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ML&Ulllllllllllo '"*-=I 0 Me* Im 211114~ 1b Ti 3*0 0 --F-w-vpwggwf AW am ONP - a" Niels .I *a M4 Ov - a" MRS(A Biochemical Study of ImIdazol Forms# ReportIV Pbysiolo IVa Deccq=ItI= -of Yoahita 42 pp. jAPANESE, per., Oza)m Da4galmi Tamb zRogis Vol IV, 1;0 10 25 I*c 19518 pp 1-100 M Scientific - Chemistry 0 a 0e, . . - i ..: .1 ,- q . ~. A General Critical Reviev of the Methods Used In the Stress Analysis of Important Arch Dame, by J. L. Berafim. PWMMSE, rpt., Analise Genal Critics doe Metodos de Calculo Maio Impertantes den BRrragens- Abobada, Liebon, 1956.# 21 pp. Dept of Sm=wm Interior UB Bur of Reclamation Technical Lib Denver., Colwado 9 Sci - Engr 7e Rep 6o 9A To NV16 No vmo t964 ~bthod of itafile in the lownph4wic D-VoSims by Ke ~4rsfiwvs ot oil* wim;xdki, par'l 921gamika Aki.* maukita (Aoki dst IXT* Vol 5 So Zo Jg"v pp 55-66. asavy tv RAW o4c R o stweii=tion of the orgmdm M"Itar CLWcal Death in. DoSn With ftwriate& fttotAd Slzusp by V. popaimit=v., 4 pp. REMSM) m per; ]bill Emper Diol i ltdp Vol n1p xo 6. jum t956., pp 16-19. Sol - Modiciue NOV 57 Transport Difficulties and Costs in Bulgarian Trade With Iraqj, by Vasil Serafimorr. BULGARIM, per) Vuwhna 'Tugoviya, No 6. 1960, pp 23-25. FM Sum 2827 EZur - Bulgaria Scan - transportation oct 6o Let Us Devote Every Effort to the Pre-Fulfillment of the Plan, by Ruska Serafimova., 1 pp. WLGARIAN, np, Tekhrxichesko Delo, 11 Aug 1959- Am i-1689-E ID 2203222 EE'ur - Bulgaria Econ 23 Oct 62 Xr~ Mom - . . -11 1 - .1 Sand, and Other Stoe&ee,, by A. Sereftn') C.b. ]BO pp. )d IRUSST.An., bk. I Four ContInents Book Cory 822 Broadway new York I ??Y mby 6o (NY-3000) A New Continuous Heavy-P:Lpe RoUing MU at Per7oural'sk, by B. Seraf1marich, 3 pp. RMSM, np, Al Lminskoye Zuamya, 2.6 Sep 1961, p 1. JFRS 13510 / ?a 3 '4/ USSR 3--cm Apr 62 The rr~,Acvq of the Effect of llaxiatiomj ia -Lhe ---r=asity of Cosmic Noises on the D!*urnL0L Dintribution Gf the Number of Meteor F,eacctio~.,3, by Z,, P. Sqeraiaoviq~, 4 pp. RUSSTM,, per; liyul lust Ast-rofiz Ak Nauk Tadzhi~~ ISSR, 1,11o 27, 1959, PP 37-39. i A 61, The AntiaUerglic Therapy of a Synthetic Antihists- mine Drug, by D. Serafini$ 9 pp. MEW.. perj ClIn Mon,, Vol No No 3,, 1947, p 142. WA 2813 Sci - Medicine Air 5 8 6111.3 Y Biapaphy 1 of Polish Owmist Wams , 'by IUImx go" 0 sawn Owdimm, 6 pp. pm=t PWO Naft 0 va TM) 90 Oct-Doe 1960* PP 1TO-174 JPW 1M53 Polish - I&W 170, -f 910grembic set - mile Institute of for Geological Investigations and Testing of Building Materials and Sail of the Peoples' Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Serajevo. I--- . RUSSIAN, bk, Zavod za Geoloska istrazivanja i ispitivanja gradjevinskih