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kiritullin, T.A., wW X.M. Khallov 1972 ~ihftios of trAmt tion of pretsine &M P0LrM1*6Mrtde6 dissolv*d in **&water durir4 Interaotiom efth (Xinctik5 trarstormtsil belkey i po,lvahharldcri, PiAnti,ortraifth Y sozvkoI rod*, ri vasimKwdoistvii 8 dotrfAce) okeenologlia, .415)1 8(9 1 In Rttedint". 15. 4 V T-ro-Inal. by ST for AQU, 19?3. pip, 6T7-04 In "Oeamwlog7" (trual. of entire ismum). lyltll~ AOU, tip-104 pulp ay. $25.00, yearIj subse. (6 issues) 490-00. Avail. on L01W - XM, Vash., D.C. Original Article Checkedlo"R ke"evs, G.T. 1"R "m 66=07 lpa of the awpu-CMID Ivemb ((M~Umrfologli.& ftrwako-ObIliIalimp doloW ftew,416SUL, JIMI 823-ow.. in roasmLtm- T -15 4 Tr*ral. by ST for AN, 15r?3, pp. 699-1W In Vottewwl0a" (Ummi. of anti" liiimue), Avail. LOU, prue pup ly. t45.0-o, yearly subta. (6 i-osume) #qo-oo- Avail. on Lawn - TM, V68h., D.C. Original Article Chocked.IR Speranskli, N.S. 1972 Sam kimmatle fteflum of the surf wtms)i (Nmirotor3re oherty k1bamatiki pribbyDev plotoka) 01cmanoloSILS, 5)1 855-jj~. In ItAssLam. n TrAMI. by ST for AGU, 19rJ3, pp. 714-Alin "Oaawwlogy" (tranal. of anti" ISDUS). Avail. A3U, piftoe pet, ay. $25,00, y"r1y vubso. (6 issues) #qo.oo. Avail. on Wan - NMFS, Wash., D.c. Original Article Check%V.~'x Mike, V.I., am N.A. 49trovskniA 5r7 2 Mtern of dIUM1 VIZatiom in abumdanao-'in the purftef laror of th'q med1b*pPairse" 5*A (ftt**hrW!r Ifted atmalennnti mikMrc0PL4W:!(t*m T povarkhnoatnov itlot sr%divaulog~0 Meru) okeemloglia, jj(5)i Tranal, b7 ST for AOU, 1973. pp, 725-Z Im "oetwW10a, (trwal. of entire 1"ue). ivail. AIU, PTi*e pti? ay. 325-00, yearly subse. (6 Issues) 40,,0- W. Avail. an L4&n - NMYS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chocked.* Denucry, X. I - 1972 SIMS sapesto of the me* of divers w LmmiltipW bottan esommuilties (N*iwtorre V*Pr0&7 M*tod.,kl VW0IAHrVICZ i*RI*d0Twf domoict PoobehahemW 01"LIN010Ciia, A(5), 884410. in ~%aaian. 197 Tgwwl. by ST ftr AGU, M3, Pp. 73A19 J-m "00-91a"10 WSMI. of entire LwAs). Avell. ACIU, prioe ppr *?,Irr.D0, ye&rl-y subse. (6 isawn) $,qo.0-0. Avail. On IoM - NM, Wa4b., D.C. Original Artide Ch*Ck*dt starikew I H - D. I am 0. 0. TAb lakm m"wd or ot""mad fres ("rbdwdmta) seswator, buso'bablem aW 96GUMMU (X ENtedike opredelanita evevoftuft $&khR"T IM81070dwV) v me-sh-or V-Jo, -rm"I i ameswuh) OkOftalogits, A(5), 898-a ~n R% Ls m isn. 7k Trwa 1. by ST for AGU, 1973, PP - 7 50 -Jp[lo in ~ Oooma I *a (tPWWI. Of entire i6stw). Avail, AIU, %nqce pop ay. $25.00, yearly subso. (6 L"mes) 4190.00. Avail. on L46ft - Nm , W"h., D.C. Original Article Checkod'K Pykbov, N.V., &M V.V. Loonginov 1972 ()n t%* methaft of osMmting the ps:r4uWV4M OLI ftrbidity ow"nu (o owtodaft nosheu psrww~rev mpentImmich pouim) 0km&wI0SLIJL, 11(5), 911-9U. :n MAIlLim. Tmml. by ST for AM. 1973, Pp- 761-771 in "Doow*logy" (tywal. of enti" imm). Avail. A)U, priee por ay, $25,00, yGarly *uU*. (6 issun) W .00. Avail. m 14an - NMM. V"h., D.C. Original Articlo CheckedA RudiSkOV, It. A - 1972 flat* *f Passive olmd of the P01^114 402,4011A WELUM, M (0. V. WhIor) In ro 44 Ion to RiWonih 1 lroy". Lot Vol" (mcomt, Powwws'a Pagmift(fti-I.C. oat vskedy larzridlm sim&som 0 1 V I Mul IA~ jl'~ i LavlorAft 9 CA rw%h MLIVviall) J&( )9 90-911!8. In Ruilaimm TrUNI. by ST fop ACM, 1973, pp. T73-775 in "Ntmnoloa" (%M=1. of anti" issuol. Avail, ACI, pirtoT, ;!a;, r7. DO yearly subso. (6 issues! #S*.oo. Avail. on Loam - XMM, Wash. , D.C. Original Article Chockod.AK promorew , X.P. M9 0111161MI&I11ift Of the 004friSiebt of 110011111 11441111talrW by sallmools of bat"laqiv N.Sh with llw:JMJjnlr bILM14pra, b"*d an eatft Uta (0 ntgbotg BfWM skoplerWaRl rpt j pinimlailrvmi Rwrimi pa daliwa obievow) A(5h 932-935. 