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A Single-Product Dynamical Model With Bounded Structure., by I. G. Globenko, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 162, No 6, 1968) pp 1253-1256. The Am Math Soc Vol 9) No 5t 1968 Mar 69 376,418 The Appearance of Discontinuities in the Continuation of Solutions of Nonlinear Mixed Problems for Hyperbolic Equations in the Plane, by V. N. Gol'cU)erg. RUSSIAN) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1257--l-265-. The Am Math Soo Vol 9, No 5~ 1968 mar 69 376,419 A Class of Psudodifferential Operatorsj by Ju. V. Egorove RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 182, No 6; 1968) pp 1261-1723-. The Am Math Boa Vol 9, No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376,420 The Caueby Problem for a Class of Nonlinear Second-Order Differential Equation in Hilbert Space, by T. H. Yenikeyeva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR) Vol 182, No 61 1968, pp 1264-n77-. The Am Math Soc Vol 9: No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376..421 The Structure of the Fundamental Classes of Sets in Topological Spaces of Weight, by Z. I. Kozlova. RUSSIAN., per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 182, No 6,, 1968: pp 1268-U ~6. The An Math Soo Vol 9P No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376)422 A Nwierical Method for Finding Partially 3table Singular Points of Ordinaxy Differential Equations, by A. 1, Kononenko, V. D. Mil'Man. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Wauk WsRj Vol 182, No 6, 1966, PP 127-1-1273- The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376,423 Dimensionality of Products of Bicompact Spaces) by I. K. IAfanov. RUSSM, -per, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR) Vol 1&?-, No 6~ 1968, pp 1274~ ~77- ~ The Am Math Soc Vol 9. No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376,424 On a Linear Form in the Logarithm of Algebraic Numbers, by F. I. F~--Ildman. RMLAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk &c;SR,, Vol 182, No 6) 1968., pp 1.278~ ~79. The Am Math Soo Vol 9~ No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376,425 Dirichlet Series for EUiptic Operators, by V. Ye. Satalov) Is A. Sismrev. RUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 182, No 6, 1968) pp 198o-1282. The Am Math Soc Vol 9) No 5) 1968 mar 69 376,0-26 Structural Stability Conditions and of the Cells of a Three-Dimnsional. System Without Closed Orbits, by K. MJSSIU, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1968, pp 1283-UW--- The Am Math Sac Vol 9, No 5, 1968 Classification Dynamical Yesmuradov. 182, No 6, mar 69 376,427 Differential Approach Gawt by N. H, Krasovskiye RU381AN, per, Dok Ak Hauk SM, Vol 182, No 6, oct, 1968) pp MT-0 , The Am Inst of Pbys Vol 13) No 10) April) 1969. - ~ "'. I , ~ ~ . -, J- may 69 382) 84,,i Therwdynamde Model of Adaptation, by Yu. 1. Shmxkler. RUBBIAN, per, Bok Ak Nauk SSSRJ, Vol 182., No 6., Oct) -1968., PP 1290- 3- Ihe Am Inbt of Pbp Vol 13: No 10., 1969. ft 69 382,843 loss of tae lana Atmosphere by an Adsorptive Meehan' m, by A. M. Outkin, M. e. Markov. MMM, per, DDk Ak Nauk SM. Vol 182p No 6, Oct, 1968) pp U594:M5e The Am Inst of Fbys Vol 13, No lop 19696 41 7-C fay 69 382:834 Generalized BogolyW)ov Ametions and the V.] of the Causal S Matrix) by L. Sh. MwdzUyev. RUSSIAN, per.. ]Mk Ak Nauk SSM, jol 182, No 5: odp 1968p pp mWm. 7he Am Inst of Yap Vol 13, No lo,, 1969. may 69 382,849 -S-Upw of Liquids in Capillaries, by B. V. Deryaginp N. N. Fedyakin. MWIAN, per, DA Ak Nauk. Vol 182, no 6. Octt 1968) pp 13OD-13M. ~E.) The Am Inst of Phys Vol 13, No lop 1969. May 69 382)858 Some Experimental Inferences From the Analyticity of the Pom Factor, by NMen