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%Slmmlnaw&~ ~ 4 1 * -%7d7t Or: 1mgm NLL F wull-5-47 CILWO) SCO" aw 69 AmO03 3 - 108 1 (11 Navarm, G. APPARATUS FOR MEASURING CRIMP OF FIBERS I Na~alrc, G. (App&rst zum blessen der Kriluselung von Fasern). 21 June 62 [61p. (foreign text included). Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-10810 Trans. Ed Rcyoa..,ZcjLwqjLe und Andere Chemlefase (West Ger;nsny) 1959, v. DESCRIPTORS. *Fibers, Crimping tools. Measure- ment. *Test ecluipment. (MuerLals-TemUles. TT. v. 10. no. 1) of Tedofug St. ices cR-i6f,4 Activities of Minister of Health, Voinea Marinescu. NY-9719 RumANiAN, larpt,m item No 4138/59, 2 pp. *jlw Sci - Apr 65 Aw~r DmlCP2=U In the Poduction Of saireitter oret tw ff. schumsober. (mBM,o xptv Molulech-WaVell obe ToobnIsche L.b3lv, 3= 3M)2 Sol - Wx ftb 63 q .? 7 Cenixel Meteorological and IVrO4r_Iwc Wreau of the Grand Ducby of' Baden. 111gh-vater and Ice Data, Seine OERNUrs bkv, L)e ~Rhel~4qt OCR 44-16 f Sel 19ftijering, GOOPIVRics 7o?,V G E FU If J `,W TT *JITS R-534-C fo:r All-,~- ROcize'l-I Gidded 1,:issile ALrene-,- (A. Vries, & 1. de. ~ 1. Vries. 63-14374 SrRLrTliRE ANM RIMOLOGY PROPER*nFs OF A. J. de. POLYVINYL WWRIDE PLASTISOLS. 24 Sep 62. 9p. (figs. tables formtdae refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 63-14374 Trans. of Rbeologics Acta (West Germany) 195& v. 1. wxL 2f.. P. DESCRIFTIOR& OPulrduyl chloride. *Pkadm 90ol- Idds. Viscosity. Phaticity. Plantictzers6 PartkJL-s. (Materials - -Plastics, TT. v. 10. am 4) saw d Tecbmkw Sw T. -x-J-fRs R-5-34/for fLml:- :",Oc":,a,L. G-uided 1dosile r A r CoTent-Difholon Wfect MA IU; Applicatimsp by HNW T*Uort 0 =00, per Rboologica Actas Val 1, No 2, 3, 190J. pp 319-321. *AM MCI Aug 61 List 56 lLi ssile AC;enc.,~- Formation of Structure in Disperse and 1-fulti-Mblecular Systems., Typeo of Structures and Their Rheological Properties, by P. A. Rehbinder., N. W. Michajlow. 18p. GERMAN., per, Rheologica Acta, Vol 1, No 4/6, 1961, PP 361-370- MC C-5615 SCI-Chem sept 66 310,367 63-10799 ObList, It. and Whn, L. MECHANICAL SHORT' AND LONG-TIME BEIIAVIOR 1. Oberst, [I. OF Cll)'15rALLINE POLYOLEPINS: RELAXATION It. Bohn, L, SPECI'P.jk OF LOW-PRESSURE POLYEMYLENE AND 111. Title: Relaxation... POLYPROPYLEN11. [19621 [271p. 18 refs. Order from SLA $2. 00 63-10799 (V./. ef-'Fiv T'rans. of Rheologica Acta V. I, no. DESCRIPTORS: OPolyethylene plastics, *Propenes, Polymers, NlechaWcal properties, Stresses, Relaxa- tion time, Vibration, Spectrographic analysis (Materials--i'lastics, TT, v. 10, no. 2) a(&* d T*Ck*d SWIM The Ourrent-Dirfuslon Brrecto and Its Applicationes by Rmw ToUartp 16 pp. GMWM,, per,, Mmol Aafti. no lp 1.959.p pp 318-321. AM Tr-41157 so Oct Q 17,t z -yj List 59 On the Detemunation of Viscosit~~ in Retarded Elastic Defo=ation 11--rocess. b3r V. S. Peter GIM-YOT, per, RheoloL----'ca Acta., Vol I, lc"?