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-12k.tiz The 4" zmcLl stability equation far different typet; of trw-iator natap wpILfier3, Yu,, IL,., ilca*vs, B. I* Khazanov# 0,)*,, /0 Ruzzi= por., Radiotakh, Vol XVO Ho 3; 196~j, r p p rp SCI i4ov 60 jqn Y-"Iff I cic ar T'cV--iCC A C' 1A (-I vAcuum Tube-Transistor Stages ~or Economical Radinmotric Apparatus By 5~ 1. Miazanov (P/~ I--, I p6r, Trib-ory I Tokh Eksp-r, No 0. 1902 pp~ 70-74, ISA Soi filig 63 1 14111111 at Trams"W Ta4 P*-- - - IL Mawr a. :E. amewwo JA pp. aftol-sa-A2.- va xmjp go 2j, 190., walwo VW# - - mom-30. Ipmo- m Ptow &d ft ametm ft 59 " 6 Y-d 94 lewmvk-~m of Alumli= Carbide With kagmecima Safccwva., ot e1j, I ftidey by 3. WSSVM., prj, Ow Prlk Mft., Ifol XM. rl.~ No 20 1963: pp 251"M% Jan & Comparative 7~v-bzdcal-Xconcmic Avaluation of t-I%* 21"trotbarml Method of Treating Bauxites Fr the Mu-tar Deposit.. by Z. 1..JBm=m. RUWO,, bks, Syr%myy Rew4my L*Odkh Netallov vbfuxhaw SibiAl Vol I.P I-mt pp 14-153. Dept of InWrior "To 15Tv So 97 lea, Nov 59 ----Ajb - of a Idgwo Uso VLIW a Vdimoty I Im i I it I ~, I -I 1"A9 tv 6. sm assump 4 W4, swums, yw# Malmmims"s lb 39. 19629 AM OWL Now 62 JM7#937 Synthesis of selective Awrlifiers With Negative Feedback., by G. L. mmma~w , . 6 pp. RWSIMp perj, Blektroevyazl.. No 3.2. 1961. AIIM Sci jui 62 205,552 (2239-11) 3MUPIUS of t2w re=,-Ul lkw" Of C=t=~C, by Me AL,. Mmzwwv, A. A* Koraaovwk.,.-.ym, 4 -m. RMZAN# Dori, sovetakAya meditalm't NO 10.1 set - Notl 5 9 Irmunological Efficacy of 11101yralent Vaccine Containing Novocaine and Reactions to Its Administration, by L. B. Meif ets, M. I. nazanov, 7 PP - RUSSM, per, 2 ~11~~bjol id~~i,?Iqg i 1W, - pp- TO~11~:10 Immunobiol, Vol XXXI pp Sci jim 62 Reactions Produced by a Polyvalent Vaccine ~Iith No Cholera Component,. by M. I., Miazanov, L. B. Kheifets., 6 pp. ------------- RUSSM, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Thmmobiol, Vol XM, No 12, 1960, pp 51q-64. pp Cb i 195,158 may 62 Ow ~ use of the Phao Tltce loomme test for tAe DoUctEce of Apwabwy DmaWl In the Mrterml by V. -No Ku6eumup Me I - M3;^=Amj, T. N. PAMovap 5 RMUN, per# lbw Mrabla 1WI4=dol Vol M=,v NO 6j, 196Djo 39 39JI,3. pp -57- 7 Bel 6:L A Method for the Spidandologixal Study of NISI Poly- valent, Vacci by L. B. Wwltetsp M. I. Xhazanov, 7 PP. RUSSM, per, 72m, Nikrobial Xpidamiol i Imunobiol, Vol xxxp no lip 1959j, ipp 51-.56- PF sci Sep 60 VLIO~ IM -1 N I I lion w - IWOM-A j!* ia!= w us 14 &#of I- - .