Van Hieu. MMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM. Vol 182, No 6, Oct) 1968, PP -1303-1305. The Am Iust of PbVo Vol 13: No lo,, 1969. May 69 382..859 Crystal-Iattice Distortion.B of rilaicel-Chromium Alloys Diriug Ordering) by Ye. Z. VintBykin) Ye. N. vlasova. MOSIAN, per, Dok Ak Eauk SSR, Vol !82, No 6, Octp 1968) pp 1306-1309- The Am InBt of PbVs Vol 13, No 10, 190 0 may 69 382.,862 Substantiation of the Strength Criterion of Brittle Solids Under Conditions of Nonuniform Triarial Gonoression, by A. I. Markovp N. V. Mikhaylov. MMIAN., per., Ibk AkIkuk SM, Vol 182) No 6) Octip 1968, IPP r3_10-1312.9 The Am Inst of Pbys Vol 13., No lo,, 1969. MAy 69 382.-863 PolywrpUam of 14olybdomm Dioilictide, V. N. Ovechnikov, Yu. A. Koahembinakiy. HUBSIAN,, per., D3k Ak Nauk SM, Vol 182p No 6, Oct) 1968, pp 1313-1314. The Am Imt of Pbp vol 13,, No lo., 1969. may 69 '4821%4 Equations for Calculation of Structural Factors and Their Derivatives In the Cue of Anisotropic Mernal Vibrations, by V. 1. Bardijm. MWIMI per,, Dok Ak Nauk SBSR, Vol 22, No 6, Oct, 1968, pp 1315-1 6. The Am List of Pbys Vol 13: No 10) APril, ig6g. May 69 3P-., 838 A Study of Cumne Cracking on TBM X and Y Zeolite CataUsts with Alkali Earth Metal Cations, by 1. T. Golubehanko, P. N. G&Uch. *w'~ "~~ MOW, port Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol 182, No 6. oet, 1968, pp 1;;~-W57' '~~ CB W 69 38loOT4 Synthesis of Organic Gels by Solidification of a Po4w vith a large Content of Plasticizer and their Optical and Yleahanical Properties, by N. I. -Nalkis., N. A. Shebegolsbqa. RMSIAN., per., Dok Ak ' .4m* SM., Vol 182j, No 6: oat, 1968, PY T3-51-1353- CB Mkv 69 381)0T5 Ptoteetive Aotion of Propyl aellate in the ?Adiolysio of Aqueous Solution of IVA, by M. T* Naftbimiddinoval Vo A* Shapfityl. MSIANp perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 182, no 6, oat, i96B., PY 135F-1 5T- CB may 69 3L,,076 A Study of the Reactivity of Oxygen Adisorbed on Silver and Relation Between the Reactivity and the Wbrk Amtion., by L. A. ftInitskLy,, L. I. Shakhovskaya. R=YAN, per) Wk Ak Nfiuk SWRI Vol 182, No 6) I Oct., 190, pp 135&M- CD May 69 381j,077 Chromsto-Effusiometric Method for Analyzing Mixtuxes) by V, L. Tallroze., V. D. Grichin. RMIAN.. per, DDk Ak lauk WSR, Vol 182) mo 6. Oat) 10) pp 15.0--1 4. CB may 69 381,078 Ufactive Surface Chuges on Semloonductors in the Physioal Adsorption of Inert Gues, by Ye. N. Figurovskep: V. P. Kiselev. RMIAN, per$ DDk Ak Nauk MR, Vol 182, No 6, Oct) 1968p pq 1365-130- CB May 69 381,079 DmIsion Pol---::-i7.ation of Metbyl Metbam7late in Presence of Polywric ludsiflers, by A. Ya. Cbsruikbov, S. S. Ybdvedev. RUNIM., pery DA Ak Nauk SM.. Vol 18p-., No 6. Octi 1968, PP WM372a CB may 69 382s8OT The Effect of Surface-Active Agents on the Cementation of Metals by Amalgams, by V. F, Gladyshev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech,, Vol 18Z,-No 6, Oct 196d, pp 1373-1375. CB Nov 70 More Information About the Tectonics of Karpinskiy Ridge, By G. 14. Avanislyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Ntuk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1377-1380. AGI Jun 69 384,390 A Find of Tremadocian Graptolites in the Kendyktas Suite (Kendyktas Range, Southern Kazakhstan), by A. B. Bakirov, M. B. Zima, V. G. Korolev and P. P. Misyus. