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Use of Radiccarbon ~bthod for Study-ing Trophic Interrelations in Plankton., by S. M. Vardapetyan. RUSSIAN., per, D)k -4k Nauk MSR,, Biol Scd. Vol 197, No 3, March 1971; PP 705-707. 0B Jan 72 Study uf Bacteriophage T2 Tail-Sheath Protein, by T. I. Nikollskaya. EJ3,9LIU13 per. DQk & Naik- SSSR Biol 8d, LJ~-~~ Vol 19'f, No 3) March 1971, Pp 708-710. CB Jan 72 Stimlation of the Primary lmazme Rosponse 1-y Sera From PartiaLly Fepatectomized Animals, by D. N. Evnin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok & Nauk EBSR, Biol Sci. Vol 197, No 3, March 1971, ip 711-712. CB Jar, 7 2 ReverW.ble Interference with the Hill Reaction by the Action of Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Methanol on Chloroplasts, by G. P. Brin. RUSSIAN, per, Xk Ak KLuk SSSR,- Biochem, Val 197, No 3, 1971, pp 7137-716. CB NOV T1 11 Reaction of Pb 2+ Cations with Carboxyl Groups of the Active Center of the Protealytic Enzymes Trypsin and Chymotrypoin, by Yu. V. Savin. RUSSIMN, per, Dok Ak NgVk SSSR, Blochem, Vol 197, No 3, 1971, Pp 717-720. CB Nitrogen-Fixing Enz~rme Complex Fron Root-Nodule Bacteruidrj of Upina and Soya, by Ya, V. Paive. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,. Bot Sci., Vol 197, 110 3, March 1971, PP 721-723. C3 Jan ?2 A Plmger Mechanism for 5cpulsion of Water in Chaetopteras vaxiopedatus (Polychaeta, Annelida)) by T. S. Aksyuk. ITSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk 35SR. Mol S-Ii. Vol 197, ~o 3,, ~krch 1971~ PP 724-727. CB Jail 72 The Mechanism of Food Captuxe in Tailed Aw,phibians~ by A. S. Severtsov. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ar Nmk MR, Biol sd~- Vol 197, 140 3, March 1971, pp 728-731. CB Jan 72 S-bructurall and Ekmctional C~anges in the Medial Area of the kiteador Hypothalamus in Arftmalo Daring Application of an Extraordinary Stimulus and Administration of Dc!pa, by 1. 3. Zavodskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naik, SSSR, Bicl Sci. Vol 197, No 3, March '1971, pp 732-733. CB Kan 72 Mechanism of Mgration of Oploccelidae (Trematoda) Matacercariae to the Tocalization aLte in the lbfinitive Host aid the Pr&able Routes of Kiirft- nation of Eggs of Mature Wams, by N. A. Feizullaev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok & Nauk SSSR, Bial SLi.~ Vol 197, No 3, ~W,ch 1971, PP 734-746. 0B Jan 72 Linear Lifferontial lAffaince Gams. by N, N" Kragovedy, Yu. S4 Ovip*70 6 pp, )o adi Muk 6&5R. Aosccu,, RMIX410 Pere L -- Voll 297, No Lip, 1~*Pp "?7 -71TC M- 51v+.5 July 71 Tore.onal Oscillations of an Infinite Cylinder Under Sudden Deceleration by a Semiinfinite Absolutely Rigid Ring, by P, Ya, Bershtein, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov PMs, Vol 197, No ~+, Apr 1971, pp 801-803. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971 Oct 71 The Connection Between leoacalar Multipliers and Tran3formation Matriefis of Representatlons of 'Unitary Groups, by $a Is Allshauskas, RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Auk -SSSR, Sov Phys. Vol 197, F0 4, Apr 1971, PP 804-805. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971. Oct 71 Gravitational Fields That Admit Groups of Projective 1"Lotional by A, V. Amino-va. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR. Sov Plvvs,' Vol 197, No 4o A?r 1971, pp 806-809. Am Inst of Phys Vol. 16P No 4, Oct 1971. Oct --?I Mod6l Pseudopotential and Some Atomic Propertieu of Alkali and Alkaline-Earth Metais, by Z. A. Gerskii. RUSSIAN, per, pgk Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov, Phya, Vol 197, No 4, Apr 1971, pp 810-813. Am Inst of Phys Vol '116, No 4, Oct 19V1. Oct 71 A Stzing Magnetometer, by 14. F. Alakseevskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk. SSSR~ Sov Phys, Vol 197, Yo 4, Apr 1971, pp 814-815, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971, Oct 71 Control of Charge in Thin Dielectric Films of Aluminum Oxide on Silicon, by V. A. Golldfarb. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol 197, No 4, Apr 1971, pp 816-818. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16; No 4, Oct 1971, Oct 71 Photoelectret Hechaxism of Long-Range Transmission and Storage of Structural Information by Polyarystal- line and Monocrystanine Boundary Layers, by G, 1, Distler, RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov PhYs. Vol 197, No 4, Apr 1971, pp 819-822, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971 ti 71 p CdCUIRUOU, Of the tWMDOUNdC M-AiOnS Of Di- lute Solutiom of ACU IWuAtiw in Face-C4n- Wad Crystals, IW T. B. Tykbodets. IMLIMS pw, . A b9 Ss ama. ,A Vol 197) No 4s __ 19 7 1 s PMP t 9v _11. OB Noy 71 btiMate of the DLpde Nomt Qf the P-S Bcod, by 1. A. LWaam. W&O", Pers. ~%-k & Wao fts Qhmm- Val 1979 No 4.. VvU 1971, pp 862-M. - - - OB Noy 71 bn*Uxe of the Oxidatim-Pollyarizatim Reaction of PbWl Acstylws idth OVW, IV T. D. Nddpaova. RUMM.- per$ Im AM" SM. Fhys am. - Vol 1970 No ho 4ril 1971., pp UW--66T.- OB bov 71 Gina-Hamanwee 4patmmopic Study of the Poly- swintion of FommIdWwdo in ths Pmeence of Matives Of the axwr Tns~ by 1. F. Swap. lusum, pw, RA Mk MR I A Qm. t Vol 197,, NO 4., AprLL 1971, pp W-372. CB NW 71 C&IMa&UOJ2 of tbwe Eqdlibrius Constant and lbth&IOW of a MamodAtion. Roaction Frm th6 viscosity of the mmociating am, IV D. L.. Tlarot. MSM, par, Vol 197j. No 4p"April 17~1,. pp 673-M5. CB NOT 71 AnisoUvpU Sdvmt, agfUjou in ft=tW p04- man., br 9. 0. Smodmw. MWAMS PWj, - ~ wl- Cr-IQ -...a-as 1 J, Vol 197, No 4. 1pril 1971'. pp 876--879. CD Mov 71 Nov 71 The Effect of Organometallic Salts on The Deflagratior. of knonium Perchlorate, by A. P. Gla7kova. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, amm Tech., Vol 197, No 4, April 1971) PP 883-686. CB Jan 72 A Matrix Method for the Sinwlation of High- Dimensional Chemicotechnological Systems(CTS) of Arbitrary Structure, by V. V. Kafarov. RUBSIM, per, Dok A 3auk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 197, No 4, April l9?-1;-P--P-8b7-8*- CIT Jan 72 On the Qu=titative Description of the ILinetics of Mus Transfer, by B. 1. Konobeyev. ITLESIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 10/7, wo 4, April 19Ft1-,-'57q0-b93. CB Jan 72 Effect of the Fungus Botrytis cinerea On Certain Ribosome Characteriotics in Cabbage Tissues, by B. A. Rubin. RUSSIAN, per, Duk Ak Nauk SM, Bot Sci., 701 19?, 110 4, April 1971, PP 937-940. CB Jan 'J2 Nuclear Changes Occuring in Various Mamalian Sperm Inside Cells Cultures in Vitro, by V. M. Ser-in. RUSSIAN, per, Ddk fik Nauk SKRI, 3iol- Sci., Vol 197, No 4, koril 1971, PP 94!