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ArtifiCial Soil Cz=bllngp by B, Deuel.. & pp. MmAcbm"Muckum "m&dxtscw&uic.h= womt.-~ 0'. ~-- * V(A ~ Mme No 4 a IS)% 0 - G.L.A. Tr 36/1956 sclmtlfle - Biolofw - 193 !~ a-"/' '19L,2] f671,~. X SLA St 60 hal Gevali:!Y) "I Jan 0:. *R'!!acEQ:" materials, *Scee.', le-Acczr~z WC1 '.CIJed J011)15, rode. NI-elding fIL.L---s. Tests. (Nuclear Physics-Nuclear Engineering. 1-F. v. no. 7) SLa-gace Pmtrestment and 2Z PEdating on Garma Hallwapp by A. SeiU, GKWM, per Saw Zffx [Biel Vol LUTI., . pp 755-7 - TEM-MS Bel /V,:~ 1 P411? my 62 Painting Stained Wood, by W. Vulf. z CMIAH, per [sic I Vol Lxnl, ig6ov PP 759 -0 7612. TTDI-mg Sol /~16/ P4 P- ukv 62 VOIL 4, Igo 10 Naw Druss In the Treatment of Hypertension, by 0. Gseu, 14 pp - aMMM . Wr j, "94-Su. mod.-jahrb2eh., 1954. - r... S.L.A. Tr No 213/1955 Sci - Medielne 7 .1 Y", Jan 1957 CM/dex Fcawv maicola (sw. ) cooke-ungauna vArginsta (pr - ) Pat... From the Nyeolium Culture to the Fruiting Dodys by IK. LobvMp 6 ppo GMMI., per, SaInnis Z PIIxkwAe, Vol =32, No 5, 1955, pp 69-7W.- mA ri7-ll&6 Sci - Biology J'W Oct 57 1 "MAbo2as BmUDSM3X NIMOrLM4 bF J- Bmlmrt-o 32 pp. GEWM.p W# 2oz:lacbe ;ka-Uslulpabe imbom. - I - - lkabemmohrlf LAb b2p V~6# : 2017goiDwo . .............. .....Nor mr 3MAM Tha sat - IW am 63 L) 3 t-q ~- Col I ect- ~ on of Articles on Respiratory Physioloczr, by F. Rohrer. GENWi, per, Schweiz Med Wochachr NO 51, 1921, _ _ A L11- pp 765-767. *PTIS/11MI Tvf 71-5011+9 Sept 71 61 -1603~) llolir~-r , F ritz. 014 TIH- IIIE-ORY OF 'ME' ROTATORY SIIML)I-A- 1. Rohrer, 1. '['[ON' OF TIiE APPARATUS OF 'ME' SEMICIRCULAR CANAL (Zur Th-31-IL' der Drehreizung des Bogungang- apparatus). 11,611 1261p. 14 refs. Ordcz from SLA 52.60 61-16039 Trans. of %ch%~izlcrischcj hiedlizinischel Wtx:hun- schrlifil 1922, v. 52, no. 27, p~ 670-674. [%S(, ill 1 rl,()I(S: *[:at-, Physiology. Vropriocci-ition, Rotation. Gravity, Motion. *Nerves, *Sensory Fwr- ception. Nystagnius, Ofteflexes. (I.Iiiannounced) An Apparatus for the Measurement of Equilibrium Motions, by E. Grandjean, et al. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochen- schrift, Vol XCHI, No 33, 1933, pp 1028. NASA TT F-9204 Scl-ES & astron Feb 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 274,617 Research on Nitrites in Urines arml Its Importance for the Diagnosis of Urinary Infections With CollbaciM,. by E. Jaeggy, W. Lan't, 13 VD. GFMW per,, Schwelserische Meills Vochenscbrift, vol ULY, 1935# PP - SM Tr 4-5 Scl - Ned x #I 08A may 58 Vibroplas.tic Parietal EndocardiLis ',*'itJi ~,lood LA;biopliilia, An Wusual Clinical Pictiav, oy i;. Lt; 'If ler. UiFUN4, per, Sdiwelz Jed lisclir, Vol 66S io 35, 19.3c", pP 4;1~-Zro- dL6 WIN 9-32-66 SCIA 4.1 N ov 06 S14,290 Blo,ckout as an Expression of Fluctuations in Blood Pressure in Steep Dives, by