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j~ff P ct of 'Tryptophar, Pro-,)erties Tncto--el-Ac T ITSS jj,,!,~Tj pc-rl Vol N. CB If -1cat I-an of Tyr 0 2 ii, e a !,-I ReEldues Soile cj~,` the of Lactosoma-tot-roph Ilormoneasy '~~j T. V, a u N 4, October 1~`71 p 3 - 5 - -lay 72 id of tht) Ki(lne,ps of ll'odeats? b.-.' RUSS-I'AiZ, per, ]).~~k Ak Nailc ~10 I , Octotcr 1 '17T -p ,Iol 200) OB 1"'a"- It '2 of the of Dterl i3eeil, by Ul'.vanova. RUSSIAN', SSSTR LL Vol 200, No i,,, Octobei- 1971, Nay '72 v.L Io ;'peculation of Iilcotlii-ic. llcid Ietabol~,qm in Tisoue!: in viv-,~ 6y K. Kaimuradov. RUSSInil, por, j~jak Ak Nn:ak SSSP, 'L~,Iochein., ,.i 7F5--- Vol 0 No 4, Ortober 1,371, rp 2- i .'a 72 Study of the State of Water in FGR Stems by the Method of Dial3atric Measurements at SHF, by H. H. Ishmukhametova. RUSSIAN, per# ...... ME- Ent 0 P Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 996-998. 0B June 72 Cortlico-Visceral Disturbancoo in .e -k 1,,Oll~ 1))C- I- i-lato Cortex of the by IT. K Ga za R us 19 IA ~!jl, Ak Nauk S.~:'S,R, Vol 200, i 1 4 , 0 c t o b e:!- 10 71 , 0 Cp 2 CD a y 7'~ V -a iia t I. o nn t4 h e A s yma e, t r y- c) if 0 f, .1hases, artO. its uonnection With Resoira-tory A Ge-nki-ri, 'x US S IA'-, per, --SSSp,, --,iol sci, Octoba, I C', '1 1 Vol 200~ No CB .1 Tiacrc-aF ein Ec-at* Production of '.iusc.-e Contractions Frcm -;,2,ffec'- of No--n,,~rerir~lln US87L per, auk SSS?,. 1 S c i Vol 2001 0 October 11`71,, p-: 0~ 7~ Structurep Controllabilityo and Synthesis of Invariant Systems, by V. V, Velicheako. RUSSIANj per, Dok Ak Nauk SPSR I Vol 200t No 5, October 1971, pp 104'4-1047. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Stability of a Solution of 'Whittaker's Equation, by S. I. Konyaev. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok-Ak Nauk.3SShj, Val 200t No 5. October 1971, pp 1001+8-1050. An Inst of Phys Vol 16p Nv 10p April 1972 Apr 72 Fusion of Viscous Spheres Under the Action of Surface-Tension Forcest by Ya, 1. Gaguzin, RUSSIAN, per) IRLJLk NLIk SSSRs Vol 200, No 5, October 1971, pp 1051-1054. Am Inst of Phya Vol 16p No 10f April 1972 Apr 72 Effect of Carbon on Intercrystallite Internal Adsorption and Intergranular Coh6sion in Iron - Phosphorus Alloysp by E. E. Glikman. RUSSIAN, pert R&_Ak NIRL SS3Rj Vol 200, No 5. October 10,71, pp 1055-1058. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Dissolution of a Solid Phase in a StationRry Liquid Phaset by I. P. Dobrovollskii. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 2009 No 5, October 19/711 pp 1059-1062. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16t No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Double Bragg Small-Angle-Scattering at Phase Transitions, by L. V. Eremina. RUSSIAN perv Dok Ak Nfluk SMp Vol 200: No 5, October 1971, pp 1063-1065. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Mechanochemical Reactions and the Activation of Quartz by Neans of the Mossbauer Effeetv by At Yav Faev RUSSIAN, perv Dok Ak Nduk SSSRI Vol 2000 No 5, October 1971, pp 1066-069. Am Inst of Phys Vel 16j No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Plastic Deformation of Oriented Molybdenum Single Crystalat by Es M. Savitskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nkuk-SSSR, Vol 200, No 5p October 1971, pp 1070-1073. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Interaction of 76-GeV Protons With Emulsion Nuclei, by E. G. Boos, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, No 5, October 1911, pp 1074-1076. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Distribution of Adhes:~ve Forces in Coixtacta Between Crystalline Particles During Their Compri3osiin, by Re Ke Tusupove RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 200s No 5, October 1971, pp 1077-1080. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10v April 1972 Apr 72 Total Atmospheric Water Vapor Concentration in the Tropical Zone of the Atlamtic Ocean, by V. M. Flechl%ov. RUSS-LM, per, Dok Ak Nwilt SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, I- I M--, 110 9, 1971, pp 10bl-lW3- AGI Ot-t 72 Failuit of Inhmmiogeneous Containinalits From Amospheric Sources, by A. Ya. Pressman. RUSSD,N, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bar Sci., Vol 200, No 5, 1971, PP 11087-1067- AGI Oct 72 Growth Kinetics of Artificial Diamond Crystals of Various Crystal Habits, by Go No Bezrukovo RUSSIAN, per, Dok'-Ak NjLuk SSSR, Vol 2000 No 5, October 1971, pp 1088-1091& Am inat of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Application of Holographic Interferome- try to an Invest,'.gation of Crystals, by V. M. Ginzburgo RUSSIAN, per, Doh Ak_Njuk SSSR. Vol 200t No 5v October 10,171~ pr 1092-1094, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 The Possible Participation of the Epidennis in the Biosyn'thesis of Homonal Sub stances. Data of Electron Mcroscopy, by E. A. Mirslavov. RUS~Iffl, per, Dok Ak Nauk 53SR Bi 1 Sci., Vol 200, No 4W Oct 1971, PP 1145-1446. 1 .2~ CB May 72 Separation of the Principal System From the Vector System by the Multiple-Feak Method in Crystals of the Monoclinic Systamt by V. V. Ilyukhin. RUSSIANp per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 200, No 5, October 1971, PP 1095-10981, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Ipplication of Simplex Matrices to the Study of Advorption From Multicomponent Sygtemm, by Yu. P. Adler. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak MLiA _SSa&& PUyA Ghem., Vol 200, No 5, October 1970, pp 1123-1125 CB June 72 Flash Photolysis of Triphenylamine - Photoionization in a 0014 Mcwdim~ by Kh. S. Bagdazarlyan. RUSSIM., per, Pok Ak gauk S1135R. PhXR VM.y Vol 200, No 5, Octobor 1971, pp 1126-1128 CB- Jun* 72 NMR Investigation of the Ad6uctx of Copper Complexes With PyridJns, by E, I. Berux. RUSSIIN, per, -1UR. PLIZ QU., Vol 200, No 5. October 1971, pp 1129-11)1 OB June 72 Effect of Surface Chomistry of Macreporoun Silicas on the Ghromatography of Polyhydroxyethylenss, by A. V. KixelQv. RUSSIAN, per, -U HA" Qnsp Vol 200, No 5, October 1971, PP 1132-1135 OB June 72 Interaction of Excited Mercury Atoms Nith Molecules Adsorbed on ZnO, by A. M. Panesh. R US S I AS ., per.. P.24 a~ak-�SSj,-XjU2 ".p Vol 200p No 5) October 1971p pp 1136-1139 CB June 72 Ionic Molecular Reactions 1,Atb the Participation Of Thermal Ione During the Photoionization of Molecules Containing Hateroatomo, by V. K. Potapov. RUSSI19, per, DA Tk Nauk SSSR. FhY3 Qh*m.