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J4EVUE ft"MNALL Ut LVILLWHICITE Iga!'A w1b vv4v-v6a , . . 70-21993 40> 192b VIO kb P175-161' 10-RI?6b I-W V.Ok Pbl?-o2l 70-21994 4926 V24 NJ P27-Wb ?o-2UO14 4V39 V4b NII/M P33b-443 70-i!162o 1939 Vl%b h13/4 P3"-3b* 70-2182b lvb3 v"k NJ pou-4b bb-IZ3?7 (*> lVb4 V63 P413-lslb VO-1309b,-2UC .RDER FROM liTC Iftrium Lwtatw System Direct Nnout Dyne= with Cons,tant Voltage and Variable sl;eed,, 3 P- FRIM11j, perp Aevve Oewr&U, do I'MactmIcite 1924P VOIL V WO 3# PP W-W. (French P"tent 5 o63 doilvered, 16 )kW 23 pub. 21 Aug STA 59-17947 eel N"'. 60 fl?l Val 2 0 so 11 The Progress and Present State of the Technic Of Loaded Lineal by L. D. Cabeno 10 pp. ' ) No 7s 14 PML7ff,, Verl xm Feb 1925j, Vp 243-245. BIA TV 2227 Sci - Elactricity - j 4 j W/ -~z4z Agu 57 The RMaoymvt of the Wheatstone Bridge in Alternating Cu--.mnt Meamurements,, by J. Carvallo,, 46 pp. FRMH,, erjo Rev Gen Elec, Vol XVII, 28 Feb 1925, pp 337-3C9- SLA Tr 57-2243 sci Aug 58 ~ ;~, ~ 7~/ A P*tenticmtrie Metbod for Analyzing the Harmonies of A.C. Current Waves of Alternators, by A. Blondel, 25 pp. FFMH,, W. Bev Gen Mee,, Vol XVII,, 7 gar 1925,, pp 363-3~8- IMA 57-2109 Sol may 58 Ifewmring the Residnal in Voltage Curves by the Bridge Filter WthDd., by G. :BeIfils,, 13 PP- FFOWHI per Rev. Gen Elecj, :3 Apr 1926. S.L.A. Tr 5T-342 SOL - mectricity tf9je ? 9 8 MY 57 A Now W-thod of DmatigatZg t1,-- Haxmonic T-in- pwities of the VoltaW Ouritea of Alternatore or of Net6orks by Mans of f*rstematically . Defomed OscL23x4pWh Curvep by A. 'Blon"al, 34- PD. ImmR. pert. 4 Dea 1926., PP 833- 837i6, 11 Doetat J, pp X. S.L.A. Tr 57-343 W 5T gao New Radio Broadcaoting Laws by M. Ad j, 18 pp. . V#.?tper,, Rey Gen gLecp Vol XXI., 29 Jan i9pn't PI) -, SLA Tr 57-2M Sol - Zlec Engr Jul 58 )4 7, Y-~T lw-~ glst=km OommadvatIm Datomm Pover PUnts and D"Ufaitim-8 efttl=w, by 1. Dalmlap 99 pp. I amp mas P=p ftv Om Mae;, Vol MCIO, 2 Apr 2927,, pp 539-547. -*"--"-" ' OZA Tr 57-2131 a" an 58 4 Y) d (10 7 The InptaUation of High Frequencr Telephonv on tbe Systems of the Societe Pnergie Eleatrique de la Basso-Isere, and of the Societe de Transport dIftergie du Centre., by H. Dubois, 18 ppa. FRMMM, per, Rev aen Elee. Vol XXI# 25 Jun 1927, PP SXA 57-1580 sci - Blectrouiet; MaY 58 No-tea on the Conceptions of Frequency and Wave- Length Applications to Radio Broadcasting,, by M. Adam, 50 PP- FHMICH,, per, Rev 0 lec., Vol XXIIj 26 Nov 1927, Pp 871-67-5., 679- Sci AU& MA Tr 57-1338 '~ -. C/ / Oct 57 71te Definition Temperature of Industrial Gages, by C. E. Guillaume, 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue Generale de ItElectricite, Vol XXM, Jan 1928, pp 73-76. 