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Koplon, A CalluloSe Fiber with a High Vet Modulud, ITALIAN, per, Rivista Tessile Textilia, IM Vol 59, No 12, 963, pp 439-446. ATC 69-12607-IIE sci-Hat Aug 69 389,433 61-19624 Treves, Renato. CONSWERATIONS CONCERNING IME SOCIOLOGY' 1. Treves. R. OF LAW (Considerazioni Intorno Alla Soclologice Giuridics). [L961116p. 26 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-18624 Trans. of Rivista Trimestrdrd:i qritto e Prqca0-iw! Civile DESCRaYMRS: opoliti-I science, *Sociology, Theory. This essay is intended for the collection of literature in honor of Luis begaz y Lacambra. professor of the Universay of Santiago de Compostels. (Author) (Social Sciences, TT, v. 7. no. 4) - G-* "' -L - AciLl ~~XIIL li"C C flicoLizir vp ticu-IIPA tle (*.L 131 1, 1;U z ve-A. xxi 1946, -9P 47-54. GLA 59-2o964 Vol !T!:, No ID Tme Distribution of Savannas in Venez-aela., by blauricio Famia,, 5 PP, SPANISH.. per., Revlota YejM21am de fseo mar 1964., Vol lvj, No 7., Pp. 25-32. gonEia JPW 35989 LA-Venesuela 2oon jul 66 304..867 lollore. AN"FISH' W's VNi I AN 11BIOTICS IN EN01 Til 1 1. Tric: i lol,p 'of NOLL)Ui . pzvsenIc,l at the Nanooal f ongrvs~ 1. Garino-Camoa, h 11010git: TO, i,113. )), IN (11J. ':) COMO. May 54. Ilk)6?1 lfip,; I I . I) I I,-: Na t "ina I Order from !~I.A $1.60 Trans. of llivista di Vilicoltura c di Enologia (I ta I y) 11054, V. 7, p. 247-,2Y;. 'Wines, 'Vermentalim InHintion. Ket-avr. *Anitlilotics, AICONAR~ (h i,~, I >gici I 5,-ic,l~ e:L - -BioctKiii IN try. 'T-F, ~. 0. no. l) MR.. ~i T..b-.i On the Necessity of a Control of the 03Wtmic Power of Some rimb Wals Intended as Food Daring Presum Yx by Bruno D041, 5 ]pp. nu,xAN., per$ RivIsts dl Zootem"j Vol XXVrIJL, 1955P pp 43-45*- ---- COIR 153 Sal - Mal 144f. ny IV Apr 61 J-!; "37 .'. i Wit' The --~evol-*~ of the Inteller~turlsain Hungary -- -From 'T'he 1--ebates on Lukacs and Tibor Dery at the Fetof! C C-'; rcle ITALIAN, bk, La Rivolta degli Intellettuali in Unisheris -- Dai Dibattit su Lukacs e su Tibor Dery al Circolo Petofi, Turin, 195F'. prelimiriary check will notify ho-,.- Io be publ~~czhed lanter, ~~'2 Jan 59 r.,:t=-qrort,51:Lcn CC Oil in the LTSS'F~~ 21 1r!, - In!Luz triale t lo 327 9 :Vbkl;cvtlsl par,, ydvolxlm:Llc" Irio 521 Ho 1 L7" -, j"a is4". Iew n,n,zj )-) AX-04 ;4al.) I;frvl.oe MSR d- 1/9, / 3 / EMIN. inn 64 ghe Entry Into the National Grid of the First 45 Mn the Carleliano Power Station, by A. Brunetti. rALIANj, aperp Rivoluziene. Industrialo., No 134j, 1964j, Pp 22-27. 1 ABC-Rialey Tr 785 On loan only Apr 65 Leonardo Da Vinci and the hoodpecker's Tongue, by G. hilancioni. ITALIAN, per, Riv Storia Crit Sci Med Nat. No 178, 1926, jp 221-230. HEW Nil, 10-31-69 Sci/Alisc Jan 70 400.137 S (NY-4438) State Farms Prospects in Current Five-Year Plans by bUrian Grzyb, 4 pp. PCMSH, per, lRobotnik RolrW, Vol X, No lo, 28 war lq6os, 2 -v-,-p-y.