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n3EV On Interpretation of Diffraction ~atterms of #morphous Materials by the PWAU1 Distribution VAthod,, by T. M. �Sred4,- 4 pp. RUBSIMj mo, ptr, Is A Nduk SM. Ser PU,, Vol Up No 7, 1Wj, PPWO-W3. ColumWa Tech Sci - Pbye x SOP 57 Methods of Reducing Expeadituros of Labor and Capital,, by U. .59zaAaWw. 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zernobobovyye Kulstury, 14o 91 Sept 19"v pi) 1-3. JPRS 27,887 UW% Econ Feb 65 2720919 Tho Pbm=e= of AaUtlog hOlUnUou oC intamally Woft4bl4ftod AuStftlto DweAw Ameallag, b7 0. P.~ Molwlmwvag & Ye. pq!~~j 1. 1. Irtrftp nm MWW~- per# Ix A NwA MR, Obdal T*& Is* I*W I Tqgivop He 3r 1960Y SW ' 57-0- MasU Took Pub3, / 11 acl ~A Dn 60 now saiiroad Tuabaoloff to the UWRp by A. 1. -SeroAnj el PP. GERME, -,vr, Z OreAnWti= ',*twr die Unman- arbc-It der 31moubolm= OMbD# DO 5j 1962), pp 12 -127- ACSI 1-3W-B ID 299TU usm d4i 3o1 Econ inn 64 (W44180) FORGI He wmiw# w F, I* 1 0 j MMIAN~ PUS - lAmpwioowg MD116 I t NO 06 1961P-FP I tooI on 13" SC 1 0 CH04 PAR 61 1880187 99 3 )RMD.v$ ftrmo_ftl i T&Vikol., Vol XU.. 2,30 40 2.9'58 PP 718 79 ConsulUmU Bureau Jun 59 Effect of Sloop 7Werapy Upon the Joint Activity of the First and Second Signolling Systems in Patients Suffering Prom Delirium MW Tramens, by M. 1. Seredinal, 16 pp. RUSSIAN#per, Trudy Inst Vysshei Nermot Dwatellnosti Seriya Patofiz. Vol V, 1959. OTS 61-31022 PL-480 Sci mar 63 232.999 Mw 1='lue=o of caffelm m the Intometivity of the FiM and See=d 016=Ull* SystmS In CaM of ChYMICI AIAWSUO 504WOMA00i bY IL 1. SeraUm, 26 IV& ---------------- MWlMv pm, Tmft Mat VyxdmW VwvwV Dsyatall Ber Pateriaa., Vol Is IM iv 2U-M. om 6D-MW PL-480 ftl - Had Yeb 61 M go. 70 62-13794 Seredins, M. 1. SELEC77VE IRRADIA71ON OF EXTINGUSHING IN- 1. Sere(lifid, M. 1. HIMMON AT DIPPERENT AGE LEVELS. 119611 117)p. 21 rds, Order from 01S or SLA $1.60 62-07941 Trans. of jAkademlya Nauk SSSR). Inatitut Vyashei Nervnol De tel'nosti. Trudy. [Serlya Patoll2iolo- gicheakaya 1956, v. 2. p. 1111-98. DESCRIPTORS: "Idren. *Cerebrml cortex, *Age factors, Auditory @[pals, Verbal behavior. Inhibition, Motor reactions. *Conditioned reflex, Reaction (PsycholM). in extinguishing motor conditioned reactions which had been elaborated to direct mW verbal mUmuLl. all chil- dren are divtoible Into three ;roupm according to the results obulned; to Ills first PVV, dyM* raftdm og the inhibitory process from the first elpal *yam (Behavioral Sciences--Psychoim. Tir. v. 9, Do. 1) (ovW) ones TO&AW XxPerlence With Ccmbimtion Tbmww of Obsessive State Wourones ca a Pathosomic Baols~ by M. 1. Baredina., 29 pp. RmSrM, per, Tr.