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Electrical Activity of the Cortex and Deep Brain St.metures in Waking Babomis, by A. F. Syooeva. RUSSIM-1, per, Dok ME Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci,, Vol 19,1-j No 3, Mv 1971 , pp 724-726 . CB Jan 72 Effect of Growth Hormone on the Behavior and Gerta~,n Morphological and. Biochemical InUcutors- in the Progeny of Rats of the Wistar Straini by V. K. Fedorov. RUSS-TAIT, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci,) Vol 198, Ito 3, 11'aY 19?1 , pp ?27-?29. CB Jan 72 Thermokiaetics of the Action of ATP on Intact '.Muscle Fibers of Rats Adapted to Various Temperaturcs, by V. V. Khasldn, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SOSR, Bial SLi-L' Vol 19,811 No 3, May 19?1, pp 730-?33. r, B Jan 72- Detection of Serotonin in Rat Blastacysts by the I-L-crospactrofluorimetry Nothodo by B. V. Leonov. RUSSIIUIT~ per, Dolt Ak Nauk- SSSR, Biol Sci,, Vol 198, No 3, May 1971, PP 734-736. CB Jan 72 Certain F-voblems in Adaptive Control, by G. D. Pe nev. RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, tov Phys.9 Vol 198, ITO 4, Juno 1971, PP 787-790~ /Vol 16, ITO 6, Doc 1971 Jan 72 Decay of Gaadynamic-Paranoter Discontinuities in a Viscous, Thermally-Cmductinv, Gas, by A. D. Khongkin. RIUSSIANI perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys. Vol No 4, June 1971, pp 791-793. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 ap, - ~ p pt , Jan 72 StreGs Goncentration Aromd a IvAr!,uIar ffole in a Plate of Variable Thickness, by T. V. 11,11oupargi RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alt NavJ' SSSR, SM-PIX2j.2 Vol 198$ 110 4, June 1971, PP 794-797. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 C141A IN 1. ~ p ~r, I" I Jan 72 Ratios of the Universal Physical Constoants and the Expansion of the Universe, by P. N. Kropotkin. RUSSTAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys.0 Vol 198, No 1~., June 1971, P~P 798-800. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971. CL" - z P k1w - Jan ?2 Existence of a Unique Solution of the Fundamental Boundary-Value Problem in the Unnar Theory of Oceanic Circulation, by 11. A. Bubnov. 'RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Sov Phjs., Vol 195f Nc 4, June 1971, PP 801-304. Vol 16, T.'o 6, Dec 1971 oz"W~ . I'x ~ P ~.r - Jan 72 Use of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Gu(II) for the Study of the Structure of" Oxide Glassos of the System P 205--Aia03-- Go20, by L. D. Bo.coinolova. RUSSIAN, por, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Sov Physs Vol 1981 No 4, June 1971t pp 805-808, Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 Jan 72 Mechanism of the Scattering of Ions by Crystals, by E. S. Mashkova. R~SSI.t'-I, per, Dok A]. Nauk ISSSR, Soy Phys., Vol 193, No L~, June 1971, PP 809-812, Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 Jan 7;' vravity AnavaUss In tho S" of Japant, by Po A. Stroyeve 7 pp& RMSIM 0 per, ArAl Wdi lAuk ~L;Slz, losecril, Vol 1989 11c 40 1971c pp JPRS 53%2 -S$Pt 71 Measurement of Concentration Distribution After Diffusion by an Immersion Method Without the UrA~ of Layer Analysis, by 11. Ya. Zjlrnko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naiik SSSR, Sov Phys., Vol 1931 No 4, June 1971, -rp 826-827. Vol 16P ITO G1 Dec 1971 C)Lefh - ~ ~ - )4 p6r, I D Jan 72 Temperature Relationship oA' the