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I?Jrst Aid Kits for Solcliers by ~t Col R. C. LSendul Military Me4ical Education by Lt. Col Dr Betriop 10 ppe tmuk npmwo per* M%dWAh KWOMUD Anomtsup Oct- Doc 1953- lv;l to if,_99_*,:AA',,DNmrta# 18 Jm 1954., PY 62*7 FR - IndomBla - military - vAaciqe CIA D-38692 Nev Data an tbp- Coal Bearing Strata of the Ilinak Pomation, of the Kuzbas in Comection. vith the ChoracterisUcs of Its Twaies Cam poslticn~ by R. M. Senderzon, 3 PP- RUSSIM,, per., Dok Ak Haut SM,, Vol CO=I) 'No 2j, 1960., PP 391-394. AM Bel J 5-;7 .Tun 61 ilv Vol J-d63f 120 Sbak of Cardbowd or Simi' Materi&lj by N. V. DmWwri4 3 pp, ViTop Patent No 0#401, DIpt Of OOM Pot "tim ftl Lib / 0-r ~ sci - up On the Problem of the Experimental Srady of Process of Wind Erosion of Sands, by B. N. Senekevich. -i-II-I.- - RUSSIMT., UMOWN, No 1, 1902, PP 21-30. *PL-4,80 Sci-Agr Aprii 64 S~enl' A. N. DETERNUNAMON OF THE OWOTIC RESISTANCE OF THE LFUKOCYTES. (I9A-3j[12]p. It refs. FASEB manuscript no.S M-2. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-19382 Trans. of LaboratornDe Dalo (USSR) 1962 Iv. B] no. 7. p. 9-14. DESCRIPTORS- *Osmotic pressure, *Leukocytes, Blood, Cells (Biology), Determination, Diseases. Spleen, Physical properties. Biochemistry. Solutions, Permeability. Determination of the osmotic resistance of the leukocytes is an additional method of investigation giving evidence of changes in their physico-chemleal properties. When the osmotic resistance of the leukocytes to a 0.2% solution of sodium chloride was (Biological Sciemes --Pathology, 'rr. v. 10, no. 2) (over) 63-19382 1. Senenko, A. N. It. FASEB S-208-2 Ill. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Washington. D.C. IV. Scripta Technica, Inc., Washington, D. C. sw3LUation of T*nurl=4 bY S a A - SOMPbOVICht 9 - R Ast"bsvip 6 ff. AMUNI pro sbw T*kk ftso V" mmn) N 41, 190# pp M-M. *AW ZW-t Of MO - go" ma ,/ 6Y1 g JOZ 59 M~ L.I., . W , I . ;io so - van ftso mll~ft 16~~ TT-65-12277 Field 6A Senez. , C.; Azoulay, E. DEHYDROGENATION OF PARAFFIN HYDROCARBONS BY 1. Seftex. J. C. RESTING-CELLS AND CELL-FREE EXTRACTS OF 13. Azoulay, E. PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA. 14p, Igrefs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12277 . I Trains. of Blochimica et Blopbysica Acta (Netherlands) v47 n2 00-16 19-61. NIII 628 The Potential. Outpft or Blast-purnwe and the Large Bl"t-FurMwe., bY Eduard Bergterp 24 pp. 0="p per# ftLhl und.gim, Val LMM$ No 26, 1952) PP 1633-YA2. MA 60-18241 &L /I J46 IS17 Apr 61 7 The Treatment of Pig iron and Steel With Slage as a Means Of MqAv" the QW11ty Of the steel., by Bd=rd soofter 23 pp. OMWN# porp Arobiv fur "a Vol =V.. No 1/2., 19530 pp 1-3.0. MA W18633 Sei /46;j //Soo,* Apr 61 SENFTER E. Stahl Una Eisen~ vol, 58, 2 figures, 1100 words; 1938. Reactions and Heat Effects in the Desul-#-urizaticn of Pig Iron with Soda Ash. Brutcher Trans, Order Vo.1190y $1.40 1 /(-~ I-) ' ?