- Me 54M MW - Polemd Rem - Agricatural sep 6o Y(!r-.rl)ooh of cornimnications r~k!chnic;:ac !)C`114, by I:ii,osl,,-v havlieek/ 57e, ,,=,,C--i, b1z, Rocenl= Sdelovaci Tec2inihy, selected C 15S 7 :4 5,q - :Z, & -108; 58/b-IIEC VL Mir - Czecholsovalzia Scl - Electron F. -- 0., 1 act 64 'b-.- Syujam-, 33 ,Tr-;: 6 2 (DC-5010) Ge=ral Pri=IpUa of tba Polish 1FLn&=IaI Syvte=.. by Zblplew Pircaynsida AMMM2. wint"t 50 pp. POLUMI. bko 109. "-1 Litraw I Gaspoftmagwi, vp 65T-W. im BE= - POISMA Boca Fab 62. WC-3000) WMation (].).. by ae4yalm Ozepj, 27 PP- 'i ook =J,jr 04V= I ooopodanvp ___ v - --- ~ V 0 MIM am 2=3 =a - volud Sao .2- rd~ 62 MD 25573) Listing or Polish Ebigre Organizations in Francej, 9 pp. PMMUI, bk, - lUcznik PoloaU London, 1954. CIA/FDD/U-'T201 Wmw - France Mw - PoUnd 0?IrIlOlItIO Pol-Z. 15migre' organizations IMS 71/AuS 55 Part III - List of Industrial Rn-;er,)rir3cF; Fron, "ZmC.ustrial. Yearbook of roiand;" sact-iou 1,rl - Leat,htr Itielmt-,j, 69 pp. FOLISR, blL, Racmik ~Ergem Glu Orl-rodzoncj Polaki, Vcl 12: 1 Harsaw, 1948. CIA/Y)D/U-7048 ME= - Poland Econ - Ctemixtry industry planto UPIS 69/0rim 55 M., rarhil C Studiec Of D ty, T. 1h*bcn.pM - P-C.&ISH, per, RocznLk Chemji, 14area-, !.9---X,,,- lip a*t of Interior B.1 of hinea cmtml M~cper St" Pittsbureb, Pa. Tr 122 Sal - 4bys 0 Dec 59 Studies on the C=sulphotdc Acids,, by P. Yazak and J. ftszko PMJM, per, RocrnJk' Chemie, VOI 9, 1929o PP 431-443- jiLL Rar: 5828.4r (3ml) Sci-ChemiGtX7 jul 68 360,783 Mercuric antl Halogen Derivatives of 2m-Pboull- Cinchominic Acid, by M. Dominikiwicz,, 2 pp. POL=,, per, Roczalki Chem.Vol Xl,, pp Mh-M91, 1931. SIA 3274 Sci - Chem Aug 58 The Dissooiation of Certain Oxidea and Peroxids8. 3: biavociation of Lithiun and Potasaim Peroxide, by MieozyaUw BlmenthaZ. Poli8h, per, Boogniki Chem-, NASA TT F ";' 13629 17 pp. Vol 12, 1932, pp 119-134 oat 71 Thermal Dissociation of Certain Oxides and Peroxiden; V. There-' Dissociation of Magnesium-# Strontivm%-, and, Barium- Peroxide# by Hioczyslwvr BlumentImls 13 VP- FOLIM, perp Rocxniki g~wi, V03L X1118 1933P pp 5-15. S.L.A. Scientific - Cbemiatry CTS 68YAW 55 Syntliesis of 4-4 Prime Diacenaphthlyomethane and 4-4 DleoenaphtbYloketons amd Tbel Oxi- dation Darivativos., by K. DzievanWd. 14 pp. GOVEMMOT USR OEX PO H, per,, F40yniki MM, Vol 13, 1933, Pp 154-:L65. NAM TT F-12,38T sci-chm Oct 69 394,579 Szukiewic~% Waclau. AM I[ON t)!-' SILEM' DISCHARGE ON ETHYLENE. W [19611 13p. (4 figs. onuttCd) 23 refs. Order from SU, $1. 