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V. 14. Xadys7m.kov usi;ng directed differences in a numericaZ solution of the short-tem wath,,w forecast probZem,. 23 pp. TRUDY VOMOSY GIORODRIAMICIMSKOGO YRATFOSROCIVIOGO PROGNOZA POGODY I IIIEZOMETEOROLOGIZ, qo 48,, 1970j, pp 34-51 mw 73 try ..61ml-ty T~'wl-tx. r-In I ~1011 s lRoal Fln'6 MY% ~ -If ChmAcal Ilature Of Diolosimily littive fttolipapolyme.hwidesp by A. Solafthaps MSIMI per$ Dok A Nmik SSM Bi I Vol Iwo I -"A--Oep- o r lp 122-13 Jan 72 Ed/moth '7~11. I . o- z 71 . . pill um I..'ffect of- Ioctic AcLd cai tae 'P:,lt-,ctrcxi-:, )or;l I al of Tidcol and ircn. NIlays ~Jfith Titaliw,, by I. !%a6i~nio, Yu. S. hibyalis, et aL 7 pp. RIUSSII-i, rL)to ~:CatorL~ Ftsptfalilunql,,~TL Knifinmt-gii tiddli!-Ak ~VJLI-tovskcv "SP 16th vilonyus 1960, lek 0 11 132-138. sci/.ltlatoril 13 al 62,,c 69- a.-)G,689 of Ut"UU, '.Aaal ini Uv~klolti U.:-l'ot,~, loy k' 0 Ombbum's TiesMA- or miten btea in ladle Wing the costUs or L%-Ik-;4u u - Zamato,p by 144 rb11L mm='? WL., P&7* MY'Ll" V031. 63, rec 190), f 54& APT 07 Vol 4"", c 1 y s 'tar t-) -M 271 ,,~-ziot-Awcoo 'It'll la t vu On 3 1; 3 Jan 69 Componont-- Of Boilers and Piping Syntems For Which Long- tem Mechanical PrIperties aro Specified: Be colmen(lat ions of the TCIB cwmLttoos of Experlance, in Sarvice and Werlals, by H. Kam lar=N, per, Mitt. Veroin. Groor-Icearielbazitzer, Ho 94" 1965, p,) 1,1!-51 GD 193/901 S-Ci - ;~ep 67 3!,'0, 026 F1 Uopreacence of Dy3*, SO*, Wt and in Sodium-Borate Glasses# by He He Kaevo GMMHp per Glauteohnigg_hp R 2righte, ,Vol 44, 197;t PP 186-19441 UTC 72-10048-11B Apr 72 Blectrotle Dchavior of Zinc and Iran in a Solution I, of CalcLw Hydroxide and in Mortarg by 11. Kccachalll~~ GERM-Op perp !.brhatoffe rorr, Vol 2us Feb 19690 pp 119-124, DISE &'107 sci-Mat Jul 70 1~ , ~< f\ C- C---Nc H C- (1,1 l4kZ-GJ PYROLYSIS A14D OXIDATION OF PLASTICS, B. Kaesrhe- Krischer, R!~em. Ing, Tech. ~37 . 9, 944-51(i9e). ~ _~ __p No . 5700 W; 10 F; 9 R $19.75 ($4.00) 'j-, - - /' - - " . -/~- 1 c '. ,C~ ~- C ;Lt / 1-1~1, /c, c0l, 14 L llydrologic Investiptions gor Planning T)c= in / -:~ I k1orthem Greacav by N. S. ikoessaris. GSIRA-Ui, per, Die Rasser-W'Lrtschalt, Vol S~j, No 3, 1963p pp 72-30. *CN,, TI 7T 70-53161 s c i- rf', e ~ ~-\ N - s - K (Z v- G~~fj Hav 70 - q~ I ~2) ()Z t Vol '10f '7 Ti V, V, ft'Gratim ovadty of the Plates In Ibiticanponmt RoctllficuUou Cwo1=s$ by V * Vj, Nef orov. MSSIMI perg Wk Alt ro* SSSR, as Tacb., Vol 202, no 51 m 7P-, pp ITS ,nw. 0 Feb 73 I.N. Gelculation of the Dynamics of a SYBtez Described by Cell Models and Representing Nonisotherael Reactions of Arbitrary Gosplexitys by Ve V* Warm RUSSIAH # perp ngk Al angL.Mp 9hom Iflobf, Vol 199, No:4, 1971v pp 886-889# OB June 72 Charaoter and