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Tho Umblas of Long-401AW F14ms of C]ranogen-a:Lr Xj.ztvrool, tW Hami -Taxwei, P"I ]Affitte, 6 pp. ftu tModatIft. twics, pro ggm&. 112LP Vol (MMVIP 19539 pp 103640U. AV S.L.A. SaitatIbic - Obndstry Jul 55 Erm'4'.1 Nw-claur Forticlea an tbe Mi--ir-Itic;i ct, Cooverglag RapIdl:f,, by P. jouc,~Ii Coqjpt^s-4Wmduvt V*1 CCXXXIII: 16 AM Tr 1692, Phystas Xr,efurdZeut of the Electric Cooductivity at iov Tes"rIAMrWil of Seymml Speclams of Aluminvu of Eflqh F%W.1tyj, ty ff. C*ram., 6 pp. rmxz, vo:r,, 2g"21 ftyfts~ VOL mums N* 11, 16 Ahr IVA,, Pp 1169--n71-. SLA 57-987 70"44 - Sal - Wn/W104 %$ ;,I , _-;~ x rp,~s !111 Ou Lht;~ U'reckpital4-4on all Nickel Rydroxidra by )IM:0,uribili of Sodium Blydroxide and Sodium Carbonate., IJY Oft"is, DOAWP 3 IV, )PRIWOMI, per., Afte"fHev Irol C=c"Is )Illk,lr 19V6 VP 1275-IZM- S -L.A. Sclautigle - CbamLatry CTS 641jan 55 corrtimly rv,c(luq dem scaocro dz loj~cadf.-Mie 4& - .) Cto:rlstry Ilow 53 CTS Anda,yaLu of a Mixtam of AcLda In organic Wdium, by A. Kirlm9ann, N. Daime-Duboisp 5 pp. MISLIMP Plktj 2MUst, Bsn&w VDI CCMV , 1953., iv 13G1-1363. - - ==:u OtA Ir 57-L292 Sol -4 c2lemdurtry hs-~? / lpe$ $8 .1 Ac:hoft. Vol MXXV1, "?o 13, VIP NIH C~-njllm ft nabo"m at up"Nom in Wo I tv too *I - Sba old Clo- lbot Js A. Smo. 'VU 0% 1036 4. "W-0 29". 390j,230 i MWRMRNW Wo Wbw MWUWU NMdft It ft"Ibto to DoUndjw *M XWWx iwA %a 941dowo" at a rsvmpwmt Thin Mad 6" folp & w4" gl*'WW41=3~ WA 99479k5 /orf- xlo;g~, V4 0.0 ft Ix A bbiml~ gyot*.%~ter Stt4y odr Im MWssim frm tbo AU&Ijam 83111cat"s by J, Bomasiorp 0. coulmots 4 pp. PU It per OmWtvw b"Wj, Vol OC3=V j, 3953, 9p lomf-lhgf~ AN =L-Imm-OUL) a" vi, 19 am (a /,..9 ;7 Y-sZ.2, "cZG:J' Lao. tai nl4lictiv-do'll ae the $are Merz~a DrDuctt to DIJ'Prm,:Ii~ 4 p., mimp piwil .0omptas -Rou&w Mol do Scis 1953j, vat =cols iR* iAj. pp 1538-1510, GLA 59 -17A5 sal Iwo (to Val M,p No W L IMIssiam and AbaorpUon Spectra of xampium (63) ox4 Tarbl= (65)j, by ftul 940tellariOls.- 4 pp. I?MKIHj. Vibrp OaVtAm rAndow, Val CCXXXVI, 1953,, PP 3,547 " , -, - , , , - , AM TrAIW Sol - ?" 10 Nor &0 Li's -b jk~ / 1,3 /, -V /-Z A& IL41W Obift of %be PwodmwW FA&AtLng Frcm Ww Omimftl NhOMUM of firbm-MUte aud Imyliollikoo I* **at "rums a4"$ po"Ot I P. nM%X,t IlMW4k.-Q - andwr MP330 Tax cc= f nof 3A, pill 00 SIA 60-='ri -1 9M. //a?, / *2 s Aw 60 7 VOL W, 116 3 62- 1 U004 oupir, Georgia CROUVINMA110H OF A CYCLIC KETONE, 714E 1. 'nutle: Crotonization CYCIM111EXANUMIL BY MEAM. OF THR M- I . Durr, Q EXC311CH6-EK. L4 ply SS. * Ott", ll%:Rn SUI 151. 