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TME FORT OF RIO DE JWWO, tr. by C. & So 3 Wr 58 (10b6 Ordar from M or SLA $1. 10 59-12017 Trsms. how Rorists do EW%*"JA Militar (Sr"Ll) 1957, ft/Oct. DFSCPIprws.- OBMZIL Motwv. Manage- WAXI M$W"IrIDS6 COMUNrC% Slips. cars% Hu- dlb3& Transportation. Wardmsm. PAschWwy--Tr&wpoM 7T. Y. S. am 5) I. 7IUw. Rio Do )m*= 1 OArmA, Brazil R-42-58 e. 7 3 6-3D-62 Ones Of T-do" S--fcOO BridSm Over the River fta Fra=Lsco, BE-2 of the Porto AbWns - Cmdas do Sul See- ticup 7 VD. IMM rommum p". al mlsft -ft BwAbarla Imutari No 222j. N;-Sm 19"s s9 154m, 35p 36. a AM I[-p= ID 21A'399 K. E. Schecil Scolytidae and Platypodidae of Africa. Part I. PORTUGUESE, per, Revista de Ehtomologia de Mocambiguej, Vol 42 1961,, pp 498-501 NTC 72-60495-06C sept 72 Communicatimm on a Revolutionary War, by R4z"On 0114ar MarqUeZ, 15 pp.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Spdudsh, per, Revixta de la Eiscuela Superior de Guerra. No 347. Oct/Dec 1962. pp 429-451. 9220079 Paroxysmal Tachycardia - Ita Clinical Evaluation, by F. Duclos. SPAMSI-4 per, Rra p-span-I o a. Vol XY' No 4 1�'6-2 pp 31�--3t4. NASA ~H F-9554 Sci - B & M Sci May 64 U.S. GOVERNWIENT ONLY 258,685 of W>,perunision, by A. Azpitart(,-, ct al. por, Roy* Esp. Cardiol. .'lo 15, D620 !)P 557-6Z.- Ald-12-16-64 ;SCi/j~J'7 J r sop lis 2 &;1 , 76!) Porphyrinuria in So-Called "PeriaLic Peritonitis", by H. RriaG VaUejo, 5 pp. SPANTM, Rnfem. Avusto 0, XvIII Aua 1959j, pp 71- 7 - Sci - Mbd jul 61 LW Phinluntion of Phenothiazine DerivarA ? eu by che Uziv- of the Isolated Ro3t of by M. 'Soluc=, A. flora, 8 Ipp. SP.0131MR, per, Revista Eup=ol,a cla Fii;icloada, Vci:L VII, 1~51V pp 2'21-224- NiH i-3o.-6o Scii - Mad, Dica dhi 7 Feb 60 .1/ Intestinal Absorption of 2-Desoxygluccees, by A. Bois, 6 pp. SPAVISH per, Revists Eupsnola de Fisiologia vol xii, No IJ~ 9 ~P -7- NIH Tir 9-13 Scl - Medicine Uct 57 Wterridnation of D 800 mid its Elimination Product in Biological Fluids, by Pierre Mesnard, Rene Crockett. 13 pp. SPANISH, per, Revista Espanola da Fistologia (Spain) Vol 16, Suppl 3, 1960, pp 163-173. SLA 17F-64-16841 sci/B4M Jul 66 305,956 ItudowaftL lame and Rgerimardo coi w wout MA C- I twig ft--, Mmm*um VIM 90*in,, ft"t w or an* ift&mrss 31f yp. &won 'im) , ~4~ !!!~ -awo. -v" =W1, &W, pp %-M. Em 144 Od - lbd V* 59 40 -9-4 f,' r / Co"tribuLion to th Fbarmacotharspoutic Study of Burdocks by F. UaeoWtev 7 PP * SPAN=, per,, Rev 1_" -a., Val Xp . ~ -jkd y IC5WW Apr lqn~ Vp 210--W. 9LA 57-29852 set 7/ ,~ 7~4 58 lt~lcu!