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Thii - -%falled ElsoLic BOOM I by V. V, Up lilmkostanwje Uf4-w OTS 61-111g)c, C, P:,.;[i 4-23 General Theory of Metals, by IF. Z. XX Vlasov. RUSSI;Ui, mono. Moscow/LeninEnLd, 1,,I; - T;4 -i)P- 11 I i t's .1. Sci wtr 6-' Of I-lorntmtless Shelii.~ CA' b-, UNCL J.7, Ak !innk UL kin, 60 Gew.-fml fteory of SheUs. Mapter X. More Ccoplex Pmblerw ctf Shallow Shen Thetwyp by V. L. Vlasov,, 49 pp - 1 0 ~ I MWIANi bkj, pubi by GrMj 1!~*qj, pp 436-478. Ham-U D. Frtedvan $5.00 3.1~, a 'o -~ scientuic - Physico im 56 (rps!dex The Calculation of Conical Shells by the Variational Method of V,, Z. Vlasow, B, A, Konovalov, 42 pp. RUSSIANO bk, Procbmost'A Aviatsiomykh Kon, TrWy, Aviats Insts Obormgiz,, Moskva, 1960, pp 19-56. 9681623 PTD-Tr-62.16S2 51611-HURT Wy 63 ~ -~ ~' 5- -- -/-, Gomr4l UW*rY of Bhells. Chapter IX. Shallov spherical Mmalso by V. Z. VlaSDV., 48 pp- I liussWt bks, p.9)1 by GITTLj, 194~,, Pp 395-4.16. Morris D. FrieAmign Woo Q e ;, Sciewtific ... mysics JAM % =/a= som P"aw of StructUrnal ].'ic-c'- a-i-*,-~7.- 1,1;~ill ,~~:.ructiarcs, by V. 7' sci -n'IW Al"OdAU00 ot tho iqu&tims of the TAO"y od, 4;.SOUAD tw i" Z. I,U"V. sum I , ~tjmxl ii~micijjui, por ixtblagrm rAulp - 9 I ii 4ft Va 110 '. o 5: 19" 9 pp M.-SH4 OIIU-silmg~-10048 iwi-l-AVA V, 2 V/p ~,z y f'ek~ 6B - 61-10820 vlasm. V. 7. THEORY nF PRETRESSED THIN-WALLED BEAMS I Bcarns--Th,~orv IN PL.KrES AW SHELL.S. PaIvr IveaLmed at the I vlasov, %, , International Congress of BuMers. Budarest, I I( 0c: SS 11 Title liltcrnatiolml. (1961119p~ 3 refs. Order fr(yrn LC or MA m152. 40, 05 i 30 I'l Tran&. of Akadj~trdyaj 1Qauk [S&SR1- Otd[elenlye I 1 . !1~11 it ht ~''- ;A , 11~ I 11, .1, !1, 11 19Y, p. 70-84. Off- .1 T-*..,.1 (Mcchanics, 1-1% v S, no- 10) UL W30 Uology of "Iyalow."a Aslaticir! ". '01. Mid !-.ichI#, (11yalowma Urumadarli slsiaticw.), Ya. 1111asov. IdB~ N', e S , i;t r. Iurazit Sb-urn, .,o 7, LAO, p1) (Chi Louji) v 'liar 67 No Ftfoitt *I! :-*and M the AtrodYna--ic C~aractcr- //0 Istles of wt. Turbulant Jet by, I'd, Vo VIV30V, per, Isvestiy&. 841 4kLA.;s_1z, ?*K-hsinifv zilkiJkWi i 17wazap Vo 4. pp 135-138. OFIMW :,T."24*2 32.6 S 1 7cllt"~'iridcs Nu 11 :1 L k . !Oran 0 rigs 2 oft.;. A ~so awker aim" pmw&mp by .''I" T. 0., satuma, 1 5 pp. or utkl 1 U04 %I L36 a I I;ro ca ftl a" 62 2003,4ft 7be Thormcitq-maitna of C&Cl-RbC]. So -% .9clu--.,Ions nt 250, by L. L. MRkihrov., Yu. G. Vl~vc'rvt RIISJI. IlUt, rcr, Dck Ak Wnuh SSER, Vol C.