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Cata.lytlc Pmduction uf Clallurine FrQLA HydrocILloric Acid., by M. 0. n, G. Prikj: od I kc,, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, U -mlnskiy Xhim Zhur., V.-.l VIII., 1933, PP (k-71. Sci Trans Cent~--r RT-2329 -4171 40 (0/ "1",7 Scientific - Cheinistry Sap 55 MS/DHX WtO Cn thO 1~%Ao Of a&UbWdlkl CCAtSr-jRAticn of At:PCO'liacie Air of tho (It*, of :klma, i-oe Q* I.-Ilue cd me, s*uw-latfis 9 'i-9 i'&U-4GUjo, ~vrjp ~u ckwlr.&,, i'meL* Vol 250 A'o 1j, 1963p ;Z~,p 35644 A1,411-ni-Mb-23--35-10 2. ~b. jcfi~x aci/b P at 70 so Vd Wo Nb 36 by A. A. "I, - scl-Bld & Mo Jun,64 2609"6 Problems in the Development of a Diaanoetic Procese by Wans of Mathematical Machines, by 14. L. Bykhovskiy,, A. A. Vishnevskly, S. Sh - 1(harms, 21 pp. RUSSIM., per, Eksperimental Ibir i Anestoziologlya, No 4, Jul/ALE 1961, pp 3-15. im; U814 sci, - ftgr ion 6,,-, Is ., %W go m~ of laws IL IL sebrs*,- dg* or pm~n) ftvsvu~ at sa we 4"Mal "Imm" or A* A. SMON16 FAA m 31a 90 TD EnerU Yk-del of Compound Samilconductors., VsL~r,--e Band Spectrum of ShS-Type Anlisutropic C=puunlzs By F, W (lashimsade and V. 13, ZbAttsiev p E~ RUSSIO, per.. Piz Tvardogo Tela. ~rol 7-V. No 21-1, 1q62,, PP 434 - 41'12 Amer 'Anst of Phys Sow Phys - Solid Stpta Vol IT, No 2 The Anisotropy of.'Photavagnetlo Effoot in Cubia Crystals, by G,. 1, Khanisp 1& 14 Taidil vlwvskiy, 6 pp. RUSSUM2 per, Fis bbt4a i Motallov, Vol X. No 3. 1960j, pp 341-3". pp 301 /6 / ~ 2- V Sep 61 X%Wriam-e in the Use of an Artifiaial Cimalation AIW&mtue Prodwwd b7 PT-IMA13: Experinantally md C323d*aUvj,'IW 8. Sh. Uaffuni, 15 pp. WWIW# Imrp Moper OlraxV^ vol V., No 6, thecovp Nov/Dee 1960. JM3 T980 sai Aw., clriwbwa In a Cassockp by Yu, Bemnov,, M. hh-n--m-tz, 4 - MM-10s, UP., "Ovet KirgislYs., 6- 00-t 19591 2 3- OM-10.34-D usm oc - Rallsica s a D3c 99 A 3tud- ,; of ~~lcmiie- Cavse7, of Reactions to Immunization l!"ll'Al Fcrtumis Diphthcr-l'a Vaccine under E"Xperimental Conclitirns., by R. P, 'FintiktlkovF,, R. ?,. narmats,, A. F. T%rerdokh-l.ebova, 4 pp. RU llk~wli;, Zhur Wkrobio! Fpidenjol j Inmmojoy, j.,,601 pp 24-28. -7 Oc t 61 The Effect of Cwbm TotmoUorldo on Nl=d A2kyl Motors of Pbospbo"m AcIdso by GUM M~I,p F. U. Xbu-r"om 7 pp. RWSrM,, pwi Zbw Obabob Iblap Vol XXVIL , So M7j, pp 953-"9. COMUMUSS Bureau act - Cbm Aing 51D %to Roactlow of Alkyl gsbwm of TrioUwcowthyl. AmpbUlo AcIA VItb Alkr2amlass, b7 Gilm bmi, PP* RMIM, PW mw gab" oulp VbI Mono so up 1957F pp ~U-3066. commiultants sts"an Bel - Chm Jan 59 ;7 'i,robl-zz in the Structure of Col;arw Derivat ive s. AV - 