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it U. 11. INSDOC-1638. On the muldplicnilon of dirichlet scriem. Rendeircolo mathpalermo, 24j p.111-117, 115117, and 137- 140, 1907. Tko ACtIon of Aror-ntlc Maw Ca,.q-x)vn,-3,, on the SaIts Ce 0,,O-DlaDWIWUothiopborphorlc and ~,O-Dlalkyldl- thiopboophoric Acids, by G.:Bianchotti. ITAMPIp per...~ond ist Inubardo Sci~, Pt I.. Vol XCI, -1957, pp 68-75. ATS 240-IJ Sai mV 59 ldp&l !W ~l Ph,%rFmcclZmamic Properties of l3om DerivatiYes of Raying a Curarj:jing- Action. CC Dicarboxylic Polyepters of ammouiump by R. Bovatp S. GuiLrILno,, V. G-'LouGo. ITAVU.Np per... leaftcontl latituto. Superlorv~ di S&IMLu'r Val 0 A= Tr 15T & 171 IBM T.2.1. z 1e1- 1 y- -_7 Scloutifle - Cbmistry aw ll* Im am I -adati j c C-7, -on of Certain Cm-nriziaG =)ntancen by the Action ar Choliwoterasep by F, Bavet l71Ltl,, ivamw's 3mmucanti 1~tituto Stparlore Di Sunitaj. Vol. xnj. AW. Tr 172 MM T-3-1 Scipmtif.Ut - CbmaUtry Xntrpilaction to the.T4,%,rsiol.oG~ical anA PbL~c- loztq4 Study of Cumra) by Dauicl 35 I'fAI,TXLI!j, Rondicmtt Dell'Imatituto Cljpe-riore di B a U It. a., v c -19. 5D., pp 3 ED Tr 457 G-cicritific - Meftaine / (0., q46 A Comparmtive Study of FOr=&MeWe-KiUed and Antibictle-killed Vaccines Specific for Vibrio Conma, by Negri, R., and Ravatoll, Lop 19 p. ITALIM, per,, Rend ImLett ~U-JMFA~P"~"J' Vol 2-11.1 1951, PP 171-M. BIA Tr 3142 Sci i%m 56 . 4 dl, ? jr-q [Avdiec and Rovearch on Siome Doinodes of Q-fever Cline-'ad In the Republic of San Harluo., by B. Labadleri, 43 PP- translatio-a. per, Rendiconti dell Istituo Superiore di Vol XIV., 1951,, pp 43:LMi5 I. CTA#DDA-723 IS - Italy Ecientific - bbdIcina,, Q-faver Oct 52 UTS/D&X %',LW -ir Armngeutoato of the 1100-ky Acceleral. g ,!-laipment of the latitato Suipiore di Swita, by V, ASsuo, M. Chiozzoto, R. Zuerzol.i, 0' pp. r,SeAiIA, Vol XIV. ITALIAllp perp The 1951, pp 509-529. ABC UCM-Trazu3 -593(L) Sci - Engr 1.4- mar 61 2 ff,91( meebmalam cdr ociutilution ilk grgude motalo. by X. Ag=o, f. Qm~, 9 a. IIPANMP Pwv -FAMAL=t4.lVUtu~o BOPWIMO dl SUM668 nx Vol XV# Part Xp IM., pp 779-91. B.L.A. Tr 116e Sol - Chadstry 9 s 0 ~z VIL J4 Apr % Toc, Intradermora-mctio-a in the DinEtmiu rf JxL the Ollizior., Pigs IV B. Babudie;,--., L. 7.