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oearmn. Grloh,!~Iin ln~'ect.~ on. ;Ajj-~oieport, by L. E- 6V A, P. Devyatoml Qo94856 USDA T,,- /, If) P:-r: (13F-2119) Comblmd WhereW In Experlmintal Mellcddosis, by L. Ye, MMnftMVM.JL-Ye- N. MqUevich, ye. Ic. 3n 7;t ali, 4 pp. RML40P pwi, VW*w-L=w4qaj, Vol )=Vmv 1b I-0j, 1W.- I* V.P-m- am 199pri Sol - Jbd 14P'9 .,4171 lbr 62 on tkie Mwmy of a SaftoontaMl. Notbod of DeteauJnins Sm kttw 8mXWt3r,9 by 0. G. Ihmmubm. ]?Ps BUBO=p VWr Is Ak Imak BMp $@r Goofiss So 2p 19Up vp rr.+-210D. AM sci -0414pd~ A-.? 4 The 'Use of ziqlc-- )2icrgy as tho duat 63a.---cc. f~;i- c. Hea;' FuInp, by G. p4trani' R. Tarke st.anishv-1 "U, :5 pp- RUSSIM~ por. K-molodil. Tekh, vo 6, 1959, pp 1"I LLU Tr Bul t I any 6 o Sci - Nuclear ?hyu Aug 60 lithibiticm of Pbotosynthesia by Iswaic-ot-i-oic Aci6 Eydwasidep HydrwWImdmj and Chlaranwheniwlj, by DF. N. Mautuk~ L. A. NOSSM)MM., 7 PP MWSSM per., Fisiol Pastauy, Vol VM,, No 6,. 1961. PP 7311--i4~- I ADS Sol im A The EIvuluation of the Channel Capacity or Sow Ccamunication Channels vith Randcmly Varying Parameters, by Yu. I. _-St~Wmj 12 pp. RUSSUN, perp Fodiotekh, Val My No 12, 3-959, PP 19-21 rp Sci / 5-A, / -; h, I INI jr Apr 61 2b* &feat of a Pulse Process With random Spacing on Capacitive Storing Netwovlui., by '&. 1. Xhurgin, 4 PP. MMUN,v pwo RWMotelft :L MAIctron,, %1 IVj, W 11, 2959j, VR IM-292B - FP sci - 19f &, 5~LLf Apr 61 7 Approximate Calculation of the Traffic Capacity of Radio Channels Having Random Pa"nater3. by R. L. Dabrushin, Y&I, Khurgin 8 pp. RUSSIM9 bko Trudy Vseswt=*2o Soveshchraniya po Te*AL Voroyataostay i Hatematicheskoy SK Satistike. Isdatellsvo M ArWanskGy SSR, Yerevant 19600, pp M-171, 9678939 '116.21 Set-Blectron Fn)-TT.62.lOk6 Doc 62 A Class of Random Impulse Procesoco. by Ye.. Xhurgin,, 14 pp RUSSIAW,, per., Radiotakh i 33A).-tron,, VoI 11;. 1957, Pp 371-379. Pargm)-- Inst Sci - Electronics Nov 58 7,1 Th-0 Wldth of the ftecftml Id air PaUed Self - Oacillating Bystmp by YAD Kwirglp-., -10 pp. MISSIO, perp Rmdlotakb I aektras, voi n, No 5j, 1957...;rp 51r. do 592- parsum :wt Sol - KLectavalas lov, 58 /7w// /,/O~ Certain ProperUes of FmAm AtIm Processes,, by U. 1. awiup 9 pp. M8=., par# ftv4y VssmormuW 80"dwhOllP PO Tooril Vorqulaw-m-OWAU Itmtdol, ahoy Statistlkaj ~~60 m Amp 00s 1960j, pp 79*78. 