-I. rp Consul+j.ints Eturaru Bei - cheml 49 Ddkbft 290 IV UUFWL 0 I um Al"ptb46 tw A. 2" lo INWW% 3 o* lo, WIR'slaku so 4.% w 67-0 t Y - ". 11,1,&-,--ellt~ aid ~w am z"--of- 396&A M -5500/2) SIwaLaUntion IM Is an the Statriektrita IrAustry ef the Distriatp by 1. N. PyUllp "Pvv~.P.. I pp. Itise in the Electrical INardlovs)s sconomic Z. S. Druguleva, A. A. EMMIAN, per,, Vent MAttreprcm, No 11, 1960p JM M9 sci - ugr 3Y.3-31 Teb 61, j MetasorAtism of the Paykhura Canites by D. X. Vlasova, V. A. Zharikov. RUSSIA2N. per, Iz Ak, Nauk SSSR Seri4a C00IO&I'Clieskaza. Vol XXVITP so 19621P Zip 27-40. Jun 67 SttW oC U,* Dissolut4aD of 'SaUar ~.(Ae ;y ALW1,14, tun. Vol ;~, So a, mw~~~ ;1962 (31-14) AmW,yoim of litrogem- and CarbwWl-Cuataining orpr stlicm CmpmumU tor TitmtIon In gmwuoous Media, Ily A. P. Ikeaftrow, V. A. Dxvzday.. B. 13. Vlasom., h -pp. WSSUW~ pw, Zavod Labj, Vol XM, No 10,, 1960., up 1(*D-I()83. ISA $ci ahm 611 '/ 5- -;-, li -~ ~~o i-" tl-~ 4 I-, Mr blikUk ES~kjli~ Pare Wtal Xinevalbatim AsipocUted with fiepbeUm Symites in the ALIaLlic Province o:r Untftl Al"no by S. K. Kmvebwko, R. V. v1swo"t 3 pp - PRM,IM.p per, DDk Ak Smsk WSR, Vol M-MII, ft 5o 1959., pp ).046-1049. pal soil 'Itilt C,L3--j.n llydrt)lysate Medium and a Antit'enic ar-ld immunogenic Propertifi,.., VISSC-7~a.? W,, Vinogradova, K.L. Palkiria. RLIS.S.I.AA; rjor, Zhur MArobiol EnAdcri-. en j)o W PROMAG lb COWILING THE L:IoOOD,000 COOM"M KV OF mAGwric AmmuEs oF Tw ussR, BY M. A. VASIL'YlE%o 1. 1. VLA~ 8 PP. I PRaMYSLOVAYA GEKWIZIPA,r twoo a Igas PP 111.116. im SO om i62 L,,' .* pol yL~~icle Reaiaz, L~, 5. -9 A. Rodivilova., K. N. VlasoveL.. 3 prp. RUMSIAN, prr., Plastldiarkly Mwiay, Nc 7, 1960, pp R.O.,22. RAMI Avg 63- CWFW X-4695 CTianguli in li:x(-itab:i-Ljty oi 1 - ini,; at 1'enta Cun-.~arison ot' Tisu-L.- Vlasown, J.) W-Trosy RUSSIX v CTS 2 Di-ffercntimt froi c:' Complex Sltimu- Prob-Lem cf Assocdntivi: lnh-ibitiz-n), by t0t, V, v :PC'T (FDD 36035) The Char*cteristic of the Cutawul-3alvanic Reactirm and of the Respiratory Cum Dur*ng Certalln Dwtional CcMdIt OW,. by IL K- Vlamove., 32 Ru3sms, Irreg P*, Ujuk dazog No 53,9 m"Dowt 195 : PP IW-123-0- - -- - CUAW/mew um a 3., Sol. - )kdlauwv nwavibriduw On the