-3 m Gas Armlysia by Elactrostrictiono by H. Senftleben.. H. Gladischp GEMWI, parp Z ADgew Physiks Vol Up No 5# 1950p pp 204., 205. ATS 277-W Sci - Chom Nov 59 14re -?,? ? 63-14686 ernAnn and Bezedict, Mlsabeth. rj~= OF LICHT BY CARBON PAR77CLES 1. Seeffiebem ft W LUMINOUS FLAMES. [19631 [341p. 37 ret& 11. Bwed[M EL Order from SLA $3.60 63-14686 Trans. of Annalen der Physik (Germany) 1919, ser. 4. v. 60, w. 2% p. 2917-323. -r-CIUMRS: *Diffriction. *Light, *Carbon, Pgrti- cles, Flames, *UptiL41 properties, Brightness. Mari- zadon. -Absoxpdo74 Opd-r-8 (Physics- -Optics, 7r, v. 10, no. 4) "M 1i ink" bmm '"W"Wom la A"Wom Aw Lodewift !!i P'..? &by kd"= at ft*v~ *C*dw, by V. Ma w " F:~; ~460!11%Lufwl Dept at cam Ilbs 92AM7. POMM Offk* II /-. C~,, Sd-L 1-1 ~ 117 ~i ,kV r II/ 2NA76 Nmezricml R of Plm wd Rotatim-ally Symiet'-de Lrmisonic Jet Flow 111th Curved Sound Boundary, by B. Martenzen., K. vcn qgRELIE~.' 121 pp. (21"Wil Mittellungen aus, den fuer Strmiyampforsahuag und der Aemayna-mischen Versuch~-anstmlt, Wo 19., 1958,~ pp 96&1333 DDGI RSN-M Sci - Aero Oat 63 416 _5=gbusa, R. V THE CULTURE OF NICOTINE-FREE AND NICOTWE- POOR TOBACCO. [1962115p. Order from K-H $18.75 K-H 5389-b Trans. of der ZUchter (Germany) 1931, Y. 3. no. 2. p. 33-38. DEscmvroits: *Tobacco, *Nicotine, Agriculture. 62-22741 1. Sengbusch, R. V. 11. K-H-5389-b M. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit. Midt. of.o A, (Biological Sclences--Blochemistry, TT. v. 9, tLo. 2) 11thiks) lervwi Becond hmal P*pwt of the Dinctonte of the luoUtuto :an the Work of the ftsomr-u MutitaU +he for Ploics of Jet Poapdaiaup Stuttomrt, at 7Mrd R*VAUr Wexenm ot the NoWbws Ma 20 10.1 W, amus, rpto Zvolter Jsbxmberlcbt der I"Utwt- sialtmg Ober dU Arbelt4m des FovM=pln#Ututs fur dw der dritten a&-4kmtUclwn Wit&Uedervvr- al m6. MCA NA99W 'Y' 7 *Y 5T #A 2h8 Ash In Ptdpp by F. -Wolgnhg 1, S!MFj" 8 )V. Gnu# Pori tfodlou % t VOL I I so 23.9 Doe 1951., pp 751"77- 31A %.50 ftt Avg 59 9.~r, -5;)w f Post-Imr Devnelopmats in the Conetruction of Tankof Etterlin., 10 pp. ;Irraea Rotor, Encl to 13pt NO R-9-54 XD 1195883 7n . . ... 141M.Uw,f Tzwk,,; RUIA 24N'005 0- -jr ~ / J) ,'( PosidblUtlee for M*rmlw the Bmt BwAOW Of POW stow p IV U. saw. GEM.. rwi low a staffvaugaskafts Vbl vno No 21, 19"t w WOO OB=D ad. 2w 1-71 oat 61 # ?,rP OOMDA W*&POnfi Carriers lSk2-1945, UY 410 6 , -W V., S~Ppr.g, 4 OMM., per, Vdirtechnische VAmtobefte, Apr 1938o 13 PP- MA "' 5 EEM - GoruffAw ma Oat 58 rl -~" 74 -1 / ""e ftlistizing of VOWT (AV caucutrote =d ft" subAtes by I'-s-onapup Gap.M,p polro I Vol "s I w Ual, - 9m p Aug 300 MOs pp 765-767. .1i1 4445 290*SS7 New Results 00 the Polb6ising of IM4)re Cmantratess by Oamg SaWelaors 6 ppo -~ ~" CUM, per, MU =d Blau$ Val LXWj No 25# 1952. pp 1577-M9. IOA 60-91239 Sol Apr 61 ILLe 15-6 1-4v I IT 5 fi Mal 'V01- 70, 1 'able 7(5-767- .1 2300 ivords. rO Concentr-i-C and rans Clr&r !T 0. 63-16M Og, Goorge, ~L T =.,c; oi~ DOGGER ORE CONCENTRATE PELLE 1 1. Sm&feldar. C AND SPAnUC ORE FINES. [1963] 9p. (figs. ondtt". 11. 1we: Om . OrCer from SIA $1. 