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i Rev ConcepU tin the Theory of Rea-ringp b7 .M., 24 pp. R. i" BWMW.l pws Z, Larywl Rhinql Otol u Granz- gebl*Um Vol MWIp So 59 IS510, pp 241-253. SIA 56-2310 set - pbries im " f ?, 7,;R 7 q7 wi i a asum as go obsom Iffm IMAJI&W -W lbrons bw 11 wompm% W& As Jb 8s look* I* C3, r(ammul -"III' M bar (IM) /,/ . k-, , ': t .2 , - ; pl__ am-fts r& 1 r0 4m#466 at the ChareetwIstdoo of ftrrcpvdbee for Ybometic YJAW by 2, 1. PfFs M.S. 2cqd7m WMUW# pw, rmad lab, Va X)=, No 6., 1963p RP M-700 fti Im Jon 464 2, Determinlz,Lg the Characteristics of Magaetic Probe Core* Used In FmIt Date-vtlmj, by 1. 1 Wer., H. S. Tseply&y*vw,, 3 pp Rumum, per, ZILT" Lmbp Val lxnp No up 19w, pp 1998-1~00- IBA SOL &a 62. /5' 7.., 7 C6 a* IICOGW PbkbPm JOW Ikol*ft mowls OnNIMOL lb 4,6 Apr IMO ib Iko ad he -Zquli~Liuut aud MAt-bods for %jpotic Mcasuremenzr,, b-y L 1. Kiferi, .3 pp. RU-63837M, por., Zavod Lab., Vol rXII., 'No 4, 1059" pp 423:7.25'. Listru Soc of Amer Sol j~w 6o // i- ~ "g ,~, The Kimemwzic Working Conditions of a F2a,~ Siev*p by X. A. Klfllinov,, 11 prp. UNCL RMIMO parp Sel'Wsmaldnaj So 10i 19~4j Vp 17 -21. Sol Mn Llb 58/1M set - Bw mar 59 Investigation. of StrumSU of. Aumdar Pipeline Joints with Diamter CC 325 m., Waft by Butt Reaiat&we W6241ag Using OwUnmam AwiOn., by F. 1. Klelyuk, V. Sjv_ mLft In - M Im RMUN sr Aytomtiebaskmpa evarks.0 No 11., j t7~~ - 19591 PP x" Ft 901VIDir I-Lul. 5y. .-~ V/ 3 Jun 61 Analysis of Pentaborew,, by A. P. Zhigach, E. B. s Kazakova, R. A. Klmal , It pp. I Muir Russim, per, zhur Anal iadm, Vol XIV, No 6, 1959, pp 746, 747. CB act av /a J~ 7j 017 Y7 an% "a xapvmqo - 108 modma 069 69(m 8-t *a *IAD ICA '8M 4UV9 ItY Va "=d am-SaTao 'gas= X~ ung A *dill -You 4W~Vmqwm *a dlqaoobw& 'A ev Rt$R I= jo ~M"Vwei M,":, ijO The QV Service at the Present Time; Army Cominearle9j, by Vergely; Technical Research Agenclen of tbeQN, by Girard, Kigerm- 31 PP. FRMCH, per, Revue Historique de l'Armee, No 1957, PP 102-109; 121-124; 152-16o. Acsi, it-oge8 'Atur - France Nil MY 58 Packing and Cowltioningv by Pinto,, Abrico; CooditioUng Clothing and Its Coowquewes,, by Reiu4;' New Developmatis In the Subsistence, by Girexd; Accelerated ArtqfIcIal Ageing,, by Xlger,~ I*e Service In Attiony The Trailer Bakery C*V "e1 1953j. by Itoux; Stocking am4 Transport- Ing.of Frozen Meat,, by Texisr; Distribution of Mine in the riom,, by usysp 69 pp, (m Mi66)f FMCH, per., Revue do I'latenftwo MIlitalrep Paris.. N40 32j, 195hIpp 15-361 41-67; 71-831 110-232Y n4-123,p 126-147. 