~Cvaioli, 13 pp. :,'u"J1 zranslatiam. lTAT,7tdl ., perp Rena iconti- deU lla~ituto S*TA-ri=a di 8nnilza Vol XIV,, 1951p PP 5:~-'-.55,319. CTA/FDD,k-721 Scieutific - Wdlclne Oct 52 COM/=- A CompwmtIve Study of Antiblatic-411led and pormldebyde-Killed Vaccines In the Production of Antibodies for the Bacterium BurcelU, by Negri# R., and Ravatolip L*j 15 pe 3!EALTM,, per, Read Ist Super SMAU-9 Vol 150 1Mp VP 2B8-194. StA Tr 3150 Set Jun 56 61~~ 44,~ ~V, Z)l*erfxwutsl Infection of Shmp'Wilth Ccadella Burneti, by B. Babudierlp L. Ravaidlij, 22 pp. wMAWIr= 1TALViN.9 per# Read js~ S!m_U.Sw&t&p Vol. XWp 1952., pp, 0 ]Cm / I .'I 57d_? Scientific - Medicine j',~tior of He.;w1rcuorcinal. oo Sam latA--2- by M. Riccis F. Renna, 3-1 -pp. 1!hU.lAll per Roud last SIM., ganite., p is, - .~Ici)entiCic - Medicine CTS 70/-,Tul 55 Scintillation Spectrometer for Coincidence keuauram,3enta,, lby H. Ageno at al. VMIAIO, pers Rend ist Supgr &Ymita, Vol I XV 367-375~------'- - - AIM 281-LY sci Nov 59 lae // /. ~,; - proopectinp of Better Health Lastitute, 34 pp. ITALIANg per, Itendicond Insdtuto Superlore de Sanita, Val )MI, pbm 12, 3.960, pp 7-37. (Call No Vol 23, Part 12, Eng Tr) Army Map Weur-lTaly Soc Jno 64 260,699 S todipit crn the So-Collce "Immini.-Iv T.-sis" ",l. -clia Laptogplra, by A. Dymowa)ka, B. Babudiori, 8 PP. ITALIANs, ps Ist Super Sanitab Y*l XXVI, 1962 Navy 3632INIM 820 Blol F ftl Doe 6:5 ht6lecular Association of Collagen Fibers With Apdkdte Crystals and the Biochemical Functions , of the Osseous Calls in Current Theories of - ~ - __ __ di- SanM --Vol -XXV-A,962,-pp-473-486-. --- --- - - - ---- -__ HN 3Z-64 Sci-B & M Sci May 64 258,241 v lboovereb c4 tho 32metroebomical m*t*l or joutallift sirsu ft"toug byl. ftcatorup U. Do"44"l L. fte4Ug 0. PbUp D.Uvol"a 0. alA'NWWSRO C. T9*18stilefts 59 pp. MALIM PAM& MAS Vbl W10 M70 UP eel bbw On the Expression of Gravity on the Surface of a Geold Supposed Ellipsoidal, by Paolo Piqzzetti. ITALIAN, per, Rendicontl delia Real Accademia del Lincel, Series 5, Vol M, No 40 IV94, pp 166-172. ACIC ScL-Earth Sci & Aarron April 64 255,683 Some Considerations on Proffessor Pizzertils Paper: On the Expression of Gravity on the Surface Of A GeOid Supposed RlUpsoitW, by G. Morera. MLLAN, per, Rendlcontl deLla Reale Accademia Kkk w9r)MMMEN uou LAncei, Series 5, Vol M, No 7, 1894, pp 371-377. ACIC Scl-Earth Sci, & Astron April 64 255,680 FreTamt1on and R~pical Fk4)lwrties of Dinitroglycol Its by A. Nbraschi. MALIMp p=s del TAnc*i Vol XXVX37j, 1919.