8timetwe of Products of the Candeirsation of Cotarniae With Aaetonsp by Denseb Bek-.j jgtjzi!jtj RIMIARp gar 7Juw Coshch Kh'-;, Vol UVil., No .1u,, 1957j, pp consultants Bwvau Sol - Chem ?6' 7 am 59 OU-56.55) Now Tables of Oromization and Wage Rates for mo Workers . by 0. KovhoMma-ovo Mr. 9 pp. BMWaMo pers PomMoustso Vol 11, No q.. 2,9600 pp im 7930 Boon xbr 61 scee Qpi-esuono on the Stmeture of Cotarufto Derivatives. 11. otructQ" of, ckxA*nmtlm Prc-ducts of Cotarnim WM Coia*unds CoaUin- tM Utrogm, by Donn& Deke,, Wma Sharduml, 4 pp. RMW,g pwi, Zbw Obdwb Shlus, Vol MM a So as 195T* pp AO8QIU- cammitalfta set - Chem oart 50 Reaction of Carbon Yetrachlori4g) with ;Xkyl -1-sters Of P-Chlo"Rhenyl-b P-'svrOPY4)hmYi-, an-d 01-WplUnous Acids,, by Giltm XAAf riLin-I, ~v 4 pp. 111561X1, por. Zhur Obshch fhim, Vol KXXI, lo 11 19610 p-ji 3550-5BS5. c ID Sai 213 :L 3---. 12 OW Problem ist the Striiature of CotAL=Um Darivatives. M. Strwtuxv of "Hydrocotarnbutacetis Acid" by Denesh Bekao Ulmu lbartbwa, Ine Ke"ahip & PP. XMUN,p part Ph Mobah M",p Vol XXVII3, go 10s 1957. pp V66-ij6. OansatAWU sweau aci - chem Jan 59 7Y1 k Pulao Beight Amlysor With an Slectyon Beam Taboo loy V. 0. JI&ztma,, I. S. Leont feva o A. P. Blir,%Tskll, L. V. V"lllevg 9 pp. RMIMp biwo per., Zbur Zkoper i Tooret Fla, voi mmu,, jun 1955m pp 699-705. CIA C 40837 Amrican Inst of Pbysice ~7 B"t 55 St. New York 22, A. Y. Scl*ntlfic - pbysice The Statistles of M=urlty Centers a Number of Levels la Germanium Pyppc Scm-i- conductorsp by V. E. Khartsev, 6 pp,, RUSS- art:, per,, Zhur Tekh )Pizj, Vol iic, 8,, i.qr-8v pp 1651--1656, Amer InBt of Phys Sov 1"-T-ech Pby-. Vol 3M.. No 143x 59 On SUWle Methods for Investl&tlng the BwA Structure of Certain Seudconductor Campounde,, by V. 2. Khartsyev., 9 IV/ RMIAN., per,* Zhur Tekh FIz, Vol XXVII, No 8, pp 1713-1722. Amer lost of Pbys &w Plqs-Twh Pays voi n , No 8 Sol - Pbyo jun 58 4,0// ;7,046 To=mrk-s 0u the tkworn ta"I of lhedical 6y AteduaLcloa loolf illumat, 14 3:W>'S";0per, LjAmd!q!~~z a va Vol 4k, If.c. 1l" .'ev M4. pp IMF. Tpi~s R6m 6~ (- JCA-16tl .!.tar t4 ZIbJ71 1- --.. d low* , so" II- -- r - - of no -IFIM Iol safto CA WOM an dOMA 9%AMM cabman 11 in R* Ts~Mog A. A. IONrybbft. and= I Awwc~~~& No 36, 1 N"A I 5d & Astrou Nbw " US. GOVERMOM ONLY 269v04 (080: 18ho-N) m3e psysiopmut or marimum an Mf Riven., by N. _ XharjMUMO-12 pp. Rwrus pwo a ~ mly, m *moot ts 1b 59 lbsoov., aw ig6e;, m 17-b. JM; 33, W6 mm so= all, 0-2 f sap 6e (WOMOO) w IOW W NOW^ rll,nv*iww # $0.0 :no =1 "106 Pak "off 1 WWI kTo 26''as too* 4m Ivul 0" 0* jo 62 IRS" Method Of Detailmimtion O-P -MobiUty of Gh~. ent Carriers Tmjected by Li&t, by S. M. By~., R. V. Ikkar lyvsovp 13 pp. RUSSIMs no per Zbur Tekh nso Vol XXVo No 4j 1955., PP 563-;g- C.TA/YW/JM-117 JRFjfAsw*,14r 11 N #,MIAIf Zf 3 at Lke nffzmhL USE am kpr 56 =/DU (FDD 32632) (DC-1351) Tafthik SSRv by 1. 