F. Andina. GEPMAN, per, SchvmIzeriachia Mediziniache Wochenschrift, Vol LXVII, 1911,7, pp 753-756. NASA TT F-9134 SCI-Blol k Med. Jail 65 U-4. GOVERNMENT ONLY 270#891 A Q=ititative and C4ualitativa Nast Method for the 1CM-mey of Arrtlenewnic Liver Extxe&.s in Vitro, by 0. A. 04terbeek.. P. J. GaIllarC,, S. E. de. Jongh, 5 P. GENO p per.. WI HadinzWeche Woebensch 1938j, Vol Lx7m, No 25p pp 7U-ot%3. MA 60-UX)23 sai /// 4~?d Apr 60 Z Vol 121 p No 2 TT-61-14308 Erben. S. THE ORGAN OF EQUILIBRIUM IN MAN IS NOT 1. ErbM S. GIVEN IN THE LABYRINTH (Im Labyrinth tot Nicht das GleicIVewichtsorgan des Menschen Gegben). 119611 Z7P Srefs Order from SLA $2.60 7T-61-143DS Trans of.Schweis arisch izi Yt~ochen schrifil v. P6 7b7_70 DESCRI1717ORS: Anatomy. *Ear. Man. 613ady. Stabilization. Adaptation (Physiology), Motion. Otuttinolaryngology. (Biological Sclencen- -Physiology, IT, v. 11, no. 4) Ofn- of T~W-l S.-I Influence of the Active Principle of tbe Articboke of Cbolesteriue Retaboliom, and ItB Application in the Therapy of Arteriosclerosia, by Scbauholuer, 11 pp. rkal translation. GEMUN,, per ftIrvelz Med 91 Nuchr, Vol LM, 16 Dec 1939, -w C:EA/FDD/X-10(;S Scientific - Ycalcina Aug 53 CTS/11)= F I V BUCHER. K. TL 5-1 1939 nszdun, a cough rcinedy with a new mcch- 4 antsm of acit(,n. (Tessalmi, ein husteiistillendes Mittel "c)11 liotiartIm-ni Wirkunrsniechaosmus.) Schweiz. med. W-Aischr, No further reference. (l.';P.) The Exciaion of the Edge of the Wound by the Friedrich Method, by Dr Max Saegesser. UNCLASSIFIED Fun translation. GERMAR.9 per# Schweir. V4d,lischr, Vol LXX., 1940, pp 1128j. 3.129. G-2, GSUBA P-987!j Scientific - Medicine, excision,, wound --2 ~C' /e:7 TT-64-1623,4 Rothlin. E. PATHOGENESIS AND THERAPIEUMS OF MOSGENE ~ 1. Rothlin, E. IlTrOXICATION. 23p (20 figs omitted) l9refs Order from SLA $2. 60 'rT-64-16?34 Trans. of SchvieWertacbel Med(tzinlochel W[ochenj- schr[Ift] 1941, N'. 71 (no. 491 p, 1526-[1535). (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT. v. 12, no. 44 1 otn- .# T-ftm.m z-i- Diseason of the Stomach From the Hilitary Standooint, by L. ldah3,ud, 5 pp. GEWAX,I oer Schweiz Mad. Wocliacbr, Vol M11, No 11, 19429 t) 3211p...... 1. ,,,/,! I111 L - , SLA 57-1524 Sci - IL-dicime (, 6)/~4,rs Mar 5B Fitness for Military Service and Aviation Following Recovery from Disea3e,, by V. Starfinger, 7 pp. WLKAII,, per# Schveiz. Med. Wochebbr. . Vol T2 j NO !I.. 1942j, PP sm TR 57-1644 SCI C/o ~- & " ;7,~; Experiencois With Yperite in Man and Animal, by H. Rothlin.. 14 pp. GEMON, per., Schvelz Med WochBcl=, Vol LMaI. No 14, 1942, PP 385-3880' SIA Tr 57-1501 scl Jun 58 w 4/0, e i~ r Clicdcal Control of AnUperuMlimm Aatlvl*ies Ot Repatic Extracts,, by Ed. Jequier-Doge., p. GEMR3.. SebmiseAsabe Neftzirdeabe Woehemmbr .1021, voi Ibftj- -pp 5"-547. mA 6o-lcx322 sai A3W 60 Vol =,, No, 2 .')r, tiu. Transmission of Tynhus Faver, by 14. Loffler, .qnd 'I. Y4ser, 3 -)p, GEF.?AN, per . Satiweiz Mer' Wocasc#, Vol LIM, 194-~, po- 755- 71tt: - - ST A57-1539 Sol - Medicine 4 d Mar 58 , -34fip~', .1cart Os.