10 63-16M M. Verein li~rl.140-54 'ftans. 01' Sta: Ll Ulld 1:13cit CV,'cst Gernuuty) 1950, v. 70, w. 16, p. 765-767 (Verchi Demseher UscidiflacnIcute (West Germimy). [Derichte]-54). DIMR111JORS: Velletu, "es (Metal sources), Rotary furnaceo, 0.xlder,0-.y,ioi. l4duction. GO DO f0MIOL1011 Or V,Ct factu from fine Lrralned dogger ore comenLratc aml from GNtlxic fines war carried out, after &kUrtm of dw required moisture. in an open- cadW rotadn~; drum mitli the use of a small inner licatinj;. It v;w; lhirt;wr recoVilzW that for the prCpa- radon of work;0ple Impared pellets witli good physical (Mctalluq~y, Tl'. v. 10, no. 6) (over) Ofts d TsA*jl Serrices _kWelder, Georp. ORNSKMION PROCESS OF THE RESEARCH INS=UTE FOR DOGGER ORB RESULTS ALREADY CerrAINFID IN LARGE SCALE LISIL (Die Aufbereft- ungoverfabran der Studiongesellochaft f0r DDgprorzo unter BerUcksichtipng der 61sher Im Grosabotriab grzielten Brpbnlm). 119631 115)p. (foreign tM IncludecO 3 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-16824 Trans. of Stahl und Sinn (Germany) 1937, Y. 57, w. 26, p. 732-73,% DESCRIPTORS: "a (Motal 8mrcov), *Iron, Sdandfic researcb, Tom faclUd". Tw% Smoltio& Metallurgy. 63-16824 1. Title, Seneftcation 1. Sengfolder, G. (MotaUurgy, Tr, v. 10, no. 7) Loopold 5440wro-S Idstodc usu-4 sposcus bi Lim"I'd ~~ 7 pp. FRU~w, ivrfi, La kuuw Wails, No 29-N& 20 Nov-,$ D" 19"', Isp 2-30 JPIF~ 27,772 r /i Alriebo-soliogal I vol FiA, 0~; 272,84B (De- i653) Toward Cooperation Between Islam and Cbriatiamity., by Uopold Bader Ssuhw, 3 pp. FNMT$ 12y,, Afrique Nowellep No, ft 16 Nov 1960, p 8. im 8170 IM/A - Africa J.-n- / SOC may 61 casbu"It tw~ J6 ovilsosi 16, 20 pp* , va 40. ~ no JOIS'D mc Se sel . Wit jai mw"upum 0 so BOOM of D"m la ThlOk PIAUG of Stea VIUL ld4b"m by 1. Dmeft, W. I!""*] . =01 pwii Mu ma U104 va ==I Nw 00, IV o3em MR 3336 e" - Ebro oat 63 S-.04pz -? 'gi The B"ViOV Of tb* OnVOOSMS lit the arming ()OWAAS of hwaris MMWA*Oybga a VAiV&le=,, by A. 2goF.,p 25 VPIO vfl.MMs pa; oomm. adve AOMM#'Vbl Ilo 194A.., pp 89-109. S.L.A. 2r 30 57-88 sci - %%A rfl~ I 4r 57 Ratioml Odmes for Orw4dog Cleaned - DODOU C003 j, by V. 0. ZU fmbkvwet 8- 1. -SMIobez*o., 5 Pp. MMXU., per., XWm i Mdmp No 11., 1960s pp 15-20. CMA sci im 61 ,/ r 71 -1 4PJ 1 91 qt I'm to a* omat"" of wpowu*a -19 3"utish -.& ft- NO&" gafte AWOOSVO Jam"10 bko 29W 16 W Dvt of lateriff summ or osmmw" ndmri" W=aeb of MW*ko ft*,Wi" sol.-B =a K SENICHI Ueda Jim (is W95% on Unexplored FaWs by 0- VIP SO&W.-As- 4 j;p. - A~ i.," p3r* Vest Vot rAz,'., Mo "; 1957# i?? T~ 77. 641OW ATIC um Nil rob 5 9 f/j /Z ~ u v b G V. Senilchkin,) The M-11FR Aircraft. E-gl-4 3 1, ~,- RUss3:Anj per, KonstruXtelya I SkSplUatslya Dvigatelya M-11FRv 1!R~6. 1~ AF 1109258 Sci - Aeronautics Oct 57 U-151-D) From Stalin to ftwMv, by diuUo -4 - 5 pp. niLIM., app Alto* OWNSU.. So 20s 31 Ad lWio pp 4, 5. msm am Wal-D w - Xtay ftl Apr 59 f A4 - , 0 7/,~/4 W51-D) Pkm UO Kr=UA to Dottdw Cocums by MuUo Sol jo 6 yp. nmu, IMP, A"Oft OMM14% 1b Up 35 OW 107o p am L-l"j-D va - Italy POI Apr 59 jrw' x1e, i DETEMINING ENERGY DISPERSION FUNCTIONS BY AN OSCILLATORY SYSTEM WITH MANY DEGREES OF FREEDOHr BY P. M. SENIK 6 ppe RUSSIAN~ PERp PRIKLADNA ME"NIKA., VOL VII., NO 3., i~61., pp 253-257. 