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Gns-Shieldl Are Welding of C^rbon Steels, by W. flwmaitzmc~h, P. merommsm. I s OMAN, rer, Sebwlessen U Schusi6M Vol VM No 3, ft Mmr 1956, -~-P-73M.* '* ' ABLIM-OB70 sci Jul 59 ?,z " 7 zle c41. JD~,;j Ifaldi.,? b;r W. Irrlimo. tn-" Gj=AU per.. Scb~mjxseu u Schwiden, TIO pri, BTSI 1633 6o Teske, K. CONTRIBUTION TOTIM CLARIFICATION OF T1W PROCE&S OF FLASIL CUl"TING. [19621 1101p. I ref. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-20128 Trans. of Scliwcis~k-,n u[nd] Schneiden (West Germany) 1956, V. DESCRII'TORS: *Cuttingtools. 'Forches, Iron, Steel. 62 - 20 1 2S 1. Teske, K. (Machinery, Fabrications and Accessory equipmeni, Offic. f T.ch.k.l S-k.. 1-F. V. 9, no. 9) 62- -14XII)Q Mantel, W. SIGNIFICANCE OF PHYSICAl- PliENOMENA IN 1. M'Jnt~!' ~k. WELDMG ARC . (19621 [201p. 6 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 62 _20099 Trans. Of SdIWCisr,(!fi !i[ndl Schneiden (West Gernian~.) 1956, v. 8, no. 3, p. 280-2P.- DESCRIPI'ORS: *Are welding, *Electrod es, 'Mernijonic emission, Gas discharges, Polarization, Tung~sren, Argon, Helium, Ste~:-I. An attempt has been made to apply the known fund- menGil properties cd the physical arc to the welding a i c. In accordance with the heating of the anode, diree different qWs ofares are formed which in practical welding occur as three variants, depending upon polarit% and type of current uscd. A comparison is made Ix-mvvi, the known thooretical telaticnships of these variations (Machine ry - - Nianufactu ring, Tr, v. 9, no. 12) (ovei' MCI DI IttbWC41 smkzl Zxporicmcc in r;irn-Doslu-ract3.vn Testij"r- of Weldsd Tn~ft)tfi, by H.-D. Weise. pez,., Sazhhueicesn Und Sahmt--". 7!.n "rol 177 17 n 1956, YP 35-5-3M-"" Bruteber W 4073 $9.80 c RPi - ft-F-r Apr 58 :iatevi.1 T~,~ztiaz at Lou Tm-pratiann, b.- -;. Uldectaimr.- UICIAMIrM amomal "rIft a ftbml4eno Vbl ME# No 3j. 19"j. vp "I ., ~ --1-- mm/SL36R/CT ul - Sap 849.56 7.9" FIT if Fish Eyes in Steel Welds, by W. Htm-mitzsch, 9MM14, per, ~ chuciasua-uad ..ar.W4ci don, Vol. TXv No 8. 19S7s pp 3&6-390~ HB 5 160 sci-14/m Doe 63 -~ 31 -11, 95 / Probjew of Welding Hiah-Tensile Structural St."Is, by H. J. WLester. (;ERWdI,, per, Sobveissen undl Schnoidens No 10, 1957, PP 465--"--" ""*-'"' -"' '' -' BIBI 1902. Sel - Esw .Tan 61 / Iq 61 10 lq'~' Fmblew of Measuremnt Technique In Resistance 1^~" ~$ by 0- Gengelbach. GMM, per., Schweiseem und Scbml,0=$ Vol X, No 1, 1958, pp 1-12. CSIM / / Cs os- Bel. - Wnjketas Jun 60 'T be Inert Gas Tungsten Are Welding of Tai.,a~ Meet Steel for Transformers and Dymmoa, b-,,- Huge, W. rtauchruss. GEIRAN, per, Savelesen Schneiden, Vol X, reb 1958., pi? BISI 2213 Sol - Ibw Jun 61 Prmatica :eo-4 Welding Circulzr Mmw cm Larca Diwatow Pipamp by L. Nentop L, Elcb*ruhn. UfCL amm, Imr, achmolmou und Solmalou'p my 1958S pp %2-406. British Mrom wrA Stool DO " (JA 5 0) Bel - MW X-~ 4,70 9"', AIC 02 59 Ultrasonic Testing Of Welds by W.H. Papke. GERMf, per, Schveissen Und Schneiden, Vol X, No 4, 1958, - CSIRO Oct. UP Ult=8013io InopMUOU of Wblftp W W. R. Pqpke. GEWN, Wo Odmal"an und SdUkeldeas Vol Xv no k.