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A 0~00mm dillp ft ?P~~ . _7 - - ll~-~----.=Mw% %w Be IL J7 16 1& -""I~ 6 3p, ift swbw v" vaL =6 16106 a 3MI03"i AMP am w to sa" abaft v& its la M OW 62 MOVA The D"nftnce of the WL4%b jof the PoNtIdden Zone on %w Co""LUOD in the solid solution cas-edse, by R. YU., paosevagAWs, S. M. RYWkinp 1. W. AVY"Sp 3 " _9 -" _.. _, , R=Djt r Sw Iftkb ns, Val XX~Ills No 3, loop VP J183- AMW I"t of ft" sov rhp - Teeh ft" TO& ItIs no Sol - rkys 77 Dft 58 tol/ BMW cc aIMLAA ftem"" M In-CUM CdM9:"DWMSmwi by RUMM IF 01-1 at p 1* RTS 250 walwou or pudow) e, _7-( /41.4g5& Aug 65 , ilae t) ;/ A Slibstaudard Welght-and-Spring Piull-oa Barwetar, by 11" - I . Khansuvarov,, RIMSTARp pee, Imaritel Telh, No 2, 4-95'91 pp 24-27, lwtru Ll.uc of 'Qer 3 CIL jun 6o Staft of a ftstan-Ilyw lob-cl"s Barcertar,, able s- 1vorr-- :bgsrhl. 4 port Traft "al movicbm XMIPOMWWWOM fttrainsdi. s- I -N.P~jp . Fpir-x 2r 6to-19385 Sol AZw 67 323*022. The Stu&y of a Warence lam&id-9Wuw, Piston BiLrcaeU by K. I. lbamumarovt 3 PP. - XMUN,, PW, IONritAl Idk, ND 7., 1960-, PP A A-33- Im Sol - Apr 61 14(o ~57 7 'M the Q'Umstim *r th6 LAwtmetlm of a 4t4tmuxary ...jDdel of (4clone, by j6 ~io imaudva* pilb pwo ~Ao 2,r 19614. 273-.27 -1 t--E-0-75 Prelwatlca $ad HRU PrWw let of Grart Copelymrs of ftYrelm #ad FAMMrst by A. A. Bel 4 - by S. A. - . I'll, 111. 3pp. Asisamp mi, , Icaudiv* I POzlm, Vol XrX,, No 6; 19Wp pp W-2e. ftl / .,// :~-j ? It ftr 61 Elastic Waves With Generalized Velocity in Tvo-Dimen- sional Bimorphic Models., by Yu. V. Rizniabenko., 0. G. Shmina) R. Y. Mmutim, 14 pp - f RUSSIM.. pw., 3Y, AX Nauk SSSR; Ser Geofiz; No 4y ig6l,, pp 477-519. set AGU 1", -?- ~":K oat 61 Electric Polarization in the v,O.U,.s of lleuL' ZE-:90,, bY 0- X, blianYkOvao 5 PP. RUSSIAN,, par, Biofizift,, voi ni No 2., 1958~ pp Fergmri Inst Bei - mm 'Feb 59 - (r y / ~a -.4 , Electric Polarization in the Yolks of Ilezo EgGs., by 0. Ko blumUkova., 5 pp. RMISLAN, parp BioMikas Vol III, No 2.t 1958.- pp 161-167. Pergamn 1=t I - Mad Peb 59 62-, r7 lWducing Aerodynands Hm"~MW AUMILW ftbe gad Raosommus, by Ve 24 PP, XJWVX, "r# ],!Dg,p Py sel-pb"I" 1101" with 1e Rho bOuk0v,, A664T5 jun &. 