9. Mbs"Ikulaws S. N. Ryssantsev, 167 pp. BWOW, bk, T"zhlWluqa M, Mmeow, 19%, vp 1- 228. 05 JM/DC-L-425 um 14.. 000g - Economic 4 4 r4p .0 4/0 Gba:vacteristics of the conwilsive attacko de ir-g on el-e--trical stimulation of diffeaent th,:t cortex in chmnic ~-xporimci,.L, by G , All 2' K ., Sab07, 7 pp. per., Fisiol. Zhur 55r:R ImPrOt Secbenovaj Vol XLVn, No 29 1961, pp F2 67 Sad Arjr 62 (Nf -5589) C*qMratlve ftalustion of CouvalUtcmin and StrophuMduo by K. A. Kbassnawas 9 ipp. R93SWp for, Sont Jbdo Vol MEV., No no 1!060, Vp IM-10. Me TrA Sol - K" Yar 61 / zt ~7 4 4'eO 7 Im-y WtoUatftl a a In b a RUM of lb 8 tolde Ivelm at&= in ftt~CO. =a qvlmwmroaAo by Sho A. gwowl'Am ~~ a 7 w IMMUMp pwo PieblaW Q~Iol I Par*Uv Mrawls Tel vis No 3a 2,9&o 29 12-Ifl- vp $a Ja 6R MOW 2 - aides at clrmlw ft"s IW 0; 0. P!~~ ]h pp. ROME.p pwp - Uftury vmx, va To, so 90 1000 vp 15476 KA R.3ft act Avg 59 f-fo., V,7 -7 Cutting Forces Acting to a Two-Tior Framo ~O Saw, by S. M. Khasdan, V. A. Konevalov. RUSSIAN', per. Derevoobrabstlvayushchara Prmshlemnost, Ve 13, KID 12, 1964, pp 14-15. CPSTI TT 68-50375 Sel --.4ecil Apr (ti) 38f) '306 cattbg ka"m go j Deepftmng ry Swe tv S. A, Dowba & V* A. IMMaUw* Aftwo pwo I .--- M& H t, . 7varus 19649 pp 14-1.% - "M TT 68-"5/5 1. -~ P, ~ ~,, I I I 301/Mst Peb 6S !'Ia K. Yakunin, ~-I- V"rT fP 11-1'-; Vo 90 pp SLA Cl ,n n , Vol 1w Syactral Instrulents, by, A. Yv-. Kh,-alhr~i 7 Dp - RUMSTMT, per-- Zavod Lab, Vol Y)M, ljo Inotri; Soc of Amer Sci -;5, c imr To-whing Young Navigators to Ikmb witb the Optical, Sight, q G. 1. Xh isbahlutnp 2 yp - RUMUN, Wr,, Vest Toz Flotp Ito S., 19%" DR 31-36 645391t AM 301 - A*rO mw " k7,; 93 0 Secondary ftission Upou NeaktiW Odwdm Tmajo N, X. WiftabigOV4 67W Dombexdmnt of TungsUu by by U. A. ArU'ov, RUSS=., per, P&diOtWft I XUddroaLkaj So go 1963- Doe 63 %CH-201 249 Field 13L "Ao-hl-n- V- K- METHANE DPLkV~AGE OF COAL SEAMS AS A MEANS OF 1. S&!ety in Nittes Research REDLCD;G GAS DLRLVG THE DRr%M;G OF Esliblishment. HEAI)D;GS (Prtmenente Detsistall UCoInykh Plastow (EngI&A Dlya SnIthenlya GLtovydelentys Pri Provedcull Gornykb Vyrabotok). Feb 65. 13p. SMEE-Traw-5104. Order from %-LL Trans. of I'-;,rosy Bezopaawffti t Vgolnykh ShakhUkh v4 p58-63 ~9&4. L VLIU I .'~Oli~ Lfrsa~',- :;ef GiolUja an the Moloateral N94~67ml3Aam c~.