* Dwt or DrL U13 Bur Of mines Oentmal Boor Bta pitts.,p Pa. Tr k 32 Sol - Ch*m Am 59 3~K On the Relationship Between Geoldal Consmts amd Gravity Values, by Carlo Somigliana. ITALIAN, per, Rendiconti. d6LIa Reale Accademia del Uncei, Series 6A, Vol V, 1927, pp 11-16. ACIC Sci-Earth Sck & Asmon April 64 255.682 The gnteroobromaffin Cellular Byatem an-j Entaisomine (5-Fyd%,oxytryprtmm:Luej Chapter A.. Me gnterochromffla, by V. Erepamr,,9 pp. ITALURp yer#A9N~Wr'fP iPP 175-179. SIA 2147 way 58 /a 115~ ~"Y/ Cm-"nt Problem of KLuamties, and Dynacdcs Of a Rigid bWyj, by OlumM Gricalp 25 PP- ITAX-La. rl?ti- Pond. Owd I. )k9t, Fie, Padua Vol A. 1964P PP 3431-3450- P911354067 ADD SC T-67-0922 04-A-Physica Bw 67 3",,270 Gatti E. DISCqLMINATION ANIONG EUMENTARY PARTICLES IN 501,711-LATION, COUNTERS(DIs- crimlas-tionn rra Particelle Elcmea=i nal Co,itstori a SOprillazione) rr. by V. A. Slucls!r. a9bl, 7p, NRCC,rechnicad Trans. 984. Order from NAM $0.50 NRCC C-,Mj,7 Trans. of kllniLar io Matemadco e F isico di Milanc. Rendiconif (Italy) 1960. no. 31. p. 3-b. DESCRWMRS: *Discriminators, *Scinti"tion c=2- cers. *Parr1cles6 Electrons, Photoclectrons, Photo- multipliers, Mgtheinatical analysis, Pulse discrinil- nators, Distortion. 62- L Z,69 1. Gatti, P. 11. NRr-C'17-984 111. NRCC C-3817 IV. National Research Council of Canada (Nucle-ax Physicti- -Particles. 17. v. 7. no. 11) I In lt;Jq~ fin kuuno, ) ~ 1~ ~-. -4(LA-tr--71-50) 5THEOREMS OF LOCAL TYPE FOR THE NAVIER-STOKES SYSTEM AND STADILITY OF STATIONARY SOLUTIONS. sProdi, Giovanni. IqTranBlUted by A. D. Cernleek (Us Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex.), froin liRend. Semin, Mat. Univ. Padova; 32: 374-97(1962)- 2025p. 2413e~.- -NTIS.-- 2smathematics; translations 2T12 ,,AIN-32 29P NSA 0 V - -A, . - "' , n ..- an a s o "Chaut-ic. -2~,-Ifs" and IrmijaUl-it~is t)2 tho Sa~~5etl*o (in 11c.-ion of 'lloll-a) I,- G.C. ; -., i. ? t Italian, hondicont-i aalla S(, ~"U Sci ~Iheorens of Local Type for the ~iavier-ztoker, System wand Stability of StationixT. Solutions, by 5. Prodi I':AL-TA.., per, Padua. Universita. Sendnarip v :a-tematico c Fisico. Rendiconti, I Vol 32, 1062 pp '~1174-397 :,T0. 71-16512-12A mar 72 ftateriol"is produced by lachrymal lynozyme oboarved under the elostron agper-microscope, by R. Dsbudlerl,, 0. Blettip D. Boeclamll,, 9 pp. MLIMi, per., Deno,, ist miper sanita, 7, p 604-6i5s joh. MA 58-39k sai Aut 59 7-f0-, e"Oe'54or .0 Nlectrooh=ical Chaxgo-Transfer Distribution in Fower Electrodes. M. A fteoratical Study of Potential and Current DI-stribuiAon in XLectrode Mannele, FRMCR, rpt, Rmpartitiou du Tomutart-Jasatro- cbWque da=ms Ye7aWe-atradai da rdmamce - In. -MaWe Theor% do ).a B"artULan du Potentiel it, du CanWeat me SLactrole ORMI, Rpt No EP/5-So- XN/16, 19 JIm :L962, 31 PP- XAM TT P-8289 Set UW0941 T OILY Lon-6w-t. NUN(All CT\. aITHAMMIMPHY 'nh' 1. U-mlert, A. DESCRIPMAN OF A NLV: PROCEMME J-011 MR- FORMING '1111S .9JUGICAL 0?1-.