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UfeCt Of the CWOSS SeCtiOML1 Structure of Synthetic Fibers on the Appmarance and Behavior of the Finished Illmductse Part 1, by Pa. bollande MMM, per, Chemlefasern, Vol 13, No 1, 1963, Ipp 42-45. 19TC-M-12776-119 Feb 72: ItffeciL of the Cross-Sectioruil Structure of $yntJ:kmt1c Fibers on the Appoarance and Sehaider of the Finished PvAuctsp Part Ile kyy F* Bolland" GOM19, per, Chmiefasern# Vol 13, No 2, 1963, pp 1041-109" M-70-12777-119 Feb 72- Elwitameric Spinnable Meterials, by Theodor Lyssy., l6pp MOM17p par, ChamWavern, Vol 13., 1963., No XF 10., j1p 768-Wr' aut wx-64-30945 "M / r' ' -7 - , I if , AN , If Iki - mat mwe (57 327.,473 Xmitrum*vt for botermIni" the fkall-8hrinking Behaviour or Synthoitic Plbres, by K. Riggert. QIPMO. per. glitU2991M. Vol 13. No 11, 1963, pp 40-856 -IkA~ au,256/ 1'. 1591 Sol. - AJAC, 6T 315,078 CiLrkjo-Strapa rram Polyester Tarn, by H. K. Mothke. GaMit, por, Vol 14v No 4p 1964p Pp 254- Z.59 0 NTC-71-104116-111 NOT 71 Threeds Made From Polycstc-r Filanen'-s imi Fibres - 7neir Properties Uses and Kinafacture, by J. Schurig. GINI: MO, per, Chem-teftwern (Ncv) PP 768- GAI,,51/Fib/R & T 679 Sai - kuz 67 3371-088 Kirchma. K. WMENItNtNr hEMSMIRC AND &AM~49M MAMAIIEltil.psailkland Messam4mumfocostsler. and* V'f*(st*l1lwAov), 11.9011 it' Oav t" I Ive. Ordet (Mtn M.A $1. 110 TT-61-30267 I ON Troom o( ~~J~Kla ij~ fr. I I I nix P. DPSCUM~& OVIonvobnoldso. liecordirg systems Karcimr. K. (Memimly- rr. V, 11. m 3) 1 .1 A I N;,:;- C I M I It I 1 1, A T I ll~; 11 1 il:,;I; )NI jlj~-j 1, r I ~i- 1 13 Owl co Trt**w k~*" Oltlculatioa of the Degree of Oxidation and Deter- InInattlion of the Wdation Humber of Nitrous Cases im 9W.Vuric and Nitric Acid Plants, by Franz Nirktald.0 9 pp. 12MWI,, per, Chemie Inenie - Tachnik Vol Up .. 3i332- MW~IM2g AL 70 Sept 66 308,701 62-19424 CAUS1 AO) C(X:11t I OF SK*TANI-'CUS DECOMPO- 1. Metz. L. sm"! of: rRit*.mu:*L--71iYLFNT- BY ALUMINRIM. If. Rbdlg. A. 4 Wt U), 6p. (jimille omi"ed) 12 refs. 62,r-1*424 order 1h)w SLA. ill. 10 1 Tranw. of Pw~lnk!.Jn at Germany) 961 19#9 191-19& DF:-"AF1t0RSr 6qlnrylCldOvWv. 'Alw"ll"lum, *Cheull- c4ki reartlom PlAltninlum 0110M CICIMing (Wide. EX- p1twkw, fill-minp, "IrMbItka, The AH~lnjdrwclt)V"-d Ormt of *11 catalys" the trichim- elh0m~ ~6w&.n4mlbft- 7be heat liberated produces total do-Ohlortrwillkm at the condeIMMION product and C-twkiole Mkimikuli cif U* alwhialum shavinp. I'lle use of rwn-1Mijjjlrdmm lemchkimhyletw to the future to sugroinh (Atithhr) TT, V. 9. no. 6) Oft$ d Tnftw 30 Vic cif t4a Wllur-ra~uiw of Sulluric Acid fj.