1h,saitlin, Tvarml. by MIT for AGU. 1973, Pp. 7T9-Tft is m0stawle (trwwl. of entire issue). Aval . AIU, liptoc pew 79arly subvi, (6 Isawm) $90.00. Avail. ori L40n - XMI , Wash.. D.C. Original Article Cnecked.e Dobrobollskiy, A.D. 1972 bwvlot bovarmplow and the fiftieth sJolvVYWIA), at that USSR (41manclosits sovotaXoso pollum )c '31.01t 1.0 1 1ki A(6)t 947-949. 'n Raxouz,~ Trarml. by ST ftr Aft, IV), pp. 7a9 -79,0 in "ftmanology" nuol. of *ntl" UW%w). Avail, AJU, 1!--Ioe per oy. 5.(-;0, yearly subms. (6 isawm) 490,00. 4 Avail. on Loan - NM, WS&h. , D.C. A6 AS*fomva, B.G., L.I. aalerkin, and 1"2 Monin, A. S. OASLn of the thomeMlins air Ist Lon im no olksain (0 wolskroolmdenLI -OALOSM) Okss~qgi4, W(6)i 95c-955. n Rv " hum. Trwwl, by OT for AGUp 1973t 790-794 -4n runal. of entl" i.-vU4). AVILII. AGU, JWL" pair cy. 5-00, Yearly mu"a (6 iseti-es) $90-00, 4 Avell. an L4*n - NPIM lksh. , D.C. kq Fodor4mv, X. N. 1972 TeLperstvL" Invw iew im the Red ikru:i Meditlopruwan 3e" (Tomperstu"WO Kmamed i .9md,laill"Aso 19OPW O~"p.q.;9SIAA. -96, - :?,, itAsminn. , A(6)i 95t ~ Trans i - by ST for AGIU, 1973 , PP - 7 9 5Ln " Oo4am I o&v tronsi. or entirs Laaue~~ Amil. A)U, Div-ion par ay. 45.00, y*arly aubso. (6 issues) .1190,DC, Ayall. on LA*n - IMM, Vash., r.c. A~( Tsypiwdan' V-F" WW V-V- arkov I!r' I Dete"Kimtiall ths WIM4-irlduaod ws'"I f141-dil Lr, a bay (Opp"Olenie polelvetrovykh rain r bW411t,111, o"!rjoggg 966-1074. !n PuMIJAM. --- p., jj(6)t Tvwwl, by &F for AlU, 1973, PP. 804-8,L1 in "Goognalogy' ravel. of antLro issue). Aviell, Arju, pri" por V. .00, yearly subso. (6 issues) 49C.N. X Avail. on ~,ow - rinffl, Wgugh. i~k 10likoys, Ye.P., WA Khalp"IrAm 1972 011oulatIon of oamn 5%Wftee tenVoiratimbt (0 Nitehut4 teswersui-I POV*ri*wjmti Okewm) IJ(6); 5r, 5 -96 1. In EV&O:Ujn, Traral. by ST for AGU, 1~73, j)P. 8,1-818 In "OwAmlogy ftnel. of entire Lamm*). Avail. AGU, priac par cy. 5.0(1, yearl,~, subse. (6 Losuse) $qc.o1:). 4 Avail, on ijmn - NVIS, W94h. , D.C. if Androyove, 1. 13. 1972 nBtw" of seetwe" am f**quezwr owmat*riatica of oUrA-scatte re I." tbo *Dow% (pripetu a"v$*lvvt*lee 6 rl-~!Vsl= Ir om , Ohastatrwe a Lk r,9el-yu:.usbjhW.)vh Okeemlogua,. A(6)i 9ft,-9k9t -:n TVWWI. by OT for AOU, 1973, PD. In "Oziummingy- (ty"21- Of Ontllv iffut). Avail. A)U, 13upj.*c. Iior Ty~ $25-00, T"rly lose. (6 issu"I A va 11. on iAmr - Ablemov, A. T. IM CloUd 9"tOM OVOR the %rQPW&1 A-,1AxTb:ii), 94-001-61JV, '0 matellito_Ata (OblaeWc $Letwi4f rm,' Atlantlkor po opmMiXerimi danaym', 0~~~j AW 1 "7' -996. In Imeaun. Trwal. by ST f*r AGU, 1973, PP. a&'--83C im "Oooanolocr' tram! - of entirs, 1"us). Amil. i a,;, prim Tmr sy, 5.0C., yearly subso. f6 i"upus) 49(.0,:). 4 Avail. on Loan - rTIM, ikah, , i),c. 0 r-k I:iA . A ~ ' . 1 2 S~as,i.a- of a'- v~;nprl ml-:essen cv- r the 0;t-91~5 t iee2,-rjc5t', ~ r-r..z tli )r, -5u*~c: at - en rerr)c f tz I re-,-.i ~ IB n i I.R C.., a- 1 r - p (~n . C)" . La ..2.(: . -1; . - ~ 0 " ISO mini. b-. ::'~ for A; x 0 i~' t rans of er"itirc Is e ike A vii A T)r, -! per 12 t iear. a u'.)a .:( issies CX' I -j Wash. mabaLw", m. P. 197a 08 1 *%Is t Lem of nitrosen SIA PhIMPNOItyal p(q. Mtts in 'ndian Ossar, 4m%.orl rdgtnSrat4li ikWS9 i f*~f,Dl*fi V 110dAu'! :1141111 o,;,t, Okesnologilm, -4(6), 100*! ..1 (,Oq. r R,111" Jill'. Tj"l. by S' fop AGU, 15M, PP. 835-34-C In "Ovmncl-K.," (trkr&l. of entire issual, A"sil, $25.00, ysarl,.,- subsc. (C -[sswos) Avail. m '-oan - W&M. , D. C~ ljakhim, :U. 1. 1971 Saturation of Atlantis Oosan saton with ~almk%mn *arbonste (Masyshchormost' vod AtIantiaboulcogo okl(LIM, InI9b(K-AtW k21't�II) 3kaanologiia, A(6): 101G-1( 19. -r. 7~mscIaL-.. Tranol. by ST for AO',~, 1973, pp. 84o.