Intensity of Exchange proceases Between a Flov and'Stagnant, Zoness, by Ve V* Kafarov. RUSSIAN& Pero 0 XUM.Ink.10 Vol 1099, N 2v 1971v PP 402-4050 June 72 A Matrix Motbod for the Simadion of High. Dimensionea Mwicot4dmiogical Systems(=) of AebitrW Structuro,,.by V. V. Warov. MIAN.. 1*r,, Dok Ak Nauk MR, Mm Tech. s, Vol 197x xo 4,, April 1wl-,,-F"w7Qjd9. CB Jan 72 ~e-s L i'e-k t~n#ti a rbrisons of' Chmical Teclridl b OUre L7 %ryac-%calavo-vic~A iwaru've 13 pp. ~ly p#rv "Ald "m ~h -.71 !la 49 Os % 1:71-If P-p i434r, J P.,-,Z3 54355 2, Ov 'ji " Q L ~J*Cmnillwulan of wao CIMLIactor-latic "a" . 1. SO 4a"-10'%0`3 Of a -1-14th-OrztIcal T dul in DOC, Of by 7. _Dpl: AL, !"iaull: S.SSR. Chaj, A.- Vol loot 7-~- ~M- pp May Pf,~S-J, K'fi p- 70 flaza ""Pansfor E~atvjaari strom-a aid nta nant ~,J~orms, trj lv*. iv. 904% Ai,~ L- 01, 1 en S33y" i3 1,0 TZ - ~q lz '61T ?o Critorion of ldcal kppmratu2 Do-aarlbod iry Collular. lloo~ola~ by RUSSIA1.11, Tlw Dole Alt. 1ja."IlT 'S~Wl- Chon lov 70 "'alculat'lon of a floaatAwn of 'I'll", k4A~I. pl=ity for 'Pasoivibod lrj a 8ta~;cd l7odcl, by V. V. ',-aCarov ~S!V,, nor, -',*-ok All: C1,on, T-777 -6ya--T, r*T~7--- 3T5-056) V v v. v , k 6 -P 14 te %) %~ E. w 71 H(M 71 Im v fv0dixtiva. opmuft'a cabs 04 CoAva,of COMIM CbMIC4 by 6 A' 11 lll~ V, o 2 1, 0l , MIMA. ~WP,3v, POP.- AIr jJOW-~ svslsi-!~ 55 ZT, -lectrods 'aterials based on Silicon Carbide for C,?,c-n Cycle Gonerators, by G. M. i(afarovat B. v. WIdn, 9 pps R'U~SIAIIO por, !~tterl ;:!,osCow, 1969, pp 25-33. J 146 530,939 71 ~;ert&U ~ropcrtlvs of .1,e:'ractory Cvrn~~Aslt by V. A, Akolwyovas k", -,,)Rfarxia, 6 pll-~ pip A 71 Llectrode Materials Based on Silican Carbide for q,an Cycle MID C-eneratars, by G. 11. Kafarova, B. V. tuldn, 9 PP. per, llmteriA~ .VzD- Xclya Kanala Generatorn. ..'Oscowt 19690 JPFS 53939 Sept 71 The M* Batvam the Heat Transf Crisis and High Frequmcy Natural Pressure lemsv by N, Lo Werganz, 193sm.. per$ In-thenemo-Fizichw3di Zhumal., Vol 17s No 4~ Oct 190s pp 725-729. CED-5620 JUlY 71 ~~Ilztearlmlinirq the Produc, tion N., ta Ilothod Costs of L'Iectric Steelmaking, b~v V. Kafka and Z. buzel'. CZECH, per. flu.!.r.i Listy., l4lo 1, 1971., pp 17J.- 179. BISI 98VG2 Aur~ 72 IN. v'A~~ Prf--heated Charge \1n Czechoslovak Electric Furnaces and its Economics, by V. Kafka, CZECH, per. Hutnik, No 3, 1971~ pp 93-97. BISI 9690. ~ Apr 72 Applying the Production Cost Computation 1.1eth- od to an Actual Are Furnace Steel Heat, by V. Xafka, CZECII, per. Dutn Listy,, Vo 2, 1971, p-) 96-101. DISI 95~8 Peh 72 Critical Review on the Presen~ Evaluation of- Rationalization.,9.easureg In Electric steel-Makin'~ by V. Kafka mid L. Buzek. CZECII, per, 116tnik 1971s (4)t PP1,425-1300 BISI 9695 July 72 V. Kafka Economical Effectiveness of