-reurl". ~Alateral liyztxric tzmuroo.1f,, IDy Barea, .1.3. pp, spjailsli, per,, Pev Ev-Ce.-IOVLqUx" N-Uu,'' Vol vi, 19411 !,P -M 1.13--t.0- SLA 57-61oo Sci - Medicine -T~ ~ 4 -) - I (o o o Mar 58 - ~~ d" '~t '-2 / POLYCYSTIC OVARIES AND VIRILIZATION, BY M. DOMINGUEZ-ADAME Y COBOS, 12 PP. SPANISH, PER: REVISTA ESPANOLA DE OBSTETBJ_Q_IA GINECOLOGI.A,- V&L -Xvill, 1959, PF' 13-24. 141 H 7-56-6,,,. 1 1 SCI - MED OCT 62 213,io6 Phpioyathaogy of the Pragwot *mw Who Sackes, by 0. RofIrIgum LcVes, 23 PP.- SPAWM., P= a, For Rap Qmt Olma P 10 Val XUj* 100j, pp W-248-. / ,; I . - / -111 -r!,i -~ ~ L, ~- I icm 1 .6-2- Sol - Had Fab 61k 14R; 1 j 7 9P Coatribution to- the Casulstics of the rIcturc=teinic 4,jr-da-o=, by J. hl. Morales., Bmrcia, D. , E. Amat, 6 pp, SPA77.11511, per, Rev E-span Oto-Neuro-Oftalmol y Nawrocir, No-lb, 1959, pp 'IM--3U-5-. NIR 1-33-62 Max 62 Clinical Ncurophysiology, by G. Dierssen. Durai, per, Rev. Esp Otoneurooftal, Vol 22, 1963, pp 221-228. HEW NIH 9-34-65 (On Loan) S ci /B &M Nov 65 290,563 Ajub,ostarwiej by Jeronimo dm Maragas., 9 yp. SP4UIT$H, psr, Ravlata Yol =0 jul4u'a1958, pp 545-552. In 4-32 sci - wed MY 59 Grnr.alcz Nlencres. A. A NHIV AiNm;~aric, CYCLUNH: FIRST ".Rr,;UlLTS OJI'AINED irs u,- i~., u.,ut:c'nouls rRoci--ssi-s RLsiswrr To GTill-ift A.TFJ~icrrics. (196115p. Ort!L~r from ATS $ S. 40 ATS-39N~ Trans. of leylisLal Espinjolx 4--l PedlatIl 1,11 (4,11p) IM, Y. 16, no.'95, p. M-101. 61-22170 2. eff, -, i a 3. Infect io,,. -11-- rapy I M, A. S, I F"I t cr.,.n c. N. hislwtt-Aldrich ~;Yljidrmv. Prusentat-ion of it Casa, by 1'... 6artchoz Villares, et al. por, IWV. ilodiatr. ~io h), 1963, ,,) uJ3-622. NIA 12-9-64 6cilliIII., 6op 65 2b8,762 . IACV9''STA LSPA"OLA OU ftUIATAIA ....... I '' .lOb3 VIV P7bb-773 70-21623 -- -- I., IRDER IPRM Nrc: ,,gstigation of the Santander T~,paus Epidemiological Inv Focus, by P. Jimenez-Martinez- 6 ,u,, S ~~ A L, 1':, '!o-Ota. 183 -1 94. STA 57-1650 Mar. 58 IPIAU for tl~o stuay O:C tiao pe:rxviar, Eco ';~iraaeA We Years 1942-196L>, 'by D.-. jAvenal 110090 L'I!Ddx*w, 23 Pp- COVErowim va 0= $MM, per., RWIstm do Ift Faculatad up ojjencial, scoamdo" C0=01-civics~, Jul-Dec 1.904, rp. 20-41. JPM Calo 8-6 LIL-Pom Bom Sept 65 236,035 Jl,pvjt-.a-cs of t:Ae PerjwlAa Ind-xtrlal Develop- iwtat ilrt= 1950 to 1-963, bj Joao Espiral MiXimaj, 23 pp- GOVERUIMM Ulm O= SPA=I,, per., 1:A,--Aota do la Fucultad do C., ... I a F40mmic" Camerciales, J--LI-Dec pp- 131-15a. JPRS GUO 375 uk-pera 206,036 A Nov D*vice for the Proauation of Chlorstes, by Axtum Hatis 3 pp. M*J=o per, via& do la ftcultad de qaUgca , vitr-IM, - -..I--,. !