0-2,, GOMA G-4827 A-H WEur -- France Jj Jul 55 CTS ex F3Autlclsing Action of HydiophobLe Cz;ziant un Concrete I*amd Mortar) Mixes, by IL 7, Kigerovl-h~ MIS-BIANI, bho GidrofobnxW Tzement. i Gldrofobno- Plastifitz Dobavki, Chap ITj 1957. Sci Me Lib 56/OCrT7 Sci - =tcrj Engr -7 Sep 56 7,9 The RosPUYA7 eM aaft "tal Structure of Blury Cbd4o li]. %j, IW K. ftkltfao T. Sakstam K. KimCiN '33 IV* Now"- AM=# Vwv Zwt ftl 2&cbwls vp 39-0, T.I.L.A 4.530 eel - abodaftys UU v caboltp -77 Bringing the Ureters to the Outside Separa-%;nly to Study Ronal F=ction, by Sh-, S, Kigunadze, RLISSIAN, per, -9yul Ekepor Biol i Hedit, VcI LIT-L No 1; 1962. CB Sa .2 ? 3, .9 Y/ Apr 63 SETEE (NY-3669). The port of Gda=k in the Five-Year 0 Plan 1961-1965., by 1). Man 6 py. POLISH,, per.. Tccbnika i Owpodarka Morska., Vol IX) No Up Gdyaiap 1959.9 PP 341p 342, JpRs =1 2634 EL'ur - Polaad Econ - Maritim Transportation Jun A 0 117"I'11 Book I - Luperfea Gases. Book 11. Conde=ation Ebenmuma, by Taro Kibams. Yooldo mato; 325 PP- JAPANMR., per,, ChamIcal ftelem Series,, Vol IX,, S.L.A. No q40,119% ABC Tr 2106 Scientific - Chamistry ? d a I Ij ; I .t -Alon of State of ftses and Critical State by Bout Tcxo Itih-sim, 12 pp. j&OAMR, per., Nippon Bugaku RutBm-i Vol 3.7; 110, 2, 11-15., 1943- ec Sol. - Chem oat 63 Studies to Maintain ExcysiWd Metace-reariae of Fa2sgmisms Weetermid In Vitro,, by No TokooMi To Q9hl=j Ko-94119j 10 PP- IftRINOCS-~1B . por risel~ w Zaaship Val Vnj, No 1; Feb W.0 vv 51-55- M31 4.0 S -_ I - W- I I U.-Y 59 Y6.,, S,7~r Studies to Maintain lxc3rwted getacercarlome I U Nrwnims wasterm"d in Intro. 1. mvival Period of Rxeynted Ketaemmrise in Vitro, by Oxwo Yokovwa,, Towo O&bwj, Viable Xthata.. 17 VV, JARKEWs, per,, XL&eicbW a Zaa&hio Val ZVO, No 4p Doe 1955j. vp 3a8-393.. Em 4-W Set - )OAd liay 59 -~-Sodcan'f lx~ -oro Rrocess, b,,r 11. ,.,j ilander. 04 3-1, 9 Broken Etli-I (CRL/T 213.) 7nL,;r Onc; C., swrace coaditionivs of INP*Al mo SUlArts v bY G. IMWSMtks - 16 ~ & JUma2mr, Vol MM9, ~ 41 pp 314-*4. M 21" 84 - NUOU"Is Af p 6~~49/ 00 a lut no An niatrcuicaur-coutraw mmice ror cmtinuou mas4emat at WmWr OmtmU$, by IP. Omp A. - ,w0 0 alwawwv Vot XMMO lb 2j, 1 Mw l9fto, w =1 W A.=* fts .84 lev dp, 'j-f;p1 a" a On thejV#'turit,y of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhyachus Nerkaj, 0* Ket.a and 0. Gorbuscha) In Offshore Waters,. With Reference to the Seasonal Variation in Gonad Weight, by Teruo Ishida, Mchi 14iyaguchi, 8 pp. JAPANSSSO Kik"oklmido Regional Plaheries Research lab Bulletin, No 18; 1958S pp 11-M. Ij,bq 59-15963 Sci Dec 59 Vol 2v No 5 The reacgraphic Survey Institute aad Base ,*-ip Surveys, by Yoshikura, lUichi, 8 pp. JAPMESE, jwer~ Sobiryo, May 1961, pr, 216-2:3, MAI No TA501 S95' Vol U., NO 5); A113 Sci - Geuwtvi~ / 'I , i ~s ~- -f, I ill 2) Dee 6*1. 