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Deneusy, N. 1971 Influence of regeneration on the first postoperative eadysis In Carainue magnas (Crustaoea Decapoft rrachyura) (Influe e la rbg6noTraTion our la premOre oxuviat 'pee d postoparstoire ahez Carainus Menaa (crustace' Dacapod?n euchyoure) 10omptea Rendus liebdo7daire ies 3'eancea de IAaademie des '~clencaa de Paris, Scrie D, Sciences Naturolle4 273. 1140-114-31. In French. Prelim. tranal. by J.D. Uoha5ky for MC Biol. Sta., St. Andret,ts, N.B., 1973, so Transl. Series No. 268a, 6p., typesoript. Avail. on Loan - NMFJ, Wash., D.C. fVIC -74- 1133 7 ' to OrIginal Arilde Chacked,M J. -P. Peyrade Study of the activity of carbon and of its solubility limit at 750'C on irons of different origins. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COWTES RENDUS, Vol 273, pp 1500-1503, 1971 NTC 72-15176-11F mar 73 C. C. Herrmann On the significance of a total correction of ohmic drop in potentiostatic measurements in the presence of a faradic reaction term. In the case of any tension. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. CONWES RENDUS, Vol 273, pp 1593-1596, 1971 NTC 72-15298-071)~ mar 7 3 P. Ch=bon Metabotism of dibutyl and diethyl phthalatee in the rat. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COMPTES RENDUS VoZ 273, Series D, 1971, pp 2165-2168 NTC 72-15186-06P mar 73 G. Mascle Comparison of the Sicilian gypsiferous series and the evaporitic structures of the Western Mediterranean. ACEDEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS CMMS RENDUS Vol 273, pp 2426-2428, 1971 NTC 72-15295-08G mar 73 L. Glangeaud The tertiary ltl*ectonic phases of the Alboran Sea. ACADBlIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. CDIPTES RENDUS, Vol 273, pp 2435-2440, 1971 NTC 72-15293-08G mar 73 Henneviv, B. Effect of acquisition level. on the increase.- of paradox- ical sleep, duration due to an.avoidance Conditioning in lite rat ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. COOTES MTDUS, Series D. 273, 1971, pp. 2595-8 ITASA TT P-15,221 7- SCHILTZ, F flACADETUE jj~LIS SClEjTCES. pl).Ri'S Cglaril"s IBM= Vcr.TD'icat.i.on, lereditary Abilit" 0 fa Sy . Y LC..ot!.,.na .~o i.~il etize Aumjoj,j-~l rP P^00-2~03~1~711G RAMADE, TO.. Von'Ji-f-ioaricun of Adirenergic N'ollrons by Fillover, Cellec, I%idcroscoinlr ir, Central "Ncxnorts System 0-r ca.11-J.,T)h0ra EvLtariceph,,0-a 1-io-IgI and N~isca Dkoiaestica L., PiP -3-31" S -)~TNTLC AE,C/Tr-7504-72 PLASMA PHYSICS: INFLUENCE OF THE REDUCTION OF IONIZATION ENERGY ON THE CONTINUI LALLEMANOt A LANGUAGE-FR COUNTRY-FR CR ACADEMiE DES SCIENCES, PAaIS, 17 JULY 272 PP 137-140 FSTC-HT-23-0244-73 Ferrand.o, R. Mar 73 R~ ouz., GuTonneau, 141 Lipi'd and curbonli-yclrate i-4ietabolism 1.11 Whi '',e rats ii, the course of stresses forced imrobilization and -thermal bariations 17 Octl-972~ Pp- 1277-1-r-U-) COMES RiINDUb DES ISEiTC232. . 