~~dwdxulla. z., - - 0 pp j1�-131. S,L*,A4 Tr No 53oA955 Sol - Cbmoi*Wy 4e~6- mw Im M/dex ., V-77 Calculation of the Voltune of v ir in Filling Glass Bottles, by E. Barta, FRMiCH, per, Revue de 1'Embouteillage, jul, 1963, pp 52-56. cpsTi Gj3m-611 322,622 Sci - Materials tsar 67 25 Years of Electric Traction on the Brazil Central, 2 pp. FREVCH, per, Revista Ferroviarie, No 8/9, 1962Y n P 37, (Call'-io' Gi3 z,48 aE u14, Eng Trans) - Army Mali Service LA = Brai~l Soc Dec 62 N 1 i'. OF p, Oi 1-1VINC, CO~'-,ANI'NS. K-il JV, ,t! W11tribUtiOlk to tilt: OLLILL.Y OA-". UXiUZ1t1VC .rjcJl;1xii$i;i UL tile Subcellular &.Vel ill lu.ist, Part Iwo. Pyruvate uxiulaLivc lxtajolis,- in Yc~tst. Purt 'rhree. Tile uxi6i,tive i-ktabolisz:i of Acetate. rjiEi~Qlp por I Rev Fement Ind idi:.-zent, Vol xiv, 1950, pi, 2SI-2u7. IT i:-lu,6021 ;-kiy o7 u0Vi~k:,1LUUvT WL ONLY S 2, 2 2 0 Contribution to the Study of the oxidative Mechanism in Yeart, at the Subcellular L*vel, by E. Vanderwinkel. MENCH, per, Rev Ferment Ind Aliment. Vol XIV, 1959, PP NASA IT F-10,609 GOVERNWM USE ONLY Sci-' Mate ri als Mar 67 320,387 AeJeots lia ChiU )bid gmtfAp of. Llsht AUoya riamilting rx= BrA Txeatmmt of the Mlduk by li. schwd" 4 pp. FMMj, V&rp Dr4m do Fouderle Mbdamep va =a,. 1937, pp 23-25. BIA 60-10737 sai - // 9 /W out 60 VO:L Mi. no 5 130141C1411.4a, (,oometry Rz4 Che-niew, 0. j'acoal, DI Arcom,, 20 pp. 1.10FCRU Val n v 195u, PP cu./z= --,.-61(,- act - Phyaj, Chem ,Y*n 59 EBID I.WrA HAL USZ ONLY jrg- s j, Cal IN a III lip van I I MOBLUM coott"t by - - -0 5 go. I- nMM qw, ftvw 6w PW*w ftum*Low 491'06to Awlts vwm oe" 14W 59 Begun-I* Zype of asvo"t4omn, War, by Cb"l&a ladhaw. VRRM,, Vwl, pAw" do* For"s Tormottrom. V;ft 6. Oct JLVAP pp -*,.---.--- ACU., R.2680 a A wftr - Vrmco MIX fl, , ~ ~ 9 , ep" Fab 59 7 T1xi Psycliological ittraaale In A34uria, 'tyy- Gem TP-b mis . PWMH VUM " per 8 POP Apr Igr p ACSI,j E-e66O,, B =/A - Algeria ftis, Sod Fab 59 Tjw Operation or Psychological Warfam # by Lt Col do Beautonfi. PfU=H,, per, ftvuo doo Forma Tarrmtren, !R* 9, Jul ).Yyfp pp - wftr ACSI, H.?6W, C voqlx - rvance Nil Vab 59 gl tW/ 0 a Methodology ofOubyerolve Warfare, by Col Rocolle. IFRr=, per. Rovuq_Aqm.-rqpqqo Torroatren, 5o 12, Jtpr 1958j pp- jj~O. ACOls 9.26Wv D At WDur - Prance jai Feb 59 Y/, 6 10 / Frm the Axito-Derense to the LIght Anti-Aircratt ni'lls, Drm D" Ito "outmo 110 131 19581 ACSI 11-647 Nn Apt ftom Subwoimlve Warfwm to Fav*Lutiomry UrAl-ftLm, tw ftj fteld. rMlM, par,, ~*r Oil ALI 1958s pp lbu-171. Aftllp Wmuv - Frame* Feb 1~ -~h J I PC _VLI Fo]:CSli, 34-7b---; 36, 71 Method of Statistical Stocktaking in High Country, by 6, Chauvin. E-'FtC-NQI, per, Revue Forestiere, No 11, 1962, PP 919-930, - NZDIA Sci-Agri Oct 63 ,~d/ 3,?5 .1 Patscham.rkofol Fhytotrca, by L. PIWIMI, per, Revue Forestierem Francaise,, No 12, 19606 pp, 769474-.