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Mossbauer Effect at Sn-119 Nuclei in Tin Films Doposited at 4,2' K# by IN, Ye. AlekseyovsIdy. PUSSIAN, por, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Val 1861 No 6p June 1969, pp 1284-12'S7, The AM hist of Phys Vol 14) No 6p Doc 1969 Jan 70 401,200 Possible 1,1ode of Acceleration and Beam Fxtraction in an Isochronous Cyclotron, by Yu, G, Basargiii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Al'. Natik SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, June 1969, pp 1288-1099, The .4,, Inst of Phys Vol 14, X`o 6, Dec 1969 Jan 70 401,201 Justification of the Form of the Equation of State Given to Teiiis of Elementary Functions, by A, A. V--issen,.ian. RussihN, per, Dok Ak Nauk, SSSR, Vol 136, No 6, June 1969, pp I-M-1294. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14., No 6, Doc 1969 Jan 70 401,202 Effect of Tunneling on the Efficiency of uiermio- C, electric Devices, by X. S. Lidorenko. RUSSIAN, per, Doi. Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, INo 6, June 1969, pr 1295-1297, The Anj Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 6, Dec 1969 jaa 70 401,203 Incrtial Motion of Unifolinly Straincd Bociy, by V. G. Nevzglyadov, RUSSIM, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, June 1969, pp 1298-1301. The Am Inst of I'llys Vol 14, Xo 6, Dcc 1969 Jan 70 '101~204 Modelling the Paths of Test Bodies in a Gravitational Field, by A. Z. Petrov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Xauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, June 1969, pp 1302-1305, The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 6, Dec 1969 Jan 70 401,20S A Unified Theory of Elementary Particles, by G', V. Ryazanov, WSSDIUN) Pel~p Dok, Ak ,"auh- SSSR, Vol 186, 6o 0, Juno 1969, lip 1306-1308, 1,110 YvI hist of Plivs Vol 14, No 6, Dec 1969 Jan 70 4 0 1 2 06 Field-Ion Microsconr of Defects in tile CrYstal structurc of Neutron-Irradiated Tungsten, b~ V. 1, Kirieliko. 11"USSIX4, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 18(), i~o (), June 1969, pp 1309-1311. Ihe Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, NTo 6, Doc 1969 Jan 70 401,209 Gabor 11010(Traills Ivith a Pure Base p bN? A. P. Koinar. 0 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol Is(,, No 6, June 1969, pp 1312-1314. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 6, Doc 1969 Jan70 401~210 The Converse Problem of Magnotic Prospecti-iiL, by V. A. alatov. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, 1969, Pp 1315-1317- AGI JulY 70 Measurement of Heat Flow Across the Arctic Ocean Floor in the Vicinit3r of the Median Flackel Ridgep by Ye. A. kyubimova. RUSSTAIII, per, Dck Ak Nauk 33SR, Vol 186, N'o 6, 10/69l PP 1318-1321, AGI July 70 !%Iechanispi and Kinetics for the Reaction 6f Active Silica 'I'lith Alkali i'letal Hydroxides, by F. 1, Anatshiy. RftJSSljIuN, per, Dok- Ak- Rauk SSSR, Vol 180, N*o 6, 1969, pp 1341-1343. f, P, Feb 70 40lp3s6 Experimentally Verified Results of the PrincipIc of IMinimum Tyansmittc6 Impulses for Substitution kcactions, by A, M, Brodskiy. ITSSIAN", per, Doh Al~ Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, 1969, pp 1344-1347. CB Feb 70 401?3S7 11obwerization of Acrylamide Under Conditions of Super-Iligh Pressilres and Shear Defoymation, b%, A. G. Kazakevich, RUSSIAN, per, Dol, Ak Nauh- SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, 1969, pp 1348-1350. CB Feb 70 401,358 Features of Oxonium Copol),nierization, by Yc. 13. I,YU(Ivig. RUSSIAN, por, DoL Ak 1,4-iul: SSSIZ, Vol 186, No 6, 1969, p-p C11, Feb 70 4 01 .