- 3 958, PP 131-135. RD 4237 Set - fter Apr 61 1.417 1 - ., /- sq/ Ayqwczlmt;Lm3 ftzllibrUm CocdLtions in ths Dialtan PcoU of Xftal arA BUS in Ara Weldiogj, by W. bL COM. =L GMRW per sobvelosen u ftbmalden, No 5,p 0 i's Isom " IL (16 os.OA.) A/ 4" 801-aw/mt; AtM Posi.tion, Time and- Cause of Spatter Durtn;:: F,Icctrlc-Arc Welding, by Friedrich Erii,cann-Jesnitzer, Gottfried Pysz, 2Q pp- GERMIAH, per, Schweiss n iind cZohn JAPP, V-,I X~- No pp ~()3-~11. SLA 6o-ioo-~q Sc.t OT'S, Vol T11, wo 6 Sep 60 h-westiptions on the Electro ',--dag Welding Procecs, by R. Miller, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, ag4yj~pscn und ScImaiden, Vol X, No 197p8, rm 2-10. CSYRO S(A - Eagr Ncm 61 / 7 5~ V,0-3 BECKER, H. Build-up welding of wheel flanges of rail vehicles with the aid of shielded airc welding. Schweiss.Schneid. 10(10):442-4 (1958) (CRL/T.4211x) DWad-UP W62AIng of Mbiol Mansio of BoU VeMcIA9 witit the Ald of Sh"o3ded Are WaUlne, by IL Beclorp -A6.-- onp VOLL lop No 21 QMWO per. Sdmat"M .0 195% PP We 440 RMI 7U66 Sal/Nat YARr 70 kkolh C;unLher. H. AT-r1`C.'.1A'J1C ~%E'LMIG PROCESS .',I'nl MAGNFri- I- Titlc~ Mitt CALLY (X)NTROL.I.1- -1) ARC TIIF %%' -.-LOING U~: 1. (Ainthar. 11. [IF-,- LINES. 119621 [2261p. 12 iefs. Orde r fTow SLA $ 2. 60 02-AMI Trans. of Sch%%clssen u[nd] SchnoidenlWest Gcn.iany) 1958, v. DLSCFd11I'URS- Automatic. *Arcwelding, *I*Ipc.,, In- dustrial opilpmtin. Elcaroniagneta Tbe prct~cnt rcfx)rt o-wers an automatic -f1rc cracl;cr butE Welding pro,:cns Which makes it possible to 1)n)du-o perfect rxit and finhhIng bonds In any welding [x)sitlo-i. Its mode it operation Is I-coed on the control of the ar. column by auxiliary mag-netic fields whose theory is ax- pla,fived. A descri1xion Is given of the e(luipment whicli hat; been &-vclopLd and field-testod With PIPC dI2n1CLC17.; (%Iacfiir~t!:ry--hianufactul-iti& Tr, v. 9. no, 10) (over) Offes of Tech*sl Scr"us Limitations in the Jivaluektion of fie Radiographs Used for ftaffilaing Circumferential Pipe Weld& im Accordance With D331 54 111, by W. ii. %Fapke, W. ff. UNCL GZRMAN, per., Sahvelesen u Schmidim,, No 11, 1958j, pp 4350-441. British Iron and Steel Ind 1391 (L2 158.0d.) f Set - Phys Sep 59 Optimun Intensification andFault Definition Through the Use of Suitable Lmd Screens for Ga=.a Radiographs With Ir 192 and Cs 137, by W. E. Papke. GEP14APT, per, Schweissen und Schneiden, Vol X, No 12, 1958, pp 463-466. *TIL T-5126- Sci - Phys jui 6o m!b_p Mffect of 1,1oisture Aboorption and Its D~~Liiy at Dcla- Baciz n- B. lCauhausen, S. Sadowski, 19 pp. GERRIN, L)ejz) Sc:hricidcn: 71-1 U, No 4, 1959, pp i15-1~0- su 6o-10820 Sci M.S., Vol 111, IHO 7 ), 5 _q / 117- 6 IIo%r 60 StrengUia of Wel4ed Connectlom on Cyl I nd ical Coutaiw".q by R . Beuolw,, 18 pp - GAUM,p perp Schweissen und fkftmideup Vol XIp 1,9590 pp -, - ABC TrA300 se i - Abv 2h Feb di /-"4//, e 71Z.