-RA71UN sur awc b Dcscr4)tIvn d'un Proc6dj NouvLcu Ix),ar Prarl(pwr ccric Op6razion Odnirricale). [19621 14p. (flgs. ornitt.-J). CrrdLr froz-a SLA $1.60 62-187-,8 Tram- c4 Itepenolir C)6n&rnl E!'Anntomia ci de Physic)- logic Padial~-Pii 1~�B:Ie- J, (T-witcCl'Im" v, ... p. 1-A,-197. DUCRU"'MRS: O.';ut*,, ,cry. Exclalon. (MuL)Ocal Yr, 9. 17) Office of Teckmical Untas tary oll-rGeon, "Y the 1,1111i 0 17,011 or-ricUl, UsIt O"My Vojen5,ke 7? -ye- ~t4 -T,Lldim~i~;j .9(s3$ 415 ypp cze ACSI 1-2942 ID 2241655 Gzecj)oaklovukis RY3.. q2q -~~ac 63 TRI-63-i64 Outline of a Program f or the Cabri Reactor., b.-. J. A-Liloud, J. P. lullot. FMM, rpt, Report EEP/SEPP/CA)3/Elo 01/!~3, January 1963, cEA- 37 pp. *,T.PRS f or AEC scl - Ilucl sci mar 63 A V=ti=3- nirectim Findiug ftoc~mre., by W. Owbosp 51 q9hkl*-Y*rsohmp:Lurjtltut MWUp im 1953, 9MW3 MMB=SX COLL It" IADS Ctr ID-24"34h 84 b us 2 9 3., VY Due 63 lla2 W-ic ().r Venezuela., Report ani Acccunt of the .:HnIstx7 Ot cocundcatiow Pre"Ited. to U12 Hatianal, Omgress at the neplar Sessim of 1-961m 3.9 p9s SPARM., zpt., RepubUca do Vmeswla Hamo2la cuents del EFam- a-cwgm-r*~W~Jsip en me seeloves ACOI 1-0695 ID 22MI62 LAL - VenwVAU /ge., air// r4= 1.0 mV 62 Sciaritit,ic lW-:;Cardj. Vi:L~Xli, rpt, Papublique tauipc iuumairo ,,j1., 107.-M, 114. *t%C;Sl I-96S2 11), 2204021566 ~;ci - Nisc M I ar 66 Ethnic Frogmentation and Population Distribution in the Ivory Coast. by Rene Bolssin. 6 pp. FIENCH, per. RembU do Coto dfIvoire, St3LPPlGment No -19 -pp. 6-9. J PRS 3" Africa Soo oct 66 312.100 TI-- aapublic. r - ). Eq e au Dahmon No 2t"'30, Royubli "-~f~c 1959'. P:.) 3; !1. F') 11a10 '90.2GM T,,:) Arw Mai? Service tlf--ica 07.0,;j I-lolj G-408 *j,y- 63 (sr-054) The Peoples of th* SmyuhLla of Guinea, by X. Gwr&Lov,, U-I;p. bk Immm.. pop X& in-IL.%.m-gt9 db OuSnee, 19a, I~w wala~ 30 ja-g9 k ~~ 0 im 133W =/A - GaInm ..