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Clinical StudY of Aldcmterme., 'by R. S. Machp A. r. mullor, 6 pp. OgR"p pms Schweiz jbd W*Qhscbrjl Vol LIOMV# ..W. 2 JU 1955,- p MA Tr 2135 Sci - WdIalue ----~2/V6 / W 57 AldosUrono Dateradmtion in the Wine, by R. Behar, 2 pp. =shlRo Verg, 3chweis Wd,Wocksicbzl Vol 2 LXXXV? 2 Ta 3.955, p 661. GIA Tr 2136 soi - slolow q F'I Sep 57 PrelUduary Repwt on the QxmtitmtLva ChcmLcal Determansti.m of Urinary Aldosterome, by U. L. Belmmleap A. Rlmdell, R. Borthj 1 p. , Vol LXXXV, GOMS, Ver , Schmtp...*sd 2 JU 1955.0 v 6Q* - WA Tr :2138 sot - chendotry -f -.0., .6-6 Al Aug 57 Mater &vA SWium Chloride Stress in Adrenalecto- ud.md Dogs Under Oortexone, Aldoeterone and 9-a- Flurocortiaol, by W. Dettbarm,, ro Growl, 5 Ippe OMWN, Ver,, Schvei ;,wci4hsclw 1 Val LMM, 2 Jul 1955, VRPVU0.4 SLA . ~ =K TFt 2140 Sci - Chemistry J-19 Aug 57 Influance of the Antidiuretic Hormone on the Hydrowtatic Fmasure in the Tubuli of the Rat KMmV (Prel 4-1 nary Beport), by ff. Wirz, 2 pp. =Ms., For# 8SLvMiv d Woobachr, yol L=V.9 2 au 1955, P 66C _ML MM"NO-W STA Tr 2128 act - Bicaqw 'j-O? "7 Sep 57 j / ~ /7 The Function of the Thyroid After Pdrenalectoaw, by F. Ver W, Z. Fluoklgar,, Ip. G=MNj, per,, Schweiz ad M9pkWAr4.YdI LI=Vv 2 Jul 1955P p SLA Tr 2141 U~-,C2 sai - Biology / 7?,3 S" 57 Coaperative Study of AlAostemne and CortexGn-,- i1a Addlsoaians and NOrMl FOrsOns., b;r A. E. MiUerp E. Nwit 1 P. mwxo per,, ackwelz Wa Woch,;Cbr,, Vol UM. j9 2 Jal 1.955.o P 665 ;-~ SLA Tr 2139 &- I - Biolomr , 7 r Sep 57 " i Amunt CC 8-11cylemir, Cbt-albA After Aftinistratton of - Nw DerIvittive of AcetyUnlicylle Acid, by 3. C. T'-orr-rd, 0. Plorbet-t. GZFWAh, er, Sdamis Red WodMbbr, 'Tcl IMOLT, 1955, pr 6% -6k:, --- PAM-02 Sal Jul 59 19111;~ x/I c F M, ~MAr, Chronic Interstitial Nephritim With the Abuse of AnalgeSiC3 Containing; Phenacetin, by H. U, Zollinger. GEPAM, per, Schweizerische Mkidizinische Mochmschrift, Vol LXM,, No 31,, 19S5,, MU/T.464 Scl-Biol 4 Mod Sel Mar 63 AMUMI I rgic X"ect Of the RELUNIolfia Alkaloid Reservins, by F. Polskp 5 pp. =OMNI Per* Ocbe!*r 30 Ju 1955j. w 751- - ~ _-j Vol 1mvp OU Tr 2148 %~�- C2, 9 6 gr Set - IWICIne S" 57 The Importance of the Sinus Wiill for the Regressive and Regenerative Processes of the Pone Mw-row, by R. Stodtmelster, S. Sandkuhler, M. Pliedner, 4 pp. UAMMp per, Schweiz Had Wocb,, Vol 1="' 1955, pp 942-945. ABC Tr 3034 Scl. - Ma~ic-lrxa LA Oct 57 Studieo on 3i-3rtbroph-ngocyt-or,:La, 1-,~ H. achubc)th,y P. Croso, 15 ppt MMM.. per,, �4jpv~iz Ked llmhmahr, Vol I;ir,'-V, 1955, vp 952. S.L.A.. Tr 1035/1956 MUCUA a4t& CAUt ideal Ob-~--iev vatiwits Li a 0 tic ~j.-C L(- u Cle 'loi L;oliiag '~; i %j: -, Phor&I -r-I,~-FIthyl.guta-rindde (Poriden), by ". Gerstp-r, Scholer, and 1'. Zuger , 12 prp GETWAI-11, per Schweiz. Pud. ~Ioaliso'w, Vol 9 Oct 31-955 PP Sai - t-lodicine M,r 58 sLA 2966 W/// 0/(9 New Experienees With Dewcoleine (Coleemide Ciba) in the Treatment of Laukoseo and T=ors, by F. Zbindan., 29 23 pi? - GMUM 1. ., part Schwelz fttd Vocbschr, Vol lw'=.. 8 Oct 1955 pp 994-1ooo.' SA SIA 57-1332 S,ft-i .. Medicine 619 & 3a bkr 58 Expe.-Irrontal stmly nn Preduisme (Mettieurtanilrocine or Moticurben) in Intact and Aj)renuleatvwi.,,ed Ilah)y by P. Diwommon, S. Mumpown, M. Dailul-he, a pp. GEMON., per,, Sulivelz IW Wochsuhr, Vul LXUV, -1 . AA-. .. . a cat 19559 It IF * SLA 2975 MaY 58 Phurmaicologly of the &aciim Disodium Complex Slat and -ihe Woodium Salt of Ethylen Diamim TetraQcetic Acid, by P. bvh--v-mr!t3 H- Sebumacher, 9 pp. GKMUt, perj Schweiz Had Woebachr,-.Vol Iam, 8 Oct 1955, pp 1003-IM57 -- MA 57-1331 Sai - Medicine Apr 58 61) io?