--. &imft~ "N, up.0 00,10mom wa OR, WiRTO to 4* 1^ OF Imow 4 0w lvv 104000 ~*0 4 SAO* S-5241- (NY-2659). The Problm ot of Ufactious Dise"esy by V. Do Timakov) He I* Khasanwa 12 pps RUSSUVO per.. Wat Ak Jbd Nauk SURp ND 5,j .1959j, pp 3-10. JM4835-41 Sci - Ned, laectiam.0 diseamm Aug 59 7/3 Kh. eMIRIFF'OF THE MUMMAMME JLESI (19631 11 1p) 4refs ~ PASEB umunuwj* am S 374-2. Ozder from a7so Z, or urc si. 65 -IT-63-,WS17 Trans. o(LaboratoxTmDdo(=R)l963. Y. 81i.e. 91 no. 9. p. 44-48. (Abstma available) DESCRIPM& AnAnm Mead sadicals, Diagnosis OlaummadcdLeass6s, Wkwunstiot6 091ocbewical tests, Madcol examinatiom It was fWW tima. by cwWarim wA& (Stau&ut Sub- strate)(SS) glucostils much more sensitive tochangesin the conomrart- of sulfuric and acetic acUs and In the dme and temperature of baft do nmpb& For amVie. an lncrel~w of IC% to ft coweetnuion at am sulfuric acid in soWoD 8 causes an Increase at 30-MA In the optical density of the &wooe, sad r*scenwa of 001010cal Scle2mm-Padwicty. Tr, v. 11. nD. 5) (arer) Tr-W26517 1. Titla DWM*miw too 1. Xb~MMWI LL OL U. PASM-5-374-2 M. Federadw cg American Sociades for Enparimeaw Blolop. Waddogtop, D6 C. TV Scr~ Tectaim br, WaAIV&UK6 DL a Offics of TKbkI swvbn Qg,ts &,Y_I~. gind Faming, A. bL ON THE QUAUTY OF TM Yu- 16 LU*nTERC. 1961 [5bx 2 rds., AERDL T-1659; AD-296 554. Order from OTS or MA $1. 10 63-13404 Trans. ct (Russ*) wilds from an unideftifled source- n. d. DESCRIPMRS: OThoMmOtWo, Rdiabdity, Design, Li6ttiAg systems.. Ile Type Yu-16 LAwmaw consists of s rectawlar selealum pbow-4sna~ I wi* a working Area ol 25 cm2 and a 'Meter of L'O'saxraq. 7W lawan has three basic melasureumait camps at 25-00-5M lux and three supplementary ranges id 2. WO-1% WO-14 ODD lux, ob- tained bj mem ~4 = doodwr mowadma the pbute- element. The abiarbw consists of a m*W franwhold- ing rvio plues of hvaAd damped Incite SK the two (Engineering-Miscu*ML TT. v. 10. a& 1) (oqtr) 63-13404 1. Title: Lititmeters 1 .Khazanov. V. S. 11. Fomina, A. M. 111. A ER DL T- 1659 TV. AD-290 554 V . Army Engineer Research and Development Labs. Fort Beivoir. Va. VI -Scripts T6chnlca, inc.. Washington, a C. Offics d Tfth*ai Services an Swaa Aspoets of the Studlai " Light ITh,vzJ.oloSy and Pbotoculture af Flant6 p by I. A. shallgin, V. S. Khwaaar$ T. R. RZI-mc7a.." - ~--- YMMON, per,, Vertnik S,-l Iskolthozytizt-tren-noye x"c, voi -au, No 1, 1962, pp 34-4o. gWi?,,', USDA Tr A-13" ;2 ;Ton. 62 Ocastancy of the Spectml Chwacteristics at Oxygen- Cesium aW AutIvmM-%U= Vaauum Photocells, by V. 6 1hazamov, S. 0. Amov, *j pp. RIUSSIM,, per,, Zhur Tekh Fix, Vol MI, no 6.. Jun 1956., pp 1170-1173. Amw Inst of Bowlet ",, Vol I., K 6 Phya Toch Ph" Be I - pb" Jul 57 On the Refleation of Light tw aeiated to Leaf Struatum., by I. A. Shul I&i; V. S. -Kh"anov, A. F. Xlesbnins, 3 PP- RMIA, per, DGk Ak NaUk &3SR.