9689644 mum-6a-3147 SeL - physics .2 4(" jau 64 x1pow &A mm"stry or tbog polyc=wimmtjon of 4r-*Miw Extem. cowmicaftoa 6. Medwam of the Pblycougammuce at Cr4wim Ifttem, by a - T. poroshin, T. ~D. CJ6=Wm*os. Ift. 1. R!Mgn~_ 3 M- JOWAN$ pw.. Is Ak Umb 0=1,, 110 Ss- 2Ms OT4-el KhiA con"Itudu DWNU Scd - Cbft' Lt*Qtics MA CbGNUtx7 Of th* Fbay4DAMOStAcs of get*"* CG=Wdftt'Lon 3- Zffoct of Carbm W-MIAMOS' CiD Ithe compo"iblou OC polyconagassucm hV&t*U Ot 61YOUM Stbrl ffadwo by T. 0, Zomrenko., twoddap To, I ~ I~sp% 6 vp Pat is Ak A" mn$ oma pin Xmas Im " Sol - Chm MY 59 rblvougma ava CUM164 of the ftly StAon of AnUo Moters. ComamlanUm 5. RmcUou a C=obw DIGNI&I With Rau" of Glictme MA cc POPUAW Dalved rods 04clmt by T. Do 10=9 10 Ke 1. pbrombin., Th - I - !~b IF" . _~ 3 so. RMUNO porp Zs Ak Nmk IMM, Otdol Ibla NAvY., io 1957., im 640-&1. coaftl4aft Buraft MY 59 Kinatica,mod Chemistry or the Polycondarkvstl~-r or *4-A301no Esters., Comuaication 2, Kinetics of L~w Polycondensation of Orclue n-hyl 33ter, wy Y~. I.-Rhurgin, X. T. Porosihin, T. D. Kozarenko, pp. AMIAM, per, Is Ak Nour-SMO Otde.L Maim lffat%k, xo 2p 1957P pp IT4-178 Cmalultants Bureau Sci - Mom May 59 InUrco-si-verniotm of DipaptUes and TLeir AWWOrides,, by X. T,, Forashin, T. D. KoSareako;, Yu. 1. Muwginp 1) pp. RMSIM. %brica-mo pert Dok Ale Muk =a, Vol CIX, No 2$, pp 329-331. JU/Aug 1956 Cowultantg Dareau Sci - Chem "j-6, 6,9, -,~- 'j- Doc 57 sluouce ad Chemistry of MMd" BtbA EltOrp bY & KOS&TW ~o lop U. I. X~~ the Polycondonsation of f. For6dlln* T. D. 6 pp. 8=r0# pwv 3DB Ak N=k DOOR owel zbft Nwk.. 50 8. Mg 29%, VP 974-M. " oonwltanta Bare= Sel - MWdstry .+Z 57 ,dlla Jol 57 I Lai 2L*=Wm qd'VvlVmgUIW ad in to 11 i I - mum ,ftm MyaAW MOCAMWo bF & 9. Soo A IS# 96 3L XMWAINMW,* Ik- I* ShK 2 M Joe 11 A MOA Oft no - 300 WD 3w ambows fti - womfiew SM37 m 0-,N QuantitatIve DetermIMMUOD of 2.,5-Piperazine- ts of tM Polycondenaat?0106 d1owe Intbe Produe of Rotors of 04-Axim Acidsip W-A. T. Poroshing 7. D.--kogarm*b-v Yu. L loWirgin, 4 pp. run translation. XMIANp bim per, Is Ak Muk Otdel KhIm Nsuka so Rj Jullkug 1955, PP 773--77t- CIA C-41476 Consultants bAreau ,~A Scientific - Chenistry mar 56 CTS/dex j. Yd- 1-,-, E'lall", Kimetica and Chamiatry of the Folycondenzat' 'or, of " AcIds. Ocr-ginication !Xfcct Eaters of O)c 8. of InWal Wrba=te OMtwt on the Rate of Poly- conderi"Uain of Mycim Ethyl Ester, by Yu. I. Kh=glnl D. Kowenko, K. T. Poroshin, 4 pp. .--ff5n-4-z RUSSINO pw., It Ak Nauk SSSRw Otdel Khim Nauk, No 7s 1959s n 13W-1332. cm Svd Jul 61 .Lwtics and CbwW atry of the PDly--andenaation of Mews of a(-Amino AaUW wA PsAides. Camwnication ). Antocatulartio CwuvArtw at the PW~rcaudmsaticm od! ayclae Bt*wl Iftw :Lu Oe Prwswe of Carbou Maxidai, K. T. Parcubin., U. 1. Owrolus T. D., Kosaxenkop I IYP WSSUNS, pop TA Ak lbuk BMt Owel Whim NLUILv No 8j, L959.