60 b I - 20960, Trans. of l(ixzmkj Chenin (Poland) 1933, v. 1:3, p. 245-2-55. DESCRiproRs: *Hthylenes, Gases, Chemical reaction.4, 1kcornponition, Hydrogen. Acetylenes, Gas flow, *Electric discharges. (Unannounct!d) .1 T..Imi~A S-4- ThexugLl Analysis of Picrates. Dehydration, Melting Points, Initiating and Preexplosion Temperatures of Picrates of Al, ScjIa, Ga,lh,Tl., by T.Tacholsky. POI-TSH) perp Rocniki Chemli Vol.14, pp.430-450, 1934,.* AERM,-T-3.846-66;An-633 414 (arm) mil Aug 66 308,957 DL-tbod of Yaking Acid Chlorides,, by 1. Rabcewie Dubkowzki, 2 pp. 7- POLISH, per, Rocznicke Chem, VOIL IKj, PP 523-529. CIA/IPDD/XX-'4?5 IAC Internal Use Only '2 t7 0/ ~/' 'a~ Lq/ Scientific - Chemistry Nov 55 CTS Concerninc3 the Prediction of the Yields of Gaseous Processes. A Simple Metliod of Computation of Equilibrium Constants, by Janusz CiborowsRi. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemii, Vol XXIII, No S, 1949, p-p-76-17-79. SLA TT 64-20311 Sci I 1-tay 67 327,19-7 ,yzith-mis of the lActoae of the Pn~ SubsLance of ,-azX.,cai:Ln, by Zdzialw Iftclerewla:&,, J~ pp. IMMp par Roczrdid Chm, Vol :=Vp No 1/6j 1950Y mA 6D-i6795 Sol ~br 6e vol 2v,, mb 6 3ome Reactiona of Carbonyl Cyanides by R. Valachoushi.. ~'OLISI[p per, Roun Cbem, Vol XM', 195Dp pp 229-237. TPA3/TID Tr No 4 Olh *clentific - Chemistry,, carbonyl cyanide 'ndex. Aeronauticus z- .. ome Reactions of Carbonyl Cyanide, by R. lblnchcpvs'L~~J- I~OfMl fl, per., Itoczn. Chem. Vol XXIV.- 1950., PP 2251-237. TAP3/Tn Trew no T4 014 - " r -u - Poluro L - Ccjemiric - ChemUtrvjp cyanide : ndex Aeronautic= Reaction of Carbonyleyanide With Amines by R. Malachowski, J. Jankievicz-Wasowska. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemii Vol XXV, 1951, PP 35-45- siA TT 64-2ol;,i (LOAN) Apr 67 323,oi6 ftlxtur,.~,- (7ij.' Hydrocarbons With ltl=z-e,-,c, Falt K Zleborak, C U L. POLT&H, zor, Roczniki C;h=, Vol I[XV, 1951- :)p ATS PJ-2103 Sci Cb ".Ihc Structure of Titaai=-Copper ard Titenium-Tun-3sten .1111cxjis, by ID1. Trzeblatowski et al. :1 Yull trammlation. aFMM,, per, Roczaiki Chemii,, Vo)L XXV,, I;o 4, 1951, -517-~ Mur .- Gernany Brutcher Tr No 2990 Scientific - Chemistry, titani=,, copper,, tungsten, alloys Chrc=to,-Polzxa&rqphic Studlea. Oomeral C(mciderr- tiam smilit 'D~scrlption of Appamtuo,. by W. Kerad,~., POLISH --niki Cham., Vol MM.,, 19521, P? -,- per,. Boa 286- .. ... ...... .. STA Tr R-18G7 sai Aug 58 0 by N. M. lijbedeva, A. N. Pudovik. POLISH., perl Roczniki Chemiczne. No 26P 1952, p 293. *ATIC Sci - Chem I Jun 57 Rleztric Conductivity of Barlm Titrma,'ej by W, TrzelAutowij1d) Ke Pigonp 2 PP- IIOMH per,, Rocznik Cbem, Val XXVIi, 1952, pp 494 ~1~95- ' SLA 57-27M Sci Aug 53 .3- A Simplified Procedure for -the Preparation of Dialkyl Chlorophosphonatas., by B. Fiszer, ,T. W4alokiy. U7 JOWIM, per, Rocxniki mem1b Vol MMP 1952p pp Mp 689. Def I;ci Info Svj, MM., Canada T 2 Pol Scientific - Cheml try am A)z x //3.,777 Prep=aticn of Ioo-Nicotinic Hydrazide. by T. Urbemaki, POUS110 perp Roczriik Chemp Vol XXVII, 1953, pp 161-166. .... ..... ... .