~ lxicmc--asiod Urinary PArxretion of Aldo-zterar.5 With bjr A. et iil. , IG pp. CTWWAR, pors Sobvelz Med. Woohy Vol LMV, Nov 1955.. pp S.L.A. Tr 1029,11c,156 Problems of Chronic Intoxication With Combined Phenacetin Preparations, by R. Sawaingwber. GERMAN. per, 4"IzarisrAe )6tdisinische Ifochen- wchrift,, Vol LX30LVp No 46# 19550 pp 1162-1166, NWT.463 Sti-Siol 4 Ned Sci War 63 A -A Sj .17 (1 by E. N. Mcheabargar.. Di. Sah=d!Anmer-Y-'bpp, Eim-tij Y.. iftubumy3 0. 'Weatphal) I'll pp. GMMM,, p=p Ogb . _"Is Ned Noebachr,, Voi LMW.. no 4,9,. 1955, ilp 3190-11-96- 1, Nm 4-19-60 tAm 60 7 Tom6lims CL Caush Hm4Y W114 & New DbahsnJ am of ActUmp by X. Bache jo 33 pp. - v0sak OMWM,, -8olaMlx-M&d-Nmdw4 Vbl LMWI, 28 Jam 19%.- pp -9%=W. - 1080 SOL.A. Tr=OA9% fkd - IMLOSM loce, 'o 3?d ~ oelt 56 cm Ig uw'%W-KEWr, now IURMOm pws Sobwels Mod W*olwwabrMp Vol LXXXVip S.L.A. Tr 3219 W Jem 57 "S /, Redicamutous aW PsychoUt--rupeutic Conduction or Serpeoll Mwmffg b7 r. A. Hielkaj, U pp. QWMWO pwo Scbmlso Ned. Wcbwcbrp Vol LXXXVI is veb~6, pp']M--TW. S. L.. A. Tr 635/56 sci - rAdlclne Jql 340 9 Jr... Avg 56 Oft/deit Attempt to Treatment Hypercholesteremia. with I-Trilodothyronine, by J. P. Delmez E. Engel. GEMAN, per, Schweizarische Medizinische Wochenschrift, VpIJ87, No 6, 19S7, pp. 133-4. NTC 69-11798-060 Sci-DAM July 69 387,603 Clinical Experiences with Biotrase in Surgery, by R. Waelti, A. Senn- GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Nedizinische Wochonschrift, Vol 87, HS7, pp. 321-3. NTC 69-11596-.060 Sci-B4m July 69 387,576 PW.qn9-D 26 Aug 65 004800 1u BUdxtftnp AUblame Ukpoproteln and Protean lav*U ln Ibm Wood Sam In Pixtte rood Polemdn cuumd b7 Dicroo"C" BY: we SbA"tx - Frm: I No* 7 86t -i6-546T* 1956 pp) ammi - Got for wft: Tj". a" COFAMM Vesi%r am a BM cm be wt fbr pmte-up. :F=ironso in the ChowtbarapoWle Acticm 'of Sulfomiaddes by Addltl=al TtVftt=Vt With Urloary wA Zftteri&l P0998CCIbBrides With Ypo=atftue Aetlcmv by R. Mlfwo L. Nedppy ppo mqmj, vwp B-Qbnu-mmL-wm&4--Vql LUV x 10 mw 1956., vp e49-25i. BLk Tr 1718 Set Mad al~AtlCal OW8148 tiMs CM tha Flucwlna Dosage in thS D=exvab Metboas at Caries Ocatral With Flomr1cep b7 N. Ziegler., 11* pp. MMAN,p pars Submis Mad VachrL.!Lo , 1956v pp.2524%. im-EE 9-a6 Saanwic - ua* -1/4" 460~z am 56 am F,olmla(mw oT -ilio Liver ta the Watuir MaUboli=., by latliz; " !:,"r. . 7- R -d ~ OMW90j per,, Scbwels XeCk Wocbschrp Vol. LOWIp Jim 1956j. pp 659. - w MA 57-1095 se-, - MW.,:!tnlL, -$~ NOV 57 1. 1 Ir'lliGneo of tbj Eoaltby &rcl. U-i-v u on the Mlaerml Mtn-bollmnj 3 pp. GM14N.. per,, i lRochachr., Vol. IMMI, J= 19561 p wo . ........ ~- MA 157-1096 ftl - Wedlelm ~-w g-3 -~e' Mov 57 Ynfluencc-. of a-Ampbetzmima on i~hn 17-H.v%Lmx,,rcorUcostercidm., by it. P-1ner. 3-1 pp. QMWM.p per., Schimim Had Wochaahr$ Vol 1MM71, 9 jau 1956p 6-mu-~- ~ MA 2679 set - madialue , Y%2,5~ Nov 57 Treatment of Hypnotio Intoxidatlou With DeptaZole od x4riumes 4 P. 'IDU PL--uta', W. Mls4erv 23 pp. Mmus pwv sabot" Iled Wasobs"Chrift. v4A I=nv 91 :un ig%p pp 6W.6w. 0A.A. Tr 127,4 Sol - wedlaine "A 57 on Gsell' 01tto). SMOKING HABITS OF PHYSICIANS IN SIA'rr7.FR- LAND. [1962125p. Ordor from K-H $3t. 25 K-H 5497-c Trans. of Schweizerische Medizintsche Wochcnac 1956 [v. 66J no. 23, p. 669-675. DESCRIPTORS: Rwimertand, *Medical personnel. *Cigaretteq. 