---~ ------ HZDIA Sci-Agri Aing 63 --~Iv / q YO Pzacticel Application of tbi Ritterlich Tele- scope, by T. Blutol. FROMO per& ".PqrWle;m F"mcai",, Vol XIVN He 10 19628 pp 28.43. OU MZDIIA SCI." A -D 513;) .0 t 51-55. 76 7 D T Sci Fe") 63 The 3tracture of Coniferous 3tands in Savo~,,- as a Fiunction o-C E:,.ploitable Aze, b.? C. Dk-,vcaiL,,-, F=-CEI, pcr, Pevue Foresticre F:,-Euicaisc, Etuac -,c ia Nomale des Futaics Res:11-ricuses, Colfr L, .1 69C I) ~ '-7 13 P *Jpr,S/uja-, Sci Oct 6~4 "The Space Researab Pm6ram of th! NatimwA Tele- commmications Study Center., by J, Voge. FMMMp par, Rome Franosise d'Aistronautique, i3o 2, Jul NAU TT F-8329 Sol Apr 6s US W'T OIMY .4 *, q) 1 ~3 Oxygen Regeneration Systems in Space Vehicles, by P. L. Biget. FRENCH, per, Revue Francalse dlAstronautique, No 1, 1063,pp2l-35. NASA TT F-8539 Sci-Ear Sci & Astron Mky 64 UOS, GOVERNMENT ONLY 259,728 Per* ~Wvua -ha 4, Wl LV L22~-IZV. i Tof F-cJJ09 acl-L4-r- Jtxll 6'~ UtLY Some Recent DeveloSwents In the Fla"d of Coto4ydMtea AppIled to the At In&urtryp by T. P. 81"W. PFMCRt per. BMW rnmaine dm Corps Gra-my Vol 2, M5j, PP 305-- WC 6%-15421-07C Sol-Chem van 69 398,3424 lboarstiml AsPooft at As Mmmh.ntW at VAN10- SuomM mal W V- Dwwob Iks ni. "awt ~ I lI-!3$W5Rrt-ftwW C" ems Wt TA MW SKA, 98493 set Avg S A? V, 11fe - Latinoit, J. Li(!, Sirouval, L. , and Ilamakei ~, If. THE HOUSE1101-0 TESF: PRAGMATIC ME-11101) FOR TIIE LXANIINATION OF TIIE PROPERTIES OF i)l:- TERGENT PRODUC I-S~ PT. 1. [19621 17p. Order from SLA $1. 00 02-147'- 3 "rrans. a Rt,[ocj 1--ranVaisc des) CA)rps Gras, 19o1, S, r,,. 1, 1). 1,~-24. -SCRIIII-oltS: *D,-tergcn*,-~, Effectiveness, Fe,t MethOd', -1111tPling. (%la-.erials, I'T, ~. S, w,. 3) 02-1 17' 4 Laktum, S11-011val, L. . and Rarnakcrs, If. TIIL 1K)LISI-1101.1) TES-F: PRAGMATIC Ml:lliOD I Of" 1. L-io:-~~w, 1. THE I.AAMINAHON OF 'FIJI! PROPERTIFS OF 1)1:- 11. S)ILIPIA, L. TERGE NT PRODUCTS. Pl'. Z. 119621 32p. Ill. Fatnak,t-~, If. Or',J,r imm SLA $3.60 62-14754~ Trjri:~. of R~v[uvj Franclaisv dL-sl Corps Gia.~;, 1961, v. 8, no. 2. p. 8S-1W. DIFSCRIPTOR.'-'~: EffuCli%vllt:s~, Tvsl nictiv.),is, *Simpling. ('SVc ally) 02-1475') (Matt-nals, "1-r, N. 8, no. 3) Launoi I, J. du, Sii onval, L. . alld Ila MAL I S, 11. I-HE HOUSf ,HOLD Tl --'ST: I'll AGMATI C' MFIIIOP 17oi\ "HE.