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On the Question of Creatin.1; Uniform Financial Control, by A. M. Atanasov, 7 pp. BULGARIM4, per, Schetovodstvo i Kontol, No 4, Jwi 64, pp -f6--21.---- HILS 26782 LEur-Bulgaria Ecoll Jan 65 271,189 Certain tZuestions on the Amortization of Fixed Capital, by Patur D. Krushevskiy, 7 pp. BULGARIAN, per, SchctQmadstsz~~, No 4, Jun 64, pp 21-26. JPRS 26782 I:Eur-Bulg Hcon Jan 65 271,190 i-'rublem-, an(~ Precunditions for IdCh 1-rofita-luility in industrilal Diterpriscs, by Stalicit-Ic Velcvsl:i, pp. Llt;iLALLL~, per, dstvo i kcntrol, i.u u, Sofia, 3 -10. JPII~L 27481 HLur- Bu~-alrla Z;Con J an 6 2 7 19414.5 ~Jnjf(wn kjnancij.,j Lon'lxol in i-,A(7arlp-,, Iy Ivan r);mbanovp 6 pp. "IGNIARLDMi, per 6clwtovodstvo i kontrol '~o 8, 14, V - Oct 19(A pp 4-20. JPASP 2'~1622 Fll~-Blluaria Loo Feb 65 2 j5.t438 Some ConclutaLoas frumi rinancial Audits, by Mirinto Drelpowp 32 pp. BULMMAN, per,, Babotoyodawo i Fantrol no 9, Nov 64, pp. 16-25 - JPH9 a)923 W-bozarla Rom WW 6~ 279.-707 The Trade-Financial Plan for-Trade Enterprises, by Georgi Ts. Georgiev, 6 pp. RK BULGARIAN, per, Schetowdsmo i Kontrol, No 9, 1964, pp 18-23. MRS 28143 EE-Bulgaria Econ Feb 65 273,t042 Bo=mxatim for Accountinr, Personnel an C*operaUve P%Lrm under the How Sywtam fOr Plaiming and MovAgLug the National looomV, by Nikol^y Vachow, T Pp- B=ARM,, per, ScbvtAvWst%m i kontrolo No 5.p JPRS 33hP-4 ER-Buldowls r4m ima 66 295,P 173 Now Aids for the Ultrasonic Testing of Welds, by V. Deutsch, If.-J. Schinke. GEP14AN, per, Schoweisson and Schneiden. - ;-- - --F -1-W --- Vol XIV No 3 1062. 1; F- Ffl.' "^' IIB 5603 Sci-I'vM Apr 63 Lmcm.Llar Plactima, lAmimted Bikpor aW Lla:td Vlzw;ic o% V3 f.? -I=IA=lr= e, (UWbfANp rpt,, 1957 o 2 Army Regulations - Training for Firing From an Armored Personnel Carrier, 75 pp. GERMAN, rpt, jichiessausb Ildung fuer das Schiessen Yom Schutzenvanzer mit qy~ ye~ ~ei~~ ~MG, ~ V61-, 1%4 &.&..L.LV & J- a a JL SP 0 GEVOIAN, bk, Das Schiessen der Artillerie Vol L and 2, 1964. Vol 1, 404pp; Vol 2, 423pp. *ACSI J-3342 ID 2204041767 Mil Oct 67 FIrlmg RulaB for Ground ArtiLlery, 141 pp. UMPLIF.t b1t., Schiessre . dia Ed ancrie, Bewlilli 195,50', pp, Rqt No DV PsTc me-i.262-325 our - Gemilawl Un 13~1 q sv 63 - , 3Y ~7 On Ceirtalim Px*bU= of Water Art PropiUlonp tw G* odwistomp 8# olu -wJmp Re Domuoddsp 66p. PWS vM >*,o zgbo.p :21195-2327-. cnwr 333s 5a Oct Jul t57 Tr-63-2D549 Flugel, G. FLOW ALONG ITATHS AND SIMILAR BODIES, 1. Flugel, G. PTS. A-& 11%31(9p) 2refs Orderfrom SL-A U.10 TT-63- 2D549 Tranr- of Sc~ h -uqd U-fgn-- .._pjSq_qgkt (G-A W'p. 336-33& DESCRIMDRS:- *Plaid flow. Vortices. Angle cd attack. Mathernadcal analysis. (Mechanics, 7T. v. 11, no. 3) elk@ d I SPAC" . inated WaBte-ffeat Boiler co a Heat L= G aemtor for Heating P3r-nts ani Hot Vlat--r on Motorshipsp by F. Gab-cnn Schiff--%Jaeas Vol IV., 1952., pp 03*04. Hat'l, Res Council Canada TT 374 llemtlf Ic - rogi teezIng e4 Cvs Awl sloctric at4ong for Large Turbine- Drl"n Tankerup by V. Scb"dt. GERNAWl, nerp Schiff u Refen, Vol Vlp Oct 190p p We . ASLIB-mk/n4q Bel Aug 58 - 7o2, 0 oz 0 A Wave Dexping Device for Model Sea-Motion Testsj, by Dr, Baubmun.. 