* Vol OXIDLIV., No 2., 1960.. pp 47lJrT4. Ales act /5~~ C7 6 ~/ may 61 on the qmIlty or lAgUt Motors Type u-3.6, t7 by V. S. Mmamw# A. IL fmim. 8"Ockd&m9w,, No 11m 1961.. pp 18., 19. Sal - P" An 63 & ~ I ~~ Agodam, SdWM~~v IV X, I. U~~ II . AW U-1 S*wvv,!,v., 24 1 ro I" ho 1935a No Ut =Mdll 1, Z,7~~ Yv ft 0 *64 *W 0 33D*W On Sam Aspecto of the Stiad J a Pbyuiolosy and Photocultum of 1. A. Shul 'gin, V. S- Mazawv.o RzI-mr-ova, MjZSLIN,~ Yerp Vestaik usuk, vol vii, No 1, 1962o pp A-4o. 90861.36 USDA Tr A-1344 of Li&t Plants, by T. B. Jon 02 - 11, 1A.., --:-" I at ftowt wiww W Rmt Uwwp by 2. t ftA" j* 86 Uumgj 6 w umnwj, pwj, Kenn, va wt. ib 6m, x96:L. - Ro ft MA ftt 62 21kwC*T cc go spotra air wm om moualum owsliwkg,~60W 1w V- a. ammms, 00 FUU -.I'mtjao- MMIAN,p 1* VWO 3bw SO PUS WL ZMjp U84 1952,p pp -Ah-"fio Alml It Im sclentIrle - Pby*Ump sowtsap Ce" The IftImear a a Control Port, Ibw Ya. V. lbasamy 1, 4 pp RUMUN,perv V" Vos notas 16 Sp 19609 9660392p rp no-in ftl AW (a ATIC / 44~41. -S-F,~e j Cish the Seloctlort of & Toebuological Ilystom for groimsolng Neyboline Rock of the Uzhtzr Dj*-.pwlt ;L-1 Kmeroj=kly Kmy) by A. G. BAova., I. 7 vp- MWXAII vvr It SIbimhogo OtAU3. Ak 71&,~k S&SR, i~a 6, lp Ic ?- 195914 pp JPR,q-v6,T um fton - mw 60 Vapor Pressure of Solutions at Hlgb Pressure of Sclutionsp by I. R. Krichevski-y., E. Khazanova. 16 pp. - RUSSIM,j per,, Zhur Piz Xhim,, 11o1 xjjj., 1939, Pp 106-= 118. - SLAAR-*1 Sci Apr 59 9K Chmages of the Properties of Pathogenic Staphylococci in ~the DeveloVoeut of Resists=* to AntibictiCs aDd Sacterloph*4;ep by Le B. Ibnawvaf MJSSUN#, pero Zbur Mikzvbiol 11pidmial i Immumbiolf Vol MWIZIO so 22# M7v pp fa-co. lbst, SOL - Had Jan 59 7 I Thb hvt4auvo of i" 4wn A&WASO Qm* OMM of NasoluMed iftm&U, U. Khoombefto 22 FPO 368,176 Total vapour Pressure Over Triet4lamine--Watel MiAur" :Lu the Critical ]Regcn q by 1: - R . KrichevskiY; N - E - mmzw==; G. mo 8vfft3A)vav VP 3. MISSUN., per., Mur Piz KMn,, Vb:L)=N., No 10, 1960, pp 216D.2166. SCI Avg fil pov"4 PMOOM" at ow sompow"to in Ow Cau"I lAwKsop IV Io L - I al ~ M-a No Iko .-;~ - - --4300 2w"04 pwo am F" 064 10 Its WWO vv 998-303 03mftw~-am Pxww M& set mw 6e 916#394 Fog Ponattm at Rt& Monawo by I. P. XMmbevWdy,, N. B. x 6 pp. MWX4N,, per,,. Zbor T*kh ns, Vol IM# No 2., Fab 1956j, pp 422-429. AMr Imt ot PtWo govist Fma-Tach %V Vol 1. no I ~ act - p4sials I-o Aug ~7 A=onis Cloatcut of Fjdrogen- sud Ktro8to Under Pressure in Squillbrium Vlth Iuqu:Ld A=onia, by 1. R. raichavokly, n. B. M)azianova. UNMASSIPM