9677932 FTD,.TT-62-382 SCI - PHYS AUG 62 207,.973 W4 1 144. 3 5d - PWO may 65 24463 (OP-2066) Monetary Circulatiou aud Credit in Socialist Cormtria (The Coastructica of BankLug "em In Co=trles of People's Democracies In Asia)s by A. Z61wrl B. Bwilmp 14 pp. Rmim, w.. 3Dan,gi i xrefttj, No io.. 1961, pp 51-63. im 12o6or USSR Asia Boon Feb 62 a, -4. 6 e s~ -, ~- 0 v plastio compt"iml 3:rx. The AbsorVblon ar Energy by a Metal M FlutIc Ccupre"imp by W. F. V=4n, 0. V. SWIovj, 17 PP - MIA rpt-,! ftemAw g! tbo I a ftstoo. Todmical Im" bu Vol 49 No 3, 1936. AH"TC/Rr-23-7W-71- may 71" I Lbe Passuse of Remaom Siunrll qjj=ugh a Linear Dynamic system With DistributAd Ilarawteroji by A. G - _.~e~ 7 pp - RussiAll, per, Iz Ak Nauk WSR.. OM, I.-Dekh Hibernet, No 2p 1964p pp 81-86. JPRS 25:L69 Sci jun 64 262:232 The Condenser-Discharge Butt Welding of TubeB jL VT.1.2. Titanium and MOM Steel) by M. M. Novokmahchenov, L. 1. Fodvol'Wdy, A. M. ~~ 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch Prois, N6 10, 1960) pp 20-21. BWRA 17 -11) 0 0,5, Sci (DC-4700/2) .%a Shorter Workday -- A Oreat Social Benefit in the Ukrabdan =)I b7 1. 6 PP. .LTSSIO, per, 8ftsialisticksoMy Trid.9 No 9p 1960P s-P 3-9. im 60 jim loon Jan 61 I/J 7, (xy-30w) Tovard a Nov Rise in the Productive Camo.-Itle.-) of the Soviet Ukraine, by 1. SonInA-14 pp. MUSSIANp per, Ka=unist Ukrainy, No 1, 1.959, pp 12-21. JM-1734-ii USSR &,on - TecbnolQgical - USSR la~wstry jul 7 Specific Ifeats and Heats of Fusion of UC14 and Ul.'. and Heat of Tmnsfonnation of U14) by M. V Popov) G. L. Gallchenko, M. D. Beninj .. RUSSSIM) per, Zhur Neorg Mim, Vol IV, No 6) 3-959, pp i-~41-1P45. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. London Sci -Chem Jan 60 /0 Ow Avemp A -Fu*l*U ]b- -a MA Smy QMtWt of TAUM br~ N. X. few# Ik. To awtuddys 9--k, _!!!4~ I. P. YAUMS*bo VA. X- 3w BMW# Wo A*= &W& T& lys 1w 3., a%* w R* 29T fti - *ACIAW YAP ftb 99 Fol ?Os DEVELOPMENT OF SNPIRXU SUPER-STRONG GLASS AT THE INSTITUTE OF GLASS, BY V. 4 pp. RUSSIAN, NP, EKON GAZETAI NO 27) 30 JUN 1962) P 39. JPRS 15139 USSR ECON OCT 62 212)967 OF-iBT61; A Twentieth Century Crusader; by Yu. S6eni,,,. 6 pp. RUSSMI~ per, Nauka i Religiya,, No 9, 1961, pp 4C-43. ipm 10399 USSR / 7 Y, 7!7,6 Soc Dee 61 New Materials for '14alting Out7 Patterns Bmd Ithe Biimmu of Brown Coal (Ligaitee),, by ~ , V. N. IvW= 1 10 pp. R. M. ~~~ -.Wm;m MMIAN, bk. NovTO ToWmologiebwkLye Protsesayi Relcumdatidi po M=9 Porm pri ProinobWe ToahxW Litp.. ND 15p 1959., pp 65-75. "525 PZD.TT-61-334 5 May 62 j-4o8o The Case of Dr Carmine Senise and Others, SWEDISH, some ITALIAN, 306 pp. *US JPRS NoE'ur - Sweden Pol Nov r-)8 Bureau of spwiax ftmaparts Of the NILUOMI mu"" a U. Goaaep K. 13 pp. ,~, 0 4 7, ~6,v1 us Part Bevve 060""s age Owdna