1`44-111agcomt of m AmaWsr Jet. cwt a :~cmmj, ~i~o~iaxuika io 23, ISK-J, 174-1k-719. j~oro cutmil 4ulu 00 isu".101 YEA X. IW 6. IM. plo bt= 7-cs. Energy Spectna of Piwelectrans in "ij~, UW1118 of caijupted u4miss by IJ120 bily-liti, kyuvoa-sh"O CWIIIESEi., Ivr,, Chms gm KIC Vol I',** NO ti, 1961,o P), 653-P675, ~p *411"HT-66-27 .1kip't (19t, A Plase MethOd of Measw'iUg HIgh ROSIOUDCOG., by G. M. Wdiarov,, T. L Nikitiriskayss, A. G~ 3 pp RUSSIM., per,, Pribory i Tekh Eksper., Do 4,, 196o, pp 82-83. may 61 Confttlms i"or Goneratlog Mfto*im by a P2=e- PusUel Pl"es bV A. P. lik D. 1. ftepmm. BUBBIMp pas, Vftt" Ak M, , At I ftral"14b"C" weam no-lose ib 1961a IV IA2.2-qn-- MWY er 3kAfmL 3%0 Bid a lLuVtrm 63 lmtvmwpmtlc Fleld MnIde a rIAm-Paranel Mxte In a 3 1 4 1 m AbearpUack Regims by A. P. XbqpUmk. loss=$ pwa lbk Ak No* WU,'j, Vol Vlj, No 5p 19693, pp SU-3*. AWY Tr 3!aVAPL 83D Sed - XLectran kW 63 S -go-? -? 2 ~/ - - (hi Laser Action in a System of Plane-Parallel LayeTs, by A. P. Khapalyuk, 6 pp. I RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,, Ser Fiz, Vol XXVII, No 4, 1963, pp 478-482. CTT Sci Apr 64 256POOO A"q Iler" Laztwu JAZ Liur Li IN THE STRUGGLE FOR THE TITLE OF COLLECTIVE OF COMMUNISTIC LABOR.9 BY A. KHAPAYEV, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, TYL I SNABZHENIYE SOVETSKIKH VOORUZHENNYKH SIL,, NO 12,, 1961., PP 30-35- ACSI H.6qo8-L ID 2166459 , scl 19 JUL 62 203,677 rt*r mamr with qvU=a Pamixt bv o. Id. Kbmp3uwv. IMSIAN, per, D* Ak Hmk SWR& 56=56 . Val 179a, ft 3. Mr IYWs PP 5'%--5c The Awrican Mastituft of ft-sics Vol 13s No 3s Swt 2,968. C, . M. ~ 44PL4 tc c vj oat 68 368s387 11% loedw Of Approdom Ctmftrmw mappbw 15 ~~Gqvftd 1846b" XIM4 9 P16 tJKi-1.4Nw-Nq owe Llom*vW- tog L-'L No 4, I'D I , A Apylice.t.ions of "Retimx" Y4 Friction materials iti Brakea and Clutches, by A. V. Chichinadze, 3 PP- RIT9191CATI, per., Vest Mashimoutroy" Vol X.-LIP No I., !96!, pp 51-55. Sal ion 62 The Comipositlon or -HernfUV' Pitch in the Hauftctum or Paper,, by S. S. Walevrlcaya., S. 0. ummed', RMUXj, w3, pwp Zbor PrU Iblu,, Vol XXII., No 3.2# i9k9s- PP 1.310-13ft- WRt RON Llb TT - 555 ottawav onsda sci - chmistry 3 tv"tj 0 41~0 k# 04 040 ~JJL S* D.1, asir of zwb GiMoff Va V. Ro N*2*Wvo, TOMM"d PriMW 241ft A610 firta the 020"sing -bt the ~ jil~sam sprollo YU af a ousies ca the reift aolft of sonifW0.6) ~,dtk zbw P H Oda* Val XMIO No 2t ftb 1950 pp W 1594W Dwrom Tramo2aUan A Method of Determining the Tendency of Steel to C=ck on Welding, by Ya. S. Gintsburg, Z. B. Dreizensl3tok, E. B. Kbm mbkovs,kiy. RUSSTAN) per, Avto Deloj Arol XIIp No 3, 1941. B.S.A. Res Group OT/lw Sci - Engineeringp 2~7 (DC-5961) The MOtbodology of BacterW Control in Ultraviolet DIeWection of the Air., by PI. M. Kharudze, I RUSSIMp per, Gig I Sim.. Vol XXV,, No 1, 1960., pp 9D-93- afts fr(51 sci - MM Avg 61 Special Geodetic Assigmwntt XLVII. The Abast"umuni. Astrophyeical Observatory,, by Ye. K. Kharadze, 19 p- LRUSSIA52 bkj, Abakatiummkaya