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1381-1382. AGI Jun 69 384,391 Elements of Structural Zoning of the Taymyr Fold Region, by R.V. Bylinskiy and G.I. Stepanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6 1968, pp 1383-1386. AGI Jua 69 384,392 A Check on Geologic Estimates of the Age of Old Coastal Formations of the Baltic Sea Using C14, by A.L. Devirts, N.G. Markova and L.R. Serebryannyy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1387-1390. AGI Jun 69 384-393 Some Aspects of the Upper Triassic Stratigraphy of the Bureya-Amgun' Interfluve, by T, M. Okuneva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6~ 1968, pp 1391-1392, AGI Jun 69 384,394 Origin of Placers in Regions of Quaternary Glaciadon (On the West Side of the Central and Northern Urals), by 1. S. Stepanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1393-1395. AGI Jun 69 384,395 Synthesis of Fibrous Amphibole by Hydrothermi Recrystallization of Olivine, by E. N. Korytkova, A. D. Fedoseyev and T. A. Makarova. RUSSIAN, per$ DO Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 19680 pp 1396-1398. AGI Jun 69 384,405 Minerals Now Being Formed in Technical Installations at Pauzhetka, Kamchatka, by L. M. Lebedev and L. M. Gorokhova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1399-1401. AGI Jun 69 j84,406 A New Natural Borate, Vimsite, by D. 11. Shashkin, M. A. Simonov, N. I. Chernova, S. V. Malinko, T. 1. Stolyarova and N. V. Belov. RUSSIAN, per, Bok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1402-1405. AGI Jun 69 3840407 Differentiation of Matter in the Stage of Dispersive Metasomatism, by V. A. Malashin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak' Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1406-1409. AGI Jun 69 384014 Pistillipollenites McGregorii Rouse, 1962 Pollen in the Eocene of Yakutia, by I. A. Kullkova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 6, 1968, pp 1410-1412. AGI Jun 69 384,501 Nature of Cytoplasmic Granules in Allantoic Epithelium of Chick Bmbryo, by L. V. Daidlova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1413-1415. CB Jan 71 Contact of Chromosomes with Nuclear MembrDne in Speripatocytes of Aco'L-yledon redikorzevL borealis, by M. A. Monakhova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak N&uk SS3R, Biol ScL, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1416-1419. CB Jan 71 Fluorescence of Chlorophyll b in a t-Carotene Corn Mutant, by L. 1. Fradicin RUSSIAN, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Siophys., Vol 182, iio 6, Oct !968, pp 1420-1N.23. CB Oct 70 An Investigation of the Functional Groups of the Active Center of Creatine Kinase by the PhotooxidRtion Method, by Ye. P. Chetverikova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BiophVs., Vol 182, No 6,-'5-ct 196b, pp lto~-1427- CB Oct 70 Dependence on Acidic Glycosawinoclycans of the Density and Structural-Mechanical of the Collagen Complex of Tendons, by S. M. Byelikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1428-1430. CB Nov 70 Study of Rapidly Labeled Ribonucleic Acids and Ribosomes Associated with Membranes in a Synchronous Culture of Azotobacter vinelandii, by G. N. Zaitseva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1431-1434. CB Nov 70 Subeellular Distribution of Arginase in Beef and Pork Liver Cells, by V. V. Koval'skiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1435-1438. GB Nov 70 Spectrum of the Energy Yield of Photo- synthesis. Anomaly in the Short-Wave Region of the Visible Spectrum, by L. N. Bell RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Scisy Vol 182, No ~, Oct 1968, pp 1439-1442. CB Oct 70 Effect of Prolonged and Brief Action of Blue Light on Photosynthesis of Pea Plants, by N. P. Voskresenskaya RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot SeLY Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1966~ pp 443-1446. CB Oct 70 On the Growth Cycle of Calanus glacialis Jaschnov in the White Sea, by R. V. Prygunkova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1447-1450. CB Jan 71 SwitchLng of Envirorunental Media with die Development of Habituation, by N. A. Lazareva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BLol Sci, Vol 182, No 6, Oct 1968, pp 1451-1453. CB Jan 71 Rationality of Multiple Hecke Series of a Complete Linear Group and Shimura's Hypothesis on Heckelb Series of a Synplectic Group) by A. N. Andrianov. RUSSIAN) per) Dak Ak Nauk SSSRy Vol 183) No 1. 