materijala i tla narodne Tepublike Bosne i Ilercegovine, 1955.XX 220 pp. Dept of interior QE1 S2 1955 Sci Nov 63 MVrovements in the Manufacture of Carob Gum, by Julia Serallachy A. Josev 2 pp. Full translation. SPANISH, pan, Spanish patent no. 196y171. S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry 91 0~~1404 Aug 55 6711 63-10539 _5cauuer-, N. A., Mestres, A. 0., and Bischoff, N. EVAWATION OF THF DWREnC AMON OF 1. Serantes, N. A. 8341-SU (CYCLOPENTMAZIDF) IN FIVE DIABETICS U. Mestres. A. 0. (Valoraci6n de ]a Accibn Diuretica del 8341-SU 111. Bischoff, N. (CIL-lopentiacida) en Cinco Diab6tJcos). [19621 9p. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-10539 Trans. of el Dia Medico (Argentina) 1961, Y. 33, 27 Nov, p. 2829-2835. DESCRIPTORS- *Chlorothiazide diuretics, Drugs, *Diabetes, 8Diuretles, Sulfonamides, Tolerances (Physiology), Sodium, Excretion, Potassium, Toxicity Pharrna,-ology. syrnpatholyti,- agents. (Moiogi -al LiLn -es-Pharmarology, TT. v. 10. no. 2)1 Offkv d 70akal 3ankto A E~ftogen.Ljke *dal of the " cy in Cemi- conductIng eoaqxxmds of the A, B Type.* by W. BeynAg and Bo SerapbIns 11 No -7~1 GX=l per, Naturforach., Vol XIam 19461 pp 425-429. A SLA 57-3355 sci '74 '~s e 10* Ava 58 Quiet , Chanps In the OveraU Amount of Me=ow in do E Suaum of ft 91 lonosMere, by C.�EMgMLW RM N. Gorfwv. RUSM w, Q*U* Ak I yai XY16 NO YMI 1%3-0 ) wr WFTD-TT-65.104 k I I scl-alea~,E.5 Aug 65 Solution of the Phase Sonde Problem by the Selection 1--lethod, by B. B. -fiqrMinasw 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Geodezlya I Aerofotosiemka, No 4, 1963, PP 117-128. Amer Geophys Union Sci Aug 64 264,852 Yhe Problem of Evaluating the Accuracy of Station Pool.tions Detez=Uwd by RadaX Syst=) by BO B, ARAMANUL). 5 PP. ZJBSM., per, Iz.Vysabikb Ucbeb Zaved Gsodeziya i Aerofotoolyemka, No 5.. 1962P PP 37-46. AM sci Aug 63 343,n6 DD We Evalm-Ae PlUbts Correctly?, by P. r. serapionm 4 pp. FM RMUR; per.. Vast Vot Mota, No 6.. 1961. 9672A YJD-W-U-5 LSM /'P/j Idi Fab 62 The Machan'sm of MULTy Beat Hoomrsal nia the Difusoriaa ISpinstomm Ambigma.4 by L, N, Serav:U w5sual per., Tsitologlyu, Val IV, vo 6, 1962.. pp 652-660. ml ms m I set - Diol Is Had Sci p,so 64 -10 4 1~ ? 0 n, ys'-olosical Grad-1:n2te, OT tha" Mb J gaum ~ b,%,,, L. X ~ Se mvin. MBOW; pjer~ Tsitologiya: Vol IV,, No 25., 1962; pi, ML MT 22a. vt~l Sci - Biol & Med Sai Fob 64 ;2 j/ S', Eni.-rgy Required. for I/Amwnt of tha Slipm_r (Parame-d-Lum Caidatum),, by L. No Scravin. F."USSIAN,, per,, N=ch Dok V~msh i Phlm'7: Biol, Flo 3j 1962) pp 63-65. 