RMSUN, per., 7J= Pis MAmp Vol XIII, 1939, pp 1690-1693. Bel *m Llb 58/0.333 So 1. - CbM r*p 58 ~ O.f xres --I-' ., A. Mcbmidt, 2 1 - I ~ p _i - -- ~ - W a D& Ak Mak BMs Vol Z=o IMs go 3# IV m sfttdmw owur no we hue $3 dD 4#j ScuntIfic - Ketallww Critical Phenomena in the Hexamethyleneimine- Water System. I. The BoundUtry Curve for the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Near the Critical Point, by 1. R. Krichevskiyo V. ~ I Yu TseIch=mImya,, L. R. IdInshits;, 3 PP. RU33IMj perj Zhur Fiz Khlm,, Vol XXXIII., 'No 7., 1.959, pp 1484-1491. Cleaver-Hume P"se Sol AvaiU~le Br 5 Library May 60 Method of Producing Ferromanganese From Ni-kcpc.1' Ca:~bor.a-"-c Or!~o, by T. P. Khazanc-a. N. 4 pp. RUSSIAN, perp Stal, No 12, 1959, pp 1086-1090. The Lron aad Steel Ir-stitte. Sci-Tech /H"' jun 6o Rio Pemeat rammainam at linre"ed StW)LUty, by To P. OMAWMo ru. P. vesill. RussiANO pw* eta,,, Vol XV0 ft as 1955j. PP 700-tler- Drutober Tr Mo3637 saientim - junfiwwa jan 56 cTsAw $7 - 40 3 a C6 soop (NY-1 873) INDUSTRIAL GYMNASTICS IN THE ENTERPRISES OF THE UKRAINEj, BY M. V. KHAzANoviai., 8 pp. RUSSIANj, PERi, TEORIYA I PRAKTIKA FIZ KULITURYi, NO 5v 1962 pp -79. JPRS 14791 USSR Soc AuG 62 2o6,928 or umo nody VISOMMAIAp by N. N. Mwimtp d*4. No. d4 T w. amllw~p Wo Dar mgmw I Tooret nso "I Xl** lb 50 Vol pp 2AK5-*. Amr Mut of rAws fts - am 1,10 &d aim 64 260J33 Tba.Rolel of volume MTects in the r-mrcozy. o!' Dorormation of Network Polym~.%r3,,,,,,T. N. n=---aovIcb, 3 P.P. --.. ... ..,: . L 4111- FMIM, perp Zhur Teltb Piz., Vol XXVM., No 7., 1953, PP 1437-1440. Amer Imt of Pbys Sov FIVa - Tech Ptqs Vol xi:lt No 7 sei - Plus HMr 59 311 T 61-10912 Khazanovich, T. N. THE HXCLJjDED V01JJMF- IN THE THEORY OF 1. Polymers- Solubility DEFORMATION OF SWELLED RETICULATED 1. Khazanovich, T. N. (CROSS-LINKED) PoLYMERS. [196111281p. (4 figs. ornitted) 9 refs. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.70. ph$4. 80 61-10912 Trans. of Vysokomolekulyarnyye Sayedinenlya (USSR~ 1959 [v. I) no. 11. p. 1659-1666. The free energy of the network of a swelled polyiner was calculated by assuming as chain made) the "pearl nedk- lace- earlier employed in studies on the vohnne effems in polymer solutions (Zbw. Tekh. Piz. 211- 1437. 