1968, pp 9-" . The Am Math Soc vol 9, No 6, 1968 mar 69 376,428 Regularization Algoritbms for Idnear Equations With Unbounded Operators, by A. B. Bakusinskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183j, No 1~ 1968,, pp ig-14. Me Am Math Soo vol 9., No 6, 1968 Mar 69 Mathematical. Progra=dng Problem With Minimm Polmt) by Vs Z, Belenikiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183., No 4 1968) Pp 15-1T. I The Am Math Soc Vol 9) No 6., 1968 Mar 69 0~430 A Contribution to the Topological Theory of Condensing Operatorst by Ju. G. Borisovicp Ju. I. Sapronov. RMIAN., per) DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183,, No 1, 1968, pp 18-2o. The Am Math Soo Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,431 Estimates of Integral Norms of the Eigenfuw:tions of the laplace Operator in Certain Domains, by M. L. Gol I dman. RMIAN, per, Dok Ak, Nauk SSSR) Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 21-2C The Am Math Soc mar 69 376)432 On Wiener-Ropf Integral-Difference Equations, by I. C. Gobberg) I. A. FL-Ild-n. MMIAN, per, DA Ak Nauk SMR) Vol 183, No 1, 1968) pp 25-26.- The Am Math Soc vol 9, No 6) 1968 Mar 69 376,433 Conditions for the Existence of a Solution of an Optimal Control Problem.. by L. N. Esukov. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 1831 No lo 1968, Pp 29-32. The Am Math Soc Vol 9. No 6, 1968 mar 69 376,434 Three Theorems on Nonlinear Equations involving Monotonic Operators., by R. I. Kacurovskiy. RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol. 181, No 1: 1968, pp 33-36- The Am Math Boo Vol 9. No 6,, 1968 mar 69 376,435 Projective Seta of Topological Spaces of Weight, by Z. I. Koz1ova. RUSSIAN, per, Duk Ak Nauk SSSR' Vol 1-33, No 1., 1968, PP 37-4CF-- The Am Math Boa Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376:436 Fixed Points of Noncompact Mappings, by V. D. Millmany P. D. Mi-I'man. RUSSIAN., per, r1ok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 41-4C.- The Am -Math Soo Vol 9. no 6) 1968 mar 69 376)437 A Priori Estimates of Solutions of Elliptic, Equations in the Class of Analytic Functions, by V. I. Nalimov. RUSSIAN, per., Dak Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 183, No 1, 1968., pp 45-48. The Am MathSoc Vol 9) No 6, 1968 mar 69 376,438 A Family of Uniform Nets of Formal Neuronsp by A. L. Toom. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 183, No 1. 1968, pp 49-~2. The Am Math Soc Vol 9. No 6,, 1968 mar 69 376,439 Initial Lhemostructural Stresses in Two-Dimensional Media, by S.D. Volkov, V.P. Stavrov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No. 1, Nov 1968, pp 53~55. The Ain Inst Phys Vol 13, No. 11, May 1969 June 69 385-060 A Class of Representations of Canonical Commutations Relations in Quantum Field. 'Fheo,.,y by, 0.1. ZavIyalov, V.N. Sushko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183 NO 1, Nov 1968, pp 56-59. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11, May 1969 June 69 385,036 Angular Relationships in the Energy Spectra of Secondary Ions Scattered by a Single Crystal, by, U.A. Arifov, A.A.Aliev. USSIAN, per, Dok AK Nauk SSSR. Vol 183, No 1, Nov 1968 pp 'Fhe Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11 , May 1969 June 69 38S.038 'Hie LH AND L X-Ray Emission Bands and the Structure of the 3d Banh4f Copper, by M.A. Blokhin, V.F. Volkov. RUSSIA,per, Duk AK Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No, 1, Nov, 1968, pp 64-66. Me Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11, May 1969 June 69 385,039 Universal Relation Between the Absorptions md Luminescence Spectra of Semiconductors at High Pumping Intensities, by V.P. Gribkovskii, B 1. Stepanove RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No, 1, Nov 1968, pp 67-70. 