0z;ax-,// JML =6 2a C " sci - Biol & Mid sci Fab 64 :"4111 ns nme- Role of Adenosinetripho*ate ia the F&Ytbmic Movezent of the Cilla In Dd~woria, by L. No BeravIns 5 pp. I'mPsmi i*r., Imommim Vol INTO 30 lo 1961j, pp 3.60,;-IM. ca S(d /W/,?, V// ft 61 Ow Natol" of go. - __ ----at A&- - - 4owsomolmla sw"Obsol Wift IL 499"MMEAMS& mw_Mk__~ MR-umms Bon.. *14081 Ir JX4 w ave / ' 'e f-""2 " ~ l,7 i1 ftl 31% 5% ja 67 Cb&Wg or 'IwSistaft Of Farawlas caudetum in the Coum of A&Wfttion to VAU md MUs by L. N. pp. RUSSIAN,p per# Duk Ak go* Val omp No 6,p 'MR pp W-. ma Bel bw zmt or MR Bel - Jbd 40x 1 mw,,4 Datum variats Functims or Paramd= CAWL&t= in 00 PZVGO" at AdapUtIon to Bait solutwo f *07 12 pp. RLSOMP pGrp:*TBIt41o5j3%j, Vol Is no Ip 19wi, pp 120-3s. Sol . Jbd, Cytaw Aug 59 .3 to 'fe IffeeU of-an Ilwtric Field on BmTtion Processes on the Surface of Germwdum6 by J&amhenko, Barba,, et al,, 5 W. RUMUN, per, Dopovidl Ak Nauk Mmmin M~ No 1962, MXJMW pp 350-352. AM 1-7071 601 - Ptws.. Cbm I ftb 63 li,4R 4 eat YUI- OMP viarwsAgo A* jupoomm"t %R4 I*t6aft of Dwoi*t vtmap by jer* laft-t"tathoica Vol 60 No So (Y) - DS e, r- ~o- )--~ 0"Irt =058 "%I" ftt I AM 467 ASPECTS OF MECHANIZATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, BY GHEORGHE SERBANESCUll 7 PP. RUMANIAN., PERp CONSTRUCTORUL, VOL XIV, No 672, 24 NOV 1962, P 1. JPRS 17093 EEUR - RUMANIA ECON , JAN 63 219;442 (2197-N/C) Lwrtmnt RulQs aW WormtIm for Obftluins lWrewed TIGMS Of AUUM Whato bY No LOW# Do Becemcul WA Fl. awaledwo RUMANM.- perp Probbm ASPIwIss V01 lp ID 8,t DWIMMIlt.0 1958's pp 52-56. im lift-Y Alur - Rumania iz,,137 Ily 4 0 T~m Cont Lnd Ugh Fodders, by V P. RMANIAN, per, Revista C;pspodariilor Agrtcole Oa $tat, Val Xll~ Ib 7~ iqlftl. pp ims u4m FDir - ftnania Econ Dec 61 PROGRESS AND PERSPECTIVES OF THE RUMANIAN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY, BY V. S~5 ~ANESCL~ A. S. BANCIU; 14 pp. RUMANIAN ER) PETROL 31 GAZE, VOL XIII, No 8, iqLp PP 337-341. JPRX3 16288 EEUR RUMANIA ECON Nov 62 2191739 The Problem of A&The Physiological Mechanism of the Action of Temperature a& US Fishest by Ts. V. 19erbeduk, G. H. Bogdanov, 11 pp. RUSSIM, pwmmper, Ikhtiologichaskaia Kosissiia Ak-adexii Nauk SSSR, Trudy Soveshchanii, No 8, 19580, pp 278-287. Fisherias Resoarch Board of Canada St. Andrews, Nanaino and St. John's Ix Stations Sci Fob 64 I 0 / , // , ,- -,, k ~ e"J-f Itsfm4m :r,pc 0 #"?WA Iron Ore Reduction Trials in a Cylindrical Rotary Vurnmeet by P. LmIm., H. �~rbent, 0. *7". GFMN., per# Teabuisebe Mittellunget &Wpp Vol =0 No 4.X1961) vp W-M. (9~ Mal 2689 Sci - Chas My 62 / 9'6.,, .2/0, list 132 Mqxmdm=Ua Resats In Prodwbica of Sponp Irm In tae R=-XL3=p 17 0- N=mkelr H-_Sew~a_ 14 pp. GMM2 pwj TacbrAofte )dtteLbmgm MrWj Vol M; No 2j 1VA., pp la-46. MA 60-16790 BOA Apol .71 71 Am 6e V01 ITS OD 6 ExWlmuto an Pceductlen of B= Ores In the Rotary Xiln, Iv P. Ludas H. $wbout. G=US Mp Mehl XMW ]mean, Vol 11. -11 F ~ I 1 0 14)Q0 pp U 1222.1M. BM 03 sci ; 141M Feb 3 44ay ) v 0 Experimental Results in Production of Spmp Tron In the Rom-Kilap by S. Henkelj, H. Serbent. GUM.. W., TechMsche MittailuAM KrM.. Vol XVIq No 20 1938S pp 41-46. Sci SLIL 60-16M lo pmducuon =A ympffuss of hub Midaltr sizttw. tw R. 3orboat, 0. 