Variodo Electric Steel Making Technologies SMWEVARMISM 11o. 10 i1971, pp 408-14 BISI 10241 Jan 1973 DosIgn "or Svporaondtwting Thrmopbwo C[fole, ~i,~ 41~ by 1-1. ll~mflm. GMAM, Der) 14"Z-Al Vol 90,, Ebb 2969, pp. MM/C.E. Ti=5a6 I L, 6~'l ~ ~-' ~14-1 Sol-Mec Bee 69 393,161) OE Trainitv by V. K all"'wro -,:er ^7V i ,..Iloi A VIOV ISTVITE'v A! P- Vuvolopmat of Wronomidue Lama,- on Varicus M Substrates in tive seversky Omlots -Doabas Callaig bY 0. 0. k.4ftVIdl;OVUg, RWSIMt por Gidrdiologtaskix Zhumalq Vol 1110 NO 47-1~67, p~p 70--8S. *Dept of latorior Fish and Wildlifo service bureau of Commercial Ushorles lzci-.. ;a 1, 7 ALI! z ~m o ."M . "t TIJ, u ciassification aw Codification of Ilroducts, by 6 Yu. A. Kaftanyuk. 14. V, Orlova, 3 pp. RUSSIAIN, per, NctodW i Praktika Studardiza- tsil. Chapter 9. 19650 pp 229-237. JPRS 3736S $c 0 - K,,-r- llt)'l ~k K USSR . Eton 5114345 . "I-japt 66 Studies o~-' fiifection and Imaunity in Ant'l%jray. III. The Effect of C4hicll-en Yolk on tlic Evolut-ion of Local Lesions in Anthrax infec-t- ions, by J~~JTe.. 1-1a]--oto. 10 pp. j 0 " JAPIA'.NIESE. per. 14i Don Saikingaj~u Zassid, Vol 11 11, 19'50~, pp 755-759 . ;-J/~V/STIC--Tran-3300-72 J11110. 72 StUdics of Infection Afid Immunity in Anthrax, y, Yo1j' 'Iedium. on the In II. Lffect of an Ei Vi-tro Culturing of the Anthrax Bacillus, by Kaga, llakoto, 9 pp, JAPANESE, pcr. Ni pon Sailingakii Zasshi Vol. 11, 'No 8, 1966, pp 667-671. NAWSTIC-Tran-3293-72 Nlay 7 7 "a tht , 4 v 0 -Iva lirmir vitmltwag of a hy 111jr, ~S. V. Ew ,)uo tl I v Inemu) Iota Expoueutial Fa4ilias and Wabiutod Ninivium=Variauco Estimates Part 1, A. -I. Kagan, V. P. Palamadov. RUSISM-W, per, Tooriya Veroyatuostei ce Jilly 09 i'1 , c-, ~j I Partial Sufficiency and Unbiased Estimtion of Folynordals in a Translation Parameterp by A, 1.1, Kagan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 174p Do 6v 1967, pp 1257-1259. Am Hath Soo Vol 8, No 3t 1967 4 . M , 4 A) I'lov 68 354,181 Conditions for Gptiiual Unbiased Estimation of Parametric Dimetions in the Case of Incomplete Exponential Families ulth Po3,ynmdal Connectionsp by As V19 Kagant V, F, Falamodovs RUSSM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRq Vol 175P Vo 6# 19679 6-12-13:1=21. Am Mith Soo Vol 80 No 4o 1967 iiov 68 3540-44 on ts-ie st2ucture of Tidal Flow in a Stmtffied S Scao by B. A, imssim, pors Ghemolo Vol VIII, N*o I'l 1967k pp 29-~ *00pt Gi Interior Vish mid Wildlif-o Service Bureau of Co=ercial Fisharics ~ci-Llar Si 4 Ocean I'jay 67 COMAned Amlog-Ugltal Apparatu Waigned for izo es k.'ontzrol ~;w-tpator of AU-Union Scianti:Via vearch Institute of -4 lectromechanics 1~lo 3. by I~J.p 14 '~'Aaanq Lp v* 6 pp. v rpt 9 &mlortova i i A*o,,o 1. a g pp ''ar j?4,9 7 Iv 3j, C, 9 3 7 5 4, 'fao I, -; 'I~m."manst, v. ltag=.,~ li~v of tho characto-rislao 4 matlawatlepal 1:.!,Odol of ChE !