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Statistiea Dimension AnaIjais of Geologic Complexity and its Application in Metallogenic Studies, by V. V. Bogatskiy) B. I. Susanov. RWSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 1, 1968, pp 165-168 AGI Apr 69 378,704 Two Stages of in Faults of the Central Aldan District, by V. I. Kazanskiy, I. B. Ivanov. RUSSIU, per.. Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 1. 1968) pp 169-170. AGI Apr 69 378) Stratigraphy of the Continental Aptian and Albian Deposits of the Verkhoyansk Foredeep and the Vilyuy Syneclise, by A. 1. Kirichkova) Yu. L. Slastenov. RUSSIAN, per, Wk Ak Nauk SSSR, vol 181, No 1,, 1968, pp 171-1-77.- AGI Apr 69 378,W6 The zhuravka Geotl2e=al Anomaly, by V. N. Kortsenshteyn. RUSSIAN, perj Dok Ak Nauk BSSR) Vol 181) No 11 1968, pp 175-177. AGI Apr 69 378)707 Pleistocene Paleogroig.-aphy of Spitsbergen, by Yu. A. lavruBhin) A. L. Devirts. RUSSIAN., perk Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181., No 1p 1968) pp 178-191-. AGI Apr 69 378)7()8 Silurian Graptolites Found for the First Time on The East Side of the Central Urals, by V. P. Makhina) P. N. Konev. RMSIAN, per., DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 1., 1968) pp 182-1T3-. AGI Apr 69 3780709 Duration of the Period of Ebrmation of Granitoid Complexes on Radiologic Data, by T. G. Pavlova. WSSIAN, per., Dok A Nauk SSSR~, Vol 181, No 1t 1968, pp 184-177.- AGI Apr 69 376,,710 Types of Gold-Silver Deposits in the Oklaotsk- Chukotka Volawic Belt, by A, A. Sidorov, V. I. Nayborodin. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Fauk SSSR~ Vol 181, No 1, 1968, pp 188-191. AGI 69 Nature of the M&gnetizatiou of Ignimbrite) by Ye. 1. Birinal A. R. Geptner. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181) No 1) 1968,, pp 192-195. AGI Apr 69 3M952 Zoning of Metamorphic., Metasomatic and Palingenetic Rocks in the East-Central Pamirs, by M. S. Dyufar, V. A. Popova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 1, 1968, pp 196-199. AGI Apr 69 378,953 Mineral Transpormation Reactions in Basic Garnet Schist of Southern Yakutia, by Yes A. Kulish. RUSSIAN) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR: Vol 181, No 1, 1968, pp 200-203. AGI Apr 69 378)954 Chemical Composition of Metepelite as a Geologic ThermometerYby S. M. Aleshin, G. M. Drugov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1810 No 1, 1968; pp 204-2W.- AGI Apr 69 378,967 Fusion of Diopaide in Conditions of Ultrahigh Water Vapor Pressure) by L D. Fqabchikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Hauk SSSR) Vol 181) No 1, 1968, pp 207-209. .M Apr 69 378,968 Role of Sulfur in Ore-Forming Solutions) by N. G. Tyurin. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 1, 1968, pp 2lo-pip. AGI Apr 69 378,969 The Ultrastructure of the Flagella of Strigomonas oncopalti, by S. A. Burnasheva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 213-216. CB Jan 71 Kinetics of Changes in Dry Weight of Ganglionic Cell Nuclei in Chickens of Various Age Exposed to Light Irritation, by V. Ya. Brodskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BLol ci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 217-220. CB Jan 71 Incorporation of 113-Thymidine in DNA of Neurons in Young Mice and Changes in Nuclear Ploidy of Neurons in Animals of the Same Age, by V. N. Yarygin. RUSSIAN, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 221-223. GB Jan 71 Fertilization and Embryonic Development of Rabbits After Treatment of Spermatozea in Vitro with Chemical Mutagens, by N. 1. Nuzhdin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 224-227. CB Jan 71 Nitrogen Content of Oligonitrophhilic Bacterial Cells, by N. N. Mal'tseva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 228-229. CB Jan 71 Antigeaic Differences Between Groups of Docytes from Different Female Sturgeons, by Vo So Apekin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 230-233. CB Jan 71 The Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on the Cytochrome b and c Content of Thymocyte Nuclei, by M. A. Tarshis RUSSIAN, per, DoIc Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys. Vol 181, No 1,--Ju-1 1960, pp 2_~4-236. CB Oct 70 Steric Conditions of the Reaction of Hydrogenation at Positions 7 and 8 of Pyrrole Ring IV of Protochlorophyll Pigments, by T. N. Godnev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 181, No 1, Jul 1968, pp 237-240. CB Nov 70 Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation 01) Ribonuclease in Ehtyleneglycol Solution, by G. S. Komolova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 181, No 1, Jul 1968, pp 241-244. GB No.