AztrofiZiChC3I-=Y& Cbservatori)-m Aka-demiya NaWz SM, 1953. SIR-3027 Sci - Geofiz Jun 59 Y. -5~ ~ Tai ani ill&wzamy Xavest4pti= in Abastuxmi, by Va. K. XWU%dwp V. P. D"Oplashvill, T. a. 09"LUOU03X" -~- MMM., pro Vest Ak Wok 888R., No 11., 1958., MODCOV pp 49-45. W-4 Doc 58 The Development of Heavy 14Wineeriag During the Seven-lear Plan, by K.. Ke Vinogradov, M. G. Umnyagin, G& M. Kharaker, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Mashincstroyp Vol XLj, No 1960.t PP 7-17. ERAGB Is ei Aug 61 (N!r-2900/36) The I*velopwmt vC N"vy lbeblm DUMAIN DOftOt tb~ ge"m-Yftr P2Ams by K. K. Vtn%Tadovs M- 0- um~u,, 0- AL DargWra 17 pp. 1111139=0 Iwo Vest No 8', 1960,9 pp 7-17. im T*; um foon The Liqmid-Vapor Equilibrius ia an Ethaus- Ethylene Systes, by P. P. Charakhorin. /- RUSSIAN, per, Jushemerno-Fix Zhurnal, - -.' P Vol 2, No 8j, 19S9, pp NTC 69-10997-07D -/ 4. sci-chou :48Y 69 382.531 Xbarekhorin, F. F. LIQLW-VAPOR EQUILMRIUM IN INS SYMDAS NrMOGEWHELIUM AND HELIUM-M27HANE. (196t] OIL 12 refs. Order fron) OTS $1. 10 61-107' .17 Tr*ns. *t Inzhenerno- FIxicheaby 2hurvAl (USSR) 1939, fy. 2) no. 9, p. 24-29. DESCRWMRS: *Nlt.os , OHelluzn, *Methaw. lberniodynamice, OLIquids, *Gases, Solubility. The volatility of 1whuin in nit rogen- helium and helium- tnedme systems in the teaqwrawe Interval tram 68 to t50. 3 K and at pressures of from 4 to 215 stm to calculated boo. data obtained in an experimental Investiption of liquidyspovir equilibrium in these nitt- tures. It to shown that at pressum between 40 to 43 and 215 stm the solubillity of beHum in 14MId u1nogen and tnethane can be cal-lated with outtscient amuracy from the Kricbevsky--Kazarnwralty equatlooL The (Chemistry- -Physical, rr, Y. A. no. 3) (over) 61- 10727 1. Xbarakbortn. P. P. OR" .1 T*CWC.A 61-IBOU Kharaldsorist, F. F. PHASE RELATIONSHIPS IN COMPRESSED GAS WS- 1. Kharakhorin. F. F. TEMS. IL EQUILIBRIUM IN COEXISTING UQLITD 11. Title: Equilibrium. AND VAPOR PHASES IN THE SYSTEM ETHANE- ETHYLENE. 11961) 5p. 3 refs. Order train M or SLA $1. 10 61-1M Trans. of Zhurnal Teltitilcbeakof Fizild (USSR) 19,11, 11, p. 1133-1139. DESCRIVMRS; *Ethenes. *Ethylenes, Uquids, Vapors, Phase studies, Cbernical eclulillibrium, Determination. EquiRbrium, compositims of the liqWd and vapor plawes In the binary system efttie-ethylene were deterral-ned by the circulation snetbod for temperattires from 169.30K to 273. 130K under pressures from 0. 