~j 0 ". z r I goo ftm 62 The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, . Encyclopedie Larousse. FRENCH, UP Republique Islam ue de Islauritanie, 1964, pp 3-6; Ii 8; 20-25. JPRS CSO: DC-15232 1-477/67 IVEur - France ksoc Jun 67 326,121 Goyd Formerly St. Clmd, VilUge of the FLzure, 5 pp. FRINCH, %), LA- Rcm6ltwe, Ul Jim 1964, p 6. MIS 25486 -s*tTrlUCA.A%exla Gem Aug 64 265,509 Ito jWvarowd Huland PoUcc,,khoDl at WA-Bet-Abbes, 5 w FRWWJ4 iVg. L& fiMMqw., 12,13 Jul 1964, pp 1 4. SPIM 26356 AMkDCA-AWM soc &V " 267,= I=atlan of die Fim Gtddaticc- Cente-r for I exdle vt,eaviM in Tlemcen, 6 lip. 1-11EVICH, tip, La ha J~a 411, 1", AQ9 196-1. pp to 4. Jf-'U! 26482 AFRICA-A196ria Ecw Oct 054 267,495 Prodis Confermw of ffi-eMMKWW~~~ Ecoalway BadAr Bomaza, 6 pp. F FLE 1,1 CH np, ]a RorojbUgue ug 1964, p 6J P RS J P RS 26924 ~ U A AFILICA E00M Nov 64 269g304 DDS-27/64 The Development of Voodoo, by Lorimer Denis, Francois Duvalier ., .2 Q FRENCH, per, Republique dIHEtiti -- BillIetin du Bureau d'Ethnoloai Y No :-;, 1944, PP 9-32. -0 P /SP,ECIAIJ/DC-10571 LA - Haiti Soc jun 64 Efficient Ifiethods of OrL;anizine, and Training, 5 PP UNCUMIFMD HUNGArjM0 perg RepU10G, NO 21 V-.)54 ,t-v 6lo34P MOM* Mur - RVMG=Y // d 76 Political .- Trainina M131tury - Aviation Training CTA M5974 I ~.Oll the Malva~Ying Glass, 5 PP. UNCIA.SSMI-ED L. "" MARI" Repules, 10 Jan 1954, F=l to -19-54, ff,~dapemst. Py 596916 entific - Aermautier. /hm CIA 231314 9 f 77 Ra-bary Wind Aircraft, 6 pp. micLAwynn HUMARIM, per,, Repules,, 25 Nor' 195kP A&P= gmaml to AAO Budapest. AF 618291 Scientific - Aeronautics NMU, - Rmwry Ux CTSIAM /,;~ -5`5p 7 of t'!cntn%Lt.- rund Selectmd Artic'2""O pp. I ro 7t 10 Apri" a-12UA, Z'-OMllX* Lu IrIP-12T.-54, A%A,, "elf rOP7 4.3ry - Aviation JUGO n 'Llo 363 "li4intlanp" 13 PP, OCIAS-SUrM ..II-a!GARTAW,, per, Repules,, No 9j, 10 MaY 1954, :";nd. to BudaPelits Ar'624009 7,11ii.r - Eumgary Avlatloaj, J~ 3 rA D, 29633 Table of Contents and Abstractis of Publication Aviaticn, 9 pp. HUMARIA19, per, Rgules, NZ 10 Sep 1954, Rnel to M _354 ~4, M7, Budapest, 10 Sep 1954. Ar 638W3 lawr - rb"Wxy V411tary - Aviation Dee 1,4 Cm/m CIA D iloo62 Oe5l 49r e~~ Tabu at Coutentes Tho -Atriotic P*420 Is ftwt and pw Assoclaucs; Xwe MIC"Ut Oresnuing In 11*qded 4t Qqw; Motber MA n7lusp 6 vq* 95 sop 1954 1 AAp ft"w- to Sul t*BP%10 lm*3", ftt LOA. 3 1 AY oft 19"A cms Ou D-ULOO" Poutlaa - . Table of Contents and Abstmp-to rf Publication Avlation.,, 13 pp. HOMMLUI, per, R 54, MI.Slaso No 19" 10 Oct 19 lhkel to 1. 363 'R_ --54.p AAp Budapest., 10 Oct 1954. Air 6313805 Military - Aviatim CIA D 110087 j)ec 54 am/na li*ble of Contents and AbstriLats I'xx= Hungarian PublIcation Avlation., 7 PP- IMUM37ISD RMM"lnj. per, %!&so NO 2),, 25 Olat 1954s, Fml 78 to ft;poi-t-Wo-3:R-3ai-54,P Up Budapest, 5 Nov 1954. crA D IU082 " 61"iog 21#045 mcur - mu*"7 Feb 55 CTS/DEX P-mbleinz A' fligh-AlLitude Flying, by Vladii.