-'~'OLUT na WiMiNJI por 1.1~1, - -.19. -. - -i9 UT VO Tod- ,0 pp 70 aatt-,-oon S~xovn and iqass pran$rr4j!. i v ;,"wr.ant "."'Onoat P-1 MISSVAO, M,- 19 T-to-7 70 crit~a-ior, or ldzga for Apparatus 1-wicril ood lbinj Collular Tiodolop by POWA LV! UWIII- MW . ChM iWo '14:5 Tooll. k7r.-I oat l,)u9,,, 71- p- 75 1"', 6P3 C V 6 P- C"alculaft.3.on or a licao-il-ion ol' Any Con- pilo.-it"y for S7stvns )D-orxvIbc(ll try a Stanco llode!, by V. V. ~~a:arov W, Vi-S! /P- C) \1 - ~ v , t~,q -P q tav \( ImIn V, v Ilodmum Qp~ft FlAnous ard coh-al Of CMAIM chwdqa bou~Vstmf by Vo vo Womo 00 Do. PP# llarwwtor Cor a Par-maotor DIPAtsion llodol, by T',qk Ak llauk, n P Toeb. Vol , -C, ", 3, 9 PIP Nov 70 Uectrode I-Aterials -Etsed on Ulicon Carbide for Cpen Cycle Generators, by G. M. Xafarova, B. V. Luldl, 9 pp. .v dl a IEanala XGD-Generatora. R115-51RI, per, I-laterial ;"'oscow, 1969, 2~ 3 j0 J -PI 53939 6upt 71 &, M, w-itsil -r-mocrItics A. Alkolaywiat q C~,-. M. ~~ Ij ~ 6 P, 0 v A Uectrode 1,~atexdals iL-sc-d on S3.Ucon Carbido for QpGn Cycle I'RiD Generators, by G. X. i(afarovat B. V. Wdn, 9 pps Rtd~31ffiq perp '-;z!,t K~a '-soscmi, 1969, PP 25-3), JIT-5 53939 5PP-t 71 ~-fi a, /~VZ,CIA ~,/ The Link Bdvpm the Heat Transforcriws vw Mgh FregaeLcy Natural Preomro Osdllatimst by No Le Kafergmzo fussm) per) Zhumal --V ~- - -0 Vol 17., No 4~, Od 19Ks PP 5-729, CE04620 JU1Y 71 ter ning thc Production P. O~t Cost& of Ellectric Steelfrilaking, by V. and Z. litizeR-, UECII, per. lluttn Li,.;ty. , No 1, 1971, 1-,T~ 171 - 179. BISI 9862 7 2 V, Preheated Charge n Czechoslovak Electric ~e~ Cz Furnaces and its Economics, by V. Kafjc~a, CZECII, per. Hutnik, No 3, 1971, pp 93-97. BILSI 9690, Apr 7 2 Applying the Production COSt COMputation i Od to an Actual Arc Furnace Steel Heat, by V. - Ya fka, CMICII, per. flutn LislLy Nlo 2, 1971, pp 96-101. 9528 Feb 7 2 km jr Critical Review on the.Prcsen~ rvaluation of Rationalizat ion. Measures in Blectric Stcal-ffaking\-. by V. Kafka and L. Buz6k. CZBCH, per flutnik 19n. (4). PP DISI 9695 July 72 i,;,, 6, Doolp for SuVor=nt=tImg Thm-pbaso Cable, by 11. Nuf1m. GMM, per, =.A. Vol 90: Vab 1%9) pq W-0,2. =B/C*E. T~=5216 1 11 61t~ /f ~.~ 4 - sci-Eloc Dee (3t) 393,,169 t I '? t T 1 0 I,V v 'I'y A Viw of ~Le crm~,,ps In tam IV 5 Zvy P LL' ftrw Duvolopacat of Wronoddae Larvae on Varictis A Sub,strates in the Saver5ky Lftets -Dcmbas Canals, by 0. G. KaftawliLOVOS RUSSIM's, per, Gidrobiolo'deskiy liqual Vol III* No Is, 19670 lyp W083, *Dept of Interior Fish mid Uldlife ~;erlvica bureau of Co=-ercial Fishorics TO ClassUication and Codificaticm of Products, by Yu, A', Kaftanyuk, M. V. Orlova, 8 pp. RUISSINN, per, Netodika i Praktika Standardiza- tsii, Chapter 9. 