0661'100`0-~ , wal-Im"Nows IWAlhr TrAMdW C/o of 1 j - eeoll" ~-- - Fact " p1wa Fab w 205oM I XvhL A. VISUAL -PERFORMANCES OF TsLBK:OF= LaWoI~ va Fmordam* Oftil-op $1.10 W4144= Tuno..w Womwbdm 4mr) - - - -_ "W~ lo W INC T. T. 06 iiT=llL Tr-61-14vs L Eft A. '4,53.29 ftdn-QPb% 7T, 96 1% W 11 1 ~ of Toomew ftpom or - MMON of an ftlyb. TL 1 :.. ~ tw - %Ms. I. UUU. ;i dw" MMA-A ims. -f I , ll~~ :.; ~ idawtarims jwb 1711) %now (DC-2700) PRESENT STATE AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE ELECTRONIC INDUSTRYs BY JACEK K~IJAK. 24 pp. POLISH., PER) PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNYs VOL Ij, NO 5s 19621 PP 207--214- jpRs A775 EEUR - POLAND ECON SCI - ELECTRONICS AUG 62 206,949 taJ d Infla CbmwerbwIstus of Intmebart Ifavo ~ b)-.%* Faw"Go cc zowt Dsf2wtlm 183ybd ft W"Islm ftftlvftss, by =",o 9WIS va ms, 3b 68, IW3,p !pp gazip 969-M rA - AM IP-19-W SRQ ocientifle - /0-~- ouUmatum of WOO In the fteftation of *00aw ftavwtp by a. Rijamebovic, I$ pp. SRMW-~~Xmv pert "retwo, Val 19, so IS/12, It 26. ve ro-esa-sl SCL./moob Ape 70 The .a Cdft a vw 14& at 66 f: ~ ,it vrft*"Wowftd - - --Immo A* Kwulmag I 16 figIMM&AMS, No 3* 196% ad-* & m Sm " 28o760 #*am* . t .-I . . 16w%wmwa 1 AM& 4mkw dbmmm AO." 717 a to met am TV ftt. 62 Kijewska, A. Determination of Specific Heat-Conswnption for Carbordzation of Coals. POLIo-11 ., perj, Prace Instytutu Hutnictwa, 11., 3-9::91 PP- 229-234. *PL 48o oTs 61-31-319, 1961 on D~~gaosing Coal Dtz--J.r,6 A. Kijewelm., per Pt-ace alavnegrN j 4 96 c 6, I5ilom04 It. The Trw~ DellSitor of Coals, SemicDkes and Cokes. Determiiiation by Various Nkthods. POLISH, per$ Koks Smola Gaz; Std*czen-Luty., Rok 5, No. 1; 1960. PP. 3-9. *PL 48o oTs 61-11352 1961 Polarl2latioa of Aromtic Ring-Like Heterurings Ill. Folarizatiom of pjrimidine Ringsp by Kit!44. Ochiai:- Koji Yazlait 19 PP. JAPANESE.. per., Yakugaku Zaashi,, 'Vol LIX# ISO',"), pp la-L:,E, - SLA 59-10726 Sci Dec 59 Vol 2s 30 5 sultab Tisusaftloiap by & CLSIstru. GBMX,p per# Xkmm Mt bar,, Vol XIJ# No auTs 19%p pp 1.0-006 AM=-039 Sal - Bleatz*m im 59 / 2,07 ly - Neu Metbod of Detft"q ni ag Mtrogm in Organi c CaTouafts by J- Kjeldohl- comp, per$ &Aumda fur AgIlytische Chemic.. NO IM3s, pp 53-356 CSIRO/110 71a 'j ~~ -T e , ~~ ,.;, i) L-- stj - Aug 67 3 3 5.. c 02 ML KITF.-.3 7A R. Kor~osicn er Metn-Pschutz, vol. 18, c- -firrures-, /- tabl.;: f: ,':8(,C, wor~',s; 1(42. Ad-Ilit],,--n ,f A*71-r-.-*nl,- '.c-. Hot Gal.-%-nA.--imr- Baths. T7- rs, Or"e-i Nc. ?4L.7., .4.75. Korrosion 8- Metalischutz,.Vol. 18, 25 figures, 5 tabl.::s., 360-0 words; 10,42. AdAiti-ns of Copper in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Baths. Brutcher Trans, Order 14-26, $4.50. W - 1 .0 - - s. W.~4!,q X. 