5 to 40 arm and p-x and T-x diagrams constructed. It -&- shawn that the data (or the liquid and vapor phases. ".y off".0 (Chernistry-l'"Ical. TT. v. 6, no. 9) (ove0 I 61-180&5 Kharakhorin, F. F. PHASE RELATIONSHIPS IN [COMPRESSED GAS STS- 1. Kharakhorin, F. 17. TEMS. I). BINARY SYSTEM NITROGEN-HELJLJIAL IL Title. Binary... [19611 Sp. 14 refs. Order from 07S or SLA $1. 10 61-18035 Trans. cif Zhurnal TckMicheskoi Flziki (USSR) 194), v. 10, p. 1533-1540. DESCRIF'rORS- %trogen, *Helium, Uquids, Vapors. Phase studies, C%cmical equilibrium. Determination. An experimental unit is described suitable for dclermi- nation of the liquid-vapor equilibrium at pressures tip to 200-2SO atm. by the circulation method. neterm; - nation of p-x diagrams has been carried out for the system nitrogen-hellum at 68, 77.3. 90.1. 107 and 111.50K. 'Tbe obtained data were compared with the experimental daia reported by cAher authors. (Author) (Chemistry- -physical, TT, v. 6, no. 9) offico of TPAe" Seevices Investliption of tbo Racovery of Selmium from AIMLU* Solution# by 0. V. All tshuler, F. F. Nb~~, 3 ipp. R=UN, Pw, ZImw Pr.Lk M"j Vol V=v No 5,p 19% Ipp ODO-Wl. Comialtants Dween sci - Cbm Jun 59 m ~ // Equilibrium I-'- -T i F. F. IT; 55, 1.959, pp Val YY, Eo 2 m -a r 62 The Slark-Over ~,f C~..snpreeaed Gases, by A. S. Matveyev, F. F. KharaiLhurin. UMIASSIFM RUSSUN; mc perk Zi,ur Te%h'.Pit SSM, Vol X, No 1.2, 1940p pp 1-21-ij'24. Havy Tr 12---7/NRL 521 Scientif ic PlIvaics 0~ . 211 SUPE.0 01Y-3245), Productim of Lead In the Lead-Zinc Plnnt at Kurdzhz,.!,I, by N. Kurichev, Ya. Yarichev, G. Khuxalaxq)ir~,V, 17 PP. RUSSLO., per, a'~;vetnyye Metaj-*-y, No, 10, mosuuvr, lq~)q;. pp 25 -3,1.1.. JPP.,Q. -215 1 ~ -N Sci - Min/me~ Jan 60 Detc-rmination of the Compatibilit-.y of 7-lood of Donor and Recipient *:)y tu'.-E: Xof Electrophoresis of the Rel Cells, by S. S. pp. RUSSTAIII., per, ProbleLry G,~riiatologii I Ferelivm-;~i;,,a Krovi, Vol VI, Bo 1, PP Sci 1 2~ J-ixi 02 toup-spoine andL Anto a lhvperties of Lmmocytftg by A. Ap YRO S. S. mr,mv, vcr bob2e=y &OVI, Vol =0 1b tv 39of vp ", 0 76W ?,,W$Otv9l& 'Se :4,1"wvlchl, -S. C,.Orbuwk,, is. T'. Fgakboqn*tyo A. L vetakhmnosv I Cho TIq. kkmdAreftov, 9 "o, N-IWUSIS tAillo, pwo, lgm&gz Sm !b 30 TPIM 20U" ,!~!x 65 sound Fropagation in a wium With Random Fluctuations of Refractive Index# by V. U. Kharguen FZSSLkN,, thrice-so perp-DOk Ak Nauk SSER, Vol LXXMI4 No 2, 11 Jon 1953Y pp 253-256. Natl Sci Youndation Tr 8 _~ -1 1~ -, Scientific - Pbysice Jul 53 CTS/DEX I? 74F Ou i;al,-. ',~Pim-SPW rlelu=tian Time iu Nickell F-0-1lo- oillrate In the Absence of e Stratic Magm-?!tic Tleld by "J. 