-i 6,70'ervimg Pwbblts., V P. Z. Khavismr, 5 pp. * tl MWIAITT j W p ByQl Mmpor BIW. i Ad, Vol UVIT, I tio 4, 1959p pp 61-65- cmnltanu aweau act Dee 59 / o /' ?';' z x ,I~je Fr,070 eM Of 'H e,,'Lt EnC -L9 -To Eff Iclency of Parallel operatum of 2hu-mi. Electric Stations of the S~ Typs by V. Ys. .R"Uowv. 8 pp. RMSUN, tbrice-so VOI I"IUj NO go At VP 297-300. Bel We Lit, Tr No 53/2280 USSR Sclentific - Electricity Fab CTS Amalyals at the Coalgamtion of NW-SY~trlcal Layou%s of antit)g Jklms b Z_7?_ Ya. Missnevs 14 pp. RUBBIAN 110 L-;, I I Ton Nikuk, Ak Xmuk Ill .A Olde no lollio 3458 pp 1205-1114. Sci *mtum Lib No 53/2h02 USSR Scierruf Lc - guglonruv" Rw as Tooporature Diagm gar Cvmpuujd CmUol a . Parellel, Opemt1on et Bmtluo and Plants* Y,~!, POasilevo 7 pp- RUSSIAHO t1wfte-wo perp L*k Mt Nauk SSM Vol LXILVIII# So 2v pp 271-274- Set Mwwm Lib No 53/2358 USEB ~~f q / Sc ioutif 1c - Xuaimering m,kr 54 Vw 61-13664 Khas ev V Y ~5Wff-ty6h-L-E-'M5"bF HEAT SUPPLY TO TOWNS 1. Hear production-- (Nekotoryye Voprosy Teplosnabzhenlya Gorodov) tr - Development by G. N. Gibson. May 53, 2Dp. (4 tables, I ref. 2. Urban areas orrdtted) Library contmunication no. 675; M2169. 3. Structures- -Heating Order from LC or SLA nil$2.40. ph$3.30 61-136&1 1 .Khasilyev. V. V. 11. LC-675 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye Tekhni-- Ell. DSIR LLU M. 2169 cheskikh Nauk. Izvestiya, 1947. no. 9, p. 1193-1206. IV. Department of Scientific and Indusmial Research An account is given of a method of determining the (Gt. Brit. regions of rational application of the different types of heat supply sources for towns by which the effect of combination may in all cases be estimated from the efficiency obtained. (Author) Oft" A T-6.1eW S.-i- (EngineeTing--Merhanical. TT, v. 5. no. 7) 61-13665 ANALYSIS OF 71HE CONFIGURATION OF NON- 1. Urban areas SYMMETRICAL LAYOUTS OF HEA71NG MAINS 2. Structures- -Hearing AND ITS APPLICA71ON TO THE SELECTION OF' 3. Heat production-- THE CAPACITY OF CENTRAL HEAT SUPPLY SYS- Development TEMS (Analiz Konfigurateit Nesimmetrichnykh 4. Title: Heating mains Tcplovykh Setey I Yego Primenenlye It Vyboru Moshch- I -Kha.,th-t-v. V 1'. nosti Slatern Tsentralizovannogo, TcplosnabzbeWya ~ tr. 11. LC-414 by G. N. Gibson. 119601 15p. 5 refs. Library com- 111. DSIR LLU M. 2170 munication no. 414; M2170. W . Department of Scientific Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-13045 and Industrial Research (GI. Brit.) Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye Tekhni - cheakikhNauk. Izvestiya, 1945. no. 10-11. p. 1106-1114. Offic.0 Tedwical 5~... (Fnginecrinr- -Mechanical. TT, v. 5, no. 7) 1 I(I'llso. V. Y. . Km. THMWR-ATURE Duc;RAm FoRomeoLmD am- TROL OF PARALLEL OPERA710H OF MATM AND POVE A PLANTS (Temperawroyt Grollk Somembew ow Fxpnrovmdyo Parmuclood %--- mentrabd) tr. by C. N. Gftm [I ;t Library Camu&mkmdm m 457; TL 1218; W2 Order f LC or SLA nd$l. 8M p4l. OD 61-13Wf Trans. of Akedemiya tbuk SSSR. Doldody. 1951. v. *J& 2. p. 271-274. .61-13687 1. How g -- cbstrd - n 2. Powexplects-Comral symMmIns 1. Khmmfl'yew. V. Y. a. LC-W Ul. Doputzment of Scimd Ic and indutrw Research (Gt- BrIL) TV. Trams-TL-1218 V. DSIR LLU M. 2192 006m o4 Tochokmi SwM-s (Engineering-MachonlW, IT. v. 5. am 2) Rotation of the Plww of Pol&rLsatlon of Ceut.',-~-tcr Waves by a Ferrite Discv br K. M. Pblivanov,, Ya. N. SclU., M. S. M.Idv~m, 9 PPO PuU tro&4A+,J*u. XX3UNp so pw In Ak No* SMM On ns,, So 3p 19Ar,, pp INd 31;z% on 0 5wo JJ-0 -3 lavabla TOwmical Tr YST J= 5 5 OTS (FDD 27147) ov st Oor r U:4 X-lephalitis in Rural eponwb , t v, :~Vn IT. Emus# no par# Sov Ned, Voi XIX,,No 6, Moscov, Jtm 1955P pp 50-55. CIA/FM U-7970 USSR 3 -11 "(0 -~i 4 Bei - Medicine 0 Some lkm Methods in the Treatment of Frostbite,, by 1. Go KhoLikaludich aM V. lao Toolltkoveas loops lV5Fl-Alf,v'-l-eai*al Proftsslon# 118 2.9410c ABC ~ Tr- 183 RESTRICTED c May CTS -gap 0 TOICL IN MOSUL at now we F I r md4de ad vmkww:ju mm sometsm so X* Maonl)Wwo B. A. Maddaiv at Imp. ~Wv nur Odm* Mtl3NV VCa lb I;p 16%.0160. CD sed ibi Sk 263t784 Organic l=e4ofaftioldes, LXVII, Reaction of Bator@ of Thlo- and Dithlopboopkiric Acids with the Higher AlIpbatle Aml=s ad F=Ocidal and Bactorl ci&a Activity of the Bmitlan Preftcts. By N. N. "llnikWO 2. AO ILMNO pp. 5 Russum, pwl Zbvzua Olababol Mdalle Vol Imlo, No go 1962o Ippo 2W . 205k. Sol (WoO78) nm;7w hub w ~lC IMMM"Iclon't w No r4 NL#NNWO 8, As mma rp I TILJ MOIAN; 00s DW OM NHINv VIL XXX It NO I I p 1961.0r im 1.136)D SCI -~ CHN NAY 4t 193#381 Some Uses of Deuterium and Neavy IlWWw In the Chanioi ry of S' I ' am p ty 1. G.- INookLv* 7 pip. RMIANp thrice-m parp Dak Ak NwAk MWp Vol LXMg 1952j, pp 129-132. CUAM XX-243 MM IQMWkBA= To #Wjw Mnavlz Sai - Chemistry Z71-4tl / kl~ Feb 19W CTS/dm 1w IRTZRNAL USE CM Tba,KMAIty or Nydrosm ft Brim Organ 111con j:-As-Xb"kl% 't PPO RW8M* mD pwo Zbw Obabcb ]Mtn# Vol M=,, No li 1�~%, PV 32-36- Cordmitanu Durmu Fcx.i t *-.-,,,:-,))1--ag:a i". Bir(L; ~ El~!frs cn L a lulaskin, 10 pp, per, 3110fiz, Vol V .. 17-, RUSS. Sc Jeua FORECASTING THE FLOW OF FLOOD WATER OF THE DNIEPER RIVER AT KIEV BASED ON TIM FLOT OF SMALL RMRS Lloyd G. Robbins, tr. Noy 63. 10p 5rets Order from AGU $7. 