1. , . I -I.. . . 1. . - . 1. . . I . .. I- . I., - Rivierej 11. ~- ~ 1. - . -.1- - Marhc 73 ... 1 1. .. ..:, ~. .1 , - P - . Renoux, G. Effect Of Phenylimidothiazole (To*ramicole) on. Graft-Versus-Host Reaction. Role of MacrophaGes ACADEME DES SCMNCES. Faris. C01=5-RENDUS, Series D, V. 277~71972, PP. 3320-3323 FTC 73-1-2519-06M Untillier, D. Er~Lropy Transport by Vor-b-1-1ces and Modification of Seconal-Sound Volocity In 013tipcrfluid Ile-Ill.tIq ACADEI-irlE DES SC,71--TCETS. r"milol. COIITTTIIII~13 R,7,M,-L ormalt"s r,~ 7 7-7 'f-C Agency: FDA Bureau of Drugs Library/HFD-45 Orl I L PLI) #0259-74/Call No. 6 'r,, -7j Author: Raymond Ferrando and Rene Truhaut TOXICOLOGIE. - La toxicite de relais. Novelle approche Title'-. pour la methodologie d'evaluation toxicologique des additifes aux aliments des animaux d'elevage. so,r,e: C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 275 (10 Juillet 1972) Serle D - 279 283 bangu-1i'W; French L( Instructions: Please translate, type and paste up when necessary Roumain) Jean-Pierre, et al Experimental Stuay of the Dynamic Compregsibili ty of an Ahminim-Copper Laminar Composite COMPT. REND. SM A, B, 275 (1972) pp 637-4o Kandia J111Y 1-973 Romain,-J. P. Jalabert, Phornard, Bemard Breton, and 1972 Chriatian Bry Physiology. - in vitro maturation and ovulation of oooytes of the rainbow trout (aalmo ~~Irdnorii) (ftfifolosie. - 1-11aturstion et ovulation-fn vitro des ovooytes do Is Truite Are-en-Ciel Salmo pairdnerifl Comptes RendG-de -1 Wa-d-e-mffe` do Sciences , M(Series D) , Paris. 11.39-1142. Tn French. Transi. by Tran3l. Section, Dept. of Environ., for Dept. of Environ., MC Diol. Sta., Vanoouver, B.C., 1973, so Tranal. Series No.'2482, 9p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chocked.K KrQoht, ronlolle 1972 Experimental biology, Application of wintor and summer conditions, removal of the ocular pedunoles, and notion of an eedysterone on the adult female crayfish OzoMectojs linoaus R., durir%g tho anoodysis period: consequences on egg layJAig and molting (Biolog10expArimentale - Application de oonditiona hivernalea ot eativales, O'p6donoulation et action d'une oodystgrone chez llearevisse femolle adulte limcaus R., pendant la periode dianeodysia: O"M 01.1., our la ponte et our la mue) Comptes Rednus do IlAead. de Sei. Part3, M, Series Di 1677-166o, In Rronoh. Transl. by TrQnsl. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of See. of State of Canada, for Dept, of Rnyiron., FRBO Blol. Stn., At. Andrews, N.B., 1973, as Tranal. Series No. 2331, 11p., Avail. on Loan - NUS, Wash., D.C. OrIgIncil Adicle Chocked* Dehcourt~ J. Relations bet-'Ueen rapidity of learning and paradoximl sIcep duration durirg, the nydhermal cycle in rats ACADEMIE DE, SCIENCES. COIsTTES RENDUSP Series D. V. -~217 t5, 1-117, pp. 2725-8 HOA TT F-15,222 C W s6rd-Bouehaud, GOIette, and 19TZ Mlahello Hubert CYtology. Preaence of agranular and tubular an*piaemic reticulux in the apidermla of Wagmqgn momt" (POUrAnt), Crustacean, Dsoapoda (Cytologje - Fzqrsonoe dolitioulum ondoplasmique agranulairo at tubulWe jdaM 1 0 idame de Palaem2a strratus (Pormnt) Cruntace D(Feapbde) Comptas Rednus do Mead. do Sai. Paris, M, SeriO D: 2~05-2907. In ~Yonak. Tranal. by Tranal. Txr., Fgn. LanS. Div.,- Dept. of Soo. of Rate of Carads, for Dept. of Environ., VRW Biel. Sta. , St. Andrews, fi.13., 1973, as Tmnal. Series No. 2832, 10p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - IMS, Wash., D.C. OrIgInal Article Checked ...... 26-Nov-73 Uncl (LF-tr--80) Cancers provoked In the baboon monkey (Papio papio) by the Inhalation of PuO2. METIVIER, H.; NOLIBE, D.; MASSE, R.; LAFUMA, J. Translated by A.A. HorvBth (Lovelace Poundation for Medical Education and Researchq Albuquerqueq NM)q from Compt. Rend., Ser. D; Z75: No. 25, 3069-3072(1972). 6p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 06R radioblology; translations MN-48 P NSA UNKNOWN 11COWTE RENDU D IESSAI TECH( TOULOUSE) -1-11973' SMS operations-equipment preparation, 27 pp, pp 33,NASA TT F 1476300 - - - - - - --- - - - - CARLISIE D D ;/,!ACAD DEZOMP MIS DE PAR is colams lul Illyas HE BDOWMAIIRE D UN SEANCES// N the Ir Orpvau~ Mlo.VcinG, Gland a:k i d1_%Ilandibulu Oy,,~an 0 in ~.,-acruran Decapod. Cimg-t.aceanis, 5 er ~~. e s D-MO TL- J_12~19 0'0 it 26-Nov-73 Uncl (BNWL-tr--96) Elimination by pulmonary lavage, in vivo, of Inhaled plutonium oxide particles: description of techniques used. NOLIBE, M.D. Translated by E.R. Appleby from Compt. Rend., Ser. D; 276: 225-226(1973). 9p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 06R radiobiology; translations MN-46 P NSA 0 Arsm-,al 9219/1202 Vi-45i! 27 Dec. 1973 SUr 1e Mecantsme de la Reaction de I'Azotc Active Sur JOAcide Azothydrique. Dz -satu:, et al. C.R. Acad, ~",c- 11-nris, Vol. 276, -,,p. 635-638. (1973). y-jp-:t din"Ie spacu, naste-up, canenz A Agenoy: Air Forco/Aarospace Researol, lAbs. MIPR'- IFY 69947400069 Call Letter FY 74-04 Title: Iat3rprat~-,tiojj dos jubijs par lus --lactrons aujj~ ~L)R)bILvd'j::!jjjt ionique. A), thors 0. Bonam-Ith, L. Viol, 7,he 171. Colombio. C.R. Acad. So. Puris2 t.276~ 4 hil, 1973, Sur.D. PaGs 8063-~66. Special imstructionst Translate and- type one copy. - IOGLISH. Aritr olel ?4-T 13 Nov. 1973 I C" - ~Tgoot of )n "ic C'i-i. itini 7?4~,Au2 '%omli (A U-1A 27 ",ib 2`1 101-vo s .)ace, Y - ?Icatiaay ikmi~nal 74-79 11) 71, it ~I n A u t C, Vol. 76, lip. L,3tructiuns: Type ;>a3tc-up, eanj-~ra copy. Defossez, Andre, and Pmnaoia Schaller 1973 Applied