'Watanab3G. JAPAIMMy Re:p~ of the I*r.'mi eriac Remarch Labom"-, weq r-w- 3.1-4a. Dept CKr Int 98 FUb and WLIdlift i5erv I%LOMC O"Mic F%Bbm lvmest:4Ptions,, Havaii- Sel - Mal e? 7 7011 my 59 -1.1 of the BiMe 'Am -.3bys" xishinousm) now the Smith Muvbm~ 29 pp. slow MNLOWL rANtMIM BOMMzft labomtm7 B.L.A. Tr &rAg% ~ -.11 20 ~17 Ima"a" at "a &Wmbmtr me ft~". N. A. t1b."Wo S. 1..Uhm=00, li. a. p ftu IV MNUWP w Iwo fb&U*;L INIft vat jMv ft 20 ZVOO pp 23-0. lm~ - 2~ a" ~ 71~-W V/~ fto 0 BwentisatIca of "W Irrewirsible Thermal Ch=g* in Shape of Zimp by No No D&v1dw**vs V. A& i~,- ##1du%ob*vp Go A* Uslyging 1.1 pp. RUSSIAN, per@ Fix MwW I Metallove Vol X# So 5, 1960# pp 422-M. pp Sal S op Varictiu: 'dith Different I -- - I I. Kikhadze, TT',- Var/A,~r 11?61. iPrxs i 40,; R Jim Experience of the Simuliamouis S!)),- of Re-ceptica and Timusmiusicin ..it -~;he Wvrk T;10,qM]h, by 'Jq. 1. Wr, Vent Sv7azi, Tic 962. JM 13398 Lp 17 X Aar 62 WN Two ~'.v -- stwas ,-1 vu Mr -S~9 sal-cbem Jon " 35009M Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids. I. Synthesis of 1-Hy- droxymethylpyrrolizidine (DL-Trucholuntharni- dine), by N. K, Koahetkov, A. .1, Kikhosherstov, Ye. I. Budovskiya 5pp. RUSSIAN,# per, Zhur Obehoh Xhim, V'il M, No 60 1960, pp 2077-2081. Aug 61 OB OtOP6 lvd 3a F 15~ =. 6p5l " 272.486 The Effoot of the Chemical M-uoture of ADW1- bensenes on Their Adsorption an Silica Gel, by E. A. Nildwilovas B. 1. Bairnovao V. A~ Petu- khavi, -3pp. RUSSLO, per Zhur Fis Iblus, Val XMV, No 4, 1980, pp 824-852. Cleaver-How Press 801. Feb 01 "tic: aftet in andecoaftetwo 441MOR by to It Owi tbrUw~w pw D* Ak lWk a=, Vol W so IVA$ Im X, A. Nbott-WOV14 br-gd~ IWO W me* Ca 1) 1, ILT Scilefttlrlcl'- CbmUtry co avwww ProbIm CC a St4rjug tbe neelm ProduaU ftsulting ftm the plammaiM ot MrxedUdoA W~ thimium- AUOP# by P. YmorAws T- nkindalf 21 MMOZU- ITts vsA sympoo&m (m the Trastomt IK and atn~ ot wo-Urvel RadloWdve WasUss, 10. iiiim AMM43mmu-Tr-m M - MCI Sol 1112 Z- a& 63 Prdblm or M StwJmg the mmlon ftWmu BLsatlg the PiGM8011mg CC MMOlated M~ Malybdomm, ALUVaq by P. Mss. Isidnds4s zPt# 'M WAVORUM arl NO W d NOMW at W040"I mail Wut"P 29W. geD93& AMMI-au%vU.ft.939 Bed - mal &d 1? 2- Jva 63 A New Series of Color Notion Picture Films. by A. N,. lordanskii,, 1. W. Ullaskil, 12 pp6 RUSSIAN, per, Takh Kino i Televid, Vol V, No 3; 19614 pp 4-13. CIA/PDD XX-1396 110 FOREIGN DISSEM Sci - Jul 63 USIB Internal Use Only A Neil Series of Color Motion Picture Films, by A. N, lordanskii, 1. M:. Kilinskii, 12 pp, RWSIAN,, per, Takh Kino i Talevid, Vol V. No 3, 1961, Vp 4-13. CIA/FDD XX-1396 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sci - Jul 63 USIB TnteTnal Use Only QuentitstIve Spectral Ammlysis of Poly- mrs In the bWnm4bd BWonj bV V. X.