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Photoionization of Some Compounds Containing the Carbonyl and Amino Groups, by V. K. Potapov, A. D. Filyugina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No. 2, May, 196B.., pp. 398-401. CB Jan 69 373-421 Influence of Molecular Conformation on the Modulus, of Elasticity of Gelatin Films, by V. A. Pchelin. RUSSIAN per, Dok Ak- Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No. 2, May, 1968, pp. 402-403. CB J'an 69 373-422 Uniaxial Uniform-Speed Elongation of High- Elasticity Liquids ( of Low-Molecular Polyisobutylene as an Example ), by B. V. Radushkovich, V. D. FiNiman. RUSSIA, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No. 2, May , 19~82 pp. 404-407. CB Jan 69 373-423 Nature of the Reversible and Irreversible Form of Chemisorption on a Semiconductor, by Ye. N. Figurovskaya, F. F. Vollkenshtein . RUSSIAN, per , Dok A Nauk SSSR,- Vol 180, NO. 2, May , 1968, pp. 408-411. CB JW1 (,9 373-424 Mechanism of Radiation-Chemical Transformation of DNA in Frozen Aqueous Solutions, by V. A. Sharpatyi, M. T. Nadzhimiddinova. RUSSIA,per, DoR Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, NO 2, May, 1968, pp. 412-415. CB Jan 69 373-325 Some Surface and Volume Properties of Solutions of Potassium and Sodium Salts of Fluoro-Substituted Aliphatic Acids, byt. A. Shits , N. A. Safronova. RUSS1A, per, Dok Ak' Nauk MR, Vol 180, No 2, Way, 1968, pp. 416-419. CB Jan 69 373-326 A Study of the Polymerization of 1,3- Butadiene Under the Influence of , Yr-Allyl Systems, by a Radiochemical Method, by B, D. Babitskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Cheia Tech., Vol !80, No 2, May 196b, pp 4 0-IL22. CB Nov 70 Interdiffusion of Tantalwi and Tungsten, by I. A. Tregubov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 180, No 2, May 196d, pp k23-424. CB Nov 70 Use of Computers to Predict the Grade of Oil.. by A. E. Kontorovich, A. D. Ingovtsov. RMIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol lei, No 21 1966, pp 425-427. AGI mar 69 375,697 Relation Between Thicknesses of Quaternary Deposits and Falaostracture in North E = pean USSR) by Yu. G. Namestnikov, L. L. Rozemov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM Vol 180, No 2, 1968) pp, 428-430. AGI mar 69 Rea:;ons for the Horizontal Stress Responsible for Dishax=nic Flolding in the Sedimen~ary Platform Cover in the Baltic Region, by N. M. Rukhovets. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 2, 1968, PP 431-434. AGI mar 69 375)699 More Information About Transural Ultrabasites, by Ye - P. Smirnov. RUSSIAN, per.. Dok Ak Nauk MR., Vol 1&), No 2, 1968~ PP 435-4-3T-- AGI Mar 69 375,700 More Information About the Precambrian in the Middle of the ftesian Platform, by L. F. Solontsov) Ye. M. Aksenov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM) Vol 180, No 2, 1968, pp 439-471- AGI Mar 69 375Y701 Reasons for the Appearance of Native Elements at the Top of the ILithosphere, by V. M. Gavshin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 2, 1968,, pp, 442-445. AGI mar 69 375,736 The Nature of Interlayer Spaces in Ziectorite From Dagestan, by B. P. Gradusov, N. P. Chizhikova. RUSSIANS per, DA Ak Nauk SM, Vol 180, No 21 19M., pp "6-4W.- AGI mar 69 375J37 locite Found for the First Time in Granitoid Residuum;, by N. Ye. Klevenskaya, N. M. Chernitsova. RMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 2, 1968) pp 449-ir5"1-. AGI Mar 69 K5~738 Idocrases From Skarns in Central Asia and Their Chemical Composition, by D. P. Serdyachenko, F. G. Gubaydulin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWRy Vol 180, No 2, 1968~ pp 452' 1~5-5. AGI Mar Secondary Ruextizite of Mukhor Taley Another Metasomatic Rock Type in Transb&ikal, by .N. Ya. Volyanyuk, V. S. -lebedeva. RUSSIAN) per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 2, 1968, pp 456-4-5'9.