr 6W).955 soi - oioiqw 3- i0 aA16 Alpr 19V M/dex I qisotmrch 11hthod or Mercury in -the riody (Urinep Fecal ,fitotiers, Otcs)p by V. Ciocaltoo, 3 pp. 1U-SCWSI?IKD Ciote de BigILIC nualm, porj, gComms 12sguo fto - '~ ol C2114 1933,o W-WI-W-2, - Qw 439 !"'A'doWle - *041clao ~~ 76 Oct 193 CTS Myy]] kNI',?JV~ (if CUji'll I A I ORV ( aM t A114; INFI U- I lievIlan., I VW,'F"l OF TRAINie,1111-NIN' ANO Sl'LNAl ANI-NMESIA 11 Mwokaeff. 014 11111' I-jhKi-C,S1lI~)Tll) CIRMLA-IORY Rl 1-1.1-M.'s m, ik-rt. r. (N%~jnsptwv-c ou t ~ilwvnutt rtmwaimfe inn '.' Co des IV. 1111C fnflucncc~ Trauft"lielfto" of Ill., la Rachlonemlicale sur les FINIC'Neft 4-OCulattl4rt-14 SirswarcmidionA). 1114*11 3p. 2ref, AvehiW& ovi Icon Ot.1o" SLA T)rams. oV SWIcte del 0~0 lot der "s polialval. Cofnrmvlo lik"dus Idell, U-mmol" I (France) 1933. V. 112, p 714-7,16 184036- 647irctplxtor~ Perntem. *Injuries. *Aivestfe,mW *"rol6d mn", 4111c.%J pre%oure (1.1minnommotO I 1.41vited. ht.. NiOrWON F.. and OUMT rXPE.MMEWAL, TOW71 T OF JUVANOL POLLUX- t%(*; 1DqEfMON IN MOS AND "113trn (Tim1dr.0, Eaftimentak do RivaiN I V!, It' LA il d'al Uttiawcott"I"O ctm 1* chlem et te pin). [194 149 Onfer (Y= ZA St. 10 rr-63--208" Trot*, Of'SM41"I do] Sbogaoe at do we FUJOleel. cmilptlawl d" seaticemol (Ps Im V. 114. I - Lewrim. K n. moreace. P. M. Ollier TT. w. I L. nco. tZ offl- Vimlewim of XWme Sarcom by Various Methods of Jejjxjm1v1#,J1om,, &W to Particular by IntrecutaDeCus Xviximlal0lois, by A. Besredks andl L. Oross, 4 pp. C. R. do Is Soclete de blobnlep Vol CZ11% 17, 6 May 1,933* pp ILI?# 20. mmictee )4031 ISM, k MAIM VINS!jAviom CCIviviavea C*IIMPDv by J. ftGOOttef L. OJUMm, 6 VP- 1, ~ ~ - '? ~11 Tax CD=p YXIM Pw at JR, fts -ft m Ipp 73A=* IMI 9-31 ftlantma - 2103 ltcw 96 M ~Ojpsssaj~ If,. And t4liew.-flennchert. I% q F11) '1111; FIVIIN OF IIABIPTAL AN MOVIlill-711TS01-- IIIE I'lEAD(O)ontribulion k rGil1lc,W-% liviviscitimils Angul'airc% 114bituels de In Ok'del' W(lin %A $1. IIX 61-1469ti lyanc. of -lAx-jkec6 del rwil(cvgic et do sea Pihalt!~). (FrAnce) 1933. v. IL R ofilillf. DESWRIM"ORS: N&ocm, Ollmd, 'Eye, IMMy. qabkL,- vAlikol, N~Slaplllhg- jbtaxA. rol. (:R)Udaukg Larp Qmauti" or Leucoqrus @a& Igood Platelaft# b7 J. Buw=oko 3 PP-. VMM6 pwo At v a umvp IVA fio%&Q627 fkd am Vol mb W, 11i. ~1:1-%IuvtAi mi o,. li.-litr btudy of 17t4) j%:larozl;, u--- th,n Pcnc:r*ztic Ducte im by J. pp, FMOIS Navy Tr 3634i"S $28 I. Mill 4 lud AgressiNfelless and Oviposition Con-pared in the Yellow F~vva-r Hasquito tinder Experimental Conditions, by M. Mithis, 4 pp. PRON01, per, Comptes Rendus dcs Seances de la Societe 'je lifOR-0-gle,- va,I"MA -1934, pp 1624-1626. Nlil 1-23-611 S-C-1 - Ii-iol F, tied Ap i b4 XMC~W ar OmWomads a the Itz kyl Slari" aad Sair rommut Compowds an W1*1 Is., by E. OOIAlop 6 psi. MM volts, plual WA 64Wa3L WL UK# 1110 5 HerMano. Htettell. jourdam. P., and Vial, J. OLVOICTION IrIt 141COME OP 'niE VASOM(.rrOll UP"g."T'I OF T1119 SPtANOJMC MIPYE IN TIC OM 11im-11 IV Qvdw Irtwu W-11 "a. W K-"-2577-d Truw IIL Ol lAwft: NAAN 911111"1 cq I g" 3"ImIrraeftylvJ3. W. [is. i 77-64-17369 I fiermano. H 11 jcurdon. F. tfl. Viol. J. TV - K-tf-2977-d i V. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Aswxtstes, Detroft. Mich OftakocoO SrAomoo-thommealW. TT, v. 12, me. 1) ....... .......... -- ., - - - - trjxUoMm in of wd AlItaline Reser" DmIn 101 04COlim 4- Guanldlht or by Water Either A] or, T With Powsrior Pituitary Extract, t314 L. W J'. Ledrut. I J1 CH or Cow Rendit do la Societe de M wdrust '40 rig I T pp 12;1,2-1214. ~k '113 910-~Mjd & umd Oilk 44 voso 00*FitmmsNT ONLY 267,393 The, "Yotilated" BMin and the SVuioloWy ol' bjr F. tLIVEWriF 5 pp and s? Atch. InUNKII, IMr, CoWtes Readus Soc de Biolp Vol. ' WVI .10-20-61 ,91,1. - Snip /71t.0 .3s-o jiml G,i! tb(h M l4iCtiVity r,f -11 Goral*-'rmll Cortex, by F. ilrmv-,r, pni-, Ckimptes Remdun Scc 3 da Biol, pp tim 10-21.61 03,ood illras mn4l Trw Equine KM)Iasmosis (Hrojolmom cabolli),, by Po Itwsi, IFUNCAO, per* Caq)HIS Ron4us liesloto die Ulolo_-Ie# Pikris# ftl taut Limp pp 84if-MI, C13 I W) TOW sci-atill Alpt 65 2180472 Ho 41v 4P.. Vol =CE e3A fr 0*6 L401 - walcum j~( llbT 57 %0 Iolo. Ti.,IP69-1 R-Web-D 20 Oct 67 stop Am YiNtam done I*,, libulawtUte Argantine des Ira SIMOU"Or rkvmi Ompto red. Soo. Kca. In,t *9A3L 3 PP 1936 ftvm,b, - vot for, Vass PU*Ioi tMla&te &VA " I "M R rwdY 000- jacaMot too be mt. Nolks Omer as ~* attached. T-%9'4 4k)W- igpift A. Oo~~ D amd delat L"a., by IWIo Jew Jaa=mrat., 10mrl. R. Mayer, 2 pp. I 100=014, Vol. U7,p 7p I=# iffu 6o-io83o 041 /630 41him 60 vol. xxs4 no 6 4t~ei~6 o-& Voixio" Orpm Axtracto tVpua Hoawsarwcuu LLWA Oaltoxes oX lobarr-U DwiUlp by 7. Arlolng,, L.. Tbolmnotp J. VljallJ r# 3 pp. D. t limao, Para ~qmt W am., Riall Val ma4. 1937, pp 164,# 1654 CA Tr 2498 a" - "AL.C.-lins j-'-V wv $7 , T-5-1 CW100MM118 the Antism 09 Endatoxin of Sarcillus pytioramews 0 by & saivin, PWONCHM POTO COMPA. -*440 Sec. Biol,mmo 12s, 0317. jv~ 273.=-O- 'DJUM-MML *a S,01,41 A III JUI 69 360065S Intrao,cib rot 1,41. Injection of AcetyrIcholine In Pi Nan., ty A. jp4ttrap A. tanart, 3 pp flaciit 1937,. DIP 5MA2 fie D1.01OZir, Vol O"A7, Yo 191, RM /404--,t~ scic-'It.1-ric -Mvaw~zr gar 54, CM/= HIPP t1l Sav:11i %so-Agglatin Titer Ubder the Influence of Nam-411poolfic Iftmologle StImA (Combined Triple Vaccj:Mtjj, J~.ji 11-allgairies, EF 9nd Cbristiaens, L., 5 P. VAM-1j, per,j Ocmjit Read Soa., Biol,,,,Vol L?6, 1937,, pp SIA Tr 3158 sci Jun Comphrative Pharmaculogy in Vitro of the Deferent Canals and the Seminal Vesicles of Noram and Castrated Ratup by Thales Martins, Jose-R. Valle, 5PP. kMU,',*Hp parp Societe de Biologie et de see )PIIY~Jes. C2U~Ee Readum dots Seances, Vol 127, 193TP Pp 1301-1352. 321,725 Sai - B & X mar 67 Contx*,Ctility and Pharmacological Reactions of tbo ]Deferent Comas and the Seminal Vesiclas from Hato Which are Normo.3 s, Castrated, ad T~-"ted by Sez Hotmoneop After Preser- vation at loov 2%wTerature.. by Thales Martins, Mani" Porto, 50, PFOOMp per, Swmiete de Diologie et de sea Jrula&es. Cocwtos Renfts don BeancesVol 127, 1937j, VP 1309-1392. 