1958). The application of procedures from the theory of real gases is valid provided the correlation between the rele- tive fluctuarions of Hugmets pairs decreases sufficiently rapidly with increasing distance between them. It Is shown on a particular example that such a decreasedoe take place. The dftnensionless free energy expasion offt" of Todalew $M~4"s factor is pro,PDrtianal to the mean number of segmentis (Chen-astry-Organic, Tr, v. 5. no. 11) (over) Coatw,-tless Remote Control and Si=al I ing System, BMU-1/iO, by V. E. 5 pp. HUSSIPS,, per, Priborostrayeniye, No 4, 19611, pp 15 -17, Taylor & Prwacis Ltd Sci j 11 S '4 1 oct 61 For Ralklom Fxtr-CF;f;cc; I,:-- L t ~ e Jm I I j I UU, 34 JFRS ocl. - Oct 61 OR ft *Now* 4w ague As"m Q!w" . Uft WAOr fft &06= all" imiZ &7;;jW~w I v IV 36 16 Sommio :1. - L. vigoftat4o ` valm"N64-M I !. a* Aw I& who* rfool" A ~nlqt* Aeftimmt In Oat&r Opwas, by 1. Mum= " F. MMNKA 4"dmlkpf rt 5 Ipp Aomf rv., as" 16 Oct 64 -- - - - - Nows"Offm p irt" 29456 um acti-BA Apr 65 Zn,p632 rowum" Pali's arm% ma evift -00*111 A, low amm# by IN I. I- u6 noms 1.0 /do 74 60 -aw"Uom of Db2W Punctims during Haftal Aocolomtlowp-by LIL Mumm -- RMIAN mo perp Voyeamo )bd Moro 30 3# Woomp Mar*b 19580, pp 55-4) us jpRa/w 543 St'.. -A2, ~, ~a ~K ~ 4~ re 0 The Duration of the Incubation Period in Dysentery, by Go Po Somovp I" Be Xhazensomo 2 ppo RMVJ,, so per,, Zbw Mikrablol., Rpideniol i Immmobiol, Vol MMM,, No 1,, 1957v 14 169 Pergman Press Sol - vAd 49/ 971 JOD 57 (ror N33) On tho Tension In a Polymr Cbmin la a Notworkj, by T. N. XhMADOVICIA, 3 pp. RWOIAN, POrp MW T4" FISt Va WM.- No 7# 1953P PP 3A41-1443- Awr Mmat of php WT phow - Tech VOL I]Ms So 7 Sal - 01ya Nh6r 59 DXU si 001!lXmbmdm WWWO Aulawin FUnatl=30 by Be so Go to GdAW Le 1. %Mdojp A, P. %owkwichs, GO 1. no amlions It pp. FAMWV S. 13. ftmftiia y4a XAMP Jo no meamp M JL9300j, pp 33bap. IWO= IS-83M um %,?r. 42 Ir/ Sol - awmalm o4 ftitical Ph ILI Nei m- In tba, , 2ruurlamuw - w&tw:*wkmo IW X. It. MddMfty, N. S. avou"o MNWIPAWOUD Nwo Dak Alt Jbv& ~r VC& em lb 3"s 84 Aw I& 1b U" arm I W F _I- -in Ziffil . rw un DbM7 at px~~s bw Be- I2AWSIAp So Be 46 No mwf"ws 25 we mmut IT so xqw. AM W JAU Sol - 131)-333 wy 61 Eff ect of the Gelli=g of a Latey ua its Electrical and Thermal Conductivity, by D. M. Sandomirskly, 0. Fogel, L. Z. - e 13 pp. per, Kauchuk i Rezina, V'ol X.X, 110 3: -29. p -6 RAPRA 17 De:: 61 (DC-6432) Determination of the Probabllity Density for Rand= Aromsses in SystAms Containing rwnlin-sax-ities of the Pieww1se Linear Type, by E. ML Khazen,, 13 yo. wwr".. per, Toorlya VeraWtwatey i 7eye Prlmnevlya, Vol VI.. Jb 2., 1961., PP 234-242. JM3 um Sci - PAYO -0'f Jan 62 CHANGE IN, THE CONTENT OF BIOLCGICALLY ACTVE SUBSTANCES IN RATS FOLLOWING IN THE ACTION OF RADIAL AC.CELERATIONSs BY 1. Mi KHAZEN# 1. L. VAYSFELID.. 