- - MSDOC TIE21 SOL 9: Apr 79 / Z2 P11, (0,7 Investigation of the Syntheals Reaction of Strontium Titanate, by Jadwil3s, Wojciechovska, 17 pp. CZ= perp 130Cza-W Chemli, Vol XMI, 1953, pp 216-22b. Aw Tr4631 pool / 6 C ~F 7- -Z- Aug 61 /1 12m Reactolou of ftathools of Strmtlum Titmatej, b.y JMwgiss Vojoieebovsks, PQLZU# perp ROGXDW ChemA, Vol. XMI, 1953, p 21.8--. ~ AABC ftl Aug 61 Ust 35 Investigations of Cqpper Ion Solvation in Water-Stbanol Solutione, by S. M-ne, W. Libus.. 4 pp. POlMlo I v per.. Roozolki Mmzs Ifol Mna, 1953, vp 3U-M. I%- -- - MMA" OU Tr 57-653 act - Chemistry J-0.? ~Pld V ftp 57 Ethylpbenyl Esters of Orthosilicic Acid, by T. Jasinski, W-~ od F.Iodzievicz. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemiczne, No 27, 11053, PP 332- 347. *ATIC Sci - Chem Jlin 57 Orpno-phoophorus Derivativem of Sulfur and SelAnium. E%rt I. Syutheuis e- TotrrAL141 Thiopyro-phoophateis., by B. Fismr, J. Michalskiq J. lirieczarkovski. FMIGHp per., Roczniki ij. Vol xxv 0 1953P IPP Def Sci Info Svp DJWp Canada T I Pol SciOntific - ChcmiGtr7 131 Photochemical Reactions of Curbonyl C3;-anide, by W. Kemals, K. L. Wlerzchowiskl, 4 pp. POIJHHp peri " .. Vol XXVII, No 4,. 1953P pp 52AIMP-a"la- 7 SIA Tr 57-536 Sol, - Chm Jul 57 fte Catalytic Action of A14**~'v Iona in Reduction omidation systems, by A. Knawe, 7 PP. P01M, per.. RoeznW Chamlls Vol XMIL 1954) prp 3 -11. ~,4~W -173- 0? Xv I ZO MA /FW/Z scientific - Chemlstz7 Nov 55 CTS/M Ma Syttm ftrita OtMe - Titimam Dqczq tw wo M. -1 i d agent at also FM MIVO Vw* Mosalki Cbms, Va TV 195hr pr 62-17192 Minc, S. and jasielski. J. THE MECHANISM OF CATHODIC DEPOLARIZA- 1. Minc, S. 71ON 'IN NITRIC ACID. [1962) Up. 11. lasielaid. J. Order from ATS $15.95 ATS-21P59P 111. ATS-21P59P IV. Associated Technical Trans. of Roczalki Chenifill (Poland) 1954, v. 28. Services, Inc.. p. 109-123.-- East Orange, N. J. DESCRIPrORS: *Nitric acid, Electrochen-Jotry. (Chemistry- -Physical. 77. v. 8, no. 4) Synthesis of or-gano-Phosphorus Compounds, by B. Fiszer, I Jan ~Uchalaki. znik,,-j1.4emi,czne., No 28, 1954, PP 185- POLISH, per, Roc 195. *ATIC Sci - Chem Jun 57 Orgatlopl.=phorus Conpounds of Sulphur and solotaum. n . Synthosis of Telam&llcyl SeletKrpyroVhwph&tesj, by J. Hictolskip J. Weezorkmkip 5 pp. POLUMS, WP Roesniki C~.= voi mmn, 1994,, p 23q.,-,"cW-v-MaWT 4;zr,ez,loY W! Sci Info 8v 7- Of T !) Pol Scloutific - Chemistry MS TOAMI 55 Electrical Conductivity of Alludine Earth Titanates, by Krzysztof Pigon, 35 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemii, Vol XXVM, 1954, pp 611-628. 9225797 AEC-SC-T-64-1605 Scl-DJAt & Met Dee 64 269,420 BD,i--'9b Fiftictjj ;anniversary of Professor lojciecki Swiemoslawski's Scientific Activiti~-s. by Wiktor Kemula. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chem-:Li, Vol X-KIY, 'No 22/3, 1955, 1, 151. 25/3/57 j- -'Oj - c ~.l -xw, !1:"tiamne~-PC CIL CxC-JU.C YOLIMH I'lUl"16"'ll., Rocnii C;I;C!Li, -iol )CXZI., -.41 c k: Ou the Action of HydroMr) H30-Ides qpon P-N BovA In Some Amide Dari%mtIves a Pbospbcric Aol&,# by Zo-ftm Mastalers. Polum, per$ FOCZMW Chean, Vol M=., no 90 195% pp Gal - Chm Jua 63 Zagrohki, S. arsJ Z3orska, H. LE PARTAGE DU PUFASSIUM ET DU SODIUM PAR LA '10NISATIONI-A UAIDE DE CARRONA-rr D'ANI- MIONIUM (Odd7icianie Potaqu od Sodu na Drodze joni- tacji za Pomoca %Nleglanu Amonowego) (Separation of Potassium and Sodium by Ionization). 25p. (foreien text incluzied) 15refs. Cl,~RS-Vlll bis 331. Order from OTS, M:'C or CNRS $2.60 *rr-62-28170 Trans. in French of R W,~Mand) 1955, v.2Q, no.T--S.-p-.7X)2-qH. DESCRIVrORS: *Potassium compounds, *Carbonates, Sodium comp:)unds, Separation, lonexchange, 'Purification. TT-62-25170 1. 7,lgr(-jzki, S. 11. 7-aorska, Ii. 111. CNRS-Xylll his 311 IV. CentTe National de h Recher- che Scientifique, Paris E- T-.I~. C- (Chemistry-Phyrsical, 77, v. It. no. 9) Selective Sorption and Swelling of Ion Exchangers, by Z. Blaszkowska, W. Wisniewski, 5 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemit, Vol XXIX, No 2-3, 1955, pp 921-925. OTS 61-11372 PL-480 Sci - Biol & Med Sci Jan 65 271,020 Unit CaLls of BaO.2TLO aDd BaO.4TLO 2' by K, IAI)Mmwfdlcs" W. '?rseblatarski, V'pp. PQLIBR# per& Roczalki Chen Vol XXIXj Do 2/30 1955a vp 943 S.L.A. Tr n44/1956 Sal - CbwdmUT *40, el S~ Oct 56 = Che=il.. Vol CCT-995-Tr Sci De c 59 Vol 2, N~) 5 ci- Cart~onyi Cyanxtoe I. CarboN71' C-4.rauido Witb Unp.-turated Reactim, With q.I'Llethyb,!tyren-.~ wnd ty 08ififin A(.bMtGWiCZ, MTOSIAW LoM)'04VvI A-UINfiLder ZetfBoj:tki' .1.6 p1j. peAl, Roczniki Chem, Val xx~' 1956:, pp 215-230. CIA/FDD xx-jibi MG RELKASAM.9 TO FOM31GIv NATIONALZ Sc i - Chez A uiv, 5 8 IAC INMRAL USE ONLY 63-30125 Poniuski. Maret *M UllaWm. Atina. LABORATORY SCALE PRODUCTION QF ANWDijOUS 1. Puntnakt. M. FERRIC CHLORIDE FREE FROM Mn'g+ AND CUZ. U. Masks. A. [ 19631 f7p] (fig orWtt&4 Orefs Order from!zlA $1. 10 63-20128 Trans. of RocznlkJ ChemU (Polao(Q 1956, v. 30 p. DESCRIPTORS: *Irm compounds. *Chlorides, Produc- Una. Symtesis (Cbemistry). Purtficadan, tnqxtrities. Om-ganese. *Copper. nAborstory equlpment, Design. (Chends"-Inorganic. TT, v. 10. no. 11) Offka of T~cM" lwvku Toachner, E. wid Liberek, Yj. METHOD OF SELUMVE PISSION OF ESTER AND N-MRBO-MZTMDXY GROUPS BY LYMIUM YLALIDUS. )a 64. 330wards Order ftm LSA $10. 85 T"LrA& ct Rocxnikj Cbem" (Pbbuad) 1956. v. 3D. p. 323-BXL - - -- -------- --- DESCWMRS. *Uttd-- c'mnpmmd. HBU&16 car- banyl rodlcalm6 Albtvq r"cais. Eam Fisalm L Taocbzber, E. n. Liberek. L IIL Ureramrs SeMce Assodates, BounLI Brook, (ChwdsUy--VhyaloLl. TT, Y. 11. am 11) 0"1- .1 (1-12692 Kapitanczyk, K. and Clablez. U. I THALLATES. 