- AGI mar 69 375,747 Isotopic Composition of Sulfur in Barite Conca*tions in Kiev Marl of the Donbas, by V. I. Vinogradov, F. V. Zaritskiy. MJSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 2, 1968, pp 459-461- AGI mar 69 375~756 Geochemi5try the Kamenka Differentiated Teschenite Sill (Sakhalin)) by S. M. Kravchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Vol 180., No2, 1968, pp 462-465-. AGI Mar 69 375~,757 Trial Determination of the Age of Magnetite by the Alpha-Helium Method, by L. N. Ovehimnikov, A. S. Shur. FWSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 2, 1968, pp 466-465. AGI Mar 69 375,,758 More Infoxmation About the Geochemistry of Carbon Dioxide in Subsurface Zones of the Hydrosphere, by S. 1. Pakhomov, I. G. Kissin. MJSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,Vol 180., No 21 1968, pp-469-472. AGI 3 / M,a P, ~-, 7 r-3 -! -, ,V Mar 69 375,759 Reactions of Certain Rodents to Gas Gradients in tLair Environment, by A. 1. Shcheglova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 473-475. CB Jan 71 Nitrogen Fixation by a Cell-Free Preparation of Azotobacter vinelandii, by T. K. Il'ina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 476-479. CB Jan 71 Inhibitory Action of 5-Bromo-21-Desoxyuridiiie and 6-Azauridine on Reproduction of Ornithosis Virus, by I. I. Terskikh. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 480-481. CB Jan 71 Radiosensitivity of Natural DNA - RNA Complex From Seed Embryos, by V. I. Tokarskaya RUSSIAN 'per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 180, No 2,714-aY -197b, PP 4b2-405. CB Oct 70 Effect of Ultrasound and Surface Forces on the Release of Native DNA From Bacteriophage T2, by I. Ye. Eltpiner RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Biophys., Vol 180, No 2,'Mwj 196d, PP 06-467. CB Oct 70 Coding Properties of the Seriae Transport RNAs of the Silk Gland of Bombyx mori, by G. N. Zaitseva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 488-491. CB Nov 70 Catalytic Action of Metal 16ns on the Photolysis of Amino Acids, by M. A. Khenokh. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alk Nauk SSSR, Biocapm , VoL 1.80, No 2, May 1968, pp 492-495. CB Nov 70 Correlation of Leaf Movement and Flower- ing in Perilla Oleifera, by A. A. loffe RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR , Bot Sci,, Vol 180, No 2, May 196b, pp 496-490. CB Nov 70 Quantitative Characteristic of MyoglobLn in the Crested Penguin, Eudyptes cristatus, by P. A. Korzhuyev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 499-500. CB Jan 71 Ths Reaction of the Phasic and Tonic Cells of the Frog's Optic Center to Changes in Stimulus Duration, by L. 1. Mkrtycheva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. BiDl SCij Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 501-504. CB Jan 71 Changes in the Sensitivity of Cells to Hydro- cortisone During Cancerogenesis, by 0. S. FrankEurt. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, LIAL -SCL~ Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 505-507. GB Jan 71 The Effect of Puromycin on Different Phases of the Division of the Sea Urchin Egg, by A. 1. Zotin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 2, May 1968, pp 508-511. CB Jan 71 On the Fundamental Theorem in the Homology Theory of Dimension, by P. Aleksandrov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naul. SSSR, Vol 180p No 3, 1968, ~~W K - - - 1 11 - '-*~- ~ a_ The Amer Math Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/Math Oct 68 366,887 Generalized Equiparametric Manifolds in a 1,,hltidimensional Projective Space; by E. T. Ivlev. RUSSLU, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 31 1968, ?p9*MMIk&. p4- .) ') ":~ - D ',, - The Amer Math Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/Math Oct 68 3669888 Parametric Resonance in Canonical Systems of Linear Differential Equations vith Quasi- periodic Coefficients, by G. A. Krasinskii. RUSSIAJ4, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 180, No 3, 1968, ppei*-0644. 0:, , --)- ~) C , ~,- -) ' The Amer Math Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/Math Oct 68 366,889 An Approach to the Notion of Limitt by Ja. B. Livcak. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 1.30, No 3, 1968, .. ii-", -- PIP T -:~-3 The Amer Math Soo Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/Math oct. 68 366t890 The Dinensionality of the Product of U21idimensional Bficompacta, by I. K. Lifanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 11auk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3t 1968t 11Y~T-- The Amer Math Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968, Sci/Math Oct 68 366,891 On the T',Iaory of RiemannIs Problem in the Clas , by V. S. Rogozin. RUSSIALIR pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968, The Amer ~Mh Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/i~lath oct 68 366,892 Theorams on Homeomorphisms Induced by Elliptic Operatorsi by Ja. A. Roitberg. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 160, No 3, 1968, " 10 '1 ~~ 0 F-f) - .--, 'Y -.z- The Amer Math Soo Vol 9, 14o 3, 1968. Sci/Math oct 68 366,893 o-Proximities and o-Absolutes, by V. Fedorcuk. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 18.0, No 31 1968, pr '--, -q& - (i The Amer I-lath Soc Vol 9, No 3# 1968, C 1.0ci/Math Oct 68 366p894 On the Resolvent of Generalized Selfadjoint Extensions of Symmetric Operators, by E. R. Cekanovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968, N-1 '~)- - 1)- C - I'-" "') 3 The Amer Hath Soc Vol 9, No 3. 196B. Sci/1-iath Oct 68 366,895 Princioles of the Structural and Chemical Thermostabilization of Crystallizing Cross-Linked Polymers, by R.P. Braginskii,Ye. Ye. Finkel. RUSSlAN,per,Dok A ~Iauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, May, 1968, pp.632-634. CB Jan 69 373-327 Combustion of Previously Unprepared Dust-Gas Systems Behinds the Reftections of Shock Waves, by A. V. Lyubimov, V. P. Kozenko. RUSSIAN, per , Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 180P No 3, May , 1968, pp. 635-638. CB Jan 69 373-328 Degene-rate of Thernal Explosion, by a A. G. Merzila.nov, Yi.-. G. Zelikman. RUSSIAN, PER,Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, May , 1968, pp. 639-642. CB Jan 69 373-329 Kinetics of the Reaction of Sodium with SAturated Alcohols, and 11eir Benzene, Dioxane, and Aqueous Solutions, by T. A. Hiskinov, N. A. Viskova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, May , 1968, pp. 643-645. CB Jan 69 373-330 Aging of High-Density Polyethylene Under Action of Mechanical Stresses, by M. Natov, St. Vasileva. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3 , May , 1968, pp. 646-648. CB Jan 69 373-331 Mechanism of the Formation of Silver '11ireads in the Production of Microcrystals Sliver Bromide, by Ye. P. Senchenkov, K. V. Chibisov. RUSSIAN' , per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, May, 1968, pp.649-651. CB Jan 69 373-332 Study of Adsorption Phenomena on Platinum By the Potentiostatic 1--lethod) by F. M. Toktabaeva, G. D. Zakwnbaeva. RUSSIAN', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, Nok3 , May, 1968, pp.652-6S4. CL, Jan 69 373-333 The Application of Green's Coulombic Functions to the Calculation of Atomic Properties Using Perturbation Theory, By S. V. Khristenko, S. I, Vetchinkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok AK Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3 , May, 19618, pp. 6SS-6SS. CB Jan 69 373-334 Exchange Interactions and Structure of Anhydrous Substituted Copper Alkanoates, by Yu. V. Yablokov, A. V. Ablov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Pk Nauk SSSR, Vol 180 , No 3 , 'May, 1968, pp. 659-661. CB Jan 69 373-335 Determination of the Characteristic Parameters of a Mathematical Model in a Bed of Packing, by V. V. Kafarov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 180, No 3, May 1960, p~ 6;2-664. CB Nov 70 Stereospecific Polymerizatioi of 1,3- Butadiene in a Polar Medium, by V. A. Kormer RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem. Tech., Vol 180, No 3, Fa-y196b, PP 66-'-667. CB Nov 70 Colloidal Solubility of Natural Resins and Synthetic Polymers in Water, by S. L. Talmud RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Cho Tech., Vol 18d-,140 3, May 196d, pp 78-671. CB Nov 70 Equilibrium in Disso-viation of Solid Solutions of Iron Titanate With Magnesium Titanate, by A. A. Shchepeticin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 180, No 3, May 196d, pp 672-674. CB Nov 70 Relationship Between the Main Paraneters of Equilibrium at Depth in Oil and Gas Basins, by Yu. A. Viskovskiy, A. N. Guseva. RUSSM) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968, pp 675-6-77.- AGI Mar 69 375,702 The Utl~n& Graben and its Gas Potential, by A. A. Goyzhevskiy. RWSIAN) per, DDk Ak Nauk SWR~ Vol 180, No 3) 1968, pp 679-6Tl-.- AGI Mar 69 375..703 A Find of Late Devonian Floret in the YamabAyevskaya Series (Northern Caucasus), by s. P. Mowt$ 1. 1. Grekov. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSBRVO1 180y No 3., 1968, pp 682-6a3. AGI Mar 69 375,T04 Age of Lower Horizons of the Tunguska Complex, by G. N. Sadovnikov. RUSSIAN, Per., DOk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, .1968, pp 684.,6M-. AGI Mar 69 375,705 The Use of Aerial Photography to Determine the Primary Origin of Deeply Metamorphosed Alkalic RockB on the Kola Peninsula,'by A. V. Sidorenko., V. A. Ozhogin. RMIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk MR, Vol 180, No 3~ 1968, pp 687-69o. AGI mar 69 375,706 Foraminifera Found for the First Time in Southeastern Mongolia, by 0. D. Suyetenko. RUSSIAN, per, DA Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968, pp 691-CgT-. AGI Mar 69 375,707 Mode of Origin of the Balta Deposits in Moldavia, by A. N. Khubka. RWSIAN) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968P Pp 695-696. AGI Mar 69 3T5)TO8 Comparison of the Benzene Content of Stratal Water in Mesizoic Complexes of Southern Man,gyahl qk and Eastern 0 iscaucasia, by V. N. Kortsenshteyn. RUSSIAN, per,. DDk Ak Hauk SSSR) Vol 160, No 3, 1968, PP 697-699- AGI Mar 69 375)733 MaZnesian Gedrite From the Southvestern Pamirs, by I. A. Zotov, G. A. Sidorenko. WSSM., per, Dok A-k Nauk MR,, Vol 180~ No 3, 1968~ PP 700-703- AGI mar 69 375J40 Geikielite Found for the First Time in biberia, by A. A. Konev, Z. F. Ushchapovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Kauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968, PP 704-706- AGI Mar 69 375,741 A Find of So-CaUed Faunal and Mixed Coal Balls in Donbas Coal., by P. V. Zaritskiy. RUSSIAN., per, I)ok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 180, No 3: 1968, pp 707-709. AGI mar 69 375,74-8 Magnetic Properties of Titanomagnetite From Ural Titanomagnetite Deposits, by V. G. Fominykh, I. I. Glukhikh. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 180, No 3, 1968, pp 7110-712- AGI Distribution of Iead in Different Genetic Types of Ural Granitoide: by N. D. Znamenskiy, M. V. Trayanova. RMLAN., per, Dok Ak Naul: SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968, PP 713-7-17.- AGI mar 69 375,760 Distribution of Titaniun in Recent Black Sea Sediments, by M. F. Pilipchuk. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968~ Pp 715-718. AGI Mar 69 376,361 Morphological Reorganization of Neuroglia During Increased Function of Nerve Centers, by 14. M. Alaksandrovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1963, pp 719-722. CB Jan 71 Karyologic Analysis of the Tissue Incompatibility Reaction, by I. L. Gol'dman. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, ?p 723-725. CB Jan 7 1 On the Possibility of Controlled Mutation Using Chemical Mutagens Reacting Primarily with Single-Stranded DNA During Local Changes in the State of DNA in Cells, by R. I. Salganik. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 726-729. CB Jan 71 a1v V. 0. Vu. T-?%-2 6 Oct Titlet go poosibUity of mntrolling mtation by "itia cbemUnl mutcaum rvactLng primarily with ni%le- atreW W. with Imal, chm*ea in tI,G atate of cellular VA Author: SaIgAdko R. I.* An M. DoUady, V. 180. No. 3, 190DO p. 726-729 40 Lsagw6e: VmasLam SpWL&I Inecructiomal ple"O translate and Lype only. Some New Information on the Biological Action of Microwaves, by V. L. Kardashev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 333R, Biophys., Vol 180, No 3, May 1966, pp 730-733. CB Oct 70 Participation of Plastocyanin from Pisum sativum L. Leaves in Photareduction of MDP by Chloroplast Fragments, by Ye. A. Akulova~ RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol t80, No 3, May 1968, pp 734-737. CB Nov 70 Change in the Unseditnentable Unspecific Esterase Activity, Measured with p-Nitrophenyl Acetate as Substrate, in Ischemic Rat Liver, by A. A. Pokrovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 738-741. CB Nov 70 Effect of Some Metabolites on the Reaction of Epoxidation of Xanthophylls, by D. 1. Sapozlinikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bi-chem, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 742-745. CB Nov 70 Relationship Between RNA and Polyphosphate Metabolism in Certain Fungi, by M. S. Kritskii RUSSIAN, per, Doic Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., F- Vol 180, No 3, lay 1960, pp 746-749. CB Nov 70 Comparactive Study of the Initial Stages of Egg Segmentation in Nematodes, by Ye. M. Drozdovskiy. RUSSIM4, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 3, 1968 'pp 750-753. 