as Fftp Fab lgnp IV 49-55. Mir - ftms Economic Wq IM CTS/dex ACso Is 0-8634 4 ~ g53 11. The HDlemasr Form and the Degme of PollmrIMUOU of MyC*l Mitin From the Fbilit of View of the Visoosity of IU Aejomo Solutim, by S. Gktma=,, 3. ~Sanjju- MASS., per,, Jammal of the ApImItua chemica mclov of japlaj, Vol. J, No 1.0,v 19501, PP 43T-443.. um camu T 70 J sci - Cbm Im 63 EtWo. RyoM ad Odmuu. Sumbf. MU= CN CWM. Pr. L ON ME GLYCOIA71CN OF aVIV AND 7HE CHM62CAL MUCTURE OF GLYCOL GUM. Fr. IL 7HE MOLECULAR FORMS AND 7M DEGREES OF POLYMERVA71ON OF GLYCOL CkM FROM = PCKNT OF VIEW OF MW WSCOSRY OF ITS AWROUS SOUMON, tr. by L R. Hope. Sep 63, 12p Ards DW T 70 1. Order b= NRCC NRCC C-4SM Tram. of Mm Nogd-KopkW W] (kw) 1950, v. 23, no, 10, p, M-441. Anodwr tranx. of p. 432-437 in avaUable from NRCC $1. 00 an NRCC C-38W, NRCC Tr-986. 1961. 15p. D&SMWTORS: *CW&j Glycols, Molecular strucwre, Vb=sty. Palynwizadm 63~22918 1. TUW. Glycohdon 1. S~Wu, R. It. Okimmmu. M. Titic IOU ... TV. 7110. Molecular . V. I)SO-T-70-j Vt. NRCC C-45M VIM. Dhvmme of Sdendft informadm Sm-4m (Cma* (Nological Sciewes--Blodwmistry, 7T. v. 10, no. 12) DMCI of Tedekil Unt" 62-12i45 R. and Okimasu, S. fb LY STUDIE N CHITIN. 1. ON THE G COLATION Senju. R. OF CHITIN AND THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF 11, Okimasu. S. GLYCOL CHITIN. tr. by E. R. Hope. 1961, 15p. Ill. Title: On 16 refs. NRCC Technical Trans. 996. IV. NRCC Order from NRCC $1. 00 NRICC C-3850 V. NRCC C-3850 VI. National Research Trans. of [Nihon Nogei-Kagakkal Shil (Japan) 1950, Council of Canada v. 23, no. 10. p. 432-437. DESCRIMRS: *Shellfish, *Chitin, Chemical analy- $is. 'Glycogen, Glycols. 'Glucosides. DR6 CRHAAr~ T tq (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, v. 7, no. 11) of4co of Tatimicel Samos Studies on Chitin. Report No 1. on the GlYcOlati0a of Chitin wd the Chemical Structure Of Glycol Chitino by rtyoicbi ~� ~aj : Satoshi Okimwux T PP; end 5 Atch. JAPAMn::per) NIhOu N06eikagsku Kalshi (Jownal of the Agricultuisl Cbemical Society of Tap=),, Vol MIL No 10, 1954: yp 432-43TS Nn 11 -9 -6:L Sci - Med -- ----A Of idua kwtm at am&$, br BE-Xz-Snbwwld4. U p. Ewa% 19626 3W M-30- ol it 65.50D30 &A,,-&r Scd i= 66 3039726 61 - 15980 Senkevich. K NEW DATA ON 'PIE FLORA OF THE MIDDLE 1. Senkevich, M. DFVONIA.N Or NORTH K&ZAXHSTAN. I Apr6o It. GeoLogtcat Survey of [71p. (I f1g. ornitted) I ref. Canada Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61 - ~ 3860 Tranq. of Akadcrnlya Nauk SSSR. Doklady. 1956. Y. 106, no, 2, P. 343-344. DFSCRIFTORS: *GcolGgical survey, *Plants, Clasal- 1970 ficatiGn. Ccological tirne. 27 (Farth.Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. 7, no. 6) 6i-15394 Seskovich, M. A. NEW DATA ON THE FOSSIL FAUNA AND FLORA 1. Senitevicb. M. A. OF PALEOZOIC. MESOZOIC. AND CENOZOIC 11. Title- Possil... ROCKS OF THE RUSSIAN PLATFORM. THE III. Title: Paleontological CRIMEA, AND CEN'rRAL ASIA: FOSSIL PLANTS IV. Geological Survey of OF THE UPPER DEVONIAN OF THE TIMAN Canada AREA. Paleontological Symposium. (no. 3). 