50 Ill, Soviet Hydrology: Selected Papers, 1963. no. I (p. 25-34) Trans. of [Teentral'nyl Inetitts Progwww. Trudy) (USSR) 1963. Do. 117. P. 97-97. DESCMUTORS: wRivere. *Pleads. ODrainage. 'Hydrekgy. Volww. hUthwAtlcel prediction. IrT-64-12443-1 1p. 25-34) 1. Khasbas, M. I. U - American Geophysical Lkdos. Washiq~m, D. C. M. Scripts Technics, law-, Washis". D. C. (Earth Scumovs, TT, v - 11. no. 7) %..,IfoWr.:Loa and Sulfouic AcIds of AcIdophobic Cam- thera wA '10unds. XXIL The Sulfanation ot Vinyl 2 A _!aters.j by A, F* Tercutyev,, A. 11, Kost) A. 14. rurkevicb,, UNCLASS33133D -o.in twouslation" mo per,, &ur Obsbda rLh,.'p LIp No 5., -/'53;, rip 746452. Vol XXII ."clantific - Chemistry ccNISultants B=eau CTSAW7 //0 Vw ThMV of " ftwIsMum During lbvuvmv in Saw# by X. P- MWO194 17 W. ==lot VWD 4~ &Z VON* adthm2koL &Pm 00.0 -ml I ~~=AIIMXWMW `w 959- Dept Of MOM Rw Wom 3ft set Ak(ft Aug 70 Mfl"UOS Of ftft* VRIM tr XMaJUWd lbtawlte 2ftlu'v * IL IL "L~~ q pp. ~UNP Vwj, WAAlotd& I &oft ton up 3b h., 1962. AM "I Now 62 9WP922 Wave Diffraction From a Tape Placed on an Impedance Plane, by M. D. Khaskin-d. 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Electron, No 1, 1962. AI EE Sci Aug 62 209.%738 SCATTERING OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES BY METEOR TRAILS, BY M. D. KHASKIND., 17 PP. RUSSIAN,, PER, RADIOTEKH I ELEKTRON, NO 2: X~5 190'2,t RR. X= AIEE scl FEE 03 22'q,-,-,' U- Diff:vactiur- an-d ltadiatio'-, of :,cc)us"c 1douius anLfL Gases. Part 11., 1'. 9 -------- AL per, ~Iust "hur, Vol 1~7, ..c, 1, pp C) vJIIIJ-S,,x~~U--t ic Vol I,i, ..u I 195,453 Diffraction of Waves on a Slot and on a Ribbon Oriented Perpendicular to an brpedance Plane., by 1111. D. Ehaskind., 12 pp. RUSS=-4, per, Radiotekh i Elektron., lio 11,, 1961. Sci ig jui 62 Exaitation of Wmms on an Lqedame FLanes by M.D, Khaskindp 23 pp. -Russims, por, Rediotekh i Floic-tro-a.. No Ov 19610 AIR sci / q1, s~- 7 Mar 62 -'-r1 T*,irhi~l,~nt RUSSIAN, -per. lz Ak Nauk SE13R, ()4. --- - . . CSIRD i, SIA Geophys, F b Excitation of Surface Ilectromagaetic Waves ir Plane Dielectric I&yeris, by M. D. Khaskind, 15 pp. RUSSM,, per, Fa4latekh i Flektron, Vol V., No 2, 19&~, PP 188-197 - 801 Pp / ( C Iz - / -15-- jul 62. P.ropN3&tion of Acmatic wW Electromp-noti o Ykv" In a Half Space, tV ". r,6 lqj~pds 9 pp. RWSYANs Per Almot ftors V02, V. No 4. 