321J24 Sci - a M Mar 67 O*ciUW#pbIc DesonaLratbm of the Synergy of t1be fta Cortical Mbstlaitory Oenterss left mod 14*t.- to Me flabbIt, by Giuseppe *rulttl, pp. n=t*s, per, Biala -37'. ==j. 1S)382 pp 32 9A .30o 3 3 TT-64-10314 L*ko& 10- .f V"A op M L Leblond. C. ACTOR 00, Tmm Im 7w 1 StPL a AM"L V11"ON mvmwmlz (At" 6" skir w 7%joww do riminal mm bunvoole ji =14p";j 4 9 4 a Tr-"-10914 br,jor frimm 41-A 11, 10 kOO [it 60 Mot pul"~ Tom fir Soubm -so VA low tv. 101 omms j1dwoo, odmia"4 P, Ar 1606 ssui*4 DOCOMS& Twoop 4od *m$iwmbl6 n*ymw SOA4 Adivad $1006 SIDIWOkd ""WaL ok&guw gcbmwN-4u*~. W. T. it. I.xiltiri-lormnl PrOdIlCtion, oll Cancernu% Changcols in 11,14ibryohal Tissues, I,taincd in Sca Prchin Larvae, by S. Tchakhatine, 4 pp. 1-1101411, per, Coriptcs Rendus de la SocActe de Molorie, No 127, 193F,, pp 11115-1197. N11i 11-11-63 Sci - Biol & Mied I-us.b (" t iffOr-t- a IMiSTMAULDt &Ci+.*tlOll" Vf' Rhrtkolp.by 9.,. Pi 131 m n p 5 IPP - PHLIMO pw comp4m spubw an NAIIP Vol CMLVLI, 19300 lip M-owo du 6314r ATM F-WI.93ah/v sat - lkk*l oat 0 , 6 S-f' 741 propkxylaxis of BenzoArrene: Cancer., Ar-ti-on of Strong Domes of Vitealml Blp NicotJn^-ide., or w, Mwelimn7lating BysUmp by J. HELialm, T. Vt)urbe-Ixp J. Carmexuant 5PP. FMOICIIJ, per, Societe de BJ.01 e et de-ses Misles. compites suduis des Seances., Vol 132, 19 PP 87-90- 321.,722 B&H Nhr 67 =ootr ar *uVx.-1 orwan Xxtract-a oa- tha aarm"naturA a rl"614; ztzftt at "Iml orpla admats ca the Gimmth iot ao=da&*A nmtoj Meat of Or&= 20069M IMPMMAW Ot 00 Plbdftx7 MCUI*t Ou movoi, 1= at N*mou ins mew ma alsawok *waft 4ft tbm anoft"Ift NVA sm at nAm"s. bar a. uwudt & amp"lls 10 pp. PM-0 ftidem Ahm, -- k at fm "m momwo 1!11ill ilmoll-FAMIsm- MOW* WA "a064 VOL 3236 lb Mod,U11catimm on tha, level of the ouprarenal capitimles during the raurtlon of a's in the ra'b4J;t,, tilt 0. Masson# VMtU, Imir, courpt row scic Wt. 103, no 8M-9, TI r 10-jn4m Aug !19 1e .3,6 1110t4mbodiciAl DetAwtion Of Pentose Owleic Aoids, 1').y J. jursthbl"t h pp. IrAWIVIj, POX"t 990&1 lq*RM. jM SOL NO 133j, 1940., ll~l 08.6,90. wn Etiallmifto - siolo1w & 5 f (I arsAm 1-1111 -7, Rcrm'~11.0 ",cc YOVISIdIlIxAlt W SUMM Uld Fzw So= Orgmia EUTW D91:11ttiv" bW AspuStlaus NIpr, by Twolmol awflvwwo 4 Wo WMIC"'t Per QgLm ft r1mmshami- --w pp N, au, 60406kh Sol Ta =p jib Futtliogear,aity of Anthrax Sporeis in White ImIce, b3l 11'. Valm, B. %Uoaq, 2 pps Mflil'.Tj, perj, CAMtes Rq!, go de la Societe de icgf Blologlep vo'l uzbrm-, V 0 pp 1 52-1353. US ArmW Biological Lab Tr 540 Oalt 62, 1b,I)erimemtal Pulmonary AntJXhniLx in MIce 'Ihrough Inte-stinal, Entry,, by R. Velu,, 'P. Soulie, 2 pp. FItH14CH, xwr.. -QpWqJILJkpdW--ft-U-a2Siete de Blol.ogiet, Vol CXXX . 1941.. im 1354.. 1355- US Army Biological Limb Tr 541 st'.1 ciat 6?