11M) Mp. L Thallates- -Analysis Order from ATS $12.9S ATS-33M47P I -Kapitanczyk. K. 11. Glablez, U. Tra" of RoczMki Chemlill (Poland) 1956, v. X ... ,ATS-33M47P - P. IV. Associated Technical Services'Inc East Orange. N. J. (Chemintry--Phyalcal, TT. v. 5, no. 7) ftlucimion aad Accurac,-v of the Spectrophoto- aitrie Anslyids of Biuu7 a3mtems. 1, G-meral Ikustions cluametaftstag the Precision of the AmUysisj, bV Jardne OwLetoslawaka,, 18 pp. JUMS, per., poemild I , Val XXXv No 2,p IL956, pp 569-55M. Ow TT 6i-3MB SOL - phys .;r,ul 65 283,732 Precloion and Accuraw of the Spectrophoto- motric Amelysts of Mmu7 E~rstms- 11. Do of tbo0onmutratLona in 3mxbmzae-AnUwacew MLxtwez by Jaidna Ovdatmaawskas 17 Pp. POMR, pW3 ftc---,f Id Qzmal p Vol XXX, No 2, 11956., Vp 387-6M. M TT 61-3M9 .Tui 65 r14aphysVxwy3AtUm or Ora'~nlc Clonvoumis by Coneken a I tion and AdditJon of bialkoxy9hDaphinyloulfsayl M31orides (110) P(0)W1v by J. Mcbm'skit B, lanard, 5 pp. POLISH., parp ftc=lk4 Ch=14, Vol MMj, 1956, pp 655- 658- BLA Tr 57-1W0 Bel i%m 58 Alkyl Aryl Sulf ides and Sulfoxides, by Zbigniew Ostrovski, Wwlaw Lesnianski. POLISH, per, Roczaikj Chull, Vol XXX, 1956, pp 981-983. *.PL-w3o ms 63-il3go Sci jan 63 On the Nature of Pero)dde Bonds in Binuclear ( by Wiktor Jakob, Maria Ogorzatek, 10 pp. POLISH, per, RocznW Chemil, Vol XXX, 1956, pp 1055-1064. 9226133 AE(:~-ANL-Tr-81 Set-Chem Dec im64 2708146 Datend vatlan of Alxwdnum Oxide In VietsUic iauminumv by KazIALerm Kapits zykp Zbigniew lOa-zavap Mieczys3ALw 6 pp. PMANDJ, 7rbkk Fmaulk, Cbq4ta V01 Ws No 607j, 1956P pp 607w&2. TM/1-3438 Sal - cbmp J4wmet Phr 59 The Preparation of Ferromagnetic Ferrites by Thermal Treatment of Suitable Salts, by ~Ufons Krause, Wlodz:Lmierz Wolskiy., 2 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemii, Vol XXXI, 1957, PP 327- 328- FDDA-3396 Sci - Chem mar 59 cf i A Simple Nev Method for Obtainir4; Ferromagnetic Ferrites, by Alfons Krause, Wlcxll,.imierz Wolskiy, A. nickyevicz,, Poznanp 3 PP- I - V, 1'--. POLISH, Roczniki Chemii, Val XXXI, No 319, 1957, PP 319-321. "1 FDD/X-.-1394 Sci - Chem /J Mar 59 A!fon-i a:,.1 Wolski, 'ModZImierz. THE PREP101ATIM4 01' FFRROMAGNrTic F-1, R fl.-.ij~p. A. X(TFS T4Y TI M- TRF k'l-\IE\-F Ur- SUITABLL I!. W. ,~ALTI, (~) 0:rz% -o),oaniu Ytrromagnet)czi,yCh 7,13- Ili. '.ki xlno- Prx,.: *1'vr.iiiczna C,'I)r.)I)kt Cldpuwle.l~~i~ ~- Soll). IV. 11 7, e 1950 (:klp, 5 refs. NRL Trans. 71". 1), C. ~'o --r.c ~% SLA ',1. 10 Tram; (it I-x-zliki Chernti (Mand) 19~7, \. 31, p. 327-3~!S. *i vvrttc.~, ProJuction, Oxides, Fna~e ;~heiricfl roactlons. trav~irlofl~-, 1, For absr,ict 'Icchikical Translutio-n 2: -32. t959. 