- EXAMINATION OF -ME PROIIERTIF-.~, OF il 1EM-11:11-1, PFC)DUcl.s. F-F. :1. [19621 '16p. 1 'mn SLA 5-00 (,:- 1 4 7~;2 (If IlL I I L% I F rancij.i it -1 CXIrpl GIA', ;i~.. :I, p. F2-165. DESCRIPTOR": 'iXitig.111" Fttm-ctlv(!I,:,-~, T."'! IIlL-T,tI0J~;, *SzIlIlPlIII--4- (S'k. A~i,, 62-1-175,4) 02- 14752 Laulloll, kit. S;rouN,il, L. fi-lrla~: I., UY, -;. 8, Ilk). 3) Offic-I T~Wcd 5-1c.. PI-A5tic Pac-;s for Edible Fatty Miterials, R. U. SIDIGIROn. pRp.Nr-j -%nie Francaise des Corps ...i ', Tlk%r, Re ~- . - - . Vol 1XI. No is IM, IF GB/163 Sci-Materials 4 b%talluTpy Play 63~ ~,?3 a),, -:--3 j Preparation and Properties of Synthetic Fatty Acids Obtained by Oxidation of Paraffins, by B. Solomon. FRENCH, per, Revue Fra caige don Corps gXjWp Vol 9. No 11, Imp pp 626-635 NTC 72-11449-07A June 72 1717UT-ICH, I)c,,, Re-,,ue Francaise des Corrr, G-C"~s,, Vol. 1017 0 :10. 10, 1("53 CSIR0,11ro. 6750 Sci july f'um I I'lew Method for Eliminating I'luccilage (U ) fron, Linseed Oils, Simplified Refining, by R. Guillaumin FRUNCII, per, Revue Franciase des, Corps Gras, Vol 10, No 12, 1963, pp 671-684 NTC 71-16757-11H' Feb 72 con-t.-II)ation to the atudy of the Effect of Ad-TIOn-RAIM on thm Rootionsp by Prof G. Wa%mn, 36 pp. FaMICH, per,, Rev FZWO dlEhdocrinol, Vol 11) 19,14', pp 301-325. NM U-4~. ft:L Me 59 Low-Dosage~ RpLUibrating or Adjuvant Thyroid Opotherapy, by Ms Perrault and R. Dxaet. FRENCHp per., Revue Francaise d'Ekidocrinoogie M-inicrae, Nutrition et MetaboU=) Vol 5, No 2., 1964, pp io3-1M NTC 71-14748-060 Feb 72 Mouth Washes in Buccal Surgery, by A. Harrous and R. Duloquln. FRENCH,, per., Revue Francaise d'Odontostomatologie2 Vol ii., 1964s PP 3 -352. NTC 71-14750-060 Feb 72 Mouthwashes., by Fe de- MOU19118s- FRENCH., perp Revue Francalse d'OdontostorrLatologlep vol 11., 19643 pp 883--db7. NTC 71-14572-06o Feb 7 2 Extraempareal Ensyme 'L~"Py, by Go He Hitchincs. FEENCH, per, Rev Pi%m Etu"a Clin Blol 1�5~t. laki I'mi 4-7-68 S*i/B &. 1.1 jw,w 68 358,31t Synthesis of Diphenyl Ether-4)4'-Di Acetic Acid, by 14asao Tomitay ICatsumi Kimura, 5PP- FRENCH, per,Rev Franc Etudies Clin Biol, Vol 70, 19301 pp 44-45. usn TT-64-18935. 322,295 Sci - B & M mar 67 E. 24 p;lt yn, Franc uN;U-aQ3 act AUC 59 Study on the Tricarbox7lic Qycle in Van by Means of Paper 03rc-antography of Orga-aic Acids, by J. liordmann R. Nordmann, J. P. du Ruisseau. 