-I, *JPRS/M- A-my Ord Redstone Arsena-1. zaahama Sci - ph-,:c. Jime CA2 A Classification of the Rheological Properties of Matter. -,A" Gomm, per., -~~ vol i, 1961~, pp 672-673- 01 Possibly to Come From Contacts per 10 Dec~ 62 new USIB nffNNAL USE ONLY Scl - Chem Dec 62 hew Hypothesis Oil z1ho Efft'm- Of Cold R-0111ing Speed an Lubrication, by 0. Pawolski. GEIM4, per, Rhoologica Acta, Vol 11, Nu .4, 1962, pp 273-280. - - --' BISI 3393 Sci - flngr Nov 63 .10- W, 15 77 1448-W M THEMY OF MMOFM, S. Peter, Rheol. Acta 3, Ito. 3, 178-80 (1964). 1600 W! 1 F; 3 R 4 8.00 ($1.65) internal Rotation of High and Low Molecular Wight Organic Idolecules in Solids, Part 1j, by N.A. Illers. GMtMN,, per, Rheologka Acta, Vol 3, 1964, pp 185-194. *Vat Bur Stand IT 70-59135 sci-Chem Jul 70 Internal Rotation of High and 6ow Molecular Weight Organic fdolecules in Solids, Piart IL, by K.-U. Illers. GMUWp per, RheolpALca Acta, Ifol 3, 1964, pp 194-202. *Nat Sur Stand Tr 70-59136 Sc:L-Chem Jul 70 Internal Rotation of High and Low Molecular Weigbt OrWic Holetules in Solids. Part III, by K.-It. Illers. GERIMN, per, Rheologica Act&, Vol 3, 1964, pp 202-212* *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-S9137 Sci-Chem Anisotropic Plastic Deformation.. by '1h. Lehmann. GHIOM, por, Rheologica Act&, Vol 3, No 4, 1964, pp 281-285. AEC ORNL-tr-1278 fq#oYo*766 BOG-4iIOAwp- Sci/Nuclear Sci Jul 66 63-16285 Rill-WUM' SONIC SIFTING MACMINIES: DFSCCRII1- 1. Title: TION AND OPERATING SPECIFICATION OF SERIES 1. Title. Description TYPE AND BRIDGE TYPE MA01PFS. 11963112,51p. (figs. omitted). Or&-t- from SLA $2.60 63-167.15 I-rons. of mono. (report) from Ilheini. Werkz,V1.7 unjj&LqjL WAreatrAjWlk. C,. m, b. I I_ 'Renit4cheld/Luctringhausen. n.d. 414aterial separation, '.Strainers, *Machines, Oscillation, Design. Operation, Maintenance. Topics include- M-scription of the operation of the machinv~ fivils of operation and application possibili- ties; dc:icription of the machines; the ass -nibly of t1w inachints (instal lotion); putting the machines into opermicti; the servicing mul in.jim, wit- iii tit, Ott- H 1"1-i S--. (Macithiery. Fabricationti and Accessory Equipment, ['I'. V. 10, no. 7) (ever) Our Obsewv&tlom 9 by Fmao Cordalro de Azovedo, IPMtIMMB.. bk# Fdkdmcm-~ a Comideram 0 At Lit a thalcm Cap t-partia-, :L958. lcm 8-15.61 Oyl ;o-~x~ials w-icL Acrial !'or tli~ o2 Signals Artif icial E -I-tll ~)Clll, IUoLl,-, ~~ Schwoxz iC D %kble ar ors=lz&Um ef the IMah Defeam F0=ej% 15 PP* FM WTVIAL UM U= Gu=s, rpt., na buresm U.&A-sum" J. lip-mi-ifti-, Itac, to R-6341m WkWAs Irelmnd. AOSI 1-2T0 la UOM"TT WMar - ImIstad Vdi Jul 63 238thlO Stucl)r on the Substancen Capable or Increaning the Period of Blood Prenervation:, by Binda; G. 