-)a4c 'Catisod by ulnewxmia, by Otto Spuliler. ('4412INII, Imrj, Schweiz lllod Wschr Vol 40, 1942, pi), 1099-7111M. 111, 6-38-65 sci/MiP Jul 65 283,730 C-0i io flpruil la-Z T-onlo of tbo Do"I and t~c R.,s2ntorle Lyzighwdoft., by R. lFritmicho,, 1-2 pp. GMI-Ws per, SuIrmit Wd Woqh2,:hr, Vo3. L=Mj, 1941,p pp 442-45. MM 12-28 Sea- - Wt cb 49 -1 Arterftal Tension of Hypereathetic Anputces, by A. Sllosbera., 62M-617~.- 13 PP. 7'-v-WM=o perj, SC YgI.WrUche meJ. Wochenrchri-,t OIL L=. No 3. V.1946j pp 728-no. it I v Sciertiric - Medicine Tim of Maturation, Duration of ftitosis and Daily Fbzchange of Granulated Leucocytes,, by Sven Moeschlin. GEMIAN, per, Schweiz Med Wochennsch. Vol 76, 194b. p1) 1051-1053. A17C UCR%-Trans-10212 sci-II)FIN July a 357,417 .1 Actica or Uretbmw on Tissue Cultme in V~tro, by.otto, ]3iicber* 7 ffpi- Gmm. per., Sebmil. W&- Waqbr-j V4 1;=.# 1947j? PT.~l ige�.. 1230. Iladicine Some Recent Acquisitions Relative to the Physiology of the Adrenlaine Secretion, by Henri Hermann, 19 PP. GUMN,, per, Schviezerische Medizinische Wochen- schrift Vol LXXVM., No 1., 1948., PP 1-13. K H-1292-i Sci-B&M Jul 66 307.,252 Plasmocytoma, by 1'. ..tLin."ia, et al, dor, Scitweiz '.;0d I;sdr,, Vol L'UNIII, :W SO J7'tp 1W-182. sci-84: ~ Jan 67 516,958 62-1C2b9 Ferrari, W. TRUE AND PSH(nX>-CHOLjNH5THRASE: THEIR 1. 71116: Rucuphle DqpFURENTIAnON BY IME ACTION OF LOCUL 1. Ferrari, W. ANESTIMTICS (WITH REGARD TO A NOTE OF F. II - Pam, F. FAYM (OwIlnustdraleVrali at "Psoudo-Cholines- iera~W'. "Leui Dift ~t enriati6n parl'actiond'Anotit- thosliques Loctuit (a propos d'une note do P. Payot). [19611 Sp. 8 rtis. Order frwi SLA $1. 10 62-10269 Traw. & SchiveLzftivebe Moftinlacbe 1949, v. 78, P. 282-294. DESCRIPTORs: *Molinesterase, 0)4wvous system *Swum, 0,knosthotics. Acetyleholines, Caffeine, Pharoucology, Inhibition, PhytostWidne. Procalne. (81ologt"I Sciences --Biochemistry, 7T. Y. 7. no. 10)1 Offi- f T.c"i-I S-i- Simultaneous Determination of Two Circula- tion Times, by L. Bischoff. OPMR, per, Schweizerische M.-dizinische Vochenschrift, Vol 78, No 13, 19W, pp P-93- 94. su TT-64-20025 Sci-M jul 66 306,435 Fhm,m(Lcologcal Properties of Trafuril, a rev Nicotinic AaM Uter With Uyperemla-ProduclmL; Action, by lhal tranalation. GEDM,. par, Schveizerizeba l*dlainlache Rochenschrift, Vol IUCCM:r, 1M, in~-1151-1156- &..r sci Info Sv, MB Canaft, T.5.G. Scientific - Mdicina, pharmecolcW J%ml 53 CTS T- raw-utic Application of Skin Hyperemia RzIcrence to Traf=il,, by E. Strt-hlcr. '-war- . - lation . "'JIT5 ;erp Schveizerische Wiciniscbe Ifdc'hennchrif4I.