Foraltion aad Efficiency c;f thz~ I )pmratw~ of Agricultural Plant-s c 71 by A. A. Mchii, r-jzlol Rastj--niy, Vui A U -J : kq? $pectrophatowtric Determ1nation of Courdirat-, j Of B-oron and Aluminium in Glasses, by A., A, Xefeltj E. I. Galamt,, N. L-Vlasova, 3 PP. RM-911M. per Zhur Neargan Kh1m, Vol V, 1.14c 1960, vp I -ITT3. Cleaver-Rum Rrttsu All 6 1 4: L.Irl"heila =~ Reactions of Ca4purds. Ocammication 6. Syatbosle zaf'6 Boo,eWo" of Crrg=oeilic= 41,cetyll!-nit by li: 11%, Nmmrov, U, I. Vlxe~ow-., 5 pl!gx. It AIK Aftuk 1, 19631 .13,0-96. ap SCIS. Dim 6.1 IR Irg-lix-net of sImT3t on Flotation of Co3i rineil.. 'v-v 1. M~ plalwin.. N. a. YIL&Qys",_ RUSS)OM, per, It Ak Sauk SSBTt, C,,,Aei Tekh Njjj-,, Flo 's, 1953, pp 882-". XU H. 4368 Sel .. Wo/metsix 5p~,/ Apr 6P- cm U: i"rit . _ ito pMnr~-An-s by Obtvln,,-~d rin Stmt~ansY7 and B0.3trin, 1". T. Vlasavn, IT. P. Prokof'ev, 2,-tvcxi Lnb, Vol )C(Vli, No 1 1961 - latift"i1w I" of LAWM Ukric Fortulailtra on J'"*POdMoft Sads by P. V. Yanidwmddy. V. MW viawval I'd m Mus"K-p-wo-lAm v Agashm Kb2& No 1, 196S6 ilgr2g. JPM 31 SO - AgV6 CbmM Aug 64 265.96., cn ... .... (P-T2 T - - 2'1 bc. 7hs Determination of the Free Energy of AT? fly&-olyttis rrom the Nexoklimse Reaction NqW11brimm Constant., by 71 G. R. VL-Aimirov, MOM V. 0. k. 1. Kolotilovs, so No Lvz1vm# , 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Bic4dtlm, Vol AXII, no 6, 1957, Consultants Bureau Sol - Ned Aug 58 6 C/ The gfrec"veam or DUfarest Ptmp of HItrogm Pertnuers In the Case of LOW-OmMmed Use - bY V.M. vin.40". - 15 pp 'pu so pw, cbm Ow Agr UMP Val TM, no 1, 1939P ,pp 3343. REA R-2M sci Effect oil' Cm.1pression netization of ~~Cntilic by A. Ya. Vlassov G. .1 Russilvl;, per, Iz Ak Nauh 1962, pp 639-64-3r. on the ',,'atL.ral Ler-11"Clit Deposits of the Atlantic -Iccan, V. Kovalenho 3 pp. P 11 SSSR, Scr Gco,.Fiz, :,,Q 5, kmer Geophys Unior Sci Sol) 02, I 5 2140 W() .1 crf F-stern M.PhU1,1fl) Lactle ACids, by Vt yn~ V11GOV&P 3 pp. o, 1. r. Lopkim, I I por, Zhux Obs;bch I;hi Vlol T-t-, :~, 3.958, PP 955-956. Consultant rurtaki Sni - Chem (NY-5319) 7be Influence ot ErpotAerula an the Dewlop- mM of Acute PawLiation Necrosis of the Skin, by L. A. Atrlkwava., Ye. F. Vlasove, Ye. F. uratkr:m, 6 pp. RUBSIM~ pW) Mdlt Radlol., Fo 9.. 