biology, Inhibition of male's oopulative orpn motamorphodis of Lwh aftnea mull, (Indects, l1bollullidne dragonflica, od after Imitative juvenile hormone Injection floilbition do In mAnmorphos& do 11apparall coptilateur male des larves dlAeshria oXqM (Inseqte, O~lonatw) par injoation d1un mija6tiquo de 11hormono Juvdnile) I'domptea Rednus do 11A(md. de Sol. Paris, =, Series DI 2051-2054. in Frenoh. Tranal. by Irranal, Dur., Fgn. [Ang. Div. , Dept. of 3ea. of State of Canada, for Dert. of Environ., FRBC BioloUical Sta., St. Andrws, N.n., 1973, so Transl. Series No. 2826, 87'. typosaript. Avall. on Lo4n - NPIFS, ;fash., 2).C. ,A Original Arficla Checkej.F.'- Charmenti*r, GUY, end Joan-Paul Trilles 1973 Invertebrate PhYliOlogy. R665tablishment of the malting phenomena by the Injeotion of eodyst6rono to pubesoont adult malea of SphagzM ggrntya (Crustseean, Isapodo) i9logio des Invort6brEs - Ftiftablissamn des ,menes do la mue per injoation dleadysterone ohoz lea F, enso i pub4m; do SMorona serrakm 00 a adultea _ jilruztao*~ Toopode) ~Comptos Rednus de Mood. do Sai, Paris, ? , Sorioz D. '2'561-2564. In Freneh. j6 Tranal. by Timnal. JZLr., Fgn, Wig. Div., Dopt. of Soo. of State of Camda, for Dept. of Environ., FRBC Biol. Sta., St. Andrmis, N.B., 1973, as Tmn8l. 8orled 110. 2833, 13p., typeaeript. Avail. on fAnn - 1IMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked.* ('r prro",~~.S~,emne on folle (~Atmmtiuil ill vl',vo of coc-'a"lea 4or tile ra tr-cm3t ~&il%LzlerI i (fcU oz.- ~?reoordnallte JI un S,i:- -a z:-.*It,;x.Itj on ill oe .,L ro ~es if.- la tr-t'te Salmo .-a~rdriy2t-Ji) Parin f of ,-tat,c, of Cwlltda, fol, )"Pt. Of FwAroll. Varl-,011"701, LAI) as T~ttira~l- 3),imler. "u. 26:A , "P. I'-- ni oil :-el, ... I . -- Malyshev, S.I. "Ceratina and its Parasites" C.R. SEANCE, Vol.43, No.11 1912. *NTIS TT 53257 Roche, J. On the action of beryllium on alcaline phosphatase. SOCIETE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE SES FILIALES. COMPTES RENDUS DES SEANCES, v. 144, p. 638-640, 1950 NTC 73-11093-06A dc!vacy- Ficatimiy Araena! 'Yeq. tvo. 74--31 9219/0973 18 Oct. 73 Sinus Cuotidions et Reflexes Reopiratoires. G., aL al. 03UMC: Caqpt. Rend. S01. MOL (Paris), V. 1UG, -,Z-. F mch. Instructions.. 'TYPC aingle space, plmte-up, carwra ready co~q. Voillot, A., 0. Cornubart, and N. DemausY 1953 h)rpotheaes on the influence Of the eyestalks on the 0,,ntrol of external sexual aharaoteristiaB of decapod crustaLasa (Hypothhees sur 11influence des pe'doncules oaulaires sur 19 d4termini5me des caracterea Bexuels externes des Crtwtaces ppoopodes) ,',Comptea flendus des Seknceo at Memoirso do le BooiAa do hiclogia, 147, Parisi 1264-1265. In Frenoh. Prelim, tranal. by J.B. Soahasky, for Dept. of Fmiron., FRBC niol~. Sta., St. Andrew, N.B., 1973, so Tmosl. Series No. 2801, 2p., typecoript. Avail. On Loan - ND M, Wash., D.C. Origltiaj Aflide Checked.PK DELL9 P. //COMPT UND SOC BIOL.