- v Principles and Developments of the C~iality Coefficient for Welded Seams in Pressure Vessels, by E. Rubo. GEMAN, per, Sebweissen und Schneiden, Vol 11, No 59, pp 4oc-415. *JPRS for US Army Ordnance Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Jun 60 WaIcUrg of 11heel Rims for RaLlmy RolUng Stock by Means of rwrt Gas Are Welding, by If. Bedwr. mmm, ppr$ a 'WC14~ Val X, 1.958, Vp 4424w. Amm-w-~ 501 - mm/*t ;//, 111Y Av4g 62 -Seml-Nbcbwdcal WaldIng With 0 Co Prcftetion in the Waufactum orcontainers la AWaratw, by Ing. R. Akulatich. GERWM# pW# Scbmalusen und Salwaidell, - - I ---- Vol. XTs no a, -9-59, --- mm scd - banlwt .214 z/;/ ~? ,lug 6e Reseexch on Rmil Soft Soldered Joints, by H. Koch, W. Wasserbach. GEEMM, per, Schweissen und SchrAlden, Vol XII, 196o, pp 2-10. *ABC Sci - Engr Aug 62 Fatique Tests on Notched Specii-aens Filled in by Welding, by Wolf. GEWMAN, per, Schweissen und SchncidQji, Vul XII, 'q0'-1, 19bU, pp 10-1 . GB/211~17.3 !>' Ci Dec 62 61-16160 STORED IFYFRGY M31-DiNG. 11961) 1111P. (11 figs. I. Title: lmpulscwclding oi-nitted) 2 refs. 2. Title: Ccndcnacr Impulse Order from SLA $ 1. 60 61-16160 weldtng 3. Title- Stored energy Trans. of &:11welsseil und SchneldLa (West Grmany) welding 1960. V. 1. FrUngel. F. 02SCRIPTORS: *Elc,:tric welding, *Resistance Instruneatation, Eletrical cquipnwnt. (MachInery-Manuficturing, TT. v. 6, no. 3) Off'- .1 T-W-1 S-1- i;i ca 1. Considerations ii a the We! d inU C)f F-iL--, -TcmDarature Steels, by 1!v'e-L w GERMN, per.. Scbveissen und Schneidem, No 2, 1460, y PP 55-61, BISI 1811 Sci - Rr-gr oc t 6o WeldtM and Cutting With Elootron Beams., by K. R. Stelgervald. GIMM, per, ScIvvelamm und Schnelden, Vol XII, It* 3# IS60v M'Y"- - ARI T/1592 Sol - MEW Igg , Weldin Studies an an ALZnf4gI JUloy with special Empl%asf$ on the Crack Sensitivity of the Weld, by K. P. Madraa, 32 pp~, GOVEIWMNT USE ONLY GURMIAN, Imrs, Schweissen und ScImeiden, Vol. 12, No 2, 1960, p~ 45--33 RSIC-788 EE Scl/Mat AW 68 342,513 ael -aing and cutting witli nectton Beams, by K. I.I. IS-toigentaldo GElUIXi, per, Schwelssen aund Sahneiden, Vol XII, No So 19609 pp 89-03, Dept of ~Iavy Tr 4486/API./JIIU Z-1616 Sci-Elactrunics Feb 66 2915,465 A Contribution to the Problem of Deterrr.,ining Acetylene Losses in Gasometers, by M. Maier. GEHOWN, per, Schweissen und Schneiden, Vol XII, No 3, la.6o, pp 112, " 3. *TTIL T 5167 Sci - Chem jan 61 Chemical-Metallurgical StUdieEl ott Welds, by .' - Bcm*=. GERoal, pear, Schveissen und Schrdolden Vol XITT, Apr 14.60.. ffp--T~ ~.-- !~~ BISI 20125. Sci - 11w. ~)'Ul 61 /6 /1 o -~-/ Rcon;mu of P.