-9~3- CB Jan 72 Model Study of Finduction Process iri the Pbpuia- tion of" the Gastropod ~bllusk I~h3ria turrita (A. Adams), by A. N. Golikov. IUJSSIAN, per, DA Ak Nauk S5SR, Biol Sci. Vol 197, No 4, April 1971, m 91~4-947- CB Jan 7 2 Antagen of New Specificity in Granulocytes, by E. A. Zotikov. IUJ,93IAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol -sci., Vol 197, No 4., April 1971, PP 946-950- 0B Jan 72 Some Chaxacteristics of Informati-onal Processes in the Visual Analyzer, by A. B. Korran. U FTSSIAN~ per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biakrs..' '~Fol 197Y Vo It, April 1-971, pp 951-953. M3 Jan Reasons for Increase in Radioresistwice of Barley 'Seeds From Plants Grovm in Alpine Condiik'dons (West Pamir)~ by N. 1. Nuzhdin. FJS5IAN, per, Dok Ak NeWt SSSR Bio h, s. Vol 197, No 4, April 19~1, PP 0,54-9157. In. Diagrammatic Methods of RepresentiAg the Mechanism of Enzyme Reactions, by X, V, Volskenshtein, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk R Biochem, Vol 197t No 4, 1971, pp 958-901. CB 4 Nov 71 Study of the Adenoainotriphosphatase Properties of the Ciliary Proteins of Tetrahymena pyriformis, by D. Ya. Daiya. RUSSIAN, per, r1sok &k Nauk-SSSR.- Blochem, Vol 197, 110 4, 1971~ pp 962-965. CB Nov 71 Sialic Acid and Ganglioside Contents of Some Tumors, by E. V. Dyatlovitskaya. PUSSIAIT, per, Dok & jLa~ak SSSR. Biochem, Vol 1971 No 41 1971, pp 966-968, GB Noy 71 Reaction of an Iminoxyl Spin Label with Electron Transport System of Mitochondria, by L. S. Yaguaninskii. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 19?, No 4, 1971, Pp 969-972. C13 Nov 71 The IT-tralow Frequancy TectrLm, of &I ectrical Phenomena in the Braim, by N. A. Aladzhalova. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk 'MSR, Biol &d., Vol 197, lb 4~ April 1971 ~ PP 973-976~-- CB Jan 72 Distributim of Acid and Alkalime PIIAases and Alkaline MAase hhibitor in Different Regions of the Rat Brain, by N. N. Dadn. RUSSM13 per3 Dok & Nauk SSSR, Vol 197, No 43 April 1971,. pp 977-979. CB Jan 72 Adaptive Changes in Sodium, Potassium, and Water Consumption in Acute Wperimental Nephi-itis in Rats, by A. Ya. Yaroshavskii. RUSSL411., per, Ddc Ak Nauk EBSR, Biol &;i. Vol 197, No 4, kpi-il 1971., PP 980-983. CB Jan 72 Unear Uffemtial Gamea of ?amvit in tho Presence of Dol4kw# by ld* 5. Mallskiy, 5 pp. R=U19 pert 1~21~ AW-21~4 'Attic ~i'-6ELo '~Oscrrv, Vol 1970 ilia 51 ime pp RRS 53645 j mly 71 Diffusion of a Spherical Hill Vortex With Vaniching Viscosity, by V. A. Batishchev, RUSSIAN, per, Rqk Ak Hauk S$SR. Sov P .F.V-s, Vol 19 1 No 3, Apr 1971, pp 1038-1041, AM Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971, Relaxation in a Regular Field, by I, L. Genkin, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Sov Physt Vol 197, No 5, Ap;, 1971, PP 1042-1044. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971 Oct 71 The Problem of Radiation and Energy Tranaport by Gradtational Waves, by L, 1. Rudakova. RUSSIAN, per, R&A Nauk SSSR. Sov Phys, Vol 197, No 5, Apr 1971, PP 1045-1047, Am Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971. Oct 71 Nuclear Magnetic Reeonance In Nb 3 Al and Nb 0.8 Al 0.2 Ge 33 by N. E. Alekseevakii. RUSSIAN, per, 2!1~k Ak Nauk SSSR,, Sov Phys, 'Jol 197, 110 5, Apr 19?1, pp 1048-1050, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971. Oct 71 Equilibrium of Crystals Formed in the SDlid Phase, by A. L. Roitburd. RUSSIAN, per, RI& Ak ITaixk, SSSR, Sov PhYs ~ Vol 197, No 5, Apr 1971, PP 1051-1054. Am inst of Phys Vol 16, No 41 Oct 1971. Oct 71 Synthisis of B60 at High Pressures, by E, V, Zubova, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Navit SSSR, Sov Phys? Vol 197, '10 'z .,, Apr M1, pp 1055-1056, Am !net of Phys Vol 16, No 4, O-,t 19?1. Oct 71 Metastable High-Angle Intercrystallite Boundaries in Cast, Nickelf by B, A, Movchan, RUSSUN, port PLok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov P&_s, Vol 197, No 5, Apr 11071, pp 1057-1059. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971. -1 Oct 71 Melting Curve of Tantalum Up to 60 kbara, by 14 S, Fateeva, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Sov Ph-va Vol 197, 1 0 No 5, Apv 1971, PP 1060-1061, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971, Oct 71 Observation of gloctilucent Clouds F.-om Space, by K. Ya. Kondratlyev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Doklady Alrademii Nrauk SSSR, moscows Vol 197ro-371WI-o PP 9. TPM, 5350 )-(:- z 7 /- / 3 ~ 4, Jill 71 Crystal Structure of Simaaite: Ma jo,/Bo- 7 3 3H?O = Mn3 P03011-7 90 (OH) 3~..7 (OH),,, by E, N. Kurkutova, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Soy Ph-ve. Vol 197, No 5, Apr 1971, PP 7070-1073. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971 Oct 77 Interatomic Bonds in Carbonized Polyacrylonit-rile Fiber, by A, A, Khomenk-o. RUSSIP11, per, Dok Ak Nauk US& Sov Phys, Vol 197, No 5, Apr 1971, PP 1074-1076, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971 Oct 71 FWt4uma-imto, PhotograpUe Somitivityp md ImAton Abso*tios d Li&t in SL1,vw lklidto., b7 B. U. Ban6dwwdd:L- RWSlMy ywo D*.& vsk Mao ft mm. Vol *,97, No 5o Aprll 1971., w 1100-1103# CB Nov 71 0-m-ow" In the Tibr*Uoma Moorption Spectrw ar Watw Memolved Ja Orgodc Solvatts After Passage Tbrowft a Navotic Fiald, by V. I. Klasmou. =BIM., yor, k&AL.HM 0Mo, mu COW- VOI 1979 ND % JOVU 1971$ IV 1104-1105- CB Ncw 71 Wozk of Adm-,,~vyUon tod the Hydropbilic -UpophWc ZaAwo in &Iomloe GE Surface-AeUve Aputs, by P. & Xmq4*ov. MUM., pus. " ik M ssn. F"s gim. 0 vc,l 197$ No AI Apru 1971) ]PP 1106-liog. ca Nor 71 Catulytic Dwompoidtim of ftc-&-lorlto md BoouUorws Acid by Metallic Ir:L&Imj by Acade- mician B. F. Nikollokil. W.T"s paj, M A Mk 552. on-gowwo.. 0 Vol 197, No 5. 4TIl 1971 ~ pp 1110-1112. GB Nov 71 LL AOR m - *54M-Wt cfd OLMA rP* 15 OR eW TOL c.6% gm 'm MR V emd " wnm OA,03rt~M -191 01% Aq tur4ag ppy oWn-twom OTOMIC on UT nowpoon mttoalmlm p NgTwqm Rewom for Rjetwods NAM WattUg of Solid Oxidw TAlk m Fomd YAWp IW T. V. Maynow. RX"I pwo nar & mmok wk gasp Td 197,v ]b 50 IPU WI,9 PP 1116-1117- CB h*V 7. 1 7hoWW of Gwdoml Isuftam In the Field of a PwLodia Samem, ty A. A. MWAO*O. n-V S=A, paro n&v- IMbnak S&SMM a - &U-20L.-j fol V?p No So VdI IQ71p pp 1118-1121. CB Noy 71 S-kidtr of tAw AsaWgii-AgoWtor Propertim of Organin OampowWo UsIft *a Positm N*Uwd, IF T. P. 153SIM's PwP Tb& UMdp &M As on go-- vca Iwv No 59 April 1971.9 pp 1122-1125. CB Nor 71 Kinetics of t1ae Decomposition of Ytterbium Anaigmn in a Chloride - Acetate Differ, by M. G. Saywi. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, nem Tech., V,31 197, No 5, April 1971, pp 1126-1120~. C13 Jan 72 The B_Ubiting Influence off Urea cn The Stimula- tion of Sugar Transport in Mu6cle Flb(-,rs~ by N. A. Vinogradova. RUSSLAN., per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 197,'No 5, 4r!1 19711 PP 1183-1186- GB Jan 72 Change in the LWA Content of the Loxge PyTamids, of the Rat Cerebral Cortex in Postnatal Uitogenesis, by I. Yu. Raushenbakh. RUSM01 ', pez, D)k & Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 197, No 5, April 1971, pp 1187-1188. GB Jan 72 Relationship Between Photophosphoryleti on and Tiltras'L,ruct-aral Organization and Mecbanochemicall FropertiEs of Chloroplazts, by S. A. Aliyeva. RUSSIAN, per, Dolt Ak Nauk SSSR, BiopbLs., Vol 197, V'O 5, April 1971, pp 1169-11GI2. CB jan 72 Diagrams of Enzyme Reactions Catalyzed by IaoenZames, by M. V. Vollkenshtein. RUSSIAN, por, Dqk Ak Nauk SSSR,,. Biochem#Vol 19,r(71 No 5, 1971, pp 1193-1195. CB Nov 71 Allosteric Properties of Meso- -Diaminopimelic Acid Decarboxylase of a Lysine-Accumulating Strain of Brevibactertum-22, by Z. S. Kagan. RUSSIM, per, Dok Alt Nagk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 19'J., No 5, 1971, pp 1196-1199, CB Nov ?1 Homogeneity of the Tail Core Proteins of Bacteriophage T?