// --/--/1954, V0148, N---- Direct and reflex control of the ascending reticulated activator system of the brain stem by oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood pp pp not given NAV/NISC/TRAN-3578-7W# Aossi2 G. et, al New techniques for stomach disorder with white rats COMPTES RENDUS SOCIETE DE BIOLOGIE~ vol. 150~ -~ Dec. 1956, pp. 2124-2126 ANASA TT F-15,382 FM, TCII CSO: 8,19/0329 Effects Of acCative ai---, ions oa the adremls and the selcctiou of saline solution in the albino rat, J. 1".. 01ivercall. Pcris, Comptes rendus des; scmnaes de la societe de biologic, 13 I-Irch 1965, I)P 5"(1-575. socc type B Do not publish Single Spaced C,-nft pli-,G DE nne Copy. Driessens, J. Intravenous Injection of Ground Guerin Epith,eliorplat Part VIL in Wistar Rats Subjected to Res .Block by Thorium Dioxide SOCIETE DE BIOLOGIE IDT DE SES FILMEB., COME18 MINDUS TFS -mom S --2C-Z'9---2071 C 73-12546-o6E Lenbert, R. Gastric ulcers produced by constrant in metal tubes in the rat COMES RENDUS DES SEANCES DE IA SOCIETA TZ BIOLOGIE ET DE SES PILLUSS~ V. 161~ pp. 816-511W7 PASA TT F-15,366 /C Agency: Environmental Protection Agency P.O. No. EPA-IAG-028 (D) Title: Comparative metabolism of mercury-203- and carbon-14-labled mercury etllylenediaminetetraacetate and mercuric C11L oride-2031]G Author: R. Plagne; F. Bussiere; G. Keyniel; J. Berger; et, al. Source: C.R. S6c. Biol. Language: 34pnwhah Special Instructions: Translate, edit and print 1 copy. Labie, C. Lesions on the digestive system determined by forced immobilization in pigs CONIPTES 10MM DES SEANCES DE LA SOCIETE DE BIOLOGM ET DE SES FILIAMS, V. 16o, 1966, pp. 675-7 ,'VNA-BA TT F-15,389 PriouxyGuyonnear, M, Repercussions of restraing on thermal environmental temperature COMES RENDUS DES SEMCES DE LA SOCME DE BIOLOGIE ET SE SES FILIALES (FRMCE), v. 164, jan. 27~ 1970, PP. 72-75 PVA.SA TT P-15,392 Rault, B. COMPTES RENDUS DES SEANCES DE LA SOCIETE DE BIOLOGIE Vol 164, No 7, 1970, pp 1655-1660 *NTIS-Tr-74-53113 Mouton., Y. &qerimental Study of the Spread. of Cancer Cells in the INbryonated Chicken Egg. Part 11. The Iforial Chlorioallantoic Membrcme in Electron DUcroscopy SOCMTE DE DIOLOGIE ET SES FILVUS. PARIS. COMPTES RRIDUS DES SEMMES, V. 164, 1970, p. 2041- 11TTC 73-1179"4-0614 T1,10-U-1011, Y. Experimental Study of the Spread of.Cancer Cells in the Embryonated Chicken Egg. Put II. the Norma Chlorioallantoic Menbrane in Electmn Microscopy SMITE DE BIOLOGIE~ ET SES FIL=qS. PARIS. C01,01-S REMUS DES SMICES, V. 164, 1970~ p. 2526-2532 ETC 73-11795-06DI Vlaeminck, M. I-T. Experimental Investigation of the Spread 02 Cancer Cel Is in the Embvyonated Chicken Egg. Part IV. Visceral