- VP A53-3457- by 606 1 NOW& oc ZL V* to a No ~1# elm am mat r! at c, n 'r, ~ r: f; III the C., 3,hru of the, 111o Iyccindcn f! ut ir, r, Rt_hyl. 17f or Jm Pmsence of Vs Q A avi,'ri r ido, '~)-,r Yu. .N. r. -Proic tu Fv 11.1 22 r (DC-5903/1) Pledges Taken by Buyaw-aLdliy Almak Working Peopit in the 19" Soclat"t o0qpOtItIou" 1y *20"Mil a=$ p jp 3 vp woo** npp Um., 27 Nw 1961.. p 2. ipm 8M FE . vonaw JA Sam ftp 61 (DC-5903/1) Pleftes of WS AyAwk Waddft P*Ople for 1961, &MlWl" CoMetItims, by Jmbalo Ruwatbakp Toedu%b&Wlr,p D&Umv 3 pp. 9=MJM., app Mmaj, A Nor 1961m, p 2. am mwp 61 L AL R DB IA VMAXXDAD DR RorAWK OMnaul-som Ads Rogad v I aiida qpm Ad#* 40. W"WIML OW='&= OM MrC or CO $LID wzxw Trfts. b am".Ot zwummms am* P. W&L Descoarrom Run*% W20M 1. w L K R. mo-U-34 C~o do Wwmok DnWM=NMdgM6 MMOM 7T, 1% m son it %d" (01-655116) Erfect of cin the NoeUic Aold Gmtent in the Tissms at the And-3 Orep"j, by M. yus lgx=ln,, 8 pyt, MMIN, perp TitUa Zbur.. Vol VIZ. No 2,, Har/Apr 1961., pp 266-M. im 9m Goi - Ned lo -7, 7. Y sep 61 (W-68!2) E~mamics of Chavaeft in the Conteirt wW Rolumaeability of Imlele Mids After ULtrasourul ZrrwHeitlon, by IIL Yu. Shursia.. 5 PP- Mulaco perp Fula zhurs Vol vn3 No 5, 1961, PP 667-670- JIBS U906 Sol - vAd 62 Bkoft".0D Rn"l=w P"*nod by PWrto"ls- Vawlmo by L IL alprftem N. A. A 3 W. -;r A. 0. !!!* 6% da 0 9 W. RAW" sw aw.wkwkwi oundal I i a lair VA ;N 300s jo 0-0. 39 I" Mhr 61 /,,/,1 -5-4~ new Technique and Equivrient f or the Magaetographic Ir-spection of Weldments, by ill. S. Fal'kevich, V. M. Lubovp M. Kb. jq~usanF!j 4 pp. RMAN per, 3varoch Prolz, No 11, 1960, Pr, 33-;_~ BWRA Sci 1, 1111,101a r -M omrb- ff to 1030 9 at low a lim -- bly A. 8* -irv~ffl me sbo xbvamwvo WwWrEAR Pmt gumoah praltv 1b To 100 ve Xa. Im no &d-anfibt .2 9 0~1 i= 63 Tw Use of Hadi-mative Isotopes for the Stuly of Camat..' by Yim IL Butto 0. 1. Laminows 0. M. MZn4-Wva M. G. 00100bkMftp 4 '#P- R.Tvamiar bimc pcr, 17GTP,)Cc 199,6, ~T, consultw** Bumu j -,j - ~, d -~ Bel - Cb*m; Pwaian Doe 57 by Roller Mallt3,p by S. LI lyp US$100 tbrice-m W Dok At Wauk HW~k Vol laUVI-Ilp Flo Is A Jon 1953# pp 9A590 lob ft 22 ScientIfIc - BugimerIng 53 m ExTerience of Operating of 44DO-lba Open-lieartn Furnace With Cold Coke-Oven Gas and Fuel Oil. by F. D. Voranovp S. 1. Rikshteins S. E. Kh~ij I. B. Golldenber., Yu. A. ZsLrzhitskiyt A. M. Kulakov,, 4 -OP. RMSIAII; Perp Stal; No Ill 1959; pp 986-990. BISI Sci may 6o /M Radiation liffects arw faccovery Processes In the Lympiwid Tissue of the Thymus, and LM+ Nodes of ;-zats After Incvrj:~orxtian of Cerim-144,, by Yu. P, Lhussar. RUSSIAK, per, Ook AL Nank S%S*R Vol 185. No 6. Apr 1969, a, pT- i%=5 14 9 Cp C q . p . k-,/ 1,' C4 .