'A Ghirardo, 13 P9. UI-CLASSIXIM ITIUZM, per,.,Ilib Emoter 11, 1955, PP 190-197. IVIEI 2-5 sci - Dk-d Vbr 58 IGINAA and ymm Ltorleo in law gar or Blafmo IT P.P. WA=Iffo rj*o ArrIft AtImUmL- ~~X=w ~32D ~~# IN 35 - -- AzW OW oorftoe Aftleft 46 Diefts Gem .2111 f ) ~t ilea 63 On the Question of Danube Fisherles, by P. Y.axskov, 8 pp. BUtURIAN, per, rdbuo Stc!panrrtvo, lio 5, 1961, PP 13-16. JPIRS 9881 Mur - Bulaarlm x z Aug 61 (NY-28OO) NEW PRKOSPECTS FOR BULGARIAN FISHING, BY MIKHAIL NISHKOV, 5 PP. BULGARIANj, PER, RIBNO STOPANSTVO, No 6, 1962, PP3-5- JPRS 14go5 EEUR - BULGARIA XNWECON AUG 62 208,883 Same -Julastlons Concerning the FishIng Ir-dua- try In LNagparia, by Borislav Popov, viclota JUMOrva., 11 pp. RIGPSIA19, per, Ribmp qt(?F!~~w!tvo: No 6, ig6i- php 15-16. JFM 12063 EHur - IDtillparta ECOM z Am 62 BASIC TASKS IN THE FISHING ECDNOMY IN 1963, 13Y GEORGI VRU13CHEV., 6 pp. BULGARIAN, PER, RIBNO STOPANSTVOO NO 10 1963, PP 2-3. JPRS 18269 ECUR - BULGARIA ECON - MAR 63 NO 133 225..599 THE THIRD SESSION OF THE J0114T SOVIET, BULGARIAN, AND RIAtIANIAN., C"ISSION ON FISHING IN THE BLACK SEAp BY GEORGI VRUBCHEV, 7 Pl'- DJLGARIAN PER, RIBNO STOPA95TVO, NO 1., 1961, PP 4-6. p JPRS -18269 EEUR - SOV BLOC ECON - MAR 63 NO 133 225,594 Development of Fishing in Bulgaria, by ]vUkhaJl Nishkov, 5 pp. BULCARLAN, per, ~~no Stopsmstvo, No 1, 1964, pp 18, 19. JPRS 24277 EE-Bulgaria Econ Mmy 64 257,074 Lake Fie" in Bulgaria, by W. Dimitrov, 6 pp. BULGMUANs, per, !U ~noStqpAganto,, No 0,1, 1964, pp 20-22. JPRS 24277 EE-Bulgaria EcA)n May 64 257,075 On the Reaction of H2S a,nd SO : The Influence of 7bcperiments.1 ConKtione on the Mechanism of the Formation of HJS,06p:nd H2S2032 by- S. Sosi. ITAL A 0 r,, Rige;Ccgi ":i2n&ificpi. P&rt2 I1"e1AdContLA-�AZ'0AG 1: Abiolgai2a, Vol 1, No 1, 1961, Pp 5-11 KTC 72-11839-07B June 72 Wit.b ji-Cut" vcxia by X, A=!Aij. 0. D' AgWtimO, E~ nr=i~ r. S. -,.nGm" 1~ PP. )W,U14-R, poitr.. Scientdfica, Pmno, Vol li, W 30-WIP.14'r-pp'T"452j, 4~3- Dept ar Coacorce Patent omee Bei Ub (gift) Sai - WOAur Physics nb W Y -// S. FAUMOtIvity Prodama by lbvtmn BacbwOmatq by S. ArsadLtv 0. DApatlool S, Fet%do E. Begft. IMMS U More& SelentIffteg Vol V 2.0 19A. AM Tr Scl*utttu - Imleft pbysief /V~ -q:5 ? oqt 49 cTr, ClAq) 4 RWU*WtIVIMY Produced by Nquftan Bambutmuts by B- AmMp ID%gc~tftop rerwU loameftip "an rnujm, La Hicarcs sateatmcs, -Vol V. so I, 176 110328 1994's AM Tr SclAftlfla u Mw)aw PbypUs 07/ out 49 on; (IA9) RIO .710 10 ---- pj4jowtWt.y hvftoo& b E. A=Lxdt. MUIANj Ls Werca Sclouttfica, Vol Vp No 2,, ft 1-2p 1934. ABC Tr saterattru - NUZUW paystAy 1,R." 3 6 4 out 49 CTS (xl%g) Intluem* of Hydroasn Coatalrdog Substames Upm . the Raftmativity Induced by Boutrotw,, by E. Fomlp x. AUSIMP wum Pooteverwoo F. Ra"ttl'v E. Searl. MUXANO LA Rj%Tva acteatiftes., Vol Ve 36 2,, No .7--S, 1934 AW Tr Solouttru - Nvalmr physics vat %9 CTS (11%9) / 07."'