-,ir HUNGARIAN, MhCa, per !Repules, Budapest, ~-5 Jan 1955, p 16, viacti, no 8, i~,54, r 1521 Enci t~ D, '~'55-55, 12 Apr 1955. CIA D 2.)n6l. A? 651,479 Scientific kerc.mutlcu, Oliders SeP 55 CTS /ba Voluntai-y llm,~ DareiiGe- 5 pp. UNCLISSIFIX) P,o 5, e vt ptr., MC=_pggUj s,/.LO Mnir 1955, ,-.Zl'A. W Report iT6-"Tlr-IZS-55, AAP DudaPeGt, ,Ir--r 1955. I CIA D 191605 Ap 6572oi Antax-j- N'v 60cialogical MY 55 CTSIDDC ,11:a Soviet Dolt&-WiWt Twin-Enginedt Jet-Propelled Alrcralt,, 3 pp. HMfGARTAN, per, Repules, go 9-, 19559 zn~i to Z-135.'~-56. --- AID/May 56 WaR 3 r, KUUM7 7o26 Eclaz=lc Air=Mft, by Laszlo GOOLU* )pp- HUMARIOm Pw; No 10p 25 VgW 2955, v 14P EMI to IR- Ayuxjl*-2klp Budapmft. M D 470=- 74OW ge".2 7Z BOL - AUUM Jun 56 C-15/dex Alrcraft DrIven bY Atamlc Pwftr# 5 PP- per* 10 Jon 19550 pp Illml to p AIM-lAlp I YAW :LW. M D 2., AF 743"4 3ro-.-fa-;7 USSR XUU937 - Sol - Aerolautles am 1956 The 'Ect-c-l-Filfs' Flics- jjujq(jARLM,,, I)E-1~, 1,topules, lio 14, 1~-,55, -f, 1-21 Encl. t---, IR No 1177-56. AID EEur - 11-angary Military Th~ Pl-anlaing OEfice for hviation, by Daniel flwt.~mmdj 6 pp. EMMARIO, per, Ropulles, Zo 3A, 1955t pp 15,16. kID/MM7 56 ESur - Rtmgax7 Eco-nmia S~ 7-2 f XMt"7 t - L-~- I-0 t'C' UZ; ML,IFL-0j. per, " ul 17, 11cr 1955, p 12, B LW ?pRLe Encl to M-1862. -AMIT-IJU. Ar 1054Z3.6 -=gary Jan 57 CTS What Mmad D9 Mom Al=t the OoleoptArl 3 pp. CZKM.. verm PAPA"& Xo 18p 10 DO* 195% p 8j, sma to AID Bel " i Apr W 00 1", ?,2j Fbotoezapha of Ihngarien HMtary Aircraft, 3 pp. UMLASZ21ED EMMRMj per.,_Regjksj No 6, 11) 4, No 9., P 3, 1956. Air 1W432 Mur - HunPr7 ml 611 ~ yal IhAar (H%waarian Glider).. pp. to per, Hsq%4L~t, No 2# W 1957.- p 9,, AF U83383 i - PAVO 1 58 (o 7, (o I I "%rjxe the A/1 Cj"s OlIder Model,, by GyOrgy Banedeks 3 PP. =MASS37IRD - 3941" -P# NOW 1957* P 201 anMAFJAX,. =p R r-NO ft-.1 to IR- 7-58,1 AYCIN-]Al. AF UB3034 Sol - Aero ma 58 66 /611 Indoor Model Challenge Championship of the "Mavag Asro Club"s by rerenc 3omogyl, 4 pp. UNMASS MABIMI, per# JjqV #0 No 2s MY 19W, p 23,, smi to zR-A63-51jp Ob W-Ul. AP 1183030 J99ur -, fbissary =a 000 i1a 58 Tmialug in lastrumat Flying on OlLders, by Norbert Caaaadl,, 4 pp. UKMASS a* u1" WUNMARWs per,, 6 au"Pasts Sep ).957m, v 5P Znol-- Mp ~-154-58,j,, AFOIN-IAI. AV II&L693 maw - MWOU-Y ull - SIW*r pacts 6 W/, 4~0 A Jul 0 apart Aircraft - Jet Pr 23AIm 3 Vp. MCLAWIF BmARnsp per# R*puI*#.&-jIo 6j, Sep 1957P p 10.