Distribution of the Tumoral Foci SOCIETE DE BIOIXIS BT SES FILLUES. PARIS. MIMS M,11TDUS DES SEANCES, V. 165, 1971, P. 326. NTC 73-11796-061,1 M, Evolution of the 6ndoge.11011s'netabol W 6 Bak e~.S. accharomyces. a.s a.m f ction of the naflire of the oxi dized eyogenous substrate (acetate, ethanol or g1mcose) _11.111yr.11 sREBUS SOCEVE Dr, PTOLOGIE ET DE, SES F ILIAT-11,01C DES SEANCES, v. ThI5, 1C.71, pp. 73-120RG-06M ITITTS Labb.e.3 P. ---------- Mouton, Y. Experimental Study of the Spread.of Cancer CeUs in the Embryonated Chicken Egg. Part V. The Visceral Foci in Electron Microscopy ,S CIETE DE BIOLOG33, ET SES FITTAT S PARIS, COMPM-S ~, ~E B R12TDUS DES SEANCEN~ V. 165, 1971, P. B50- 172C 73-11-771-06114 P. Joanny Hyperbaric oxygen: Levels of malonaldehyde in the plaama, erythrocytes, and cerebral tissue of the rat. COMMS RENDUS DE SEANCES, SOCIETE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE FILIALES. Vol 165, 19?1, pp 1341-1346 NTC 73-10525-06A 73 Habits of the Brovm-Headed Gull, by R. Plotnick. COMUNICACIONES DEL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE OMTIGACION DE LAS CIENCTAS NATURALES. CIENCTAS ZOOLOGICAS, Vol 2, No 9, 1951, pp 113-129. *.NTIS TT 73-55027 Mar 73 Garcia, Mario Mendez Peoplels Assemblies Discuss Commity Services, Problem. 5 pp CON LA GUARDIA EN 920, Havana, June 1973, PP 14- 17- jpRs 60852- Dynamic Problems of Viscoplastic Media in a Temperature Field, by D. Kolarov, 19 pp. RUSSIAN,, Conference Nationale de Mechaniqu Appliquee, June 1969, pp 23-27. ACSI-K-2612 FSTC-HT-23-2050-72 Sep 72 VARIOUS //A 4-11 ovi TF ER ETT A, TTAITL. DE ACUSTICA, D: Urtl,~smpm,-.// 29/C,5/lq7--p/ V0002,-f- T110 Fourth lo~01,tiOI1,11 COM.Cronce oil 1"Coustics, 2-, B. Ultraso~ iu, 25' I.T. --------------------- ZIEN=, TLllzy //A 4-A COITIFERENPTA MUL. DE ACUSTICA,B- ULT.WUNKETE 9/10,73OT0002,T- - - - HATL. Dh': ACUSITICk. ~B: TTITJTWIS~-t-~Iqlpqt/ 29/05/1973 110X102 N---- I'letho'l, Of Vlibrai-,21-oll "Imnl-s-Is ITS ill Ho" ourophic Ct T I Inte-rPero-1-2e~trY and HIT 6 - 1', CY c 00OPt~ctJ- D Oct -T7 TT 0 KOZ-LO- ZLIKSLI"T", //A 4-A CO!,5i,ERIiJTA 1UPIL. DE AGUSTim~ -2,: Uiam~Tm~TEI 002~Ti---- 1,10thods for 1-ileasurelnent of a-. llasic STEITTUP C. //A 4-A CGIFFERE1,711A 'F,112L. D--,' AMSTICA, B: -1021 CO"rOltit. Of ,ne Ra:be C) Tilteasoll. ropaga', 'h O'her Chayactei-is-'I-ii c Liciudcl rp "7J! U. r-J. AG. u L v li. DE ACUSTICA B-~. IN RPL-9 RITE, 11 C0171 T-NUA RMT u .~"-~41419 'Port-able Avoaratus -ulth Up Di S'DI-a-17 or Tost-inig, Of Cc-n~crc.`U-e by the ii7, ei 44! col 1"ERITTA ITICIT DE, ACUSTICA Jj. 0 IRI CT.VJ 4-11 CO-1-7,11-TUIETT-A NAT DE A L MYSTla :.B: uum' Lqs Ty, TE, 7t "'P 7 `T,") 00 -2 1 T;- - - - Cont,n-b-i.ildonq to tHe Sbud y J,o-,., t'ae of VibrallionE, .11, G C ONT !