~ Vol 200, N-3 5, October 1971, PP 1140-1143 f,B v June 72 jutocatalysis arid Front&! Reaction In the System Dialkyloulfida - Nitric Icid - Diox&no, by E. S. Rudakov. RUSSIAN, per,, kaLjk Ngulc SSSE_. Ph.U Chom., Vol 200, No 5, October 1971, PP 1144-1147 CB June 72 Statistical Theory of 1,fixtures of 1030ciated Gamom, by N. A. sxairnov&. RUSSIARt part Rok Ik Nailk S��AA-.LIaL 0-hem., Vol 200,, No 5, October 1971) pp 1148-1151 CE June 72 Radio;w-hermoluminasceacu of 10-41 KOH Solution, by V. !. Sharpatyi. RUSSIIN, per, D2 .... ilk SS-a'ELY-p- Qa., Vol 200, No 5, October 10,71, PP 1152-1155 CB Juna 72 Activated idsorption of Pmmoaia on Synthetic Sodium Faujaeiter) bY S. S. Uvoshchov. RUSSIAN, per, Pok ax 'gailh Es5gs-phyp Cheti., Vol 200, No 5, October 1971p PP 1156-1150, CB June 72 Possible Typcs of Sy=stry Transition0 1 the Crystals of 0 1 by RUSSII.N~ per, kak-, g4em., Vol 200., No p 1160 GB With Phavo Sooond Order in V. F, ShamrAi. Hjp~nk $$SR. Phyp 5P October 1971p June 72 in EPR Study of the Pdoorption of Oxygen on Inthractive Fusain, by x. A. Shklyaov. RUSSIAN, per, kok Ik Wauk-S.M. ghly Qhaz.~ Vol 200, No 5, October 10.71, pp 1165-1168 CB June 72 The Biostrat-igraphic Significance of Norian Monotis, by V. V. Gromov. RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Bar Sci., Vol 200, No 5, 1971, pp 1169-1~72- AGI Oct 72 Late Pliocene Flora of the Village of Dvorets on the Dnieper, by P. I. Dorofeyev. RUSSIAN, per, Wk Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci~, Vol 200, No 5, 1971, pp 1173-1176. AG'Y Oct 72 Upper Triassic of the Soviet Carpatldwis, by V. G. Chernov. RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak N&uk SSSR~ Ear Sci.., Vol 200, No 5, 1971, PP 1177-11W. A G I Oct 72 Late Quaternary and Holocene Maxine Trans greo sion in the Lower Amur mid Udyllkizi Basins, by N. P. Aklluaetlzieva. RUSSMI, per, DoIc Ak- Nauk SSSR) Eal, Vol 290, Ne r, 3 1971, pp 1181-1184. AGI Oct 72 First Find of Alabandite in Copper-7.1ickel Sulfide Ore, by A, D. Gei-Lin- RUSSIPI,', per Dok Ak Nauk SSSIR, Ear Sc.L., ',Icj- 200, e -I -- No 5~ 1971, PP 1175--11-1777 AGI Oct 72 Lizardite in Ultrama2fic '-Rocks of the Alted-Sayan Fold Zone, by H. V. Kolbantsev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ea:r Sci ., "Iful, 200, 110 5, 1971, pp 1166- 91. AGI Oct -('2 New Data on the Ccrposition of Vehrlitle, 0y M. S. Salkharova. RISSMi, per, Dok A NaW~ SSSR, Ear Sci., %'ol 200, ~7 - -, - u- -- -- - -- - - ITO 5, l,Qj3., pp 1192-1,94. AG 1 Oct 72 Mesozoic Alkalic and Subal-kalic Rock Series of the Central Aldan, by Ye. P. Maksimov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Eaa, Sci., Vol 200) No 5, 1971) pp 1195-1198. AGI Oct 72 Clay Minerals in the tipper Preep-mbriar, of Siberia, by Yu. P. Kazarskiy, R=IAN; per, Dok Ah- Nauk SSSR,Cox Sci., Vol 200, No 5, 1971~ PP 1799-1200- AGI Oct 72 Volume of the Sedimentary Layer wid the Probable Hydrocarbon Reserves in Ocean Basins, by V. lie, K~, PUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 5, 1971, pp 1201-1202. AGI Oct 72 Geochernical Mobility of Lanthanides) by A. P. KholVakov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ea-rr Sci-, Vol 200, No 5, 1a7-1, PP 1203-1206- 5 AGI - L, C 0 o c E fIC.4-cl, f", u t r., r a d i 0 9 ra 1) c ! -'l v 0 s 'U I -t'vt,1 r,epli,cat"oii of Folytene Chrcn~osmaes U- ~ha Sal-*var--- Glands. D lw,~ JR, P, p Ia t I o n D 7.,, r i ri 6 1 rv e r,,, 0 n s h, Ll L v e n e v Intlers-,ecie,, xly,-,-" Tklussll,1~11-, per. Do-',- 1%in.uIr SSSR, Qiol 9*,-l V()! 