-Lm*-Cutting I*tbods. Be--tj on 6 Yi'x-m FWtlc=alalm-zunS 1= SchaTbmx Dach Br---=-cheiea;a (AppUo"I.om of Fl=e-Cutt4mg in Sbip Const-ructica), 32 bor 1. Mops, J. Bemtfe3At. UNCI WMIG por, Behumis"n ~~~2a~dft& VC0. X11j, No 6, 1960, XWy TV 2822Aui!~,EWP5 727 Jul 62-14345 Hrunst, W. SPECIAL MACHINERY AND MECHANIZATION OF 1. Bruns t. W. WORK STAGES IN RESISTANCE WELDING. 119621 l5p, (25 fig3. refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 60 62-14345 Trans. of Schweissen und Schnelden (West Germany) 1960, v. DESCRUTORS: Macbines, Automation, Resistance. *Welding. Welded joints. *Electrodes. Electric welding. Feed mechanisms. Data are presented on circular transfer lines forwork- pieces, straight transfer Unes for workpleces, work- piece feed, welding tools, ejecting the workplaces. examples of machines, and cost of special machinery. (Metallurgy. Tr. v. 8. no. 7) Offic. A T"h.1C.1 sw'i PrLnst, Y'. and Bauer, K. HIZFECT Of? ELEUITODH' SPACING ON WELDING CURREMI' IN TW1214' SPOT VIELDING. (196216p. (10 figs. refs. equations omitted). Order froni SLA $1. 1.0 62-14344 Trans, rO Schwelssen und Schnelden (West Germany) 19c-0, V. IDESCRUIMRS: Eh~ctrodc-q, Llectric welding, *Spot wt~!IdLng. SN!cts, Oscillogruptia. OWelding 62-14344 1. Brunst, 11. Bauer. K. (Metallurgy 'M'. v. 8, no, 7) Wfic. f T-W-1 S-i- 61-10807 Piwm,ar, St. TECHNOLOGICAL DETAILS OF ELECTRON BEAM 1. Piworwar. S. WELDWO (Technologische Besooderhe'rem beim Elekt. cc netrahla civelasm). J 1%1 J 13)p. I ref. Order ftom SLA $1. 10 61-10967 Trans. o( SchwaWrAt utd Schnei (West Germany) L960 [v. 12. no. it 8. DESCRIP'MRS. OUliectron beams. Pomaing, Blec- trostatics. $11lectric weldin& Electronic eqdpment. melting. Titanium. Manufacturing methods Experiments showed that the size of the meldng zone can be controUed wiftn wide Undto through the appU - cation of electrostatic focusing by adjustment o( the distance betwem the edge of the fbetuft cathode Weld and the cathode spiral. (Author) (Machinery- -Manufacturing. TT. v. 7. no. 4) T-W-1 S-A investtp-tion Into the Weldability of Various G-.,eAcs ocr Plate Uu1sr the Protibatiou of C02.v by- R. 01(m"er, ff. Virts. OMOUN, jxw, Schysi"an und U=eiden.. Vol XII, iro ii, 3W, pp 48&-4 Disi :Uhl act - Rw -- jul 61 /a 0?19J investic,aticin iribD 'Ghe I-Icidabi-lity of aa,iour: tionof CO,~, Giocliner. 1.1alt,criii1s Under t-he ProtecL per. Schwoispen Schneiden, Vol XII, lio 11, Gm I YJ x/s, '.1241 Jun !.).I MlumifnctuVe atid Properties of Atomised, Stabilized rierro-Siliccn, by K. Feldnann, K. Frank. GJ014AN, per, SCIAM-isagn nd Schnalden, Vol XII, Dee 1960, pp-5-14--517. BISI 2321 stl - Cbem / -71, J ~? 7 cc -%, 61 all sv!'b-soldered jointc: 11'~ C--ntrlbutlca to the Develop=rnt of Suitable Testing U'2th,-Os for Static exia Dynamic Strength., by H. Loeb, W. Vacaerbsch, 21 pp. G- .P7,21AMR, rx--r, sclwciasez Una -Ictneid2n, Val XII, 1963.. pp 2-10-.