* TWA VysWwy NorrAw Dayatol Ser Pawiziol, Val it 195~ PP W-349, cm 60-91858 PLJM Ba - Mod reb 61 PST No. 70 Wztu~-~';In!n"2 1)f Ue lnteractiv~ty of and Bacmd SigaRQUIA, SYD-64.M-s 1~1 ~n CVatn.43 Of .AleolioliC rji~UUCj JOT by 28 R703310, per, TA-u4 lut vyauhay Rox-a-cy xYwt3l siw PutwizI.,ni, vol 1, 1956, Dp 150-10. om 60-2165z> ~7 PGT Wo, 70 Disturbamea o1 )~igaar lierv-Qus Aa-slvity lit kLvgrassive Paralysis., b5~ 14. 1. Boredi]A, Id DD. TIMM., per, Ihmdy I"t Vyaobey Nermvy D-ay-atel' Bar Pa-onzlolf Vol 1, 195if IPP W, -149~ 7 my 60-aaA. gai - Ned Feb 61 Pff. 110. 70 Diatuzbaceee of the Nouraftmle ln Obsewdve Nourvas, by* X 1. Oex%Utav 19 pp. RMIMI VT., TM* T20t VIBMW VBr=W DW*bQl' it Ims W-1-10. am 6o4aw PLJM ftl - Ned Fa 61 AI f P" 2o. 70 1-4 y t act.5.,j.'L Ly c C ("colic rer, Trudy Instituta V~-3sl. I t,wwol t- -3eriYa Pflitcfiz, V--l V, 195t1. -TS C-1-31022 PL-42o ;ar (NY-3917) Ertfmsion Unit For a TIM PULdiometer for ,Measuring Soft -PAdiationj, by A. P. Soboll, yu. V. Beredinat 4 ppe RUSSIAN,, per,, Medit Radlol, Vol V., No 2,, 196o. JPRS 5078 Sci - Med Aug 6o 1,2, 3 - // 6 ~ (IM-5195) t0janitary-Hyglank Charwteristico of Working Conditions During Spray-Painting and in an ectrostatic 7iold., by R. A. Md"41, 1. V. M L -i~erelliu~iml, 9 pp. I'USSIM., perp Oigiyena Truda i Professional "ww ~Zaboi, vo2. rv,, No 6, 196o.. pp 7-11. JPM 7552 6ci - Had Peb 61 Y4"urea=ts of Fm Atmospbere Ionlzatiou Under Anticyc3mic CmUtions, by N. 1. *xmvvt M. D. malz A. JL SonOdn., RWS=q per Im Ak Nsuk WO, Ur GoaixNo 10. AOU Sol i= 61 A BwV-jm CMaterip bY 5- N- KMWOVo A. A. 4 pp. Rusam- ners. Is A ft* sms ar ooonzp No U., W, pp 1663-IMO. AQU SOL /isz /01 z My 61 On the E~pcm Merge of the Lvar Lapm of the Atmapham, by N. V. Mrs - - A. A. fiartggg,- 5 pp. WSUM., per., Iz Ak Nouk S=p Ber Goofls: No 4. 1964, pp 587-595. Amer geopbp Vaim Sal Aug 64 a6h,844 SEREDKINAv E. RU DUST STORMS IN KAZAKHSTAN TRUDY NAUCHo-ISSLEDs GIOROMETEROL& INSTotKAZA KHSTAN, 15. 1960, PP- 54-59 F.S'TC-HT-23- 1130-73 i mi Sme Problem of Fqvmr Supply Of FUral P&dia Rediffuslon Stations, by M. M. Seredovich. 9 PP. RUSSM, per, Vestnik Bryazi, No 'e'., 1955. JPM 7085 Sci jun 61 / 5- 7 > .1 '5--' v ic R by Ch. ---erecter, pp. no, Unerl-, 24 May 1961, D. 2. ipas io-116 Econ lawr Cretaceous BodUMU of the North Cam"us &W Their Lttlw4aclas *omem&'# by 1, A, Komndftvo mwmz, A, IL ger"It4 RMDJS ~lrv WdMOL)a lbrul Vol. 110 No Ams pp "W ftviev cc Sm"Ift Goobw ba 6604, *w Mum 'DWO VAIVML%y Sol - owpkws rob 59 Liquid Rocket Propellants, by A, V. Seregins 112 pp. ---- RUSSIAN, bk, Zhidkiye Raketnyye Topliva, Moscow, 1962, pp 1-92. 