9226582 AEC-UCRL-Tr-1141 (L) Sri-Electr Jan 65 271,797 Concerning the Definition Temperature of IndustrIal Gages, by M. A. PeraLrdp, 6 pp., FRENCH, per, Revue Generale de ItElectricite, No 23, Jan 1928, pp 169, 170. d 2 9226780 AEC-UCRL-Tr-1140(L) SCI-Hlecrr Feb 65 273,436 N(Aes on the AccWent~l Grounding of an Electrical Network aW on the Protection. Agaimt the Remating D&vWs,, by L. Barbillims S. Tessuar,, 39 pp. Imm, per, Rey Gm,,Xlacs VC11 XXV, So 3. 19 Jan 1929, VP 87-9A- MA Tr 57-&8 Bel - Xlectr Ity j-,)./.:rs-7 Aug 57 Tl:o-- Pivoting 21&-ento of Faectric Meters, by G~ Grwidbergy 12 pp. FMCH, j?er, Rev Gen Elect, Vol .10171Z p NO 81 1930.t TE"2 ) p pp .273-282. A. SLA 57-3144 gel Aug 58 71, 3 a2 % Dangerous Current Intensity and Minimum Resistance of the Humn Body, ks 5 PP- FFMM,, per, HeY.Gen Blecp Val %XX1Vjq No 26,, 30 Doc 1933j, pp 694 -W. ---- SEA Tr 57-1402 Sci - Electricity A-x/ -5- Oct 57 Calculation of the Strain at the Top of an Augular Pole Subjected to the Strain of An Electric Power Transmission Line, by J. Forget, 7 Pp. H, MMM) per Rev Gen Met,, Val XXKV, 130 2, (1 93 1934, p Man" SLA 57-2453 Sci .ral 58 7.3,0 t.Irv -Tktte--, -P ~T% per, Re Vol )OXV, NO 19~ May v GerA Elec, - pp 66!i' 0"66. SLI Tr 57 1078 Sci raectronice Jon 5 Dcperlwataa Contribution -to the Theory of Leelaaehe battarics$ by R. Cordebas,, 1+1 PP. FMCHt Rev Wn Mee, Vol MV, no 21, 26 MAY 1934,, pp 709-719. SUL 57-2127 Sci My 58 63 17a~ ,, 1-7 zxu:tmd= PropWtion of Electromgnetic Waves in a Tubat by L, BrLUoidnp 49 pp. H. perA Rev Gen glee, Vol XL,. No 8, 22 Aug 1936, pp 227-239 a SLA Tr 57-2424 Sai Aug 58 ~ ' 6 eA, 7 z/ SUctrlc $got Weldlng and hbeel Welding of slimin- I= and Ito AUoys (1)s 9 We FRHNM.. per# Rev ~-_ XLeap Vol X*, No 8, 27 An& 19380 Pp 241; --- ixi~.- sci srA or 57-2163 Ja 58 4 gi .0 '? Al Latest Tidal Power Developments: (,'ombinIng of Tidal Power Stations With Hydraulic StatIons of Thermal Generating Plants., by A. Defourr FMCBS, &evuwm nerale de 1631ectrIcite, vol 44, No 15.. 15 Octobe J. PIP 463:T7-3. USA Corlm of Rn6r., Waterways Exper Sta Tr 39-51. Sci - Ragineering, bydraullcv,, naval Scon - Transportation, riverj, wate*,r 1-; . . . .. ................................... Available on loan at.Researcb Center Library Propagation of Slactrougaetic Waves,, by P. David, 116 PP. PSSM, per, -- - --IbLzhloc - - .4"'Vol ILV, 11 Mar 1939, Py 393-316; 18 Mar 1939J pp 