114TC 69-11489-06C Sci-13&1111 July 69 386,973 Comparative Study of the Initial Stages of Cleavage of the Nematode Ovum, by Ye. M. Drozdovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 750-753. GB Jan 71 Restoration of Regenerative Power of Axolotl Limbs Inhibited by X-Ray Irradiation by Tissue Heterografting, by L. V. Polezhayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, Dp 754-757. GB Jan 71 Influence of X-Rays on Functional Activity of Single HLppocampal Neurons, by L. A- Popova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 759-750. GB Jan 71 Role of Functional State of the interstitial Space in Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Volume, by N. A. Tomilina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 761-763. GB Jan 71 Glucose Oxidation as Energy Source for Segmentation of the Sea-Urchin Ovum, by A. I. Zotin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sei, Vol 180, No 3, May 1968, pp 764-767. CB Jan 71 On the Structure of the Field of Quotients of the Enveloping Algebra of a Semisimple Lie Algeb, P-, by 1. 1-1. Gel I fand, A. A. Kir-.Lllov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, 1968, 0 P0 - -, - "-- -/ The Amer Math Soc ' /-) - / 7 Vol 91 No 3, 1968. Sci/Math Oct 68 366,896 Sequences of Linear Aggregates of Functions of Several Complex Variables, by V. P. Gromov. RUSSIkN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, 1966, pp a IQI~ -7 2 ~-- 7 S'/ The Amer Math Soc Vol 9, No 31 1968. Sci/Math Oct 68 366,897 Extension of Denjoy-Carleman Quasianalytic Classest by 1-1. N, Dzrbasjan. RUSSLU, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, 1968, S~. 2 - 7 11 "~,- - The Amer I-lath Soc Vol 9, No 3, 10/68, Sci/Math Oct 68 366,898 Quasiequivalence of Bases at 11nite Centers of Hilbert Scales, by V. P. Zaharjuta. RUSSILN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1.30, liio 4l 1968, 6 'w 7,---( . N': 11 "1.- The Amer Math Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. SCi/I-.Tath Oct 68 366,890, Duality in Problems of the Calculus of Variationsp by As D. Ioffet V. E. Tihomirov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 14auk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, 19681 6 -1 f~. - 7c"'-z The Amer Math Soc p . i Vol 91 No 3, 1968, sci/I'Iatk-4 Oct 68 366,goo Approximate Kinimax Property of the RZ Testg by Li Hoang Tu. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, 1968, WO W)ik. f"P -?(, :~ . The Amer I-lath Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/Hath Oct 66 3669901 Dual Models of Production, by A. K. Rubinov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, 1968s wofiPP04% )Qp - 7,/.,V The Amer Math Soc Vol 99 1~o 3, 1968. Sci/Math Oct 68 366lgo2 On Spaces of Constructive Infinitely Differentiable Functions and on Funct-ionals in Them, by Phan Dinh Dieu, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 1~auk SSSR, Vol 180, No 49 1968, -jqmjp The Amer Math Soc Vol 9o No 3, 1968. Sci/Math. Oct 68 366t003 Completeness Up to Coding of Systems of Functions of k-Valued Logic and the Com- plexity of its Determination, by R. V. Freivald. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 180p No 49 1968, /Y 'S'C' __5 - ::_~' ~f -_ The Amer I-lath Soc Vol 9, No 3, 1968. Sci/l,lath Oct 68 366,9o4 Survey of Turbulent Gas Flows by an Optical Method, ByN. F. Derevyanko, 1. L. Kuznetsov. RUSSIAN) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR jk Vol 180 P No 4, June, 1968, pp 806-808. Am INst Phys Vol 13, No 0 , Dec, 1968 Jan 69 374-073 Rarefaction Wave and Medium Fly-Off in a Variable Gravitational Field, By K . Dzhusupov, K. P. Stanyukovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A~ Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, June, 1968, pp 809-812. Ain Inst Phys Vol 13, No 6, Dec, 1968 Jan 69 374-074 General Solutions in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Theory in a Ilypersonic Approximation, by A. S. Pieshanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, June, 1968, pp. 813-817. Am Inst My.,, Vol 13, No 6 , Dec, 1968 Jan 69 374-075 Photodissociation Of C2 ~101ecules in the Atmosphere of Comets, by D. 0. Mokhnach. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, No 4, June 1968, pp 817-820. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 6, Dec 1968 Jan 69 374-061 Quasiperiodic Low-Frequence Solar Radiowave Fluctuations, by 0. 1. Yudin. RUSSIAN , per , Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180 , No 4 , June, 1968, pp 821-823. Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 6, Dec 1968 Jan 69 374-062