'flie Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11, May 1969 June 69 3851040 The Role of Mercury in Inducing an knovialous Photoconductivity of Amorphous Selenium by, NI.I. Korsunskii, A.D. Volehek. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No.1, Nov, 1968, pp 71-73. Ilie Am Inst Phys Vol 13, Noll, May 1969 June 69 385,041 "QuasiisotTopic" Approximation to Geometrical Optics by, Yu. A. Kravtsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk, SSSR, Vol 183, No.,1, Nov 1968, pp74-76. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11, May 1969 June 69 385)042 Turbulent Heating of a Plasma in a Torus by S.D.Fanchenko, B.A. Demidov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak- Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No.1, N-Ov 1968, pp77-79 The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11, May 1969 June 69 385;043 Effect of Surface-Active Substances on the Origin of Contact Fatigue Cracks by, K.B. Katsov , A.V. Karpenko. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No.1, Nov, 1968, pp80-82. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 11, May 1969 June 69 385-052 Admixtures to Semiconductors with Stoichiometric Vacanies, by V.M. Koshkin, L.V. Atrochenko. RUSSIA, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No.1, Nov 1968, pp 83-86. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No. 11, May 1969 June 69 385-053 Absorption of Nitrogen From a Plasma by Liquid Metal, by V,I. Lakomskii, G.F. Torkhov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No.1, Nov 1968, pp 87-89. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No. 11, May 1969 June 1969 385-0S4 Study of Articial Miargyrite (AgSbS2) by the Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Method, by S.N. Nenasheva, I.N. Pen1kov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No.1, Nov, 1968, pp 90-93. The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 11, May, 1969 June 69 Serial No 385,028 6 -ormation of the Pyrrale wid Pyridinc, Idngs in lzischer's synthesis (liew 6ynti,.esis a a-Larbolins), by A. N. Kost, L. G. Yudin et al, 7 ap. lt~sslm, per, Dokl Aw Nauk SSSR No 163, 1968, pp 112-115. ALCIUCUL/Tr-1300-69 Sci/ Chem eiay 69 382,084 Observation of a Direct Genetic Link Between Spherolithic and Orientational Supramolecular Order, by V.G. Baranov, D.A. Gasparyan. RUSSIAN,per, Dok A Nauk SSSR,Vol 183, No 1. Nov. 1968, pp 137-140 CB Ame 69 Serial No 384,327 Vensity of Zinc and Cadin6mm Arsenides in the solid and Liquid states and Their VQ1ume Change on Melting by V.M. Glazov , M. Kasymova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No I Nov. 1968, PP 141-143 CB June 1969 384, 328 The Homogeneous Chemical Equilibrium N,)04 = 2N0 + 2 . . in Dilute Solutions in Carbon Dioxide in the Vincinity of its Critical Point, by I.R. Drichevskii, yu. V. Tsekhanskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1 Nov. 1968, pp 144-148 CB June 1969 384, 329 Energy Band Structure and the Nature of the Chemical Bonds in Group IV Elements by A.A. Levin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1 Nov. 1968, pp148-149 CB June 1969 384, 330 Study of the Hudrolysis and Hydrolytic Polymer- ization of Zirconium and Hafnium Sulfates by the paper Cliromatigraphic Method by A.M. Chekmarev,, G.A. Yagodin. RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No I Nov. 1968, pp ISO-153 CB June 1969 384,351 Numerical Method of Calculating the Turbulent Boundary Layer In a Gas Flowing Around a Laminar Film of Liquid, by V. P. Vorotilin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chen. Tech., Vol 183, No 1, Nov 196d, p 1 4-157. 