333--350. SIA Tr 2188 Sci - SlectrGuity "'raj 6 S7 Aug 57 Uce of an Blectrou Tube Amplifier as Variable MWedence 21 ntp by R. Chireix,, 22 pp. MWR.0 Verp Ray Gen Elea, "ral XLVII,, No 17-18.9 27 Apr i. 1940's V - JUL I - 3" " WA Tr 2165 Sci - MActrMlos : ~ --2,, 9' 3 3 Sep 57 matianatica Representation of lbrato ~ Gig cyt3A3, r by Pierre BrIcM,, 20 p, EF y Rj, park Rev" Gewrale do I'Zlectricite,, 1945,, Vp 1o 6-4 183-1.91o Vol Ll PP SIA 59-3,7948 act Fob 60 Vol 20 X0 10 Hamada:olf, B. DRYING 01: VARNISH COATINGS -IND WET SLTR- FACES BY INIFRA-RF-l HEATING: DESCRUMOIN OF LQUIPMEN I-. 12 iz-:!) 4S. 9p. (figs. ornitted). Oid,.,r frcM SLA fl. IG 62-1~347 Trans. of Revue dc I'Elcctricite'(Franc~) 1945 Iv. 54. no. 110] p. 298-302. DESCRIPTCRS: 'Ccating. 'Varnishes. J)chvdration, *Infrared raJiauon. Sarfac--s. Nl-~isturu, *infraled equipment. 62- 1 R347 1. liaznadazoff, B. (Maturials-Finishes, -IT, v. 9, no. -7) offks of Twimkol %"vices 62-16467 Peyches. Ivan. THE PHYSICAL BASES OF THE ELECTRIC MEL.T- 1. Peyches, 1. IPG OF CLASS (Lee Bases Ph Iques de Is Fusion Electilque du Verre). [19621 (Z). (foreign text Includ(M) 77 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 62-16467 Trans. of reprint of Revue angrale de Vilectri(:116 (France) 1946. v. 5STn-oT 4 ~p. I DESCRIPTORS: *Glass, Melting, Temperature, CA)n- ductivlry. Electrolytic cells. (Materials- -Ceramics. TT, v. 8. no. 7) fcz- 1311--iltaneovs Ccn;, vartars and "Actadis" Remote Apparatus in the Sam NetvoTk, by 14. Dozorl.-vignior. FFOMis pers. Revue Gerwrale do llfilectri- cites Voi LVII, 1948, pp 241-2,IS. NZDIA May 6 5 Z4mUnG Mmdfh Pazuwmt Opamtlng Ccoditlow of XRMed WbUlbablm ftrop bY U* R. Dad=* 17 PP& !~Vwl, Plev am =oats, Vol Wins so ne ,-- zvw* VP 4714M SU Tr 57-2759 Sol All 58 6 f~ S// 7 Fo3awla and GraphIc Table for Determirtl~~ the, Currents Adminsible'into Almdaum and Al=iaum Alloy Baxog Tabes and Sections# 14 P2. FPMM,, per Bev Gan Sleep.-Vol LIX9 So 3.. mar 1950, PP MA Tr 57 -2614 sel Jul 58 ~ f 9,:~ _~ TT- 63 - 227 28 Moenigir, K, DOM G., wd Dminm L CCWMBLMOH '10 AN MVESTVA71ON OF WE I .Pau&=Ier, &L ELECTJW LOSSRS ON H. V. a Q LINLS. Pmt- n. DuhauL G. TKxrLAR S7UDY OF YA)rER DROPS AT FICKED 111. Denumu L. POOM (Cunt~lon a I'Btude des Pertes Electriquei: IV. Title: rartIcular ... dans les L4pes 4 00mramet Continu & thuto Tensi- V. NRCC-TT-IM4 Etude Berticullbre des Gomes d'Eau an Fbint Fize) VL NRCC-C-4483 R. kC bkrris. tr. 1963. 10p 7refs NRCC Technical VU, National Research Trans. 10" Ccxmcil at Cknada Orderr frKm MACC $0. 