*,, aw Def Scl Info Sv# MIS Camdap T*6.G& Wdicine Jun 53 CMS o2617 in Wbermilosis Contagious? BhoWA Hass RiuUo- grapbt be b1n4m Com;nxIi3or77 by 0. Matial, 10 pp. GKRM., per, Bcbn:Lz Wd Wocbschr.., Val LXM,, No 12 Fab 19499 pp 119,j 1W. WA Tr 2(i22 Sci - Medicine J= 58 J\ Acc,u=lated Occurrenco of Q-Fwrer in a Recruit 6olvol, by W. A. Viacberp 10 ppo GERM, per,, Schveis mod 10schrp Vol L=p No 1949,, PP 13T-138- Sciontiric - maicins '7 P Zov 53 Ms On thic Hade of Action of a Dew Agent Causing Skiu Hyperemia,, TrafurU (Tetrahydrolfurfuryl Earter of Nicotinic ikaid)p by R. Strehler. FuLk tramlatiou. GMMUj, pera .13"chucized6cbe Vlediiisiviscbe Woch=shrirt Vol LXX:-:X,, Uo 7,, 19490- -0- Def Sci Info Sv, MB Canadav T-3-0- Scientific - Wdicine zl~ Jun 53 MIS ?I f~, .. ki! t',~ '*'.:.I' "', 'S ~rj med. Vol MccUcine bu B&QtOrLOIQ8lcU1 NValuatiOn Of a M-.w Disinfectant of the Series or Quaternary Ammon,,Lum Compounds (Bradonol),, by S. Seidenberg# 14 lpy. OWD". per.. Schmix W Woohnebr# vol Lujx,, 15 oat 1949P MA Tr 57-736 8ci - Momistry. SOP 57 S..? q 670Z Hand Disinfection and Preoperative Sicin MaInfecticia With the New Disinfectant Pradoeca Cibas by A. Eazlerp R. Phillypp S. GeldemberSp 12 pp. MOM wj, Sch-wmjgA*d.~4"&2Lwj Vol UMMES 15 Oet 1949p pp-w-~O- MA Tr 57-355 Sci - Ned 9 Jul .57 Acate Psyclioses Accompanying Physical Disenses and Childhood Schizophrenia, by J. Lutz. GLIUM1.1, per. Schweiz Med Vischr, Vol 80, No 29, 1950, pp 774-776. HEIR IMI, 3-24-69 Sci/B&M OW 69 383. IOS Zru 0 Sc-3iun. Chloride in Ca-rlivs by Ccerilyel, 11 pp. Tull trcnxIation. GEMO:T, pDr, a[-~lLchyAjrmrjpche Nedizinicche WoOlenscbrift, 170 48, 1950, pp 1291-1252. CIA/TDD/Z- 1029 Scleatific - Medicine Aug 53 OTSIDF.-A z Y,~g f 0 ExperimentAl Studies on the Value of Post-operative Penicillin Prophylaxis in Primary Wo=a CaLro According to ftiedricho by F. Holle,, Th. Diamlinap E. Rieffert, E. Werbellig, 16 ipp. MWAN. per,, 8Qv~LjerjjSbg ft4jziniacbs 1!2qLmsebr_if_t_, 110 84g 195Dj PP U4-07- nu ticitatific - Medicine Jan 54 CTS of 16.67 T c-x-a ' plasmosis in the Dog, by R. Faukbaucer, 6 pp. 17-ull translation. G-MICkE, per, Scbveiz Medis Vocbeanch, No 14, 1951-v IV aA/FDD/X-1062 LEcieutific - Medlclae Aug 53 =,A= Z'// Z// 70 PqrChopkWsics Correlatians. MI. 'Soclel Ex1priamts for the ISr (1yeeiric acii~ diatkvIamide) six) MasmlLrw Problms of SdOsaphronia# by Rolmid Fischer, ot al, CERMIlp per$, ailamlw. T-wj Wsohr. 813m?- 81991M q .2- 3 / ? ;?S rupt WWI Nill 8-5-6.5 sci.-Bial & li-ea Qa t. 65 2B8,635 Deteruication or tbb Total Amino Acid Content in the Blood Arter Peroral Administration of Protein Hydrolywate I by Ilse Antener, 16 pp. GEMM., per, fttmmix bbd Weahrp Vol U=# 1951p pp 970-974. NM 9-1 Sai - chm Sep 59 ?z j ?-~& PM.vmcbd.jmr-zdc Effect of sud pamm alemd,, by L. I pairs 80voizarisalm 19p, vca rm=t,, iq* 5,, pi Some Substam ca an the i~knui:La,. 