1960. MS 7617 Sei - Med 3 Apr 61. Bativitep A Now HirAxiLl, by VIABovaip if. 0. pinevich h pp FMSIM r Dok Ak ftuk SWR, Vol 010=11, 30 3, i G 1-660. ACM lull. Ams 61 =I Iman chamic-&I Stuay d1m No"I Toodde., b,,,r M. 1. TO'. 6 ]WS pwo nw WiLro-oldL lonwWold"ll, Vol mms so 1" 19"s Meliorative and Bconcmde Remats of Drainc6c Work in the Fargsna Valley and Golodnaya Steppe,. by Ii. D. BOSP&LOV., Z. S. v1umft., .11 P.P. RUSSM. bk3 Prlmenmxiye DranarIvi Fri Onvoyeniy zemsij i"8 oys 6D-5iigl FLABO Sol - 0901t" Agr 61 POT go 102 i-lorp!IOIC114 ical III Nidlley& Lurl%~., 3h-herban'., RUSSIjiN) :-.iu per, hrkii eatol, yol Z4c, Sep 19, I iadirition sicknen~ calculation of a Point Detonation with CourAterpmanure Taken Into Aca(Amt, by D. Ye. Oklwtuimkiyo 1. Lo Kondrsabevc, ~. F. 71"dova, R. X, Kazakova, 93 PP. RU&:I]:A,N, rer,, Trudy Matemt Inct imenA V. Q%-a Mo 150, 1957) pp 1-651 JM 5767 Zffbat a."" Compressiou of Art:XicirJ-1j, Da-,;ooited 52d.44=11;c U~Pm bb~- Vlawsov.,, Go V. KbviiLankoy I'a., Do Tmpin. MFSOLAR,, per., Iz Ak Nauk S&S!', .. '--'-~Z- 0~.' 21 1-9611.. pl)- 1179-1182- AQU &t4. Mi?,-v 62 Psychut'herapy c-f Child 3tuttering, by N. A. V-1a.3s,-v.-I, P-.:~. RUSSLM~p bkp Psychoterapy in The Jcviet Ua~ _.,i ~D,. Lib - .RC 46C, . L" :.,, Dec 6i Ct CAM 18 - 11 1 Spftdp bY E. Ardphl. o"Own V. VI no - MIMPM"'N Ru 181.19. PWO aman Rt!!Aup No 7, 1964, NPIPRSI:26%5. U 50"k I L Econ $~ - Chem Dec 64 269,601 -IN w $WAN*& NNAMW ~Zv = ou, a - - WIN 0 ;r to OR INLAW V* WOO 1* mn -ordw. I -Q~Wduwmm MONCRO IL ~~Sl . w -'rRP.4pp~w . a i 064016 4 7 " 000L 237o6lb 13 q'i #-=!III& "ULM" is w 0 ~ sc I to "IN TH9 ,or low IN am IMLAND VOMINAI, 16 PF ~A. ommmmcm OBINCHO 237:617 L;1I UA: W. A~l Jew S-va-chroph"US of PM*Ilor Hades of Multi- Bxtgiao ALr=fL$ by Autontim. by 0. B. Vlasow- Vl"uk SS pp. RMIANp bko AYt*mtlcJwskiys Regu2irovaniyo Awladvigateli. Oboxmgis, Sbumlk No 4, Moscow, 1006 pp 3.4. 70-94. 9678UO FM-Tr-62-1166 Sci - Asto 9 Nov 62 (MY-3000) MflUing Production Plans at tha "2D TeWm of October" Machine Tool ;)Uf,lamg Plant$ by As 6 vp. HU33IMP Wo Nexod Khoz Kazakh, 14D 2, 1!,462.. pp 9.12. 14 4 o e3 .' .,(;Il Al. J 3 u *- 612 r4Tnanim AaadeW ce Ajprtctaturm~ t;waeu TUO 4.b ar-C'U., lby P. A. vlanyaj. 