-848 i-n ranal. of entire issu*). Avail. AOU. prios pop ay. 5.W, yearly subse. (6 issues) $90.0o. 4 Av&il. on :Aar, - NIAPS, lawl., D.^, Betarin. 1.N. lg-"2 Phosphorus In intentitial watem c! atodimnU of this mormUmas.stern AVantio (Postor i, In"40stpohmI Atlantikl) Okos.rwlogiia, III(Ot 1020-IOt-,, 'n Ftwo v J4 n. Trarel. b) ST for AV, 197", OP. 8419-a55 I-n (traral. of fintire issue). Amil. At,',!, prias per ay, $25-C-0. yearly Subsc. (6 lgatftfl~ t90 Oc'' Avail. on Wasib. , ~-orAncvb, ew :AtA on the petm-.?i^y of ietD:-O-;)rl! tht rift ro:.,E- if the I prt no -r,-i f I irie tnrf jhcs,A--h :),,rr Arevi? 9-i C_ 1 110~1)(--o .!~v, io , 2( r, : .. - Y, ~ .(J!, tr ~ Trar's - . r, - ,for A in c, (tmz, . of &.-t I re va I 7r. BUM 136Uts 3 9~ Lval'.. on osi. Wash. -Atvin, V. . ,t 71*lU-lt4 of -Ortmuo.J.5i aelsrl pro', ~IQ-, In L~X& &-tic Jtll l;'eZIA 'tAt- 4' 7m-z for A 3 2 -3- 'tj%a~w or fm.' issue A en -.0an -ullmir, V.A., "A"ll:'ON" a:-: A V~ :-&glia"ov ieother--A! lneftsureme:j~ '5 'aranx--'Peek-tr hist ~Pac:,flc lxme'-enAla rts okea.~ 1 1 n for .)'i7 pp. (vilus i -of snt~re lasue va ! vear,i oubac. ' -seuem I'VIL- o:. oar; lj~ rckiA, N - ' - , and A, M. To v*%*ova Ir2 vertical struotw" " proftativity of a l*qt Plu*-CD 0commItY In tht Westartl ftoiric (Vtri;Lkallisia olvvktvn soobahajwstv, f1topli.rur. olo. V Nklkjt~!Aof cmristj a oksams ~ aktaftologils, A(6): 1047- Trwai. by V for Alk~, I PP- 87c -f la 1~n (trsml- of wAtirs Loover-Aroul, Acy, pl-jog $25-010. yearly subso. (6 isrums' s5io~rx,, Avail. On ToLn - NMFS, Wash., D.~. V, 11 V. .-I. a:, . ~- AI , " ."a ~-? &a.. ~ or or, LL. I tj rars i b-. S' for 1 977 (triki.al. of elnLire 1.;ue'.' Avia, A';:, 42 A, Arall, cn. ridt-; - 1) F;3, Wash. ftdYlLkov, U-A 1972 Rate of Passive vertical movement af pluti" w-lia or&LAigus (Skox,fttl p&&s1vw#c vortlkallrmW pprompshe "dia plaMatmwift Orsa"MOV) Ok*&ftlOSL:L&, A(6), 1066-1,71. In RUSSUn. Trardl. by V for An, 19,T3. Pp. 886..89c ui "Oennalogy" rus". of entire islut). AVF'11. A U, jwrloe ptr *Y' X-00, yearly subso. F Isjuais' *90-00. Avall. on '~A&n - t,'YPs, Wash., D.C. 9-1 -iidu1,V&, O.G. , Arbd YO.N. Bitbiahew ir, I QuOntItStive distribution of toopLbi*tar, or tIM I-Ioehor- she If of the -lRj- of T*rj4p I ! Ye II ~)w,s t-smnotr m u prii-1h ", Ikfl-, a gogpl&nktara nA sovernmi Ovellf-i Ok" m I ag 1, 1& IOTf -- TMUVI. bY ST fo? A-)',', 1973, 1904" Izi %joejn&~crj rtaral. of artirs lssue). Avaj- k~L, ;pjIJ!-,u posr, ay, .C0, yearly subso. (6 Ir 40S) $qKj.LO. W Avail. on LCMn IWTS, W"Ik.. D.C. N.V., Y.N. crIbWWvIk, &W 15m Vdo- chuyaloy Quantitative distributiom of mmr-aari%cm ithtI%?OPl&1At-1 in khe trestern ftalfic 004"In `bagc! on hillil-H e!.'A[ r*ustm Ottgtr trawl) pripoverkhnostmogo 14itloplanktmv -. mapii.ArwDl flijurtl %j,-ijcgc Okellm IPC UrWVM IOVOV buJczIrmm-r.~-n no .,--r Okeenc logi IA , A ~ ' ) 11 ('7e -- 1, ~?) ,. .. ,Z44,1 TrBrol. by ST tar 1 pp. 80-8" in "OOOLMUVO (UST41. of vatim-14 Av"I. AMI, prioe 3w7 ay. $25-00. YO&P4 al"O. 0 issues) W.C.O. Avail. on Loam - NPIPS, Wash. , D.,,, 1 0 B1418MV6, W. P. 1972 Matritim of Mw detritus-foo-ding imall1wiltz ~Iftqjlllt- Alusa t Itit me nr (L.) WW ftjjj&qjA WMU 11 . 'rsy~ and 1,,Mitr ~-a' battm tritol.11drvidi I'll- 1:'I'V do-&Ve oaadkt) DkOA1111010glit, -403), TrOnal. by n fcr l)L:, 19713, 899-c10..-,. (tram 1. of entire Issue). Avail. LO,*, per ~i. $25.00, yesply awbac. (6 is&-aesl s9c.ct.. Avail. o" Loar. - NNFS, Wash., D. S) r, t 0 g t s ei f -!o-Ls at I OA I -:,:-a O'L, A.' v rvu i2 I a e, tl:-e leout" al #1 Orli ?2 ee 7' '.. 3U_8 ;s v_ c: va L 0'. ca;. WAS-h Kravtoov ~ A. 4, An el-atremnaawtia mthod for L! Ir the sea O%rftoe layer (Ot I Am"Ini , P11-wrOdDaill-, i traimagnitmm akeamlogiia, af6)i 1 45 -1 C,98 wit, Tmns 1 . by D? fe r AJ 1971 , pp, 909 - III "c, (m, ),D 1 o (trami. of entire issue). A, -.