2 pp. GMU=,p per.. Schiff und HaXenp Vol VI& No 12., Dee 1954j, p 77X---~---' CIA#DD/Z-159 Scientific - Pbyslas Aug 55 CM/M C)tj Priuciplt:t~ fur the DeLertulaa- tion of Steering Properties, by 11. Thieme, 38 pp. GERMAN. per, Schiff u Wen, Vol IXp 1954, PP 510-- 518- SLA Tr 2454 j - -;? S 2-1 ~~ Scl - Engineering 4.11 SeP 5'1 The Calculations of Beam Having a Variable Mcmient of 1wrtia, by E. Bischoff - GRRMj parj, SchIff u Rmf~. Vol Vn, Jan 1955j, p 30, - AMM-GS449 Sai Aug 58 ~7,?,,794- The Wind Tunnel of the Shipbuilding Institute .' "-Tnburg Uaiversityp bv K. Wieshaxdts 3 PP. GEPMM,, per, Vol VTT. No 2. Fob 19'~5.' PP scientific - Engineering Flur 900a0mic CaUmist:Lan of ftrangft of WeMal JbinU for 2rawla L*WlMj. %W A. Irkerp G=Mlls per,# GcbIlT vvA Raftap 31P 6,p vp 374-378. chief uWarl"m C.S.I.&O. 33A A2bwt ftm* 3"t MoMxmmv AustmUs C. 20 via. Sol xmw 60 The Machinery of the Turbine Trawler "Brauasahwaigp by W. Sebmick. UNMASSIF339D aMfAN., psr,,..~~Wd Won# Vol Vlllj- No 3s 1956j- pp 167-276. JIRVY ZM/WMMPS 706 set - ftslm&ring mly. a /s-0 4w 7 The "Aurls" Gim ftvbim Plant, 'by C. Bmitanstein.Uli Qmw,v POr ftUft uu& Usfeu- Vol VM, So -3j, 1956, pp - - - Nny S.769IM99M 707 R&I - aezmejw zcon / Co. fly May 61 %0 -/ Vario-ble-Pitch Ship Propeller, by Fritz Nallipke. UNCLASSIFTM GEMAN, pers ScbIff und Hafen., Vol IX.. No 11/12,, 1957,t -1- . .. Navy 2537J'BuShips 675 Sci - I'ngr 114 707 jim 6o 00 -1M-,53-WB 55123 R-9UO-D 24 jau 68 the Icebreaker By: I. W. Wlm*PVAWM prm:t seurr wd Rafen, Jm 19%1: 54-64 ( n 0 ) Sewmm - owt for vdst please Ulaw"Me we t"e I OrWASI co" mly. Doemout wn bo mt. CG- 16553-IUB '151-24 E-9111-D 2~i Jan W, The Icebreaker BY: T. W. WiaoLWadow 11 FrOO-- I Wdrrfund Weni Mar 1958RO2-2~ ( 11 P'O ) Germa - act for wds: Pleww tritneUte tod type 1 original copy only. Document can be cut. Research Dastitute for inland Watca-way Scaiip Coastructim, 10 pp. CMF~ftMq, ;:Tr, Schiff und Haf=, V.,a 11., No 6, 1958., yp 4644W.