6 medisInUcha wOaCll=j. u4-a& SLA 59-17M Sol reb 60 vCa 2., 1941, 10 Necrobiotic Cysts of the Bone, by E.Rutishauser, GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Yiedi Wochenschrift, Vol.82, pp-84975-0,1952. siA-TT-66-11617 n B/14 Aug 66 309,241 matastasiting Careinoid of the Srss-11 Intestine., Accompanied by Severe Vaivular Defeat Affecting Fspaci- aUy the ri,;ht heart an& Pulmonai.7 Stenosis - a Pacullar Symptom ConLplex?, by F. Islarp C,, Hediziger, 21 pp. Full tranolatione GERMMij, per.. Schweiz.med*Vchnsclw!., Vol MMII, No 1,9 Jan 3. 19531 PP 4-71- Nm 6n 55 /UKA Psycliiatric-Clinical Studies Regar", Se4re Is tr T~ a Adaptation Theoryp Part II, by H. InBldMnger, J- 14mier, P-1 pp. GEM",, per.. Schweiz Ned Wacbr.,'Vol XVp inn 1953P, PP 25-3D. S.L.A. Tr 47 3 ;~/ Scientific - Medicine Problems of Interstitial Nephritts, by 0. Sputiler. GENIAN, per, Schweizer Madizinische Wochenschrift. Vol LXXXIII, No 7, 1953. pp 14S-1411. - MIU/T.461 Sci-M iliol & Mod Sci Har 63 Probleas of Interstitial Nephritisj, by 0. Spuhler. GOMAN,, per,, Schweizer Hiedizinische Wachenxd~:r,ift "-Vol - LXMII, No 7, 29S3,, pp 14S-143. NU/T.461 Sci-N Bial 4 11ed Sci A25 A97 Mar 63 0 11~11 I I If I Ilia a JIMI'll.- (FIDD IT090) LperXtc Acid-Mbylsmide (LAE11j, a New psycbcsis~ Xnducing Ergot-Derivative Umvlmg a Strongly Se"tive Effect., by H. Solna, 21 pp. MOZH# A VcTp ..44--m-risc.1tie awtizinische WarimchaV6 r-133=, ft 15# *pro'b ftselp 11 Aiw 1953, -pp 35&360. Wgur Switzerland CIA17W/V-490 Sci Wdicinep new drugs J~ 4A Tonsillar IlUberculosis and Tuberculous Lymphom of the Throat, by G. Stiefel. MffKWj, per,- Schvelmerludw Medisimisebe Wocb- emsebriftp 1953,, pp-Oa---M& as= Sci - Wd lqel, X/ 7.f Arr 62 STODT.ML -ISTER, R..SANDKUHLER, S. and FLIEDNER, MI. 57 -2929. no importwice of the sinus wall for the J: regre.-;sive and regenerative processes of the bone marrow. Schweiz. med. Wochschr. 8-5, nos. 38/39, p.942- 945. (,1p.) (AEC-tr-3034) i1 A Chronic Adrenal Insufficiencies, by J. Warter, J. Schv4rtz., 16 pp. Full translation. GEMUN, per, �chwjz,M9d,Ngft., Vol XXCIII, 1953, pp 971-975. S.L.A. Soientifte - Mdicine 1 0 /~ ~ Aug 55 F ip / A Nmw Colchicum Secondary Cibm) ea Cirtastatic Aaent S. Pfaescblin, H. Myer, an Alkal~--Id ~,Dew~colc~iue of 11yeluld Leukemia, by A. M,chtmaa, 24 pp. GEUAJf,, per-Bchweiz Med Wocbemachriftp Vol LXXUXX, No 41, to-ct 1953, pp 990-993. Nu Scientific - Medicine la " 1,54 YAY 1954 CTS/DEX Treatmeut. oT Hyperten ion With a Rauvolf in Allmloid (Serpasil). Clinical Observations., by W. Loeffler., et al., 12 pp. GER4AHj, mo per, Schveiz. mad. Wschr. Vol LXXX=., 1953.. pp 1012-1d57-, - ' S*L,A, Tr No 367/1955 Scl - Medicine "-, -,/, '? ! ~ r y - Jan 1957 CTS/dex Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension,, by W. Schweizer, 17 PjP - GENCS per, Schveiz Had Wchnschrj Vol 2 iio 44,, October -3xj-, 1937j, PP 1055-1059. NM Scientific - Medicine CM/DM'. /71 ~341- The Sexual Function of the Renal Cortex, by K. Ponse. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Mediz- buische Ilochenschrift, Vol 10, No 7-, 1950, pp. 170-3. NTC 69-11791-06P sci-94H July 69 387,609 Salicylamide, by F. Holtz, I. Drebinger. GERMAIII, per, Schweizerische Modizinische Wochonschrift, Vol 80, No 44, 1950, pp.- 217S-7. NTC 69-11789-060 ~ Sci - BOM .July 69 387,599 jvq)iantatiou of Pur6 Estrogen ):a wawn.. -01) C. K 111 er, 35 iv. I=$, MOWN Schwe"O fte.. wadl~val , .0 4vv - 6160006a.V195fS pp -- 13.LJL. Tr 119/1956 ftumt1ru - MedIalne .9,90 9 a I Metabaltam and Blood Circtdation -of tbe Hman Brain., by R. Mnlaiold..'33 pp. L.Xxgiy- GIMM., per# wa=r., 19CA.. vp 1-~ 3 1 fy i;L MM 333 0 Scieutifle - Usiftetne TT-65-13235 Field 61' Ruehlm"n. A.: Mhler. C.; Hegglin. M.; Kaolin, R.; Schaub. P. RELATIO14S SETWVEN LUNG FUNCTION AND LUNG CIRCULATION (Bentebungen ZwIschen LuMerdunktion und Luagomicrel slauf). 13p, 24refs. OMer from SLM $1.60 as TT-65-13238 Tran Sebw sche Nleditintsche Wochenschrift, 116 v83 41,M-11.1,11-15'.. MR 651 Sporotrichosis of the Brains by M. Aufdcrmaurs 14. Filler,, R. Fischers 14 pp,. GUM., per# 50y_qlzerische Idedizimische Wochopachr1ft, Vol LMMIVp NO 59 30 Jan 19540 NIB Tr 920 ,3 10, Nci - Medicine., Czemiakxy Relations Between Lung runctions and Pulmonaxy Circulation. Contribution to the Oenesis and Symptomtol_ _ or the Leaver Circulationo by A. Fahlmann,, C. Maier., H. Regglimi R.k9lirip F. Schaubp 21 pp. GMUO., per,, �2Lveiz Ned Vocheinschrift.. Vol IJ=11,, No 50.9 12 Dec 199,;3,, pp 1199-1202. 0 of 113M . ScientifIc - Medicine CTSJ~mm Clinical Experiences with Salicylamide, by T. Ilegmann. GERMAN. per, Schweizeridche Uedizinische Wochnoschrift,Vol 80, No 3, 1950, pp. 62-3. n'tc 60-11790-060 SCL-B&14 July 69 387,600 Clinical Investigation on -the Treatment of Cholangio-hepititis, Cholacystitis and of the Urinary Passage with "Bacibil", by A. Sostigni. GERMAN, per, Scliweizerischo Medizinische Wockenschrift, Vol 84, No 19, 1954, pp. T38-41. 14TC 69-11799-06E Sci-B&M July 69 387,546 aml LMeta-bolic itotion ot cortin) , by R. S, Mach, J. Fabre, A.. Duakert, R. P. 30% pp~ A-11 translation. GERM, per, , Vol XXCIV, Apr 1954, ,pp 06-1a6- S.L.A. Scientific - Medialme ,,? 7, a ?e: ~ jul 55 A Cartiame Eater With Prol=gei A~,ticz, by- P. pp~ w GEMVMa per$ Scbu8iz-Med-w8chr-a Vol IMW,. 3 Jul 1954, vp 7hl-743. -34 3 3 OIL Sclentifla - NDdlclne y Toloranee and Parslotqnce in the Circulation of Foxw1dohyda-Heat-Treatod Serum In, A-4-1 Rqperi- mefttwUmp I* A. Zv8m1bmrdt8 W. Yekls 8 pp. OMM Vw* Babraft Ibd Vochuchro VbI LMNq Do 28,9 SIA 3174 Clinical Aspoct's vnd of the So-Called Kyphoscoliotic Eleart, by F. Schaub, A. lhxhlamamn, R. T. JteewanLi, 19 pp- GLIRMAh, per, Schweizerischen Medizinisclien vfocheo$c~hrlft, Vol LXXXIV, No 4o$, pp 1.147 S-eq - 1954 NIH Tr 912 30,336 Salt Water-gypertension in RaU,, by R. U. zouinger, 5 pp. GEMWp "rj vachr,,vol Lxcav,, 6s 19541, pp 32- SIA Mr 880/1955 fti - Ibd 4-41 /a 3' Jul 5T A R.: wolfia A I kal oid in Psy la 311 . ch-I try.