10 pp. RMS.SX1111T, per, Vinst ScllWLzbb-llz M----h.' Ith Icip 19,61~ pp 9**17* Vkwia IIMOOWW~ Ma ftWO~ 103AUDG t0 tJ3W *'BIO- f 10WOMR, MW Of TMM MMMtAl In UM LLft *f . AVASO14 Md Wumal~', W Po A. trlaqr,*., Mape Vre WOR ilkilk-Blhil A.;ju: Qj 2358du The Ofect of Nitmte and Amoclun Nitrogen and Mangpmese ft-tritution on Sulrur Metabolizm of the Ougar Deeto by P. A. VI"yQkj E. B. KOISMtyl, 2. M. K11movitakaAs 7 V9. RMSUN, per, Piz RuUny, Vol IVt No 5, 1957, Ipp 432- 39. Amer nut or 11101 Sel Jul 58 The Effoct c~f Foliar Nutrionts oi-i Seo? Ggr - minat,imm, bq A: DasyWcp G. V. Porut'sky, S. V. CherA&'dniolienko N. -L)01&, A P) 1,15SIjUlt t4xloo-mo per, Duk Ak lCia'K Vol 1I.L No lo 1957, pp 214-216. Amer In3t Of Pin! S31 soi.-Mol Mar 5B 0, Faliar Nutrition by Thiamine and Plant Orvvth Wring the Flowering Period, by P. A. VlasyWt. G.- V. Porutsky, S. V. Cheredniabenko. Z-- MSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nsuk 83M, Botanical Sci sec) val cxTx,, No 4., pp 769- Pmer Inst of Biol Sci Jan/.reb 1957 Scii - Siology J-/ .3-.2 3 Aug 57 The LDcalLtatiosk of Havamwoo in Various C*3-1 Structwmm of ?UnUs IV P. A. VI"7ukv Z. M- Xliacrvlt$VAYK,, 7 PP- RMSIM, por,, na ftetedyp Vca Vl,, go 5,, 1959# pp 560-~67- Amer Inst of Mol &I Sci AM 60 The SfAtct ol' -larticles of Rad.6oautlve luotcpes on the Chsityo pi in Size of the Chlaroplaota of Elodoa Canadew Is, by ?. a. V.Lasyum, .1, RUBSIO, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSH., Vol CX:EX No k, 1958, pp 65-- Amer 7-mut. of ?hys Sov Phys - DoklAdy Wo Bel - F-~vys Jul. 59 Problem In Studyi32S Soil Feriallity and Methoda of immasing It,, by A. V. Sol~oiav, P. At Vlasjui~., 10 pp - 93WIAN, per, Focbvovedeniyc, No 1, IS63, pp C~~-2.0. ScrLpta Technica scl Jur, (:~f Iffect of Various Form of Polaselum and Other Types of Fertillmwe and Yields of tkagar Beets and Cotton Dader Irrigation Conditions In the South of Ukrainian by P. A. Visayuki P. Z. 14&oval RUSSMs, per., dowet Agroc,, Vol. X, Ito 12, Doc 1952, pp 19-26., CIA D 432337 USM om 9- 7 loonouic - AgriAltu" Par-ticipatiot of Microorganisma in t-14-Ae of' PlAritsy by P. A. VlasyLik, V. D. M.Anzon., 6 pp RUSSM, pmr, Izvest Ak Nauk 63ifflj No 3, !9~5~ pp 44?-53. AAM. S Tr ]~-1359 Sel JLin !58 Effect of' Nuclear Radiations on Plants, oy P A, Vlanyukj,.?X pp. Full, traualation. RUSSIAN, bk, Conference of thit Acadcrx~i of Sciencerl of the USSR on the Peaceful U-3en of Atomic Enerr;y, 1-5 Jul 3.95% Sessionn of the Div ,)f Bir-irogicaa Science, S 6- 3 71 j kkr~awa CbnVaIltatItI3 R GFO 259 ~0--*