1.0 62- lows rrom.. ur [Ac~sdlrmlv &," Sclences, Pmrlv~ Coopeft RoWum(Pratwel M3. T. 236. p. 1571 (pub. by CALK1110-villsit-14 at CL4.-. 11artay. 13M.".11APIM11: MenowK. 40.4,0ohma"es. 6100 e%CtUM#W. *i14M-.j*hkftyd*M. EXONS" rOSMIMS. $dful-fititin. QviletuatkNI reactiona. 11". v. 7. so. :Guxtikca Zenslon of Liquid Iron-Carbon Alloyo, by P', KomtkovichO S. Chatel,, H. 5age. r=Cll,, per,, 0 Roodug* Vol CCO=V I 27 AW 19531, PP _206%ZM_-" lkmtcber Tran 3578 $2.60 sci - x1merals/meteas womi of an Anom*m for Us Detailed Oftcos of Om"ift Tmkm cdl aU Dousitt"s = %W U" Vim 91*04fts, 4 P. 31=010, wo *,-A"4*6 Sol# M3# . lov" va odbfto. it -036$ KA "*A a" AM 60 //,; if 0~ Vol utp so a 7 C(saivermitlia of L-Aeparltle Acid to L-Threonint by Xmas of I-Samoverims, in lachericb1a Coli, by Marte-lauise Strilcb,, (loargen N, Cobeat 4 pp. rXIS.3911, C tom-reafts deii Seencos do I'Academle 44118, SCII014cle 01 or *661 '-ddYMMv Ij 'Na 1953a pp 2338-9140. m 84OL-eatifte - Cbentatry 20V '53 CTO 7&4?6~ c:r illitictriml condutrtivitr %r #f ,f*o;; or fip T"rreat Contact l3atreen Tvt ):dtimrb!Lc4),. NtaUp by N100189, n.Lfbnt*ffp 4 p. F"FuRIMULI., pars, Camw Arful do Sol, 1953,, Vol, C=Ktrls no 260 Vp M2-2485. SIA 5947914 Sol VOU 60 WIL 2r TICI 1.0 x ;It:,, Jr~ri-alre Ulm, Prenrot!", Vol 1953, PP Illicrograpble Upoets of PolMnizatiOn in oklmalm,, bor Marml L, lUglanderv Pierre A. Aloqwft C-CY, klA Vl' jL Rsidwjp Voloanmit #10=11a port OaMpU 19536 pp 26t-264. All) Tr 2338 Jim 9 7.2 I'lactn"Wal betvcen Mtta-lll-, in th Slulitled Gael. by G. FLi'o:Lvtdr 4 VD. PRICIPOp Imrs Ocarten Ren&mt., Val CCXXEVUp 2953p P 306. - BIA 57-290 7/10 S9 ftilmmattla =4 hirm cc IseldeandwUn-B AnimmUMej, W P" 0401311mv 4 MW12# AWL fim &ds 1953t VcQ, OMMMI., 310 l4o, VP 3UO-w" 9" 5941W.1 1W Af fa v &/ I* So fat go ft %a DROUsiolb Lin Hotel* gem Isparksation Studies, by IP. Miobal j, b VIAOM9 g*r, gngtop jMrAft Tol 2371, 19S3, pip 3132-Me *Nmt ftr Stamd TT 7047146 UW%totimlm Jul to Pilke Structure of the Rotational Lines of Ammonia from J11=14 to J"wlS, by ArmanO Hadni. PAINCI-1, per. Cost-too Randus. Vol 237, 111P 2927 IM. nelpt of Navy Aii/J1111 T-22SI - iel- J/01 May 6i) 380.94S Pl"i"ul Cbmistry -- Stkidy of the Dielectris bigavior of Cyclahempol Delanwn -49P avA 42 c It jnpjm~ loaro SmMUL.M.Wei, Val CCX)DrM. 1953, p,v 564 -W AW Tr 2942 S-/ t-16(famalva olp~ the Paramtiom of Hitroufa Acid Fron 3111W,lo Amid and Wtbg Nitrogm Dioxide, by IF. tang, 1. ftetWIMM'. J. Wntsigme PRIMMO PWI ca"A" Iral 0OXMIll, 19530 AND Tr '.I#tM SaImtMa - CbmWUebry V6 lpal.