-a II , 1 ; , lj.!,: ~ i U5.00, Yserl.-,, mubsl~- F imimm ' $!Pu ~ Y' Avail. on Loan - NMFS, W"h., b.o. Sb"Ikova, Y.r)., OW L.T. Kamhikava Ntarmlyation of bwArad &KIM 84ift enewter and bottia **dimonts irpr(t(ii'maj, mi"kislat f. Ovissamic1% umy kh "A tk&xh ) Okoenclooliis, U(6)1 , n 19-12 aml lpaunf, :nikgtxv LT-, ;run ft Tr%xsl. by ST ftr A74, 19'7 :~, pp. tmral. of enti" Isque). Avall. 7early subse. ((-, L414U*S' A val 1. on Loa" - XM, WaSh. , D.C. OrIginol Arf;cla C~,*cked.,Ae F*tt, "'U.P. 1972 sbirA,mrd mdjLo wave-reoorftr of thit R,k7 ' Berimv VA il-' (Sudovof mdiovolywgraf N-,S "~!erpf Wvilriv' I Cksamloglis, 11(6)1 1117-1119. 'n 1,maqt&r.. Traml, by r~ for AGU, 1973 . pp, 928-529 Ix ",,,oeamlogy" ranal. of entire lasuo). Avail. priat per 0~-, '~.00, yearly subso. (I Las%fts) $9( .00. ~ Avail. on ~omn Drigincl Article Chocked .... a] ~U. ;is, lzw- I ~h Prvspe,~tm r,)r asixjr c-ejj-imt(-r :evic~,-s i. ph,.-aica .1! 0 . ra PrL J -.%- i a po a W%arat c ~h &a. o,:cs c~5r-p e L: .,L> 13 -20- 22. r. JLR 3 1 a for A 1 2 mitz' of t-r tire Iss"e'. ~va- -ar. Lt~bv-. (' issues 190-1 va 1 0: ~iAall. D. I Kort . V. . 1 ?7 Ift twtlfte va"P of JA/47 "PMd.eMj.k SCI*ftttflo ftsultoli) (12-f r*Ix V-s 'Akii,-itwole f Sonavrwe risuawo re 1nA I I t4' t ~ , C**w%O108114, _U(6)i UZ!1-1126. :n Treral, by RT for Ao,.:, 1973, PP- 532-937 im r-Cloftra 4WR ~tPKWI- of entire isiiiiao). Avoll. AOU, pries par 0y, $25.00, yearly Saba*. (6 Issues) 4".*0. AVOIL on L4*Ift - limps, Wash., D.C. Originol Article Ch9ckodAll"." XLI*ykMkiy. S.A. Ixtrao"Immm sessiom of tm comItt"i IW Biologist* Ud Lea"re sf -It4 (Mat -;9rasM). j". 21-12,,,197~ sav"hahania KawltoU balt irlith qIOrVII1,'jtj~ r-~ OkftrboIaglia. MWt 1128-11--. n ~ I.V,11 111:, Tranol, b-,- for A',-, ~91V, pp, (tmr,m- of entim issue). Avail. AGU $25-~,O, Yosrl:.' suble. '.", igV-Ifta~ t90-NI. A vs I I. or. :4&r. - '; Wash. , Orlainal Arkle Chockod.b~ lit t o? the W&ve a Pp 25-29,01,!M, T .Amov ol ' rdn , V. J' . i-~eazurin,g Tedmique &nd hquipient fcr Audy--rig Backscattering of '~atrasonic Aaves, 11~r ---"-~Qlogical Objects in Y;ater. 8, pp 0I&ALCLCGIYA, Moscow, Vol 14, ',o 1, 1974, PP 187-191. jpRs 6206 voloso... As.rmptotic a no 1., a I a -,:" one t - pt o I1~0;111p"r :Tm,,I*atI.*ri%1- ros - o, I Intermal wi,ve 'Amvptp,i.2 lw;:,.~ Traral. b 3' 'or A ;'~, 197r In no 10.11'" (tmnBl. a," entire Issue), Avnll. h 'o :,Pr .earl aitoc. issuoa ) tl~l . I Av*1 1. on Loan NMFS, Wasn. , D.C. Original Article Checked.3i a mi -n, N. an4 a. Z. )II ropo It~ I Q- Some properties -: t;.e e rn kf~ I':". -it katorw-x~. a "o I 8%%K rx 'g c A] 7. q.! "j k *6 m 10 1 7r9r,81. t 57 for A (trurwi. or entire iissuc A ail. t :.t r yearl., subs-. (t lss.ts) $12 ')C . Avail. on Loan - Wav.. ZatIra,.,, ".A. , lu. A. Ivanov, and 1974 T.A. BRIPS.Sh AmLaratio aonti;mntol loo disoharile, and t-'14 'OrMitiOll Of wntarctio bottoni waters (Stok materIk1b-yo.;!4 !'V, 4!~Lar,,d f6mirovanle dopAvk)% antarKli c-,mnkl t ~, 1'(V(I Qktwanolo~lik' ,)~ .* - f~ P r. P,~.o A Ux. TranzI. '-, ST for A,,*J, 19':', (trunal. or antire issun). yearl, isibsc. (6 Lag"Ate) $12C.m. Avail, or lzan - 1;~'Y5 , Wae.-- Original Article Ch*Cked...*k mosicalenko, L-V- ~ -i. st4wd,-st&t* wknd-driver~ currentV in stst';irr. -.&I! of tne Mediterranean 59& --it- Y vostoohnoY polovins ai-edixor-ro6o aoria) Okoaniologlia, 614-C18. In Flusuian, T Irarml. by ST for AV, 1975, pr. 491-494 In "Oeeanclogy7' (tronal. of entire issu*), Av-sil, AV.' prinip -)fir c- !~C,W yearlj zutsc. (,i LeGues) 4120.010. Avail. on Losin - NMPS, Was?