.36 6- V-ALWA La RUOrM ftleftiLft",p Vol V,, So 9p No %-Jop 1 AM Tr Scientific - owl"r phylpics / OT/ 3 4 V- act 49 Me W%9) Radlasttivity Udi *d by Neutron bombardment, by H. Amalft; 0. D'Aacstlnoj, R. Ferals B. Pontecorvot F. ft"ttle 2. seem IM&WA La Riceres Scieutiftemp Val Vp ft 2# No U-12 I I. ABC Tr SCIOUtUic - Nuclear Physic* 14?, .363. Oct 49 = (2A9) RBKUOQCtlVl`tY fnduced by Neutron Bombardmat., by Iku-ica Fermi, 2 py., no"O., Per, L96 RiCUrCA &dMntirU& PM VOI Ij. S.L.A. Tr 49/1956 np.eo6i MUmettvity 186=md by Doutrim B=b4rAwdF.-WY--- E. AmIdlo 0. DAamttoov B- Yowals 9- PQut4c4wvoo E. seem zutwo U lkworca seloutifteap Val VII no 11, AM It sci, - Nwlow relous -AW 3eo Oct *9 CT13 (IA9) HadivactIvity Induced by Routron Bombardmntp by . 39 Posildso 0. D-AgWottoov B. nral, B. pmtsoor " a. Segm VALIWO La, Simprca, SoUntificiaj Vol VI, No It 1b U- 29P 1935. AIC Tr ftiontifte - Nuclear Motes Oct 169 (1A9) / V;?~ ~~ V AbsorPtion ot Slow Noutromp 'byrrs"r-u,~Ocov Hdowdo A=Lldl ThU.XAN,p IA% Hlowes Sclectiflass Vol VZO No 2,p No 11- 190 19" AM rr salmatific - Nuo2ow pbyslm Oct 49 CTS (1A9) /07 !0 JOI ~2 " .2 /,7 Aboorptlon of 82ow Houtronst by Moardo AmIft, Earl** 7arski ZEUMNA La Ricerica SclentiflUm., Vol Vl,, So 2,, No 9-10i 1935. Am rr IftleatIfle - Nualow Physics Oct 49 (I/49),CTB / 3 7- 2-.. RAdioactivity Liduced by Neutron Bcubardmerit VIII, bp E. Aua&, 0. D'Agoatinop 4MA 9- RR FOrud, 6 pp. 9=1 per, La Rice=a sciantifics 6, Vol 1, Do 2, a* 1935s yp B.L.A. Tr 2/1956 IIP-2049 3~ 5~g ~71 ScleatIfic - OboadaftW t.~ 0 mmlew PtWelce Fermt, Enrico. ON THE ?,,OTION OF NEUTRON~ IN HYDROGENOU! SMIFTANCES. tr. by G. M. Temwer. 22 Oct 51, ~1,9p. V rLfs. NP-2 ~5. Order frcw~ LC or SLA rnfS2. 70, phS4. ~ 0 .59-22 '2 Trans. of In Ricerca Sclentifica (Italy) M-6, v. 7, no. 2, p. I,ff. 59-22332 1. Neutrons-Motion 1. Ferml, E. 11. NP-2'FS 111. Technical Irdormation Serv.,ce Extension. Atomic Energy Ccwr.- mission. OakRidge. Tenn. Offl-fT " Cjs-.A-. (Nuclear Physics --P&rticles. TT. v. S. no. 4) 1-1-61 62-16457, Sapp&, Oreste. NATION&L COMhln-M-E FOR PHYSICS PROPERTIF-5 1. -Sapm. 0. OF FERROMAGNMEC SLJBSTANCFS IN POWDER. [1%5) 7p. iflp. -nim4. Order from SIA ;1. 10 62-16457 Tram. of [RicezrA Sc"qtca (Italy) 1937, v. 8, p. 413-4211-.' *--- DESCRIPTORS: *Ferromagnetic materWa. Powders. moviedc prq-xks. Nugactostricd- mysics-Ma6metlism, Tr, V. 9. no. 10) ofte of Uttakal ureces CcatribatIm t* the OUW odr D:bwtW2=etal as a rmlo tar G. Robertis V. ftrtij, 2. SUMDJA. MLUN,P as actoutityleft- -3mr, 1e VbI 10t X43 M-316 9 ]PP MA 09:69W4 Bel 332's 227 Jul 6T 61 - 14-58 4 Maiguori, Giovanni and Cirilli, Vittorio. THE SIN'lIzRING OF MACNFSIA. 