-O 56 as/&m Rmttltemialcat of Co3deUA Durt0ti. In MLtwv txy tWoocilmitiou of tba, WUd ftbtilt OryctolACJB swo, culvtoulum (L) od the Ttdt Syslaiiiiia ftempatol a-L-X-# by a. RIM 11 J. Irwissm, 5 im. "NINE,* Ilk pwv cool, PAWL tms soij, VOL,. o==0 ilo~"-M' 1953t PV' $W-50k. IFIN 71 q9a7- c(,ibeitimine a Bev Variety of Urtalum RrAxMg HYdride.,, by Roger Caillmt,, Henri Cortcu# ftrre Porto., FIMSCIII, TM Compt. Remd-v Val QCXXXW to 1953, ipp 812-813 AM:-tr-1813 ScimIlIfic - cbeftistry // 1:, 1," U rliLn I= Sa I f id e , US~*L, * I HIP - :.::ii -XXMI, . I jpmx~o CoMpte Rand.,, Vol CC ,o!!,-,HIo,p the Pr*WibiUiw DieWbution edr Vw ftrw4ft 4f lk Tomh pl"t od am laamme at O&u Mmombamij, IMMORs o IL"3v VOL no WA 610-UGA9 Sol. Awl 60 o/ MA m 0, so 3 " Obglawvation 01, FolisorLuation in I.jUrr I)Iffraction, by Adrlonn* R. Vein, Pion," A. Jacost w FMM" Pow, Mm ~1002 0 2 AIC Tr 2339 Jaa 56 7,-2 ~7 jamot"141161MOU7 . CA 00 Do"Immut of a Nmlr-Oww AN"Wh"a Vila courtmat Imcbms AN=$ lw MW2,*-PWA3X MM"MUP nWONV'%e 4011"Do s W- rmpina'Trs V44 vemmms m3p "I I , U AM to 3P9 641A - ebims Z-;/O, / 6/ Ir Nw, ss~ Elftfiwt ul.7 Noise ft-oduced 'b,7 a Tubc in !:,iuillmlA:ireij, by Atiguatin BlaqOxe., 3 PP. irNr.LASSI.L-pm do .1,21cliag 2 d*a vaae_wwm val XZMrMv %to 23P ill Tlcw IMP vv l3lb-1315. N&VY W 1019/MRL 479 OY c--IW-es Plendusp VOIL Aug 51' Cang.rLINWOU to the StMIdIY OE DlXft*LGn iu SlOctro- depooitoll mistalso by J. Ro"no nAlKa. 11wro gomtft -am"" k4 Sci Vol 237, 19530 pp 1.604-169-4+- - *MWt War Stood IT ?O-3n36 $4i4tys 1"1 70 A Smot Tbowlrjr cc Ilia Relattomhip Botveen Chemical Striwo4mv va Siologiesa Aotivily, by Didier pp. M10tv Iworp vol ca=vu, 195a1! pp 11*2qw Jan 55 c2s/M Iflur.r.mett iwlsotmw of Mroilmgmtic t-:t~zG,,ABcGA, 13Y 3,10111tra rultoll, I$ ". gr..IM=o par Sudusi. IrOl CCM=Ut 110 14- 1~?~3, vo VUiVIO. IUA 59-15521 59 Vol' 2s, Ilb 3 ( 111DO 211,?,'112') PsyiRwVlkOjwlolaW - Cantributlovi to the study of the UtAilotlan of Wn, a SlactrcKwtical coaditun ok RSOOMM,m 4018 of VIS DyMido MrSotype and of thil CYcagi4mvaulty In tio Owwals of Neuroses, bjr 1. A. in ftpw# c- POPDTV 5 NO nmxt IdIL C ft- , ires des V"* bow* 9474011911011" Vol ccmmvnp SO RM % I 0 Ow M40 I* IRIM--19A. USIA Sel - NwdleAlneo phniology'r butiar nervous system 1611011111,8,1k. P.. Vitfirlatits. Z, and I.Alpreup. 0.1 62-14047 ACTION CIP CATION EXCHAPMRS ON TIM CON, I Ma a&". P. BeNsxiirw w iNEINZALINHYDE 9iTni VARIOUS Zaftrlaite. 7. CYCl.A*jji'KAN1.)%5.. 11"I I 1p. It, LAgranp. 