-., , D, 0. Original Article Checked-tr Karabashey, 0. S. , A. X. ~o lov I *,o, jim, T.T. Lakubovich wiuenae or hydralogia eanditiom an the optical ararga- torlstles of tw mati" yor of the ocean (0 Ylilanis s1droloslohakikh umlmi~na optioheskia )"riLicturistiki deLatellnogo sloia, okeanal Okeanologlia, &(4): 623-t,,30. rn Ruaal.an, Trarml. by ST for ALYU, 1975, p. 49~9-5D'~ Ir. "Ootanilog." (trwwl. of entiffis issue,. Avail. kl-'' yearly autsc. (6 isguee! Avail. on Loan - NMF',9, Wash, !),,3, Orlainal Article Checked-k 1A*fttlqv, 1.0. 1974 Cmpermation of wave-oupgo j.n the rtmox-co-, ") zono 0! ~-Ic 1301 voInv*ejo rb&gvnA i x -,c ic,- Ili Okeanologila, 11(4); R,-i !I i.o. Imnal, bY ST for -M, 1975, p, 504-508 in "On4samlo&,' (trunal. of entiro iseut), Arall. AGU, pricop por 2y. 8,0.00, y9arly subso. (6 is3uos) $12c.co, Avatl, on Lo*n - )WIPS, Wasn., D.C. Original Arficle Checksd.#~ vol"VIJ!"11, T.T. 19-L, MAU* of owAit Lore in wh14h OqU a t4Vf I. A I It '-(Lnt i - ~-,t t are Impa"atunto4l With dissolvvd Ox"KA-n , 1 -V I L( 1, ~.o Phomay-shchirnita ahasti Atlantion"kogo okaaru~ Okearmloglis, 11(4): ~, 3 6-64 1. In A-osalax- Tmrnl. by ST for AOU, 1975, p. 509-11L. In "Ocearolo.~,` (tmml. of entire issue). Avs 11. J, 1 0 featri.. nubso. (6 issues) $1,?c.-c. Avail. an 108n - HMPS, Wasn, , D,C, Orlglnol Article Checked.pr"~- Vetsht*1n, V.I. , O.A. Maliuk, and V.P. Rusanov Oxygen-18 distrIbutift In Lhe eant,043 AilotIC ~kmin (Rasprodelordo kislarvft-IP v v0de tnentrnillmoT Arkticheakogo basssina~ Okeamologila, ja(4)- 1, 4 2 - 64,9. In R;zullan. Tmnsl. tv ST for AT,', 19' '7~., p. 514-515 in "Oeanolc7:" cf entire iss,;e) , A7LI1. V',', pir c. yearl. autac. 135,100 ) $12~ 00, AN-411. or. Loan KMFS, Wasti.. D.C. Original Article Checked-91, F~a tel I nikov, 0. 3. . and , . -W. urbanovi it ' I ~ -"4 Distribution of carbohydrates and ILpIde tn th4 7)artic,;IrAI.4 matter o~ the North Atlantie -'posn Obtsri*aitelanl.~i I I i p I do v Yo N, z -i *a I v a a ve rnoT - -uin A. t ),tt i (-,,z ~, o) Oksanola,;i1a, ja(~): 1%4 C" - I. ~-4. 'n TrSnAl. by 87 for A-.~', 19114;, P. 52 -1.-4 (trunal. or entire A ~earl-,~ (" teauen, Sl?* - Avail. Dri Lo" - N;1?3, Was~_ D.C, Originol Article Checked.#' PrOSniSkOVA, O.E. , 1. Dobi"mia.Lova, M.D. Karisicova Multivalent mete in the alzae ot' t~:~ 8q.1. 0, (Metall.; perememo~,.,alentwsti -,- vadoi-osIc& :npcmako,~o moria) Okeanolo.:11a, 14(4): 655-659. 7n Rumoian. 'ranal. L,.. 3-1 "or A,U; 1975, P. 525-52~- In `Oo#anojo4.` ~trsnsl. of entire issue). AvTAIJ. jc',' ~ ?I, r .)~?r yearly (6 issues) 412C."C. Avail. on L*an - NMYS, Wash., D.C. ftimaniceriah, B.A.. &M G.N. Baturin 19-4 The blogeachemical aes"ItIon of tit bodlmentU on the West Afrioan shelf (5-239 8. Lot, ) (Bio,,4-o)chInJcIi*RkIi toot-c" osadicaich shelffR Zopatmf Af'rIYI 111-21c Okearbolagiia, jd(4)t ~~- -t'164. 'r. ltiit al T-rsml. by ST for AGU, 1 79, p. 52Q-5- ' In "CopannIog- (tranal. of Ontir' ?. Avail. A-.,;, prIO* ;;,*r O.Y. 43u.00, yearly subm (6 issues) $120.00. Avs12. im Lun - XMIS. Wash. , D.C. Saidovs, Kh,M, 1;-" On lsrge-aoal* faciiam oonfirwnent of for%MjrAf*r4R ~O krjpfVrj& A I r)t.4% t)D4~r it ~ it. glaboko"drtyk~-. doWk?~ Okeamlogii&. L',(4h k 5 1. 1.:- 7ransl. by ST for A,)U, 19',5, P- 55---"+c in ftranal. of entire Issue). A-rail. A":. yoarl..- outec. issues) 412,~.06. Avail. an loan NMPS, Wash., D.C'. Original Article Checkedft.~*.. Mtv"nkov, T.T., B.V. Slavitkii 1974 The pbysloal properties of tho valoanio rooks o~ tho m1d- fteific subimarine *mawants (Fixicheskie evoistvu vullcaniahieSkikh period tsentrallne-tikhookeamkikh pod,roelriyk~- gor) Okeanolegiii, 1&(411 67~-~'16. In Rwision TmnBl. by ST for AM, 1 75, p. 54t)-51.1 in `0~ceanolog (tram 1. of entir ~. Avall. A:-, -o- yearly subse, (6 issues) $12o.oc. AVS12, an Uan - RM, Vaxh., DA, PL vi- Original Article Chocked .... Mlarin, 0. S. , and IQ. A. Bogdumov 1974 lksalts of the d"p-Sen Romnehl? Tinorn.an 'Bn;ra1't..