'Ya. X%ha-l"Uan, 6 pp. RUSSIAR~ vjt) per, Iz Ak Nauk S',';S-Ry S-~~r Fiz, Vol lk, 111,, 1.956.. pp 1245-1250. SCI - phy3i--a Jan peva&Kties of pappization and Fedbx Promsses in Mae Plants Grown Under Different Nutritional CmdMant, Per, N. XharSnYan. RUSSIAN. per. Rig= Akadmii ftuk S83P voi. i5o, No. 1. 1963, PP 1105-196 csivolno.6836 N . k i, A JL 14- t-, k/ A 'N ,"I - Atxg 6'1 Y, 5- 2 72 Peculwities Of RftsdraMom. and Red= Processice La rdee plants Grown Und Differect nutrMowa 00WItIonst by N. MmmMm.. EUBSWP Dj" AkmftmU Nm* SSMP Vol 150P NO it 3X;73,:p'*p 8-3,q5 CISIRO/So 6836 Al. jt~ h M Bel - Avz 67 335A39 Mstritutiork of Eigenvalues of Thtegral Equations With Kernel"s Rat~bnallitfi ~Res-peet to the Paramter, by D. F. jal~nw= RUSS41 th34ce-mo per, Dok Ak Mink SSSR., Vol LXXI., No 6., 1950 /a 34, r imf cts 3i/141 Tel-em AfAWC~ 0 Problems in Sinter Production. by ~~:r~Luh et al. MIASSIFM) 2* loE-114z Iran and Steel Inat Tr 761 sci - wn/wet AtW, 58 Mmost-Feriodic Solutions o:r Noulinear Systc= of Differential Eqw-stionB, by V. 1(L. lkwasAkbal . 5 pp - BMIU,, per, Prik Ifttemat i W-kh, Vol KXT-vI. So 3, -1560., pp 565-567. pp Sri jun 61 ) 1;- 7 ~ 0 -, /I Q Fever Outbreak in the Namenisk Oblast,, by V. P. Ruman- owas I. N. Petrowskly, A. 0. 130movap T. A. Nikollskays, p# v0 kop A. A. Moseakoo V. 1. Dalb-nova, V. 0. LiVarokoya, N. A. Ibmthilool and R. K. gompamets, PP. FOSSIAX,, perjo Zb HUmoblols, 2pideniol i Insunobiol, Vol XXVI.T., wo 6,, 1957m pp 29-32. Porgamm Institute Sci Jul 58 W-4827) The Tranodasion of Detonation Between lattLaUng SWWAamea. n. Mw Dopendame ot tko ProbablUty cC Trauml"Um of Detanatiou on the Notame Between the Obarlps =6 an the Area of the Passi" MMVo by A, P. Delyapv., 2. Multoftkaym# Yu. D. lMwmtoimp U pp. RVOSWO per.. Zkoper i loorat Fla, Vol v3a., Ito Is i937, vp 191-197. JM T236 (WAM) . " awanum or w swumusp 0 or alafflus An SUM :: =OWN loam IN IK 006 w Go ~Tn"t 23 PF. mulft pm vu=a MWISTINO le %A, 10,9 'P. fell** v im MR VIM tow j& a A Short ADOCVAt Ct Pbar=00109te8l t,bg Grdm& Ocitdber RevolutIcup by W- 6 py, RUWW,, p&ro ftZ Zbw WO. Immd Ir W Swb*nmar Val X=, Ira n. 19571P VP 1"-IMI- Pergamm Imt Sol - Wd mm RGO"=h dInCO A- Xbar=Aov,- 17,~ 4 37 1711 orgaalzatio" of Pro--luct-ion., Labor and Costs In the Coal Industry of the bY Bazli-~!nav, 1. A. Leonenko, A. -K. 26 3p. RUS11:311AN, *bJr., Ugolnaya Pro-aWshlermot~-." :-L, Narodnoy R.?sPubliki, Cbap XV11,, l9rl-9, JPRS 5198 171,c or, I fVLA- n-1979 %APW 191r,,O-) Development of the Caml Udumtry in the Chirase people's Republiag, by A. & Xhaftbankom, 15 pp. VWILASBV RMUNi"m W, ugallp No 4,, mascavo 1958" IPP 39-43- Irs - chimm US JPWADC-373 7 ~7 ;2- ;~- 1 BCOU - Coal Industry glectrcn-boM Ow:Ltcblng Tubes,, by R. V. ByXaovokaya,, 16 M.