- Itr, Sinflarity of Action 'Kith Chloropro-m-azim, by E. Weber, 19 pp. MIAN, porq Schweiz Med Wchnschr, Vol =[W., 1954, pp 96~-970. r%lg sciemLif ic - M--aicine m io1jul 55 TriolwArons a NIxturs of Towto crone --t-ars--v R&pJ12 on"t of Efftet amd Protracted Actlomp by S. ftebM., R. HoUrs 9 OEM , perj, Scbmlz Md Wocb"scbrlft,, Vol L=aV,, 100 pp - S.L.A. Tr Ccmq?&mtlve Matachamical Studies on the Action of Aldo-storone and Other Adrenal (brtical Hormones, by P. Lmatalots R- Wier, 7 PP- GMUN., perj, Schveiz. Mad. Vol UM3V, Dec 1954., pp S.L.A. Tr 1862 Bcd - WdIcim Alw 57 About the Pathogenesis of the Diabetic Capillary Dmnage, by G. Starck, 13 PP- GZJMN, perp Belweizerische Hedizinische Wochen- schrift, Vol LXM , Dec. 25, 1954, pp 144o-1445. NM Tr fio 1134 SclentifIc - Medicine 3' 11, 7 Hegglia. R. and Keiser. G. CONCERNING SMOKING AND CORONARY DISEASES, LIL9621 10p. Order from K -H $IZ 50 K-H 3417-b Trans. of Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1955. v. 85, l5jan, p. 53-55. DESCRIF17ORS: *Cigarettes. Smokes, 'Tobacco. *Blood circulation, *Heart, DiwAses. 62-2~440 1. HeggUn. R. It. Keiser, G. 111. K-H-3417-b IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology. TT. v. 9, no. 1) otru of Technkw servien The Pharmacological Characteristics of the Narcotic Doriden, byy. Gross, J. Tripod, R. GERMAN, per, jhbwf&&wwAsche Nedizinische V- Wochenschrift. or-", RO is, 19SN' pp- 3OS-9. NTC 69-11796-060 Sci-B&DI PreliminaTy Clinical Study of a Now Itypotonsive Agent: Nitrocholkne, by G. Groder. GEUIAN, per, Schweizherische Modiz- inische WochonsarlFt, Vol U. No 33, 1955, pp. 796-8. NTC 69-1179S-060 sci-DVI July 69 387,601 Treatmmt at.' Lead Poiconing With Calcim Ethy3.eurlival.ne-Tetraacetate,p by A., Pletscher, 6 pp. GEVA01 per$ schvelz Yad Wcbmchri, Vol LXXXVI, uo 6,, 5 Feb 19357-iff"MM--131- N331 Scientific - Medicine ~;~ f CTS 70/Ju 55 j~pl V/ Calcium and MNposium Excret;cQ in the Urim In C4=er of the Breast for Zvaluatlng Testooterone fterapy, by A. Striebol, P. von Planta, G. WoLUerp 10 pp. 03mmoi. WS, 1w. Wigeschr, Vol 1x=j, 19 Feb 1955v P:PM1- 6--, 616L,A. Tr 1889 Sci - Nbuo"ne '441 9~~4f APr 57 0, Tensile Strength anti Elauticity of the Aorta, by M. A, Zehnder, 25 PP. GIMI"., Ver,, Pdapr igehe ,fMAchvelger Apt Usaisinisabe Vtdo usohrIft,, 0 Vol pp ~Ojrx. Havy Tr 32OR/IM 7,18 Sol, - Ned A 1 Do* 62 Pbarmcalagical Cbaracterl2ftiom of the r1f)-motic Daridsn,, by F. Gro3s,, et al,, 22 pp, /I Y.t 'IV* V GMAAHO per.