- gjulokor vpadiny Romnsh) Oksanologlia, jj(4): 6, -68 1. In Ptacian. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1975. p. 543-547 In "Oceanology" (tMM 1, of entire isSue), Avail, A:;", -,ric,v per yqapl~' subse. issues) 4120.,'C. Avall. on Loan KMPS, Wav-_ D.C. 19~4 Holooem wiluses of the Whitmi got (-.olottonov a molliuski Belogo moru) OkeenciloglU, jj(4)i 547-551. In P-aselan. Tperal. by ST for AOU 1?75, P, 682-~87 it" "Oceanolog." (trami. or entire ia;ue . Avail. A ',1j, pir-1 ~,v par subei '6 issues) 1112C. Avail, on Loan - )IMPS, Wash., D.C. Orlainni Article (h"thedl, So.-OLD, 1U.I., and D-1. VyShkvirtaty 1974 OWNSUmption of MiMr*l ohoaphate ty 6, OOMbUft1t. In tr~opioal vaterg (1681*dovrMie patpet!lmrilla mi.nerallmogo fog Fat& pjanktonr~, m soots., c. .(Pat vom tro ;~ 1. : 11~1~, Okeawlo.;Iia, ;.~(4)i 688-6-12. 'n Pion-Arl. TrSnal, b., ST for AILI, 19'15, P. 552-95~ In (tranal. or entire iss.;e). Avii:11. V'-', ':,fr :1, .:early oubsc. (6 issues) !12 .,c, Avail. an Loan - NMFS, Wasn., D.C. Orlainal Article Chocked.....' Rassashke, I.F. irl-L. Primary production and I)ioti: biblanwt o' -,~~anlrton In tne northws t. part o mur -it ?a ri, -xo :~ ii x a A .. I tiotish*skTI balans planklana Laurskago zaliva) Okeranclo ;Iia, 693-69~~. :r. Pizuliin, Tranel. by ST for ArjU, 1975, ;~- 5~7-561 In "Ooolinolow," (tranal. of entire Issue). Avs 11, A 'JU, ;.,ri --e pit.- c, yearly subao. (6 iasu*s) $120.c . Avail. on Loan - HMPS, Wash., D.C, 44- OrIginc) Article Checked ...... ftnolovs, I.V., L.A. RoManertko 1974 Sp*Qi&~ oomposition knoill pop~llstioll d:'I'llinj~a3 or -'llinkt-onia inr-amorians (Tina I kjr~j- 3a. 1~orta- ,,ank- _tnninal In . tonrkvkh intuso-jr (Tintinninia) In AINUV -q(1 I 01ceanolo. Iia, ii(4): 699-- 3, In !kuMtlan. Tranal. t-, S-T for 1975, -,~- 561-56( in "Cicaanclce,.,~," (transi. or entire i3sie). A%-Ril, -,,r I ~~ e -.-? r yearly autso. (6 issuen) $12~:. Avail. on Loan - WFS, Wsw~. , D, Original Article Checkedg , Mat I kove, T. ff. , and Ohu".- Ngo- lWi Reatirront 9"UP4 of phytepl4nd(ton u"al~vl oyalonle girt or the trop.1cal V-18.nt gruppry videv fltoplarikt. v ;) r.*- 1: re z no n I I iumsovorats tmPioneskolml tlant;~Jci ) Oke"logiia, J~W, 74-7(8- In R-asailln. 1971. Ir t~'Ptt near-n-10" . Y, " c r ~, dI ~, Or'l Tranol. by ST for AJU, 1975, P. 567-'171 in 'OolanO10-:j" (trual. of entir* issio). Avuil, A ;'J, por 2~ yearl; subse. (6 issu*s) $12c.oo, AvIiI. on Loan - MYS, Waah., D.C. rD Origincil Article Chocked. Xasymov, A.-,. jq-?L SPOciel 00*001tion and ruantlt-atlvo dintrIbUtLar 0 zWb*nttios In %rkmn B& -; I.n trio Iasp~(Ln 151;1 0116CIVA041-9% I kolichest"17,*9 respr*dolenis :,"ibonto(iii 1',~ric-i-raicoi-o zallva KsspiTbko o moris) Okelmologi Ja , ;a~-. ) :',, 9 - :r4 Rum a Tranal. by ST for AGIJ, 19'c- P. 572-5-5 tr; "Ocommloo' (tmnsl. of entire Aval'.. A'),. yoarl, oubso, Jssu*G) $12c N, Avail. On L4Qn N?45, Wash., D.C. Originol Article Chocked.. . Go"loya. T.A. zooplarklicton frois the st~wmsahs or ~Ix-. of the faally za,~'otophlda* (Zo*p1rrLk-~on-i, d- .r,goLn i., i,,; iz zh*ludkov molodi svoties'.31 '1,je.%zliL son. OkvanologiLa, L,' (4)a 711 -71R,. 1 r Ruz.i I a ti. Trwal. by ST for AGU, 1975. ----'5-5& (tvwnisl. of entire issue).' yearly subso, (6 issues) $12C.0G. Avail. on Loan - MPS, Wash., D.C. Original Arfide Chocked- Partali, N.M. Iffect of planktonic zrAstlootm on 0 4drold Paiml-go a"" Jr, a IDull 4 wui-niLi jllian4e chisl*nnosti mkoobroanykh v planktoibe n& popullctsili gid"I" brISOPINA II&M. v blotsemitte o1rastarAlai Okoanologiia, IV4)t 7 V~- " 2 2 - In Tranel. by 3T for AOV, 1975, ;- 580-583 ir 1009artologY" itrenBl. of *ntir* issue), Avail, VJ, price per --y, $3C.00, yearly subsc. (6 Lsauts) $120,00. Avail. on Loan - NMPS, Wash., D.C. Origincil Article Chocked ShMChT&t*V, B.T. , and I-V- ~:UTIIOT 19- ,OD-typv goothsMal-gradient MOWT ~','j:terlteli geotor- mi"Okoto gradient& tiP6 ND) Ok*aO8lZS11A, Aa(4)i 7.