6 Doc 60 127p] (figs omitt*4 19rds Order hvm OTS or SLA $2.60 61-L5894 Tnu. d jVsewywmyi Nauchoo-Issledovatell" Geologo-Ru"dochayl Nef It lastitut, Moscow. - L07-1231. TnWy](USSR) 1960, Y. 16r DHSCRWT`ORS. OPalcontology. Animals, Plants (80MY), Rock(Cieology), Stratigraphy, Geology. (Earth Sciences--Geology, IT, v. 10, no, 13 M. rRODLEIZ OF MOSTRAMGRAPHY OF CONTINENTAL SEVULNCES: PALAEOPLORIS71C BASIS FOR THE STICk-fiGRAPHY OF -niE CONTINENTAL FAMES OP 'ME DEVONIAN DEPOSITS OF KAZAKHSTAN. LL9~1] 19P. Order from 07S or SLA $1.60 61-19559 'rrans. from mono. jULVpwq Poloo IW Ato -�991KY, 3) 24-29 jan57.-`TYMF&%lffUr- DESCRLMRS: OStratigraphy. Wooecology. Geolov, PLants (Butanyl. (Earth Sciences --GaoIM. 7T, v. 10. no. 5) 61-19559 1. Mtle: Kazakhstan I Seakevich. %,.. ,- II: Tide: Pabeanoriadc M. Geological Survey of Canada 1) d lk*.i I . The DiecovM of a ftLmitive Lyoop*dL In the Silurian Of FAZ&fttsns by M. A._Panknich 4 yp. ~$ RUSSM., per$ Dok Ak No* IN "I Is Val CM=j No is 1959s IV 187-190- A91 Sci / ,CV 4 ~g 6..#9 jun 61 iX 00440 SbOofte Moomlftp by Lo A* f4rIft, 4. It. QMltS - -1 011 1e A. AMW Val 2U. go 30 IM.-jW 31,44- Sol - Ift Fab 59 Nacbmism of the Influnce of synpwthatic Innervatlon on the lbtar-Perlafte Actlylty of the Stamabb of the Dogj by 1. Z. iQ*M--o I. V, Senkovich., cL vm..W~~ mommow 4WIM.. no Var, Byull Mcqwr Blol I &d., Val XLIp Flo At's 1,956~ PP 3-5. Consultants B=sau Set Med Due 57 Senkevich, M. A. DEVOXrMTTLANTS OF KAZAKHSTAN. 11961119P. (3 figs omitted) 13 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-19563 Trans. of unidentified mono., Moscow Leningrad, 1957. DESCRIP'FORS: *Palenecology, *Plants, $Geology, Depositu, USSR. lnvestigar~ons or, Devcnian plant remains began in Kazakhstan in 1950 and was initiated by A. N. Krishtofovich, under whose supervision the plant re- mains collected over the period of 1949-1952, were studied. A total of 49 collections from different occur- rences have been studied in the process of the symem- atic research on the Devonian flora of Kazakhstan, as a result of which 9 genera and 32 species have been established. (Earth Scicaces--GLology, TT, v. 8, no. 3) 61-19563 1. Title: Kazakltptan 1. Senkevich,. M. A. 11. Geological Survey of Canada Office of UcWcot I~Icos M. A. DEVONIAN PLANTS OF KAZAKHSTAN. (19611 19p. (3 figs omitted) 13 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-19563 Trans. of unidentified mono., Moscow Leningrad, 1957~ DESCRIPTORS: *1`0coocology, *?Iants, *Geology, Deposits, USSR. Invcstigal4ms on D-w(miall plant remains began in Kazakhstan in 1950 and was initiated by A. N. Krishtofovich, under whose supervision the plant re- mains collected over the period of 1949-1952, were studied. A iota] of 49 collections from different occur- rencc8 have been studied in tile process of the aymem- atic research on the D2vontan flora of Kazakhstan, as a result of which 9 genera slid 32 species have been established. (Earth Sciences--Geology, Yr, v. 8, no. 3) 61-19563 1. Title; Kazalthertan 1. Senkevich, M. A. It. Geological Survey of Canada Offlco of Toclialcol Ufflese 011 I-Iiie aTim3lims zi.