Proton Relaxation Rate in Some 1 - I Electrolyte Solutions, by A. N, Voronovich, RUSSIXII, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 193, No 4, June 1971, pp 865-867. CB Mar 7 2 Investic,ation of Same Complexes of Cr(v) C, With Oxygenated Environments by the EPR Method, by S. Gariflyanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 868-8711. CB Mar 72 Kinetics of Some Reactions for Polymerization and Polymer Destruction Studie~ by the Precipitation Temperature Method, by V. M. Golldberg. RUSSIAN, per, Wk Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chc _ ~k, t Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 872,875, CB Mar 72 AdsorpLion From Four-CorVonent Solutions, by N. N. Gryazeva. RUSSIAN, per, Duk A Ncluk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 876-879. CB Mar 72 Determination of the Rate Constants for the Cationic Polymerization of Styrene by Pulse Electrodialysis, by ~. S. Dlyachkovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dak A Nauk SSSR, Phys Ch in, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971,pp 880-882. CB Mar 72 Radisticn Ionic Graft Copolymerization, by V. Ya. Kabanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ehys Chem, Voi 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 883-884. CB Mar 72 Structure of Lhe 'ri -Electron Spectra of Infinite Phenylpolyene Molecules, by I. D. Mikhailov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, ?~.ys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 885-888. CB Mar 7 2 Isotopiz Exchange of Hydrogen in Zthyl and Benzyl Derivatives of C5H 5mr, (CO)3and C5H5Mn(CO)2PPh3, by M, N. Nefedova. RUSSIAN, per, L>ak Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 889-391. CB Mar 72 Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mixr-ures of Forrites and Magnesium Gallates, by B. I. Pokiovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp 892-693. t-B Mar 7 2 Mechanism of Cation!c Polymerization of Conidine, by E. F. Razvodovskii. RUSSIAN, per, DDk A Nsuk 55SR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp, 394-897, CB Mar 72 Photochemical Properties of Silver Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide, by K. V. Chibisov. USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 4, June 1971, pp, 898-900. CB Miar 7 2 h-opagation rf Excitation Along a Homogeneoils Fiber in the Lillie-Bonhoeffer Model, by V. G. L-evich. RITSSIO,~ per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Biophys., Vol 108, No 4, june 1~(T,797-977--950- OB jar. 72 Some Structural Features of Water in Plant Tismies According to Infrared Spectroscopic Data, by F. V. Sedykh. KWIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk S53R, Biop.Vs,, Vol 3-98, No 43 1971, pp 951-953, C3 jan 72 Relative Biological Effectiveness of 20-MeV Electrons Assessed From Radionecrosis of Rabbit )brain Tissues, by R. V. Smirnov. RUSSMT, per, Dok A, Nauk SSSR BiLift-s., Vol N8, Yo 4. Jime 1971, pp 954-955. C3 Jan 72 Substances From Green Leaves as Possible Regulations of the Light Reactions of Chloroplasts, by E. A. Akulova. Russifid", per, Dok Ak ITauk SSSR, Bet Sci. , Vol 198, 110 4, June 1971, PP 956-958. CB 2 Influence of Day Length on the Lovel of Activity of an Abscisin-ldhe Irkibitor in Rudbpockda Plants, 'by V. G. Kochankov. RUSSUT, per, Dok Adc Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vo). 