^14-'1'29. In Atiasian. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1975, p. 584-598 in (tranal. of entire issue). Av*11. A J, prl.c4 pt--, --y. $11 OC, yearly subma. (6 issues) $110.0C. Avail. on Loan - NMPS, Wash. , D.C. Oriainal Article Chvck.a.#< Xogan, L. 1. , L.P. K*rklir., u.nd Oosanographi a mo-difi a& tion of teariniqae (Okoamgrariahosksig metoda otrszwruiyk-h voln) Ok*Anologlia, U(4)- 730-734. .. !'. 'Jd1nt:iiw%- 1~ I- the a@ I Smir k'fl v0- N r 10.' ti or moflt "'li'A ts ".:~; lie -'~~Skogc In Russlai.. Tranal. by ST for AGU, 1975, P. 583-592 In ROcen-.oleQ," (tranal. of entire issue) . Avail. A ','j, price ~,er ^-,N . $3G,00 yearly subso. (6 itsu*s) $12C.00. Avail. on Loan - NMPS. Wash., D.r. I I nal Article Chocked.kY. IlInLkov, I.M. 1974 ft distortions of bottom r*li*f ror-ne in ~ontlnuo" aeismi~ prof illng (0b Lika.Lienilakh form. rej I e i ;' )c;,r (i ii r~R mo pri neprerivTwz sersniaheakom pr0`IIi-,CrAAI-J:.' okesnolo In R-isf,12r.. -glia, IV4): 736-42. Tranal, Ity ST for A,31J, 1975, P, ~ ~3 - 59' 1 v, "0 - et, no:. i:-. (transl. a,' entire issue).' Avaii. A-"~, per .;early vabse. (6 issues) $12 .00. A-all. on Loan - NMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked.J.I.- Malovitskii, Is.P., et &1 1974 The 19'th cruise the R/V AKAtftMTK ,i, IrAVTLM tn tt)e M,editerranean (19-;IsredIIzvuknowornkiY verh Y73 jAK-j-DIY:r' S. VAVI14T) Oksanologila, jj(4): 746-"49. in Ruaala:i. Tranal. by ST for A jU, 197~,' ~. t~(2-6 - !r (traral. o ontirt Imig), Awill. V'.; per .00. yearly subso. (6 issues) $12,3,0o. Avall. on Loan - NMYS, Wash., D.C. OrIginol Article Checkedi N ,*edolkian, A.A. 19-L, Prelimirary molvntifIc results of t.i# 16t.. -;rulae of the R/T AXAMIX MCRATIOV in the Baltic 3ea "redvsr., tell r, e muchMel P*sulft 11 V'I *kaptditeii re~111 ),':S JJJ.DV':?- WRCRATOT v 8altifskom Mort.) Qko&MlCgii&. J~(4): -,49-"5L,. :n Russian. TranxI, by ST for AJU, 1975, p. 606-611 Iri "Claean4ology" (tronsi. of entire issue). Avail. A-..', per ~-i. 43,~.OC, yearly subsc. (6 i2sults) t120, C, Av,all. on Loar. - r~F~, Cash- Ostrovskil, L.A. , and I.N. Pellnovvxil Von-lirmar oavet In the u04jtZ1 :"OnD 4)f t'ne 0-4.4n (N#l"rny* velny v berego-vol zone pkbarwii) Okeanclogils, h(' ): 755-757. In Awitian- Traral. by ST for AOU, 1275, p. 611-623 in "Ooaan*16gyn (trunal. of entire issue). Avail. AOL, prio* per ay. $30.00, yearly Subac. (6 12sues) $120.00. Avail. on Loan - XMPS, Wash., D.~^. Original Article Chrucked. . Itony 1967. 46 - lql~, *73 12 0 3 5 - 067 C0*11'Ahle 0.) k my""t ~,p, 1 -1 .. i v~, mm;oma COMOD"tia" of. Aftwovwta Preolpti: fit ton 01, the (Or of %ml and eantrol Ot Altnewph(vioit' pbl;, t Ion 2a ir A Aveldble on IOM Problems of ReducinF ',-oise in ind,,istry - - " I OKIIRA~.'A 'R-.-DA I 30'-3IJtL",'OYE' 0 ~ , -b -71~-,rp- - KO-scow, ~T -, Pe "? - 3. JPRS 61968 JUJ 7 14 71 a no 7. 3 " i :,~ , I . Froqress in "Invirompental Renorted, 5 no. OFT "I T , T a!, '14117 ._Tl ..k L.~' I SOTSI;,,L'NCY-. 1-'o s c W, N o 2, 1974, O-RS ;211ft Sen 7.4 I-likhalkevich, V. Pension diked for Disabled, Faimi]J.-Fts olith '%'o -E;read- winner. 6 pp O&QM4 TAU" I SOTSLtL'NO . NI 1-,oscaw, _.jL:Up,, A '. -.. 6, 1974, pp 36-37. jpRs 62699 PILL [METER kAYE RAGAk MC (I(:,.. (- 1; ~~, - .. i - LANGUAGE-JA COLINTRY-JA OKI UENKI JIHG VOL 39 NC 3 PP 139-i,41. 0 FS TC-HT-23-02.34- 75 Lazarev, ~., v. Memgansae oxides. Their comparative toxic-ity, hyg-ienic importance and the clinic of the chronic action of mangansee. Socioloqist, Party Officitil Cirmnen.ts on Current Politics, Culture, 18 Dr. OKO, Za;zreb, 3 Oct 7 3, -, ~O 4 .. ". 