62-22417 1. Gsell. 0. [I. K-H-5497-c Ill. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detralt. Mich. ('Zocial Scit-nees. 1-r. v. S. no. 9) offic. Wrothalcol sff~ic.% "'Ick Percons, .j .11-er, 4 -PP4 R. We 1, per, Schireit Med-I Wochschr$ Ifel LMVI, 3 Nov PP i2-6:2--3.;86~ ~ ' - p BU '57-2986 58 r-- / li I I ;rF JUd--c.tiom to ;i;.d Ii.~ iuly du'~ -Lc, Inclusion Body Anzemia and NePhTitis, by S. Ploeschlin, GUMM, per, Schwaizerische f4edizinische Wochenschrift, Vol LXXXVII, No 6, 19S'71, pp 123-128~ M/TA62 Ned Sci Mar 63 Use of Central Stimulaa!; in Interma Madicine, by k. Juchem., 6 pp. GWWAH, per, OWJ=l Vol Im=I 1?13"-, 14-A"I, 5 Oct 1956, 1 SIA Tr 57-735 sci - Wdicine Sep 57 ~Pr Y- A ?5rednifrok-ne: Etter which Is Paxticularly LocaLl-j, 'by P. A. Desaulltff and R. Maierp 19 tIZMMfZ,'- Schvelz ged '~Trc~~.h -.hr... Vc;l M&r 1957j. vp Sci SI-A 57-C-9,59 56 ;< 71, ECRO vi-c-as, Ecbmiseriacbre Go".i0t, VC-T, -1-957., pp-30"7-31-.5,- eci 4ftnblbitioa of Ajdanterone Semtlou by AUpbenonep by R* B., Nwl,, A* Ft NW-14w* 9 im. amR"JF per., Schweiz Had Wodwolu-.v Do Aj 19570 pp 406-408. - 1-1 . stA 08 Jul 58 70,063 LipmIn Clearing JLu Vivo witbout Clewrin Factor, by W. SallulAwp Go MWLIers, F. Ude , 21 pp. GERMIS P(Wt sebmis mod vochedwo Vol unorny" 22 Jun 1957., pp 187-7W- SLA 3066 Jul 58 76. 671 Eosinophile EncephalomeniRgitide~, by A. F. EsselUer, 23 pp. GERMAN, per, Schwelzerische Medizinische Wochenuchrift, Vol LXXXVU, No 26, 1957, DO 822-828. kbi 2-155~64 Sti - Biol & Med Apr 64 253,750 Selective Unhancement of "Naturall' Resistance to Bacterial Infect6on by Polysaccharides and Other Drugs by L. Neipp. W. Kunz, R. Meimr. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Igedi- zinische IfochenscfirM, Vol 39, No 20, IM, jp. 932-6. NTC 69-1159S-060 sci-B4M July 69 387,57S luvast&gAtima an the Kallikrainogen ia the Serum of the Maltby and Sick Peram and Its raMencing by the Adzewl Cortex# by X. K. rore:Ll,, 19 pp. =Mi. per fthw*U Jbd Wsahr,, Val LXXXM., No 26s 19573? pp Feb-63-3. NiH 4-io-6o set - lbacine j= 6c) /a, q31 Av,itu Renal Diragos '-InObr Phv-Wlb-.tazone I .LlwrapQr, by W. Sdheitl-t-iq st al. cuip'lWav pai-s, Schwels Med Wschr, 87826, 1, 19,~~~~ - - - an-M 0 Diq)t 10 is IMI E61"5 & Ami Oet 65 2900259 by pp. Oarift V61 TX)=., 1~- ~4 Lio SLA 59-151,54 D--c 59 Arol P.., no 4 Possibilittes of Cough SMre"lon, by K. Bucher, 11 pp - Pch ,,,Mqd,,Wo cbr, Vol. LXXXVII, GERR", Kar, , WeIr 24 Ang 1957t PP 10ST-1089. &A %-71 Bel Jul 59 ?:;Z 1 4/ 7.2 CLtdcal VxwdnatUn and Owmar la TonA PcdowiM. poport oa a F&Ua ftda NoVMWI.La due to Calcium Vor&anaft.p 'tW S. JbesdhUn., 30 17~0. OWN# P=p 50IM1283d W&LzInl3cibe 2 V03. %=Map 'UNA pp wqM--2D% a SM Tr 3M/03 745 &d - Wd &n 63 ?/ 9, AF6 The 3~.U4anolonul '. Volume, and Tim Struc~ -uiN-- of F.'rythror0i'....-ois i1nder Physiological and pe:O!'Ologlepa Conditlioku.