0. Osuchery: 26 pp. FNJCH,, per,, fiev Franc d 'Etudes Clio et Biol, Vol Is No Is 1956, pp 67-7b. NIB Tr 10-12 Sci Cbemistry A Oct 57 shey of prataim of the rival-cma. no mmmmo- EUctro-Phoretic AnRl"ls of The Swmm of 30 fttieuto,, ty P. Ombar, R. ftvmefts P. Bwtin, eft alp 31 pp - Fim I pw,, Mv Fraw lostufts cun at Bias, VOL 1" 1956.0, " 1750-1we mm look Bari - I"d m " Fz-d--' Fa.", Of ipltni Ncrvous Sya*bem,, by A. Nilokovski, S. Sainte-Anne- Duzgwuies, 47 P2. UffiCIASSIPM PRERCH, per., Rpiv Franc Etudes Clim et Blol, Vol T, 'To 5,- i956,, vp NM 2- 33 Sci - Hed Mar 56 Bndog.moun Aldooterone. Trial o.f Claaalfication of Vho States of Yqperaldosterou"m, by R. S. Mmch,~ B. DIMASht 26 ppe FR=M., per$ fty b~ol, Vol 1, 1956m. VP 619-63-0--- A84"J 4 SLA Tr 1595 /'t-r 7 soi --mmm 4r Im ftudles at by po Wm-tftt at 4a" 35 Np. *M= pwa, st ;j IZO 7*' go in tog 5b" TO 59 g-01 Ye-q DOWMAMMUM of an Antftm3la Bprr:tty 1n Pro- P&MtJOUS Ot XWOUS WA Cj)g V ~ ~mMnd4na Antibodi*& in tko Bet at Tonli -2ratad DW*tftav by C. towe4op P. 611barp 3~ pp. PMEMS pwa, am ymm ztwwa cun at 31018 Vol III lb 10j-,1Wp-W-id7i5-1O3T. UN 12-2 Bel - MA 4rd I of-yo m 59 IDILUbOt" Wftt" Wl$b pp.' ftv ftwo 2"" can at slat VIbL Zll# No 1, 1"ffs- um 12-3 act - md rob 59 Frequtncy (if Leukemia wzd Tuwro in C57BI6 Pice Havln4g Reo(blved Plasm rr= IrmLiated An'-3 a at Bixt~m, by Ocorges Hathe, = iteen Bernard, 6 pp. FMCF.,j Imr) Rev Ymne Itudem ClIn et Blol, Vol ITT, No 3, 1938, pp 257, 258. "J/ 84ff S c i - M,-I sen 51 DIffereatIal Charseteristlan of Haammu and PTA rastore. *as or conuat in the Uitul Phase or Coagulation, by J. P.. SOUIUM., 0, wartones D. "MGM, 10 Ipp. "Mot par" ?am ftem dongwo allift An 4~r viols Vol pp 96,.S-iF. 34~ SaL - Wed Apr 59 SrUjurnann. M. ON LAWS EftrTl(HMA- T(MIS DUYSEMINATILIS (budes ImmunalngJques der le Dirvio f..rythe Inateux I'm a qi~ntl 4) tr. fly W. III MCI. I a M17 60, 6.1p. (7 figs. 7 tables omitled) 102 refs. No- 5-13-60. Or deir tr mn LC cw 5 LA ml S 3. 90. ph$ 10. 80 60-171A? Trans, of .~t,~cW.Tw~.Jt!!nce) 1955. . 3. no. 6. p. 558-584 An ImmunnicV.1cal study of 40 ocrum samples from 19 iwiticints witis dionenunated lupum crythernatosup re- veuW the rrenen" In more than hall the sera of anti- thrmittuxytic itntli-xitce. The Iresence of anti- knilitcric antIIxAicfv was demonittrated try preciptun re,actl,ons and complement fixallnn. The substance In tl~.I) oeri-n rc*cltrq~ wtith IIHA to an antibody. The atv,cinc precliAtation reaction and fixation of compli!