--926-1-276 A=-tr--5469 GA - Rngr T ;ALU 63 Ymt. IkIdUg of H*w7 D%V:Plpe In Lmi-r end a4sh ALIW Steclp bV \U. FWLetlicb. Mulos Vero a-dwousm =A admomm'o VOL xnla, 3.961.p 3v U647-As *-Ub4k~. Em W44 Sol - Wa Fab 63 1 a -7, O~/,o 1. Temperature, Anterial Transfer omd Physical PrcWrtiem of Slags of Una1loyed Welding Zlectrccloiu, by V. Ubaodtzsch. OMAN,, par,, Sebmtesou uW Bch,=Ldeop Vol Mly wy MIJ, Rwi 26n Sci - Pbys 19,rpl 17.7- may de list 133 p~Mj&nj iltrWISS" &Ud lkv2k3lvg and MMI ZffOCt an the Pwiavlour of StAwl StaurbLuwj, by A. Brkw. MM.- ow.. - -1 - Mmiam"Ampo Vol 14, ion, 19664 pp Tu. ABIBI 5351 Sal - bdaviaml wd SoAml swdown Mob 6T Strain Patterns on W*2ded JmwUons Between Plat Rare and Angle Irons as 14ad Oarrying *nd)era, by D. SMugmberg. almda., ver, hysismalm wA so 1., 1962, vp 14 -e3. SWX 2695 sat - Rngr Aug 62 list 14~ Rigb Frequency Tube WeldLng With EnergY Transmisslan Through Coatacts, by R. Goftseeil. CIEFUM,j per,, Sebmissen una Scbnelden, Vol 11, Peb 1.962, ipp'Sg--r]L. DISI ;.1946 set - aw jan 63 ... - . ., li6t 157 C-- . -- e~) Operating Principles for Gas-Shielded Metal Arc Welding, by W. Mantel. amw, per, Schweissen und Schneiden, Vol 14, No 2. 1962, pp, 72-79. NTC-71-12464-13H Nov 7 1 in Low AllcQ~- ..elds and 1..ct2.od of 11-dro- Isen DeterriLnation in '.ield Eetal Ly:zncdiateiv I ter Deposition, I)- j. JTUrjjMjtZsC)j, S. Dittrich. G2&K.LLN', per, Schweis-sen u. Schneiden, Volxxv -,,IV, pp 97-1014. BIGI 313.7 ici - !,:/],I Feb '03 New Aids for the Ultrasonic Testing of Welds, by V. Deutsch, H.-J. Schinke. GERMANi, per, 5cheweissen and Schnciden,, Vol XIV, No 3, - # PP IIR 5603 Sci-M/M Apr 63 -~~ ~' Recommendations for the Assessmerrb~ of Radiographs of Welds in Shipbuilding, by J. Bansen, L. Raudenkolb GMMUi, per, Schweissen and Schneiden, Vol XIV, No 11, 1962, -~~'48o-482." ISI 3389 Sci - Ehgr T Sep 63 1.0irto i)uxilig Arc lo;oldill'7 of stnictuxv-1 Stools, by G* 'hictiontko, 11, j%illing. CUXU-I. per, Schweisson S&M-eit-k-ni., Vol 1.5, Jul 196,30 pp 345-552, DIM 3902 sa/tV4~1 ~ivp 65 289,340 PossWe Causes of False Crack: Indication in the Magnetic Particle Inspection of Welded Joints, by Eva Coermann. GERMAN, per, Schweissen und.Schneiden, Vol XVI, No 3 1964, pp 90-92. HB W283 Scl - Engr Nov 64 ;168,486 Investigations Into the Retlief of Welding Stresses by Mecbanical Jolting, by H. Buhler, H. G. Pfalzgraf. GERMAN, per, Schweissen und Schneiden, Vol XVI, No 5, 1964, pp 178-183. 1-1116313 L 7- SCL - &g-'r-4 Nav 64 268,487 i-x~--ca-iclice ."itil -dgh _dloy ~~tecls .1oT Ccyas;,.:rucrAcn xid 'ilivir 4tcl(tin,-, Wicr, it. it. per: ~~ciwcissen Schneiclen, Vol I(j, Jun Elf-lil, ly 226-233, L;I~31 'S c i /:,: 07 Lwastigations into the Oxyam cuttlAg Jet iii, Belatlon to ScorIng durlAg Flam Cuttlngp by We DaboletWo GWK4Nj per,, Sebmis!m und Schmidan, val 3.6.. A 0 7,, W 4 1-2-5 ~ - = Bar: ;U.Itjp (TV*) SOL-lbelwaical July 6B 360m845 ead. aeat Ltaiaacea for O~rv-Acctylene a Sowt-fing amd Cutting of Low-Camon Steels, by A. K Manburg. GMWI, per, Bchvaiqat&vhUIk, 'Vol ITT, No 3, 1953, pp 38-4L37- ATS IS10-GJ Sci - Bagr Ser, 60 /...2I~z13~~l The Tborml-SpMing of Mistics# by Hamann Schwa", lo Ppo Gamma Wr Qsh!nujLkTGcbAk. Vol ivp no go Sep Wv Vp 270-2.12.