0. Otdt;r I -. ~141' ', J. 1~ 1. 1 ~.- 62-14411 TrOns, of JMA411ilo deo, kiences, ParislACAMP-.0 110TWNP jil-4gewe0i L914, v. 2311, p. 213. (pub. by -[I Cle., Parts) omit-wrons: 411knualfthydes, Aldehydes, *Cyclo- hexxwsjl~,, CAmit"ostiom mctjogj4. *Ion exchange, CANslytitto. CAIddj,no. Chowcal in"lone, Alcohols, Catloo evidianjorn tvare deamstrated to bit estalysitc in the ilotrustitxt of tUbenz)rIl6rvw cyclaheastiones slartiog lirmn * nitimure of beurAldehrde and monve q4lohiplig Holm. 4chmistil-Ott"linic, '177'. V. 7, ow'. 0 polctrtsiVaphic DeterudmtIon of Sulphur in Gr~anlc ecmpmmd,a 4 by A. TrIftnoff , Frmlr.lx,, pmt', Vol V11, pp 1-41 1954. ASTZB-M sal - Chem Aug SIB 7d, Ak?.9 Ttw blelt4arrullaut of Wxamly S=LL Cbanges in the e Betvaeu Wo IA&bt Vibratiom Path JD. fferilme .9 b37 I - L lbmrsh!IwLnp UM FPJ=p per.1,0ampUs R*zAusl Vol XVIIIV# So 4,9 1954# pp 05468 " DwMio/cT Sal -W I%ys F*b $9 5 r/,/ 4 -*7 StaiLy of tkka Aydmtlou of Prot4dw by ikgmgnwlxwtry,, b7 Dkxval C3Aommt,, Robert Ladialss. n2004 sort 00M5"8 smadual, lFol ko, igit, Oft ft-&-71437 SW 66 309P757 fj"tfu*,-Ullft Ot K-42v Rb-tl6 ODd 49-110, Into NaCt Cvlr*tst*- bY N- Cbmla. 3 pp. V210111CIllp- POW,, CEM!M-FANOW A ~md ScL Vol 238, %9$3o p1p 82-94. *Nills TT 70-57589 slai-cbma Zal 70 A.-I '.%'-IMLY I'Mudy of the Tmnsition ArAWdrides Al%mLrXko by Robert Tertlang Doinle Papofes Jacqutis Cherrieri, 3 PP- V'REval por, c Aus at& an igel.0cat -ANAIU I a ikarls" Vol, ~~*RVO rp 1954sa pp go, 99. sLa 6o-iol8o, MS, Voil IU, no 6 50P 6 1) '0/ gtlip i, 41.A-tr-71-62) SHIGH PRMURES: CERTAIN HE- stil'is'OF ~'Jllt COMPRRSSION OP WATER IN A SHOCK WAVE. qDAjxftny. J41all: Kloffer, Joan; Vodar, Boris U&Tranalated for Lom Alamooftleatific Lab., N, Max,, from lj~ ~mpt. "~; 238: 1,19p, 113up. NTIS. UpIlywca 2120 2*hlN6-,U gjP NSA 9 LA-tv-11. -4 S' Uncl. AN ELLIPTICAL VIBR,xTION ANA- LYZE.R. FOR A CIRCULAR WAVE G(JIl)F iN ,riw 3-cm DAIND. Raoull, Chistuti~ Ad&rcuci, Alma Translated for Los Alamos $~ienftfic LLII., N. Me%, from Compt. Rend.; 23,5: 218-20(1954). 4det,trinics amd electrical engineering transIsitions ND-34i 11 [CC Scud ~J, lot tho Hydration of Proteins by Thermogravimerry, tpoilnt. Duv*l, tAdhilas Rolwrt. I per, C6mpte Rendus, Academle des Sciences, Vol C'A'XXVIH~ 1954, pp 232-2114. 9694893 DUCI: ASIC-260 sch -~i Chem Oct 263,323 . i ..j . urikmlt-cKUcn ;~4jQv-;tJ3=tun---j ilua to . cidwillical Ib. fun,"Liuat iyy laws ~4ml. i`kA;IK:Zf* kler# Wit*.& I 9!