= Oyps=, ty ILI Sol*". Acl XXIj. PP S.LA, Tr No 343/1955 V11V 57jrA If 1"04.4 VP11 fktsf4 pts4omp" 11464 volt, IPUZ-326 4!160 vlo;js I" 1o$4 0 I NV'41 11 16"1: 01,13,310" I~m Volt POO lpkI%4k$ 1'41%t Vol "at olved4st 1"I V1116 14ws* 011"a2 -co), fo)~ ?6.22" 3C.> to)- ?00*8409 4020 1"06" qco~ V"16" ce)p Ito I!)/20s VP 3&2-j SLA 57-3069 Sci J74 (niv 2ulah) fti Onwo mcd Progmem of Um Slpmtamom Doccopcoltlon cir TK41LItorcottylow by Noun cW Alumdnum,, by Dro. L. NOW# A. Roodt& 10 pp. w1mol or ch"s ur T*i.-bnlk,, Vol XXI,, so III, A 9, M. r. 0 C03 CMA/FIDD/13-6008. acteatifitt Cbromintry Doe Irph CTS 62-20AS4 S S pringor. R, sictimmit uxic'Mmync m"strim, moci!-:ssE.%. 1. Springer, R. 110621 131). (rvifo, turlirred). Orddll' Iftwn ~LA $1. (4) 62-201541 Trawl, of OwIl list - kWcmJ(%,-r-'rtr%~hnflkjWc%t Gernwwo 19+1 111'. '21. fick '151'161 P. 2wlmyi: D104:11.11111T)HS: "Umtrisplaving. "Nivot tvatingi4. 0,4ting", (Met'Ourgy, 1*1~' V. 9, 9) 111111111 of Ted," swom O~J?Arojyiliu DatorxdnwU*a Based oz tho liicro- O~W*a IsixtmutmUm, by Dr Juzof A tv. aMUN" per$. Mwxlo Ing Toab V61 lul, IMS pp 39040* 6.L.A. Tr NO/19% Ileat lUbOuctivity Detemications With Sodium Lsnd ilotessius Ijee of Different Coucentratiou mad %mlivrature, by . L. Rledel,, 12 pp. ORPMAX per, Cbt-T Ina %eb Vol, XYT'Ts '" 0 - ASC TH 2503 00'.f-6 2r lki - Phralcto '1"U1 :1,956 1:KIN-nition of urlcjel~py, pp AEC tr-3837 63-16ZZ7 lkme,r, P-. THS PRotx=ml OF IPHOMKWM AND 1. pit"T. P. "1013C ACID IN PIWEVAM. (1963117p. (flp. oblevo ONNU14 3 oft. OfthIll It'.0th SLA $ 1. dO 63-16W Tmm. (WOK owmam") 1950, V. -lw..23*-ZW .1.1---,.. DOCRVtCltS: ftlAwdomw *PbmWh3"c so&. (mm"A"I fAmomory. Suvw* add. ouctric Nratmoo. CgwjWtmi oagiiabbria& ImPWWIIVltAth*ftft*bWlk*.j 't-oddimul- ktbm olpoltmoof *c1tormag to the two-mmago Motma. The erveated pftWq" - krumm I MW do ploom- (829MMOCIA16--cannficaL plodc -twid! Immoelfimon an described; I- led TT, v. Nk as. 40 61 re ovn*Wvlhj dlemoshidd bp the Rdmable oocqmtlm powr is 1454 art! presem"O& JAIRIM) nwa d vallmild owdm C.'hezildit.ry arid Technique o;r the Acetylene Presoure Reactions., by Walter Reppe 33PPP PT Ip CUMOVLN per., Chemie-Tm ur-Technik Vol 22., jenie -, 1.950., No 3/14,, pp 