~, by Uainz -weicker, 41 pp. GMW'All, per, Srlav~~Jzerlschc Medlzinischf, ~T-Clll-lllnchrift, 'go 3"-'IJ40, 1957: pp 1210- 097-m-u- AZ,f-' Tr-478~'; Sci - Med Dee 61 // V 7, V 0 -;~- Specifleity of the Antirhage Action of Synthetic Sub=trrices vith Phnges of Differertt Kinds of BTc- teri", by R. Meier, L. Relpp, Wo P.Vnz, 12 pp OMKAN, -,er, Schweiz Med Vochochr,_.Vol LXXWIT, -2,3 XO.v.197r, SIA 57-35W sai Jul 59 Lihapecific, Humoral Defense Mechanism, by H. Iolikert Al ff - GMM, per,', Schveize#ocbe Madlz Wochenschrift, V01 LX-XXVII:Ejl ., M6-6,' 1958s 'P'P IW -132. WM- 7-3-6o Sci - Med sep 6o 1,2 -/,, , ~, ~ 9 - Za-,nuIrbauce OZ Unc in 1-33taboll-sm, b~- Bo Vallee, is magio GMMM., Madiziasao I focho=-hritt 1101 'Unn-Im 5-: 1 - i~' -F~;- ~-f 5 - il c8m 4915 Sci - Ned --; 67 --el '? .7 C?, Jul C-2 63-16909 SWKING HAEATS IN A VU-LAJOH COMMNrrY EN 1. Gsell. 0. swn7ERLAND. (1963115p. 8 rvfo. 63-16909 1 Orderfrom SLA $1.00 1 T!raus. of ScImeizerische Medizintache Wor-hensciLrift.1 1950, V. 8r. -Do, AN.-N .30-35a.~- DESCIUFMRS: *C1PX"M86, *Smokes, Wrlobaccoo Urban areas. Rural -rem-. Behavior, SwimerW4. Invostiptions were cuxkd out on smoking habits of a rinul population In Switzerlard. The dam from 1635 1 4"t persons in a CMMUMILY n-r Zurich, shmmi 45.2% non-smokIng men aW 96.37, non-smokLng vwnem Durl% the age pm-tod of ht&ast tobacco consun-4xion 38-97, of the men &M 95.2% of the women were non- nx*ors. no rare of non-smiters in, in Swiss rural a ' dbitriCtS, hIEPer than in WWns, in farmers (Beliavioral Sk:iC11CC-S--PSYCI1DI0P', TF, V. 10, MI. A SMIM (()Vt.t )I -0 -pa-- - Pathogeiiesis of "Interstitial Associated With Abuse of Phenace-tin Con- taining Analgesics. Animal Experiments, by P. Miescher. GEP.NWN, per, Schweizerische Hadirinische Wochenschrift, Vol LXXYVrll. No 19, 1958, pp 432-436,, MI/T.46S Sci-Biol. 4 M-ed Sci 73 Mar 6 3 Aturbnu (PInanglutzarimide) a New Dru.- for Parkin-noniam, by R. R.Rttegmy, 7 pp. GEMS, per, pchveizerische Mod Voiahenschrift Vol LXMIII, Ito 30, 195z' ~Pp ~0- MA 59-10024 Sci - Had ces is 9 Uhn 59 gr " j-/'3 62-22428 Gyurech- Vago. H. and Scherfer. M. CORRUATION BETWEEN CHRONIC BRO14CI41TIS 1. Gyurech-Vago. E. AND BRONCHIAL CARCINOMA. IIW,21 i9p. IT. Scherfer, M. Order from K -H 5 23. 7 5 K-H 89'3-13 111. K-H-8973-b (.c) i L-A 6-. IV. Kresge-flooker Science Trans. a Schweizermche. ~,Ied,,-Izin'lsche woAeW- Library Associates, schritt. 1-?58. v. 88, no. 45. p. 1132-il36 DeEroit. Mich. DESCRifrrORS: Infecuons, Inflammation, 'Respira- tory diseases, *Cancer. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology. TT, v. 8, no. 9) Offi.. f T-h.m.l S_i... H31xiotic, llito::icaticas, by S. Mc,,~Schiia;i I>--,- I ~;ei mer --*, s c h e ii-;-~, ul inti,; du,.2 ~4ochells chr VC1, DEMEX, No 7, 1959, Pl:) 1~ SU 59-15~79 sci ifui 60 II(A 2, 1.--) 7 Mm SWfloanw ar Alk&Um Imikoaft In PW m time wd Di"Gm of as W&IOld ay9tmp by IL M*Zbbr# L. 3811M"rp U amwmp per* Val 1=3x# so lbp''lmp IV ecd 40 IW Aor fiL 1-nitacs ~p.:.Lth D-*-~~natic =d Saluretiic J. g's. Vohn4rtj '~. A. Renzi, et al, 30 T-ip 1 T 12; 19,59, ST-A 59-115597 s('.1 - Mv:1 Dcc- 59 voi. 2; !~io 4 j;~2 per, Scliwcalzarische Vol No 12' ,giA ~---i561( S"cl - I.-nd Dac 59 iro'L ,>, Na 4 16r 7 CIA-nical Ex~peripce with Hydrcehlorothiazide, a New Oral Sulfon4mide Diuretic, by R. Richterich, P. Spring H Tnen, 38 P- x Sc L ]P- - Schweiz k r, L Wo 13, pp 35 -6 Set Jan 60 Vol 2, No 9 Red Wochen, 1959) Vol LXYMX, SLA 59-171071 Tbgt Mmoportence or Cortlaosterolds In Im TrenoPort, by V. w1brendt, 24 VV- aNNUS pairs ftkWd&UlSMW MULUAGOO Vol irmus Bel - "A Apr 61 T ~ 'Icy 0- L-c-il ClUdcal 1-r-4 I-le"Wriolic t, V4 Cort4coste.riod., DwmmothssoriO, Iry L-.'h. TICLIO:30, C - V I Ferrier, 15 P. ,;~RU~N 195-C~, Val i;~Ot, lia- -15, -PP 405-40-1. B1-11 59-17567 7 a.:2.:z i4b 60 Vol 2, Ila 9 '12!