~' - ~) Q- Feb 70 401v232 (Dc-60 2) 93 THE PROBLEM OF MITOTIC EGINE OF THE CELLULAR TISSUES OF THE THYMUS GLAND DURING ACUTE RADIATION SICKNESS, BY YU. P. KHUSSARp 12 PP. RUSSIAN, PERp ARKHIV ANAT01411.0 GISTOLOGII I EMBRIOLOGII, VOL XLII, No 4. i962.. PP 59-66. JPRS 15018 SCI - MED SEPT,62 209,425 Cti Scm-, 'llixic-~ionc,2z Encouatcrc~., in ring by it. P. ICII'ISU, 19 pp. PUSSIM, U 2..-D 39 3 iban 6o Arol 2' 1N0 &7 Synthesis and SWAY of S%Wem sMaW COPaYmws Of proWlene =A loopmoss by W. a. volkamp G. V. xwAu-eva,, 7 3pp - WmTAIRv pwv VyK&CMDldM2Mmme SWediacniyu., V03L Iv so Ig.0 Im so 1758-176Y. - Sol 15?401* 01-3AF ftr 62 voi xv., so 6 Preparation of 5-Hydrmy-y-pywas-2-carboxylic Acid Mid 34IYdmxY-Y-PY"Des to' G-A. Carkushn, G.A. xhuta"m Opp. . t2z RUS~l &Nyj-'~*r Zir-wr )bdwb Xhlu Vo 19M I)p. =2-2!2!~ :1;.i; ma.~. so CAB 62 of Wator-Th---, ft e 171.~1- G. M. Mutorr--ki-, !.r'..'L 2.': -27. DSIR L--ncl!.nr_- Ljibra::,~ Unit ilLll Oci - Electric Apr' 591 94*40 ow =zZomm" at SON& JuLi. A, bCr- G. IL M Im', 1-W 0 PWAP JRddavdl% ]b BDS 39&p at sm ad - MAWWM aw 63 -;:Z-2q,'79j Y at lownw- 7 %I" or am AmUt IW 4L A. Ouftidiss A~, Oil no. abdub awm* VNIL M=v lb 80 The Formation of Secondary Oil Deposits In the rorgana Derrazsion, by A. M. M-t Pp. ROS-rov) RLUSM, per, Geologlya Neftlj. Vol n, No Tb; 1958) pp 34-40. Rev of Russian Geol Sci - Geophys Jun 59 ~s (FDDI Itbas Pbtlr*IOM DIpOGIts by 1. P. ZUbwo A. U. pp. IOP Mm ]b 12t Nbecava Ighes, pp 1541. CIA#M/U-55M USSR Economic Petroleum Ma Use of ft Glauconite in DetermIning aAe Absolute Ase of inawtary Ikicks by the Argon Xetbod,o by )L IL --Utfwnil B. G. Chlkvaidze, I A. L. Ibutobid" aip 6 pp. RUSSIM, 90% Is Ak Wank SM, Ser GeOlp NO 1-2p 195% pp 77 AGI Sol ju 61 Cm the Miclear Orientation Associated -4-th a Saturated Fofoidden Resonance and witb Double Resonance, br G*R. Kbutgdshvili'l, h pp. AIP Sow Pt7s - JFCTP Vol XIs No 3 'RTSSIkN,. per,, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fis, Vol MvIlIt No 39 19609 pp 942-90,~ Soi IbT 60 ft~ i Sao ~ 1~ or tin Difrasla~, by 0. I WMIAN, rpt. bmhn us Barriw at spin B. ORdalmiWillp 2 pp. OWIN X-M um on a= 0 less= bi~ Sal An 63 Dodblo Mastic Scattaid" at Dauterom la a W-wffi,0.64~ F10M.0 IW 6. R. Unt~UUM16X 0. D. Cbop;w MTv,p- Bwom per ~: BWMW I ftmot put yet m=s so sols, lb Amw Zwt 13C Me sew ran - am Vol UU(31,;)., Ift 5 set - vhwa aw " 9 " ep, C~g-t The O"rhauser Effect and Related ?benommns., by 0. R. Xhutsiohrili) 35 P0. ~RUSSIO) perp Uspekh Fis Navkp Vol LUIO ~20 12 1960,, pp 9-- Awr I=% of- Pkr3 &W mors -vopevol Vol ixt) *a 3 7ob 61 Doe Ort the Form of tbo Beta IDWr&ctlon,, shvlu sw B. 0. mminyans VP - by G. R. Outill. Wr., OW AM" I ft0wrt Iris.. Ta XU=.. No 5 