9 PP. RUSSIAN, PER., VOPROSY MEDITSINSKOY KHIMII., VOL Vill, NO 5s SEP -OCT 1962, PP 493-497. jpRs 16556 SCI MED JAN 63 2184993 A tmq* mmvftt~b ta oate. sphoes IW 1. onum 40,44 TO I Imm" 40mrs 5 w ~ Olin Op zoo, eftlamom ( 16 Get 640 03- Arm 00% I"R 0001-DA 14W 65 2770619 x9fects of' increased Additions of Frothinp, Agua-~, OIL the notation of Pyrrbotite and Sphalerite, by 1~ N. pieksln$ 0. R- ----- 1, 3 pp - RUSSLAU$ per Dok Ak Nwk NOR# Vol CMj, No 5, 1957, pp 1;w~- - Cousultauts Dareau Sci - Chemistry Jul 58 I..vCvvjs*,, i'Dradymmic imaL Umilar IWO 4~cnim,,s or ..tacmisft. lily vo, I'D Kuarmonkave P blemaya per, =S 7. K6V InvesUgation of Li&t Piwcawm Belated. to the Dovelqpeimt of the SWk-Madnrip Mannels, by X. P. Vanp*ov# V. Lb Isupookop L. D. Shosoys 12 p1p. RMIAN.0 so wwo Zbw Takh Irlso VoI IMVA, No 7,p 1955" pr rAS-10%. A.ZA.Z. NUPWII Lib Tr 732 Sal Am Lib No 56/3962 Oct - Pbysics 414- mlot~6010ctrlc Method of Recor4ing tbg chana in Tir,-- of 6e Spectra-of Ught FLasbvs_s by X, P. V,Q%YWmVj. ~L. Do Xbamw AUSSIO, thrice-mo'per, Dok Ak NaWc Vol =119, r~c 31 19531, p 5237. CTS/Drx IMF 1~8 NY-20fpq Weather Foreeast, for the Rurcgean Territory of the UM and Western BlberJA for April 1958, by L. 1. Blyumina., 0 - 5 a Khazova# 12 pp. MMIAN* pery Dolgonroebm~7 Progmuz Pogody, Ito 4A 44 us im/irt-L-567 Sol - Oeophyalce DOC 58 NY-200 Forecast of General Weather MuLmoteristice rcm Va AsLatla Torrltory of the MOR for Aprll 1VAO, by 0. N. MxavaL 4 PP. FMDJ, p*r# Dolgwrochay Pr% Pogody,, go 4,p 19580 03 JM/S MY-L-566 Sel - Ooppbyeles Dec 58 %be I=Md smoft dc Ch"Ohn 0 36 06 0 is No aftm, *t GLO 5 lot XMXW# SWq Al "hwat Ovembag 3b 80 1964 Sp vpwT5. &M w 23 A* (a N*Pop Inirectigation of tbLe Pimebimis _r-maess When Flash Butt Weldlin Art1cles Vk%6e of Non-Ferrous Alloys, by V. YU-JAMMM. 7 YP. R=UN, per, &Mroch Prolt, No 5, 1960, pp 7-10. BWRA Sci S.- / t~ 11 , , Jun 61 (NY-5214) Am IffUiency Motor fcr t1mi Pam Stage of a ft6io Trawlidtter, by To. P. Mumellultskiv- 10 pp. . ... W~ffl RWBINO pwp Yeaftlk evyssip 3b 32, 1956. am Olm& Sel im 61 / 5-f 3 73 AWW..- fvka-~~~ I& ma 5 =NWWW. ma Olum PAPS 1w so Pe &a$ - - to - m (noinsh 7 w - M *now gwqpbup i Mv lb 36 W"wl W#400 =5 Im" 04 a owmwtw AM 99 9~~ 1 702 15 Electronic Antema Switch,, by S. M. Khazan 2 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Byu3laten Izobretmiya., No 15, 1959. ACSI 13-9382 ID M:T&75 Sci - Blectronlab "9// Jtma 61 Critual Ownamm in the D=Metkw2awjmj Water , SyvtAm* 'To' ~ PAMOL P"GSUM Of the v by 1. 2. XWbabe"kiyp B. Z. Xbazanovas R. Ltiabites 4 rpo . 1% BLUME.. pwv Zbtw FIz Abla, Val XEIXV* 1b 9.2 IW,* pp I98D4=- sai Aug 6L 14 7 61 41 (w4m) THE w rAK VNIMC MName" 1* 0. 