30 NACC-C-4493 TrBas. cc Rorie Chifinte do 1,9140ruto (France) , , , , ract available) st 193% v. ", = 3. p. lU--1m . (Ab DESCRUWR& 0111ectric cables. *Transmlsstm lints, r,)irect, cu:7rent. Iftter. Drops. Mactric dischsrg". BlecMical CoromL k is shmn that the phenomenon of suspenddid drama d' water cc is condector under voltage to dile principle Offl- f T-hM..1 5-1- (EW%w*xLng--Hl0ctr1CRL T7, %,. 11, 11). 4) (owr) of 1~)rojdal ColUs by R. Gawnavej, 14 yp. - an 19. Vol L3Xs Fimmi. fflms amm am--Wmu No 4j. 1950v 117-i ~M ASC-W-Tr-3D~9 Sol - RaC7. oot 63 Some Applicutims of 5*-Cycle Induction Beatingy by J. Miussieuxj. 14 pp, FRERCH, perp Rev" ftmnab do I 1111=~dSlIgr Vol MI., "o 7.p 1950x pp 265-"91. rociemUfic - EnZineerina# meta3my ateelp induction beatings furnams Mi tranals"r-M FBM=i,- PW6-1= ontga ft 3-312wcite~ .W. Vol 9lb PAX& 19W# IN 35L op 35T. AM F-W- T62k-M scientifta - Eleatroacsj remo MA 805181 Jtm 52 CM MU u~~ast~t x;lectric L-';LaId Surfaces, by noel J. !,Qlici . FMC.Uy pmj 4232e_Qez~ermle d1l3lectricite; Sect. Ocientif ique pt i~50-1- 76; Navy Tr 2580/NRL 798 Sei MBLUEMM Electricity jui 6o Idea puper "qWlcmj~# b7 ff- Oeorpj. L. N*tMwo 21 PP- nwoo, Pero am am Uftp Vol tmrs, 1b 220 D" 1*8 pp MA O-W.1 a" A" 59 9t. 04 4 I f ~l,'iin-%rilputlcn to ~Ot~LEnmrl=tal Bti~dy. of tba Uts-wnwl D:L*jxUcs=nt of Sy=bronoals Mehims. FRENCH, per, Rev G~q4 Elec, MMM-ML739 59 pvf'?f Amthocts for the tbasuremut of High Electkic Resistances =,d of Low Capacitances, by H. 1'. PMOi,, per, Rev Gen Elec, Vol May 19510, pp 7W.212. NASA IT F-8M Very Plasencia. LX, No 5, U. S. GORMtEff USE ONLY S'ci-slec Jul 66 306,1544 Theory or Ionized Ron& With Translational Symetry., by Mg Hoy&=., 61 pp. PYOM, rwo Rev OEM Zlec,~ VU LXj 1951P pp M-291. , "' --- - , - AM V=,-Tmm -578(L) SCI - ph~m 19 awl 61 Ai~ -5~ -11 Pape!' ConclenSe,-,l~ ClIcillr* Alte.--nactin-r Cu-rent. Factors L1211:1 . 1, - u and Lossec, by l1r.J. Cocluillion. Gen. Elect. %lol. -1, 11 L- ISDOC/110TIF. T. 15,)3. PP. 2 Sci 1, 1 ~ I N I I i1 1, 1, mitt,O 7 ~t. 10 162 BvLo IL., I ricllt~ Wl f"") 17, 5) Tests C"oitcei-ning the nealatawe of Elcc-I~Acai Equipment in Tropical CUrates, *by A. Delfteu, 33 PP - FRMH, per, Ztev CItn EIAM, Val I;Xk, No 12, Doc 1952, nP pp 551-559. --- MA Tr 57-241-9 Sai Aug 58 ~ (10' 9,61 C4awn. Gilbert. NON LLNEAR FLECMOMECAHAMCAL SYSTMIS (Sys- t6nes Nectrotndcaniqties non Lln6alres). [19641 (42p) 17refs Order fruni ST.A $4. 60 7T-U-111352 Trwj& of Revue GC-nL-ralc de I'Viecl ricitt (F rance) [19531 v. (Z rx). 