14M. UMN.; PW. %gh aft nap Ppragbmbw, To% 22, X* 2, IL964, pip 55-62 cff./T. 1996 ~-/ - -5 c A- b v /V r scl - Sep 67 340,a7 fZ Wf' Wto ~.T "Uninvited Guests," by A. Serbin (on Western "$Pies" visiting USSR) Moscow, -Ti=, 25 April 1963 USSR-International Daily Report WSR & East Europe No 85, 1 May 63 3h the R9M Aea#aW cit milli 'I Sessions cadwmm CA Alm" =d 100dod IV Gj_K& Oftbla. EMPWP ows -tdo a PodVowlks. Val, imo ND Op J;~ffs PP M-355. OTO TT-CA-19M 66 396,MT at "m PJV ftL ot A07041PRINFUJIM balmi "r. b-wb-m& 00044 tw To i.. 463p sp 35-w. - . mom v A" Bef: 5w (OW) i sd)*t Air 70 408,Tao -- ~ a 1 - - 1. WC) I aftwAt ad Its agrount TOdStSUS by To, re gWbl% BMW. Pbll*Oft MMP*.,, YOZ *.b mier-,*. ... .. .. - - 5W (VA) ftvlkt N ~ -Y - ': Ap 70 40%T79 cis" emu fume* by "SUN* we soon "I use &n4g, 0 ll*Wo 111700 WA ot ftV TI MWJMI'fsl .0134 v , Itieftif AW " . P494AM6 &T Mums tbor juj4 IpW A"A"s by 00 00 PP# RMIMO, pre Tgwk 1"t TO" Ak Mmak 01"Ic le 40 w",p pp 7-46 V b)'Hc7 Sci,- matwd*U NOV $140161 Dwestigation of Structure Formation in Aqueous Solutioas of Rtudo Sub3U* noose bY =ang-luago x. m. Swb-Serbina, L. S. lwuwt3ova, V- S. Lhurina- AUSSIAN, per, Nolloid 4bw, Vol. IXTTTI NO. 21 19a pp. 209-214 SCI mar. 62 Effect of ffydrated e Compoundo an the Strength AM Durability of Baoew Omut In 9= Coucrete, by Yu. A. Bafrim, 1. N. Barb-Serbina. UNCL RMUN,~per, Straitel Prom, So 9j, 1956, vp 31-36- DBIR 33317/01 mr 59 ,0 Fomtion of Nydrated Urated Cdaium Cb2oroalumlates and Their Nffeat on the Structure of HardeW Cezont,,'by It. V. Sorb- fu. As 3avvicaj V, S. ZhuzAnat 5 pp. RUSSUM, por, Dok Ak Vauk MR., Vol =IP 190 3o L956~ pp 659-662. Sai Rua Ub 58119W 5el -Chem 2 Mar 59 FormtIon: of Wrated C&Ut= Chlarcalmimtee, and The Ir Rffoct an the Strwtw* of NutwW ~ Comeft bY N. N. SWb43erblnav Tu- A* Gavvicap V. as MM4 Pro 000$04 MMUIP "I Mo No 3s W6a vp 659m6Q. I DSIR 3333L6/CT set - min/oti am mar 59 ea ,a -;~/ 2A4 fte Sito of w.-Aftasible Medumin ia the Action of chiop,-~vwziw on the Descending Reticular Fonw.,aon in the BWz ftmo br ~.%. V. Vp. RUSSM., per,, Fiziol n= SM Imn' I. M. seehenovas Vol XLVIP lb 9) 190) " 1-105- M6. pp sci ,Azzz / -7-7/ AlU71 P,pr &L Pho 1010gical F"Ums of D68663AIXIS stfects fmm the Reticular FormtIon In Ow DiMin Stmo by M. V. sertinsalo, 4 pp. RMWI perp fts Mw SM La 1. M. sachonova,, vol XLIV# No 40 150# pp 2ft-285-o Sal - Mod Tob 59 M2e Probl6m of RvaUmting the roactivity oe ExplWives. by A. 1. BerbInavo 6 Ype HMIAN.v Wo Dok Ak BmLk SMs Vol =UXj 30 3s 19590 pp 627430. OB BCI oat 6o 1.3 ()/ 0 xe Therml Explosion and Isotherml Dooomposition of Explosives. 