-* by T. I, Nikolfskaya, RUSSIAN; pjrp Dok Ak Nauk-SSSR. Biochers, 0 197, No 5t 1971, pp 1200-120-2. cB Nov 71 Isolation and Some Properties of Lactosomatotrophln. by F. Yu. Ryshka. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaW,-, SSSR, PAoch3M, Val 197, No 50 1971, pp 1203-1206, CB Nov ?I Role of Sulfur in Biosynthesis of Sulfur-3ontaining Amino Acids in the Blue-Green Anabaena variabilis T, by B. B. Volodin, .,.UTZ I RUSSIAIT S, per, Dok Alt ITauk- SSSR, Bot sci.) Vol Ig?, No 5, April 1971, PP 1207-1209. GB 1 C- Jan 72 A Now Approach to the Unk Between 'Respiration and Energy--Requiring Physiological Processes, by V. IT. Zholkevich. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Wa:ak SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 197, No 5, April 1971, pp 121C-1213. CB Jan 72 Morphology of the TIVm.,g at Certain Stages in the OntogEnesis of the Salnon, by A. V. Balova. RUSSIM , per, Jbk ~k NaWc SSSI~, Diol Sci., Vol 197~ NO 5., MaY 1971., Pp 1214-1215. CE Jan 72 Effect of Electroshock on Memory and GLio-Nffax-ona-1 Relationships in Rat Brain, by M. H. Aleksandmvskaya. RUSSW., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 197, No 5, April 1971,. pp 1216-1217. CB J 9,-1 '7 2 The Functional Significance of the Sympathetic Vasodilator Eff ect in Skeletal Yuscle, by N. A. Berdina. ROSIAN, per, Ibk Ik Nauk 3r9SR, Biol SA., Vol 197, No 5, APIdl 1971~ pp 1218-1221. OB Jan 72 Activity of Proteolytic &v~mes of Various Regions of the Rat Brain During Natural Sleep and Depri- vation of it5 Paradoxical Phase., by T. S. Clushohenko. FM SSIAN . -I ., per, Ibk & Nauk SSS Diol SC i. Vol 197) No 5, *rdl 1971~, pp 1222-1224- CB Jan 72 Investigation and Simulation of the 4mamics of Development of 'Rasmdar Effort 1kider the Influence of Motoneurons, as Empplified by the Abductor Dactylopoditae 16mcle in the aver Crayfish Actacus leptoclactylus., by V. M. Ellyasberg. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 197, No 5,, April 1971, pp 1225-1228. CB Jill 72 Morphogeny of the Placenta of the Dm estic Pill, Sus scrofa and its Characteristics~ by A. Padaiga. RUSSUN, per, rok Ak- Nwk SSR. Biol Sci. Vol 197, No 5, Apr-iI 1971, pp 1229-1232. CB Jan 72 Automata Having "Normal" and "Meturbed" Behavior in Experiments on Choice With Reinforcement, by N. 1. Glazarov. ?A0, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR So PUB, Vol 197, No 6, Apr 1971, pp 1280-1283, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16t 110 4, Oct 1971 Oct 71 Hadel Representation of the Biomechanical System "Man-Operator" Acted Upon by Random Vibrationiz, by B. A, Potemkin, IoW , RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Na!A SSSR. Sov Phya, Vol 19?, No 6, Apr 1971, 9P 1284-1287. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, OGt 1971. ~~ A R, 's S 3.5.3 X Oct 71 Stochastic Systems and Their interconnection, by V. S. Pugachev. 15",* - PUSSIAN, per, Rjk Ak Nauk SS51 Sov Phya~ Vol 197,, No 6, Apr 1971, pp 1288-1290, Am Inst of Pkys Vol 16, No 4c 0;:t 1971, O-Pie 4 S 3 X~3 / Oct 71 Computer Simulation of the Circulation of the Atmosphere of Vonus, by S, 5, Zilitinkevich, ~O~90, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys) Vol 197, No 6, Apr 1971, pp 1"3t-1294. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971 ", Z~ R S MW '53 9 Ps' Ir Oct 71 Character of the Recombination and Detection of a Triatomic Ion :Ln a Halium Kamm at Low Temperatu--esp by G, P, Reznikov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, SGv Phys, Vol 19?, No 6, Apr 1971, pp 1295-1298. jU Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971. Oct 71 Conditions of Pri=7y Recrystallization in Fibrillar Copper Crystals, by A. M. Belikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol Ir:;)7, ITO 6, Apr 1971, Pp 1299-1,301. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 4, Oct 1971, Oct 71 Threshold Conditions for Diamond Synthesis in the kletal-Carbon Syttem, by L, E, Shterenberg. 5,'~Y - RUSSIANS per$- Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov F-hZs, Vol 197, No 6, 4r 1971, pp 1302-1304. Am Inat of Phys Vol i6s No 4t Oct 1971 ~e.k 5 15-~q t i 7 t Oct 71 Modaulas of hpWitr FUUMDV*Uo C=tw Fam-- atics iu y-InididW Imic Sdts, by L. 1. Ibnova. EMUS pwt rJak a Nmd: r%~- - Val 1"t Ng 6., 4wa Wit ;p I OB NOT 71 NOT 71 MW 71 aw-I -, ad A - of tm Owwt Gm,-Lwg in Falpwn Wah B=d a by A. F. Luft. Alma, pw, hik & fl%~ - - mmm =- Vol We No 6D Apida I J, IVP I CB Now 71 md &Waplduldwg Admigual 1w V. . L. At YWO nab Ahp ammar- L phym OUR -- VU 197 0 zo 6v ~= aivyl O-W W-13TI 0- CH Now 71 sudeuve ALSOW" a --b - id I -- -O.'r a Ptnu aw"qdt asou"Mo 6" ct Fa*ed Sphmmp by Is. A. Perm. Tnbabir lip WNW$, pwo m M, W& Pbys Chm.- Vol 1970, ft 61P 4mdl Ims. N 1372-13750 ca MW 71 ftv 71 Two-Quohn SmAtized P # by z0 A* mat"Uo NXWMJ, Yw, 11~6 -affm Qmop T4 V79 No 6p jpu i9n; rp i3w-1362. CB NOT 71 lidation of INA Synthesis in Cultares of abuse '-Nbryo Fibroblast -Like WIs Daring the Action of Substances Causing ULsorders in Spj-nclc- Fortriation, by Yu. M. Vasil 'ev. WSSUN, per, Ibk Ak Nauk ESSR, Biol Sci.- Vol 197, No 6, Apra 1~71~ PP 1425-142& CB Jan 72 Autoradiographic Study cxf d-Tryptophaxi Incorpora- tion Into Loose Gomective Tissue, by N. G. Mirashchov. RUSKAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 197~ No 6~ APril 1971) r~P 1429-1431 - CB Jan 72 Chemical Nat-are of Biologically Active Mytolipopolysacchartdes, by A. S. Kadzhaya. R suk SSSR, Bion 1) RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak N hys., Vol 197 'i;o 6, April lc,~1, pp 11432-.1434. In Jan '12 Interpretation of the Bioolectrical Reaction ofL a Plant to Fxcitation, With the Action oil LiGht as Exavole, oy G. A. Volkov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS2, Bot Sci., Vol 197, No 6, April W971, PP 1435-1437. CB Jan 72 Respiratory Activity of the Plasmalemm of Wheat Rootsp by L, Kh, Gordon, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS SR, Bot Sci., Vol 19?, No 6, April 1971, PP 1438-1440. CB Jan 72 Afferent Elemnts of Gaigl-ia of the Ilpocecal Region, by N. G. Koloaov. RUSMAN, per, Ibk Ak Nauk SSSR, B101 sci., Vol 197, No 6, April 1971, pp 1441-lb)4. CB Jan 72 On the Davelopment of the Human Cerebral Cranium in Utero, by N. V. Popova-Latkina. RUSSIM., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bicl Sci., Vol. 197, No 6, Apri-I 1971, PP 1445-140. CB Jan 72 Fluorescence leech V,-Ltallv G. N. Akoev. fUSSIAN3 per., Vol 197) No 6 CB of Retzuis Cells of the Medicinal Staimed With k-r-idine Orange, 4- Dck Ak Nauk SSSR. Biol Sci., Vril 19711 pp I #~~P ~ 1 4XI Jan 72