6. p. 277-285, 293. TT-64-10352 L Chhcz6 Q YF, v. 11, no. 12) ZWKIty or 3roulud MmUa With JUntent V&Usp by bbx ZVOUK. E=M pwp avvm annorau as :L~~tg vax ato 1"~v -ii We Sol - Nualmor Sclence HiEthoi of of the I-lor-k-l"li-te, tyf thc Synchronous F--chine In Tdo~ :1 Uo-r-i-ling Ooti- ditionx, by D. fficdi-Sapen, TAUMCH,, per,, Rev Gen Zle~-JoVol Ull., 1953, PP nvs=-Tl740 sci Ang 58 ~-3 3 0 c4yatal SLLJ~~t6 &L-A'! !;Q-,: ~;CtLicdja C~: Naafitwing Iron Lossaaj by A. Rlabai:d . UZ C L FRMN, per, Rev Gen*al Slacts Vol LXIII,, Wo 12" 1954. -, " Dritieh Iron and Stael Ind (no number aLvan) sci - bcLn/bwt q 9 -311~ .5- UP 59 T and F Cable Works, by A. Aignau. MMM, per, Revue Oewrale de Ziectricite 1954p ry 7-17.- ASLIB GB 10/700 Sal - Zliectricity '19a " laj Apr 62 Contribafton to the $4tr ot SWIM C=tacU, by No R 0 Myow. (04) PIN= Pwt !~T- Oft XLOGS Va my$ Ib Ip -1955" pp 1;33 - AMM41*3 Sol Aug " 9,54-P, 07 % K On the Triboelectric Properties of Various Synthetic Fiber Tissues, by 1.. Darmois. FRENLH$ per, Revue Generale de I$Electricite, Vol 63$ 1954, pp 413-415. NTC-70-13096-20C Feb 72 The Lake 2kwich Crossift Wlth 5MY ftree-ftase Cables, by L. Dmenmeb. t lilt S-JXWp Beme Mon Ilectro Val LUVP War 1955, vp mfo. AKJB-aom Sol- Aug " ?5, .7 3 7 If Sttidy of the Phermena of Gaseous Ionization Voids In EL8b-VOltW 0ableal by J, Oudin. a, a per,# Bev Gen.glecA, Vol LUVj- J~m 1955# Vp 267-272. ASLTB-MP.5 act At* 58 17d, q';~Z 7he Neu 175 '-./B CeUtrhlized Telecoutrol Ripple Control BYstem Mopted by Ilectricite 69 Prence, by F. Cehen, R Prigent. FFd=, per, Rey Ow Zlec,, Vol X,, 'Det 1955s pi 475- hft. AMZ-001V.~ scri Jul 59 ~~7'1 .5110;z ere, ... !=-! mzlVl--lb-wM:)n to Vie Sluudy of the Disco=ection of IfItth Voltpge Motors, by P. Lnftnt- FRMM, rer, Rev Oen Sloe, No 10, 1955, ip 485-490. ASLLO-CM43 Sci Jul 99 -,5"3 Z/ by the ParpsAtIlc of A~mat-ltre Rnaction, by N. G". ,T MTH, per, 2ev Gean Elec, Roy 19551 P-P 557- 576. ASUnl-G360 Sci AUC 58 '/Z' Protection Agpinst Short Circwdt Currents in I.v. lnst-qll-~tlons, by 0. Bouvier. FREILT, T-er, Rev _C.,~'enMec, 1955, r; 591-601 sci ACLIB-711343 Jul 59 q1 ~ 9 -,:~,L! of Turbo- r'llterfiators as ,vnciironoiq by Y. E'nault. de D. Ik) 3, 1956, pp 'V, S,21. glectron CutoUts Vith Current-UnitIng Fusesp by R. FRWH.