1. Activation Energy for the Decomposition of Glycerol Trinltrate,, by A. I. Serbluoyt 3 pp. RMSIAN, per.. Zhur Fla Xhlm,, Vol )9=11l No 12$ 1959, PP L,641-2&8. Cleaver-Hume Press Sat sep 6o /4 ~7 g-10 0 High-Frequency Sources for Electrostatic Generators, by A. N. Serbinov, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, bk,Elektrostatichoskiye Generatory, ~Ioscow, 1959, 9667891 FTD-TT-61-416 Sci-Electron Mar 63 c .~ :iqj4t 17 High-Frequency Ion Source With Honeycomb Extraction System, by A. N. Serbinov, V. I. Moroka, 5 PP. RUSSIM, per, Prib-al i Tekh Eksper, Ho 5, 1960, pp 27-32. IM ISA Sci 22 jun 62 200,o86 10706 GE-1 A. N. SERBINOV Research into the focusing characteristics of a system designed to extract ions from a high-frequency ion source Untersuchnung der Fokussierunpelgenschaften eines Systems zum Heranziehen der lonen aus einer Hochfrequenr,-Ionen- Quelle Pribory i Tekh. Eksperimenta., No. 3, 39-45 (1968) 0,'Q - German Ion Sources vith Highwfteqwwy Disobargep by A. V- Berbinov,Sp V. %. Petrov, A pp. RUSSIAN* pw PribM7 i Tokh Ekoft, go 5p 1958p PP 301 batm Soo of Awr sai Apr 6o 0.1 T."VestimPlAm Of the Ion I,=-Wr&CtiGa Bruo jL. X, 14 VP Sources, W ap"ro so 3, 1956f Pribal TOP vp 39A5 Tr W3/511154 mw Dmud""as Of salialtir Is Kok psodn"* by la, L, So6ba"Was M. A6, arlowlep. .Rmlm* P04 tgd& W" W. Wo ~jl --%,c 1r J*pt of lAtedor Pish aud WildUft Sorviso ACF,j ftxm of Foulip puberi" .~e~j, sai-caft h s K- 4 Aug 67 335*248 ~L'ba%AsAoUcs of Awtoy FwUfUr bir A. A. I-odarove 0. ambiaevoAse 13 ppe part , w of In AWN= baft"to OWN bV U. p, Jk, adaAwo IMZOO IV 395,696 Nov 69 0 a /V. N. .5c 4,b - Se- r- b /~v A-,, 8014hm not 69 Peripheral[or Local ROfIOX03 by H.V. Serdievsk RUSSUN, bk, 227 pp. NLL REP: 4583.9 AD 661 895 m, //, S-On-di", ~ "P .eA I 383,398 July 69 .4"JW-L-, WHAT 13 NEW IN THE ELECTRIFICATION OF THE INDUSTRY, BY G. SERBINOVSKIYj V. YEFREMOVI 6 pp. RUSSIAN, NP, EKON GAZETAI NO 20, 12 mAy 196z, p 16 JPRS 15518 USSR ECON OCT 62 212)926 IM ftapic and Aeboncel -'- - Relatlmto the 01 the Uaboap -QoiqAMg by S. 1. MobalUfte A. H., pp; RMOUN 2 P" ? ZDUOLd Ems Vol Mo lb, It 19"t pp 29,96~a Wl - ohm ahn 59 InvostIzAtIon of tho &Structuration anr Rhoolog'ical Properties of Acuc= Diopcaions of B,~ntonjte Clay-, During Their ftactlon with 4wwtess, by Chlamg LunG. 11. '.11. Serb-6orbim, j?. p., pabinde*j- 6 ppe RUSCIP's wo KoUoid 7hurs Vol XXIII# No 3s 1961s pp. 377-333 mar 62 Elx3tico-Vlacous Properties of Tbixotropic