-) 59 Calculation of the Concentration Dependence of the Degree of Inversion ofSolid Solutions of ormal and Inverted Snincl From the Parameters of their Crystal Lattice, by A. N, Men'. RUSSIANO 11CY, Dok Ah, Naul~ MR, Vol 11UO, 1.1~0 6, 1969, pp 1355-1357, C J'11 1:Ob 70 4010360 I"chwrior of Static Clivrges in Radioactive lNeod)niurn Oxide, by V. 1. spitsyn. PIUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nau~ SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, .p 13SS-1361. 1969, 11 CB Teb 70 401,361 Sorptim of lons of Transition and Rare Farth Elements by Calciuri-Silica Gel, by V. V. Strelko. RUSSIANIN, per, Doll- Ak Xau~ SSSR, Vol 186, Nlo 6, I-lay-Ame 1969, I)p 1362-1364. C B Feb 70 4011362 StudY Of Various Compowids of the Type Alllj;'~ICI? ~l ANI) cupesq, by L. G, Klivostantsev. RlissillIz., per, Dok Ak Naul, SSSiZ. Vol 186, No 6, 1969, pp 1365-1367. - ' CB Feb 70 401,363 Properties of Metallic Soaps as Adsorption Modifiers of the Surfaces of Pigments and Fillers, by V. yu, Yerman. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A NauL 555R, Vol IUIX, No 6, 1969, I)p 1368-1370. CB -64 Feb 70 Relation Between the Structure of Iron- Carbon Alloys and the Carbon Activity in Them, by A. V. Revyakin RUSSIAN, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Voi 1867, -No 6, Jun 1969, TP-1371-1373- CB Nov 70 Relation Between the Metaniorphic Grade of Coal and the Density of Carboniferous Host Deposits in the Western Donbas, by Yu. I. Belotserkovots. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol. 186, No 6, 1969, pp 1M-1376. AGI J uly ? 0 Geology of Subvolcanic Formations of the Okhotsk- Chukotka Volcanic Belt, by R. A. Yeremin. RUSSIANj pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSRt Vol 1860 No 6, 19691 pp 1377-1379. AGI July 70 Geomorphologic Aspects of the Study of Physicomechanical Properties of Bottom Deposits, by A, V, IL I in, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186l No 61 19691 PP 1380-1383- AGI July 70 Upper Pliocene of the North Shores of the Aral Seaq by Ye. B. Levina. RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 69 1969t pp 1384 ~1386.~ AGI JulY 70 A Study of the Binary Section Se3laite-Kotoite in A. 41he MgO-YjgF2-B2O3 SysUm, by A. P. Grigorlyev. RUSSILN, perl Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1869 No 6# 19691 PP 1387-1390- kGI July ?0 An Eluvial Gold Placer at Elektrichaskiy Bald Feakp Vitim-Patom Uplands# by M. M. Gapeyeva. RUSSIANg perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, 19699 PP 1391-1393, AGI July ?0 Petrochemical Features of Tholeiitic Basalt of the Voronezh Anteclise, by V. S. Gladkikh. RUSSUN, perg Dok Alt Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 6, 19691 PP 1394-1396. AGI J-t'1,Y 70 A New Type of Igneous Alkalic Vein Rock of Carbonate-Silicate Composition and its Petrologic Significance, by At Ve lapin* RUSSUN, per, Dok kk Nauk S M p Vol 1869 No 6o 1969, PP 1397-145-0- AGI JulY 70 Diffusive Metasomatism in Regional Metamorphisme by G. G. Lepezin. RUSSIAN, perI Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1869 No 6j 1969p pp 1401-i4o4. AGI JulY 70 The Staurolite-Garnet Thermometer, by L, Le Ferchuk, RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1869 