~ZA Vol 238, .1954, lv,l 305-309, *Ahxt, =110, SOL/ ii.ixilism azUr IUCIL Gli cdacitim m-,~:ujtmtm, ijy mame-1 -~ i,-:1 FPMP(.'M,, ror, C tea Ilona-aa.. Vol C=1.VlT-I, 15~4, pw. '' - . - PP TA-360~, d - .2 ABC Tr-W sci .. Cheth Apr (;P 14pgr Vermiculite Vrom 11aaminka. Posic and Northern Finland, by A. Valborth. dug FRENCH, per# coutes ROE., Sec 1210 Pt 3, Fascicule 15, 19S4, pp 367-373. *NTIS Tr 73-53019 Jan 73 pow"CatmMumo mid CardlMa"UkAr &To*% or IM drm In AnissUo tw 16 *001 at &1** 3 VP- S= $0r 0 VOL c=MvMv I - - 'A -*- - - ab ~ :L~, v a.L.&o Tr iwjAg% oosowsl* a Is" - 3 1, 4? 13 00 Ulm Jbil"tic BusceptibUity ()r Swe Carbon SlacRel tr As NbrcbkW, 15 pp. YMOOIE,4 1WHIr'O cvmltes Uup To]. C=Mvms, so 4 j 1 .10 -~ 25410* Iiii *jwv -I%PW--M*Aww ---- SIA Tr 5T-989 Set - MOMIstry %f-Al 02 F-97 a" " Om Um AwlloWam at the mco-vaupt jbtma to the a-Mor 419, the varuum at %be B"twe T"Wtft 4w 4k *Wum at "map 1w M. CA"t"O and Jr. Biro$ g no an 10 0 two Owwk memo Val o=mvmo no '71 PIMIrmplottroadca. v1patemive Zfrect *Pisserpino, a Am lalWadd rrcu famall-1AL florpentim D=tb, 1XIMIMilap, 17 2. Mal4wp at aloo 3 pp. 00*t- ML Aftd., $a... Val om=vm PAIX I 8,"L Tr 10k/19% ft %be ApplIcation of the Zerie-lblting Tech- w,iqm ftr Obtaining a Very Illab Paritleation of AIMMium) by Z. Kmtwlol,, R. Ydahs P. Aww"10 0. maudroap 4 pp, I- I 1 01 p part Camtes ftnduma Vol OCZ 111, No 7,9 ou 5T-W69 7,01 Far.-ill-I F'rlpln" 01~ of Lww by M. Caron, P. Cbart, G- Cb~an&rcn, 6 pp. MMIMJ Imrt ("c" eq RM-Aas Va. lxxmxix, mo 6, 8 Fab 1954P SLA 2529 set - wa/vilit Yeb ~3 of the Polationa 3olLvoen and Vitamin DIp by Claude Calet, R. Jacquot) 5 ii* :1?411'.* cowtoo Rondus r-MA a op c IICM Obewistry Nov 54 cm / f 1 57 SJ loalloomm* ot rb"pboms as the Urkeaftll-ftlgolskas IttIftat LM Coppor-BM" Coopleall br As Accaryo 3 PP9 "nows Pero gmumand" dMI4 -4Ck Vol 2389 o3k, PO 1120-1122. *Imm Tr ~~Psss set-met ji" 1 70 00 04 IM16 Of th$ Akalift Ral(gum Ln the Ditftsion at Cis Luto tba Ca"UtUrm ghwitm of BuIpbur wLtb ziaar by U. ssuaio4irillst. 3 Ipp. Momf loot# gmt" 12aft Agad Sci Vol 238, IOSAI,p pp, 1216m,1218o Mis TV V-SIM SOL-mat J" 70 LNI th., LJolmnsi-an of Dhary Set Corputation to the Collplatatillin of t1strices with Ellments in a Complete kmi-lioun by Jacxpws 111guat. 1114.1.11AW, pear, Co"tes Rendus Pie 238, 1954, vp 2$82-2US. Tr NO $20 June 1969 A IM/A MR1469-0,T76 scl/lIath $01~t 69 389,238 jolaby. liplywdond, Chabirkt. nerro tad otbom ON AftYC I)OWUDII; SM-CARILAMMMOUINEK 1. Delsby. R. 11"l) * $,werc 11. chabrw. P. Oroer f"" SLA U. 10 7va" dir'l.