1") C. C y ,, c~ ~, - k-'e '. _, T er 0- of Glj~.rEc,' L i ~ X~ - A -a o' t 3, I k w o r m Per, 7 00-bc ',c- Tie Princip I e of Go rser-v a" ion 0 V,'~ -"I a 13~' I itY by V. A. viezliz-herina per, ,aulK SSSR, FUSSIANp - I Vol 200, No 5, October 1971, pp 12221-1223~ CB i '12 VC- r7 71' Nature of Bond Between Chromophore and Protein ia Rhodopain. Spectral Properties of N-Butyl-All-Trans- Ratinylidanimins, by V. L. Khrifltoforov. RUSSIAN, per, Dgk IL HAuk ZURN ziuku*p Vol 2000 No 5, October 1971, pp 1227-1228, CB July 7.1. Hate of 11eta~olisn, of Rat Dra-In Liver lliospholipids irl l,'istot(,YJ.(, LY,Poxia, blor Antonoir. h'USSIA~,', pert li;k iiauk SSSR~ Eloch-~ Vo 1 2 C) , -5 1 0 c t o b e 12 '2 c 113 i~p N Frot e i n I n h I 'r. 4 t ~) 2. r 11 Pot.-ai.o .7.,(;aves, j S S i r , a0k Ak S'SISTI, Vol 200, 5, Oc"U'(1ber 1 C -p 7 2 y _C- 0 1. y T, PI.Od.UC-1 jor, (~,f I p ' I C -- , I A., Cells and the Po-~sLbla Doo *I,e of 'This r o c e G s f o I' t, h -- 11 o r" e o r, `~,- a o i s c, Z t'. Loc,,.,! ,41 Val!~e~ by N, I', US S 11 1) e Dok Ak SS,;Z, Moc'he--11. "o 5 ~ OC110I)er 1071 , T~r 1 ?37-) 1 2 c G vc 72 1,1*1ect -.-"ph ires is o I., Rh A-Z ob] "I I i; C ell ".: awl of h oot i~ oduleB Forlile(I 1-,o~r I'l cy.i. a ii a a im a va -R , ~,'j JS per. Dok Ak l4nuk S""'S- n C. c t 1 1 r v Structure -of -',~unct.,.onall Nr-ar-n Grc)u:-Is ' Rat Bre,4,- In tI,.c Visual Cortex o-T by A. D'. T,O'van. HUSSDI.11~ per; E2k Ak :~Tquk SISSY!. iol 1971 T- Vol. 200, No '11, October T' Z, 7--12 1, 5 L3 ,lay T.-It era ct ion of N"onooyr,,-, p ti c Tn 'Ll iden 3 fi- on t-he -~I-Tlha-viotor 1,TeUrOjjS Of 4 1-11 e L t, During Supraspinai a n 0, A ff e r e r G 4 J~ I Kur c' Iuii Oy G. G. h avy i ILI S1 '1 Nper, Dok Ah lf-auk 8SKi, "ci Vol ?W, N-1 5, Oc.4~,r;he-j- l,7'1, 21.6 1.1ay 72 .F ianct '-oil of th e A-Ir era I Cort c-, ~~ na I s 5 Pas ona T V rur ir t-ions in SO TI vc-r-Tj1,-,. cll. ox e s ( ViA y,,-us 1" u! wu s D e 4 m V. 171ati:deliko. R U ISS 1 per, Eck. Alk "O.SR n "--12 Vol OM 5, Octobor 1 c E i,iqy If 2 llyol,elaxation of `nirilals cjy 'he Iii'ro- 1, 1. N I U duction of d `e -nt'luence of Sti, 1).1-tion c- '-he : -,y t , . ractard erve oii th -a Hearts C-nd ei, T- h e s e C on. 0 i t i c n v , b y V . 17 . T P. _" -!_ ~,, I R TJ 8 S "I , n ri 0 1, Jk a -~ 11: S's S.R E J_ p 1 15 71 Vol 1001 C C)D C,, 7, c 2 Lif 1 ilcoce )f S erotoul-in on Ar, ;. 1- va t-Jon Froteil,,~ Synthesir, in Sea Urch-%.i- Ova I S. t, y G r ertilizat -Ton O-qq RUSSIA", per, Da'IL Vol 20C-) Jo 5 1 Oct-oIL)er 1 1)71 1~)fj 1254-12'-,0. OptiMi2RtiOn in the Theory of Machines by LF-Searchp by M, Do Genkin, RUSSIIN, per, Dok Ak N&Rk _SSSR, Vol 200, No 6v October 1971, pp 1287-1290, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Properties of the Zxtermal Field in an Optimal Control Problem, by V, F, Illarionov. RUSSIAN# perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR# Vol 200, No 6p October 1971, pp 1291-1293. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr -72 Regularization of the Bellman Method in Time-Optimal Problemsp by L. A. Kun. RUSKIN, per,, Dok Ak Nguk SSSR, Vol 200, No 6j otober 1971p pp 1294-1297. Am Thnot of Phys Vol 16, No 1C, April 10,72 Apr 72 Control and Prediction in Problems og Scheduling Theory With Incomplete Information, by L. 1. Feigin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nguk SSSR, Vol 200, No 6. October 1971, pp 1298-1301. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Rotational Self-Excitation in a Liquid, by L. M. Alekseevae RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, No 6, October 1571, pp 1302-1305. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16p No 10p April 1972 Apr 72 Effect of Surface Area of Vetting Films on Their Stability, by M, M. Viktorina. RUSSIlMd perp Rok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 200, No 6, October 19712 PP 1306-1309. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Third Integral of the Motion in Stellar Systems and in an Axisymmetric Potential Field, by T. A. Agekyan. RUSSIANp pers Dek Ak Nguk SSSR. - I Vol 200, No 69 October 1971, pp 1310-13129 Am Inst of Phys Vol 16. No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Ray Trajectories of Radio Beams in a Layered Medium, by P. E. Krasnushkin. RUSSIANS perg Lok_Ak NLiLk_jSSRp Vol 200, No 6, October 1971, PP 1313-1316, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Kinetics of Black Radiation, by A* I. Akhiezere IIUSSIAN~ perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, No 6, October 1971, pp 1317-13209 Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Electronic Surface States on (111) Planes of Germanium and Silicon Crystals, by M. Tomasek. RUSSIAN, perp j2L_.Lk Nguk SSSR, Vol 200p No 61 October 1971, pp 1321-1322, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Dispersion of Solids Under Shock Loading, by I. G. Ishchuk. RUSSIAN, pert Dok Aj_N&ak SSSR.~L Vol 200, No 6. October 1971, pp 1323-1325. Am Inst of Phys Vol. 16, No 10p April 19?2 Apr 72 Behavior of Carbon in Single Oryetals of Molybdenum and in an Alloy Made up of Molybdenum and 47 wt.% of Rhenium, by E. M. Savitskii. RUSSIANp per, Dok uk SSSR. Vol 200, No 6. October 1971, PP 1326-1328. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Origin of Elementary Plaotic Deforma- tions in Lithium Fluoride Sin.ale Crystals Under Boundary Friction, by E. D. Shchukin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRP Vol 200, No 6, October 1971, pp 1329-1332. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Moisture Content of the Stratosphere; by B. I- Ogorodnikov. I SIAN, per, Dok Alt Nauk SSSR, Ear -Lci., Vol 200, RUS. - Ne 6, 1971~ ?p 1333-1335- AGI Y P- 5 57,6' ;L eS ~ -,VAP) (00, t 7 2 A Schematic Model of an Unsteady Tropica", Hurricane, by V. V. Shuleykin. RUSSMi, per, DoL Ak Naulc SSSR,, Ear Sci.., Vol 200, No 0, 1971, Pp 1336-1339. AGI rLp P - -? fSP) T . -S '6S ;L?4 ( 0 c t 72' Crystal Structure ~ %j 0' Co(M03)2 4COW2)2 2H20, by T. F. Rau. RUSSIANp porp Dok Ak Nguk SSSR ' Vol 200, No 6# October 1971, pp 1340-1342. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr "12 Mechanism of the Radiolysis of Aqueous Solutionx of DNA, by N. V. Zuakatova. RUSSIAN, per, P_Ok Ak Eagk 6�~R. Fb-Ys Qn., Vol 200~ No 6, October 10,71, pp 1^778-1381 CB June 72 Standard Heat of Formation of Rafnium Dioxide) by x. N. Kornilov. RUSSLEN, per, k2k_LL_UUk S~SR. Ph-vs QU., Vol 200, No 6, October 10,71, pp 1382-1384 CB june 72 NMR Study of Molecular Rotation in Solid d-Camphor at High Pressure3l 'by B. 1. Obmoln. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NMA MR. RhIs aLU., Vol 200, No 6, October 1971, PP 1385-1387 Ca Juns 72 Colloidal Solutioa of Metals in Water, by Kj S. Ramm, RUSSIAR, per, Dok Ik Nauk SSSR' Phys Qn., Vol 100, No 6p October 19?lt pp 1388-1391 CB June 72 Influoxce of Saturation With Water on the Mechanical Characteristics of Concrete and Modelling Materials, by S. S. latonov. RUSSIA,Nj per; &jk_Lt_ALUL�jQ, ULjk_LUk.p Vol 200; No 6., 1971, pp 1392-1395, OB June 72 Paleogeography of Belorussia Durin.g Early DnieDe- 141iddle VaIdayan Deposition of Alluvium on the Second Flood-Plain Terrace of the Dnieper River, by Kh. A. Arslanw. RMUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, ria 61 1971) pp 1397-1 0. AGI Oct 72 New Data on the Paleocene of the Lower Reaches of the Sarysu Aver in the Southwestern Part of the Betpak Dala, by S, 14. '131yakhova. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bax Sci., Vol 200, vo 6, 1971, PP 1401-1402. AGI Oct 72 Use of Trend Analysis for Determinin(e, Regional Patterns and Predicting Diamond Concentrations, by N. 1. Dobretsov. RUSSISMI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 6, 1971, PP-!T(-)3--170r-- AGI Oct 72 Upper Precambrian StratigrapIV of the Sayan Rek;ion, by V. T. Rabotnov. MUM', perp Dok Ak Naxik SSOUR, Eax Sci., Vol 200, !;o 61 1971, pp 1407-14 D. AG! Oct 72 Genesis of Folds and Faults of the South Verkhoyansk Region, by A. L, Stavtsev. IRLESSMi, per, Dok Ak Nwik MISR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, o " 19'(1, PP-1-71-1--17IM7 0 N AGI Oct 72 First Find of Paiidaite in the USSR, by Ye. M. YesIkova. RUSSIP1,41, per, Dok Alk NaW~. SSSR, Eax Scl., Vol 200, No 6, 1971, PP-1-4-15:~'47. AGG I Oct 72 Diagrams for Determination of Ferruginusi-ty of Cordierite, by V. I. Kitsul. RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 6~ 19'11, pp 1419-1 22. AGI Oct 72 A Find of Nesquehonite in Trp-isbailkal, by B. I. Pisarskiy. IIUSsjpjl, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., V01 200, No 6, 1971, pp 1423-14 5- AG'r Oct 72 Ophiolite Belts and Glaucophar.-.e Schists of the Southwestern Tien S~aan, 'by I. V. MusWrzin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaWt SSSR, Bax colci., Vol 200, No 6, 1971, PP-7426-117-2 M. AGI Oct 72 A Deep Phlogophite-Oliv~Lne-Ficroilinenite Rock inclusion in Yakutian Kimberlite and its Relationship to Pyrope Peridotite, 'by A. I. Ponomw.'- emko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 6). 1971, pp 11429-1432. AGI Oct 72 Coquosition of Gases in Rocks of the Tholeiitic Basalt Association, by G. 1. Voy-tov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk OSSR, Eex Sci., Vol 200, No 6) 1971; PP 1433-1-436. AGI Oct 72 -L New Daza on Pegmatite Fle'd-I of Soviet Central Asia and the Concentrat4onS of Tantalum, Cesium. and Transparent Toukmaline in Them, by G. B. Mielentlyev. FUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 6, 1971, PP 173-7-J,7~M~. AGI Oct 72 -s of Total and Partial Correlation Coefficient Phosphorus With Rock-Forming Oxides, b.- 4 V. V. Svimdov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 6, 1971, pp-1174-i--i-47~7 AG1 Oct 72 v o US C T A 's S, r ,.I 200 C Q 'L1 4L u1 u r c o m n. oVl D. D, SI.,aforoLitova, !,auk S S S I S, c t -11 J4 5 7n c, c, of lnfectl ouc VI D r o 6 c. 'h ,US S T . Vol 200 'D q 7 'L , Do r-%w 7- Protein Gonformation and Lipid-Frotain Interaction in Hitochoadria and Membranes of Endoplaamic Reticulum in Liver of Normal Rats and Rats With an Induced Zaidel Hepatoma, by k, G, Ataaasov, RUSSIAMp per, Sk Hu SSkL-,.U1QU* VPl 200, No 6, October 1971, PP 14,56-1458. July 72