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~ ~ . I . . . , kov... Yo. : V. 1,o-.,"I,-Z,)v,I, -W. IN. The e,,~tr,,.)ction-t)hotoiiic-,tric method of determin- hir, triethyl-affline ~n air. c-' GTGNNA I SANITAIRIYA, Vol. 37, n. 2, 1972, 1). -50-58 L%I'C 7/3-1-144-5-07C llilratrich, 1. llygicno 6spects of protecting the environment from pcllut~orl. GlUll,"NA I S,,%ATARIYA, n. 2, 1972, p.89-91 NTC 73-11239-00F 18-Oct-73 Uncl (BNWL-tr--87) Distribution of absorbed dosage of alpha-active aerosol particles over tissue depth. SALMANSON, YU.E.1 CHUTKIN, O.A. Translated from Gig. Sanit.; 37: No. 3, 47-51(1972). 5p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 06R dosimetry; 06F ecology; 06R radiobiology; translations MN-48 P NSA /y70 - 73 - Srnolynr, V. 1. ~-Acroelement requirements of children and adults. GIGISNA I SANITARIYA, n. 3, 1972, p. 86-09 7TC 731-11242-06E ways to -iccelerate development of nlaxi- MUM PCI-miss ible concentrations of atmosphcric pollutmits. %")IGPl--'NA I SAT\,ITARI'~A, n. 3, 1972, p. 93-015 "TC 73-1-124-77071 ------- - . m , , MoxlwyeVj: Ye* -A. Dwitricv) ' L ~;. T. jetermination -,)f ,-ro-,w,itj-c hydrocarbons. in ?tmospheric air, I SANITARIYA, %lot. 37) n. 4, 1972, p. 74-72 INTC 7 - 0 7 C J, i I-I i . c, iri ,I)I.0 1 -1 The use of 2.4-dinitropheny1hydrazine to deter- minc carl.-~onyl compounds in air. GICIEIN,,~ I SANITARIYA, Vol. 37, 11. 4, 10,77, p. 78-31, 1~ .48 ,,,T%I" 7,'-1t4 -07C Bokina, A. I. A study of certain aspects of gastro-inteatinal tract function in persons drinking water with a high boron content for a prolonged period of time. GIGIENA I SANITARIYA, n. 5, p. 19-24, 1972 NTC 73-11000-06E Sanitary-cheraical evaluation of polymer builalmr,, -materi-. als 1.)asecl on formaldehYdE wnd epoxide resins Glm T-I I SNITTIARIYA t n, 5, 10'72~ pp. :24-23 I'M 73-13150-111 Speranskii, S. V Determininj- thresholds of toxic effect by the "liling electro(les" rnet-hod r 1.) ,xTG7E,Y,A I MUMIPTYA, n. 9, 1072, pp. 6(.,)-72 IT TITC, , -. ~ 7- - . . I m , Neiin .an,, -li: N. Elakhovskaya, N. P. On the metabolism of nickel entering the organism with drinking water. GIGIENA I SANITARIYA, n. 6, p. 20-22, 1972. NTC 73-11005-06P Pasternak, N. On the amount of pollen and fungus allergens in atmospheric air. GIGIENA I SANITARIYA, n. 6, p. 97-98, 1972. NTC 73-11006-06F Zarubina, N. A. The role of environmental factors in the development of chronic pneumonia. GIGIENA I SANITARIYA, n. 6, p. 99-101, 1972 NTC 73-11007-06E Kalina, G. P. Suslil-mr, V, L. Praci-IcPJ. work, in ins~PctiOli Of water d1stributinn- systems GIGTENA I SUTITIAREM, V. 37~ P, 9, 3972 pp. 89-90 I- __3B - . . II 17i.C 73-217 Tj_-j Agezvys CPSC P.O.ROS 75-1160) 1 Titles 6 RyUgemm Vliymdi Semola J Toloda V USIOUIM Ekepodmenta Aut?=s D V*A, nobveMam SftrW9 Gtglyduo i ingtaltyat Vol 37 (10)* IM2 Langums Roolan WAXW pp 365439 Instrum, om Two shw1o apues, no pute-upt leave SPaW, tTM13tO COOMI PStry4nov, I D .,, a , , 1. A, Employment of a Five-Point System for betierminiing the Presence of Volatile Substahce.s Released by Polymers in the Air of Rooms, by 1. A. Dyachuk, 5,pp, GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 10, 1972, ~p 97-99.' NAVY/NTSC-3430 May 73 AVneys 111W/PRSICDC 9M411095 P *O,Vo, PLD-3399(~-74 19 NOV, 1973 Titles Accumilation of Methaenoglobin in the Blood of hlbino Rate In Case of Different Regimes of Aniline InMIation !~' S t ~ " j Authors Kh.S. Marh"n Soiwees Glge"na I Sanitartya Vol. 37, Dec. 1972 'aaget Russian pp 53-57 Lanr Instructionsi Typo single space, Wo Pute-ups leave, space, translate all captions 7 key. I..-.-" ~, ~JM of we NTC: 73-14843-06P KGg-STMUTOV~ V.. G. /1GIGIMTA I SIOTITARMIfl. I~y-Gienic Assesoment of the Uin of Tetroletim, Pit, cb a B- nder 4,,r A-aoJe In -Lhe IE'lect Rr I)r P7-30,12C GADASIMIA, I. D, HGIGI191A I SANITARIYA//- --/--/l973,VO038,NO0C3, Cliaracteri5tics of the Biotransforimation of Benzene in Younfg Rabbil.-s, P.P nDO-3'r_',I',ITC 711-10685-okcc, I ~ 1 11-01,21 ~l )I'll .El . /IIGIGIIITI~ I ~!TTTIAIMA// 1,T--,.-. - --/173 ~ ~ - ~, I I IM Bil"lls'R T"Itle, l~ 1)--) 71-72, ` Er'A TR YAKUSIWlcjf U. E 11GIGIENA I SANITARIYA// --/--/1973,VO038,Nobo.).~,. Experimental Data on the Hygienic.Evaluation of Continuous and Interrupted Act.jon of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene, pp 6-9,Y2C 74-lo686-o6&5, CHWY, 0. YA. IlGrGxyAr,NA r sAwrAmAll -10411973,V0600#0004S Problem reZating to a scientific approach to "Air pollution and its effect on sanitation and publio health" in the RSFSRIRuasian federation of Sovist Socialistic Republics, 5 pp, pp 62-55,AIRIFTD-HC-23-1691-74##