~tedma" Kt**#ljVrlimce) M4. ir. 2liz'"'. A77ptl~~Iv -Vllkre ot 4%6. by Oomebler rfiaclamm". OOWAWN. "*Mo. Ilak-Ity, OrvgiL 1606CO 0046 of Toduka boom" Theor,V Lif C~:11NIQDSWAOM; Equilibrium of Vapors in the ft-etewrip of' Drope , by I. Itocerd 3 pp - YM Vol CCMVIII., PP 1198- IORFJCII,t Ptx-, 4" ( p!M-" 12M P Assoc Tech Serv 6W,,57 Be 1 - OWN Aug 58 Tho Aoftc%koft of Ttc~ W116 04%*p by William rr"diniabo Mobal x1obans 3 Do rMOIJ. r~-A"ftwv 1"60 Vol am=-Mp 3b Is.0 vp, MA 604M" SOL & .2 /0 r ftr 60 .,, 40 VI&, 1311# NO 3 Of p2moflifm B111caj bz CaUDEVIIIS 801,,YOJ- Va4.1416. D*lrWt'Ml bW MOO= Ot tb* le"'W" Of P205 ThSt OoA ~* A"I"Uted I"a the Scd;L and Frcm ww Fortulawirms, IW 0. awbiors U. )Wwaatm 6 Vp. WK pors ftot" 6"" "m BOA 0 Vol =w%X I AVt - .1 .1 t. 0 MA Tr 0937 ft.% - OWPdArklWs blQIW s 1;~ ?/7- gap 57 SOMMO CC OWA4~Y XQUIMA MUM Ima a by R, lbluirs V. prwv*tj, 3 Jr. ?WWI$ pooro 00"t" ?AMU " vbl. O=Mvzn.. 195*.. p xkl'"4.'uaoo *"-,*" p AXO MM-2mo-ML) sell 19 aa a IS -7- 944$oe' .e AMOI~'& OrlentAtion Rulo, )V Max Moussaron, rm*010,18 VintOMItzo OeOlVko RouzLaro 3 Pp. MOM per, ca"o Rowul Bibilocmdat a des I 1111's - -- - ---- - -~ I lp 1,9549 -1166' $.L.A. ?r 4MI19" Ao,6- ire .2- rree CoAne or Tr=syort or 'OOutrMW tu SWVY WILIArr by ileam gf qL IMOW&Ikld Smumej. by Viatcr Rggfwmklgs Jules *w* ocawt Roam VOIL o=wmo 19540 JVJO Tr 2D71 S.4 "g-A-4 C57? Waslow npSas ar " cTs/M ()tj t)M., .'1:Uj'W-ILtIKM 0j, glectrics.'t Dj--ci3srsz,-,ta in it iflocamip by 0- DUI?OUYP h pvt I VM=jg "r# Cgotes ?&c,3duej Ve-6 OCXXXVMP 19"41 -pp MR-2063 - '--' STA 57-2881 '-, 10 L-'W loci ~Uiig $11 171,1 C417 lbtnvlft!Kan at tM Mmi of ChwgM AwtWorla malow *AmlAam bF the ammmmm at VbLass tv 0. mwdb. =!~O= wboo J, v- T" 0 :IMW~a main omm adw rt" A" 61t 12-49" ~Illzf On tbiv Structw* of the Oxidation Laterface of tron, bUr R. ftffevlon,, R. 0611ougums. Immult --- A- 3WI , 0 Vol cmmmxro Ab 29, Wraken IILU Prop Co Ltd act - at4*t /91., 70 46 Alm, 6e. Microanoll,hic, rmimctuxe ckf stool ana. itrarvzca &brift1mmvit, by PRiA ftation., Picirre ATA10t., 3 rp, FRWMI~ per., A961MU -des OcircRes _ Camvtrt- Bondi, , Vol Oax=rrs go, 21, 195itp IV -2239. MA 6o.-io,,M Sal Jun 60 Om tbe Utension of Binary Set Caiputation to the Campmution of Matrices with E-lowents In a Complete F461fttk AIR-Obve, by Jacques Rigueto PRM1,111, psr, Camptes Readust No 2SOO 19540, PP 2UZ-231SL TV No $2o JIM" 1969 A19/AP1 IP40 276 NLL MX.". IvSL~,*A (15L) SCLAwth S"t 4191 3888382 w tbwi cooditims of praa)uiawrl or YA- c 11 Vacuum aml IL Yiwctiou of tbe Rlectricr-1 SUPPlY, I.r., a,. top"n 3 vp. wbmr,, Lper, Coxpteo lbwMlog Vol CCXXVnl,, 1954, pip 2h4)M.,-3. 