- parp Rev 0M1..X;W,*# Vol LVj, So 4,, Apr 19560 pp 209-2LYr. ABLIB-035 11 .7 'A / - SP4 f:~ / Ib t Aug 56 7d., in ats of a theory of Sliding Coutiactap by a. ma"Ur. UNCLASSVIND FR=CR, per$ MY - - - - - -Val Lino 19057Y vp 207-M. ME Tr 696 SaL - Electronics aw 58 ProbiAm of the Vibx*Uons of Ovwteed Llm Con3matars, b7 J. Deberon, PFMR,, por., jpm. do LIMActriclut (is, pp hb~ "I ~ 2"t .. .'' '. .1 Vol Ian$ No 068910R.O. Scl - EMeetric // 0/ / ?f W 60 Electrical Properties Of Sihcone Carbide. Inter- pretation Of the DynarAc Characteristic. Theory Of Non-olmic Resistance, by R. Goffaux. FT09CH, perr-Revue--ae"&Pale-De~--ILLElectrici Val LXVI, No 11, 1957, pp 569-1576. CSIRO Oct. 62 Chinon Power Station of French Electrtcity . by J. P. Roux. FRENCH, per, Revue General de I'Electricity, Vol LXVII, No 7, 195-9-,~-PBT-~563V---- *AEC Sci - Electricity Yhy 59 Nu'U'Q:L:7 1*1-D'Itacts of -11cc,"ricitc dic -JI-1 aud llein3 Pliumed. Partz M and IV, b-;, j. P. BOLL':..' 19 .14 , p~r, Rev G-n Elec, Vol LXIVII) 195 FM CII 0, PP 3-514-364- AEC IGIS-36~PD/2) Sci - tfu,:., Feb 60 MActift&U,v Offlamted Chrcemater Iscavements. am Tramistm --W-=00 Iq *. Lunt* 11 1 It yor* Ma 2mroU JIS L'MgqjMjLteLv Vol 68o Jb 3# 1959,p vp 191-e0l. NEZ PAt: ~eW (2248) Sol-lglectrv"cs Jul 66 360p834 F-43 ~.j - J0" -D Dio-placemnent Spee of Electt:-JcI jjrcz~. in A.4--, by A. L. Fechant. r,salu-, per, Revue General de I'Llectricite, %10-1T --:(VIII, No 9, 1959, pp 519-525- *JPR3/Ar, Sci Aug 64 Eliact-r-ic Brahj-ns of !-. C. - iad D. C. by J. =,,!,'CII. per, Bevue Genercle de L"-Plec~riciLtc., 110 1, ic,~,6c, pr IC"- Vol Go 35- C;B Ci- 3 3 8`1 Control o~,' P:zilway Trn~'--'ic, tY :VC;:, -,or, I.evue Cerieralp de LIFIcctricitc, Vol l."Pl', 2, 960, 91-107. (10/43/1'll/T 7, F:~i~ 63 Application of the Powder Figures Method to the Study of Corona Discharge in Insulating Materials, by 11, Bertain. FREKH, per, Rev Gen 91 Vol 69, Sept 1960, pp 461-474, Le-c t- v C.H# Trans 5306 Sci- June 70 62-14653 Pautivenet. R. FERRUES AND SOFT MAGNE71C ALLOY& [19621 1. PauEhenet. R. 17P. (12 f1gs. bibliography omitted) Order from SLA $1. fQ 62-L4653 Trans. of Revue G6m4rale de 1'~Jectxicit6 (France) 1%0 [v.'-69;-n6:*'TlT-p-~-6Ur-61T.- DESCRIPTORS- *Ferrites. OFerromagnetic tnaterk" Alloys, MWwdc materials, Electrical Industry, Smil- conductors. *Mtgocdc alloys A survey. (Phyalca-Magnotlam, Tr, v. 8, m 7) Mechanism of the Production oglaltiples of the Third Harmonics in Three-Phase Transformers, by H. Prigent. FRENCH, per, Revue Generale de I'Electricite., Vol 69, Dec 1960, pp 631--6-TX-.