Mo 1957t PP 1150-n53- JUwr but of Pbys sov pkws-jm Va TI(33).. No 5 Bel - ftv Jul 58 'Magnetic Relamtion in. rerj~mLagmetic Metals, G. IR, Khutelshvili) 0. D. cbei;hvili, 7 VV- RUBSIO,.per Zhur Eksper I Te"t Piz, Vol XXXIX, So 3 (9 ,590p W=di pp 10-736. AV BOT-Let pays-im Vol x1la No 3 Sui may 61 w of Comic Pap ftdwrgvowd, by Z. L. AWro7jlJkwbNI4# M. F. albaubvius 1. V. PP. MWIMO MW per* Is Ak Book SSSRA Sr Fist ;11"l ms, ib 62 i9 003ne" Ifeeb Tr 4e~- 4,4m~ Sol - pbyu;keo AV 57 cms AV&U Br 5 Llb On ~ the Owerbauser Zrfect In Nometals. Irv by 0 - P. RUM200 parp Mar Skapm I ftamt rts,, vol XxXV, so 4 0.00 IVA* pp =-Me. Awr most or Phys Sov phys - am Val VUI (35); i1o 4 Sol - PWIS yWal,ear Xb~potjc RelAmttm In roul Crystalml by G. It* lQuitalmilmlUs 3 ppe RUOSM.0 lo pw Ow Mow I Tooret na, Vol XM$ NO pp 4g"k- ~l imat Of ftsics ftwl" ftelm-ijup Vol lys No 3. ftlL PbPWLGS 44 -7 4 17? YAW 57 The Dopee.of Orientation of Nuclei, by G..R. K~~~~ p v4pp - i ItUSsMj, bjm pero m nopmr i Tearet Piz, Val Jay 0.Apr 1955p pp 496-498. ciA c 4o646 AmerICSD IDSt of PbWs:Lco 57 Rest 55 ft. Rew York 220 1R.Y. Sel"t4fic - Pbyalce 7be Sorptlan of Fjdrogen IW f1tan1m and ZIM001* at LM PAWNWWo IW N. A. Abs, R. I. Plat6lkc*.. L. At. p- Mane zbw fdk,. ns, ipa i=# so go off PIWO-week P*a va 1vt so 9 Sol AW 6o utilisatica of Kinetic Shera Jz the Staps of impulve Type Stem TUrbines, by 0. 1. Nbutski. rMSTAN,, poro Oboruft laueh Robot Selarusak ..',olitekh lust., No 61, 1957., pp 175-190. UL U. 3m ;3ci - Chem., MW Q'-' V V6 iia 6e (DC-54o7) Pushing the Development of Moutitsinma Areas f or Long-RwW Gain to the PmVle of the Whole Nation, by Van 3 PP VIETS"w". upo Aban bans No 2452s. 5 Doe 1.960, ip"S ey* FE Viet*am Rcon / 5- 3 -7 jul 61 (NY-3507/1) - Transla-tizmz on North Vietmuj, Non-Ecmcmic Data: 4- Autmomous -,,oneG: A Vis it tc. the N 1.7an Miuyen. n-p, Nhan Dan, No 1C)O0, -,Tan:)i ,Jun 17,"), ~rj p 2. *jppc_ FE - N rth Vietnam -7)c.1 OC Econ A 5 9 Or, the Angalar Distribution a B-Radliation. 11, by G. R. Xhutall4v P. ,RUSSLd.. biw per, Zhur Eksper i Tearet f'iz,. Vol XXVIII, Mar 1955, pp 370-371. wA c W846 American Inat of Physics 57 Hast S15 6t. Bev York -,2) N, T ScleatIfIc - Physics 3 /.; (0 6 ~4 TT-65-MI3, Field 9B. 12B. 13A L G. 1. COMUTER ~PROGRAMWNG THE PROCESS OF 1. Central Electricity OPTIMUM CONTROLOF A BOILER. 1965, 7p. Generating Board 4refs. CE-Txaw-3943. London (England) Order from CFSTI. SLA. or ETC: HCSI.10. BIFSO.50 as TT-65-"213 Trans. of Izvestlya VysshIkh Uchebnykh Zavednii Energetika JUSSR) v6 n9 p74-8 1963. so Oft at SUM %a fm a* ftoll It I.----,.