*auwlj2t of lihinitis of Larl'y Willdiwou. 'J%exmoolectr:Lc Studiois = DeconVat-ant masai lh-v6D, by P. Blesal k-t, x, swxquar4L,., 14 pp. GINMI., per, Sobnis Mbd Wscbxj Vol LXXXI:K,, 19990 pp 510-=9 13312-38 Sai - bledicim im 6o /e7;~-- 62-10729 Frand4 E. R. , LabbuU A. and others. E9ACR4WnC USE OF A NEW ADRUNOSTA71C 1. 71tle: SU-498S (Mvg) (Diagnosdache Anwen&wg ef Neuen Adrewstad- 2. 71de: M B Zwa (19621 Op. 6 rets. 1. proesch. H. P_ Order bom SLA St. 10 62-10729 11. LabbaM A. Txua. arsdiwaWeilacbel,\Iedlizini,,clivI wt.-h-11- adaiift] 1959. v. 99. 21 Nov, P. 1232-12.U. DESCRIPTORS: Disposts, Diseases, *Adrenalklm" eDruev, St-106* ba"doN esecred-4 *C-*d_ coateriods, MMmry glaud, SU 4U5 is am adraxwadc dng of little omtIcity, dc:- rived ftmampbmwoe- Ireelectivelybiockell-A-1ri- drcw)UUon wbew admirde P F p I In adegate amot=s wd makes it possible to determine the ACM reaerve of The pindtary, Stand. The con4mirlson at the Kerd1d excretion lmde -ImMistration at ACIN end SU 4885 (Mological. Sclenm- -Pharmacology. Tr. v. 8. no. 6) Offl.. of T-1.1-1 S-k.. (am-) lVarlmstal sw4y = =mawlp A Shm Anabolic Asgut: jL7 a. - yatbyl-17 16 -Rydwwy-AWWmt&- lj,j~.419a-30w" by P. A Dessullm; Ck. Krabu*UUP 29 pp. WUMN,, pero Vol L==j 12 v" pp Sci - Had )tar 60 Toverda and Mderatanding of Lhe Action of M-etyl Se.UayUc Acip (A Aapirin) in by, I. PIvUn,, W. 33erl:t - GMMN,, perp OWmIserlacbe Ilb4itIrAsche Woobsuadwiftjo No 4$ 250p UAv of V31beowma Ism* SWdcm ftau.ty Of lkae= T.3M S(d -Died -2- oat QL Therapir of Severe Hyrertorrlrn, by -Taquercd, 0. Spuhler, 25 Pp. GUMUN, per, -azinmizarlaragg Wdizinigaba- W"obaunchrift VOI XC, So 5., 1960, PP 113-118. MA 150-14875 Sci Apr 61 OTSj, Vol 1110 No 12 16 31 ~2 20 G 25766, A Phanylindandione Derivative Having Antithromotic Action., by C. Monti- gel, R. Pulver. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Vochenschkift-, Vol 90, No 9, 1960, pp. 213-7. NTC 69-IIS94-060 sci-B&M July 69 387,574 Report on the Toratogenesis Symposium of the Swiss Academy of the Medical Sciences, by K. S. Ludwig, R. Schenk. GERIIAH, per, SchweLzerische Medizinische Nocheaschrift, Vol 94, No 14, 1964, pp. 490-3. NTC 69-11593-06P Sci-B&M July 69 387,606 CksWorison of Biligrarin end oriLUy fictive chcavj*~ioctbol mi COrAt.%Gt Meaa (Biloptin and lRolatod Coqpo=&),, by R. IAidin,, Clara Lwr4maumr, U pp. =NW., Vwj, Sobwdx Jftd Wb&Am!q~~~j, Vol W,, no ITS 1960, ~p 1-473. - WA 60-260) gal 61JqS *a, Q vo3. xv., so 6 77-63-20871 Bouvier, C- A., Bang, N. U. . and ClMon, E. E. METHOD OF DIFFERENTIAL EVALUA71ON OF IN 1. Bouvier, C. A. VIVO THROXIBOLYSIS Wne Methode d' Evalumflan n. Bang. N. U. Difr&=tJeUe de la Thrombolyge in Vivo). 11963113p M. C3 on. E. E. (figs onlitted) l9refs Order fxm SLA $1.60 rr-63-20871 Tram. of Scbmeizerlache MadizLnIsche WocbenschriM 1960, v. 90, no. 44. p. 1246-1249. (BlolVcma Sciences-Padx4o". Tr. v. 11, m 12) Otfl- ~f T-h.l..l S-4- MaoI16 P. de. SaLrdt. P., and GibeW. A. THE ANIMMUUNOLYnC AMON OF C - AM INO- CAMOW ACMD (Die A-110 rinolydoche -:Arkung der E--Atmn(x:,tpvon,xure). ljot,41ty (hxler tz SLA $ 1. 10 'rr-63-2089!. Tram of Schwetmerische MirwHAntsche V. ochenschrift. 196(X r. 9k-m--Ut P. 1-2-56--l-257.- TT-63-2W91 1. "Itcola, P. da H. smrdi. r. M. Obellt. A. OUJILO&al Scleaces-PhKmIxedoo. 7T, v. 12. no. 2) 1 Office f T.ch,i,.) S--... 