3900, pp ATP acw fta- Aconstles Vol V'j we Sad %far 61 Tlh.n YU~etjuitlon and 'Di-fFraction of Surfti,-.;t~ Froma Vertically Floating Plate, by M. D. IL. pp. R -~TTT _VS,13TAN, P(,-r, Prik Matemat i Mckh: No 3, i959, 546-556. Sci Porga.mon. _T37 ?lav Pazt a Proflle in a Damled &Versonle by M. D. Kb*aklndp V. 8 Khaom*o., 7 PP- per.. PAX MatAmst 1 14".. Vol =I,, No 61 19581 pp 815-816. ?p 3ci- NOV 5.9 Cavity now Past a Contour Performing 8=11 1. Oumvich; M. D. 1haskiv Oscillatlons,, by N. MWIM,, pers, PrV, Jktbexat Yakh.. Vol XV32j, 19539.9p 599-(M. A/R.R. Ft Halstead Tr zo 16, OT/1027 20*79D ScieuLific - Physics Dee 1954 c--.- Trwwlatioml Notion of Bodies IhAer the Free Surface of a Hmvy 72uld or Finhe DWMi, b 20 pp. MWYM, per.. PrIk Met I Mokho Irol IX* No, 1.p 1945,. pp 67-78. Sol Trans Center RT-248(-, -4t-la'vo' R L3 -q SolentAflo - Pbysics CTBAM dIA W-Ylfiro~ Diffmctim and I-Adiatim OZ AcCw'Ur; 'ft'r;w,,'Cz "'n rluidu and Cates-. Part A' , by M. D. MaslzLnd, 14 p~ RuMAji.q p4frp ft.izt Zhurt Vol lily Flo 4.9 19-57t pp W-359. Awr rust of Fa" set Fab 60 / a 2 Xe, 7 Three -DimenzloL-~5 I St -1--! Flow Arou,,--' 51ender Bodies, by M. D. ka---4~4 RUMSIAN, per., Prik Mat i Mekb., Vol XX, no 1956,~ Sci Aug 58 'f 1'ribraticus cw .;.hir Xingz lkarpica- in Plzne by L, Miaskirxd- 10 P.P. F.Ur,ZjA.NLj, T)---I', r-.Vik j;atAr.:L--'4 i Vol 1-956, pp Barpmon lj-,;~ t Sc -i - Math Jaa 59 Wave Motious of a Reavy Liquid, by M. D. Kbaskiadv 16 pp. RMS 10 mat i Mekh&aLka,,, Vol XVIII, ., per. Prik~ e" t954, pp 15-26. CIA/FDD/ 21-202 31) ./ T71 Scientific - Physics Art OscillatAng if Ing of Flnite Aqmt P..tica In Supersonic Irlowj, bX.16.~~kindy So v0 I ~-m F al,kovlch., 13 PP. RMSTAN2 pwr, Prik Wt I Nekho Vol XI., No 3s 1947v LIP 371-~76- Sci Trana Center RT-497 Scientific - Aewonautics =Am Therml Wavve in the Gratad UmMr Mmulatim of Coolers., I*, X. D. Rmakind,, 13 I?p. NXIaM., per,, Pr1k Jftt~t I ANih., Val XXXVl No 2. 1960, vp 262-Me Pl? Sol /.Ii.,F/ ~?J-/ jan 61 Wave Excitation on a Flat Combed Structure, by M. D. Khaskind, 3 PP - RUSSWINI, --per, Akust Zhur, Vol VII, :'o )9. PP AIP Sov Phys Acuustic3 Vol 'VII, No Z" Sci May 62 Pressing of the Soll Under an by M, D, IWO-SkIA& - 3 YP WSSIM.. per., Dok Ak Nauk SMO Vol =Vp No Up 1959, YT 'rW-*Mo AGI Sci Jun 61 /,J-// '-tero Osci llations of a 11.7ing in a Subsonic Gas Flow., by 1. D. Kliaskind., 33 PI). Ir,CWSI7--EM ,..Owwmmmmft RUSSLI'l-, 947. ., mo per,, Prik- "flatemat i Yekh. Vol XI 1 I A ~S5 7 ~, C/ G - u 74114~' AF 2269/5 c 1 'Jniv for .,rmTn A", Cartelm ftatures of Mactrou Current in Vtmmv bY Mo.. D..,Kh"kbAp IM 5 PP, RNSIM, per# Zbw Tobb 71s* Vol XXTMp Ib 20 met pp W* Amer zMat of pb" Sm Pbas - Tech phys Vol MO so 2 Sol - pbara Dec Wave Reelistance of a Solid in Notion Through a Fluid of Finite bepth, by M. D. 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