1~tat,:, T-F. v. 1;, -10. f 8717 Sobczyk, Lucian. DIELEct-mc ki-ARIZATION Of' THE SYSTEM C2HSCOOH: PYRIPANE IN DIEMYL ETIIER 11. Title, i~yridine_ 30 junr 0 [31p. I ref. Order from SL.h $I. 10 Trans. of Rocznil;i Chemil (Poland) 1957, v. 31, p 349_M0'___-_ DESCRIPTORS: *Propionle acids. Acids. Polartzatim, *Py,r-Jdmt:ig. ~Ethyl ethers. Ethers. Orgaruc eolvents. rhelectrk~ properties Experimems indicated that an increase of polarity df!~"l not have a favoraWe effect on the course of the acid- base reaction since the reagents react i J='y ved I h the sulvent. molectiles. A con&tde-able proton-d~r.A)r aml ;,roton-aCCCPTC1r prop! rtigJolthe t, rpolvent can, howc-ter, lead to Ionization ' , , , (Chcm1w.t!y--Phyeical. TT. v. 7, nc, 4) (ove r) OR- 1_k.i-t S-- Krause. A., Woluld. W., and Kryinsid, K. CATALYTIC OXIDATION OF ARSENIC IN THE 1. PRBSENCE OF Cu(OH)2 AS A CATALYST AND THE? 11. ACTIVATION OF '11413 CATALYST. [196317p. Ill. Order from ATS $11. 50 ATS-02Q69P IV. V. Trans. of.AqmLkl-ch~nfil J,(Poland) 1957. Y. 31. no. 3, P. 793-800. DESCRIPTORS: *Catalysts. *Arsenic. Oxidation, Catalysla. *CoppLr compounds. *Hydroaddes. 63-17342 Krauae, A. Wolsid. W. Kryinsid, K. ATS-02Q68P Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Omnge. N. (Cheinlatt-y-Phynical, rr, v. 10, no. 6) Determixiatiort Of tha- Diffusion Coeft ic:L,2nt of Mteins by the Polaragraphic Method, by. 14. Wronjki, 5 Pp. POLISHp per, Roczniki Chemli', Vol ;=I, No a, 1957, pp io65-1o66.-- NIH Tr 5-21 Sai - Chem MaY 58 ,6 ~ "a rs~' Fluo--mBeent Investigations of Luc:L,3eniii Wddatioll, Jerzy Kroh, ~bigniew, et al / / .7- 6C2 _~~pczniki Chemii, Vol DD.I, 1957., -,)p cil 5-9'.-,5. per, 7 -,(,7,)- 4AEC: Sci livcl. Sci Oct 63 8truotur-S andl catalytIc Propev'biaa of Cobalt r*rdroxides,, by A. Krause, W. Wojciechmmka. MIUL POLM, par, Roczn Chan, Vol :UXI, 1957, PP 1137-1144o RAI 797 im 59 Dialkyl Sulfides and Sulfoxides, by Zbigniew Ostrowski, Woclaw Lesnianski. POLISH, per, Roczniki Chemii, Vol. XXXI, 1957, pp 1327-1330. *PL-JI80 OTS 63-1.1396 Sci Jan 63 On the Catalytic Action of SiO2 in Air Oxidation of FE(OH)2., by Alfons Krause,# Janina Lezuchowska. RoczmLki chemii., Val XXXII., 1958., pp 29-38- FDD/X-340,c) Sci - Chem Mar 59 /- _. IL Uncl (LA-TR-71-5) A NEWREACTION OF PICRYL PYRIDINIUM CHLORIDE AND PICARATE. Okon, K. Translated by Alois D. Cernieek (Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Alex-) from Roczn. Chem. 32: 213-2.!(19,58). Nov 1970. 12p. chemistry (organic); translations ND-4 P RC Unlimited b2r 14 Giiem~!ij 11C)i 1953, pp SLA 7,6 -7 Strtwtmwe of Yangar4nn: Synthesis of Cowpowids BMIOXSIM to the Mmamin and Neudayanamin Growsj, * iferzy ClesU&,, 3.4-pp. PQL=m pwp Rocz"M Chm4 Vol I I T I p 1958j, v an. SEA 60-16592 fti xer 6e voi iv, so 6 Synthesis of C-14 Labelled Potassium Guaate and Ovaic Acids by U. Zielinokl, R. Wince-1, 3 PP- PMMU, per, RWfr".tj;4 Chemi, Val Xams No 5) 1958, pp U89-1190. 