7~13 60518 NTOV 73 Skrjabin, K.I. Oxyurata of Animals and Man Part 2 460 pp OKSIURAV ZkilVOTNYKH I CREL011KA, Part 2, 1w NTIS-77-74-50015 CIA LY L*ontlyev, -, A* Tvo- and Three-Level AdmUdstistion Explained. 21 PP OXTIAER-11 Moscows Oct 1973, pp 14?-158. JM 6-1-026 C04"Mum Of Water imA Oil M1*11w. ins Prwsa, by it. J. Pshukx, r UND .Raw Mn I'J, pp 4 i4, ibl vl*u- Lit 197,1, .; t,pril 73 Au"We so=, "w&mqu irl 0�0 Of ILAN *t INIgot! (StUdLo M-1. lipidi dl py OAMIA) Oil Gv"81 PM"ti, TVWW1- bY TMWW1- MOP., "P. 1AOg. DOpt. 11f SOD. of ftate of ousta, ftr Dept. ot xnvirot-' FRBC alfAfta Lab., NtUfta, N.S., IJ-73. 4w Tvww1- Sorlow No. 016. 17P.- trwoript. Avs12- on Lem - Vermeer, Win Wcrld,s Energy Supply Situation Discussed, 12 pp. OLIE, The Hague, 12 Dec 73, pp 355-357. ,,IM 61163 Decrees Issued on Orvanization of Sudanese -:-lanning B-lies, 7 . A-IABIC, rpt, omd--.--n `~adic. ~'32~ 10 May 73. JPRS 59146 jur 73 Mv*B Against Digs*&. at Facul".y of PhilosopbY Related. 5 pp 96"Wo VQVIR, Belgrade, 10 Norv 1973, IT 4-5. JPRS 60?40 Ljubljana Meeting of Philosophy Students Cen- sured, 6 pD. OMIADINSKE NOVINE, Belgi I?R9 6141'8 Apr 74 -- r -,-, it ~, r , M. I- ~Ilon6ensers with plpstic 4 wltb aluminum and 7.Ll-ic. :NDE ULCTRI, Ul-, 'Vol. 4 p. 359-394 NTC 73-11344-09A 44 cO rt-r~ , - - -,, , A -,.J F* "m i9i (apt md S*4 for "2 11 AvR4?tz for " NWM*O-"* AOMV Applidatiom ONDE adom VIVO 1010" jvp~ IWIIEZINII-W Unclfift~(CSIFIO-Trans--11247) synchronous oscillatorg of a intorferometer for 35 GHx. PERRIN, J.CL.; PICHCRIT, F.; bv G. Losonci from Oride Ele--.; lbp. Dep. NTIS (U.97--~-a-Vi-s-On 16-Play-73 Study and design of the rad!oastronogfcal CHkRRU, A.; MALLET, J.P.-, M~ZEGUET, J.P. Translated !iO- No. 6, 517-523(1970). y) $7.00. 03B astrophysics; 18D Instrumenlation; translations MN-37 NP NSA 10 Fut" pro"Ots for data )w!vZlOrk& IN I Offm 99EM;q v. 5 .0 no ?" 7,4?7T,, ~Yp. " .. f, ffc MIS1708-US MLL 9022,81 (2800) * -01, -or ~IA Tnvee- i~7fk4lar nnnc-ernln~, t~.ie hourig 1- weari,i~: certaln a Olvg~,OFK IVV!~ DE P4 U*JW, 3FA"' J 7"- DRAM VAN I OR C. pA bibliographic Data on Flexible 'Ila5tic Solar Reflectors, by A. Paillous ` 30 pp. ONERA CENTRE d'Etudes et de ReC)erd,,es --'r NT-03-8, 1972. NAVY/APL/JHU-T-2735 April 73 t:. 6, m "T 0 '~ T M"I Ms .li. 111"ItCT IWA "JUV-ST F'OR 119 UrwWwO Tt~ IT00* i Asomyl Cps P0009*6 rj"740 2 Ofte UVA Mus Ifftm L"Or" spnobs Vve"Ays waft! low 01 ve*A*Aftvl A MA*Z bod"Afty "Man low "U-74 moti4mes Tnw Awee spami6 10 all mptims, .' - * - ~ ~: -. - " t I ~ K r'-:v -! ~ ~ I ~ I - - -;~ ' -.~ - - -1 ~~ '~~ ~ . , . V Ad L.%'L ~' -.L - - - - . : '~-' ,k --V R'f-L -.'~ F '-* LSEKOMT-KH// pp 0001-0291 On the Ontogeny and Evolutl,.on of Insects, *N TIS- T T-74-56070 if if Qimenko, V.V. ONTOGENEZ, Vol 3, No 3, 1972, pp 326-329 *NTIDS-TT-74-S3274 American Foul-brood, by Ivo OPAKA GNJILOCA (KUGA) PCELI NTTS TT 71-56103 MELv 7-A Ku3,, Adam Forecasting the Development of Packaging Production Use. Part 111 6 pp OPAKOWANIE, No 12, 1971, pp 3-4 FSTC-HT-23-2481-72 DISTMUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT A-iENCIES Eichler, Wlodzimierz Problems of Scientific Resea.rch Work and Appraisal of the Research and Development Base 8 PP OPAKOWANIE., No 3, 1972, pp 4-5 FSTC-HT-23-48-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. G)VT AGENCL~.-S ' * " K 1; "' e~ !,.' -// OP A.K 0 4.L"- I E~ // /--/1972,V----,.N,,0004, pp 0006-0009 Waterproof Corugated 'Iardbcar~ Packages, 7 pp ARYIFS TC/H T- "7 1 - 4 r, - -'I I s,!-.(~-- , - - p 7.----- - ~- I - -,- I :,U- . - , - 11 -f, -, 7 71 uPAKowk.ig id -- - - -,- - .1.1 1 - .D) --~ -,' ".r '- - L-., AUL; - -