63- 1 n925 Collet, R. A. APPLICATION OF RADIO- ISGFOPFS TO THF 1. Collet, R. A. S-nlj)Y OF PROTEINS (Application des Hadio-kotoxl h I 'Ftude des PrcK61nes). Feb 63, Sp. Order from SLA $t. tO 63-10925 Trans. of,1w~,-Wer1scxjMaLllschej Wjoche.- schrift] 1�60. v. 90, p. 1163-1164. DESCRIVI'ORS: *Radioactive isotopes. *Proteins, Radlobjulogy. Labeled substances, Tyrosine. Albumins, Tritiated compounds, Scintillation counters *Blood proteins, Fryrhrocytes, Fibrinogen. 'Tracer studies. (Biological Sciences-Radiobiology, T-r. v. 10, no. 2) OHIO of lKb*A IUYCU 61-20ft3 Stegailthaler, W., Broveill, L. and ithersiN, CAL XPERVENCES WnH PREPARATJDN~~ CL AND F_%:PERl?Al--NTAL INVEMGATJONS WIM Ill. 111, L. I)EM-MYLCHWRTETRACYCLINE, A NEW WIDE- SPECTRUM AW1810TIC. [19611 17p. (4figs. refs. omtrtt4) Order from SLA $ 1. 60 Trans. cd,0e_h% nische W(oched- schrl Iftl I- v. 90, no. 46, P. 131 DESCPIPTORS: 4Tetracyclines, *Antibiotics, 'Declamycin, Toxicity. Drugs. (Slological Sciences- -Pharmacology, 77, V. 7, no. 5) Will- 0 T-W-1 S-i- 61-IOPM LAderer. CUNICAL C;=S(W A NEW PROTMN- AB&Mtadtoaomlp.- MY so- ANABOUC ude CUn" d'un Nourel Am- bagkw pr boUsum des Pmebee). 27 Feb 61. Up. 25 rds. 1. LAMW. Order from SLA ml$2.4D. PhS3.3D 61-10901 Trans. I GE"] 08ke 44 Te&dod Swulave PioWcal Scisom-fterfmcDlogy. Tr. T. S. am 12) "protein xarrh(W, Together With a Contribution to the Problem of So-Called Essent1*1 B"Wroteingamia, by 5. Bareakdun, J. AdbOTOOld, R- DIOnchl, 24 YP- OMIM, per, &hweizerisebe MbftziniscM Wochw&rift, Vol XC, No 51-19W M U-3-61 Bei - Ned Jul 3 Af Sl-l.fmamlde Diuretj.~;, W. S.:.eGenthmler.. 12 pla, and 2 Atch. GEMM-h1q; per, Schweiz Iled Wschl:' tt7 Vol icl, .1.961, pp 6'(-93. nu ~(ii -36 -.6i q, 3 Sci - med Jan 62 the Pz*bUm *C Ifttumal Pxedaodnmoe cc the 0ourse aC Bui3KUtV In TestiouUm ftabladdan., bly A, ID 290 MMM.- per aabgk M&d sebe -- Val =p 0 3U-374- nor 2r 3*6/iNS 744 Sol - md - J4m 63 C;L;~ t:,) oqo In,mudgations Into Causes Of PDatoperative Remetion of Water and Bleardlytes, by V. Friedberg, G. XX Stark~ er al. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochachrift, Vol XCI. No 15, 1961, pp 441-447. NASKA TT F-9049 Scl-Ear get & Aistron Oct 64 U.S. GOVEMAENT ONLY 267,2ft561 Investigations into cauwx of Ilosmperative RePtention of Water and EleCtl7olytes, by"V. FriedberI4 9. Stark, et id. GEKMAN, per, Schwkelzeriscite Medizinische Wchschrift, Vol XCI. No 16. 1961. pp 470-47~ 62- IF 00 1 Buhimann, A. A. RESPIRATORY RIYSIOLOGY OF DIVING. 1196211 1 1. Buhlmann, A. A. I I 0)p. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-1800 Trans. of Sch% cizeri ache Medizinische Wochenschrifl, 1961. v. 91, 1 July, p. 774-778. DESCPIPTORS: *lLespiration, Physiology. *Diving. Hypercapnia. *Lungn. The increase of gaseous density under pressure raises viscous resistance in the respiratory passages. 'Mun dfort at the respiratory muscles Is accentuated. Through too great respiratory effort the ventilation will be! restrained. llypoventilation leads to a reten- tion of carbDri-dioxide. The symptoms Of 111L' Skrcalk Li rapture of the dmp are. In fact. consequences of hy- percapnia and of acidic rcspiration. The Increatie in partial pressure o( oxygen favors the tendency to hyp) offi.. 0 (Biological Sclences--Physiology, TT, v. 8, no. 9) (over) 62-10086 Bucher. H. W. RECENT EXPERIENCES WITH PROLONGED 1. Title- Navidrex THERAPY WTTH GUANETHIDINE AND ITS COMBI- 1. Sucher, Ii. W. NATION WITH CYCLOPENTMA23DE (Neuere Erafalmung Ilber the