-Uman. ONUEP Pars Is Ah as* SMA Our 71z) Tol IM, 1b 50 1953# Vp 6 a OBIRO BrA - awn Iftr Ce Tactical Training of Aircraft Crews, (Subnuv~no- Search),, by A. ~~~ 4 pp,~ RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flotj. No 78., (6oc)q)~ 1 April 1.90-50; p 2. JPFC '-3511 F6 tssR Mil / .~- /" -~-j .A-ug 6o s-47o/6o 10 (UJW7) Sum:Lmtlon of CbloroplWI'L 1u tJw Umves at Campoula 'Perstalfolls L. AtUr TwUms Injurims Xffeatas by 0. so Klkmftv 24 pp. Rwaus, per, Tsitologiya, Vckl Ilp No 2., 1960. am 5w sai 112 9'.19d-f oct 6o 71he junj N an I m R in MactiecaA of InterAaso CaUs and DmIng Witcals, by 1. 1. p U 3wo amt^ per., Tattaagtp,, Vol ff nu., wo 5v sep-oct 1W., py 5m-.5m. JM 121152 Sol 14F '71 PVP3? )kr 62 (NY -643.1-7) On Interaction Between the Nucleolus and Cbromosomea, by I~ 1. Kilmadze, 21 pp. RXSSIAN, per, Tmitologlyc, Vol III. ~ No 1, 1961. JPRS 9339 Sci jui 61 /5-~' -3 5-~' eaconStkt.te,oion of Nucleic Acids in lcolated Coll Nuclei jk-f ~-r Treatment With D~=;:yrib~oa uelcmol by R. 1. Salgan1k., T. M. Morozova,'- I A. 4 Vpi ~J, lk EV-65JOli., per., Dok Alr- Neaull," BqBR,, Vc! Mail Ifc, 4 pp 911,7 .P=-. M"-~Pf Biol C_~, Sai jun 6o aw Inc3solar Appamtm In the 0*9main of Cyclops., by is I. Mradzem, 4 pp. .. ....... . nmzw,o 90k am* =we VC4 Cxx# no 30 2.900 0 ". Ak Awr Mut of Stol Sal Sal - Wd ?W1.-4 1101"9 ACY,, t4D',-.,bWoQ StaV an RVxnwloLc AcM In the DeV40PLUS Ova at am M"WIMMIMMMOMp by 1. L qAWAUU PPO FRBUM,, tbrim-m pwp Dok Ak Nmk MMp Val CX31# Sol -aft& VP 133-33be Imor bmt ct Mal ScL ikidaoy%-Rtol ad see &n/04 Im SOP 57 a 1w, Dow jbxrm BERVOUsis =A ln Con A A6~ M=A of Dofp XXK Attar --m0& Of P*rlpbmmLl at Oatfolne Md AmWtftlj 16 Aw Mokhudap-*IW.-- Varp Djul XWpor I lbdp Va NO If,, Apr 19%, &A - xMIGSAM INW 57 (SF-21AA) Ditte. C F - - 4 - rAt - the Study af the =eat of the Liver an Ciraulatory cases,. by V. D. Kikoodsop U pp. MMIAN,p bk, Mmkorl"y I LoobanOu Illymblis P N& ArotoooW Itrovetiv 1960, PP U.- 19, 23, 33-36,w v IY'7.. V7 "t G~ftta~, velooltiono by P#. RUMIANp Lit ftso No 73# Jm 19%- AfIC F-M-Wl icientifle Aeramutles Semicond ator Properties of Magaesium-Bismth Alloyc by A., K. 'Moin., G. D. Fedorov, 7 Pin. RUBSTAIN, w per, Iz Ak Nauk SeSR, Ser Piz, Vol X.X, No 12 bj L956.. pp 15ol-15o8. Columbia Tech X; Z r;,- Sci - Ph', Ica Z 7 Mar 508 11 or in Hisb-Preamire Ckk era by Heim of 7heradatorep by 11. P. Grashdankimp L. 1. DOMODWCOM, A- K- gtq&k,~,,3 PP- ItWSLW, per, lumeritel Tethp NO 10., 1959., pp 18-2D. Imtru &m of Amr Bel 1o2 w1-1 91d sep 6o This Film at coopwim" b or. wmm;v XMUNI thrloo-m pwp D* Ak Nak S=,, Vol IM, vp 23A3-UO- Alr Sm and ftv BBXW--c 10 E'T- .7 73 0,6 9b ctsfi= .4 (DC-5WB) Abron lWom ch latfo (OD KU 8fth Amiversary) . by 1. K. molup U. a. Saml=ftyi, 26 pp. RMIUg per, Uspft fta lkdtj Vol s No 2,p Oct 19Wo vp 3PY-321. um am 6981 14, OW Blog Am 61 it-perimental Reactor vith osae= plasional)IL- SubstMCC (Ur6), bY Z. L Mkoin, V. A. Dmitryev- UkiYj, Ta. Yu. Oyfiziov7y-*-r."