- , M. I& Im"D 9 13 pp - mmum'. mar HadlotAkh I IWrtz"i , Vol Vi, No 5., 19600 pp w9-b3i. PIP Bel AiC 7 -f- 9 -r- Sort 61 A Unive~vsal Binary Switch for Electronic Digit&-l by IL 1. Yelinson, D. V. 0.-- n.T,- PUSEIZAN, per, Radiotekh i Ele:ctron, Vol IV, No 5, pp A-Tov 60 (FDD 2%0) HydrokWol*-,#cal and EnTineering-M.olo.,li-cal Operations, by PI-14. 'Pootnuvj, P. S. Iftkolisyev, F. P. Mwwchenko,, 7T PP RUSSSIU., bl~ J. PP CTA/FDD TT 5i~S USSR Sci - Geo"I.ce Apr 56 P94bum in 06 no Blow 1 Wa4ft or orm.--aL.~- !"NUMp by.go IL *="I*.# IL 16 7 no Xmas& pwt jkv sli- #so 2ap 19611P m 4-n. mm ftl fty 61 216#5U UMUdw BoAR& by C,,,. K..n&rgNob, 12 JV6 RLMSL4Jqo We 12 Vol ffma ftI14-P FT]a I's ~,x~ )e,4 flee 5d"Ena Juin 65 264765 ma MOW The Nickel-Zim StamW Battery, by V. V. Romnov., P. D. Lukovtoev, 0. N. lbarcheak . 6 pp. --- RMIM,, ym., Mm Prlk Milmy Vol =MrI., No 7; 1960., pp 155&1562. 0 1651 ~'Ov sci Aug 61 THE INTERACTION OF AN ELECTRUI W11H A 131-AS:1" IN A MAGNETIC FIELDP BY 1. F. YA. U. FAINKR~l R. A. !HKOI-AYE-1 pp. VOL VII NO 7, sc; I '. 8 ~) W-.)- A Computor for Investigating the Movement of Particles in a Linear Electron Acotlerator., by I. F. Kharchenko, et al. RUSSIAN., perj, Pribory i Tekh Eknper, No 3, 1959, pp 71-76- DSIR LLU H. 1803 Sci - Electron oct 61 Interaction of an Electron Beavi with a Plaama, by I.F. Kbarchenko$ Ya.Bo Fainlmrg, R.M. ldkolaevg E.Ao Kormilov, E*A. Luteenko, W.S, Pedenko, 6 pp, RUSSJAIR., per '0 Zhur Sk"r i Teoret, ?is., Vol XXXV17TV No 3,9 1960$ pp 685..,492. AIP ftv Pby a - J STP Vol X1, No 3 Sci e7 Nov 60 Invertleation of IntAraction cot an Electron I= Ream With a Plasm., by I - F. Eaarciwnko., Ya. B. Fainbergv R. M. Mikola"vv-Z. A. Karnilov, S - I - Lutseubap N - 8 - Manko 0 19 pp. RUSSMNj% bkjq Ueledovaulo Yzatoodetstriyu glectronwgo Puchka a Fla 1., 1959. 9072277 p& I!r-4.181 Sol - Phys 24 rob 61 0140-30 ~ L- -A~A - - wpwmww~ of m XLO*tna JMm VIlk * Pl~ ft a PSOUS, %W I* 1p ~J, X. & ft"bwgp 30%"# *to emb- ftdft a PISAM1 T mbod"m ft". AMM; 9*r AM fti ftt 61 (SF-1880) ll%o lat=ac-= o;: Charged Pmx-ticle Beam With ;=J, by v. I, KUrilko,, I* Fo ENUMM V. D. Shapim., 41 pp. RUMW* _9w# AUNnW jkAwgAyas Vol Xl# ]b 451m if 313-3W - AMS 12"7 SrA RM pkwa o Am 62 Davestig-ation of lateractioa of an Be= With a Plaama) by 1. If. Kbarchenko, Ya. B. FaiWjerg, R. M. Alkolayevj. E.. A. Karailov, 2. 1. Lutnerilm, 111. 