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Yam Structure and Pilling., Ily R. Heinrich. GERMAN, per., Chemiefasern~ Vol 12., 19623 pp 612- 614. NTC 71-14190-11E Feb 72 Determination of Flex Tenacity in Single Fibers with Regard Ito Pilling Behavlior of Textiles, by K.. H. Grunewald. GEMAN, per, Chemiofasern, Vol 12, No 12, 1962, pp. 853-6 NTC 6D-11545-11C sci-Mat July 69 386,679 Effect of the Cross Sectional Structure of Synthetic Fibers on the Appearance and Behavior of the Finished Products. Part I, by F, Bolland. GERMAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 13, No 1, 1963, pp 42-45. NTC-70-12776-IIE Feb 72 Effect of the Cross-Sectional Structure of Synthetic Fibers on the Appearance and Behavior of the Finished Products, Part II. by F, Bolland, GERMANj, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 13, No 2, 1963, pp 106-109. NTC-70-12777-11E Feb 71, Elastomeric Spinnable Materials., by Theodor Lyssy, i6pp GFMIAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 13., 1963~, iio U 10, PP 768-~7'6-- stA TT-64-30945 -7 Z S c i - Mat june 67 327,47-3~ Instrument for Determining the Beat-Shrinking Behaviour of Synthetic Fibres, by K. Riggert. GERMI, per, Chemiefasem, Vol 13, No 11, 1963, PP "-856 -,),.;C"" OB/256/ T. 1591 Sci - Aug 67 335,078 Cargo-Straps From Polyester Yarn, by H. K. Methke. GERMAN, per, Cheziefasern, Vol 14, No 4, 1964, PP 254- 259. NTC-71-10476-liE Nov 71 Sewing T~~reads Made From Pc]-yester Filarnents and Fibres - Their Properties Uses an(7 Mai-lufacture, by J. Sch-,)rig. GER MAIJ, ner, Chemiefasern (110-V) T)p GB/3-9/Fib/R & T 679 Sci - Aur- 67 31 3 7 - 0' u TT-61-2D267 Kirchner, K. INDEPENDENT MRASURINC AND i,FMAMINC 1. Kirchner, K. WS=IMFrEv, (Selbudindig Messendes ur4 iegistrier- iw~ Vlacoalmater). [1961 ] [8 foreign tw fticluded) iref. Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-61-2D267 Trans. of Chesnie-bMqpjeuj-Techrdk (permany) 1939 rv. ill no. 8, p. 525-526. DESC1qPT0i%S: OVIscostmeters, liecording sysEems (Memlstry-Mysical, TT, v. 11, no. 3) Office .11 T-W-l 6-1- Calculation of the Degree of Oxidation and Deter- minat-uion of the Oxidation Plumber of Nitrous Gases in Sulfuric and Nitric Acid 11ants., by R-anz Perktold.p 9 pp. GERYAN., per., Chemie Ingenieur Technik Vol XX., , 194-8.p PP-331-332. Sla TT b4-20870 sept 66 308Y701 62-18424 Metz, L. and Rbdig, A. CAUSE AND COURSE OF SPONTANEOUS DECOMK)- 1. Metz, L. SITION OF TRICHLOR ETHYLENE BY ALUMINIUM. II. Rbdig, A. 4 Oct 50, 6p. (table omitted) 12 refs., Order from SLA $1. 10 62i 18424 Trans. of Chemie:j0j;gnjeur=TechaULJWest Germany) 1949 [v. 21 J_Kiia-~, p. 191-193. DESCRIPTORS: *Vinyl chlorides, *Aluminium, *Cherni- cal reactions, Aluminium alloys. Cleaning fluids. Ex- plosive forming, *Inhibition, 1-k-composition. The AIC13 developed first of all catalyzes the trichlor - ethylene condensation. The heat liberated produces total de-chlorination of the condensation product and complete oxidation of the aluminium shavings. The ute of non-hazardous teLrachlorethylene in the future Is suggested. (Author) (Engineering- -Chemical, '17, v. 9, no. 6) Oft-t of TechWal Senices of the Muller-K~ic PrcC.,~,--cs for tlh)-a Px,odliction of Sulfuric Acid ft-om Gyps=, by K;Amv-) I(,'. pp. GERMAN, a-11 No IIL/lZ,'-1949,, pp M-229. S.'Ir.A. Tr No 343/1955 zim 5? rh Sel - Chemistry Jan 1957' CM/de~-. A i44 V2;t V22 VO vik v2R V23, J lie' Eon CHNIK $14 P259-2" 70-22606 22-326 *0~-231&07 (0)o P305-208 70-23719 C*> D P209-212. TO-RIM3 40), 3 P913-21~ Tow"601 4CAP)p P1114-915. 