9683142 MTT-63-98 sci-FUSIS Jim 63 ':~ ,-? X'-f -av Continuity Conditions for Stochastic Processes, by L. V. Seregin, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Teoriya, Veroyatnostey i yeye Primeneniya, Vol VI, No 1, 1961. Simi Sci Aug 62 2o6,6z) On the Border, by V. $er ) 3 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Litva, 27 May 1962, p 4. ims 16342 USSR Mil Dee 62 Hime -Imants on the DisialpstAon of Clouds over Large ,,-r Areas by 1. 1. GayvoronWdy- and Yu. A. BmgLaD 24 PPS RMSIM; I*, Trudy Teentallnoy Atrolqgebeckay obwrvatarits No 44.. 1962o py 15-27. 9687671 PTD-TT-63-633 Sol-ftrft Sal & Astron NM 63 62-12553 SLregin, Yu. A. DISPERSION OF SUPERCOOLED FOGS FROM THE GKOLIND WIT11 SILVER IODIDE AEROSOL. [19611 13P. Order from ATS $21.60 ATS-OIN58R Trans. ofTseraralt'nayalAerologlicheakityaI Obscryatorlyi.-'Trudy'SUSSR) 1958, no. 19. p. 68-80. DESCRIPTORS: *Fog. Scattering. Earth, *Aerosols, lodidco, S11yer compounds. I Seregin. Yu. A. 11 ATS-OINSSR 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc" East Orange, N. (Earth Sciences- -Meteorology. TT, Y. 7, no. 9) Office of T"heic.1 mitatlon! of a Mck (;yUMW of Rdta I4qlMs by Ye. x. waillm, A. R. -qq!!q!Rap 7 pp. MMIA39 pwp Radio I Fleks Vol TIns Ito 128 1963. I= Scd Sept a 266,069rr Studies cd*o Maoftima AeUvity In the AuU+oory Wd *rbW AOUXS= of the B=rz &%In Qwtozo DmAng *a Fa=wM= of a Ddowlve omdd"Cned NDI= Ran=p IW 1, A. ftlom#5 ]Me F= tr WMW# affix Ed I fts Vol =0 NO 9f 70 19%io PP7-Wo BUM llechaaicm of -the Action of Elcl~trclytes on I Coars-41 Dlrxvarsed SuBpenslonstN. A. Figuran*, -m- A . V . S e m f -t ,in, 6 pp. vull tx=slatlcn- RUSSMIN., bimo perk Kolloid Zhur vol xvn., No 2., 1.'kLr/Al)r 1955,, Pp 140- In, ~M'XU2- Cowultants Bureau 6aientlfla Aluz -- r-, CTS /Da off 97ml-RAL7& IN Um CAIDOHYDRATR awfow L &L WrADOLUM IN RA73 WS 70 MOWERWr DO= OP ROULIK 1196216 ocdof Mm 07S GM $1. 10 0-072 lkscgL at Ukmytm,44 :t=!9bVI 2bmud 4LMM 1961, v. 33. am 4. p. S63-56L DESCaWrM& Rksbah7dram6 Damp ObWA36 I, Drv% *no& L * AM V%&AW~ kok. McA Mood ECK abcoWN6 0 5"" add& samow-moomtmy, Tr, T. go a% tv d VAN" 9000 SimUes ou the Urinary Acid Pbo4hatsw aa an Index of the SemiB3 HaturLty of Boys,$ by L. StasUk., J. SerojsU., 9 pp. POLIMp per., ROAds Arthim YAOVCM Wsmtnmj) Vol ==, So 1j, 19620 PP 338-34W- OTS 62-uw FLAW Sol - Blol & Mmd fti m-c: 63 24 bn= or A)Ur ~bmMA oa tba of tbA-4 00*000 by V. Li. MMS31* WA 0 1 ~grax.ftvwolja. M-~m 1--W-rov 1963., lb7s 9022-55L 19a (w4) ((b law) The prophyla- ds of SlrjLUpox Under 14odern Conditions$ Aa F., ~%O - JL 9 PPO R,USSI&z,, pers Zhur Mikrobiol EpIdemiol i Immunobiol$ Vol =a. No 7o 1960.