---"""" 's- . F-W-aM/M sci - MMIstry ~ 3 -P- Z/ 6 Apt % Schiv.rkmi, V.. SAVING OF FUCL GAS MIRING FL.AME C[TTFING. [1962) (51p. Order from St--% 11. 10 62-220046 Condensed trans. of S vpjssLccbnik (Gcr-any) lQ55 eh v. 5 [no. 61p. 176-1~R. DFSCRIvroRs: *t,,uLis, 'Gases, *Curfing torches, Economics, Oxygen, OAcavlenes, *ilydrogen, Operation. (Machinery-Manufacturing, TT, v. 9. no. 12) affict of 7e.6=10 S-xts 6 2 - 2(X)()-, Erdmann-jesnitzer, F. and Klaas. If. CONTRIBUTION TO ITIE S-rAHILIZATION OF BAR111- 1. Erdmann-j,,nirz,-r-, F. WIRE-ARCS. 11962](171P. 6 refs. 11. Kiaj,. If. Order from SLA $1.60 62-2(XW ,rrins. of Schwei-imechnik (Germany) 1955, v. 5, nil, 7, p. DESCRIPTORS: 'ARC welding, *Electrodcs. Stabilizzi- lion, Aluminum alloys. Aluminum coatings, Coating,, ,~a - ium, arium, Lithium, Strontiun . hs. llota," Sodium. R; The purpose was to find out whether the arc stabilitv of bare mirc of the compmMon 0.06-0.12y,(", -0.(YQ_1si. -0..5.to0.TFNln, z0.03%P. r-0.0.1,F~S could h~- improved by adding A) to the filler wire vither as an alloying element or a, a separatt.- coatinj-. and, further, whether stalillizaiion can be obtained bv very thin mitings cmwining readily ionizable clemclits. (Ni.ichint-rN.--hianijf,ictui-iiig, TT, v. 10, no. 3)(()Vt'l-I Me of Tecitsical services Aide and /sppl'l=vea for Plam.-Cutting., by H. Hofer, 11 pp. GEMAR.. per. Scbwqisl3j~, Vol 3X,, No 1, Ac- Jan 1955 0 SIA Tr 1991 Sai - Eng ,~ '0, 6 5 Al Jul 57 B1.1111. T.- 12/59 British Waldiwr, Research Abington BAII AbInzt0n, CambrLdgc Chem Xil, ~6: 71~17 Jan 6o >1 Contribution to the MetaHurgy, of Electro-Slag Weldh%, by F. Erdmarm-Jeanitzer, G. Kammler. GERMAN*per, Schwelmechnik, No 8, 1958, pp 88-92. BISI 3793 SCL - Erw Sep 64 267.026 The Of Che-liicallY ifith F21g,!,er X90 ~-rl VC)-C'a A. SIZ~JT!ddt" -acisstechnik, Vol. AXII, pp 1-53-156. Disl 2194 Ok:i Dintins Tests on Struetwil Stools Free From Britt2s Vractwe* bar IL Nauttman. GRERM., jor,, Bcbvuls�Unb*U, Vol XMj Feb 1959p pp 13-19. DnI 2425? Sal - Bw , ~ ,e. z , , a 4,*/, "b 62 ust 127 R- 1~3-- --, I Spot and Seani Welding z)f Aluminum GM4Sdi, .",Ch-vreisstechnik, Vol Mar 106AD, pp 25-3c *JPRS for ArnW Rocket asid Guided Missile AgancY SC i XperimcntG on the Automatic Ultrasonic Testing of lCelds, by J. Angrea ,7ERW,, per, Sebwe sstechnik, no 4, 1960, pp ,A-127. ... . .. B_T,ql = ,Ago Engr oct 6o Symbolelp CUselfleatiom &W Qualfty ftandardination for BWbnmrgsd Are We2ding Povdeve, by 0. Booker. OM"s Tat X, So 5., 1960, PP 1.75 -178 BIBI 2258 zov -Yr-r- 14. sop 61 Lut Wa Testing of Weldments at Ifigb nmperatuvres by f4caus of a Cooled Cassettej, 18 pp. -r OMM, per., BeftyolmeteabnUp so 4, 1961, pp 14&151. 