131A 57-aWO fti Avg A fi**MdAM~ or X*wlty rcm ftorwkl Mratrms WMch Cna Joe IM"rodw" Xasl4w by Ratio Coben, Holmid ISVICUUMAs 2 pp. Imm'I fort Oowt" Mudge# Val amumllp 19"t vp 9k23#. O&A-w- no Tr 3305 lkl - PWO ww 56 46 1! ri vca ,S.L,A. Tr 912/1956 Tgwr , ftsioo-Chmical CMwaster of ,Izm (*Adnittridais, IV Roymmd ZrWL3Ao'Abdft IdaWo 2 1P., YM=o pwip oospW Mw&w AMd 60 ftlp 19%,o TOIL =A GO-I&M 64 Akpr 40 //.2 Vott In," om 10a AntiviV of wric IWO ll&tained In the gb&Xl, by G. SU%icrv j. Cbsbommet 5 pp- OxWtt riwdj, VOI ()C"=j, jai 1954f pp %-%40 Tr No 57-99 CbOodAvtv7 ,rbe SA:tbsUt*tlcm of Almium Plor gocmaiam in tbo Grlatwr4 Alownlomp by Chwl" PiNriwt., tarcal f3dualolara. 3 PPO MOCISS, I;Klw.* c4owtes !!!!!!!js ~01 0=0=0 1954a V, aft. S-L-A- DO 380/1996 ScUtruriAl - tab 314, a Ir/ AirtiabdUmaitteramm - I - ByDtbeeLs of DlpbmNo4* allsnew witih Ovw t* Two Fro* Pbenolle Grotgo., by A. PUMM-61 PTOMS pa,l) Campta* Rmiums, Val OM=IKI, Vp 325~- 35:L,t is Safi W Obam Avg 56 7W, Mkitom t of an sext"m of sho Now. ow" Dul"==v ty B. lig"W. 0100=0 60wp #Adm&Amm4Ab a" am ur%mamool '"of . "we UM.vwslltr ot Malbounw ins** no 96 soll Imoor do '9.2 tq ;~e C4mrowolap,, Flbromtoun Vir-to of Mope in 1604stont, Tumms Cwmed by That Viriw. Stulk,11 With Us Moctam gicro=apop by V. l1witenmr4o J. Itarelo C, Oberliagi, 4 pp. M01:010 ImIrp egaiga ?WAW Amd, 4" Below"* 7�P Vol 00=13%0 No 120 2D Dep 19540 M CTS 1110/jul. $5 rr-64-10&W MobometletIL. AMCwt. Ndlk-M jacqms. and Teoxner. lk"54w. ~ L Bobwaleck A. Fuarcmomm m1bur MCKEL ALLOYS %vrm ma IL mulem 1. .SEI~~=A$IT FAMBIWIll JIM) 6p Braft UL Temer. S. Or&r twun MA $9. 10 TT-464-IDOD TV. TWc Abow... (pu& by Cmidaw-11 to at cle.. ftrit). TT. V. 12. am 1) KmIcal CtrueUare amd Ebytocidol Activity of Organic ids or Darlmwtivem CoutuLnjag at Least one Electro- gmtkvw Ommp In wi Aliphatio Chair Tem4matira at the Id Fulkeitions Vy P, Poignant# 5 PP. OCR, Imr Ccaptes Rendusp Vol CCXYXIX, h Oct 1954, eae6eok. MA sdi7-1308 i - Chillaintitty ,~ ./- - ~a x 58 :~ / Ch&*I"Irjj I.Av.,10. 9(5h,DN vrANIDII, [1%31 21~. Unull Nowl !a.A $1, 10 63-13178 Tsum. -od jAmdktrile des Stience*, ftriml Pfudil MIN" 11164. V. W. 1 M- 1 gm -VIMAI-8 01 IV tMNI U. racist MCKI)ITUR& "*IIrjftom*Qundk *Cjuakk*, StIver CKWIIrV.UnIoj Cl&rfilep. Cbemicalpropert*p. *Cb-d- got smillsho A rvW, ri df the oultAmdm d a **wMk 4t K:N *W& w&.8 Ikorliml by IXI:J~ I IlIng to cdomW w0 AgM owr a perf4d oil 40 ywmx%. (Ommlotry-ftorlolhic. M v. Ilk m t:Q bl" CIUIIIL)AtIVV NgTocts of Thiermonuclear Nzy1coloas ow tbmi l0qu-ftov 'at tbe rhithp' bgr Charlei-Spel Martin, alp.' Inklmlo jar$ compt penomo Val ccmo=, 19%p Imp, AN: Tr 19E6 ---l Now" ftolce Jan 55 M/M .' 