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pustle sclutLuj*ws vith :Lt2-W=y2ztbYlaw ACINUUM"s 1w L. Lo W A. P - KtLtwvo L. Ta. t mousy 3 IPP 0 no 2.# ig6op Vp 3h-3 - SBA Jkd mw 61 A.Ab 4C a la a v*aae v# IL Musa& u krtn" 1 201MIAN VOL Moo u Wo some Qas~tlm on tto Am4yeb azA Syntbesio of Pulse Grateme WLth V'wrlab2A Pdanomotwo Mdah Mon Abrup*Ayj, by Fe M6 EWA 37 ppo Teorl,7a I PMmebauL3* Ed Wkb Avbomti- cbesklkb Motamp 2960. 967&A9-V riD =0-1953/1 1494.,r 041 15 *y fie TMWI=t mid St*944ftte Pmeasses in, Pulse _~Ia Vith AbruptJV. !F!!,o Variable by F. IL P. per$ Aytamt I J~awwft,, Val XM. 1,, so 22p M7v VP 20&-2000. IU$t= 800 at Amr SOL Feb 60 9bra-mleat and StAWIV-9taLto Procesm In an Auto- nutle Ronse Flnaerp 3:1. ReuMp FInder wIth an ' - t OPmtlmal AmW3lMrp bv F- M- A!Mup 7 Im- WWIM.F perp tutmat I te]Aml&,. Vol XIM.. So 2,, 1960, 3m 209-M. 3hetru Sm oC Amer sed nov 6o / g cov 1/ 71' Passage of Random Signals Through a Time Discriminator and an Integrating Amplifier. II. Correlation Functions and Spectral Densities of Output Signals of Pulse Sy- stems, by F. M. Ki)fii, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No 1, 1962~ pp 25-33 ISA Sci 213,285 Aug 62 Tromalebt &VA at 1 1 43%ft Pxoewew In on AukmUc 1. DeocKvucm of a* Dvvie* I's and Use of the Apparatus of stop tow"a" in "W A80418" at lefteator Prom"".. by 1. A. jumme 36 V- RMMIM;il per kvtmt 1 Tolumft, Vol =P so 10" 1958.9 " W-916. Imtru, Sm: of Amr Bel Apr 60 on the Radioluminescence of Organic Substances, III. Specific Quenching in Fast-Electron Excitation, by S. F. Kilin, M. S. Mikhelashvili, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol XVI, No 4, 1964, pp 663-673. Optic Soc of Amer Sci- Aug 64 2648550 E-lbetmAc Excitatim Energy Transfer in Solid soluticas of Organic Substunim, by I". A, Nulmes S. F. Kilyk,7 pp. RMSPIAN, per,, Iz Ak 'Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXVII, 411o 4,t 19630 pp 530-536. CIT SCA Apr 64 ,,7s6,nAj PilropartionaUty of Co=tex- witb Pl,---:,tic Scintil- 3.ator j by D. V. Viktoroys S. F.-Xijjaj,-T. M. Rozman., 2 pp. MST^ pws ft-ibary I Ttokh Ompar go 6, 1960Y pp 27-29. MA sci (- - 1 1) .~ Aug 61 // -It -T:ha0a Flllorc--~_-tcv With ""Onveral-onp by 8,. Killn) G. F, 1-~. Po=,,f'ylp 5 PP- Prj-bor7 J Tekbniklt )'.95~)r Rp 57, 58- USASIA SC-:59o/~5~-? 'M-ectrollics 63 o Waohnnjam in ~pizutj.c j- pp. IVUSSMI, Iz Ak- NP-W,,; SSSHR, f3cr Tt~-,, Vol Y3,111j. NO I., 1959j, -pp 1.02-10'f Columbia Tech 0 42, on, tk* I -1&V In Polp"Tem W UM 2=1*tLca lby ZL*GtnM j by S. F. KIIUv 3 AN 0 I aftcodyao Vol vi I lb 1.0 vp Comma goo or Amw AMW mot of Fbas 17. An$ 4r Effect of Foobsorptim an the Fluammomee Lifttl~ms at sfttm~j UY S. Fe. mulU4 N- Rommaj, LqjA* porp qpbga I ftwkUvOqpU%p Vbl Vlp so I lo-TT. QpUd" Oft et Amw Amw Mwt at fts Aug Arco 1-~a,zzuxc (:rZ &alability of Xle(~.trorrvtccs j)y j%. X4JUM62CI. '.., "40--- i r.OTZM,, per,, PA-seCIM Vb 7j, 1515C)" pp yarr;w in Sol - Mactrcuics Yhr 59 Atoam or tu MAY-Fat C=27uw ftiopkAws thAl Z40* tr knod W- swo Toleaftme Pftmo" Z"Pdm= was **It 1 Sol a Ustuva Ys, mw 60 7 Structure of Color Film and the BMrpness of Their PhOtOgraPhiC Imae., by 1. M. Ifilinskil, Yu. B. vilenstlyp S. A. Bongard, I OF. RUSSIM, Imr, 2bur Rauch J Prjk pato i xinemo-tog, Vol Ila NO 3t 1957o PP 198- 201. CIA/IPM X-,!Trg sci - Vays .~ 6 d, 6 7;7 mar 58 1 New Calor Uptive Notlan Piet=* nlu LN-1. by 1. W. Iml-f mativ. Yu. B. Meaddy, A. 14. Yor4audd,vo 2 pp. RMSUNi, per,, Tdch Kim i Talevidenlys, VblI, Ito 1p, 1mv pp 50'.. crA/rmD zz-86i. set - ftys wA 6o.16233 Aus 66 Usn ZNTra"L USE any M30 DepoodablUty Of ZlOctzvwLc Fquipmejxtp 'by Azdwi Xillmki- 5 YP- Val xu=., so lot Oct 1�60F w AM &.888WA IM MM454 /7 61 Resolving P"r of an Emulsion as a Function -.:;f of Silver !I-Uide and the Nature I,&Veloping Agyent,, by :1. M. Kiliaakiyj, A. Na. Y'.*n'.--IP-nakiy; 8 pp, RUSSIAN'. per, Zhur Mmuch i Prik Fotograf i Kfiirwe%I*agrafp Vol V, No 2, 1!)60p PP 108-113. CTA~'FDD XX-9U5 IJOT RELIMSABIZ TO FOREIGN NATIONALS N-m 6:) -'~E: amy "0 WAO*b me ftombdm ftmw of as mm at toor Awma *new as Am*"& w a* endow, W, 1. 16- ANN& 10 a a" AL am, 14= V=* ib S# wag 3"Wimbe caom sx4ou n Jams wam "Ve saft S064 om adoma oft cow cbew'-p in the Color garl ftla= of -Naltllayur Famitive bbtiar- Picture Film Rel&Wd to the Dima- viow of Q2 Expwan Floldp by I. M. 41in2kly Yu. 8h. Hemblir-ovakly,, 8 pp, RMSIAN per Zhur Nmh I PrIk rotog i nwmtog, voi YP 39-41. Ia Sci Mus Lib FiT 57/1-M Sel ft-vics Rvv 57 Reactions of Hercapto Amino Acids. Co=,jnica*..!on New Method for --he Syntbesis uf Pclypeptides, by 1. L. Knunyanta, 0. V. Killsheva, E. Ya. Pervoya, JW 8 pp. Full translAtIonv RMIANO b1mo per, Iz Ak Nauk- Otdel KhIm Hauk, Wo:5, Jul/Aus 1955, pp 696-~a. CI:A C 4j.476 4 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry mar 56 CTS/dex lOu-SOrPtSOn P=P With COld Cathode by C. Kiliszek and W,, Czaryckl, 6 py. POLTBH: M,, ftmeglad Blektronikii So 12,, 1962, PP 698-701, 9687228 rm-TT-63-702 soi-ELec Oct 63 I- 8.36 DWice for aht AUta=*U SogUng of MM Alro IW &b. Sh. XU*kWg' and L. wzbml RWO%~~W,* &ML. 2r- hagues 2963P Vbl Ts ND lit pp 19-M - ML 8313-4 - 39a (M) (Oim L-..an) , . 11, 11 , ke-, y e, 1" , b. I, I I k I Ang 65 2a7il-79 ~4 -, - - . at 1whe soll"m "I :ry . . AWL. - 's 0 I" 2LO 29"t I! V. sa-M wm 0 (jrgt&n-'zpA.~.(Q Ritz, yon'li -ftldo Anterl-e--o Killian, 15 CZRCM,, per; Wwanla" obabaC2 ;74,5 8; ls;too, rep 7.2 im TIAQ De'.. 60 62-20204 Killian, Ii. A Nr:W ANALCLSIC. 119()21 1. Killian, If. 1191p. 19 refs. 11. Title: New Order from SLA $1.60 62-20204 Trans. of Langenbecks Archliv fUr Klinische Chirurgiv, Veremigi mit] Dj