1103) 21p. (figs. 1. Malquorl. G. onnitzed) 1.8 refs. If. Cirilli. V. Order from 4U-A $2.60 63-14SR4 Trans. of jl~.j ~IcerVa_Scj[caLjjlcaj(ltaIy) 1939. v. 10, p- 905-914. I)F-S"IPTOR& 'Magne.&ium compounds, Oxides. 03nierin& Ileat treatment. Mechanical properties, Magnesite. Refractory materials. The autbors examine the influence exerted on the crmrFw of ttat thermal sintering of m3gnesitun oxide by variouti nubmances intimately assoclated with the Later. The behavior of the following was studied: Fe2O3. A1201, S02, CaG. We 203 -CaO). (Fe2O -SIO2~ (S(O -CaO). (Al2O.,-CaCI). and lals- -Refractories, 71'. v. 10, no. 2) (over) (Mater OMN d Tedn" IWAM I tl . W%bod of Datermining the Homogeneity O'.L Go Ids by Reava of Supersoula.sp by A. Olecominiv A. Bertini. XTAUM, Ferp Ric Scl-0 Val XV1'4'6,, Oct 19390,.pp 921- TMAX3 T 3932P M31ft Scientific - ftsics 114acomiril,Amedea and --Aagio Peace 1940 Coempretszibi3ity of electral:rtic solixtlor.3 b.; the dE-I.;eml,.Vktion of vItz-fluonle Velocities (Comrncz3ib'lltn dc eol~azicni dl el*ttrOl.~'~J detern.1nazlone du veloc4-'a ck-gli :Itras.ont) La W-celloa Sc~entiflca, 191 6 5-61", In, -talian. Trxms I. tjy JJUI-. , PEn. Lang. D-4-,,., Dw-pt. of' See. of Statc of' Carada, for varine Ecolo.T..: Akbt:,ratory. Dartmouth, 19'72, a~ Series No. 2~541, 23P., j-,,~eac ", pt. Ava 1. or. Wash., D.C. A) C_ g Rolla. I- and larKle1h, A. JIIE I-AIi'I1IANL%I-ZLNC SYS HI'M. Pt. I of Contri- 1. bution., of tic Knowledge of flare Earth Metal., and 11. flivir Alloys. [19011 1()P- 111. Ordcr from A IS ~16.35 A-PS-6W~51 IV. V. o' Ri--rcj SAjentifica] (Italy) IL)41, %. 20. p. 1210-1-26. DESCAL111ORS *L.anthanurn, *Zinc, Rare earth LIL,- I'llents, Rare eanh metals. Alloys. Rolla. L. lamle1h, A. ATS-05N.551 ride: Coniribution, A~,-:wicd I'tAim-l ~Z,-r % lcc~z, In- Fzlsl, Oran,', N. . -I-F, ;. 7, no. 2) Offi- 0 T""i-l S-- X. ftatlp lk pp. nALIMp pers Ricerm So Yol Map Jha 1943v pp 13-M. S.L.A. Tr No 57-3-12 Sol - Cbndauy 0 Apr 57 , 5716 I Probable Meet of Electric wtd Wignetic Fieldm on th Velocity of PropaZation and Coefficient of AbsM- tica of Ultrasonlco in Som LiquIds., by A. Barons and A. GIRCOmini+ Tv=vj; per,, nicelSt sc&, voi. xv,, 19k5,, pp 264- 266. INSDOC-T-lh5h SCI Aug 58 Is Croatto, Ugo and Bruno, Costanza. GALVANIC PILES %VMI SOLID ELECTROLYTES. 1. Croano, U. 119621 [161p. 19 refs. 11. Bruno, C. Order from SLA $1.60 63-10618 Trans. of Ricerca Scientifica (Italy) 1947, v. 17, no. 12, ji-7109--2W. DESCRIPTORS: 4131eccrolyws, Diffusion, *Batteries and cornponents, 'Electrochemistry, Decomposition, Ch~mical properties (Chemistry-Physical, IT, v. 10, no. 1) Cffkt d TKkkd S~rVtIS Sette, Dantele. ULTRASONIC LENSES OF PLASTIC MATERIALS. ]an 6#. 