StructWvs ir. Aqueous Suspemion;of Bentonite Clays, by L. A. Abdurxn~:~ova, F,, A,, Rebinder, N. R. Serb-SerbUml 10 R=LkNj b1no per, Kolloid Zbi=p Vol XVIIJ No 32 MY-Jun 1955# PY J 195 C XA 0 39V)9 Consultauts, Bureau SciantiTic - Chm13try Mov 55 CTS/DEX TT-63-2D733 Serbulenko, M. G. ON THE PROBLEM OF CONSTRWrION AN WnMAL 1. &vbuWvbtk K 0. LINEAR FILTER FOR IME DIVISION OF ParTRI11% FIELDS (K Voprosu o Poetroettit Opdml'wp Lincloogo Operators dlys Raxielenlys Potmolal'ay1th Polei). 119631 1337pj (foretp text inchuleo 10refe Order from OTS, SLA or ETC $160 7T-63-207331 Trans. of Geologlya I Geofizika (USSR) 1961, am 12. P. 90-94. (Abstract available) DESMLPMRS- *Geophysics, Gravityanonalien, Terrestrial mapalorn, Funal" adysis, *Nmrl- cal methods and procedures, Integral avieforms, Statistical furctions. Operaws(MadwuAtics). Potential theory, Based on the application of the diatributors of the gravitational and mapetic potential to the Lebesgue class L ( -- - -) It Is shown that In the solution of W" W 79dwital ft"Ic" (EngirWing--S~tellfte Vehicles, 7r, v. 11, no. 2) (over) Neamwing the TrL%e Sulace of a Natalp by S. a. Outial L. L. Produdw,, X. 0. Beiftlealm) 5 pp, MWIMp per., Zhur Tekb lisp Vol XXVI., No 4p Apr 1956, pp 865-869. Mar Wt of YMn Soviet an-Tech PbP Vol ip no 4 sci - PbPics J-11 7.2 P, Aug 57 Relationship Between Autonomic and ReflexTroceam in the Rhythmical AeUvity of the Respiratory Centre in FiSh, by Ts. V. Serbxeuiuk, R. A. Shishov, T. K. Kirprian., 9 pp. RUSSIMf per$ BiofiziIW#,Vo1 IVp No 6. 1959.. pp ~57-%5- Pergamon Press Sci Jul 60 / 02 '0, 6 .;,/ The C-neu of Pxx>gresslve Samlle Deat'ness jPresbyacusis), by A. Sercor J. Ermpotic. GEMM, per., , Acta Oto-Laryagologica Supplementum., Vol CKLInp 1958- CSIRD Sci - Mod //Y, 5-,3-7 jun 6o j %a Sulphw Plant at Tbmuftvns by 9 pp. jawwwo f pw TUS991irift tor Kjoul as Bervemen, Vol XVMP so 6, Oct 190, pp inw, c4 8 Z.A. Tr U73A9% Ic==Ic Be I - Ott 56 Coutriblitim d2 the Fw=4 Omrimm of AMatropMe Latena ScUrWb. SWAUN an AlWoUapbla Istaml Saeroob VI.., by YArosUY.Bnvlp ZDV&Ak, JU=lr# CMBA.l n"s Oeaiwa NeWolp Vol'vv 4 so 6a 10, JU 4-1"3 Sol - ma/*4 ftl &l 63 io~l Moj)atiou of hvblm Dnrlng Up= the M6thod of .dio-W&Ve &=dlaSv by V. & I%wVp A. 1, Sardinov 6 pp. I ~.p issia, yer, is Ak Nwk BBMO awlva oadU., No 6v 63, Pp 936-945- AW d CV 63 investigation of the (q, D) reactiou on Oxygen, by I. A, Sardlukavat A. 0, Mabakhpashovs E. M. TsenIii,t-3"'iP ""- " ' RUWL42, per# Iz Ak Nauk SMp Ser Fizp Vol XXI# No 7. 1957, PP 1017-1Q9. CQUvrbia Tech Sci - Physica Oct 58 7J j- 3 fd A cbenicml 20M Of Cta+,jon lodumps. by I seleowl I kkiT , mans, pas podwmeftmiel so 6s 19%, pq A-A. csntO 3745 Sd - Cbem wr 62 A P, F. a V-l ?