- ~" Change in Liver NAD Nucleo~idase Activity Following Administration to Rats of Excess of Nicotinic Acid, 3-Methylpyridine, and Nicotinamide, by R. V. Chagovets. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 181, No 1, Jul 1968, pp 245-247. CB Nov 70 Respiratory Metabolism and Ultra- structure of Mitochondria in the Root Cells of Corn After Short and Prolonged Anaerobiosis, by G. M. Grineva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci'y Vol 181, No 1, Jul 19bb, pp 246-249. CB Nov 70 Respiratory Metabolism and Ultra- structure of Mitochondria in the Root Cells of Corn After Short and Prolonged Anaerobiosis, by G. M. Grineva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci,, Vol 181, No 1, Jul 196b, pp 246-249. CB Nov 70 Some Peculiarities of the Bioelectric Response of Corn Coleoptile Segments to Treatment With Auxin, by V. V. Polevoi RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 181, No 1, Jul 1966, pp 250-252. CB Nov 70 Protein SynthesiL in the Early Development of the Loach, After Radiation Inactivatiol-I Of the Nucl.ei, by A. A. Neifakh. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 1, July 1968, pp 253-256. CB Jan 71 General Integral Representations of Holonorphic Fdnctions of Several Complex Variables) by 1. 1. Bavrin. R7JSSILN,, perj Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, Wo 2 73:Mr-~ .. 1968., ~pl Am Mth Society Vol 9, No 4, 1966 Jan 69 371)221 The Cauchy Problem For Pseudodifferential Bqaations, by L. R. Volevic.. S. G. Gindikin. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181., no 2.9 1968, Pp 197--270. - Am Mth Society Vol 9. no 4, 1968 jan 69 3713222 A Nonlinear BomWary Problem Generalizing the Riamann Boundary Problem., by F. D. Gahov. RUSSIAN, pers Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2., 1968., ~PT7=1-- An I-lath Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 jan 69 371)223 Li?dt Theorew For Funationals of 119asurable Rarylom Processes, by L. S. Grinblat. IUJSSIAHv per, Dok Ak IWik SSSR, Vol 181, No 2p 1968p ~P-9775"Z-7777~ An Mth Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 Jan 69 371,224 Deficiency-Index and Spectrum of a Selfadjoint System of First-Order Differential Eqaaticnsj by L. B. Zeleriko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181,, 11o 2, 1968., ~P MZT1~- Am Math Society Vol 9. No 4, 1968 Jan 69 371,225 ^01 Absolute Contimij. y of W- Class Functions an level Sets t of Oq AmctYon and Certain Boundary Properties of Majx~ings With Generalized Deriva- tives in a Plane Region., by B. P. Warev. FUSSIAN.. per, Dok Ak Nank SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, 1968p ~PT M_. Am I-lath Society Vol 9. No 4., 1968 Jan 69 371,226 Difference Cperators in Convolutions, by L. S. Frank.- RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 181, Ila 2.. 1968., pp IF-Mg. - ~--' Am .1,Mh Society Vol 9., Vo 4., 1968 Jan 69 371,227 Locally Homotopic Unknotted Imbeddings of lbnifolds., by A. V. Cernavskii* RUSSIAN, per2 Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 181, No 2, 1968j. ~p-79~ ~93. Ara Math Society Vol 9, No 4. 1968 Jan 69 371,228 Mninality Problem For Subgroups in Locally Fin:V,;e Groups, by V. F. Sunkov. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 181., No 2. 1968, pp 294-295. An Hath Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 jan 69 3"11.,229 Solutions in Finite Form For Gertain Hill's Eqaations,, by L. S. Jakapav. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2. 1968,9 ~P7W-77-- Ara Mth Society Vol 9~ No 4, 1968 jan 69 371,230 A Synthesis Method For a Noise-Protected System of Variable Structure, by K. K. Zhilltsov, 11. A. Ilyukhin. RUSSIAN per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2~ July, 1968, pp 298-300. Am Inst Phys Vol 13 , No 7, Jan , 1969 Jan 69 374-113 An Algorithm For the Utilization of Information Redundancy in Multidimensional Reproduction System, By P. F. Osmolovskii. RUSSIAN per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2 , July, 1968, pp 301-304. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 7, Jan , 1969 Jar, 69 5"114-114 Oil an ~-Orithnl For in -~~,r!storls~ by F. Os- p rjr ELL,$ vol lil, 'To bopnotica An Invariant Trans formation of the Equations For Plane Steady Motion of a Perfect Gas, by L. A. IMovsesyan. RUSSIAN per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, July, 1968, pp 30S-308. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 7, Jan 1969 Jan 69 374-1.05 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Glasses Containing Two Transition Elements, Effect of Cobalt on EpjZ of Cu2+ in Oxide Glasses, by L. D. B-ogomolova, V. N. Lazukin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR , Vol 181, No 2, July, 1968 , I)p 313-316. j'uii Inst Phys Vol 13, Xo 7, Jan , 1969 Feb 69 374-122 Theory of Nonlinear Skin Effect , by S. N. Brous., V. N. Kurdyumov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, July, 1968, pp 317-319a Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 7, Jazi , 1969 Feb 69 374-123 "ilidden" Syrimetry in the Relativistic Kepler Problem, by A. M . Perelozov, V. S. Popov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, July, 1968, pp 320-323. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 7, Jan, 1969 Feb 69 374-124 Quasioptical Lines With Finite Nonequidistant Correctors, by 0. E. Shushpanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181 No 2, July, 1968, p1)324-326. Am Inst. Phys Vol 13, No 7, Jan , 1969 Feb 69 374-125 Influence of hilectrically Active Impurities on Plastic Deformation of Germanium, by S. S. Gorelik, Yu. M. Litvinov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, July, 1968, pp 327-330. Am Inst Phys Vol 13., No 7, Jan, 1969 Feb 69 374-135 Role of OXygen In the Effect of Additive Surface- Active Substanceson the Processes of Friction , and Wear of Metals,by B. I. Kostetskii, G. V. Nikulin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, July , 1968, pp331-334. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 7 , Jan , 1969 Feb 69 374-136 Effect of Suspended Particles on Solid Boundaries of a Flow, by V. V. Moskvitin ,, . A. L. Smoldyrev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, July, 1968, pp335-338. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 7, Jan , 1969 Feb 69 374- 137 A Parameter-Free Method for Determir4ng Depth to the Top of the Crystalline Basement Utilizing Erequency Probing Curves., by B, So Yenenshteyn. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 181) No 2) 1968) PP 339-3W.- AGI Apr 69 378)699 The Possibility of Decreasing the Rate of Combustion of Explosives by the Addition of Reducing-Agentop by A. P. Glazkova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR, Vol 181) No 2., 1968, PP 383-384- CB Mar 69 377)597 The Nonequilibrium. Component of Surface Tensions, by A. Ya. Gokhohtein. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR) Vol 181, No 2, 1968) PP 385-38b. CB mar 69 377P598 Kinetics of Particle Fbrmation Daring Latex Polymerization, by V. I. Yeliseyeva. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 181, No 2) 1968) Pp 389-392. CB Far 69 377,599 The Hydroxyl Covering of y - A120 and its Interaction With Water, by L. G. Vn:Z' I evaj, G. D. Chukin. RMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Vol 181, No 2, 1968, pp 393-3-967- CB Mar 69 377,6oo Determination of the Element4try Constants of chain Propagation in the CatALlytic Polymerization of Epoxides, by K. S. Kazanskiy, G. I. Bantsyrev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol 181, No2, July 1968., pp 'T97-460. QB Mar 69 377,601 Polymerization of Certain Cyclic Sulfides, Initiated by Donor-Acceptor Interaction, by T. A. Sitnikova~ L. L. Stotskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SMI, Vol 181, No 2, 1968, pp 401-4-OF.- CB mar 69 377,602 Some Conditions of the Directed Mineral Formation of Pyroxenes in Stone Casting and Sitalls Based on Blast Furnace Slags, by Yu. D. Kruchinin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 181, No 2, Jul 1960, 7~- 705-408- CB Nov 70 Effect of Pressure on the Destruction of Polyvinylchloride, by I. M. Monich RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 181, No 2, Jul 1968, p~ 9-411. CB Nov 70 Thermal DecomDosition of N-Carboalkoxy -(Phenoxy)-N-Phenylhydroxylamines in Dilute Solutions of Chlorocarbons, by P. V. Tibanov RUSSIAN, Der, DoIc Ak Nauk SSSR Chem Tech., Voi 181, No 2, Jul 1 pp 412-IL14. CB Nov 70 The Explosive Properbies of Certain Unstable Salts-Ammonium Nitrite and Bromate, by A. A, Shidlovskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 181, No 2, Jul 196d, pp 415-417. CB Nov 70 Mode of Origin of Intnmions in Volcanoplutonic Belts, by V. A. Dvorkin-Samarskiy) G. 1. Tugovik. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SS voi 181, No 2., 1968) pp 419-421. AGI Apr 69 378,712 Carboniferous Stratigrapby of the Lemva Zone) Polar Urals, by A. 1. Yeliseyev. RUSS1AN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181., No 2, 1968) pp, 422-q5- AGI Apr 69 378,713 Stromatol.ith Assemblages of the Middle Riphean) by I. N. Krylovp S. V, Nuzhnov. RUSSIAN., per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 161) No 2) 1968, pp 426-4:~~.- AGI Apr 69 378,714 Orgin of Structures in the Cover of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Basin, by P. K. Kulikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 181, No 2, 1.9689 pp 430-173-2- AGI Apr 69 378,715 Stages of Recent Fblding in Central Cisenusasia, 'by B. A. Onishcheako) B. G. Sokratov. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, 1968, pp 433-11735 -. AGI Apr 69 378,716 Nappes of the Kudara-Tanymas River Basin (Central Pamirs), by S. V. Ruzhentsev. RMIAN) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 181) No 2) 1968, pp 436-4738. AGI Apr 69 378,717 Shtavler Nappe in Upper Svanetia (Central CaucasuB), by V. I. Shevchenko., 1. M. Mirchink. RMSIANj per) Duk Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 181, No 21 1968, pp 439-47.- AGI Apr 69 378,718 A New Bismuth Telluride Bi2Te5 11 by V. S. Aksenov, Ye. A. Kosyak. RUSSIAN) perp Dc)k Ak Hauk SSSRy Vol 181p No 2) 1968, PP 443-47-. AGI Apr 69 378,942 Composition and Some Other Properties of Microcline Pheno M sts in Granitoids of Iate Paleozoie Age on the East Side of the UraUy by Go Bo Fershtaters RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 181) No 2) 1968) pp 447-V70-. AGI Apr 69 378,955 Tantalum and Nicbium in the Residuum of Some Granitoids of Central Asia, by Ye. K. Podporina. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 181, No 2) 1968, pp 454-457. AGI Apr 69 378.,971 Fare Alkali Content and Trielinicity of Y-Na Feldspar in Granitoids With a Different Alkali Met&! Content in the Ulkan Pluton, by Yu. N. Ganaleya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 181) No 2) 196% PP 451-453- AGI Apr 69 378,970 A Find of Spilite in the Arabian-Indian Submarine Ridge-IU.ft Zone, by 1. 0. Mardma, N. G. Prokoptsev. RUSSMN~ pery Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 2, 1968, pp 458- 1. AGI Apr 69 380~182 Proof of the Entry of Cells into the Period of DNA Synthesis Under the Effect of 5-Fluoro-21- Deoxyuridine and Amethopterin, by L. Ya. Lomakina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol ScL, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 463-467. CB Jan 71 Effect of Brain Injury and Intracerebral InjectLon of RNA on Thymidine-113 Incorporation into Adult Mouse Brain Cells, by K. Yu. Reznikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 467-469. CB Jan 71 Increase in Spontaneous Mutability of Ultra- violet-Sensitive Yeast Mutants, by I. A. Zakharov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 470-472. CB Jan 71 Comparative Electron-Cytocha-mical Study of ttie Deposition of Reduced Tetrazolium and Tellurite Compounds in Stapliylococcus Aureus, by 1. Kh. Tordzhyan. RUSSIMN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 196S, pp 473-475. CB Jan 71 Effect of Ultrasound on Nerve Cells of Caterpillar Brain, by 0. K. Basurmanova RUSSIANx per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys. Vol 181, No 2, Jul 1966, Pp 476-477- CB Oct 70 Activation of Lysosomes in Secretory Neurons of Hypothalamus, by A. A. Voitkevich RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bioph s. Vol 181, No 2, Jul 1966, PP 476-461, CB Oct 70 Measurement of Lifetime of Triplet Excited Sbate of Prophyrins by EPR Method, by L. A. Sibelldina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys. Vol 181, No 2, Jul 1966, pp 462-485- CB Oct 70 Comparative Efficacy of Gamma-Ray and Ultraviolet Irradiation for the Produc- tion of Haploid Seeds of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum. Mill.), by V. D. Turkov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Biophys. Vol 181, No 2, Jul-1-96T7 4d7, CB Oct 70 New Products of Transformation of Cholic Acid