* pp 85-92a pp Sci / ( C/ / ,? Aug 61 Determination of Ptrticle Sim of Foodws With a .j A. V. Shidnik. Gelstlu SoluUou,, by A. S. Se=p RMUNP MO pw,# 74vodL Labj, Vol IM$ NO 10., 1956s pp 1204-M5. Be=7 Bmtober No 3987 -g BeP 57 looms.A ft &W1M,6AkMk In *mM In 19*4*p b7 00 To awqy%4 A, to songhgf 9 It* amms Vwx SM MUM*" ftd&Wdo3 1 Ammakdall Vol == Ji 4p Mo 30 79-790 PF ftl Oat 62 22,6so63 ~ llole~, Of Deerearin,_-, rtnd 23,mrCl-l DiFirieter, I)Z,,, 1. A. --,',:!renko. iYI-MMIN" b1-, F I *CB .- -En r ,Jall ~)~ Applicaticm of Radionetive IsatoWe Ir. Scientific Investiptlonsp Wy P. Savitakly.. R. lviubLp V. N. VaUto-va, 11 pp4 UaCLUZI?=. RUSSYAR blw ;;-,r,, Atcmmya fterglys, Xoseow, Jan 146, pp 92-96, US JM/Nr-L-292 (BY-1534) sci - Nuclear AYSICS J'13 Sep 58 Nucleic Acids and Evolution in Algaap G, P. Seronkov 13- ppa RUSSIAN, per, Tz Ak Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biolo No 69 19622 pp 857-868. 9683278 PTD-TT-63-421 Sci-Biol Jun 63 A 3 ~f SS* Stiady of lucWa Acids In S=e AIVZ Op%des) by 04 P4 Serokoyt go Be Vladychenatimpo MMUNt Mi lmlWmM D*" V~uWW VAMly., B101 Nwjkv So go 19Q.0 lop 14T-I:M. W09M Mi W A-10 T Sol - B101 & Had &A ita 63 Blooyntheals of Caffelm in Tw looms) by 0. P. SmvW=p 7e. Proiftri 3 pp. XMINs pajo D3k A ft* WMo Ta CXLt No I 1961o pp 71&7/'~'- A= Sa Nar 62 //?.. -$erer4koy 6 pp. RUSSI.Adl-, Perv Vauclj DOI, Vy-31,cy Shjcoj.~Vo No 4 Biol 1959) P.P 156-161. MA 61-223654 Bel Jan 62 CompamtIve BlochemIcal NumImUou of Two Species of Green Algae,, by 0. Poam"m Id. V. Pakbomova, 1. G. BDrIsova. RUSSUN# per, Vestnik ~bekovekogo Universiteta, No 3) 1957s PP 77-65- CIA 9016919 um Sci - Mn-'stry e, a Mir 58 ' -:-~ -4-z~ Formldebyde Polymer for Industrial Utilization, by G. S. Petrov, V. I. ~ 4 pp. RUSSIAX', mo per,, Zhur Prik Dim, Vol XXD(,, no 12., 1956;, PP 1891-1-893. Consultants Bareau Sci - Chem 6 e., f~~ j--- Mar 58 7T-64-13DI9 Serem&N S. V. md Moshchaniwwa, G. N. HIGH TEMPERATURE FATIGUE (Uk"t'MeULIM. 