198, 110 4, Juae 1971, pp 959-962. C'B Jan 72 The Effect of pH on the Membrane rotential of the Root Hair, by 0. 0. Lyalin. RUSSIAN, per, Dol Ak Navk SSSR. Bot Sci., Vol, 193, No 4, June 1971, pp 963-965. CB Jan 72 2,ffect of ATP, Inhibitors, and Uncouplers of Photophosphorylation. m, the T-ranafornat-Jor of Xanthophylls in Leaves, by V. S. Saa1cov. RUSSIAli, per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 19US, IT 0 1.. June 4 Is 1971) pp 9G6-969. CB Jan 72 Isolation and Identification of Physiologically ketive Indole-Type Substances From the Extra- cellular I-Ictabolites of Chlorplla, by 11. 1, Tauts. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Soi., Vol 198, No 4p June 1971, PP 970-973, CB Jan ?2 Total Content of Protein and Amoimt of Basic Proteins in the IT?m-ons and Neuroglia of the Supraoptical and Red Nuclei of the Rat Brain During Natural Sleep and Deprivation of the Paradoxical Phase of Sleep, by G. S. Voronka. RUSSIAN, per, Dolt Ak 11aal, SSSR,, Biol Sci., Vol 198, No 4, Juna 1971, PP 974-977. CB Jan 72 Dograe of Indifference of Condit-ioned Stimuli: Photic Self-Stimulation, by MI. S. llyslobodsldi. IRUSSIAN, per, Dolt Alk flauk SSSR, Bfol Sci., Vol 198, No 4, June 1971~ PP 978-0180, CB Jan 72 Bahavior of a Mechanoreceptor Nouton in w Artificial Feedback Circuit, by B. G, !~ezhabeh.. RUSSIAN, per, Dok AR rqauk SUR, Biol Sot.$ Vol 198, No 4, Jupe 1971, pp ~81-984. C'B Jan 72 Effect of Lipoidoph-~111'c Radicals in the Molecules of Curare-Idka- Agents on tha IIechaniam o-IL' Their Actioni by D. A, Xharkevich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alz Nauk SSSR, Biol sci.~ Vol 193, 110 4, Julie 1971, i)p N 7935-933. C3 Jan 72 Heterochrony in the OoSenesis of the BFdkal Cisco (Coregonus autumnctlis migratorius), by N. S. SmImova-Zalumi. RUSIAN, per, Dolt Ak Nauk SGSR, Diol Sci., Vol 198, No 4, Jime 1977, pp 0189-9,)2. CD Jan 72 lilm-i"Orm Cam Idth a fixed 5equaice of Turnso by Yu. B. Cevmoyyer6, 6 pp. RWSlM$, port akj&k XWW ~ 0 ~Dscw, Vol 198. No 5. 19n. W IT'l-lom. JPF~~ 539,04 Sept 71 kroblmo of linear I*Ade e-MmUc. by 1u. P. Ivanilovp A. 1. ivapay, 6 pp. pwsswq per$, Vol 19% Vo 3, J40 53W4 - -A " 4~ lose 0 19710 -F-P 103~.!-M-4-.- -- Sept 71 Isoperinetric Variational Problems in ITield Theory, by A. G. Iosiftyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, PP 1036-1039. Vol 16, No 6, Dee 1971 O'Y' . '~ t P kviLl I - d Jan 72 Possible Properties of 'Seak Interactiono at High Energies, by S. A, Azimov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys., Vol 198, No 5, JIMO 1971, PP 1040-1042, Vol 6, 'L'io 6, Dec '1971 ~ PI- 0.,)"% , "Ti, Jan ?2 . ;Photochemical Effect of Infrared Radiati;)n, by N. G. Basov. RussiAll, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov PI~X-S., Vol 198P No 5, June 1971, rp 1043-1045. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 o ~' , 0~' p ~ /V,,r (.1 ,1 -) /' ~ A~' C. -- 0 16--- . I - - Jan 72 Influence of Carbon on Structure Formation in Molybdenum Castings, by 1T. V. Ageev. RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys.$ Vol. 198) No 5, June 1971, PP 1046-1049. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 O"l-M , 4~ - P~ P L'Altf- I Jan 7 2 Saturation of the Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Cadmium S61enide Films on Barium Strontiim Titanate Substrates for Supersonic DrLft Velocity of the Carriers, by A. R. Dryuzgin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alt Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys, o1 198, No 5, .une 1971, pp 1,050-1051, Vol 16, No 6, Dec 19'?l Ovolt - . t 0 ~t Jan 72 Effect of Hydrostatic Extrusion on the Structure and Properties of Cast Zinc, by A. A. Galldr. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaW~ SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol 1931 No 5, June 1971, pp 1052-105~.. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 G',~, - ;-6t - I P ~.~ - Jan 72 Observation of Dielectrophoresis Under the Conditions of ',Ueightlessness, by 1. 1% Kirko. RUSISIL-1, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR. Sov Phys., Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, PP 1055-10570 Vol 16, No 6, Doc 19?1 GI-l' ~ P ~A~'Q) Jan 72 Attenuation of a Light Beam by Turbulent Flvctuations, by S. S. Kiltateladze. RITS5101, per, D3k Ak Nauk 3SSR, Sov Phys. Vol 193, No 5, June 19?1, pp 1058-1050~. Vol 16, No 6, Doc 1971 C~., , 4"t, I'./ P t"~4 , D jar ?2 Contact Melting in the Biartiuth-Lead System by N. IT. Nilova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk S,'-SR, Sov P~YE', Vol 198, No 5, June 19?1, PP 1060-1062, Vol 16") No 6P Dec 1971 ,' f~ kAyj) , ~ Jan 72 Goncentration Depolarization of the Fluorescence of Low-Viscosity Solutions, by A, N. Sovchanko, RUSSYAN, per, Dok Alc Nauk 333R, Sov PhYG, Vol 1981 No 5, j',.Me 1971, PP 1063-1065, Vol 16, No 6, Dee 1971 N I- ally. I ~ P, ,, IT I Jan 72 The K ~,~ X-Ray Bm-Ission Band nf I-Titrogen in Zirconium Nitride of 1drailting Compositior and in the Re.,rion of Hamogeneity (SrTlx 1. 11. Frants9vich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nault SSSR, Soy Phys, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, Ipp 1066-1069. V61 16, No 6, Dec 19'tl - ~ f Ole) k I I ) jan ?2 Crystal Structure of Legrandite Zn so, 76'1 F. o by D. Yi. Pushcharovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol 198, No .5, June 1971, pp 1072-lo?5. Vol 16, No 6, Doe 19-ti .I-,~ P6 aw, '4L-44 Jan 72 Kinetics of Polymer Flow on Solid Surfaces, by V. V. Arslanov. RUSSIAN, Per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 198, No 5, June 1.971, pp 1113-1116. CB Mar 7 2 Interaction of Excited Atoms of the Alkali Metals With Atoms of the N~>ble Cases, by A. A. Belyaeva. RUSSIA', per, Dok A Ned S$SR, Phys Chem, Vol 198$ No 5, June 1971, pp 1117-1120. CB Mar 7 2 Possibility of Applying DIfference Interpolation to Calculation of the Physicochemical Properties of Molecules, by Yu. K. Knobell. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Re Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1121-1123. CB Mar 72 Srructure of Polyethyleneglycol Complexes of Diethylaluminum Chloride, by A. A. Popov. RUSSIM, per, Duk Ak Nquk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1124-1126. CB Mar 72 Role of Lhe R + R H Chain - Trans-fer Reaction In the Degeneiate-iranched Chain oxidation of 4ydrocarboas, by V. S. ilafikova. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1131-1134. CB Mar 72 Integral Chemilumiviescence of Flames, by A. 1. Rozlovskii. RUSSIAN. per, Dok Ak Nfuk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1135-1138. CB Mar 72 Stability of Latent-Image Centers With a Cbange in the Anion Sublattice, by A. A. Trubn1kova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1139-1142. CB Mar 72 Dislocation MechanIsm of E~ectrocrystallization of Filamentary CrIsulls of Silver, by D. V. Fedoseev. RUSSIAN, per, Duk Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem., Vol 198, T No d', une 1971, pp 1143-11415. CB Mar 72 Influence of Pressure on the Parameterst of the ~2R Spectra of Copper Diethy1dithiocarbamate in Liquid Solutions, by A. I. Filippov. RUSSTAN, per, Dok A Nauk MR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1146-1148. CB Mar 72 Effect of Molecular Diffusion on the Mass-Transfer Rate in Liquids With Different Surface "Censions and ViscosiV"es Interacting With Gases, by 1. A. Gillclenblat. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech, Vol 198, ITO 5, June 1~q-17-5771719-1151. CB An 72 Chromatin Displacement During Spermatogonesis in the Crayfish said Possible Evolutionary Significance of this Phenomenon, by A. T~. Studdtoldi. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 33SR. Biol Sci., Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, pp 1203-1206. CB Jan 72 Disturbanco in DNA Natrix and Radiation Disease of Plants, by 0. P. Golikova. RUSSIPWI, per, Dok Alk Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci.31 Vol 198A 110 5, June 1971, PP 1207-1210, CF, Jan 72 Metaboli'sm of Benz(A)Pyrene by Various Soil ~Iicroflora and Isolated Microorganisns, by M. 11. PoElazova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Biol t'7ci.' Vol 190" No 5, June 1971, pp 1211-1213. CB Jan '?2 Blocking of Impulse by an Inhomogeneity in an Electrochemical Nerve Model, by V. G. Leirich. RUISIM, per, Dok Ak Nwak SSSR Bio2hy,-., Vol 108, No 5, June 1;7~ffP~'ff ~-Jl~-' CI3 Jan 72 Polyphenolic Cbmpounds of the Leaves of Tobacco Plants of Different Photoperiodicity, by N. Ya. Grigorle-va. RUSSIAN, per, Dqk fic Nauk SSSR, RLochen, . Vol 1~8, No 5, June 1971, pst) 1217-1220. CB Jan 72 Ef feet of SoMe Complex Illiudnation Sequences on the Rate of Sexual Maturatiin ~.n Arabidopsiso by L. P. Velikanov. Dok AA'-N ., Vol. 108-, RUSSIA111, per, auk SSSR,. ~ot Sie.1 I 140 51 June 1971~ pl) 1221-'12-24, C13 Jan 72 Adaptive Charges of the Retina in the OntoGenesia of Gobiiis melanostomus (Pallj, b,,r K. 1. Moska-lslnva. PUSSILTT, per, Dok Alt Nauk SocSR Bic]. Sci., Vol 198, No 5, June 1971, PP 1225-1227. CB Jan 72 Study of the Structure mid Fwnction of the Thyroid in Females of the Lapland Whitefish (Core.monus lava-retus L.) During Annual and Bi-annual Spauming, by A. V. Zaitsev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 199, I-To 5, June 1971, pp 1228-1231. CB Jan 72 Morphological Evolution of the Gonads in Hymenolepididae and D-41epilidae, by A. A. Spasakii. RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci..~ Vol 198$ No 5, June 1971, PP 1?32~1234* CB Jan 72 Measurement of Reaction Time to the Appearance and Disappearance of Brief Sonsory (Auditory) Stimuli for the Parpose of Mjeasurinl~' tho Duration of Sensation 11 by S. N. Golldbiirt. RUSSIAN, per, Dolt Ak auk SSSIR Biol Sci.p Vol 198, 'L~ No 5, June 1~?I, pp 1235-1238. CE Jan 72 Regulation of the Activity of Neurosecretory Cells of the Subesophageal Ganglion of Orgyia "tiqua L.) by T, V, Kind, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alk Nauk SSSR, Biol scl.) Vol 190" No ~' Jime 1971, PP 1239-1241. CB Jan 72 Dynamics of the Formation of the Fractional Compocition of jjemoSlobin in the Early Otogenesis of the Rusoian Sturgeon (Acipenser 0 guidenstadti BRATTW), by V,, I. Luklyanarko. Vol 198, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaW~ jSSR, Biol Scip ITO 51 Jiule 1971, PP 1242-1244. C'B Jan ?2 Influence of Entexal Introduction of Supplementary , ~1 Yic Acid? Factors of Nutrition (Methiorine ujutaL Vitamins of the B-Complex, and Yeasts) on the Brain Circulation During Ohronic 11-lontal Fatigue in Ghildrpn, by Yu. M. Pratusevich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaWt SSSR,, 3iol Sci., Vol 1981 No 5, Jw-e 1971, pp 12ij-5-124B. CB Jan 72 Thermal Theory of the Flow of a Viscous L-:1qtii(1, by A. G, Merzhanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys,, Vol 10~8' No 6, June 1971, pp 1291-1294. Vol 16, No '0, Dec 19?1 1% .1. Omk , S147 . ~ - JW1 72 Torsion of Hollow PiecewAse-llomooeneoiis Beams by G. A. Nutateladze. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nault SSSR, Sov Phys Vol 103 No 6, June 1971, PP 1-295-1298. Vol 10, No 6, Dec 1971 p jar, 72 Calculation of the Strength of Brittle Materials With Allowance for Static Friction, by A. I. Markov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok PIc Nault SSSR. Sov Phys.1 Vol 198, ITO 6, june 19?1, PP 1299-1302. Vol 106, No 6, Dec 1971 f\ "Q~-. ~~ Pk. . am, - %.V Jan 72 Experimental Determination of Population Inversion in a CaWO4:Nd 3+ 1 by N. K. Bellsk-ii. RUSSIAN, per, Pok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys.L Vol 198, No 0" June 1971, PI) 1303-1305- Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 a*, .4-,.4-, ~, P ~r' - V Jan 72 Measurement of the Noisa Level oflart~muir Oscillationr, in a Beam-Plasma System Ba,;ed on Stark, Broadening of the Spectral Lines of Hydrogen, by L. P. Zakatov. RUSSI AIT, per, Dok Ak Nauk S Vol 198) No 6, June 1971, PP 1306-1309. Vol 16, No 6, Dec. 19?1 Jan 72 Relaxation Effect in !on-v-lectron Fmis~Aoa During the Interactiou of Ar Ions '17ith the Svrface of Ge and InAs, by 11. M. Omellyanovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk S"ISR, Sov Phys_ Vol 198, No 6, June 19?1, nP 1310-11313. Vol 16, No 6, Dec.1971 Jan 72 Tampe'rature Dopandenco of the Yield Point of Cubic Polycrystalline Aggregates After Subjection to High Hydrostatic Pressurea, )y V. I. '~Jaitsev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak'tljauk SSSR, Sov whys., ol 1018, No 6, June 1971, PP 1314-1315. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 Jan 72 Phase Transitions Near the Stoichiometric Composition 1113I-Int by D. F. Litrin. RUSSIO, perp Dolt P& Nauk SSSR. Sov Phys., Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, PP 1316-1319. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 1971 g", , ~ p I jaxx 72 Relaxation Processes in a Richolson Laser Interferometer With Phase fl'odulatrA Q Factor$ by R. I. Soloukh-in. RUSSIAN, Der, Dok Ak Nauh. SSSR, Sov Phys,, Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, PP 1320-1322. Vol 16, No 6, Dec 19?1 ~ ?tvIv ~ Jan 72 On the Relationship between a, w-Dicarboxylic Acid Branching and Cyclic Ketone Yields, by A. L. Liberman. RUSSIAN, per, Doki Akad Nauk SSSR, 198, 1971, pp 1344-1347. *AECiUCRL-Tr-1455 Feb 72 Investigation -af Molecular Motion in Organic Crystals by the Paramagnetic Probe blethod, by A. I. Bol Ishakov. RUSAN, per, DDk A Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, pp 1356-1359. CE Mar 72 hass Spectrometric Measurement of the Rate Constants for the Reactions of Hydrogen and Fluorine Atoms With 11,1ethyl Iodide and Trifluoroiodom-thane, by 1. 