32ODwards Ordex frczn USA $30-00 Trans. of jla~~_ ~glentlf ca 11taly) 1948 [y. 18, no. 6] p. $31-839. DESCRIPTORS: *plastic lenses, Ultrasonic equlpnwm, TT-64-12336 1. Sette. D. IT. utersture Service Associates, Bound Brook, N. (Materials --Plastics. TT. V. 11, no. 10) Offkv f Twkft"I 6-4- lawtroWwmlca PA=*ALol and PwaivIty of 21,11W in SOIUUMG at Zl= Nitrate and OtbL-- Blitratuav 1w 0. scarva. n=O.o =2 - Is Riamms Sclo"ica, No 3-t. 2.q-~-q, pp :-,6:,". ACSI J-" ID ',12""543GG fti-cbm Jbm 67 317s'129 (baantum Fmcb-mlettl Tbeory cd' F.Imetic Dissipation in Single (~rystalea A Nev RclawA-Uon Mect, by It. an Bordmi. IMALTAX per, la RI.carca,8cj,, Vol XLK, No 8, 1949, 300 =-W Ibv 59 /00/ glamaU in Hiehly Oxidized Slatoo. la SodL= Ortho-QqTermte,, by Ugo Crcetto., 16 pp. mua=T$ La RiCeEft Sc Itif ica Vol ms, .1949, pp -17"0*A,-o1100T-1009. mc Tr IWI Scientific - ChanUtry ja 5h eta Diff aremUml Electronic Repfelomter,, by Enrico del ps.antop 7 pp. IgALI". perp La Riaerc& Scientif Umq Vol XXj, No 11,1 NOV 1950. -.-T- ~... S.L.A. ItIr No 485/1955 Sol - 2100tranims .11.6- jr-47 im Im CFMAOX The Keto Acida of Norval )hx= Fluid Chromatographic 9tudy,, by P. Zappip 14, L, Cason6tip 15 PP- FuU tru=lotion. ITALIAN.* per# La Hicerce Sciekillca* Vol Xn, So 3., 1953-.. P-P 372-377-- um Tr 66 Scientific B101ma Oct 515 PO 00 ~af allid LTr,m In Falarogmphic Analysia, 11 pp. nO.1 trocaation. Electrodes for by P. Silwastroni., MMURp per, ]A RjEq=a Scient-ifica M&y 1952. SciantIfic - Mectroulce MY 53 MIS The Hotion or Fluids ThrouGh Permeable Synteme: The Limits or Validity or Darcylo Law in the Li&t of the Moot ftcent Experiwntal Reoultaj, by P. L. Roulto. ITALXAN,, per,, Ric Sci Vol XXI(:Ll), Rov 1951, Pp 1978-1998. TPA3/TIB Tr flo T 4oL,8 Scletitiric - Physica., nuidep permeable sysitem, valif3ity,, llebt, experiments Index Aeronauticus I Enteramine and 541ethoxytryptcmine. To,.-icity. Action on the rDiuresi.-, on the Systemic 2lood Pra!zsurc, and on Some I~xtrava--CLLIar Smooth Mus- cles, by Vittorio Erspamer. ITALIPJI, per, La Ricera Scient,dfica, Vol MI; No 4, 1952, pp 694-701. *JPRs/IIEw Scj.-Biol & Med Sci April 64 The Mological Concept of C(xnpetence as Results form Reaearchs on IA!us Anlage and on tbm Development of Limbo,,, by T. Perri., 63 pp-. ITALL45,, per, La Ricerca Schientifica, 11 1 '5- PP 86[i-893- Vol XXII Alo 5., 9%# NM Tr 1OZI Sci - MwdTeTwj' Blology 3d., 3 1,3 P-rcci-sion A-milys-fS, !,a--,-Lc 72 per, La Ricerca Scientui:Pica, V,,D-- --aI, pp 232')-233S-?- *JPRS f or Rocll:,=~'- a:, " Gal' d.--d 1.-:issilc, A~,ancy Study of the Exchange Integral and Investigation of Approximate Formulas for Certain IntegralB, Ap . ring In Problems of Molecular Structure, byv!r, Scr '06 Salvad, 10 pp. ITAIIM,PWJIA Ricerca, ScAentifica, Vol XMH, SrA - Math Jul 64 263,856 Prdbable ZVoctronic Structm\- of Ferrocene, by Wsmlmo stinonatta. 