- Xtol to 3M-3A70-58;-ba-=-U1.- AF U83037 Sol - Aaro jNd 58 661 61(.9 FRI ixian Airlines), 3 PP. EUIZART-Alq, pe-v-, Repules, No 'T, 1957. AF 1183384 7M:;.Icio~ial Dt:::ei;;j4z wcpQ.--'~ D~q, 4 pp~ EviliGARL4N, per, Repules, No '.?, 15-57, 4-5. AF ll'(~-734 12ur .- Hungary Soc - "IlLtan., / fe'v ;e ) R -175 It A. Three 'Moskva' - One 'Designer, B. 1-There is Air Superiority. e 110 8" IRMGARIAN, per, Rftde`~e~~dapest, Nov 1957, pp 6-7; B-9. in Gliding; YES 530 Glider, by Jozeef Kaszap 4 pp. MMASSUM MMGAIUUp per No 8, NOT 1957, 16., Encl to bZw-w AlFC331-Ul. Py as= - Germany Soc - (Flyers' Club) Jul 58 IDS T L A ,in Eugiru~d- jet'. Construction Thc- go-v:let Klel,ta o"ing, Tw I-roblems o~ High Speed ::Lrcraft; 'ircxaft A 4 Driven by. 'O.omi,q. kover, (iLF 71 41-/2f~) ,.- I IRRIGIRIAN, per, Repules, -10,Flay; !.o 10, 25 I-lay; No. J;u~- 19-55, Encl to 1~ustrla, 24 jan 1956, *AID Onkv6-Le LISSR BEur - Hungary Aeronautics - Scientific Do"Itlea in SoTlet Aircmfto It PP. C==.. parp RequUns, No TP IW3,, V 11- AV 2051100 &d - Aam Apr 59 1~ 4. ;[cl 5' ll:pbt yAK-42 *odium Bambar, 5 pp. MWAe'Ltz, M, Repalen (Ruaapast), No 1~-, I 9.,~s - p (. Air 1255641 Wn P41 5p,-7 My 59 60 /,, 1. ?-rtracts from Two Brief ;xticles, 2. Description of the 5 PP- MMG.%RV,N, per, Repules No 1, 1959, inside cover, P 3. No 2, 1959, P 9. - FDD/X-36oo FSur - Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland USSR Mil - Urforce, Sports Aviation Jun 5.0 1. ?Atilzcta Vwm Two BrIef .6rUcb.,a, 2. ~)eacrlptim of the 111313-1!~I, ~,) pp. OM,I,RVS,p pers Repul" No 1,, 1959p Umide covar, p go 28, -M)p v 9. FM/X-35W PHk RUCVWY# ftlpa*la# ftlMd U-MIM ma iLwomes Sports '%vlAtUim jam 1119 ~irjqguml~=- IL-140 Ligbi- Zoatbar, 5 ~ %0 BUIMMIU., par, RepUcs, No 1, 1959, p 9. AT 'L'C'-5%26 usmt N:u Why 59 's?' .7, / .5 1 I Dec:ToLs;Wg Accidents In Av"lation and Pararbute 21minino-, by Rodre rarkmas 7 VP- nVMGAPJAWj per., aspuless Vol X=, XG S., 1960, pp 4j, 51 90 mur - fteary mix itoir 6o Me Role oE Pleme-Familics in the Dasl6m of Airpliawa, 'vY sz- J) 5 PP~ MMOARIM, per, Le~ Xar 61, r;p 15. 9670232 ATIC 14CL-934/1 Sci - Aexo jul 61 16 o' 7 1,?- We pxejumt the Nev Czaaboalovablim Helicopter of the TY" IV 3v bY LJ4Pt:L QYOXIWP 5 PP- swamp Max 6:L# Vy 17. 9670984 pevi-!T4~ A= =.-933A Sol - Aaro, &a U 16 /, iv ~ Techn'*call Novelties at Tushino --. Miro--, J- a Magnifyin~: Glass, by H. S,-ucs. '7, HUTGAMPIT, per, Repules, No 10, 3.1001, pp 14-1-7. TT 6,,-732 Sci - 'tero 25 62 r