by Cultures of Mycobacterium mucosum 1210, by L. 0. Saverina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 181, No 2, Jul 1968, pp 488-490. CB Nov 70 Autotransplantation of Smooth Muscle., by V. M. Gorbunov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 491-493. GB Jin 71 Oal~ IL Functional Properties of Ascending Neurons in the Abdominal Sector of the Central Nervous System of Ortliopterous Insects, by R. D. Zhantiyev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 494-496. CB Jan 71 Effect of Cholinesterase on Yertilized Eggs of Ecliinodems, by G. A. Buznikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 497-500. GB Jan 71 Puromycin-Sensitive Phases and Protein Synthesis in Ripening of Docytes in Rana temporaria, by T. A. Detlaf. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alk Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 2, July 1968, pp 501-504. GB Jan 71 An Abstract Triangalar Representation For Bounded Idmear Operators and Maltiplicative Expansion of Their Respective Characteristic Fimetions, by V. M. Brodskii., M. S. Brodskii. RUSSIANS per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 3. 1968, Am Math Society Vol 9. No 4. 1968 Jan 69 371,231 On Classifying Spaces For Principal Fiberings With Hausdorff Bases, by I. H. Gelfand,, D. B. Fuks. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 3t 1968~ ~p-37- Zl. ~~ Am I-lath Society Vol 9, No 4. 1968 jan 69 371)232 Convergence of Some Approximte lbthods of Solving the Transport Eqaation, by T. A. Germogenova. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 181, No 3) 1968) ~P-M, Am IM Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 jan 69 3710233 On the Theory of Buandary Value Problems For Systerv of Eqqation-s of Composite Type With 1111tiple Characteristiez, 1--- it. Dzuraev. wj RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk 55113R, Vol 181) No 3s 1968j pp-M:577. Am Mth Society Vol 9. No 4. 1968 jan 69 371.,234 Asymptotic Behavior of a Certain Integral of Trigonomtric Polynomialss by A. A. Zaharov. RUSSIMI, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 181) No 3, 1W9 PP 527-529. Am Math Society Vol 9., No 4. 1968 Jan 69 371t235 Admissible Order of Growth of the Q=iconfor- mality Characteristic in lavrentlev's Theorem, by V. A. Zori--. RUSSIAY, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 181, No 3,, 1968., ~p-T3-773. An Math Society Vol 9, No 4. 1968 jai, 69 371,236 Growth of Spectral Functions For Generalized Second-Order Bmuulary Value Problems With Boundary Condition at a Regalar Endpointp by I. S Kac. RUSSIAN; per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 181, No 3, 19689 ~P_5731PT3~7. Am I-lath Society Vol 9,, No 4., 1968 Jan 69 371)237 Test Spaces For Cohomological Dimensims of Paracompact Spaces,, by Vo Kuzainov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 3~ 1968., ~P 538-541. Am Math Society Vol 91 No 4. 1968 jan 69 371,238 Theorerw of Cramr, Lindeberg and Cebysev For Corplex Distributions., by V. I. Iadohin. RUSSIANp per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, I'To 3, 1968, ~p-M Am Itth Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 Jan 69 3111~239 A Fanily of Conditionally Periodic Solutions of a Haniltonian System, by V. K. Yolnikov. RUSSIAN, per.. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181., No 3, 1968., pp-57r-379~. Am Math Society Vol 9. No 4, 1968 jan 69 371.1240 Determination of Optimal Solutions of a Linear Programming Problem, by E. Ja. Remez, A. S. Steinberg. RUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181., No 39 1968., ~P7~3.~~ Am 1hth Society Vol 9, No 4. 1968 Jan 69 371p241 A Formlation of the Inverse Problem For the Generalized I-lave Equation,, by V. G. Romanov. RUSSIAN, perj Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1812 No 3, 1968, ~P73 M-7. Am Ihth Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 Jan 69 374242 Nomulitary Operators With Absolutely Contirmous Spectrum on the Unit Circle, by L. A. Sahnovic. RUSSTAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 181, NO 39 19683 ~P7~1~-~ Am I-Tath Society Vol 92 No 4. 1968 Jan 69 3713243 Differential Properties of Solutions of Quasi- elliptic Equations in Unbounded Dorains, by S. V. Uspenskii. HUSSIATI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, I-TO 32 1968, ~p-JM27767.- An Hath Society Vol 9, No 4, 1968 jan 69 371.,244