-~61M ------- Acsn ixr4 sai .. EEU.r - Gerimmy Been Jun U The AppllaabilAty of AarokwmdLe Pro-pOLP'tm iuct Rmilgatimr by 0. Asboi*,hj 10 Er,?. MRMN, jxw~ Schiff tod Hofe:,,,p No 6,r 1958; V.p 1*2-1197. (916AT3) A.C.B.I.L~ W 1175 &d - Amvoj?aoe Apg- 65 ~~ 4 -5-2 ~? ,::q The gffSKIt of Mlys O"ad on TrBnxv=" StabdUty =A A011109P 4 pp. OWMAN pers . fti 19580 pp 545-5b7- A.C.S.I.L. 3.306 Bel - jkw WD 63 IY,4//O,;- CG R-80W-D 8 Mr 67 Source: SchIff und Rafen .10, Nov 1S0 pp2-22 (11 pp) Icebreaker "Mwbu" BY: T:Ledenwm,, J. Bermm - eat ror vda: Pleftse translate aW type 1 origLxwLl copy. Docummt can be mt. Inelt'de and paste in iLli tables, graphs, etc,, rat adt paste-up of W tone phoUs. TLia M Prepamtion of Design Curves Lu Ship Daidgn., by H. CavotAns. GOWN.. pwj. Sddff und. Vol XE., 1b Us. 29592 Im M-1090. C83MO ed . SW Oct OL 171 i-evildopla" at Cbe -Ie~m E)"Un tmrLor,6 I ludaff KAAkl4 18 Vp ,21N Muu, VOG NM Ord I is V*l MU NO 1116 RTAM 19W6 pp IV7-MU7. ILD 2XWODSM PC -"( a f-T 1- 4, SiCtur-Cmanwl It, Lux-Gaasw Cam Jun 65 292*48S by Pe GERMAN, par,. -S--ldff und Hafcn, P$,- 7, J-1. 15~6~~. -Nov 6o SpTong-cl, 3.4 pp. per, schiff und Hafen-, Vol Us Maritima Div of frtffi-c-a cr. A63-SM R-M-D 3 oct 67 UP-0:03 ektri -a---PolwoUbredb4c OUD~kW i mdn Ton vm J. stiauts in. Jedl van G. Sdbdodbg vivo: ayuck aM "Sd3lff WdL WM" ig6o EWift Ili 3-ar? 113 pp OWMI - at M Val P3mm tram"to and tne I orIOUAl ooW m3,y- Docmnt oubbe mt. of un lpaprovt6 &;clier s~ Ily P-i tch llropelwlev, b--, F. PCO, GTFI:,~ I, L U`3 ONLY per, z~chii f und Llaven . vc-~. Navy Tr -3101,/BuShins T-r T-)"' Sci - Aero pr 62 Trands in the Conveyance of Bulk Goods on In- land Watorways# by F. Hartung, 42 pp. GERMN, per, -Schiff und Hafem, Vol XIII, No 5, 1961, pp 379-n0. DIA IN 166-67 sei- Jul 67 33D,769 % WnftY J"Paa= With OW WMftneos b7 X. ff. mw*w4 10 3m. UMMo Vws gddff Md SUfts voi xin, x* 61 igas lp %3-OL ftw it owoomod" TV soo ad - aw mw 63 nal"n't t~Qmz-ola for lUtetwating Currout Cargo Winches, by W. Hwderss 5 pp. GmANs pw., Schiff und Kafe% No 9,, 1961. D*t of Mmeme bbritim Admin :Av or Office Services ,Tul 62 R-82o6-D 19 Apr 67 -Abschatzung der durch Schiffskolltsion hervorgeruferien Besclaeunigungm By: G. Woludn From: Swliff und Hafen 1961) H. 11:1W1-1023 3 PP .Der EW1uss des Drehimpulses bei einer ScUffskollision besonders in Elinbliek auf the Sleberheit von Atomschiffen Dy:G-Woisin From:Schiff und Hafer Heft 7,62 14 jahrrang :577-581 (5 Pp .Nachtxag ztm Aufsatz Abschatzung der durch SchiffokollisJo herv. Beach. By: G-wolsin "Schiff und Hafer"162 Heft 6) 14, Jubrgang pp 510. ,erman - est for vda: Translate and type 1 original copy only. Do not cut docu. The Lffect of ArWular Mom= m Li 6hip Collisions, EspociOly %Uth Respect to the Safety of Nuclear Powered Vessels, by G. Wolmin. GER,MAN, per, ScbW und Hatev, Vol XXV. Jul 1962. PP 577-581. Maritime Administration NEU-Clemally Mil Apw 65 278,280 Da=-iL.,e C'amputations on the IBIM 1620, ~y W,ilhelm A'jele, 9 pp. GEW-DITI, per, Schiffbau und Ilafcnuau 701 XV 110 11, 196]), pp 994-99b. Marltime Admin (Loan) Sci - L~lc'r Sep 64 'aiea, Vol 1u, Jo t). P 134-444. OIL IlIdUll, AillyRUVAL 01: Tid: Si.li; V, LD