967.1149 M IEZ-1395A S" - Pb" / 'I/ -,/ -/ .?- 23 Oct &L Comc:z::aE~--r Weldj-~, b~~ jolasaim.c, 'godara, lkins-Dieter 'wmd--er, 9 pD-- GERMAN, per, ~~,lrgjji~techail~, Tio ':, 1061 , pp ;-,-,j3-205. 10671613 FTD MCL-1396,,,"L. Sci - Electron , Z , 0. /, / d. f; 25~ Nov (A. Reduction in Weld Cracking of Various Aluminum AUoys by Means of Alloying Elements, by Zoltan Buray. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY GERMAN, per, f4;cth!'weisj!-TecbnJk Vol XII, No 4, 1962, pp 15*7-163. 9695512 DDC RSIC-254 Sci - M/M Jan 65 270,696 Pral,olciz- i~ncmuitcrudl iialding, by I.-. Kauhausen, P. '~ullcr. per, Schweissteclu LILI-11. V&1 23, 1962, pp 39-,f4-. BISI 4153 EL-Gor &C . A/IIWl I lay 6S 2790552 Q01"Up salmlost3chim"', Vol XVrp 1-962P _mn Ultrasonic Testing of the Adhe43ion and Homogeneity of Sprayed Metal Deposits, by K. Hohne. GERMAN, per, Schweisstechr&14 Vol )CIII, No 9, 1963, pp 403, 404. HB Tr No 6250 SO - m/m Feb 65 274,994 !ioadiastructive Tcstiag Lcuilaxilt and 'restin~t instmkonts, by F. Iluli:, 7 j+. ""OA4, Schwaissteclaiik lb 6 1-962 jjj~ U69-261, U-697150 VIU-17-641-1352 Sci-Engr Jwi 65 2,82.246 Schwa,", H. TT-64-14269 INIPROMAENT OF THE FATIGUE STRENGTH OF 1. Schwarz, H. WELDED STRUCTURES BY PLASTIC COATTNG. lian 641 113p] t2refa Order from SLA $1. 60 TT-64-142611 Trans. of Schwetautechnik (Austria) 1963, v. 17, m S. p. 61-66. (Metallurgy, TT. v. 11. no. 12) 1 offle. If T~h.1411 ~-- ~,o.s~didlitius cil: tic Ultrl-foji;c lcsti;l- A,aycrs oi -ctul ollruy idth ."L~s';ect I to A(liosion and ib.Ju,,cn-LAtv, ".y i'm4ne, 6' 1,ye 196"1, :Ai,. 403-404. 9u97154 i-M-W-U4-1334 6ci -, 4,1 Jull 65 232,216 Problems Eiicountered in SubiLcro2d ".rc Weldjxl~;, by E. JL-uhzzusen, P. Muller. per, Selilin-isstechnik VD1 -23, 1~62, .P.P 39-h .. GB li-1/4152 120s Od. Sci - P~u~s, 67 335,801 Lciaction ci Zjw~tablc Steels fur -Structuria with Special AcEereace to i,rittio Fracture, by U.-MIYUN, per, 1.1ar, , 42-43, *61,1111 39410 P, 11iltscher, Schwoisstodmik, 1,964, 18, scil;lliot 1[ rat I tar GS Reuxions Uetween Flux uncl Isirc in Sub- Lmripd Are Welding. Effect of the Mejuical Elements on the Ikictility of Ueld Scams, by W. HumdUsich, (M-PHANI per, Schweisstechnik (Vienna), Vol 18: Dray J964. pp 6r--rXl'* BISI 4216 Se-p 65 289,295 Raising the Durability of Heavily Rusted Sheet Metal by Plastic Coating and Possihie Use of Plastic Foam, by Werner GHde, Gerhard Mtf[ler, et al, 6 pp. GERIAM, per, Schwaiss, Te nik No 6,1964, pp 265, 266. --- -.- 4- ....I ACSI 1-5653 ID 2204043264 Sci - M/M Oct 64 267,657 Ma Aoowft" or Owtmatim, by, W. Famm. GMWN* W. Sobwltmr ArW4v# JOY iA60 zip 2X3-M. ACSI J-62n YOUWW-93-Ma SML-PWO astpt 69 391j,288 for Routine DtA.,tri-idnation cj-,' G;,s Contmts - E5,pecic-Ily That cf in 1-lults, by Ii F,ichtir.