- rrwtv rotabliRbilnit the presence of these antibodies v as giii,set in ati patient* who had received little or no (RJE*Vcxl Sctemccap- -Pathology, TT. v. 5. no. 4X(iArr 60-17667 I. Nucleti: scids- -Phybiological effects 2. Antibodies- -Synthesis 3. Skin--PatholM 4. Title: lAtive crythrmatcaus 1. Scllpnsrtn, f6j. n . NITI-5-13-60 Ill. National Institutes of Health. Elethe". Md. flult clmaw* CIE cdad" Caft-agwti IWU; t. I. ,;~iwtllmd and pudKAQWA vsltAme by 1'. t"Ouvert, J - i1', IUNhww,4 a 616 19 M FlilikNa-6 VMS 49MI'Jow, Ig L-tudessil5tsm Vol M~ F40 7, 19M, VP 763-707* VWPfi225 tL- r-1203(L) 66 28709W Inumno-Slectroph - - 1 1c SvWUw on Normal and Patbagenic Protoboria, IWJ. -G. Pam PR U14CH, per, Low E001he cud%M et 1A 9991mb Val IM6 IV=, PIP WJ-YM. /;PNNVyflGAS 7 0 11 I,SEA - Blot & Mod Study of Gastric Secretion in the ftt Thrvugh E Duodwal Illstulap by S. BonfUs, 0. Rossi., A. LamblImS, 3-1 p. Famics, Mwet-ftol., 19580 VQ:L Mp no 9" w gv-981. MA 59-420321 Bei Yet 6D Vol 2 pgo 22 Possibility of Immunocherdcal_Study of Fibrinolysisp by M. Seligmanne FRENCH, per, Revue Francaise d'Etudes Cliniaues et Biologigues Vol 3, No To, 1958, pp 1073-1075. NTC-70-12865-06M NY H - -" - / / 1, 1, /s -14, ~11- Feb 72 THE METABOLISM OF COLLAGEN. Ill. CATABOLISM AND TURNOVER, BY A. DELAUNAYp S. BAZIN.. 7 PP. FRENCH., PER2 REVUE FRANC ETUDES, CLIN ET BIOL, VOL I I I , NO TD;-l 9%, PP 1101 -1 NIH!5-8-Q SCI - MED AUG 62 207,825 Cortain ToLInmical, awl Pharmcoty II-Tv -46 1959, 1 -150. SjA 59-20316 scl Fab 61) Vol 2,0" 1 V o Examining the Stability of In Vitro Labeling of Leuk-ocytes and Blood Platelets by P32, CR51, and Colloidal AUL*8, by 0. Maupin. RJU-14CH, per, Rev Franc Etud Clin ILIC-11, - Vol 4, No 2, 1959, pp M-17Y.- 1101.1 14111 S-9-69 sci/P>G,%l Aug 69 388,773 Drifty ton '. by H. Jaineto Gt J-:othe, L. 1.AjnEic,, J. F. Duplan, D. lxzupixi, R. D. L. Zebum-2enborg, Z. Ujuh-ic, J. 3 () r- - 1) - r-MMI, per, ~ev P clin et Biol, r Vol 17, 19,659, -pp 210-225. KM Tr 37751, 1,:*,Utc>d of Quantlt&tive EvaluatiDn of -two Pc-d clc%l-l Pcj.mlatloma In Four Persona Irraftated. Wlt~i lligb Dotsou anA T-~-eatcd With H Bone 74arrmy alramfuslom, by Sxq.)Jron, 9 pp. Pl"UrGH, Revue Francalse d"-~Wdefi Cliniqucs ct. 111-oloviques, Vol IV, No 3, 1.959, PP 239-241, N111 1-35-6o Sri - M%-d Feb 6o X irra-diatLan Follcwed by Transfw3ion of Normal HanmatoToiatic C%Ua (Isoloamm or lbwlogcr-,.-,, Myelo;Dl ci- li~imjg--toidjp Adult or Emb:ryonic), by G. Mattwip J, Dttrnard, 13 pp. I'mc-HO poro FWVLe Fra=alea Cliaiqgei3 Ot .pp 3, 1959# 442-466. NIH 12-13 Sci Madlefta jan 6o lo Ll:ic laiLmal LL lu-, E. 4 pp. F, -ear, Revue Francalsia WELudeo Clinim-la.