Feb 66 .550,356 c -50 - 6;~ brd- MabrabItic Xnl3nd N&V19RUCC, 117 Ernst KOsti&l, 3 pp. GMIM, p%rj_ Behiff und atram4, Vol Ij, No 2j, ftb 61, BerUn., IV 91-47-1- JTRS 9305 Mur - ftan j~m 61 (NY-649D) Transport CaWsalty In Wand GbApping, by Horo Prouess 5 pp- amw,, per,, schiff and Strm,, Nal 1) No 9., i9a, Vp 4-6. im 1.33" Ae'e"I& oozuw (//-? maon ftr 62 m PROSPECTS OF INLAND WATERWAYS SHIPPING, BY HEINZ HESS, 5 PP. GERMAN, PER, �~J,,EZ-jW0-5TRCIA, No 6, 1962, Pp ky4 4-71 JPRS 15919 EEUR-GERMANY ECON,. Nov 62 215062 Prospects of Inland Waterways Shipping, by Heinz liess 4 pp. GIUMAN, per, Schiff und Strom, No 7, pp 4-6. JPRS 15919 Egur-Germany, Econ Nov 62 C014PARAT I VE COSTS OF RA I LROADS AND I NLANID WATERWAYS TRANSPORTATION, BY KLAUS PETERSEN, GERHARD HAUG, 12 PP. GEPNANj PER, ~c i4o io, iG62, PP 4.8. JPRS 16561 EEUR - GErNANY ECON DEC 62 2103Y073 Imfor=tiOn on Inland Waterwitys, 4 pp- GERMAN, per, Schiff und Stron, No 10, is-62, p 25. jmB 16561 991ur - Germsny Econ Dee 62 FIRST INLAND WATERWAYS PUSHER TUG UNIT OF THE EAST GERMAN INLAND WATERWAYS SHIPPING COMPANY, BY G. HEISE,, 11 PP. GERMAN, PER, SCHIFF LIND STROM, NO 12p DEC 1962y PP 4-7. JPRS 17954 EE-GERMANY ECON MAR 63 224,534 IMPROVED 700-TON MOTOR FREIGHTER, BY EBERHARD KRUEGER, 6 PP. GERMAN., PER) SCHIFF UND STROM, NO 12, DEC lc~62, PP 9, 10. JPRS 17954 EE-GERMANY ECON MAR 63 224,535 Gas Turbines For Propulsion of Ships, 16 pp. GEMAN, per, Die Schiffahrt, Oct, May, Feb L954. Navy Tr 1205/0.ri-I A-645 Scientific, - Engineering Jul 55 C7!9/MM 10 ~~acz "LEVAN-il" Freighter for Seeredewaij, bY W. Frarlks 6 pp. 've Ij tt 1956 cmmu, pers RAM 3.52$w56, O=mvgpw.P--APO 403,p 16 ftv 1956. owl NMI // ~, 0 2 V40UMiC - MLIPbAIM109 Apr 57 M/dez Table of Contents of "We Behifft3rt". OMWhNp per Die wo I., Dec 1256) F'"M% #TJ-AI03.,IA IAM. 691. OKI Tr 5ku5:~ Em - OSIMMW /.41 am 446., V - Z Apr 57 CM/daz . Trainse-eitions of the Miritime Cburt,, 5 Pp - ammp pe il lb 23j, DOC 1956: pp 12-13g, to 81-57s, MM APO 403P 12 Zan 1957- an ?I' 5U51,08 X3 - oormwqy & .2 ff now APR 57 CMB/&m DY lftMM3 6 mvx.wp DWPA 3.93"Is mo 34-16. apw-Lw Scca T.-hr 59 ( L) k~:' --~;15 -). New Passenger Ships for the Upper Elbe, by Luettich, GERMAN~ per, Die Schiffahrt, Vol VII, No 12, 196o, 6 pp. *JPRS EEul- - E. Germany Econ - Manufacturing, Ships 24 jan 61 Histologic Aspects Pertaining to the Problem of Oxygen Poisoning. by Hartnut Nolte, 16 pp. GERMM. rpt. Schiffahrtuedizinisches Institut der marine pp iSF-149. NFF Navy NIC Trans 3026 Sci/B&M May 70 4=32xv 407.11S rizents With Taylor likkIals Having a Beam-Draft Ratio of 4.S, by 6, Hahnelo K. He Labes, 1.8 pp. GIER"I, per. Schi-ffbauforschung. Vol IIIp Hos 314, 1964, *ftpt of Navy/MM Tr 332 sci-Mati, may 66 M.Icjc:t of ftvllminary Surftce Tmutman-t-o-r- Stool