1. SorcooM & V. [19631 110p] t8rdB C. E. Tnu. 279L. a. Mahchiudwwa. G. N. Order from arS. SLA. or EM St. LO 7T-6d-13DL9 M. Title: TV CETram-2791 Trans. of mono. iSavenbchards po Ustalcuti Metallow V: Central xLearidty JC4WhnV= OD the FAtjVW Of Mlodl) (FA :4 omentift 5m,4 22-34 Sq 56p Moscow], willefuly, 19(c, P6 19-34 Lamm (Boom Q4mUurSy--Su%ctum4 TT, v. 12, m :4 sad Strahm Is Aludalm Allay Flotess k7 So V#.ftmm# 14 At ftn" WMIMI 101.0 staa*fte 's V04 01 a U*4 NLL M 303S ScAoW Jul 66 Me= u il~~n-z=r Tuterpt-ttation or CtmLlative D=ag,, wift Reslotancru Claracteristica to Patigua and St~n~o :~qpture [Long-Time Stat4c Au.4tructioal., .:,y S. V. 3crc---=, L. A. KOZIOV, 1.5 pp. I F.13381A-T,T~ p-3r Zalrod Ilab, Vol Y-vT-V, ~v 12., l9re.3, PP 1378-1391, Instru Soc of Amer Sc-, Apr &D Establ4ablug emfttlow of VarlAble Stressing for Fatigue C&l=latlc=,, by a. T. Serenmm,, N. A. BukharIA, Z. G. Biglov, 5 RLWXM, per, Vest Ymhinoatroy,, Vol XLr, lb 1, 1961m pp 15-21. PM 8a1 jan 62 Strength Calculations Under Variable Alternating Stresses, by S. V. Sorensen, L. A. Ko2lov, 6 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Mashinostro, No 1, 1962, pp 11-16. PERA Sci Oct 62 214,431 $day" In Al=dd= AUW, ZL&t94 6- "A X, 4. awwwwo $9 IL5 .mudphd#' RUNMUL 66 ~.g; I UStalo5t' Aked Naul~ 19-26~ lp, CEGB 2791 rnar;, llhvs Oct 63 ell, The Static Structural Strength of Fibre Glass Materials, by S. V. Serenseap V. S. Strelyayev, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, pery Vest Mashinostroy, Vol XLU., No 3, 1962, PP 13-20. FMA Sci Nov 62 p16,462 F The Fatigue Railure of Cast Iron Havilng Spheroidal Graphite Inclusions, by S. V. Sereasen, 0. Yu. Kramarenko, 15 pp. RUSSIAN,per, Vest Mashinostroy , Vol aI, 110 5, 1961, pp 14-18. Sci Jun 62 201,565 Strength of Compoutwtvc -4-th Regard to Probability Indications for Lcading and taia.Lz-:teristics of Fatigue, by S. V,_�~~rensSq~j E. G. Buglov, 8 pp. RUSSW, per, Vect Ymblaostroy.- Vol XL, t;- U, 1960) pp 23-31. PMA -/ 6 'q, jP 7-3 sep 61 TechnoloMr of Oienml Fatigue Teatz, by S. Vo Se=nsen, pp. RUSSLO., per, Zavod Lab, Vol V.IV, no 9,, 1958p pp 1097-LIO6. MA 60-1,-.WD Aug 61 OTS) Vol 111, No 12 31 A Xo*od at MOWAIN 00 W" Ot Monona ft" lmtwr" =a stamius Awims Imml fttww Tesup %y 96 T, ~~ PIP L **Awo 4 19, OW40 2 va Igm ft so I;rs 0"a "I am 6e Fatigw Reallatance of Cast Iron as a Ft=-Ulon e, Its Structure and Conditions of Alternating Strass., by S. V. Sorensen. I EEICB, p!r., )ftmoires Scientif iquou de la Rev" M ete ~ietalltwgie,, Vol LVX., Dee 1959, pp 713-720. BcmA =6 sci Min/metals Probable Forms of Variable lomding of Macbin COMUCU=tGO by i. V. Serenno I Is Go BUSIGY) 5 pp. IMM; per,, Vest Jkgh4wstM,, Vol IC6 No 10j 19603,pp 10oue - ~ "'r 3 p%Hk w / ', & 0; SCI Aug 61 Some Features of Static Long-Time Strength TeBt- Ing of Aluminum Alloyep by So V. Samsenp No Ab Borodin, ",:,6W ISA 4; sci- Feb 61 Frogramadng of vatipe 'rests for Statistical Loading