273-2203 MMA, 1.1-64-20497 moi - xng bkw (;If 327,403 c"hemiAxy and Technique of Acetylene Presstwe Ikeectians, IT 11p by Walter Reppe., 41pp (MMUH,, per., Chemie:-I~Mqieur-Technik Vol 22 0 1950P No PP 371-3T3 17$ WA -1-L'-64-20498 sci - Eng Iky 67 327P404 Now RMCIM01111b" for Detwulaim the Molecular velzht of 1616mdai'Llo at Um T*j&UUty# 17 R. Noyer OMMK* Imm.0 go 20 3hom"s Val MM, 19030" VO 35 .397- Ikt2I In$ 0106 Council C"m& 22 244 p 11111 mis KKK 0"10 0 Nell I ~ Ix &IAM O.i5 / (0 " 55Z The MevolapaauL of a Ratlowl irapar -Prose urv rarmliAlm p by R. PU*kp 18 pp. MkIKSO per, "M hw3wit ho-vol X1110 no 20, 1950m Vp 43SAW. SAC,% on-k" Bel -- Ckmialstry r, . je 9jv Auls 57 Chemietry and Technique of the Acetylene Pressure 11mar-tions# IT M,, Walter Reppe, 24pp OMMO, perp Chwie-Lmmaieur-Tec Vol 22 p 1950P Ito 20, pp 43T-442 sm z,,,-64-2o4gg ki - Xte 1w Or 327.,405 Chemimtry w2d Technique of Acetylene ih-'esmuft Reactionsp PT IV.. by Walter Reppe, '416pp mm"'P p"'P.ChIlmd -Lmmn:Leux-Techpdkj Vol 22., %950s No 23/ P; 52T-539 MA IT"64-W500 19C I - Eng m1w G? 327,4,06 (,Vpflc. KRULA110N OF' VOTILLATION (X)LLMNS. 119631 1. Oppelt, W. 63-iP%6 rnim". (it (wev tMSCRIPTURS, *011"illAing phats, Chemkal Industry, Marrial, otporaoml. lodumirial equipmne. SC4111". Driap, Toomero(irlimoiatry). Tr. v. I(k m. 10) The Blipat WoductlTity of Aqueouo Solutlow of t1trcilgg llectrolyUsp by L. R16401j. P-2 PV- amms 1wro Cbm-!% %%Cbl Vol xxxils 1931,9 pp f-6 AW Tr Jul 1,956 62-257" Mi t::. 9 ti. r*j,. (X)WROCTICIN OF 'nilt, EWLIBRRJM CURVE OF 1. Title:Duhtm-Kirgules TWO COM"1-20T MIXTURES AS A MA111MATICAL equidom CURY16, tr. by Bit ribib P. Klems. 4 )um St. 1* 1. Man. W. 13 refiL TVA NIX- It. TVA 3M Or4or b4bm MS i~r 11A.,% S I - N) 62-25790 Ill. Tonnessm Valley Auth4olity, 'Alison Trxna~ t, Dam. Ala. C-nmim)4 1991,103. 0- 161-16& IV. W 2AZ74. -inded t)EW.IttjfrOfLSt IdIftwoo, *Vapor pmewo. 00whitrol e"1111~rlmm. f6jawrIcAl aimlysts. cr,mvmc Im"Iyals. Physic-it vmrMooryt. It I& m1wrom. mi 0* bolm *C ft M rgAWO InterpAitlim "al(wo for dof C*"II don of v 1poir pmoures cc blw4j, MIXturdo U Coostiml wrINriture, dut gawtally oodmadwMiociffly 10-23-63 is ..n WtImm, 1A botdoiL Its aqxxmm Is a lWoedon d low of Toddw swwm TT. V. 9. tux 9) (&-f1 A Vav AippvttlLafte FonnUw fm AdPwtb* Possuftmp lm Dr 1"j. wlam4ed Opp*Uo 16 v9, to hw totmIM11=0 amm"'o no volm, c3meft .19malawUNgs ft a, mL. 0 - me F-w-rl"-= sal0*19le - Sual*Mrsm ITT it wil .117 q 1, D"I 1A 1 i Iv t I t lt~ f.? I Ifil, rr, Or -P are C4 11.ital ViII1111tq xru~ .an N. .111511t,.M rmx (mly I,,, A ;III It-lwuhlv pq~ 01-tf. Inalt-Tsalo Im, fils" 1;c -I*, )ti, lqlr'A~,J 1,10INt ~ S q !