=X-A D121 &GUOT-., CA) 7UIB/i J u L, to the Stij4.,Zy of, TLt- a jmn c 'Ha ch 3. D1 -TT-7,'-11; 63c SOM,A" .1. 11111 ~f-l, CONFEEIRTA HATL. DE ACUSTICA,:, 2~,-/,05/1 01-;3,V,0002,1,:----. Mfetal-mr,"ing ~w,-dth U.I. S 6 n i c2 n o m, m mali-IT-11 IT11T L.. DE AC73TIC' IT0002, 11 973 11(,,e Of Ado,,-.p.Ll Dif iiie n., V- 1 ot., or's m~ -the. Ylechmicm3r. . h,o~)mTtios of Lo-or-Alloy. ~11-,eol r, Welded Ln a "Op TO C.U A, C01.7-,LMTT.A IvATIr. LIE ACRSTIQ~ Tj: Ulum'As-i-Ti.-Imull Pn 105,/`-.7-~ A 1. NA-9L DE, ACUSTIC The 11-f f e!--'.-oU It a S oi I c s. on the. Re,')pertien, . I,ni la st c Deforn t of Carbon eel T~,occssc~, by Co. m don, pp MAUI! 0. A MIT-7EREITA WATL. DE ACUSTICh ~Bl ULTiVWTJTPmi'i'// Some Research Conce-riiinig ",-he Cold Dral.,dl-ng of T -,,fb c s m a-a Act, -,-tedt PIU7 D71 Co I-A WITIMITInA ~T 1 W I ZT WET E",'/ DE ACUSTI T'ie Actiol ol, Ore anJ DIIM-01- 0. !Wil DB ACUOTICA~ 31:' ~ALMOUIRTE// Defonnet:*, o,,i ~l tile ""t'al)JIlity 0, e Fo ous Of A in tlle~ CONL of Tud)e~~ oil V-11 ujt -!, as, O-nl c."O.17Y c v-a t r 0-1 , . J-, Colu"Eimm, NAM. DE ACrUSTICA, B.: ULTRUS 05'-97'~VOOO'"),N---- oomp ~;-,Cctc, O-r Using TLI.1-a-asourvis to Ru COIT.-vL"RnYTA NA.T Dri ACU'STICA, 31: ULTRASUM, Kj~ contr~.*biit` oiv7, t'o S 6 of -blie S [j).11.7. .1 L yfthe -C c U~ 'ric Action o., Acollst-le, c c rl. c 1'.1 C, ~U. 1 a C. il (10. r6, J. DE ACTYSTICJI~.,. B i UYL PuUM,1,12TE//, 2 r- 0'7/,1.0'73,VC-C,02,N---- ti-) tull,~' U2e macronolvids. ~Cox, 130.. -1.. J, IT T CIA 2 vonn Viol e ic' 0i, 7.n J . r - -7777- 777, PE a -Uiu, WD R. 0. 'IM I-TA"L. D !Tf GjST j ~113* and, Re-' L, Um~ecl krdrocaifthons bY U-1-1-1-rasound, 1ji -,.")e p lice 0- ~~ 1 1:11" ~ U- r e "; f, I , la T T - F - 1 r, 6 6Cq~7, COITITMIMPA I T L DE ACMT:C CIL B: 5/19,73, 4-A COEFE RT57TA FIATL. DE -ACUST ICY, B: TTIPI RM U~TETE/I' 2 110002, R---- b1trasonic F.-'Lltreuion of Jjj(juq-,G*-~!.a]7 C'nemical. 17, SERE-201 C. //A -A co'RTER M, A MITI LDE ACUSTICA B: UIRMS"UNIETE// of some Halides, In Alcohols,: DGik V ~~-A*COI,TERINTA NITL DE ACMTICA~ 05 ~, 733 ~ ch 0 7J. nu~ the 0 t'at i SI.-I -T. C a". T"Peor-'r,n ns ]c Al l5k! BOJT-A~ 1M. 1/A 4-A CONP ER-DUA NMI L D 2 ALITYSITIM11 ITYJ. PULS w TIL 2' Q/0V 1.97 V00-02,11-t. - d IS On-1 Ilse A j. iall. y s 1', 3and.Sirnahjlesis Of a. F 1 Ili T IT Ilt! )l,"L mav,uITITA NTN DE ACUSTICA D ULTE U~ -2 UTMT L, 2VO9,,/Ic~ ,7 Acousti-C prcypertics of 0--c-rgad cAcid M-J-xt- in,es j- r, '!'354'3'l,Ij! A-TT-7,'Jr, _2 CIUEE, A-.-,. //A 4~A ifhIlL.'DE ACUSTIC41) q: TJL!j"lv-.STTPT. TEII/ and Adirfoat,:F-C conrfm;,libility, In Dlioxanc-llater OL, --I T -_7 7 7-7 77 NICOLA EIS clij. i. I co, mizoml-f il TRUA Ml,. DL ,CA~ D: ULTI vorm .tud'-V o- Dcfect Int, I-)"t fin 74n-1)54;~17AQ T T 7 1 r, - -7 L ~--A' *CO:NFE'R-U-]T- --y L. DE: A" CUSTICA ETz,//.:z-. ton Of W.e-dej Joilit-, 0 T 1 n e s,,