Langteltbehandlung mit GuanethIdIt und Dessen KombInation Cyclopenthiazid). Nov 61, 12p. I I refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 60 62-10086 Trans. of Schweiz[ erischel Medlizinischel W[ochenjechr[Iftl 1961, v. 91. p. 914-918. DESCRIPTORS:- *Cuanetiddine. *Kallikrein. Therapy. OHypertension. Diuretics, Pharmacology. OBlood pressure, *Drugs Treatment with Ismelln was carried out on I I pat teri s for over one year. After Initial orthoatatic nnion th patients became adapted and could undergo long term M- ~f T-hk.l S-i- (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT. v. 7, no. 9, (over) Nicolaus Pluedinger. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, Vol XCI, 25 Mar 3.961, ff / ~/ "/ - "'e '. q IZ~/ *Navy/w-C'. [j - YW3 Sci - Med f/I If VII 1 3 Dec 62 02-14357 Studer, A. INFUTENCE OF DRUGS ON ME HISTOCHEMIS- I. Stider, A. TRY OF 'ME RAT'S ADRENAL MEDULLA (Einfluss Ycin l"barinaka atif die Histochernic des Nebennicrentnarkes der Hatte). 11962111 ]p. Order frcrn SLA $1. 10 62-14357 Panial trans (abstra~:t only) of &-liweizferischel Mcd[izimschej W[ochenIschijift] 1961, v. 91 [no. 36] p. 1063. DESCRII'VORS: *[)rug,, "Adrenal glands, *Brain, TiSsLICS (Bioloj ,y). Rats, Ainines, Reserpine, Chlorproniazine, *Tranquilizing drugs. (Biological S. tcnce~ - - Biochemistry, 'f7, v. S, no. 5) offi- .1 T-W-1 S-1c.. 62-16077 Ssanj&nn, W. and Kradolfer. F. DIRECTED INFLUENCE ON THE INTESTINAL 1. Title: Mctaform PLOM BY MEANS OF MEXAFORM AND CHLOR- 1. Sackmann. W. TETRACYCLIKE fGazlelte Beeinflussung der 11. Kradolfer. F. Darnificim mit )A=Aform und Chlortetraxylthn), [1952) [111p. 39 refs. order from SLA $1.60 62-16077 Trans. of Schwelz[orische] Moqizlnlschel Wlochan-,- schrlift] 1962. v. 92 (no, 21 p. 50-53. DESCRIPTORS: *Fungi, *Intestinal bacteria, Drugs, (__1j~1110111C1.kPCLA1C agents, sAuraomycin. 0TGW2 - cyclines, "loolinos. It he& b6m shown by axperimentz In rate t1m altern- tions of the intestinal flare Induced by chlorteu - cycline, including particularly overgrawth of intes- rinal yeasts, can be provented by simultaneous ad- (Biological Sciences --Pharmacology. TT, v. 8, no. 6) Offi...f S-i (over) ~ f ~.: I I . -~-' 4(13NWL-tz---64) 5PATHOGENESIS OF POSTIJULADLA- TrVE INPOPROTEINEMLA. gWitschi. H. P.; Barandun. S.; Cot- tier, H. leTranslated for Battelle-Northwest, Richland, Wash., from IsSchwelz. Med. Wochensch.; 92: No. 4, 104-10(1962). 2017p. 241:~ep- Wis.- 2graLdiobiology; translations 2?06R 21MN-48 29P NSA 0 41 la, amouda Rowthr ty 0. Obowtoth, C owmo pwp -!l""4jqjmdw modIdglombe vka ~ =Us 16 910 IMP is; Em 7-046 ad - 39491 a jbd $063 63-10190 Lichulm P. , Schaul), F. , and WhImann. A. HNFERWErrl'AL STLTDWZ AND MiERAPEU71C 1. Lichdan. P. L:~XERXENCBS VXTII ANG10112CMq U. Schwjb, F. UnterouchLr.gen und Therapeuttache Erfahrungen mit M. Odidmann. A. Anglotensin). [19621 25p. 76 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-10190 Trana. of Sdiwetz[erische] 4 V 351-647. V. WM DLIS(.'RVMIL'-: Therapy. Drugs. 01-lypertensin. Blootl presaw-e. vVasoactive agents. *SYMPadmitnetic agents, *R=1 (Pathology). A atudy of ax0otensin U in normal blood pressure subjects and In the treatment of patients with peripberal vacular shock Is reported. The pressor effect o4 angiotmnin U is based on an increase in periphesid vascular resistance. while cardiac output remabis (Biological Sciewes-Pharnutcology. Tr. Y. 9. no. 12) O"ke d I M Savim (over) 4; 4CBNlWL-tr---63) SEXPERIMEN'T,kL STUDIES OF POST- IRRADIATIVE EXUDATIVE ENTEROPATHY IN ANIMJkLS. Wits- chi, 11. P., Huegli, H.; Barandun, S. loTranalated for Battelle- Northwest, Richland, Wash.1from Schweiz. Mod. Wachensch.; 92: No. 28, 866-71(1962). 