~~,l ~I 1 3.101 1 txlnc* Packi 11g. !~w JI, h I [is :,I.] jr r ! 1F, 1~1 pract Ict tna v I"t ~rn-, i,- tvhi~:Il r,~A%Ied-,)ff ImAW11~1 t1' 141,,-~-i Ald Wbk~, IW- t.W11114till; th'. w(mc (acl~jt,I A sufflifordt, niq - ~ . Nttaiciti- rr. v. v, -ui. j) ((wtIr) Nev VINOrmoil, Cooditctivity X*msummonts of Organic Z Ltauldls,p by L. 111edel# 18 pps VACLANXFIXD GMMP-Ap ZVI;& Chm Ing Tech, Val JIMO 1951, i~p 321-324.. 1,,, if) 7-,'- - .. -- _J AW Tr 1822 Ggiactific - Cbmistry April 54 CTS/DU Ile fo F 0 pi r )tquj:;mert for Cr~l n tllyablij, by Han:p ?uhrmnoll, 10 IT, V,J. Yxv/ (IriTJ4.UV,, pier, Cham log MMU UI-26,, 1951, AIC Tr No 1993 Yab 55 CTS ThalwL --- I *Mwj~l*4 an ulzbores ot, V*0400 Womde OoMponaft IRM Vatw# bw s. otodav A W. 40MM06 pwo awooto --- rombakik. Vthl M=,o 110, 3.91, 3=0 w 0 MV~ m VAWJ4 not - Iowa 00663 fto loilpy (rokwout"tua offivem Of the System Water- ftUtwite Am&d4bdAw W4oKW*j, b)r N. 0. A. lred*trcLz, E. Isto" ?,Iplp. GwAloo plot? am* bal 1"6? Vbl I=vp lb 11, 1992P pp 20,45. *21 W An 90 9.1; 40 $76 T-low Vom and Seat Transf#x, in Air-rIsidited lWds ot Loose Wterlalj, by St. Vick&,, K. ftaden,, 114 pp. COM16 Verv CbM US T*ch. Vol J=V, 1952l -91 WA Tr 9930 Sol - pb"Ics J-*,o " &0f Ave $me Istimvatiob Comernift the Winkler Patents wo, TWIP utloome an the twoor oozmn katent 0111000 'by V. matucho 4 vpd, 0=400 "r8 Chas I= T*ab, To& MON, So 2* 19528 Ipp M--ftvoow MA 2r M3 57 tZ'Ijhl WhIl JkOMXd* PrOIPWU cir Carbon Yloo=idc Ofthtifto -bW lklwldh Tmm * 1952, %v 237-e47. )Per* ! Lk B*LA, Tr Pool 0 Vftu / V, Wel 10 jUwjojgy mmh Cbwdcsl f4gineeringl, by W. Meskat, 31 ppi, ruin Uwall"tiono Grow Par Vol XIIVP 61, 1"21 17 Jul 55 C, or// ar7z ~tlmm~ rb tUtt QUI! VLV=tLcn In, Ckw Producamrs., by, Pr=z Sabel A 1"" -Ampkiill So 60 2952s pp %, 'F~ $.&A. %~ FMI sclapurAW - otwauftT CULAWK / iv* _; ol / tjwv~c Te,.,b ON, ... .... .... t I. f t jw~n Vim 046 qt*) -I Ikellin VVIO, rrao-" 1 J10*2374V to) 0 . avb-il u& 4pk&4-13fA' IIVV-1*6va 4t*)' , I ~;.) tvb. I$ab IQ Ovb 70-IS?bf to> t W1 NJ PSz5-1s3 . to-#If" 94:10 I V40 IN$ 1014016-100 04-414610 colp 104 NO "is VW-181) to-111"s-olik colo 4410 4 81 141& 00049-OIJ "-I I bqqi-som top v3$ 1410 p4po-444 n-Allwo-OVA 4 4 vift Is"I"63 ft-Elim 9*> A-Mlf W.16 103 P&43-9" 6"11100 CATS111 Dov*U%u*at at the OSULM C"b""s pftwwm~v "bwt A. up am KrU16"s IV IL UWN# 9 W. low Imp Im 04A~ Mr L%OA"6 IM $OIL 012%56 V14oct Loal Xxgparloott Vltb Pll* Lines IA~ Cb.