- 6 e t 31.1010i~,iques, Vol IV, TZo 5, 19511', pl) 423-. tall I-j.G-60 Sci - Diol. 1 1,~77z3-11 Feb 60 AttAmwb at --- -- mis"On of the T.Lrus of the Parotid Polvm TMW by lhwJ W a Aald Mctrwts of the Strain W-ftp bW JL OrmM., D. FAUP 7 PV- FXXIMP per$ ftvm ftwcatm alltwws C]"p4ques at. *a'-*j, No 4,, 1960j, IF 388-390- MM 2-16-61 SCd - MM Apr 61 COUtViIIII-tion Regarddmt,: Uple Of Soml~~. Dluxetie Sullfonamide De-~rj.,,mtive~3 (GlLlOrOtbia-Zide and K in Man, by F. Naxro, G. ~77olini,-7 Pp. FIRMCH, perx Rev Franc Etutles Clin B-Jol ', vo! V 1960, PP 927 -9'30.- 11111 10-3r)-61 Sci - laul zA,aides vu ~~crm-- ~'Jdolase zutu ,kdTIw;c im ilothers in .)r0patilic Patients, 1)y Fzainy ~)chapira et al. I D! .,.'C 'i F W~N Al, liar, kev. Framc, itud. Clin. ;Aol!, Vol 5, Ubo, pp 99(~-Ms W,,V,lt of ."Invy S119fIVS 1172 -1.1, c i- i~ i4 4' i F4:5 -57 317,766 T~; -:! : ,*'. - 1. 1 t - j 3 ~~*,'. L'. a, f AV-- 't i on 0 r Ant 4]*,.-i-1-l,,!--.t"-11rs ilre jw"ell-C.. GaSn,2tjIlirI4.1~,,~ j~~-j pp. Rev '-"xcmc Ca~fri B i c I c-I f-, f3 Totml 'Tl*=r9ctoW in the NeVoorn Mouse, by W. Dischler, G. RUda3 P.P- zmmp WWO Wd'Xtudaz Clin" a w VX~ OlqA4w V go 3 mm 7-1"L lb& B0961 17 IMMUNOLOGICALLY COMPETENT CELLSO BY G. MATHE, J. L. AKXXK AMIEL, 7 PP. FRENCH, PERO REVUE FRANCAISE DIETUDES CLINIQUES ET__ BIOLOGIQUES, VOL Vlo NO 5o lWrx - 31. N I H 6- 11 -6,,z SCI - MED AUG 62 208,749 RQmrimontal Parphyria Obsery I In Rate Afber Ummahlarobenzens 3Dmtoxicationp by A. GaJdos, M. GajdW -IW*k p 5 pp - YIMMY pwi. ftvw Francalse d'Etudas Cllnlqam Sol - Od 62 TherWatic Action of Adgamine-5- l4onopbomPhoric Mid Upon Exper-Izentea P=pbwrla ce the wbite rat Due -b0 matwica- tim by Hmmeblorobenzem., by A. OaJd0s, M. Gajdos Torok, 5 pp. Fmcm., PWI BMW C11niques et ORA --Vl, xo 6, 196t; Rp -5 Is wn e-26-62 Sol - Usd 62-16065 Lebacq, E., Tirzmalis, A. and oth--rs. DA.'Kii"FIC LFFECr OF SLI 4885, INHIBITOR 0.- 1. ntie: Prjnjsw, 11-Bl-'.['A-liN'I:)IIOXYL.A,rION IN THE ADRENAL 2. Title: SIJ--IS~; (Diuretic) COR 1*1-_-x (Effet Diuredque du SU 448.5, Ihnibiteui dc 1. Lelxicq, E. ia 11-11.ta-H)droxylation dans 1e Cortex Surrenal). H. Firzi-nalis, A. 110b2l 3p. 9 rtJ.,s. Order fru-n SLA $1. 10 62-16005 Trans. of Rex-juel Franqfaise d'jttuJ[esl Clitiliques Ctj flioljogiqws] (France) 1961, v. 6. [no. 9] p. 916-19171. DESCRIFF016: 11)'ureties, Synthesis, *Aldostcrone, Nucleic acid.,;. Pituitary gland, ACTII, Kadnvy,, *Corticostcroids, Spirocompounds, LacIOTWS, 'Drug *Adr,nal glaads. SU 48S-:; (2-methyl-l, 2-bis-(3-pyridil)-i-propan,),ic) &-pletes the pituitary reservc of ACT114 and can 6! used as diuretic in edema due to hyperaldosteron sm, inhibitin. aldost~-rone formation in the adrenals, (Biological 8, no. 7) (o ve I-)