on U~e Anti-Coxwelon Behaviour of FeUrf, Ccatinge in Be& Watmep by Ea IITBA=# he I)Otervamp U. 1%"'&# 3.0 pp. GBMWIj, perp 2a6m & weng Vol 16j, !1b 9a SaPt 104 1& 3-8- 9441(w?bW mic 1,14,17 314#530 set - Hathods w)A FApapmnt Jan 67 Fammuger Vessel "OstmeW Of Gesum Transport vith Voith4chmolder P"Pulmdam tv Karl V, thilauffe GOVERYMM OW OKLY MUL Ishumm- 6 MRNM NAElawis "Valm "41: Im7lu/159 Aug JL940v pp 290 Dept Of VaV/NavMdp buns No L056 Soi/Prop & VUsu aty 68 3360814 Open-i-~ater Tests on Propellers with Fixed and Controllable Pitch Propellers "Forward" and "Astern", by F. Gutsche, 47 pp. GERMAN, per. Schiffbauforschung, Vol 2, No 4, 1963, pp 146-19'-4-. NAV/STIC=Tran-3298-72 May 72 Prebleas of Cavitation on biarine Propeel"e-N by F.. Outwhe. GMRMM# per, SabiffboutcoWLk 19%. j_3fol Vlj Wo 1, Navy Tr ik%/T :2u ---I - j4 ~i - 4 s-,r Sai - 11 to MaIr 1957 Mtde~- The Rolling of Sbips id Codfusa(l Sates by A. 1, Votuessemaky, (I. A. Firsov. US."LASSIPLO GERM,, M, Schiffbauteebait, 'Vol V1, go 19569 pv 79-ah'. .-- -- Navy Igo/?-M,6 Sti - Joe 5,9 7 la, 9-s1,7 Cas Tarbines In 11-last German;y, by Ff. ""Cissleder. per., 73 7 Jul 1957. S~a.iiff baute2WLj&,po ... Navy Tr 1549/(xi-24 Sci - Daelueering 6-6, o / z Dec 57 Modarn Czechoslovakian Statiomry and vartm, EagInea. UNCLASSIFIM 11 GMMN., per.. Schiffbau Tekhnik,, Aug 195 . Bavy Tr i663/ONI-160 6 a -7x ? Set - Bug Apr ~8 Ee-v Soviet ShIvp T7pes; Few M-48 TWO-Str(Ae Marino Diesel Engiaej Discusalon on Aim and Function of GhiybaUlAing Branch of industry. 'UNCIASSIFIM GMWAV, per, Schiff bautekhnix, Nov 195'1. uvy Tr 1665/oim-189 e~ ~7. -194 USSR Econ; Rag APr 58 CODOidc.-atlcz Of Flov Separation in Dictemuiiij~, llesistancr.- by Memne of Model Testat by S. G, M~ Petersolm. U11CLASSIF SWEDISH yzrj SchiffstactwLkv Vol Vj Ito 20s, 1957,v Pp Navy 2379/DTVM 278 Scl - Phyalcm Doe 59 i.'Itzl i .Milt,13101. =111fir) G=W,N, per, PAlA9fbauioCbDllt, VCAI, VIT, Mi 10, 1957, pp 572-5,74. MVY 9-033/00 ;P90 Gazma!W Bel - lcn~pr )br 59 A Towing Test Basin for Tzaining Purposes,, 11 pp. IMICT"VMID OMWV# per# fthiffbautacbmiks, Jan 1958, Encl to Ser No -B-271-56,,-dnmmnrmr Berlin,, APO 742. Dept or lavy/cRI 5055540 Germany 2con - Shipbuilding 4ee-". State Gf Davelopmeryt of Supercharged D7esel E-n&T-nPs- Report on 1957 SYmPosilum of the latermtIonal Combust.,on Eng.ina Congrass, by G. Kranold. UNCIASSIFIED GMM, per, Sch.iffbautechn.1k., No 2, 1958, p- -1.48, .p 143 VAVY Tr 1620/0N-I 315 Sci - EIW ilu's 58 ,7 (2202-N) The Plaw2ing and Accounting of Long-TOM Constwtwtlau Projects In Shipbuilding# by Horst Hbffkua=l U pp. aim"S, parp - .,. ..14boacbdizi, I'd 7j, Berlin, 1938,p Ipp US JPBS IZ9-x saw - mwt aermmw soon rob 5 9 (2080-5) shlywMims lzk Ust GulMMy# by NWft*d Sabolmls 9 pp. GZXAM# per fth ---- vaa. vlno No 90 D*r2.tn. 1. .0. 