-mical, 11"tal"Imumwt 1w X. xUalar alm"flu w# CbM lna'.j!"bg Vol XXV0 ft 10 13530 pip 234164 .. , TFA3AfU T. 4153 Sit loottflic - Cbeelstry c1loftr, rl 7e robblo Metal Alloys vith Spec:Lal Recirtance W Strimr, Mineral Acid, by Johames Schatz, geaietw-Tec~.n1k GMUW4.p per.. Chemie-Bi Vol 5, 1953., 11to 2,9 PP =I- 5 WA Tr-64-20496 Sci - Hata Jum 67 327,547 M.x:Lag of the Floviog NWIum in Liquid Fluldized Bods, by S. Wicks.. H. TnodwAl, 22 lip. ammo PWO, VOI WZv lb 3p IMs So 114-124. AM-~~ adl Jbir 62 /Jc4r A-57 VWi, IT# 3b 2 .41r. ccm~"djj' of $a.1 MA Pro icmp w mnag IN-lids Gumstat plirt Vol XXV, 190 3m. vp V -11"10 .......... . . ..... In MA 60-IMM met AV., 16* tali W o Ito 3 010~smn* lovi en Continu de Composes Plars de Cerium au Nloyez, DUrke Colonne D' Extraction a Contre- %loarant., (Continuous Preparattion of Pare Cerium e'i~ ~ Coqjounda; oy Use of a Count -Courrent Extraction Colxlmn), Oy R. Bock, K. H. Mey~-r' 10 pp. GNI-HO to FREMI, per, Chem Ingr T&' Val III, ll,?Ii* 141-142. 03 Reverse trans CZA tr.-A-343 sl::3 Olem Pelt 6o urZ Sopar-.itiozi of Ck4j 141xtur.-.-to; by Dv Iri~~ Ll, Iurich 25 FU3.1 traTIC1111tic'n. a=, lf,,Pal lw,ik* Cbp%xjq-, Tojenjour. Tochnlk, Vol nV,, Iju 3" 19531. PP CIA/FDD/X-951 ScitDiatific - Chemistry jjjUUVjatj,OM of pines yrM plUldiced Systma and its R01104,100 Sit* the VILaccelty of the beds by R. TMrImakip 9 rp. UWgIp 8 jpetp CbgM. US. T*eb. p Val 25, 1953v pp -WN .. ... - - ~ SMA 22 57-2056 act lo j -1 7 7-JI &feotuve flow Routstance and Ebtero- emmatV of Tluldlamd Deft, by IL TrwAmskl, 22 p1p. MM*Xx pwo Ob"a Mmudar %mbntkp Vol Sol rs' - f-3 Cr -T Vbl Ws lb 2 (JIMD 1112454) Itoat 10moter and Presswe Iftw in Stasting Area W! A:Uto-ftm*o4 Mots* by Von Ab Itsesfcldj, 17 pp. (NINQUIll phatcotat, Vol 1,12v* ft So WO -0 -K7iPXj,-W 2k96-252. CUA"-6777 IWI ~- 341soj. hint tr&urftr CM 63/Dec- V+ ftrooftamdo w4 Haat lKso4stLOD ftobleM In SI,ztboals lkwUcw Vith Speal&L gegwd to Rydro- oupbm ftalbas:to AcowdSag to PL*dnr-Tzqpchy by zo 0. Dwd;dmoro ISO Iv. woMo V*r# Ohm. Us. T*fto* Val XV# MY M3j, pp. gr-000 911A Tr 57-111* set G.,ontral Theoretical ConAdderations