13. Pedenko, 15, RUSSIAN., bk,, Isaledovanie Vadmod istriya Me(Arormogo Puchka a 9 Plasisol, 1959. AW 'Pr-4181 sc;~ - phyr, 19. oct 6o gdl-j Trespumb oC 0=34oatod WOUndLO In SDrms by Trans- plantation ot lai*mytes AccordIM to the Ibtbod of Proftesor Go K, XbruWmbov, by- N. D. Mmmhm*o,, 3 pp* Full,trauslation. F4WTM., pers, Veter:Lnariy&,, Val MCIj No 2. Moscows Feb/Iftr 19h4., p 28. USDA Tr usm Scientific - Medicine 7F2 (a?-18o6) Culture In the Llfe of Youth., by S. A. Levashova,, M. S, )~h~enko 29 gy. RUBSIM, broftwep Wturs v Eytu Vblodezhi., Beries 10, No 6,, 196o, pp 1-38. ipm 4683 U&9R ~// soc Bliectron Diffraction Study of Carbide Formation in Alloyed StmIsj by S. S. D'Iyachenko, 1. A. Vasis, N. A. Mmehankov 5 PP,- MMUN, per, FIS Metal i Hetallov,, Vol T.X., ig6o.. pp "iJ". Pp Sci Apr 61 The Course of a Delayed Reflex in Relation to the Length of Stimulation, by P. D. Kharchenko., 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurf Vyssbey Nerv Deyatel imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol IX, No 2. 1959, pp 248-255- pp sci 195y063 may 62 A Cawe of Eadometriosis of the Peet= an-rl by P. G. Kharchenko, 5 Pj)- . ..... I---.- RUSSIAN.. perp Voprasy Wmlogii, Vol V, No 8, 1959) pp "-M2. pp, Sci Aug 6o // imki~ &azaa-,;ion and DisirLdb-l' Jcui o--' L)~j -4,~ -'- ` ~ .101, O'l interaction it i otlier o r, o 7 &I- u1 b-)- P. D. i2iarchenho,,- 10 lip. RUSSIA Z:rUr -.-C2.,V Pavlova -701 x -,-o pi) PF ;,Pr DeteruLnutlon of Uw Acourew at Tol )b"UrLng mromamere _. by R. R. Mordmoft-* 3 PP. MWIM., PWP Istibums 8 xo 6p 1960a ins 3-5. 2Vflw is Fr~le Sol mar 61 / All, 4-4-7 Autcoatic Note" Wlth Anol 601 XgLtal wtpmup MNOWO pp 3646. UL Rof 3 5WA los (5w) (LOM) Sal - ELeatXM ja 63 Distribution O:E StraBOOR in a Porging Deforjrod by Bomung., with Spaciea Refurvince to nake Formation,; by T. R. Rmtzdns, V. A. Chambenko. IIZWrM, per., 1z Was tk3hob 2*ved, Chern Wt., I ,~o 10, 1960, pp 139-142. KB 5251 sc-, - Fmw /,;'/' 'r Oct 61 1 Condensation of ILIdebydes and Kettones. V. Synthesis of 9-Pbenylperbydroacridine by tbe Action of Formnide (m Phenyltricyclobmariolone,, by M. N. Tilicbenko., V. G. -ebenko, 3 pp. RUSSUNj perj, Zbir ObeWb Mxizj, Val XxIxj, NO 7,, 1959, Vp 2370-23n. CB Sci 7 60 Diode SwitchinG Circuits for MleasurinE P-rposes, by R. R. KharcheWto, V. N. Malinovf;ki,-, 00 pp. RLSSIAN, per, Imeritel Tekh, No 8, -pp LL-2(~-'. 3 ISA SC-4 jun 6 2 IQ335,3 1 -1 00(snilloscopea.. by R. li, .12vu:eh?pl.- ,,,;SSIA]f, Ver, lzmarital Tekh., No 1960, Instri! t~c-., ,7 i)". 6D Digital Display Transistorized Bridge, by V. 14. Malinovski.y., R. R. Jq~~~ 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, uneritel T*khj w 11; 196o,, PP- 37-40. Wh Sci /./- J~ ? ~' J" Sept 61