3?Pfl 'f.4 On the Poro*ity Observed in. the Kirkendall Effect, by J. IkUn. ygsmjl Perm C I a - Imad. %, Vol 239j, 1954., PP 1293-1295. *RmIlms Tr 11-55216 Ayailable MUS 007 JU4 71 34mle ProperUme of ct-Etbylmli: oW ote-Acet7lenic CompaAndst by Iftreel Gau&mmw, 2 pp. Mam 31"ro CON&M *A-4-ma via CCIM=s 954# 9 13030 - 11-L.A. No U6/1956 ft:bumlru - Cbealmrtry 34~ 3-11 Rr~Eetlxch on the lialatimohip B--Iveen the Ch,---mtcftl Strauturo alml Phyrnidal Activity of Varlouo Ealts, by P- Poltipmat, 5 pp- MWIlt, %ir) CoWtan rftuft~L Vol. CCXXXIX,. 1954, pp 1,108-lai'lo. , , MA 57-2-307 Sicl - Chenhistry . -7 , !W) %.ri7 / M, v * Calmuduatirn of Swiplas in tlw Llactrun- Proba ?ticvomalV=r,, br 66 Castaing, Jo mistampu Plaillul, Mr. cowt Rend Vol CCOXVII10 nuo pp, Lsft-um NJU;IA TT M758 to* So coovexanest Ube Obly 'k4m 1410a 66 2197,399 Arv ard 1~-54 1,mitminitions or tl,,* Kci-mJ of Carilltildes (~aralvus) da I a fte r 1_1 liol-'Ista0em, DOCIS M. Ateral ' orgar. a or (.~!01n1;rlcPtlOr-O de Is gotade (10 C O'NOxistadi Diazivo4e). sprig atlatlon Ilativale :*Anco's -le 1"AcAdw-'Ie doe Parla, &L.,: V~ 1953. In :7neric . 11 rt rm I -.00'aAsk . for ?%, l" ; 'C'10 Ical -tnt, or,, .5t. 4114111 Tm,vl. 5;!ries '.o. 1 t Pedillf1pt. Oti,p,mbi Arhc44 Vie Mwitt. of Sultur an the Vw:Mning of Steels, RatpaciaL4 on the C4Ung ftoewl and Tool Wears by UA%ltlwbft ftw~mtjp a pe SmAiwo Vl~s Vol. OW=,, MOM# :100 Im 60 1 V4A InJ 3b a ]Dv#W9jticsVj of Radio We"s by a Ferrite,, by jO., C. DL==,t 0. DramswA# 3j pp. MOP V 99, 3s, 111 Jun 19%s, 55 4vO?/Vj 0r& R A WatrIbiftica to the DwtendmWtim of A' ke"ne WoUL9 vLllh the 71am GovatropUftarter,, by To PLUM1110 6 VP's YMNA, or$ "WIl so aft 1954J. VP . - 5k St, . SIA 57-2576 ita 0 4 1. 4?.Z (iftftleal, 00thod. for He"arment m)A Sepruration of Stniewe lin P.Ume SMaticity,, by P. Acloques, 2 pp. FIRSIMS1. ver,. Cmpttc Rendus, R2 Nov W,54, PP 1350- 13112. - - ,---..-l---. M;,~Ww MCI Arall 58 q1, 6 SJ cm, I~m otiftemiumu" by lootaw"a ratobandoi, of AixtiAlfftwahU Pbmpbocr:Lc I=& In the Soily by imerve: mutter.. mw4p Tywwmdess 5 pp. YMM Ilor p TWL CO=.u j, Xo 17, 7.9vir pp 17071L-AM?" SU 60-24434 soll". // ~j M/ Am, 60 QMsbs On a I! i,rst Atterj)t to Ilse the liathyscaphe rN1!L;-3 Scien- tificaaiy, i),w 'rhoudore Monod. F14~SOI, ptjr~ C,P, Acid Sci Paris Vol 238, ilp 1951-19S3, 1934. FOL SC , i .T.,ul 64