1 a mmmmvt ummm om mica ~, MoTholl, , I .AcniLW*. A. NOMA@"* i ISL~ re FUNOWN"To FPP* .MOLAM6 M& MOO W^ 0 W* oko OF %* im Aps Pbysiolo&7 of Woody Plants of..Bibera, by N.A. h'hd'Dn:L---oY!A. 125 pp. BUSSM, mono, Flziologiya Drevesnykh Rastenii Si-L;iri, 1-.~oscmir, 1963- cmzi iT-66-51.--)74 3-1 -~, 242 Sci - Aj!;ri Oct (.;-u Production of Iron CiLstiqp or Ilgh (kmllty, by 1. it P..ftedopek. --l RMUlp Wr# Lit Pr"s, No 22,, 1959# P 38. DM IL2163 ftl - RW sop 63L 14' Op, 4 a 4 I i I PXQWMSIU the mmistry of tile Oromde M*tRU,Old Ccuplexes, by MuSt. RUB$nN.v 00 perp USWMLi Wimp Val XXV0 no 1956,p pp Tooh and C~ Tr sm.,00 set - chamisixy zt-;p t,414~ 'Tow-1 (=/4m MT ConposIticaand Propertles or SyMbeals Woducts UML=d From Cabon VAnoodGer apd, AVdruVn Over an Zrou Catel4stp ftrt lp by D. 110. Xbeifetz. EMI". perj, ramdtl TeM 1439 1 *sel, go P-.o 1656v VP 3545o DeA of Int us Sm of JUnes Dentmi Imer sta pittlebwaujo Pa. No 406 sci - Chem -7 guY 59 me Cm-oploadit rod ProperU" or Pbompbotes of ad alfror"M conatlow of 1w, an on Apt lb 51, IgA pp 3-26. MA 14"0 Sal 59 An investleatiOn IntO WW AWULOSUGG Qf Pl&tlmmp 3. X. 39&0~40)r AM. MMMY.v parg U A No* SMj, aer riot vol xi., NO 30 19478 w PI* 3M. as V; Sol - CISIMM NOW 58 Syno'h)ronI*tIou Wvultsp by D. Xholrets,, 10 r9. Full tratwIlatIca. EtusstM, wer, RMU, No 16 IW:v vp 39-41. "WON-~ A=-F4%-7ft8 USSR scieutific 21fttandess t*IWts&Mt CIX%Vltap A; a ~W-~ (SMOdW AnWL 1) jw~ I 1w Ism 16 Nkliftbas 46 &U -1 Imp ft"*- , .1.11., A 00 . .. 'N*-- (as Z~ w Twohow) ehel4ee-5 Am 65 286v994 am'" $a aw rplumbe swbw, M , wmwwwww~ w ~ A14201- "--L O&Ult&w ~A I sumo fm U&MMAR&M MW & 06 WNW ire# :0=04 xmw emba adme va mom 3b:,~ ~ .%im Twwo a ft low ON maim A . Short-Flme Bm-ninZ of Wzutj by P~ A. E.T_,Terkhj, G. 9. Kheifets, V. B. Tov, 4 pp. MWIM Wp 144APOLUAIM) No 71 1!40s pp 31.;~. Act& MAUUrat eat Sol Jai 63L /o//, 4 YX Operation of an Experimental Chamber of a Rapid- Heating Mati-Stage Furnace on Natural Gas., by Go No Kheifetep et alo 3 PP- 11~~* HMSUN.t per., Stal, No 2., 1962., PP 170-173. BIBI Bei ,Tul 62 205,520 On the Graphitization of Chromium- ALloyed White Iron,, by I. G. Kheifets. RMSTAN., peer, Dopovidl Ak Nsuk UkraiD RSRP 1961. IEB 5~11 Sci - Min/*t Jan 62 / 71 31X 'w 16 A. sma"Go 16 L ? m Joao a We ow avatmas " I &-a 1, mm" %I mt 1b A Ir Od A" T&"dW IL L ammmo I X"WOIO!&. -10 aw " Irmestigation of a PoIlvalent V&ccine la an Epidemiological Experlwntj, by Y., R. !RMktet3,, V. A. Messos A. B. Kaplan; G.; S, Guralevi'ch, Ya. Eb TI=np Ae V. Skrozal.km, Yu. 1. 'Rwevus 5 PP. RMUN., perp Zhur Mikrabica Epidemiol I b=mobiol,, Val XXIX,. No IC),, 11958, pp 44-48. 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