- - __ EBS Trans 464 EBS Trans 434 mar 71 Buzbarz Nitb Ccz.,-Ul. S-- iFery Ileavy Currenta, by F. CoSpet. FROM,, per) vo-.. Lxxj, 1961, pp 14i-15o. ,"4 E cTro Sci-AW Feb 63 IMDLk 3, Vew M-,thod for C~lculz-,ting the IfIech-,,nic-,l D--s--T-;n of Overheid Line Conductors, by F. Bl,,~ty- FIG1,1011, per, Revue Generale de .'L 'electric ite ~ Vol '71, No ~i, 1962, pp 424-426. NZDIP Sci - AU'S &( 335,177 Protcction Aytilist oil S,-msitivc Di-L"fere--ntial Circjit -Ly J. Norel, R. Mosur, R. 7 Rcvuo- G~mzrnl d~-- ILElcctricitc, Voi 71, No 11, 1-- - '~ I ,ZL, PI) l17i DL,, Investige,don of Radio Intcrfarencu Due to Static H.T. Rectifiers, by J. Cic-u1c, C. Gary, 1.11. Moreau. =,I(',l '-, Iper, Revue Generale &-. VeZLzetricite, V')-L I Z NU U, IqU3. NMI:-, 3(A - J1.1 U'( n to the Study of Interference Produced by Mediu;i Tension Lines, by Mr. 1--rc, u, (.',. G,~. ry. PREVClij per, Revue Genercle de 1 'Electric ite, 1(,'Z3, PP 18-503 NZDTA Sci - Jul or 334, 515 Fasults Obtained with Miectronl,c Control of a Gemzutor Set at GennevIniers Power Station, by J. Goddiat. MBMM.p perj, Rev Gen xLectr-c-n-Ime., lb go6jp Jan 1964., Vp W-38-7 cm C.S. Trans 5145 Sol"Inergy Oct 69 394,592 mactriml Of the Migratim Tandencdois of 4 Me - p by B. Bmvier, B. Fau=. ,"A pwi, Bvnw GWmswal& d lasetrulte, lrol 73, 19D 51, VP 295-0. XW-69-1612D-Ul Bei4ktarlals Fab 70 bO3oOhl Calculations of Nbchanical Strisses. in Coils of Rovolutions Used for the Prodw:tion of Intense Wtpuetic Fields, by B. Lem. FPMQ1, par, Revue CAmerale do ItElectricite, Vol 73, MM4, pp 632-936. *Aee-2-34Q C'- S-C /V'7 c, / i - I ~Zje C' Sci/Electromics Jun 66 NEVOL Gt"OkLE Ou FNUID LT DES UOISTR ILS FHIOQHIFIQMS A"* N? pbol-bgs AEC-7R-3693 'RDER IPRW MC Vzus wels Comforeme an R*ft:4pvatiuS Zqulpwut of FlAbIng P=tsv YMMM,p No 'Is 1953-s VP 676-03. D.B.I.R../gTM4 Wftr ob rson" llzd scomaku , 7d d AW $j QUAks Befr4pratIng Equilment of ftshl3g Portas, by No Dave. IMMAP part ROT Gen Yrolda Jon 19320 pp 4-30. 0.8.1.R./27OL3 Mbw - Yxwwo .4 NCOOMBU 'ye6,, 6 1e, Y~ Apr 57 em/am ducto i~b,t Been StorilizcU I),- uics.ii, oy Kerre Vikitt),, I M.' , pe. v 1, llt~ vu Came ralo du. Fm/x,-.3r,,43 A,U~v -T r - 160, Sc.ft Aug 591 00 Calcolatioa of the Time of Cooling of Foud Proou,'~s., b.Y D~ RLIZOV. PREICH, per, Revuo Genorale du FroiirP Vol X:~.(Vll , No 6, 1960, pp 565-S69~ C~IRO/No 5838 Sci-111.01 & Med Sci M a r 6 .-- I *~" '~ ~~ a -s- at 01, . j Co-4sual Ag(mts, Conditions of Dovolopment asid Treauient of Ctirus Prait Rots, by C. ;',!oreau. F)'2NCI, per, Revue Generale du Froid, Vol XXXIX, Wo 4, 1962, Pp 425-433. QM1,0 7030 .4ici-B/M Apr 65 2730467 Cvaiml Agents, C~Dnditionr. c-L and of Citr--ls Fruit Rc-us., by C. FEENCH', I:er,. Re-rue Generaled-,, Frcid., ?r~, n,-;.4., jc~,`3, '1~. 1,2~--33- 1-;TC 71-1 1 O~h'-CL-l -s' ',,I 1, . rrz-,:'%ii~!t~-xi an:1 Concunr,tion of ri~:7 in ir ~,le ar~ C',a- ',-la,~ Tinn, 1 TrM, ne r., 'Revue (CC,U IT .0 Eir, T 57-jl. j, Dnr- Tr V-01-1 Uo~ei; c.