-[" Glass Ifith So:M. G,.'IUjirG DI--C3, bY R. A. Crovoroval E. P. Sen'kin: 4 pr. RMSTAN, per., Dek Ak Sauk SSSR.. Vol CXVIII, Wo 4-1 1958, 7055-708- Amer Inst ef Phys Sov Ifte - nmkletdy Vol in, NO I Sci - PIM. Jul 59 71/ Oly-5034) Magnetic Field it the Ifiroyl Area (Based on 1956 Data), by P. L 36 pp. MUMNO. bk,, Sovetobp Aftarktichookaya Ekspiditelya,l tom 2 Plervoya SoftinentalInaya Mcs"ditolya 1955-1957 sg Nawbme Rezulltaty.. 19590 pp 115-334- im 902 Sci. - Geopbys 7 jul 61 (N-5034) Investigations of Rafth Cumuts in tb* AmWl Area, by P. V. A. Trfttakm7up 33 pp. RUSSUNt bk, Sovetskaya Autarktich"kayu Ekspeditalyaj, Us 2 Pernp Kontinentaltuays, Ekspeaitslya 1955-1%7 a lktwham Houlltutys 1959j. pq 135-1,52. JM 5472 Sci - Geofts Jul 61 /5- 2/ An trowual Lmallsation Of AsWula Varlatlow in the JdrtWy Ragion.. by P. K. RoswN* We be%=% IOU MO AnwkidwdW ZbWttdVao NO Is 10p pp als 82# VOT at wis"Nia (W) Set - Oeofts 91440 Apr 60 The Qmuft &bftt ftamulw at admuma at Ally. lgqum%s-- of mw UJIVI" TWO by be Pt IntU14 3 no XNM% ftl St Alto I-i vainrmkftt ""- Mudski isammki I , I lh&tW&Vftd4wAA- Gt: m ON loomwo lb 36 19SK IF ~$ 1%900209wov nb4e-"-"5 y -t~. P- -5, c "~--' /V. W-NAU 1l $d Feb 68 330040 A an XT" ot AIUVWM w sum v 740 . I *dim" voi4 Am"m fti! *Mbdo BM391i.0 -It*# br To As'2640s ~V~ JTZ =3awjl iw# U a m* 8=0 ow Gowus 1b 6, IM# w OLT-M. AM 901 2.940593 &:perimental Verification of Optim= Conditions for Continuous Neutrm Ipggings by Yu. P4. Bulashevichp I. N. Sen'ko-BUlStnYi: 3 PP- RMSIAN, per, IZ AK Nauk SM.. Sex Geofiz, No 4., ig6l., PP 541-543- AM Sci -117 ell Je4llz oat 61 Neutronametry of Holes in Deposits of Poaganese and Bmdtes, by I. N. seatkgiz~~; 4 pp. RUSSIMp pcrj Iz Ak Wauk SSSR, Sar Gcofiz, No 3, 1959,, pp 476-41t - Amer Geophys Union Sci jun 6o //j 2 rl'0'42-~ W-2") rmpoito for the Devolopost; of FdbU4 NuM in ma Imm am pulm tan anni uw ?"a for the I of t3w Nattoma lkwomwo b7 3. 0. 'fift3m u pp. RMOUN: per j.WvwtAbq* A-4, Val ;;ffiIloolowo Im, pp im Set - Red Ail 59 Helicopters in Support of Railroud Tranaport., by V. Sen-kQy, I. Raykb) B. takhtin, 7 PP- UNCL RUSSIAN, npp Gudok, Vol XMIII,, No 38.. (10168),, 14 Feb 1959) PP 1-8 - ATIC bM-13.2/iii USSR //~, 330 J Econ jun 6o Genesis of Tripoli i of the Upper Cretaceous of the southwest Russian Platform, By Yu. N. Senkov'skiv, 2 pp RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, Vol CLI, No 1-6, Jul, Aug 19639 pp ATTer Geol Inst sci .-Tu 1 6 5 (NY-1521) Clinatological Conference, by H. Benkmski~ 2 pp. UNCIANIF33D POLISH,, qu per,, Przeglad Meteorologiczny i Hydrologiczny, Vol VII, No 3-4., Wareav., 1954, pp 195-197. US JPW/NY-L-100 Sci - Geophysics 6 g -fl// 01V of ?