7 p CB Nov 70 Optimal Programming of Heat Exchanger Systems, by M. F. Nagiyev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 183, No 1, Nov 1966, pp 158-160. CB Nov 70 Manganese in Lower Paleozoic Rocks of the North Baikal Highlands, by Yu. M. Bazhin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968p pp 161-162. AGI Sept 69 3911428 Alpine Age of Fluorite Deposits of the Southern Gissars (Central Tadzhikistan), by R. B. Bavatov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 19680 pp 163-165, AGI Sept 69 - -39- Ordovician Stratigraphy of the Central Urals, by V. G. Varganov. RUSSIAN.' per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968t pp 166-168. AGI Sept 69 3910430 More Information About the Paleozoic at the Southwestern Fringe of theTuran-Lan Platform, by V, S, Xnyasev, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 169-172. AGI Sept 69 391,431 A Devonian Flora Found for the First Time in the Maritime Region, by V. A. Krasilov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968* pp 173-179-.- AGI Sept 69 391,432 New Albian Coral Sites in the Central Kyzyl Kum, by Ye, I, Kuzlmicheva, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 176-177, AGI 69 391.433 Maastrichtian Spore-Pollen Assemblages of the South Maritime Region, by V. S. Markevich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR: Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 178-180. AGI Sept 69 391,434 The Abundance of Supposedly Biogenic Carbon in the Precambrian, by A. V. Sidorenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 181-184. AGI Sept 69 391r435 Zircon as a Criterion for the Primary Nature of Granulate Rocks of the Kola Peninsula, by G. L. Goroshchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 18S-188. AQ Sept 69 391,478 Catalytic Role of Water During the Dehydration of Hydroxyl-Bearing Minerals Under Pressure, by V. 1, Lebedev, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 189-171-, AGI Sept 69 391~468 Influence of Microbiologic Processes on the Isotopic Composition of Sulfur in Some Minerals of the Oxidation Zone, by V. M. Grinenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 192-19S. AGI 391.484 Plant Remains from the Precambrian of Kfivoy Rog, by L. S. Belokrys. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 196-199. AGI ~ - :. 'i 1~ 3930147 New Cambrian Cribricyathids from Siberia, by A. G. Vologdin, RUSSIANp per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 1, 1968, pp 200-1403. AGI 69 On the Possibility of Automixis in Interspecific Wheat Grosses, by N. V. Turbin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 1, Nov 1968, pp 205-207. CB Jan 71 The Oxidation of Aromatic Polycyclic Hydrocarbons by Microorganisms, by G. Ye. Fedoseyeva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 1, Nov 1968, pp 208-211. CB Jan 71 A Calorimetric Investigation of the Nature of the Intramoleculs-r Fusion of Collagen Extracted From a Transplantable Tumor, by Ye. L. Andronikashvili RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 183, No 1, Nov 1968, pp 212-214. CB Oct 70 The Immediate Appearance and Accumulation of Chlorophyll b After a Brief Illumi- nation of Etiolated Seedlings, by A. B. Rudoi RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 183, No 1, Nov 196b, pp 215-21b. CB Oct 70 Effect of Salinization on the Ultraweak Luminescence of the Root System of Plants, by K. M. Tsoi RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 183, No 1, Nov 1966, pp 219-220. CB Oct 70