-D thz Applicatiou to a Lai7p Fiver of Ex:~cri- iYot-Iii-v-71-1 On Sral.1-8vale Yodclv, of c 1 s 'Wi th Irregular Cross Bections, by V. H. Pevue Generale 6e 1113~~1~lue, Vol 1, IJSA Corps of Engr, Wntervaya Exper Sta Tr 40-24 Sci 1rAgineering, bydri3ulics, uaval Econ Trauspartation, river,, water Aval!-,~bla on loari at Reaenrch Center Library On the Use of Acrodymmic Pro:ME?s for Piers of Over- fall Weirs., Movable Dams.. and Bridges, by Laoriold Zscand,-- and G. Setba'Cha. FRENCE, Reytie Generale do I'Hyd-mulicipe, -No 10, ="Z - -- "- ~: - July-Ituvat 19jo, pp -3-12p. USA Corpe or Ew. Watervays Exper Sta Tr 40-11 Sci Zngineeringj IVdrsulics, w-mal Econ Transportation, river, vmter Available an loan at Reaearch Cauter Library t~p; WuL~,-v Hat r in Prebsure Pipes of Multiple --h-acteristi-s,by Charles Ja~-:;er. Generale de 11MIrsulique Vol 2 No 12, 7",- ~.wee _m7!ber 1936, -P 67r,'-6b3. USA Corps of EW,, Waterways Exper Stu Tr 40-35 Sci - Engineering, bydraulics, navail Hcon - Tramportation, river, water Available on loan at Research Center Library IllovelpitNit" ar Cornaglia, by J. 7xzran. FFM'"'r' Rel?qq~ De Vol 'I, Ko 18, lRovembor - Doce-i7iltor USA Corps ar EnSr, Watenrays !k.-p-zr f3ta Tr Sci .- Iftya--milic:3, --77r-l Econ - Transportmtion, river, watur an Ic-an -.-% Ta'Cr,:~l'y New AmtInirc2,4,)ft blountal of the "r-Izarro" CInss Frtgstcm, by Jnvier Camon del Valle, 11 pp. UNCUMIMED SMISH, per, Revisto Q04gral-0 Marins, Vol t= CXLV, Nov 195~;-ff -'j91-50P- Nevy Tr 949/CHX 1246 WEur - Spain Military - Idery K LEmding Craft, Vision, Courage and ... to the Beach, by R. Vierna, U?U. SPANISH, per, AMUUX==j e, Vol CIXIX, I _ftjj5!jn .,.-'eb 1960, ]pp 2W-214. Navy Tr 2612/oill 764 RE - Spain Sep 60 ~7 / gj~6 .Avm'L Inf-mytry, the Unkuovm Factmr, by J. X. CoSta X'*urUa. UMM SPARME, per, FoAsta General de Marins, mar 1.061, 35,8-382~ Navy Tr 2017/cm:E 866 im . -Tta4 mi Jul 61 K)MI: UIA-', 01- SU'1-F(.)NANIIDF RLSJ',~. 10 lr,m~. Alf I\t' ,JUL' I Gvn[,rak~ d., S1 htlljl~,rt si jut I V. I)LSCMITORIS: Sul'onatilide,, RL-sms, 04- 02 - 10360 Francmicod, THE PREPARATION Of' FORMALDEIIYDE FROM 1. Francisc(XI, SIE-MY1 - ALCOIIOL- 1943, 101). 3 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10,3110 Trans. cif Rcv[ucj C&n[6ralc des] KUt [i#-Ircsl plasti - ques (France) 19.19, v. 15, p. 302-306. DESCMITORS: Preparation, 'Formaldehyde, *Mcthawls. (Unannounced) RLVUL OthLRALC UtS MATILKES PLAIPVIWUES IV39 Vlb P319-ARI 70-20016