- I W IL A. 2NdW6 IkIL !6 E. W11,704 //~/, /f // ~', I I , / (l-. j- ftl 3336 GM ft 6T Prompeeft of Fidwy Dwaiommt ror the udto vbae in the *bq , pom Nmftg bjr IL Mb. lbusin i pp e. s ~. 1~ k 14 1- 11 ?~ APril 71 The Wintft-SpriM Dintribution of the Wbite %bale in the Mite SM4 by IL Mi. Ezzin. MOMS pftp VOI 12s 19603, PP IL54-157. "&Pt Of NMY WO Trom 541 R- -s A . le A 44 "Z. i ~ MW 731 On the Diftributim md Diologr or the HooGed Beal of the Qr*MlMd Bess bw I. 8h. Emizing X., U. Y&IOVN*D. NMUNq ' 0 3m_ =go Vol 15,o 19639 pp 251-261. *Dsjot of NOY Em 5w R. s1n. kkt4z,,rlj April 71 *%16vm 44 by 06 Go WmIkowas PP41, AN PAU*t No 17OWS a Jas IWA pjiwlT,4U? Set /fttbaii I squil - Aut 47 136.S73 ~Uoft ~J.bft in &ASA AN&Wtty* br io So p -ilob W-W-W ;Kom Irlit'r Ain The Calculation of the Mmento of Wind Waves an a Sballow Seas, by Ae P. Ovan, 5 PP* RUSSIAN,, per,, 1z Ak Nauk 3=9 Ser Geofix,, No 1; 19610 pp L12-129. AGKJ Sci / 'b/ S*- 0 ~F 0 Aug 61 An Accamte Solution of the Equation Describing Wavea Cw4sed by WUA om a Very Mallow Seap by A. P- ~~ 3 PY, FWBUI,, perj Dok Ak Nauk S=p Vol =M.. No 2j, 19,9s PP 303-306. AM scl Jun 61 The Calculation of the M of Wind Wave-- on a Shallm Seso by Am Po' Julywiv 5 ppo =310t pGri, Is Ak Hw& S&M., Ur '386ofizo No It 1.961p pp XX 122-129. AM / 15, 9 1, 4 2 z - 361 Jul 61 0 is a 91"1 - ~ 1 -1 & 1-3 am"Wr ANA a. 16 r4sbaw, k I I ~,w I I ~v . ~ Una ftl-v a3s.6pg Use of Tatrasmics to Destroy the Scale in Ileat Exchangers., by N. M. Khvatkov, V. F. Makienko, 4 pp, - RUSSM, per, Koks i Khiu,, No 6, 1961. CTRA ,qci / ~ -7 ?/~ Dee 61 1/ The Fe'ealm or the &04 ---- sop Tree Bouww, and .TY= Tuvalu* br L. Pe IDIV44MI 4 p1pe MW=j, bkp PaU I UWxft UWas puts Dew 'be a NmWWWpIdp lk.9"56. = OD-VA mrift Bed - Rio A;pr 60L &. 0 IL - (VT TV'/ Per So IIT lkwrt of the Pas - -neat ccxwaAsion an udustry Md - - -poluttm 0r thO &4UMM 00 soviet,t Gowgift Mp by Uk. R. Khvedelianlo 6 pp? EMUS., aPs &M X20ft 25 June 1)66.. Pi, 3,p JPM -36T24 usm Mcon Sept 66 2E 0 Dual_-Beam Electronic Oscilloscolpe ig-:4' by M. A. R%vedelidze, 4 pp. %0 RUSSWI, per, Biofiz, Vol Vl~, -T 2, l-,) 6 1 . Elsevier Pub. Co. Sci vay (' )2 .,95,763 io Of the AA.A qLAA.- of Cfti*Us Pence no" As Wim- 4MI6 pp MwaW SCA-4" ScA Oft 67 i vjmmm~ 1VX "I at amom i a A* -- --""UwIAO 1,. 11; I,n , ,~9 - j tuvesufats" or P"Ofts" or cost"i in lAvlw,6-. C&',,p&Um and Path$ or creation or VhW CA&nWUC ftstoOp by A4. A. RWO&IJLclws, 39 ppe All 2MIMES Igaltut RMIN,, ler, Rlv~m- mrtlkl. TWAYS Vol it 3s, pp 269-190. PjLOD33MT JOB 68 3h6s.ItTg Kh~vedelhdz~e,l, STION OF BIOELECTRICAL POTEN- A TIALS IN PLANTS (K Voprosu o Sloolektricheakikh Potentelatakh Rastenti). 