by 8~ V. Sereason-i z, 0. Bnlovg 6 pp RUSSIAN5 per, 7-avad Lab, vol xxv, No il,, 1959t pp 1352-1357 Tnetru Soc of Aimr Sci NOv 60 / g..9 41 06 A Mithod and Davice for InnmtiSmt5mg leha Elautoplas. tic De.0ormation Process in rabonsion-Comg6asionp by S. V. Swamm, Pa L Kotovs 4 ppe RMSIM, par# Z&wA lab# Val XMp Iwo 3., 1960., pp 332-335. ISA Sai rob 61 Tests With Cyclic Thermal Stresses of Varying Severity in the Investigation of Thermal Fatigue, by S. V. Serensen P. I. Kotov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Zavod Lab, Vol XXV, No 10, 1959, pp 1216-1223- Instru Soo of Amer Sal se-o 6o 14k? 6j 0~4 7 Statistical of Static LQng-Ti= Testsy bY S. V. Se~rcnsen, N. A. Borodin, ~ pp. RLISSIMI,, per., Zavod Lab., Vol XXV., wo 6, 1959, w 722-720". Instru Soa of Amer sci Jun 60 ~/ ~, ~ 0 1~ 9 Table of ConUnte and Reviev of: Fatigue Testing Ksehines,, Dealp and Cs1cu3stion, bY S. V. Serensen., M. E. Garfs L. 4. Kmlav., 17 rp., RMIA17, bk, Masbiny DIva lopytanly lk Ustalnost'; Raschet i Kbratruirovaniye,, Moscow.. 1957, 404 B-371 Head 0 Ub Bv See Air lao Div Lib of Congme Frnblrama of Meta2lic Fatigue Considered at a Meeting of the ?rench Metallurgical Society, by S. V. Bamensenp 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per Zavod Lab# Vol XX#v ~ NO 4P 1958; pp 482-48A4,- Instru Soc of Amor aci Apr 6o //.;' x On Methods of Thennal Fatigue Testing.. by-$.-. Serensen, 'a'. I. Kotovp 11 ppe RUSSIAN.. per,. Zavod Labp Vol XU7,. go 9p 1958; PP 1907-1106. Instru Soc of Awe Sci Apr 6o Regarding. the Distribution of Durability Tlu-.Jn~; *Patiguc Testtj by S. V,_j5Arez"n.. V. P. y-gnvcv., 14. R. Stepnov, R. V7-Giataintov, 5-pi). RL I WM, per, Zavad Lab, Vol XXIV, No 3, 1958, PP 324-328. Instru Soc uf Amer Sel Apr C-0 .2 Fatigue-Testing Machines. Design and Construction, by S. V. Serensen, M. E. Garf, L. A. Kozlov. *---------- RUSSIAN, bk, Maehiny dlya Ispytaniy na UBtalnost'; Raschet i Konstruirovaniye, Moscow, 1957, 4o4 pp. pp Sci - Illgr kpr 61 Reemstruction of the nwtlc-Plwtic Strain Ocaurring Du" the TherMl Fatigue Procesep S. V&-f?srepeA*_ P. I. KOtov'q 4 pp. a=W, per$ Zowd Lab, Vol XXVI, No IOP 1960, yp 1133-1135- IBA Bdi / 5- -/., C-7 ;? ; jun 61 SttxUOO lu Stxs4gtb and T*tijFA Of llt~*Jp by B. V, ftnoo%4 hg Vp. IMGM# bko Lt, smadLegm urtal- Inti 19% pp. %-%,, 67-100. #w32M# ,?,v. zeple-NsQ-w USSR ftl.wx Nov 65 291s931 surrace qututv or o6ftl-ftrtAlk-WS ow'Nupe Limit of Such Parto,, b~ B. T. selft 16 po. Ox, 290M) lrua3mp bkp 1950, PP Sci - Engimorina -,-Aps .!M L4Ts Jet jUremf q*0' WILI Not Bocome Tired* by Be Vi B=Uums- 5 pp. Pau tr RUSSIANx nop Sovetskaya Avlat-sLyap No 152 (nlO)., P9 jun 1957P 2. 