1 :1, "1 //' ~- I.-. . Aw jtp-w-6o4 Sel - Cbem / 6 D/ j ;2 0 / Sep 61 ~~ - t", *~ * p(Djj~%', Par Roe lamat vol'a, pp 1257-1w. OT-S 61-1L397 Sd/chow Uay 6!5 279,492 Organaphwphorus of Saphur and p selenium. Ix. 'Nit of (Dialko pbooRbisq2) BuIlIeWl CbImIdes CZ, (O)WX aad (AlkylalkaxyphompbItWI) SaUvayrChlorldes R(RO)P(O)SOX to Symetrioal M*fL=,, by B. Bmeokaj, J. Miabalskip 0. Mulerowicas 22 vp. POMRs, vows Rocza:Ud Chwills Val No 6s ig5a,,* 9# 13M43W. SOL 92A 61-10009 A New Reaction of Ficryl Pyildiritum Chlor-ide and Picarate, by K. Okon. SERBO-CROATION, per, Roudki Cheidi, vol. 32, 1958,-PID. 213-222. NM 'rl.-12927-0-tC J ~&i' ?- 1,9-71 OXYD-111-ION DE- IA [)TOPI IRS111 111-1: DE SODIUM P6 i-is nymoxvip-s m.- crpurAINS hif---rAUX. NU (XVIs DE I. -N Sf-. MIOj-AYISANTD.-INS! Ill. Cencl-L. N,iti,md de la Itt-cher- LA PI I NSE S 01*-]I*)I: (1:tIcnic-nic P,x1fosforyno i che S,~wntifiquv. Paris Metali Nv Reakeli N% SI:14~1) (Oxidation ..* S-KII 11111 1 IN-pophosphile xvith 11% - Jrf,xi,!,-~; of ~z im,-- ill lll~ SOIld 1113SC). 1.51'. (fol.,.ip tot in,-L~C :~Il -)ref C.NRS-VII 62. OrJer fr tv () I'S ;.. I I ' or CN16 S I . 60 T7-62-2,,~-7 I Iran- of it - ~:,zm k i Chemi i Df:~( 1,11- ORS: s,x1imil lltltill, (Ch~,nistry-Inqrganic, I-F, v. 11, no. Q) C- oa~ lit-ill:t2nzoyi ?hosPhiftCl, DY 11, it. kyl-ru.) F,CL-TS:R, 1102"'ni-la C'Lt=.. Vol XXXIIII, 195S6 -.P?, ATS pi-2a.42 S c i - Ch -= t may 6o , //- ',!~ ~~2 e~ .iimotw of ~ ~mrrAwry, by Lcon W r.-lov-sxam CbRou, Vftl I ~--Xlu, gpp 577-480. twm-, -1 All(;-'Tr-4?D4 M-CIvul 1:k:t 645 IXime Tokarrevinki. Ludomir. -ME DECHWAIShTING FFFECT OF SMIUM I PHENOM17C ON POLYVINYL CHWRIDF. !196114p It Order from K -H $L 00 K-H g-'.- III Trans. ol Roczntk', Chernit (Poland) 1951j, v. 31, p. 8 DESCRIPTORS: *Pol)-vtnyl chlorick-. qodium corripoun,i~, Phenols. Chlorinadon, Separation TT-61-22STI Tokatzew4l. L K-11-9-c" Kresze-11cooke- Sclencr [Abrarv Associates. Detroit. Mich. (Materials- -Plastics, Tl', Y. 11, no. 1) Off., M T,ew:w S,-,~ AVOO $C CbMI16tVYP Va At M)- is 1960j, 3WP4, wAk! Cho" IM 34v Muk u 0 vp,. v ~V~ GWM koCwu-4605 332S 262 ftl ja 67 *=" OC'MNWWtr No. 2,0 WAP 32kp. Yp Iq6oj, Va- 34s, pamm RFAVAM4 2w - 0 jor,, MOUP Q6qv vp low 0 ~ VbaL As cm Bel 332m, 22,63 Jul. 67Nww V.L r'IeRC-"-"cnE Of Aluminum 0:79anic Compounds. cart 1. Synthesis of Ketones From Acid Chlorides and Complex Stilts of ---'thyl- Uuminum Dichloride With Sodium, Chloride, by W. Dablig. FOLISI', per, Roc7.niki j,:tLIaLi, Vol ?4, 1960, pp I'01-412. :ITG 72-11229-07C 1.1 m- Y 7 2 Ilim-ti Excolsa L, by Bronislaw 6ila. POLISil jwr, hoemild QeLdb Vol 54, Ivo 3.4: 1960, pp 1155-1160. CF6T1 W 6S-50326 i~.E-Polajid Sci/JlFri Feb 66 2-94,711