0 im IM-3 SSW Sh- ftst osmaw soon MW m? 19 ~/Io/ f (U75-5) 1488" at "AW"L w pfwt at the owsomm cwt of gwwaxftt lw Dr. N. odawss, lo jw- =CL QWlW,v ifts Va VWv 1b ::,at us im U93-8/ aw -P But on am ft" Volb 59 Iii 6hi~building, by Uralula WOL'f,, 12 pp. Voi i-J.11, 50 12. cw-f4kAN' per, Dea 1958, Ber=j-pp f>wr--DW. im 3.561-ti Boon - VarLuftatm-Ingy SbIpbullal ftky 59 .; nvp~,n-=,z Shi#buildimg Strtm.-k by Crinio. ZeCIA-IM"ll m C=vVISI, per,, SchiffbautocluiLkj Fab 1959j. PP 98, 99. Nan zL49/031 493 Fb- - Japan Zccz JUD 59 9Y,16 Iq CalculxUon of the Lever Arms of StsbiUty for an AffineLly Tromfo=ed 8bIp After Butacbeva and Unia- cliowaki and a Gcw*arism of Thm With Calcul&U-c= AccoitUnc to Erylov =d H. Schultz., by F.-mat-3eInrich Ra7her. U=.. OMM, pax" fi-Ch=MLW-~tOCbnik, Vol IK, No 3j, 19.59P Smy Tr 2OM4tuftips 725 jw. 61 5Z Sem (NY-2834)- rbe BoveloSmant and RMciency oil Diesel NOtOrs, by Bwe Rost$ ;25 ]W. MWASp Per, Scbiffb=UQbMJkp Via IKO No 4, 1959, pp Seca Nomafacturing t ftp ' ~ H:T~i,B eNY-27C!, I - Shipbuilaing and the Port of Rcatock, 12 pp. WHIFia., per I-Schiffbautechnili, Vol IXj iio 5, 1959, pp 225-228. JMS-19313-N F-Hur Gtria ny Ecom bimnufacturing, Trwsport%tiom Oct, 59 81911I.T. (HY-2701o. The Vse of Plastics in Shipbuildingr,, by E=s ,94:hIr;&z,!j I,.juUorj. 20 pp. G&MAIlp ptr, Sabiffbau"ebaik, Vol IX, No 5, Berlin, !91~9, pp 245, _Wp-- -254,, 10 248 JPM-3-938-3 Mir Clermazy Ecua lkwifacturing, Tmirip--cwtation Oct 59 a rq -!-- 7o4 Tbe Use of Illwtics in Shipbuilding, by Eans Woolacur 20 pp. MIMAUp p-rj Schiffbat4"ehuik., Vol IX, No 5) 11--flin, 1959, P.1 -P-54. HES-1938-15 Trawpo:,-tatiom 0c t 59 IIIIJIA~:V-I.Ulao t~hiwinG, 6 pp. UNCLASSIP12D CEWItai, Vcr, SclliffbautOObn-ikx No 7, Jul 1959, Encl to Per 140--5--60-. Havy Tr No 629/ ,ONI 5096 348 E"DAr - B ast Germaay Ecoa jun 6o LOr,8 REUIP PlanS for Shipping, by Y=afred Schel-zel, 3-0 pp. GBEM, par) qgb3XfWwtecbalX,, Vol III No 7, Berlin; 1959, pp 338-340- aW -1931 -N EEu.r - RAwt Germany scon Oct 59 Verwals ancl Fng;Lms for Coactal Fishing, by Guenter Predal. Gm%ur, per.. pcbLmwxtecbmik, voi ix, no a, iiori-im, Aug 1959.- p9-417-420- M)ISM P-3h4 Utw - Beat GormwW Moon - Mnufacturing Sep 59 y;7j 'Y/ 7 62-257Lk, Schelzel. Manfred. GREAT PKOSIIECTS OF MARHIME SHIPPING IN 1-HE 1. Schelzel, N1. GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (Groslke Perspek- tive der Seeschdfahn in der Dmischen Demokratisciien Republik) tr. by James Walker. [1962]1[9)P. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-25706 Trans. d Schiflbautechnik (Germany) 1959 [Y. 9] no. 7. p. 337-340. DESCRIPrORS: "IYansportation, Ccffnmerce, *East Germany. Merchant vessels. 10-29-62 (Maddoery-Transport, TT, v. 9. no. 3) Suke at lKhmeal Swrvkn