6. - ATIC &L - Aam=uticis NOV 57 Some Principles Governing the Mechanism of Thermo- thezapy Studied on the Model of Dyaeuteric Kerato- conjunctivitisp by B,-QCr9UY 7 PP. RUBSIAN,, per., Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemlol i Immunobiol, Vol M., No 109 1959j, PP 107-112. PP Sci Sep 60 91, Treatmont*of Schizophrenia Idth Aminazine, by M. YA, Ssnysk - 193-Y, ot al. RUSSIAN, per, Zh N Psikhiat Kormamkov =at Vol s6v 19s,60 PP 155-1619 14111 -3-49-65 (Loan) Sci-Biol 4 tied Sci flayM (M-6370) The Eradication of the Parstyphoid DiseaBe of Plglets, by I. T. �j 4 , B. A, Kruglikov) pp. RUSSIM, per, Veterinariya.. Vol XXXM, No 8., 1960, PP 42) 43. im 9445 5' ~ul 61 Mi Use of Asbestos BaUsat on Railroad Liaes, by D. I. Serezhnikov, ;DqW 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Fut' i Putevoye Khoz.. no 6.~ 1962,, PP 16-17. ipm 15544 USSR =.v ~ ~7' Ecou ;~' I/ oct 6p. Foreatry Cartographic Naterials and Their Uou '.','or ,jnp~graphic uarto~;raphyo by D. P. Serezin. R u -I- s V.1! Geodesy i Y4rtogruf iya, 'I'lo py, 49-1-4. ATIC - MCL-16-)N USM, Geog Feb 6o ucclusive Plumata ProviaspCotancous bouvery" by St. ~Oserfa ', et al's N" SPANISH per -prensa Med Argenti, Vol SIO NOS& No S. i;64. ;p-C Mo. 14111 10-42-6S (Jn Loan) Uk-iVgentina sci/B&!,t Jar 66 2961325 (Wf -5482) Jkv Gervowmalog Machine; AtldYDILW St tlA 1,960 loolpass Industriol ftiz, 17 Ivan SWOS 7 pp. T!!!L =W=as "r ammutt %spas Vol ==o so 80 1.9601, pp 541-543. im goo Boon fty -61 ~~l the Pr&199'0 11"O1 SurgarY b, tlic Severe Form of Acute Pealcreatitis by ~~~s !)Ij3lsfAN,,, per, Khinirgiia (Moscow),, Sup 19600 pp 50-52. '1"i 7 , I -66-6S ((~i Loan) Sl-4 - I s7- /I f 6 7 ~'Cila I I t' 0 Aur 65 287,409 (FM MR) awoD4"3 . USER Scleftific - *Uctup microbtobw 19,0401 R%VbZM or, AUUMINd FWArUg# IV (6- No GOW Wd Vo X. S ,Jxwwp 4 jys. RWM$ per TAt Prodxp W 2# lop sci Oct 62 w4vzs On the woblAma at tJw tbooz7 cC vopour ---Ommmt*o tr= vap=r nd ve mlxuuva~p lw SL 70 ftroulas mmms Dws stilt a Ilk -1, X963o 310 h5p 0 7~-43 ULM 3243 (Ca Lm CR jiu see- aw MWW 67 of Foreign Trade iii the Socialij,t countriC3, lyj W. P. scr ej-Q", 12 pp. 131,341AH, Dar Nvosenhprdel, Voll X!, 'No -J-rRS 1114-~, - it. Gernw-ny ,aar T."Con *I>c 61 BENZ, 1. S - FAdioactivity Produced -by Neutron 14 Ittlian, La Ricerea Seientifies, V*l M'l' 1934. ABC Tr SME', B. Radioactivity Produced by Neutron IN m Nil 1 v do 0 1, p lullsap La Ricerca Scientificaj, Vol (V).ol,, No 11-12, 1934 ABC Tr