70-22602 0)1 P1911-300 70-22605 PC*> P013-tat 70-29604 co> .-Y on Of hi~m 1116 P-0 G~A,H,s -2-er v 3 Sci jkug 11?/210;, fl (FDD ~1101) Me ~Ciuse and Progress of the Spontaneous Decomposition Of Triqkaor~loetbylene by Means o1! Aluminum, by Dr. LO' Wtia A. Hoedigo 10 pp. QWMv per, Chemi In a ur Te,chnik,, Vol XXI, No Viov 1949,,-p- T W-1930 CIA/FDD/U-6008. Fzur Or.1vatif 1C QCMUU7 Dec 19~~4 cTs 62-20354 Springer, R. MODERN ELECTROLYTIC DEPOSITION PROCESSES. 1. Springer, R. [1962] 15p. (refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1, 60 62-2035.1 Trans. of Chemie- Ingenieur-Technik fWest Germany) 1949 [v. 21',*-no. DESCRIPTORS: *Electroplating, *Elect rodeposition, *Meral coatings, Cohtings. (IMetall.,11-gy, -1-1" V. 9, no. 9) Offict 04 Tedwicid lervku EL~u gyaTocan Datorminadbion D-7~s;,d oz tlac, I-liaz-o- by Chamlo lnA Tochuik, Vol XXII, P;p 39SAOS Sai - ahorAct--f Got 56 GTS Heat 'Cowlitctivity Determir-at Iona With Sodium c-x4 PoClassium Lyea of Dificrent Concentration Mt3 TeTahm-ratoare, L. Rl.edcl-, 1.2 pp. ORMAN, pci- (,h-,7r Tn!? Tic!~. Vc? PD, 56-66. N - AEC TE 2503 j, i?a D-:.~finitioa of EA- f I; C if.- pp 63-16227 Ritter, F. THE PRODUCTION OF PHOSPHORUS AND PHOS- - 1. Ritter. F. PHORIC ACID IN PIMERrr7- [1963117p. (figs. tables omlta4 2 refs. Order from SLA $t. 60 63-10227 Trans. of Cbernie-tagenieur-Techulk (West Germany) 1950, Y. 22;-w. -1*Z-p.-253~M. DESCREPTORS: Productloo, *Phosphorus. *Pbogphori(.- acids. Chemical industry. Sulfuric acid, Electric furnaces, Chemical engineering. In Plesteritz there was bulk a phospboric-acid instal- lation operating according to the two-siage method. The errected phosphorus furnace house and the phos- (Engtwerft--CbenAmL phDric-acid Installation are described; material- and T7. V. 10. on. heat-balances of the phosphorus factory, which were completely dismantled by the Russian occupation power In 1954 are presentexi. (Author) Uhm d Tuchokid Chemistry and Technique of the Acetylene Pr.essure Reactionsp by Walter Reppe 36PP) 13T 1) GM&N, per., Chemie-Ineniettr-Technlk, Vol 22, 19150, 110 3/i47,-pp 273-263 sIA TT-64-2o497 Sci - Eng may 67 327,403 Chemistry and Technique of Acetylene Pressure Reactions., PT II., by Walter Reppe, 41pp GMU., per., Chemie-Ingeniei2r-Technik, Vol 22., 1950) No 17, PP 3T1--373 siA TT-64-2o498 Sci - Eng may 67 327j,404 i Now NitrometbA for DetAzwtntna the Molecular We:L&t of matarlas a Low Volztilit7v by H. Boyer "m S pw.. Chem-Ina TecbnLks Vol M=j 19Wjp vp 3v-~397- Nat'l Res wmww"Z Council CansApt TT 244 --;g;- 9:1099W -Price 0.25 / (a , 5-5 Z The Develoymnt of a Rational 11apor-Pres8ure Fomu,la, by R. Plank, 18 pp. GER", per, Chm ~ 1. . - %j- Vol