2012p. 2 4D, 26radlobiology; translationS 2TO6R ,MN-48 21P NSA General and Specif ic Problems in the Analysis of the Causes of Malformations. Es)PeciaJ-IY in Cases of Thalidomide and Aminopterin Damage.. by A. Werth-mann, 11pp. GMU-%N, pery Schveizerioche Ifed Wochen, Vol 93, Wo 5: 19633 PP 223-2-27- cmi TT-6-4-20139. 321,709 Sci - B & M Mar 67 i))' Val Q. Jallut, ut d. per. Sdilleiz k'disciar. Vol XXIIJ9), oj Navy/1-1: Sci - M~U; Sep 65 i 63-16735 Werner, M. and Meter. A. L. I STUDIES OF FROTEIN METABOLISM IN PATIENTS 1. Werner, M. WITH GASTRIC RESECTION: INFLIJENCE OF MC:H- H - Meier. A. L. PROTEIN EXET AND AN ANABOLIC STEROID !Ill. Title: Influence (UnterSUChungen des Elwessatoff'wechaebt bei Magenresezierten. EinflusaElveisarelcherErnVirang und elnea Anabolen Steroids). [19631 21p. 70 refs. Order frain SLA $2.60 63-18735 Trant. of Schn[.zE-;jjR0SjM . __2qjiz1nIschej W[ochenj cc 19W. v. 92, 2 June. S~EVI ! DESCRIPTORS- *Proteins. Metabolism, *Surgery, *Stomach, Diet. *Disnabol. Drugs. Nitrogen balances, changes In body weight and changes In the concentratim of non-protela nitrogen. blood twea and wuni prctela were Btudled in 15 nmirial patients after partial gascrectomy. In all cases the poetoperR- tive N balance renialned negative for about 10 days. Off., e Te:hv;k (Blolclocal Sciences - -Pharmacology. TT. v. 10. no. 12) (over) i 01- ILI 1 Is j %chuler, W. and Albrecht. W. INFL.UEKCE OF HYPOTENSIVE AGENTS ON 1, Title: Apre-;Ollne EXPERIMT:NTAL, RABBIT ATHEROMATOSIS (Etnflusi 2. Title: Atheronia BLkawrer "ypotenniva auf die Experimentelle I. Schuler. IV. Kaninchenatheromatose). [19621 12p. 10 refs. 11 . Albrecht, A'. Order frotti SLA $1.60 63-10115 Trans. or SchwelzIerische MedliziniBchel . v. 92 no. Y31-~' 1007-1009. 'Aq'q24g~ i --T-- DESCRIVMRS: *Vasoactive agents, *Arteriosclerosis, Sympatholyt,c agents, Rabbits, Aorta, Hypertension. Drup, Cholemcerol, *Reserpine. *Guanethidine. Hydrazine Derivatives, Hypotension. Three different clinically useful hypotensive agents, Serpsail. Apreeoline and larnelln were examined for dicir antlarterl(mcleTotic effect in dietary atheroma- tosis of rabbits. On administration during the feeding, (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, v. 9. w. 12) Office of TetbWcW Urvices (over) ~ 63-10724 SchniJet. U. COMBINATION -MERAPY OF ItYPERTENSION WI-111 1. Schnider. LT. GUANE-FIRDINE-CHLORO'nilAZIDE DERIVATIVES (ISMELIN-USIDIUX AND ISMELIN-NAVIDRIX) (Die Koinbinationsbeliandlung der flypertonie mit Guan- ethidine7,Chlorothiazid-Derivaten (Ismelm-Esidrex und lanielm-Navidrex)). Jan 63, 15p. 17 refs. Order front SLA $1.60 63-10724 Trans. ofJ1;rhweizLeri-hej_M(~jj ;c ie Wailp-L-j ~%~henq~!Ariftj 196Z v. 9Z 15 Sep. p. It 77-1132- DESCRUIVORS: Therapy, "llypertension, tkugs. DitiretiCS, Vaso active agents, Sympatholytic agents. *Gtianeftdine, Tranquilizers. Mood pressure. Corricosteroids. *Chlorothiazide diuretic. T'he combination therapy of essential hypertension by nicans of the elective sympathetic inhibitor guan- ethidine and the chlorothiazide derivatives, hydro- 010= d T9dwkA Invim (Biological Scienceti- -Pharmacology, T7, v. 10, no. 2) 1