No 69 1969, PP W5-i4O7* AGI July 70 n vontact Metamorphism Under Intrusive Pressurel by V. V. Reverdatto. RUSSIOO perl Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 186l No 6p 1969, pp 1408-171-1. AGI JulY 70 Mgnesium in Magnetite F~rom Ural Granitoids, by Go B, Fershtater. RUSSIkN, perl Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Vol 186, No 6, 19699 pp 1412-t415- - AGI July 70 Diamonds in a New Meteorite--the Dingo Pup Donga Ureilite, by G. P. Vdovyk-j.n. RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Naak SSSRj Vol 186, No 6~ 1969, pp 1416-1418. AGI JulY 70 Algae of the Family Gloeocapsaceae in the Precambrian of Batenev Ridge, by A. G. Vologdins' RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1860 No 69 1969p pp 1419-14219 AGI July 70 Cytochemical Analysis of the Mechanism of Glyco-on Oyntlicsis in 11criplic-ral Blood INcutrophils, bv G. Khrushahov. RUSSIAN, per, Ook Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, 1,1'o 6, 1969, pp 1422-1424. C13 Feb 70 401)412 Cytoplasinic Sunflou-cr L'dutations Induced by '111-Nitrosomethylurea, b)' YLI. 1). LClCtSkj)'. 1"USSUMN, per, Doh Ak Nlauk SSSk, Vol 186) No 6) Junc 1969, 1)1) 1425-1426. CB Feb 70 401,42,35 Chan(w of Salhdty 1"Iesistance in Onto~cay of the Polychacte, by V. Yo, Dert"er. RUSSIM4, per, Dok Ak Nauh SSSR, Vol 186, No 0, 1969, pp 1427-1428. cn Feb 70 '101,413 Influence of Potassilm.1 lolls oil the 11,011roll alld tile ~,,Curoglia Of I.,I : tile Rabbit~ %:. G. . tic' Otis Of 1) N, I P.USSIAII, per, Dok At, 4,aui~ SSSP, - , !'I y-Julic 1969, 111) 1429-1430. the KCST)i.yatioil Of tile L'Acral Vestibular AICIqidzC. Vol 180, ;'~:o 6, ,!ar 70 4 0 3, 9 54 L-Thi-coninc Dchydraso of a ToNacco Tissue ("Lilt"Ire, I)v V. L. !"retovich. LUSSIAN" I)cr, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 1,80, J.'o 6, t-:ay_juIIC 1969, 111) 14SI-143,3. C-B ~% la r 7 0 403,955 Tissue speci-ficity of the Priular') Structure, of Animial DNA, by A, L. 11azin. US'SIAll.", por, Dolk Ak 'IN:auk SSSI,', Vol ICSO, 11.'0 6, J11110 1969, 1)11 1,13-4-1430. 70 40~ '9-16 Mect of Abscisic and Paracoumaric Acids on Seed Germination, by V. I. Kefeli. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 186, No 6, Jun 1969, pp 1437-1440. CB Jan 71 The Metabolism of Amino Acids in a Culture of Callus Tissue from Cabbage Leaves Under Conditions of Salinization, by N. I. Shevyakova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 186, No 6, Jun 1969, pp 1441-1444. CB Jan 71 lNutual Disposition of Clio 1 inorcceptors oil tho Neuronal Nenibrane of GastroTlOd ".101111_CCS -111d I Cholinesterase Activity of the Neuions, by Ye. A. VLWHUS. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nuuk SSSR,-Vol 18)6, No 0, 1969, pp 1445-1448. (" B Feb 70 401,348 liffect of Trainin,, of Nervous Processes on Brain b 1'.1eight and Cholinesterase Activity, by G. A. Obraztsova. RUSSIAIN, per, Dok I)p 1449-14S1. CB A,c (-Ia e /! i- - / ~,~ ~/ .- 761 Ah Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, Nio 6, 1969, Feb 70 401)849 On the Possible Role of imidazoic Contpounds in Processes on "..ervous Activity (On the I.].xample of 11istamine), by T. V. Pravdich-N'cmiiiskaya. RUSSIA,",', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSII, Vol 186, No 6, 1969, pp 14541-1454. C B Fe wx OOKLAUV ARAL#-All N" MW 19b9 V187 l*S P1002-1004 JP85-4902 190 V167 Nb P1016-lUld 70-11172-20K 11069 V187 Nh P1111-111J 70-127;!9-06A