XXII., No 20., 1950j. pp NAcA cN-495o4 Sci - Cbemistry J-,/ ~jv Aug 57 Chemistry and Technique of the Acetylene It-essure Reactions, M IlIp Walter Reppe, 24pp GMU, per, Chemie-~~nieux-Techniky Vol 22., , No 20 -442 1950. , pp 43 SLA. TT-O~-2o4gg Sci - Eag may 67 327',405 Chemistry and Technique of Acetylene 11r:ssure Reactions e , FT IV.. by Walter Reppe., 56p-p CERMAN; perk Chemie-Ingenieux-Technik, Vol '::.2,, 1950, No 23/0: PP 7-539 sTA TT-64-20500 Sci - Eng May 67 32'(.,4o6 Oppelt, Winfried. REGULATION OF DISTILLATION COLUMNS. f19631 i12p Iref Order from SLA $1.60 63-18966 Trans. of Chem ie eur -Tegbalkl[West IA&LcRL_J___ Germany) W V23. p. 39-41. DESCRIMRS: *Distilling plants, Chemical industry, Material separation, Industrial equipment, *Control, Design, Towers (Chemistry). (Engineering- -Chern Ical. 7r. v. 10. no. 10) 63-18066 1. Oppelt, W. Orfice at Technical Service; The Heat Conductivity of Aqueous Solutioxw Of Strong Electrolytes,, by L. Riedel., P-2 pp. GERM., per,, Mem Ing Tech, Vol XXIIII 1951,, ARC Tr 2501 Sci - Blectricity, Pbysics Jul 1956 62-25796 Mitz, Werner. CONSTRUCTION OF THE EQUILIBRIUM CURVE 017 1. Titje:Duhem-Margules TWO-GOhfl~ONENT hiDCTURES AS A MAT1-1EMATICA equation CURVE, tr-, by Bertha P. lUenova. 4 June 51, 15p. 1. Matz, W. 13 refs. TVA 3030. U. 7VA-3030 Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-2.5796 111. Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson L _tj-u&LcnLeurL West Trans. of Chern ip _T=baiU Dam, Ala. GerrnanY)_'!4Ti,v.23, p. 161-165. IV. 60-23274, canceled DESCREPTORS: Mixtures, *Vapor pressure, 'eChemIcal equilibrium, NumerIcA analysis, DifferentIA equ~.tlcvns, Griphic inilysis, Physical chemistry. It Is shown, on the ~b-isis of the M rgules Interpol-itica equations for the cAlculatian of vapor pressures c( binary mixtures at Donstint temperature, that generally the separ Mon f.ictor may be expressed m-ithernatic-illy 10-23-63 as _n exponential function. Its exponent Is a function c( OMu o1 Tecleekal Services (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 9, no. 9) (over) A Few Aororbste FornsUm for Aa*wUM Pagulatme., loy Dr Ing. . knMed Cr9palsp 3J6 rp, UJMAWVIW Full trmslati=. GEAMS =o par clielmle 2bchrdk, No 8" ic,%j, VP 190-198. Ame F-T&?r4h-nB SelentiXic - RagUeerlmg Barth, PRESSURE- DEff.' LN PACKY."ll TCAVE~,S XV171i AN:~ I-,II1-1110,17F I.IKU11) FL:)"A' Ir. Ir. 13c-Oln P. 218 Nov 5 1, 1. i~. I I rvt'~. n~!, Cirder from :.~ 1") Or SLA 5 1. (10 Tralls. 14,51", nmi,rials. nic- eqiLitiOnl. derived for Ilic. prc,:m;uru drop ar(- of gt-:i,: ral validil:% guld k al, apph,'d nol ollk lo )"Irioiss Az-:, (if ;ill piio-tAA,~ p~ik king material, 15UL al~i .0 11W 11101:1 V;lI'k',t lllkf:iil*~ ~1: -Ulid illll~ l(k)SC. PaClAng. i:l V lliCll 1 ':'w: ~411"11_11 Zjj_1,' JI-1 -1 .11ILi 'lilliCh ha% t- fill' S.Ijjjk.' :J'_!Or~. A Ufficil, M1% (E7-:i;jIle,-l ing---c"helilic.lil, F F, v. Q, no. (ovcr) 62 - 2;707 1. V- fl. "A'.', _i(, PH ....... New Theximl Cduductivity Measum=juts of Orpuic Z Liquidi;#i by L. Riedelp -18 ppi MPIUWIFM GEWN, s '2gks, Chem Ing Tech, Vol XXXXIs, 1951, pp 321-32k AEC !rr 1822 Scientific - Chemistry Apr-1.1 54 CTS/DEX 10 m Ing. -Tgs-fti GERKW" per" Che Ul C"I'S 7hermal CoraftativIty Vossurownts on MIxtures of Vaurlouio Orgudc Oumpoursdo MM Water, by L. Pdedelo 14 pp. ,, por,, Clisid a Mm2eniour . 