on Vwog,ress of Chemical Reactions ... (-fnermo- ,:',~rn=Ische und Wa-ermeableitungs Problene boil Synthese- Real- tionen) , by 0. Dorscliner ITIUMN, per Chemie-l!]Rn, Tech. Vol. 25, No. 6, 1953P pp 277-265 Olt G'a i - kiLEI 6T -337-553 4-4 Eik:,litAtiringp process eugbwori% Th4i C~,clmw, " a Dr*p Sepamtorp by A. J. undon, 10 pp. 010",p ]Plbrj 9MR12TIM me"O. IIfol MLYP No 6m, 1953s, VP 308-30* .. I % - WN 9J4 sc:wntuu -mome"04d4wept Now 96 m s g?r #05 Tbil - at, am Aaxiiiary Ayparatur. for tho awfimesmitat o1' Rev Wtoriallu, Iyy H. Traviniski, 27 V9. GMAWWJ per, Ca=-3-1m&--Mwbm3I6,VoI XXV, No 6, 1953m no 331-3hl- AB*R.S. N"all Tr (AY5 77 .OF Wvfices for the Solution of Probl 1-0 UhamdvU. Engiumering Tecbmlogyj by Otto F=hsj, 44 Ipp. COMWO xhr,# Rh4m 121 lobs VOL XIVP 19531, MP 377-,~IM -*"- AM Tr 2L0 L attlontifto - Raginsering M 67/AVr 55 01 !0. , ve Of J/1 pill! 40 WWWWO (Vmltulm~ amoo WHIA monual"Imp -6ft v W JU Fo 4 old"N wilbolm"o. T4& am as Xw* W(b"$"WrT(% NMY &v%mw er 30 'o lw .0 CAMIS"s allisswimt 3j4 ?06 aw IL%A $409D Vol Li z AEC-Tr.-5k, "A Beat th%M104ir -4 "gmmlo. xtp Ckwm. 1W. Iroos Vol XXT$O 19538 pp h,rllA C', ABC W go 2063 SCLN*tigflg - ftylolcom CbMUUY ftb 55 CTS 'Evo e- 004?4 0?.W;p %7 mobawliar aCS"Xa Xxposad to Hydrogen-Under High Pres- sure. Paxt I of popmr lentItle4l 'Voustructiijual Note r1alm ror jj~4;b-Pr*v*qv Byu~besi~~% by 0. You Rossum. per Ambalk, Vol M, No* 0 9, 1953o W%**ber Tr No V51s IscleatItic / 7, Yo (o NoWtions, itn rndustrial ibt*r:ba in RIgb Pressure symamsisi, viy 0. Van Rossitu, 16 pp. URCULSSir (MIMM, per,. Chouls Inmentwur Tachniks Val XXV, pp %at-my?'. CTA#DDIX-1)479 ,/ 6 LLa 7-1 410 62-20185 HaWk CALCIUM CAMBIM: A KFY "OC&X-r OF IMF 1. tiakm ti. V. CHCMICAL INCVMY. 27 Oct 53. 8p, I ref. tf. *ntle: Key ... Ordt,t'frdrnU,A 11. 10 62-2DIlM Tratin, of DPWAWMI'll OCaletwo cutnpound~6 6CAmbide% OWIMIO&I toduloM Mskwgft"urtvqg methods. TT. v. 9. mk 8) "M a Tom" Potformanto of Thin-Layer Evaporat6was with con1pulsotily Developud Fillus, by W. Plau-sehild. GMMIAN, per, Choule Ingen'tuer Technik, Vol 2S,, No 10, 1093, pT'VYS -SM NTCO 09.12561-07A S01-chou Atilt 69 398,SI6 ThIf TwItIlt 110"14 1u SPrRY DrYitkgj, I., H. qt~ck.K' A pp. "I 0 CIWIMN. par,, Chem , V01 )MV, Wo 10, IMP pip 620.40,q- - SIA 3245 fkA 71,4-77 jKlolit 58 V 62 - 2M4 4 KAugqir, C. T. mod LoUgnberpr, W. PLANT SChLE P11101M.)(MON OF IfYDR(X.I-"N 1. Title: Andm~- rr