0. Leipunskii. RUSSIAN per, Dok Ak 114'auk SSSR, Phys Che'-'1' Vol 198: No 6, june 1971, op 1367-1370. CB Mar 72 H2SO4 - H 0 Equilibrium in Concentrated Sulfuric Zid Solutions, by N. B. Librovich. RUSSIAN, per, Ook A Nauk _SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, pp 1371-1373. CB I Mar 72 Reactive Capacity of the Solvaced Electron in Ir-adiated Methyl Alcehol, by A. K. Pikaev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Cheoti, Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, pp 1374-1377. 1B Mar 7 2 Critical Character of the Inhibiting Activity of Copper BIS -(3-OXY-2-Iminomethylbenzo(b) - Thiophenate) in Omidation of Hydrocarbons, by L. A. Smurov&. RUSSIAN, per, Duk Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, pp 1378-1381. CB Mar 7 2 Effect of Grinding CGlCILe On the Equijibrium and Heat of its Thermal D~ssociation, bY G. 5, Khodakov. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, pp 1382-1335. CB Mar 72 Investigation of the Contact Reaction Between Solid Particles With Polymer 114olecules Adsorbed on the Surfaces, by E. D. Yalchnin. RUSSIAN, per, Ook Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Cher., Vol 198, No 6, June 1971, pp 1386-1383. CB Mar 72 Effect of Surface Tension on Mass-Transfer Intensity in Turb-Olent Flows of Liquids Reacting With Gases on a Free Surfq,ce, by I. A. Gilldenblat. XTSBIAN, per, Dok A NaA S R, Chem Tech., Vol 198, j;o 6, June 1971, PP 1369-13~2- CB Jan 72 Corrosion Cracking of Low-Carbon Steels in Boiling Ni- _c1rate Solutions, by G. V. Karpenk(,,. RMSIAN, per, Wit Ak Nauk Sssl Chem Te&.., Vol 198~ No 6, June 1-97-1, PP 1393-1396. CB Mi -rations of Chromatin During Nuclear Secretion in the Deferent gland of the Share Grab (Carcinus maenas) and the Evolutiontry Significance of this Phenomenon, by A. IT. Studitskii. RUSSIAlt, per, Dok Ak Ilauk SMIR, 73iol Scl, Vol. 108 2 1 1 No or, June 1971, pp 1439-1441. ell Jan 72 Muta,genic E'L'fect of Alky2. Phosphates on Phage TO and Alkylation of Pha-Se DINA, by S. D. Kononova. RUSSIAK, per, Dok JU~ llaifl~ SSSR, Biol Sci., vol 198, No 6, June 1971, PP '1442-1444, CB Jan 72 Interaction of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TlT,) With Phospholipid Monolayers Treated With Ultrasojnd~ by G. A. Deborin. PMIAN, pul Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Bicphys., Vol 198~ No 6, June 19f1, pp 1445-1448. C -3 Jan An Investigation of the Thermal Destruction of T2 Phage and Its Components by the Methods of IR Spectroscopy wid Adiabatic Calorimet* , by M. A. Semenov. MSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 11auk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 198, NO 6, June 1�7"1, pp 1449-1451. CP Jan 72 Absorption Potentials at Heptane-Water Interface in Presence of Valinorrycin, by A. N. Frurkin. RUSSIMI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 198" No 6, June ~1~52-1454. CD Jen '172 Changes in the Acetyleholinesterase Activity of Speci-fic Regions of thq Cerebral Cortex of Rats Daring Learning3, by N. G. Aleksidze. RUSSIM, per, Ibk Ak Wauk SSSR, Biochem., vol 198, No 6, June 1,971, pp 1455-1456. CB Jan 72 Elucidation of the Secondary Structure of Bacterial Membrane Proteins m the Basis of Infrared Spec- troscopy Data, by V. 1. Binyukov. FU6SIMI, per, Dok Ak Nank SSSR, Blochem., Vol 198, No 6, June ........... 1971., p ~17-1-VO- - CB Jan 72