5 U-P- ITAUAR, -pmrp LA Ricarca Soiled a Progresso Tachmica Vol xxm, 45" "T~' 195~0 M31~ 4237. MA 59-10559 Sol .. Mmotroa Sep 59 Vol 20 so 2 Syuehratoue to Italyp by Gustavo Coloametti., pp. URCLUMIF CUSH Rle*rca 8 rim, Jan 1954P Encl AP 6IM9 CIA D 14515 54 toe 4r;77 3!BAL*.LAN,, per., la Ricerea Scientigics., Dec 1954j, Encl to D-16h676 Ar 65o62o Scientif Ixr - Chemistry sociological - VDIV4walty AIF 5 5 CM auo, f 'S-4 Investigations on the Specif icity )f the OrrAniZing StImlAw in the llorphoeenesLm of the CrystsUine Imns., by H- De VincentiLs. 7 PP- IT.ALM.p per,* Ricerca Scient,, Vol )=V, 1954., Pp 73-T.5- NIH bcieatifLc - Medicine MS 70/,Ta 5 5 Emissivity 9,knourement in the For-m-m-1 D!Lrection ftnt in Dixections Contained Within the Solid Angla. 2, For Variously Treated Aluminium Surface, by C. Rc"roll ITALTAN,, per, Ric Sci, Veb 19511, pp 3110-35h- DSIR/312C8/CT Sci .- Physics '~rg- g 3 7 ftb 9,8 It Research on the Photoelectric Determination of Stresses Due to the Dead We4;bt In Plane Struc- tures, by P. Locatelli, G. Grandort, et Q. ITALLAN La Ricerca Scientifica, Vol XXV, No 1p 19je"W-91. 96928011 " Op DDC RSIC M ScI-Rngr July 64 263,159 X-RW Studle-s an CrystallIni ~.y snd Structuxe of EU.b MoUmllar Weight Xvdvmavbm9., by G. Nattap P. CcvrsdjmIt 17 pp. EM ITALTAII per., Elceroo Smientifica., Vol XXV., IL955,, rip 695~~6. ~-- mA Q -i." Sol --2 0 -~/ g4 Jul 62 , 7f'9 vu ZO 10 Mwilestigation of the Behavior of Cements In the Attack With Speclal Alkaline Solutions, by Zj. Ffttlals R. Twrrislani,, 5 p1p. MALIA, V&ro RL22ULA"a.Vol XXV., 10 IOP Oct M5s, p9 2834-2837. wA Tr 57-616 Sol - Rogineering J~~ g6& Sep 57 1"Ontlastion CC the ontopmr 'r solwo cao-#-laO3- 10*W=~O OY tW X-PAr wd VfA MBtMda, by a. ismip G. SddpP. UXMASOMrnD ""WIP P*3p* kmft Vol )=IVs 110 U# a 23$64rjb 2 ,Vol Mrrm, ]1o 1.0,, 3.9558, vv moo-ow. NW3lMfCr act - ma ont 58 I%o Microbial Oxidation of F~7drocarbons sud Aromatic Coupour4s,, by C. A-L. C.-V. TraccauL. =U-TAN, per, BAS_Wi _.L Vol XU'j. 1955, pp 3244-3267. DSIR/28789J'CT Sci - Cbmv blol J -~r 9 7 ftp 57 Microbiological Researches on Petroliferous Media and Microbial Oxidation of B~VIC'trocarbonap "rb 11, by Bon--14U, H. Slio, 49 pp. IT,kLW,, Par, la Ric=m&,3CIau="ica, '101 XOM, Fo 3p 1956, pp-7Tq---TO2. SLk 59-15119 Sci Oct 59 Vol 2, No 3 Frou and Braked Fluidization on iseds, of Solid Particles, by L. Massimilla, S. Bracald. ITAIJAN, per. Ricerca Scientifla, Vol 26, o 19S6,, pp.. 487-504. NLL Ref: 5a28.4F (w* 7641) sci-mech sept 69 390,196 Experimental Determination of Heat of Activation for Diffusion of N In Alpha- Iron, by 1. Barducci, 5pp, ITALIAN, per, La Ricerca Scientifica, 26, 1956, pp. 2080-2084. *Nat. Bur. Stand. TT 70-59047 Sci/chaan May 70 u, -.:I -It b~y 1;. 