1, ~ A Vol xu=, GEWAN -- No 1% 1951P yp wj;g. 9g�7 = Rsic-4o Sol. - Chem oat 63 Ehthslpy Concentration Dlagrm of the 67stm Water- Oulf~mlq Acid-Sulfur TrIoxide, by B. 0. A. HeUtrat, F.- Tjua, 7.p9. GW"p Ter, Chem Ug Techp Vol XtIVt No Is 1952., pp 22-25. ATS Sol Aua 59 Flow FoT= and Beat Transfer in Air-Fltidized Bede of Loose Material,, by Z. Woke; K. Redden, 34 pp. GMMN, per, Chem Ing Tech, Vol XXIV, 1952t pp 82 -91. SLOL Tr :2230 Sci - Physics Aug .57 Some Worm~ation Concerning the Winkler Pat-eats and Their influence on the Forrfer German Patent Officex by W. Hubbuchl 4 pp. GMKkn,, per., Chem Ing Tech., Vol XXV, No 2.. 1952) pp 92 SIA Ir 1953 Sci - Faeu A Jul 57 ~dwtrial land Sconomic Proopects of Caztm Ymmdde ~drogergitims by Heinr1ch Tmm VW~p 2!!!!AO:~~~-Technlj!v 195:20 pp 237-247. S.L.A. Tr Pool /DiX Fftle I aolcgry ~?zd Chemical Engineering, by W. Mqskat Rh !31 pp. Full -translation. =!A=-- elk, Vol UIX's No 6, 1952; pp 3.L.A. Scientific - ELeericity Scientific - Chemistry 7 Jul 55 X C~~074Z I . I I .: on the Qtw FormtIon In Gas Producerss, by Franz I i nor. Cbemle -A"= :;.uJweur"TftftjkJv Ito 6p 1952p 9OWPO X.0000- S.LA. Tr Pool ScimtIJU - Cbsudstry ~jr ~3 !Ivb3 Vob P133-13b ;Ivb3 vob ha pg!b OO)o lyb3 Uli Psi P,1?5-133 16-93279 CO), ".hl,: 1;,, k9b3 Vk~ N4 P144-1-48 I 70-23410 ce> qsvb3 ~k~ one em-'rao "10-111153-OTA go> 0 ljb7 ~ kg tole ptsol-ols 70-ilt.99-20M 9o> f NV P479-46% 70-10UO-OTA 40)0 ll*b2 * -0 Pbbl-bb3 70-21tilb The Dovelopmat of the Calcium Qya~ue Pivames AUwt R. hank cm ble 8M BirthdoW. by pp GEF4W,, perp Cbmale IWnleer T'ocbnik, Vol UIV, IW 1, pp 60P 01. S.L.A. Tr 1189/1956 sci - Cbmistry Oct 56 as FW4--hlemt Experle4ce Wltb Plpa Lines in,Cbemicaj, XultalUtiovav by K. Eugler GMIAN a j, Cbem Ing 'Reeb,, V*1 VV, Ep_ 1,, YS~5'~, , per pp 23-26. TFAVILB T. 4153) scientific Chemistry Noble metal Alloys with Special Resistance To Strong Mineral Acia, by johannes Schatz) 22pl) GEERDAR Vol - 5, ., per., Chemle-Ingenieur-Techni-kI d~- 1953, No 21 pp 61-65 siA TT-64-2o496 Sci - Meta june 67 327,547 Iff-King of the nowing Ne&= in Liqtdd Flixidized Beds, by E. Ificke., 11. Trwidn;vlrl, 22 pp. GEM, pmr, qmm!a-jEpp'gLem nachn4j, Vol V", No 3., 1953., pp LL4-124. AMS-14AW Bel. mar 62 /eFf,, R-5-7 va XV.1 NO 2 c -alltiola of SOrt Xft*,-~s in FaM Preparation, by Wcri~er 14~fvaki 1 8 p. GMWN J' perp Chem-:CrAg-Tscbmik,, 19530 Vol XKV~ No 3, pp 137-141, su 6o-1.0370 set Apr 60 Ag H Vol XXT, s 14 0 3 Obtention en Continu de Composes Rars de Cerium au Moyen D'Une Colonne D'Extraction a Contre- Courant, (Continuous Prepara"i-tion of Pure Ceriwn _pounds by Use of a Counte Cmurrent aKtraction Com Column), '~)y R. Bock, K. H. Meya-r, 10 pp. GER"I to FRENCH, per, Chem Digr Te& Vol III, 1953, pp Va-142. Reverse trans CZA tr-A-343 Sci Chem Feb '00 The mRbversible" A-Isorlybion as a Device fc;:,, the Pre- limimwy Puxificati