~;c::. GM-adl, Sehvcd-ler, Vol 30, No 11, 1)L64, P~, 31 ~ 5 -3 5', - ML/T. Sci Jul 67 333,~57 Buchcr, K. and 11mmenegger. IL MIXTURE: OF TUR GLOOD OF 711E SYSTT!.MA71C VMNS IN '11111 PL11-MONARY CIRCULA-noN (Ober (ti( Mil schung des Blutes dcr KI)rpervenen im LAmgenkreis - lauf) tr. by P. lia)du. 29 Apr 60, 19p. 6 refs. Nal no. 4-29-60. Order from O'lS or SLA $ t. 60 60-17484 60-17484 1. Bucher, JC. u. Emmencgger, it. 111. N111-4-29-60 IV. National Institutes o(Health, Bethesda. Md. Trans. of,%h)y%,izcrische Akadernie der Modizinischim Wissen p. 418- 1'; DMIllPrORS: $Wood, *Blood circulattoti6 Olicart OLAWgI. .intravenous injections cl water insoluble klobules tarj;od with radioactive phosphorus were administered to rab- bits, to determine whether or not the resulting lung (luolqocal Sciences --Physiology. Tr. V. 6. no. 9) 5- H-61 (over) ofs" of 1r.A".a s".#-. Mlardbliblogical Problem Conceming the Nticlotw of the ftdowic Goitre, by F. Blim, W. TsUats., 4 pp. ME=N, per.. BekNeiz A Al .-_AS ~ Path-u Bakt j, VbI XVIIX, So 1., 19550 IV 32-317, X3M 3-69-62 Sol - I" ~ (0 /-:o JUa 62 CONTRIBUTION TO THEN MORPHOLOGY OF THE PATHOLOGICALLY ALTERED HUMAN THYROID GLAND IN THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. COMPARISON WITH THE NORMAL THYROID GLAONNI) OF THE RAT AND THE THYROID GLAND ALTERED BY MEANS OF PROPYLTHIOURACIL) BY BERNARD GARNIER,, L2 PP. GERMAN, PER, SCHWEIZ Z FUR ALLGE. PATH UND BAKT, 6-'F'P-- VOL XIX, NO 2, 195 13 NIH 6.43-62 SCI - MED AUG 62 208,78L S-150/64 Psychopha.rmaceutics, by A. Cerletti, E. Schlager, et al. GERMAN, per, Sebweizer Apotbekerzeitschrift, Vol CI, No 7, 1963, pp a2-238. 4~/DC-10257/Special gisk.-i Jan 64 s-15o/64 Clinical ABpects of the Use of Delyside and Indocybine In Psychiatry, by B. W. Albadeff. FRENCH,,4per, Schweizer Apotheker2,eitachrift, Vol CI, Ro 7, 1963, pp 245-250. ifrJPRS/DC-10257/Special Sci jam 64 t3f lx%~ "Aati-raw Dra'so" ; =v " Y!:.- Ife-ren-, by A V. Abzd. CMM3p VW., SchweloWleahe Apotbekar- WAMMSO voi-"NTU ~IPPVS;~- - canto ad - lbdp Chm /Z?.? 3m 62 4 f k Ao-~ plsyclkupiiaxnaccutic iigents. 1~cpurt Fsyc~iok;i- i Al sloptics, by ji. cerietti, ct al. FIRAiltUip per, Sclkweiz s'q)oth ZaitElf,., Vol pp ZIU-240, jil.4 tIM 9%2-66 scifi-16j," Nov 4~6 314.2-SC- Tripod. NffJS7 A MILIC BE INNOCUOUS? THE EU tOPEAN ASSOCIATION FOt, IHE SnW OF TO)aCM OF MEDMAMFIM ALSO TPIES TO ANSWEr, TtM QUES710,14 (Un --mment DWHI Etae Inoffensif? L'Association Europdonne pour I'Etude de la Toxiciti d des WMcaffvents Essaye Ausel i R6pon&e & Catte Question), Aug 63, 6p 2refs Order from SLA $1. 10 'rr-63-20999 Trans. of Schwelzerische Apache -ZeI=i& 1963, V. 101, P. j)j,'.qCPjPTt,)jj.9: Drugs, OToxicity, Standards, offlological AIIBAY 77 -f 3 - 2D999 1. Tr1pod. J. (Biological. S~ierfces--Pharmacology. TT. v. 11, no. 5) Offi. 0! C Oemisic Dielectric* , by W. Sayoks 12 P. parp-SaWalzar A"Js&v Amgev Wissmuch, und ftopik.o - 1936 p i0i :Itr No To I* i54-lm su, 59-2o483 set Apr 6o //.Z/ ooer Val Ms We 3