# SdbwIzwd..Uschr, Vol )%ffp 26 6%r 1955., pv 3()5,3()9" S.L.A. WO 32'-A/ic-)56 SacatMc - MedicIm 311 3Ad 011,'Unim.-~ Witb Gkilte'Vii-mitie, P. GlutarS-c kA~iA IgL~aL,., ByrAlo-tic, by i,. iLUer,, F. Rohmr, 4 GINIMIAM, f6 Mr -1955, .0-3,01119ro, a=. SIA 57 Experimental Studies on the Genesis of tho Mawmry Carclmam, by 0. Kuhlbock, 16 pp. GEMNP per p Schweiz, Ned wmhe"ICZ's Vol LXKVt No 17., 1955# P 387- HER 9-36 SclentUla - Medicine -,440,, ff~Y nov 56 cTs thiscular Disturbances Associated With Byperthy- roidism,, by Be Pipberger, R. Kalin, T. Wegmann, 9 pp. ONRMANh per, ;MediZIpAo _ 4a , . A~~ ~ls PP 39 schrift -393 23 Apr 195_5. 0 0 ,5 ~- /. ,-5- 7 - BIR Tr 9-29 Sci - Madicine Oct 57 Muscular Disturbancea Associated With Hypotbyroidism, by H. Fipbcrger, H. Kalin, T. i4agmann, 9 pp. GERI;", per, gcbuoizerischo Nedizininghe wacbenacbr -'mr-104""w pp J/. 7 NIH T-r 9-30 Sci - Medicine Oct 57 Second Serp~ssil Symposium at the Psychiatric Clinic BkwlBbolzli ot the University Zurich, by W, A, Stoll, 8 pp. Ow"t per, Scbveix Wd WocingjKa, Vol LXXIC'Ip 7 xbw 19551, pp' SU Tr 2124 d-.V, Bel - INdicine Sep 57 Review of the Clinical Experiencee With Serpasil at BtmgbozlI, by F. A.. NLelkm-.p 9 pp. i Nblant-, Vol IM=, GMtW,j porp Schwe E_jtq W 7 ow 1955, pp M:M-. - WA Tr 21M I sci - jualaine "1,, 4? 6 6 Sep 57 preMmInoxy Blectroencephilographic Findings in Serpasil Thapapy,, by R. Heasp '.1 pp. GMMNP per., acbmeim Wd Woctacbr,, Vol LXM, 7 POW 3.9550 pp =37 STA Tr 2123 J-02 9 '.0-6 Sci - Waietne j SeP 57 The Nature of SerpsaLl Therapy in Schizophrenics, bry V. Blueer, 5 pp. GIM"j, pert gahwiz ad MAUS-Vol LMVP 7 ft 195% pp 443 4 Wl - sm Tr 2126 801 - Maicine q-'14 SeP 57 J Tonic Hepatosis Presenting the Picture of Intra- hepatic Obstructive Jaundice After the Adminiatrution of Chlorpromazime (Laxg-actil)j, Atophan, Salvarsan, and IL-thyl Testosterone., by C. blaierp J. R. Buttner., 13 pp. I GERDLAR,, perp M Scbv#A&,,-,Med Wchnschr., Val LXXXV, 170 19, -440. 1955.. PP 445 CIA/FDDAC-1756 Scientif ic - Medicine Aug 55 CTS Antrawl Duplex.. a New Peroral F(wm of Administration With a Depot Effect,, by H. Barzog, H. Kaufmann, E. long., P. Speiser, 8 pp. dMim.. per, Z IMC.~D Vol um" 18 J'Un 1955P pp 6 1 . SIA Tr 2225 Sol - lodlaine X4;? j 95-IT", SeP 57 %- HAWrJ=w Oil AwYhOlcgical Chaws in Young Rats Sk OCOVared with Amlosom Spontameous Ones ir,- Old 20 AUI=Isj, by P. Loustaloto 15 pp. ammi per., " p *A MaLftj., Vol L10mv., 25 Azo 195~1$, pp 631-04- SLA, Tr 2416 Sai - Wdicine , .1, -, 4, 9 -,/, Z SOP 57 Tor thc- I Tr a out of Afscitzc nf the ~'w,'al Vol,;,., ty F~ llmlott,- b" L, -1. t. ~. , pp ,AN, 7er, Solivelz Fled k-lochocar, np 652-653 Sci-Metliclne Mar 58 SLA 57-1510 c0 Chemistry of Aldooterone,1f by A. Wettmin, 4 pp. am"s Scbftiz Wd Vochechr,-Vol IMWo 2 Jul 1955, f? 665. WA Tr 23,n Sci - Cbenistry q 7,3 Bev 57