196% pp 229ft237, JPRS 3736S ~ ~t. ~ - K a-F Tr,~) q " K ussill 4con 5110348 Sopt 60 Studi~-So- fection arld Immunity in All-ti-Pilax. III. The Effect of Chicken Yolk on the Evolutilon of Local Lesions in Anthrax Infect- i. o ns ,by Kaga. '11a],:.olo. 10 pp. JARA1,1ESE, per. NiVD-on Saikingaicu Zasshi, Vol 11, 1950, pp 755-759. '41AV/STIC-Tra~-3300-72 Juno, 72 wv Studics of Infection cal'd Immunity in Anthr~-ix, II. Lffect of can Egg Yolj',,- liedium on the In Vit-ro Culturing of the Anthrax Bacillus, !;-'-Raga , "-!a y " - ;...koto, 9 pp. JAPANESE, ;)cr. 'Ldppon.sailinguku zasshi, Vol. 11, No 9, 19E)G, pp 667-6*71. NAUSTIC. Tran-3213-72 Hay 7 2 Mastic O"Jocts, by 4*',, Fs V. F4651P.No V,- 13, JA A 6 6 'icl 11 " 17 4 ~ IncoLtvieto i..'xponelitial pajilic's and -T-7 'inir U, bioSod -li auu=variauco i'stimates Part 1, A. IN. Kagan, V. P. Palarladov. RUSSIAN, per, Tooriya Voroyatuostai i-.o-- up. Sci.-Mat 'Jilly 69 Partial Sufficiency and Unbiased Estination of Polynomials in a Translation Parameter, by A. M. Kagan. RUSSIANg per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 174, No 6* 1967. pp 1257-1259. Am 1..;ath Soo Val 89 50 1 1967 4 ~ M, 4 A) Nov 68 354,181 Conditions for Optimal unbiased Eatimation of Paramotric Rmations in the Case of Incomplete Exponential Fwdlies Ath FdlynomUi connoctions, by A. m. Kagan, v. P. j?ai=odcrv. RUSSUNp per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 175s No 6v 196?1 jp-1-21-MI-218, Am Math Soo Vol 8, 110 4# 1967 M . 1~ qj Nov 68 3%o244 on vie struicture of Tid4l Elva in a Stratified Sea, by B. A. Kagan'- RUSSIANO per$, GLcan*lO3iY4' iol Vll" Nu 1, 19671 PI) 29-t67 Vapt of Interior Vish and Aldlifo b"Orvice Bureau of Contercial Fishovier, 6ci-Lar Si 4 Ocom ),lay 6 7 as Cup r Of Inst us ')as, for ,,So it"te Of Lek, 2' 440 3. linpa( ova Ofto, 4r JO 536 72 !'Joe 6,) '374,937 JI 19 Xi Paz, mwa Condition of the Most UTortant Crops in 1966 and ' a Prognosin of the Incidence of Discasco and Peats in 19670 by Magister Frmclazek Kagan., Dr., Kr2yszto:C Piekarazy'k. and flaGioter Anarze-1 Stud. zinski, 9 FOLISH., per,,, Nova Rolnietwo, Woo 7p 1-15 Apr 1967o PPO 20-230 jus 41794 /2htgg;~- f-I~Avcls2a.< EE-Poland Sci-Agric Aug 67 333P135 Tbc Fathw_irocity of L-tbrms of 04curia SV4 tht FWAIY zad Thaly 1"010 in aiv 111fCCUOU3 pathalsoy'l Pa"v.-t t,* 4. ExlzarLsontal study of sho Patho~%vfdcity vt Lofbnas of Bacterap by Ve V, TinA;.-v,, ';~' y%, kzgana R;561xi, per, atimal klikvolbkclqlw4y Vol pp aA 4 a-.15013 A Jun 167 Cultivation of Estonla Agent (Y4mopiaumm Pneumozdae) on Artificial Nutrient Media~ by G. Ya. MaDny R. S. Dreizin. RMM., perj, tin Eksp2rlmntalnoi Biologii i FleditpUff* Vol 60, no 90 190" pp 75-70- MA rLT-65-17200 0-(: y 307,593