'i t i I U,, 11TAI.:Jai, V..r, Ric Sci, Vol X;KYI,. 1m 9, 1-956, Dr,) P747-2751, DOIR 3"593/CT Sal - Pbys; Mir/)L-t Mnr 59 On the Existence at Z~rdrated Calcium Mbuocarboalumi- nate, by Renato Turrizianip 0. Schippap 11 pp. =ALI=, no per, TA Ricerca SoLentificap Vol XXV , 1956j, .. Dept of Coweree Watl Bureau of Standweds J-a, 77d- Sci - Cbmmistry Sep 57 The Setting and BardenIng of a Mortar of Pozzolan, Line, and Calcium Sulfate, by Renato Tm"rizianis G. Scblppa.. r5 pp. ITAT.UN;, mo per,, LA Ricerca, A.9litntifica,' Vol XXVIO 1956.. pp 33UT-j393. Dept of C' vve Natl Bur of Mandards Sol - Ch=aGtry 7 Sep 57 Imleat lt,;at tons of the Behavimir of Cemeats Subjected to Attack by Special Alkall Soluticna, (VICte II).p by N. Fratini, R. Turriziami. UNCL 1VALIAX,p perp Ric Scio Vol XXV*.U, mo 1.. 1957, VP .77: -80. DsxR 32695YaT Be I - mlwlwt Iftr 59 Mesuxes electrochimiques sur des eprouvettes d'acier imcxgees dmis le ciment, by M. Maraghini, B. 1:h~, 17 Pp. ITALVili to FRENCH, per, Ric. Sci. Ital., Vol XXVII, no It, 1957, pp 1161-11747-79210-396- ReVer3e 11ranslation cF.A-x-4o6 Sci Feb 64 0c, IhO Of FlaJdAsat.-Itim or so-, -i L, --ct-az Syc- Lei:;~3,. e, A. pp. J.TALTAN, per, Ricerca Sci. Vol XX-,Ij 0 1448 -.i4~ !,-rc nP Tr.-432 Aug "j"O -ii,4 j;nr,,,%o cceroalrm ar al-tra.-L tu , 1 4 A v ~ Ll. Canq,Totu, , by .14. Mare-&tnt, C. (.11innari. MCI. per, Ric 3ci, Vol MCTZI, 30 5, 1957, vp X500-A5W" - DSTTR 33314AT SOL .. astOnat Nor 59 Y, 9~/ IQ.,/ 0 Ml-,xint~!-. cl-' thc Solid "I"hase ir. 2aff-L-~-di --,d Unbaf-rl-c-a S,)Il.d--Gr-!, Systerrz, uy L. M,,ssim-illa, 3. Bracale, 23 PP. ITALIAN) Scj,-Vot Xxvll~ 1957, pp ALEC ZIP T.- ): 2,7 Sci - Chem Jun 60 [feat Tra-iisiaJssion in Baffled and( Uabaffflled Fluidisit-d S,A`~rl--&a3 Smtens; L)~, L. 3, Bmciac, Caballa, 42 pp. ' IAN I~AL x-%wa%, pcr.. c c r c a S cVo I X:K 13 5 3 1864. AEc rip Tr-431 acl - Chem Aug 60 2 CTY3taI StrUCtU" Of SilVar Oiddie, by V. Scatturla et &I. SPMISii,, per, Ricarca Sci, Vol 27, No 7 1957,0 Pp 2163-M72. NASA TT F-99M ~ 7 sl~-. Us So GOVERNMENT USH ONLY Sci-Men Apr 66 2980757 Adsorption and incorporation of Sulfur Ions in Zir= ilum Oxide Films, by Mario Wamghini, Maria Berra,, 12 pp. MILT - -AL11, per, Ricerca Sai, Vol vDn'll, 1957, pp H3 P468-P4Vr.---` ABC Tr 3145 Sci - ChemlstX7 Apr 58 R-11032--wD- Interact-ions, D--tween Tetracyclines, 3crum and Bacterial Cell, by Tito Berti, Lorenzo C:L,1-1. ITALIAN, per, la Ricerca Scientifica, Vol KXVII, P---ZS-- 110 9, 1.957, P ".--- *JPR,9/cor=erce Sci-B & M Sci Horated Calci= A-Iuminates,. by G. Sabd-ppoap R. 11,=Isiami. U-rTCL -r-rkLTAN, per, Ric Sai., Vol YXfl'.Is NO 1-2-a 1957P PP 1.654-3663- - DBIR 33490/C? sai - Cbmm we 59 -7 -.9 .2 --:5 g