1961, 95 refs. PL-490 Alpr. Order from OTS $0.50 60-51031 Trans. of tlapekhi Sovremennoi Blologli (USSR) 1958. V. 46, no. 1(4), p. 33-47. DESCAIPTORS: *Plants. Biophysics, *Dosimeters, Metabolism, Nervous system, Growth. Electric prop- erlies, *Electric potential, Tissues (Biology). Celle (Biclogy), 00)4dation-reductlon reactions. *Hydrogen Ion concentration. 011lectroommoals. Electropboreals. A literature survey shows that bicelectrical potentials of plants are closely connected with the life-processes occurring in them; they are prone to changes both in their absolute magnitude. with respect to alp' and (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivatloo, TT. v. 7. no. 4Xover~ 60-SIVU 1. Khvedelidze, M. A. 11. PL-480 AS;r (60-31031) Z - National Scleow Foundation. Washington. D. C. ON" f T.Ak.4 S-4-. Electrical Resisto=o of Owmatte-Coal Mixtures Daring COkIng, by A. T. MmIdUya. RUSSIM., per,, Iz Vys-hikh Udheb Zaved,, Meru Hmtfa.. 710 5.- 1959.* VP 41-". H.B 4609 act - FQOJL8 Apr 60 11Y, .2 43 y I-hiit Ao4star, by Xb~ ~vod ~' at &I, MJS3IA6ip;fttaa No 176 720 S JUI 1%4, *"1 *1 4w :Lw~~ V. P ~"cl- Jau. 0 -UM of orwoo vft mpowwF WW" comm"blow TbIwow at Acum R*tL st &L phiikkiL by T, VIL Xkvm- i pdk~- Eii, "--v ili4 ~-_- _- ~. - ~- bm-~a & Kersdowas ~~ S. MMI=6=64 C SrA alai & $"d Sd yanh OtwLeinat ot AustMIlkY Md SRVOIOYM~t jjow"" DOUM" by Prime 84howak 0t Colmbiso V Kw MUMM14 5 109~ 17 MY 1966, 3s VA soon jul 66 TITlact or Fralto on OswUe Prajimm of IA=f Sap a .[~.jjt4Atj= of MAver Baft In Aggle, b7 L. M=:Ump -L961. per,, nauki nasuo1j, vGl VIIX,, lio 6.. 698-lo6. Auto Klivoinitskaya, M. A. CHANCES IN WATER-SALT EXCHANGE IN RADIO- PHOSPHORUS- INDUCED RADIATION SICKNES5 IN RAIJBM, tr. by E. R. Hope. Oct 60 141-,. 4 refs. MIS T 345 R. Order from NRCCmi$1.00, ph$1.50 NRCC (,-3649 Trans. of kleditainskaya Radiologlya (USSR) 1959, V. 4. no. 4, p. 88-90. DESCRIPTORS: *Radiation sickness. Rabbits, *Phosphorus, Radioactive isotopes. *Electrolytes (Physiology), Salts, Water, Body fluids. 61-25,413 I - Khvoinitskaya, M. A. 11. DSIS-T-345-R III - NRCC C-3649 IV . Directoraw- of scientific Information Sarvices (Canada) (Biological ScWnces--Radiobiology, TT, v. 6, no. 10) Office of Techo4col Services A,P,v-lnduced Dlfferenwo ln AntJaem' PxoperLiAs off Ski% bW & X. A)Wlbebwj, 1. 1. D"rosUftlnp Q PP. I., RUSSIAN, pero FlU I Pz Rtol I Mado Val Llp Lo is 1961p 1v 94-9r. CB sel 1/6 7 14 -.;~ Aug &L #4 A-:1 lil- 166 as am ftvw4 v & p 3 W. 0714" 1 nows'lows Roft I NdA" am 196L go/go sio" vm on . aa 6a I MR0999 I. ~ I siow"111~!L!41L- $up " Gamic Locommm W o. OL ~~ i - I Mmmu"L FM GO I ,iRWFP 0a3. i" am 1913 SU, p QJWVONp ~ jw 62; lR%W TWA** NO Lt 1 floL