*1404*6 seapacts swd Ito Awelujit In thea flovelga Ir"I of Smlalt*t Caw*rlvs9 by 4~:nryk Swi*wakl. 6 V~). Pori, kmamm No 120 ive 10"s Prrl 23463 cm Vi, b 65 273JO5 ldlqp*Uo bftWUS Skesudso by 0. SO , gl W 9 &_f!Lmt 34 w (MIMI PWO loll If -1 d- vq-ll a Malfto Vbl =:Nmt Job* go 3W 2W"M. = 7-1"3 ftl - Kax a*& 3 ', q, J/ I/ ft 63 citsicai Rxperl*acos with siotraso to 3 15- Surgery, by ft. W"Iti, A. Seas. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Modisimisch* Nochenschrift, Vol 87, 19370 pp. 321: NTC 69-110-6-060 I'- sci-84H /I/ -Ielw-t- July 69 W.S76 .4-V.61rG&. A-xre- nts on Perion - Part 1. by P - Bomar 7 PP - 9"Ll W~ GEFO"7 POX'A Andepe C%eaiefase2 Vol =74 666-670. AM T*& Serv 3=90 ,-I Set - Env A me lp 9 Jun 59 62-14294 Senner, Paul. ,ANTISTA'nC COMPOUNDS FOR POLYAMID13S.- 1. Sewer, P. 111EIR CHEAUCAL COMPOSITION AND EFFEM-S, FT. L 11962][16hL 20refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-14294 Trans. of Rayonne et Fibres Synthetiques (Belgium) 1959 Iv. 151 no. 10, p. H25-1132. DESCRIPMRS: *Amides, *Polymers, *Syntbetic fibers, Processing. *Static electricity, Electrostatic generation, Countermeasures, Textiles, Electrical properties. I , (Materials- -Textiles, TT, Y. 8, no. 7) 1 0n..# 62-14295 inner P~aut. AWISTATIC COMPOUNDS FOR POLYAMIDES- 1. Senner. P. TUEtR CHEWCAL COMPOSETION AND EFFECTS. PT. ff. (196211221p. 12 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-14295 Trans. of Rayonne et Fibres Synthetiques (Belgium) 1959 [v. 151 no. It, p. 1285-1293. DESCRIMRS: *Amides, Volymers. *Synthetic fibers, Processing. *Static electricity, Electrostatic generation, Cotnitermeasures, Textiles, Electrical properties. C 2 11,412 9 6 5 Preliminary orientation experiments showed that the electric charge actually generated during the rubbing process is independent of the running speed. The charge actually measured gives, In the zone ofmedium (Materials- -Textiles. TT, v. 8, no. 7) 1 Office A Toduo" $"-a Acetaldchyde as the Raw Material I'or Acrylonitrile) by KUrt Seanewald, Karl-Heinz Steil, 29 pp. GKRMU, per, Chemie-Ingenieur-Tecbnik~ Vol XXX,, NO 7) 1953, pp 440-W. BU 59-15309 Sci Dee 59 Vol 2, Ivo 4 0 -7z 71d NCH-200 609 Field 22B Seanichenko, M. D. ON A METHOD OF DETERMINING THE SWALLOWING 1. Associated Electrical CAPACITY FACTOR OF TURBINE NOZZLE CASCADES Industries Ltd., (0 Metodike Opredelenlya Koeffitstenta Raskhoda Trafford Park (England) Cherez Turbinnye Soplove Reshetki). 12 Nfar 64, 13p (foreign text included) 5refs. TP/T-3416. Order from NLL Trans. of Teploonergettka (USSR) 00 n3 p?8-81 1963. U~ ViiCivir-o by (1441) ,ci On A bledod 0l Detalmdaft the Sw&Howft c4pa*y Facm or Twbim N=di COM64 by M. D. s 0 4~um. ;erv TmkmDonm2CL 1964 V61 Xp No A W- 70-W-- - NLL 902LO3 fts P46) on lAaw USSR ScVF&P July 65 294.607 The ByAboole of TrIabormethyla"laulfidese From Triablornothansoulfenylabloride and Reaetive Arouaticog by A., Senninge SCANDINANrANp pars S ch~fe4 # Vol 17# No 99 1963v pp 2570-257is ITC 72-11121-07C May 72 -~'L J 'A -C"( 2( Fundanental Concepts of Autonatic Control, by a. Sanouillet. FRENCH, per., AM!&jjUww- 403. 8, No 4. 1963a PP 137- 142. WC-71-105M-09B NOT 71