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1B-May-73 UACIPEC4LIB/Trans-453) Fracture danger In reactor pressure vessels and piping. WELLINGER, K.; KRAEGELOH, E.; KUSSMAUL, K.; STURM, D, Translated by K. Cecers from Nucl. Eng. Des.; 20: Z15-235(1972). 27p. (CONF 710903--33). Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.50. from 1. International conference on structural mechanics In reactor technology; Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (20 Sep 1971). 181 reactor engineering; 18J reactor materials; translations MN-80 UP NSA vatart jo. 00 *Abm armlaw" Ot pwo ad ma wwrgt&tbw amn ATO, wl is a is IWO pp "43 ~ go A- TtVAIS- W i w 61Z W at Ttv JA& --s SCHW ZISSEN S% I EN:: 7 ItW P, F RB W3 -Wn ChUM, An 044-to thi-','SpLi ,77-7,- ~7,7~777 77 P Won thun 6 197 Ven Hut 111so 29TO Ambitious p1gm stem frm billowing wa"I Won Hui Pao, Hong M6, Ded. 11. In 01in"s. Tmral. by JM for NM, Apr- 1973, 9P.. tYP"OPiPt. Avail. an L*an - NM, Waah., D.C. 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"/-/1974rVOOl9jNM3s Dired MwUon of'Im Ores for Furtbw ft "Obv ft the Mactric Are ftmmt tmdue ftdfnr Emovs ~p -129-132olM,928M wMal W. /F F imwxmmwu.Txcmwl ~V-AMay-101AM . Nm v wo ot PP ft=" WOO - Wenw, W. .no redustim t--w-4Owmt the WW&W gag, 73 18-Oct-73 Uncl (DRNL-tr--2676) Integrated nuclear power plant and its significance for the ferrous metatlurgV Industry. WENZEL, 0.; dINGEN, E.; FRANKE, F.H. Translated by R.G. Mansfield from VDI (Ver. Deut. Ing.) Z.. 111: 1473 1478(1969). 9p. Dep. YTIS $3.00. 1OF nuclear power plants; translations M14-00 P NSA 0 WtRBIK. F. //BERG. HUTTENM XONATSH// measuring the product'~vity in pro processing,., shops for bulk materiAls in iron and-steel works pp 137-141 *BISI 1.2589## 1970 diseaseS In freshwater flahl lnlitruatiors for disinfection Veterinary Adm1n., Feb. In Denlah. Trarksl. by Dept. of Agrio. and Plah. for Sootland, Marine lAb., Aberdeen, Jan. 1973, " TraMl. P0. 173D, 2p., typtaoript. Avail. on Loan - IRM, Wash.. D.C. 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Wayer* ID. posionclatorial remcks on the pa" Plassopbyl- I= dybmaki 1873 (antbosoa, TUVOS silazim). ,:i_ Ha=& vissm ll ~ A,11- - ~ I --)11.64i~,~~)4,4.1 6;11114~. - veyer 0 0 No&= replus MR. Riebter IMS)p A key fossil of the middle guropan vocklawrU stage (autbcp- zonazwes; up r devoulau). a . Vol* Noe a. 3$ 1971, p. M-313 NRC CO-1906 WIARDA T GE THE TANK DESTROYER GUNSKIP WEHRTECHNIX 2 1972 PP 56-59 FSTC-HT-23-0450-74 Wid*wuv 0. i Mosm- -FRASUM 9mo TOI 196 P- 36-38. aws ! -, we 73-1~ i .. . =r 73 ii WICU'VE. . . 11MEMMAZWOMMUR-matsull VOOSO&N-s Ch ateady otatee of owMarmie gw maotime on pMvua wta4ste pp W5-311s,&TC M-11489-07AN Widmanq, Carlos CIA Saigon Representative Talks with Repbrter - 4 pp '. SIEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG 2 Jan 1974s p 3 - . . , CIA-X-7.895 WIEBECK K,t4. GE THL UV-13138 "INSPECTING THE TECHNICAL & MAIN TENANCE CUNDITION OF TANK TECHNOLU MILITARTECHNIK VOL 12 NO 11 1972 PP 503-506 FSTC-liT-23-0093-74 W10CHER?m P. 11LAOURVAL OF NEUROCHEWSTRY11 -1--12969j, VOO 16,p JAstabolicinveatigatione of epiUptid sei-MUMOO The concantwtion of five am*no aoide in aembraZ timou befoxv and duzpfng eaperlmntaUy initiated agrebralseizurea,, pp 1007-30leo.,YTC U-11425-06HO dT, 11CHEIO9-ZNGNjVjEUjJ62TCWNrK11. -1-11064a V0086*N--!--,o Cephustion mm"' in oataWt beds pp 273-276,INTC WICK9,OE. IIZEITSCHRrPl FUER BLEXYMMull Zgni tion sows of heteropneow reaetime fn~ pwtiouZato bads with gas fZw pp 146-iS28NTC 74.,12494-07DO //ZEITSCHRr?? FOR ELUTROaMUM11 St&le and zmtable statee in ewMemio reactions pp 267-276,gNTO 7441495-07DO -/-/1,96& vooza,#."-, Fundwwnta7a of oatalytio qNr-vmbwUvn pp Vieako, 11. 1972 Polish marine fisheries aeonoeq in 19T1 (PalsIck gospodarks r,vbna w 1971 r.) Technika i ',ospodarlm Morska, Lt(6(252), JUMI 332-334. rn Polish. Tranal. by SE? for NMFS, Oct. 1973, 15P., trPesorfPt- Avail. an Loart - NITS. Wash., D.C. Originol ArIlde Chackede W030,(ex-ll Pots$ Comsat an PRO T#Xtboo Revid"60. by Wojofmh Wtoctwokil Pam psvo wAr"Wo ^a UI*126s-~'. PRS ~6536 API T3 I lxm%LAMW=UA we Oa 1 0 SYM80 Dumbillty of BUt4d JbIUU AM NwSwd Ido BUnd Holes vlth TbN" (Thral"d Bat With Igo rhmad Profne)o No 3SN3409mi mm 17- 10 ?-