-B'.'-'*Grigorle-v, B. G. Dabrovakly, S. V. lbmovsk:ty, 10 pp. RMUNj Pars AtQlft *Mg., Vol V, No 3, 1958s pp 294-302. Cm Oct 59 On the AnUotropy or the Rven or Tmosverse PtOt G, Xrf*ft lu 00~Um ftz4gle CrY&bLU., by I. X. LMko!!~k. A. Pvbwwsklyj, 3 pp. ~lt - -A WSMMj, Kw Wo, D*k Ak DMA OMP Vol CM., No 19W# -.2 381- Jmr last or Ph" Swr Pb7o - "Doldm4" Vol. ii 0 No 5 sci - rMsin Jun 58 or the xledtro- wtrou or sad-condim*m lptit: noldt by 1. K. Kh. Gaunt A. I. xarobevwy.. 1 P. p*s Dok Ak lauk WIR, so it 19m0 p $1. 526 Apr 55 CTS AUWA~ I.K. ~ EFFET IMUMMAGNkMUE DANS LES S ]RS C W "ic NO Ms' N TM Magnetic Field). So. 3refe. CNRS-X 251. Order from OTS, ETC or MRS $0.80 TY-6248121 Trans, r of Akademl Nauk SSSR. Doldady, 3.. '01~w 19M. N. vno A trans. is available.in E=Hsb from SLA as RT-M21 4p. DESMIffORS* 'Semiconductors, Magnetic effects. Photons, Magmic fields, Copper compoumU. Oxidev. L4;ht. *Electric po~ver production, Cadmilffn =orn- pmnids,Sulfides, dermanium. (Physics- -Solid State, TT, v. 11, no. 6) rr--62-28121 1. Kikoin, I.K. 11. CNRS-X 251 in. Centre National de la Recher- che Scientifique, Parts 00~. .1 T.O." S. Eww- C..ft. ~.~tw oNutooloofte Likoin* et &I, J.; Zb4r lil Vul 14 POT* ~944* IZ3-12V.. iwt~ 0 The Isotropic una Anisotropid Components of the Even Photomagwtic Effect, by I. K, K:Lk D. 3 MWIAN per Duk Ak Jkuk &M., Vol CXXXV, No 6,. 1960, pp' 50-1370- AIP Bov Pbyv - Dok Vol V'v so 6 Sol aun 61 Odd% 95 :: ;r*mkw solmm ^430 X. r. ]r,1010 Concerning the IAuW Anow'.1ous ~ixll Effect in Forrom,potic Chromdum-Tollurim Allo3r~, by -ur-mokin, pp. B. 1N6 Buryaj, Yu. A. P Rmlwl~ 1wro Bak Ak Nauk SM. Vol CXXVo So 51, 1959A pp 'LOU-1014. Amw Imt of Pas Sov PbWe - DokJBA4r Vol 11r, No 2 8CI Y77 DOC 59 Abribm Fedmwich ToM (m his slattleft birUi&W), by 1. X. _ MDwlnt X. S. SomInsklys 12 pp. P"$ umda lu No*, Vol I p JL96Dp IV AV Dowleb uspeft Vol Mj no 5 usm, Biog LZJ*7 14471171 Apr 63. The latuft of the. AVWJWDU YUMMOD - I- MAY Of the i6ilseuia Fawtim of 90aftwes by the bwaisation W%Wd~ by amino rwo Xbw 3KkKvhW JbAAOMW L 2000~bftlt Vol XWP ft, 310 I-VAv w 40%. pw*~& ftl - iWd ftlb 59 V, of Geogrvphy iri The 5 pp ,r-,jXojq~Tj - yol )A-- zogLud Geogr8Lfie'Ll1v- POT'IMIA Pal, ~ P17 _L959? D FF - ct aeog AI.Ig 60 mtravl(alat speatm at notbaot zon4,vm a3lorld",s by L. A. XulUrw4 Be B.Juwv 5 PP. mas=s 9W.0 aw mabob N"llp Vol mmip no 12.0 19620, pp ".0396& ca ftl rft ocrt W111> 4 V 2-.~ 0 12.- A IRMO 0 U IwIff"t la sod-camawtan Lid-Z-" I Ini 41 an lawgua. IWA. m* Iji 6*9111 *Btu at Low 1A IL lmdaws is. B. BbLI#tv RN HIP"Of *rift-Im vw D* Ak &W4 Tav* XM 30 29*0 pp W 66; Ira mms No is so fts zero or 08 1343 I'D &A SO on/=